How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Clair could not get herself to meet Calla's eyes either, not that was out of the norm for her, she found it hard to maintain eye contact with anyone.

Diana sighed.
"You can't unless you get a body double" She replied.
Calla sighed. "And there's nobody my height and look in all of Dunwyn. Believe me, I've looked. Everywhere."

Calla Grovershire finally sidled up to Clair. "What did I miss?" She took a good hard look around. "Alright." She frowned, hands on hips. "Who died?!"

Calla Dunwyn raised her hand.

Grovershire blinked, and glanced at Olivia and Diana. She finally asided to Clair. "Seriously. What the hell did I miss that the princess is the one who's saying she died, and Olivia and Diana look like they're in mourning? I was busy with your dad, talking about getting him a steed; and Amethyst, the dollmakers' and the King about my likeness since I'm in the volunteer army." She didn't know, Princess Calla had just come clean about being the Avenger.
Diana looked down, trying to think if there was anything else that they could do to help, but it seemed hopeless.

Clair jumped at Groveshire's approach.
"Umm, Calla, just umm, well..." She paused before looking toward Calla for confirmation she could tell.
"She admitted to what you probably suspect..." She admitted once Calla gave her the ok.
The princess indeed had nodded, because Grovershire WAS a friend. One of the "special four", all of whom were now present.

Calla Grovershire nodded her understanding. "Well, regardless," she took a deep breath. "Excuse me while I talk to Diana." She walked over to Diana. "What is the princess going to do about the doll? Granted it's a gift for her, as the princess, but we can't help put it in the carriage until she accepts it. Tell her, so what? So she's the Avenger. She still needs to accept the villagers' gift to her as the princess."
Diana thought to herself for a moment.
"What if we take the doll for her before she goes in and thanks them for it? That way they at least aren't in the room at the same time, and she still accepts it." She suggested.
"Or at the very least we move it as she enters and we try and keep their likeness less clear" She added.
Olivia smirked with a nod, folding arms across her chest. "Brilliant. Grovershire and I will take the doll to the carriage, saying the princess commissioned us to move it to the carriage."

Olivia looked at Princess Calla. "We're moving the doll to draw attention away from the similarities between you two. You got on me about my manners, well, the tables are turned, princess... Unless you want a swat. I am seven years your senior!" She motioned for Grovershire to join her, and they both went back to retrieve Calla's gift of the Crimson Avenger.

Princess Calla took a deep breath. And as the life-size doll that weighed a little over twice the real one did was moved out between Olivia and Calla Grovershire, she went in to show her appreciation for the thoughtful gift.

Gregor looked in as the two situated the doll into a sitting position. "Splendid job, you two." He then addressed everyone including the guards, Amethyst, Tuxford and the Handlers. "We're all going to the tavern for dinner. My two guards staying behind with the merchants, as well as they, are welcome to come and sit at a second table and dine with us. The princess will still be the head of her table with her friends, and you four will join me at mine."

Tuxford bowed. "We are honoured, Your Majesty, and only if it will not be an imposition." He glanced to the Handlers to see if they will accept, knowing Amethyst wouldn't unless they did. She was asked by her princess to protect Clair's parents, after all.
Clair smiled, happy they had figured something out, and simply walked with Princess Calla as they acted out the plan, staying quiet as she watched the girls carry the heavy doll with a blush, they were much stronger than her.

The Handlers smiled and Mrs. Handler spoke up.
"We very much appreciate the invitation your Majesty, but we certainly cannot afford a night out at this time, plus we do have much business to attend to with everything that is happening, and with little Clair being out of the store for the first time we are also trying to compensate for the missing hands."

Clair was a little saddened that her parents and Amethyst would not be there, but understood, so tried to hide her disappointment.
Tuxford nodded, as Amethyst bowed out of the invite as well. "I'm not sure we still don't need means to Nottingham tomorrow for the archery contests, to root on Clair, Avenger and the Princess."

"First arrow flies at seven sharp. I can have you a carriage at six-fifteen." Gregor stated.

"He means tomorrow morning..."

Amethyst glared at the princess. "Yes. Your Highness. I'm well aware of that, thank you. We'll be ready. In. The. Morning."

Olivia said nothing, just shook her head. "Methinks yon princess is about to get knocked down a nock. By her own father." She asided quietly to Diana and Grovershire. For once, though, Princess Calla was not reprimanded in public by the king. That would actually shock Olivia more than being wrong, but would anyone else be shocked (like Diana)?"

Everyone took their seats, with Gregor and Tuxford at a two person table near the girls' booth. Olivia ordered a boar which she assumed everyone at their table would share. "Get your own sides. I'm not ordering the whole meal for everyone. Just the entree."

Princess Calla raised an eyebrow but said nothing. After all, she had just wrongly assumed her own guard, Amethyst, didn't know the king had meant morning.

Grovershire cleared her throat. "Majesty... About who faces whom in target practice...."

"You're still on your day off, Calla Lily Grovershire. You can wait until the morning when we arrive in Nottingham."
Diana stayed quiet during the discussion but paused as she waited for the lecture, though it did not occur, causing her to pause in surprise. However, she did well to hide her reaction by simply standing by with a gentle smile, nodding to agree with the information given.

Clair managed to sit between Olivia and Calla Groveshire as the boar was ordered for the table she blushed, she could not afford any food here, and would just ask for water, embarrassingly saying that she wasn't that hungry.

Diana looked to Princess Calla and mouthed "Lilly" with a surprised looked, knowing Calla had the same middle name.
Princess Calla looked at Clair. "Nonsense." She stated calmly. "You'll have more than just some meat. What do you want? A salad? A side of greens or vegetables? I recommend the rhubarb puree¹, although that's usually a dessert."

She looked over at Diana and shrugged. "My mother was Grecian Amazon. My first name is Grecian and my middle name comes from Latin, the most common language besides Greