How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

It was nearing high tea, or rather four o'clock, as the King rose to greet the runner.

Calla had just finished speaking to yet another noble, leaving only four left with which to converse. Calla Grovershire, Princess Diana of Brittania Amazona, Clair Handler and Olivia Nevrakis.

The King read the message, yet stopped the runner from being excused. "Calla Lily. How many ladies have you not spoken with, yet today?"

"Four. My four." Calla said calmly.

Olivia raised an eyebrow and glanced between the slumping Clair, frustrated Calla Grovershire and the Amazonian warrior princess. "HER four?! Who the bloody hell does she think she is.... Her four?!"

"Friends Olivia. That's why we didn't see a pattern. The last four she considers friends." Grovershire said calmly. "You said it yourself. You've been skiing with her. I've been horseback riding with her. I'm not exactly sure what Diana and she have done, but Clair is a merchant in the village, and we all know how much she loves to hang out in the village."

The Portavira noble turned around, and with a telltale Iberian accent noticed the slumping figure for the first time. "Pardon me, senorita. I am Ariel of Portavira. You... Must be the camarada¹... These others speak of?" She held out her hand, wrist slightly limp, expecting Clair to take and kiss the back of her hand, one of several correct ways to greet a Portaviran. Another was to touch her forehead to it, and yet another was to kiss both Ariel's cheeks in greeting. Perhaps her mother had imparted this to Clair, as the store did deal with all kinds and nationalities.

Olivia was about to say something to Clair to avoid embarrassment, but what Gregor said in response to Calla's remark about her four, left little doubt that the princess just ended up in the doghouse, so all she could do was look at Diana in total disbelief. She suddenly looked out of place, herself.

"Your four, is it? Young lady, you've just earned yourself a seat at your four's table as the head, for the next week. The five of you will be joining me for an impromptu visit to Dunwyn, to speak to the dollmaker, Sir Tuxford and Dame Amethyst, and the Handlers. Gather them, and visit in the carriage on the way down."

Olivia said what at least Calla Grovershire was thinking. "Well... Shit. There goes our evening. At least we get to spend it in the princess's company."

¹-camarada comrade, compatriot. A close friend.
Clair could not help but do what must be her skin tone more than not and blush at hearing Calla, say her four in regards to a group that included her. She had no idea why but that made her feel good. like she might just belong in some capacity after all, remembering at this moment that Calla was the one that wanted her here, that she was chosen personally by the princess herself.

However, that feeling of inclusivity and perhaps something else swiftly vanished as Ariel noticed her and held her hand out to her with an introduction.
"Oh, umm Hola Senorita, I am Clair Handler, sorry umm" She replied nervously as she had learned some about her culture but her nerves made all that information disappear, so she reached out, and gently held the extended hand with one hand as the other she placed on top of it just as gently before releasing. She knew it was wrong as soon as she did it and broke the momentary eye contact she had made.
"I umm, like the dolphin on your cape, very pretty," She said trying to distract from her blunder.

Luckily it didn't take long for another event to take place as Calla was sent to their table, now at least she would have Calla with her, who she had gotten a little more comfortable around than the others.

Diana meanwhile gave a slight smirk that she hid in response to Calla's reaction, she was not supposed to show favoritism, but Diana enjoyed the show, it was not often she witnessed nobles act in such a way.
Ariel raised an eyebrow, feeling a little slighted. She cleared her throat as Clair had, in a sense, covered her greeting blunder with a compliment to her nations animal. She smiled. "Gracias. The delfin (dell-feen') is Portavira's national animal. Friend of sailors." She then said, "So you know for next time..." She put both hands on Clair's shoulders and leaned down, kissing Clair on both cheeks. "Is how we greet in Portavira." She then nodded to the others, giving each the same greeting. "I am sorry, Princess Diana, but only warriors greet one another with a bow. Nobles greet with a kiss; I am no warrior." She explained, knowing how Portavira even had cultural issues with greeting the Themiscyran Amazons. "Looks like the four of you are dining with the princess."

Ariel greeted the Dunwynian princess with a kiss on each cheek before taking her leave. Calla looked sheepish at the four. "So... You learned the method to my madness of why I left you four for last. Unfortunately, we will be dining in the village, if what father said is to pass tonight. Regarding dining at the same table. There's no way we will be back here by 5:30, when it is just now high tea. Please, follow me, our carriage awaits."

She headed for the carriage, while Calla Grovershire offered an arm to Clair. "Shall we, milady?" She asked with a smile.

Meanwhile, Olivia just rolled her eyes, yet offered her own arm to Diana. "Guess we're doing this. We're both warriors, princess, someone needs to remind Dunwyn were happiest practicing sparring techniques, not holding hands, or arms."

It was one of many things Lythikos and Brittania Amazona had in common with each other.
Clair blushed a bright red as she received the double cheeks kiss.
"R-right, my apologies, I am still new to all of this, I'll remember" She replied offering an apologetic bow in return before taking a note of the greeting. Though she thought she might faint, she kept herself conscious by sitting down again.

Diana nodded and used the double cheek kiss greeting.
"My apologies fair lady, I am much too used to nobles and warriors being the same thing among our women."

Diana and Clair nodded as Clair got to her feet once again at the news of them heading out.

Clair blushed at Calla as she offered her arm, taking it after a moment of hesitation.
"Of course, my umm my Lady" She smiled, blushing at the contact, though knew not why.

Diana smirked and nodded, joining arms with her in a way fit for a warrior.
"It would be a delight, warrior Olivia"
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Olivia smirked as she saw how Diana and she were now linked. "I knew I liked you for a reason."

At the carriage, four guards, including Iolite, were on horseback. Princess Calla motioned for Clair and Grovershire to get in first. She took both their hands to help them board. "Olivia, Diana. You're next."

"Surely you jest, princess. The day I need help boarding a carriage is the day I retire my dagger. On board, already, Diana and I will be fine." Olivia said with a head shake.

The princess sighed and boarded with help from Olivia, before Olivia bowed to Diana. "Warrior Princess before plain ol' ordinary warrior." She stated, waving Diana in behind the three others.

Gregor watched all this from atop his own horse with mild amusement. He nodded to the four guards to surround the carriage on all four sides. "According to Tuxford's letter, and Amethyst's note, it's Igthorne and Cornwall assuredly. The carriage seats six comfortably, and there's five going. We need to save the last spot for the Avenger. We pick her up at the dollmaker."

Despite Grovershire, Diana and Olivia not in on the secret, Princess Calla got a very concerned and fearful look on her face as she gasped, "Picking her up? That's not possible!"

Olivia glared at Princess Calla, before glancing at Diana and motioning with her head that she ask what that was all about.

Only Clair knew Princess Calla was right. It wasn't possible for them to pick up the Avenger. Grovershire and Diana had their suspicions, and Olivia really didn't care one way or the other. As long as the Avenger didn't attack her and the others, Olivia didn't care who the Avenger was.
Diana smiled at Olivia.
"Hehe, well that goes both ways, sister"

Clair happily and slightly embarrassed took her hand and help up into the carriage.
"Thanks your highness"

Diana nodded.
"Thank you, warrior," She said as she entered. She then offered her a hand.
"And don't slap away an assist, wars are not won by a warrior, they are won by a people"

Clair straightened up as the Avenger was mentioned, knowing they could not possibly get her now, but tried to keep quiet. However, at Calla's panicked response, she felt she had to say something.

"I uhh, y-yeah, I told Calla earlier she is on a secret information gathering mission, so won't be on-site, I have no idea where she is, so I can't help find her either," She said, voice shaking a little, she was not the greatest liar, but perhaps her general nerves might get blamed?
Olivia rolled her eyes with a sigh, but took the offered hand. Truth was, Olivia was actually struck by the truism the Amazon spouted, than the offer of assistance. 'Cut to the quick." Olivia remarked. "And with my own dagger, yet." Olivia was one that didn't like asking for help. Worse yet, she knew how true Diana's words were. In another universe, Lythikos was a part of Cordonia, not a separate country as it is here. "Had our people not rallied behind Liam the Blunt... Lythikos would be a part of Cordonia now. We would probably have to ask Kenna for our freedom." She shook her head. "Lythikans do not ask permission, we fight for our freedom."

Calla Grovershire raised an eyebrow. "I know I asked, Lady Clair. When did you have time...? Oh. Never mind. You stepped out on the veranda last night with her, and Dame Amethyst wasn't too far behind you. Perfect opportunity to mention it."

Princess Calla looked like she was sweating bullets, she was blushing so red. "I, yeah... Then." She cleared her throat uneasily and glanced around to the four. "Why don't we go around and catch up. What has been happening with you since we last spoke. Diana, did your god of wine bless your grape crops this year? De-onus-sus?"

Grovershire winced at the butchering of the god of wine. "Good heavens, Calla! It's Dionysus! De-oh-ni-sus!" She looked apologetically at Diana.

The princess was about as red as Clair could get. "I'm really trying with the Greek gods, Diana, really, I'm sorry. I know you were concerned about the crops before the spring rains."

Grovershire sighed and asided to Clair, "She knows a fair share of them, claims Artemis is her favourite, with Athena a close second. Doesn't care for Zeus one iota, and from what little I know, I don't blame her." She then nudged Clair with a wink, "I bet yours would be Sappho? The way you get around the princess and me? Or is it because of our shared name?"
Clair was just as nervous as Calla was as she witnessed her also getting nervous.

Diana chuckled.
"Hehe, it is quite okay, the grape crops did do better than we had expected this year, thank you for asking."

Luckily for Clair, she didn't get the implication, though she was still red from previous events and looked to Groveshire as she was questioned.

"Sappho? I am afraid I am not too familiar with the gods, less so than the princess, umm based on how I get around you and the princess?" She thought to herself trying to see if she could guess.
"Is she like a god of stumbling? heh," She asked embarrassed.
Grovershire chuckled, "No, no, no. You might have to verify with Diana, but I believe she is the goddess of girl to girl love. Kissed by Sappho would be like when one girl gets shier than usual around other girls, because she likes them. As in, like-likes them." She sighed. "I mean no disrespect if you do like the princess and myself in that way, it's just an observation. Besides, if you're a female in the army, you kinda have to bend that way, because, and I quote from Gregor's rules, 'females are not to indulge in promiscuity with males in their units to prevent unnecessary drama or pregnancy." A shrug and grimace. "Sure sounds like the girls in the unit can only engage in sexual activity with other girls in the unit to me. Same even holds true with the knights, so Amethyst and Iolite would have to..." She made the motions of her forefinger and middle finger doing a scissor type motion with her others on her other hand.

Olivia noticed what Grovershire was doing, and was just about to comment on it in the form of a question, when the princess asked her what she had been up to. "Had to quell a scuffle on the border with Cordonia among two of our own people, as well as make sure our weapons festival went well in the summer, since I'm considered the de facto leader."

Calla frowned. "Just because you're a Nevrakis and Lythikos history with your family?" She shook her head. "What about your king?!"

She glanced at Diana, and knew that although she'd one hundred percent agree with the Amazons, only a fellow Lythikan could say it without causing an international incident. "Please, Princess, as two of you in this carriage know, and your father as well... King Vancross is a complete useless moron. He doesn't have an heir, and if something does happen to that idiot... The Nevrakis family is next in line. Frankly, I want him to wake the hell up and follow the traditions of the kings and queens before him, all the way back to Liam the Blunt. I definitely DON'T plan on being the Queen of Lythikos. I don't mind running the weapon festivals, though. The kingdom, though? Not the mess it's starting to become. We're looking at a possible civil war ourselves, like Cordonia suffered, it keeps going like it is. Kenna Rhys had to step in then, and that was only twenty-five years ago."
Clair didn't seem to quite get it until Grovershire specified, like-like, at which point her face returned to what has been her usual red-toned skin. She covered her face with her hands out of embarrassment at the topic, looking again to see what she had started to do with her hands, which caused a pause in her and a surprisingly less embarrassed tone shift in her skin.
"Hmm? What is that? A slot joint? what does that have to do with girls liking each other? Also, I don't even know how I would know if I felt like that." She returned to her blush on returning to the subject. "And I am not even close to thinking about sexual activity!" She added making herself even more embarrassed for having said that.

Diana nodded.
"She is right, seems political unrest is in nearly all nations at the moment. Some even fear a far greater threat than a civil war, that some of the warring nations will try and join with others, and that a domino effect of a war of all nations may start." She sighed and took a breath.
"Though that is why events like this are so important, showing allyship between nations and hopefully stopping any such wars before they start."
Princess Calla nodded. "I had it all wrong even then, as I thought the whole reason for the courting season was to marry me off. Of course, I was starting at twelve, and although a princess can usually be betrothed that young, it's usually just to ally kingdoms. That's basically what this is, although it's also regions possible as well, and since I've sworn off men, it's probably all the marriage to a woman would be... To ally the kingdoms." She explained to Diana. "Although, now that I am an adult¹, I have thought seriously about adopting..."

Olivia shook her head. "In most European countries, and Lythikos is no exception, you have to be married, even if it's a marriage of convenience, before you can adopt. Then it has to be of either your own country, or that of your husband or wife."

Grovershire finally jumped in the conversation. "You couldn't adopt from Princess Diana's or Olivia's country if you married me. And it would defeat the purpose, seeing as we're both Anglo²." She thought about it. "On the other hand, with Clair, here, since she's a merchant... You actually COULD adopt from either Brittania Amazona or Lythikos, or any other country her or her parents do business with."

She then focused on Clair. "Right. Forgot you're mechanically inclined. It's, erm... Complicated to explain. Suffice it to say, if you aren't thinking about sexual activity, it's best we go ahead and drop it for now."

Olivia grimaced and shook her head at Diana's words. "Aye, and those bloody Crusades we just suffered through where many of our men and women died going on, were bad enough with all the infighting. It's even happening in Rome and Gaul. And Rome owns most the continent, as is."

Princess Calla shook her head. "Olivia, let's shelve that kind of talk for now. You're upsetting half the carriage." She was speaking from her own point of view, but assumed Clair didn't want to hear rumours of wars either.

Gregor banged on the door. "We have arrived at the dollmakers'. Five minutes ladies, then exit the vehicle and stretch your legs."

¹-16 was considered adult in the 14th century.

²-Anglo-Saxon. 14th century term for British. It was interchangeable with English. It won't be until early 17th, where mostly Irish people to call themselves British, until then English or Anglo. It won't be until the Act of Union, in 1707, for it to be all the British Isles, three and a quarter centuries after our RP time (1370s)
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Diana nodded in agreeance with Calla, though those kinds of talks were important to have, this was not the time or the place for it. She had much preferred to talk about it with military heads and those that run the countries. Although since everyone here was essentially in allied countries her marrying them would have little effect on the war without some sort of adoption of an enemy baby.

Clair looked to Calla expecting an explanation but didn't quite get it, she was left completely in the dark on the matter. However, Calla had given her a clue, it was something sexual based, given the statement she gave. But before she could give it much more thought the bang on the door happened and they all exited the cart to stretch their legs.

As they exited Mrs. Handler was standing out there as Mr. Handler was still inside with the dollmakers as they fixed their gifts. She went over and let out a sigh of relief as she saw Clair exit the carriage, completely fine. If allowed she would rush over and give her a big hug, which in turn would certainly embarrass Clair.
It had been decided that the Crimson Avenger doll, who showed no sign of her harrowing hanging, would be presented to Princess Calla, and the quartet (Mr Handler, the dollmaker and his two daughters) were looking for appreciate gifts for the other four. Meghan had fashioned a posable, but also very fragile, rendition of Princess Diana, and ran to her workshop in her room to fetch it. A doll done in Lythikan colours and armour, complete with sword, dagger and crest of the Nevrakis family, and wolf companion were planned for Olivia. A horse complete with saddle and armour meant for battle for Grovershire, but the dollmaker was stumped with what to give Clair. "We can't give something to the others and forgo giving your daughter something, too." The dollmaker commented to Mr. Handler.

Iolite watched suspiciously, as Mrs. Handler approached. "That's far enough."

"Down, Lady Iolite." Princess Calla barked, before extending her hand to the mother. "My friends' mothers are always welcome to approach me, and their children." She then gave a cordial curtsy to Mrs. Handler, and she was the only one of the five in a dress. The others still in the pantsuits with capes displaying colours of their nations as well as national animal. Dunwyn's blue and gold with the dragon. The three primary colours and eagle of Brittania Amazona. The red and black and wolf of Lythikos, and the green and blue with horse of Grovershire, which the brunette Calla's family was named.

Apparently, as Amethyst heard the exchange, the princess called all female knights 'Lady' instead of Dame, or Dame Knight.
Mr. Handler nodded to them.
"Do no worry, she won't take any offense to it, honestly she may even appreciate it as it may divert attention away from her, I am sure she has been overwhelmed, to say the least even going to an event like she has, I know she would appreciate a break from any kind of spotlight. Besides she has always been more of a giver than a taker." He replied, wanting them to be able to give the other dolls away without worry.

Mrs. Handler stopped but then returned Calla's curtsy.
"Oh, your highness" She smiled before she walked past Iolite and hugged Clair.
"My little girl, how are you? you have never been away from home this long before, you okay?" She asked checking her over, causing Clair to blush.
"Moooom... I'm fine..." She replied but hugged her back with a smile.
"Don't you look handsome, even now you aren't wearing a dress huh? All you girls look lovely thanks for taking care of my little Clair" She smiled.
"We were nervous after what had happened here."
The dollmaker nodded. "Well, if you're sure, my eldest daughter was working on a screwdriver with interchangeable pieces... Show him."

At his behest, Holly came over and showed the intricate set to Mr. Handler. She even showed how easily the 'bits' fit into the handle and snapped in place. "When I accidentally created this out of necessity because I would always lose my screwdrivers or couldn't find the right size, I made four total. Only for us tinkerers. I had seriously thought of going over to the store and giving it to her, but," she shrugged and blushed with a shy smile. Looked like Clair wasn't the only one who had feelings for girls she didn't understand. "I don't know why I get so nervous around her... I should have gone to court this year, but..." She looked at the now repaired, and good as new, Crimson Avenger doll. The only life-size doll going. All the others were a mere twelve inches. "I mean, dad or Megs could give it for me, from us," Even talking ABOUT Clair, caused Holly to stumble over her words.

"We're fond of having her join us this year. I was certainly surprised in a good way, that the princess thinks so highly of her to call her friend, along with the three of us. Calla Grovershire, ma'am. How do you do?" Grovershire gave a bow.

"Olivia Nevrakis." The stern, tall and slightly imposing redhead bowed next. "I'm one not to impress easily, ask the other princess in our group," she motioned to Diana, having yet to introduce herself. "But for her debut season, Clair is holding her own. Eleventh so far." She smirked, giving Clair a wink. "I may have to watch out, int that right, tiger?" Olivia was thinking that would encourage Clair as the games progressed, as not everyone got a nickname from the great Olivia Nevrakis.
Mr. Handler smiled.
"I am sure she would adore such a tool, she has similar tools but none like this, not only do I think she will love this as an item, but I am sure she will love the ideas it gives her as well" He smiled.
"And be sure she will want to return the favour sometime" He winked.

Diana chuckled.
"Not everyone gets a nickname from Olivia, just that alone should show how well your daughter is doing. I am Diana of Themyscira nice to meet you" She said giving a friendly nod.

Mrs. Handler smiled at them and returned their gestures of greeting.
"It's lovely to officially meet you all, I suppose you can call me Mrs. Handler as most do. I am glad you have all enjoyed Clair as much as we do" She added.
"I'll let you all get back to your business then." She said before going back to what she had been doing.

Clair could not help but blush at the compliments, seeming especially taken back by Olivia's this time around.
Gregor came over, "Ladies, if you will, follow me into the shop of the dollmaker."

Calla was a little miffed that she couldn't introduce her friends and suitors, as she was much loved in town, as both Princess and her alter ego. Though, nobody yet knew .

Gregor walked in the door and the Crimson Avenger doll saluted him. Clearing his throat, he chastised the doll, thinking it was the Avenger herself. "Young lady! What have I told you about that! Ahem. As you were Avenger, as you were."

Holly exchanged glances with both her father and Mr. Handler. "Looks like Meghan was finally wrong about something. We just insulted the king." She then curtsied awkwardly. "Thousand pardons, Majesty. The Robin Hood one does the same thing for King Richard."

Gregor looked surprised, as the five ladies also came in, and the Crimson Avenger doll saluted Princess Calla. "Impressive work, then." He then noticed his daughter's open mouth, wide-eyed shocked expression. Calla's fingers were spread open. "Close your mouth, Calla. It's only the Crimson Avenger. I told you she was real."

Calla Dunwyn couldn't find her voice. She was face to face with... Herself! Those were her facial features, just covered by a mask and hat sown onto her head. She was literally speechless. "Ex-Excuse me..." She pushed past Diana and Olivia and couldn't get out the door fast enough.

Olivia took a scrutinizing eye to the doll. "Hmmm." She looked back to the door, then to Diana, Grovershire and Clair. "Seems the princess is afraid of a doll, that resembles her." She whispered to Diana. "I think one of us warriors needs to confront the hero, and if not come clean, at the very least, accept the obvious token of the villagers esteem." She looked back at the door. "If I go, Diana, you know that friend or no, I'm gonna ream her ass for hiding this from us."

Calla Grovershire, meanwhile, also realized the truth. "All this time." She whispered to Clair. "No wonder Gregor never got wise, she lived two lives extremely well. Did you know? I mean I don't until her reaction."

Gregor apologized to the dollmaker. "Splendid likeness, I didn't really see it until now how much those two resemble one another. They're actions though, are clearly worlds apart. I'm sure once she gets over the shock, Calla will love the Crimson Avenger doll. She probably weighs a lot more than the real Avenger, what did you stuff her with, if I may be so bold?"

"Not at all, Majesty. A combination of sawdust and cotton, to make her feel malleable. Huggable, even. Or just to stand guard, an ever vigilant version of herself. The combination helps her be able to stand on her own feet. Since we've never seen her in anything but this outfit, her clothes are sewn on her. Some dolls we dress after making. With her and Robin Hood, we had their clothes be part of the body itself."

"Masterful work. I commission you to make smaller versions that the kids could play with. Perhaps like that doll of Princess Diana? Moveable arms and legs and dull the weapons though, so the kids don't hurt themselves."

"I love it!" Meghan said, "We could do a whole line of action dolls like that! There's girls who wouldn't mind a likeness of Dame Amethyst! And boys who want Sir Tuxford, or one of our other good knights! But what could we call the line of dolls as a whole? I don't think doll flies very well."

Mr Handler could have an idea.
Clair was happy that once again attention was taken away from her as Gregor called them inside. She followed the group inside and saw the dolls, perhaps being the only ones who didn't see the clear resemblance to Calla in the face. Instead, her face lit up as she examined it.

She paused a moment as Gregor seemed to be tricked by the lifelikeness of it, though Clair knew Calla was with her so it wasn't real. Of course, she was not about to say anything and simply let the situation play out as she looked at the dolls.

Clair looked at Calla run away, not understanding why she had run, it was just a doll of the avenger, or, her, if Gregor didn't notice before why would he now? Little did Clair know, her knowledge and poor face recognition blinded her to what the others almost immediately noticed.

Diana placed a hand to her chin and whispered back.
"Yes, makes you wonder, what she might be running from, clearly nothing dangerous, at least not physically. Whoever goes must approach with caution, we don't want to cause more trouble than needed."

Clair got nervous as Calla was practically asking her to confirm what she had known, Clair could have played dumb, but it was hard not to know whose reaction she might be referring to. Clair did her best to think of her feet and spoke up once the King had finished, until then was frozen in thought.
"Oh my! What wonderful craftsmanship, the resemblance to the Avenger is uncanny! Though I am not great with faces so perhaps all the clothes and masks were enough to trick my brain. And I suppose perhaps Princess Calla might have a touch of Pediophobia, fear of umm dolls or manikins." She said trying to distract from their other assumptions.

Mr. Handler chuckled at Clair before adding to what Meghan said.
"Oh yes! perhaps even one of the King himself!"
Olivia nodded, "Once again, that leaves me out. I'm probably the tactless of all Princess Calla's friends. I'm actually pissed she didn't have the guts to tell me what she was up to since court. We've done other things together when I've been in country the last four years. Not a word about the Crimson Avenger business." She whispered. She then raised an eyebrow at Clair's remark. "You do know when Princess Calla was younger, she climbed trees and would spar with the knights. That girl isn't afraid of dolls. She's afraid of something else." She wasn't really meaning to be terse with Clair, it was just Olivia's character.

Gregor chuckled, clapping Handler on the back. "Perhaps in my younger years, Sir Handler... But if the dollmaker does an action doll of me, which I wouldn't think twice of posing for, he would have to include you and Sir Rock, and our men then. I've only recently given the women of the realm permission to join the army or knights. The last ten years saw that change." This coincided with Gregor meeting a young Princess Diana, fresh from Themiscyra, but now a leader in her own right, of the sister tribe of England (Brittania Amazona), despite not being much older than Calla (probably about Olivia's age or slightly younger).

Meghan pouted. "That's all well and good, and keeps getting better, but the boys hardly come to our shop for our action dolls. We really need a new name for this new toy line. Action Dolls just won't cut it. The boys won't buy the knights and army people if they're called dolls."

Calla Grovershire sighed. "I definitely see your dilemma. The Amethyst, Gregor and Rock dolls would gather dust and rust in their armour without a proper toy genre to call them."

Gregor gave her a pointed look. "As would the Calla Grovershire one. You ARE part of my volunteer army."

"I'm not a hero, Sire."


Grovershire realized she was beat. Bowing her head she said, meekly, "As you say, Your Majesty." She took a breath and said the corrected sentence. "I am not a hero, yet."

Before Diana would go to talk to Princess Calla about her pretty much confession by action, that she knew a lot more about the Avenger than she let on, she would be presented with the action doll in her likeness; Grovershire was presented with the toy horse, and Olivia would get the doll of a Lythikan warrior in national colours and the wolf companion. Hers would be a statue with both warrior and wolf on a base, so they would not be separated.

Handler, if he hadn't handed it back, still had Clair's gift of the screwdriver set with different bits and sizes, in a wooden box.
Clair blushed.
"W-Well phobias aren't about bravery or training, they are irrational fears, an instinctive reaction of fight or flight." She tried to explain nervously.
"B-but you are probably right about the fear thing, I don't know..." She didn't want to lie but she couldn't give away her secret identity like that!

Mr. Handler smiled and nodded.
"Oh I would not presume to be of such import to need an action doll of myself, nobody really knows me, but I know you have quite the supportive crowd, as the King and a famous knight your mug holds esteem that mine simply can't hold a candle to. But you are right perhaps woman warrior dolls would sell better, I know they certainly are easier on the eyes than some of us huh?" He joked.

Mrs. Handler overhearing the conversation spoke up.
"If Doll is the issue, why not, something like action, figure, or action warriors! or something like that?" She suggested.

Diana having been about 20 at the time smiled and took the doll with thanks.
"Thank you, this is an acceptable likeness, well crafted young uhh, crafter" She smiled.

Mr. Handler went over to Clair, which who was happy for the distraction, and for the gift as he handed her the multi-tool.
"Here, this is from that girl there, maybe you should go thank her." He told her.

She looked at it and smiled brightly.
"Oh, this will be really handy, especially for work or adjustments on the go. I'll go talk to her now." She paused and looked at Olivia.
"Umm, I'm going to thank that girl, umm you uhh, can come with if you want or uhh, if you prefer I can just find you later maybe?" She offered before heading toward the young girl who crafted the tool for her.

"H-hey, so I heard you made this, it's very well, crafted, umm, thank you. Maybe we can uhh, talk sometimes and brainstorm some ideas about stuff, I am embarrassed to admit I never thought about improving the tools we use but it could help us make soo much more right?!"
Meghan blushed. "Thank you, your highness. I'm afraid you were the only Amazon I know, so..." She motioned to it. "I actually had to hide it, because a few girls wanted it, thinking with it's raven hair that it was Dame Amethyst. She's really popular. Besides, Dame Amethyst has a purple tint to her raven tresses. I mean if you want your likeness to line the shelves with the others..." She blushed. "I designed that as an Amazon dignitary, when we've seen you come in with business with His Majesty King Gregor."

Holly was actually distracted by Mrs. Handler's suggestions, that she missed Clair approach her and thank her. She then turned bright red and wore a goofy smile. "Well... You know... Necessity is the mother of invention and all..." Holly was around Diana's age, but here she was, embarrassed and fumbling with her words. "Um... Y-yes... When you can, I mean court right now and all..."

Olivia had went with Clair, and raised an eyebrow at how much the young lady, about the age of her Amazonian friend, was struggling to speak to Clair. She decided to test her hypothesis, it was too bad she only knew one form, blunt. "I understand you're also behind my statue gift. You met my brother, then? Nice likeness, but you mixed up his and my wolf companions. Mine was a cub like shown here. Still and all, the details even down to our crest. Absolutely splendid."

Holly had no trouble speaking to Olivia. "Oh yes, and I'm sorry about the wolf companion. He didn't have it with him, saying something about you Bond with them?"

Olivia smirked and leaned over, whispering to Clair. "Remember what Grovershire said about a kiss from Sappho? Looks like someone is crushing on you. I'd tell you to get 'er, tiger, but I don't think you quite understand your feelings. Do plan something after the courting season, and explain you can't plan anything before late January. The earliest." She gave a reassuring pat to Clair, although it might've been a little harder than Olivia realized. "I gotta see an Amazon princess about our mutual friend." The mutual friend being Princess Calla Dunwyn.

Back with Diana, as soon as Meghan left, to go talk to Mrs. Handler, Olivia took a deep breath. "Diana, before dinner, I think we should talk to the princess. And by we, I mean you, as I still wanna ream her ass for hiding the fact she's you know who. And she needs to accept the villager's offering to her, yet. I'll be the stern quiet one. Like you said, teamwork, and she needs told cautiously. You'll be far more diplomatic with Princess Calla than I will at this stage."

Meghan had went over to Mrs. Handler. "Action warriors line? Well, save for Robin Hood and his Merry Men which we have permission to do, seeing as how King Gregor himself is okaying the old guard when he was a knight, that can pretty much cover it. Crimson Avenger may not take a life, but there's no doubt from any Dunwynian that she's a warrior. Dame Amethyst is like her father, and she's a palace guard, and I've already been asked for a doll... Or action warrior of her by a few girls. I'll talk to father and Holly about it when we have time after our guests leave."
Diana smiled. "I don't mind, though if you choose to sell ones of Lady Amethyst then I would talk to her first" Diana suggested before she was approached by Olivia.

Clair started to blush when hearing her speak, seeming to get some sort of empathy shyness, which was only exasperated by Olivia when she mentioned this girl may have a crush on her.
"Oh! umm, y-yeah s-sometimes I forget about my own necessities I suppose. Umm, and yeah, I suppose I am a bit busy now but I'll be sure to send word if I get some time." She blushed as Olivia left.
"Oh umm okay, I umm I suppose maybe I should go too, check on the princess and all." She told Holly.
"N-nice talking to you Holly" She waved as she started to follow Olivia.
"Oh! And thank you again for the tool, I'll be sure to return the favor" She said blushing as she moved to catch up to the others.

As Diana turned to listen to Olivia she paused before nodding.
"Impressive, not many can see past their own faults, especially those considered more, hot-headed as it were." She smirked as she gently moved some of Olivia's hair to add to her joke.

"I am happy to help." Mrs. Handler nodded.
"We should really talk more about collaboration, perhaps we could sell some of your dolls in our shop, or all, it would save you all from needing to focus on selling and making, and you can just focus on making them, of course, we would split the profits but you would, of course, take the majority for your products." She offered.

Meanwhile, Diana Olivia and a just now catching up Clair approached Calla at the large Oak tree.
"Hello your Highness, that was quite the exit you made there, are you alright?" Diana wanted to start off the conversation friendly and let Calla calm down before the serious talk started.

"Yeah, I t-told them maybe you were just startled by the doll or something..." Clair added trying to help her if she was not yet ready to admit her secret.
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Meghan had caught Amethyst and asked her about making action warriors in her likeness, explaining how some village girls had already thought the Diana had been her, and they wanted it. She shrugged and nodded, before shooing Meghan. "My job is the Handlers' safety until my princess says otherwise."

Princess Calla looked forlornly at the threesome, as Calla Grovershire was still talking with the Handlers and Dame Amethyst. "I know why you're all here..." She sighed. "You know. You saw the uncanny likeness as well." She looked at her feet. She chuckled sadly and gave a soft smile to Clair. "Started by the doll... You could say that. Not afraid of it in and of itself, but what it represents? Most assuredly. Suppose you're on point to keep Olivia from tearing me a new one, Diana." A sigh.

"As you and Olivia know, Diana, I took a nearly two year journey after Cavin broke my heart when I turned 13. I travelled to all the known defenders... The man calling himself Zorro in Iberia, Don Diego. The King's Musketeers of Gaul. The Teutonic trainer in hand-to-hand, Tarnok. Finally, Artemis in Themiscyra." She glanced at Diana. "Or more appropriately, Mount Olympus. Not your older sister, but the goddess of the hunt, herself. Athena taught me to handle the sword, but said I wasn't fully ready for her tutelage. I lacked enough wisdom." She shrugged. "Guess Athena would probably still say I lack enough wisdom for her tutelage."

While Princess Calla would be right in saying the goddess of wisdom still wouldn't train her with the sword, it wouldn't be for the reason she thought... It would be Princess Calla's lack of discernment in why her friends were mad at her, and her streak of cowardice she had shown both at the ball, to hide from Dr. Monroe, and just now with her own father and her friends in hiding her secret identity. A secret identity all but out to her friends. They knew.
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Diana walked up and placed a hand reassuringly on Calla's shoulder.
"I think we know what you saying, but for your own self, and for clarity, why not just tell us directly what we all know? This is your chance to tell us face to face." She told her with a soft tone.

As Clair heard Calla basically admitting what she had known she let out a sigh of relief, she had felt terrible having to try and lie to the others, and she was terrible at it. Though now she was worried that the other girls would be mad at her.
"I'm sorry" She whispered to Olivia, the sound of desperation clear in her voice.
Calla sighed and then gathered up her courage and nodded. "Being noble, and in particular royal, I must swear you three to secrecy... Wait, where IS Calla Grovershire?" She made a face. "Look, my father can't know until we can convince some of the knights not to have me thrown in the tower, where non-killing vigilantes go." Another deep breath. "Yes, Diana. Olivia. I am the Crimson Avenger." She couldn't meet Clair's eyes.

Olivia huffed. "What possessed you to don the outfit? Surely, you should have known you would be found out sooner or later." She scolded just above a whisper. "And I hate to say it," She really DID hate to say it, "But keeping this from your father for much longer, will cause you no end to problems."

"It already does, unless one of you others can show me up as the Avenger, I'm going to have to marry myself." Calla explained. "And despite the Gaul clothing, almost everybody is already convinced The Crimson Avenger is Amazonian. I'm already a sister on your home island near Greece, Diana, where I was taught by Artemis. There's no denying I'm not Amazon." She looked at the others. "The Avenger is going to have to show up in Nottingham now, for sure. How am I going to have to pull this off?"l I also have to be present as Princess Calla!"
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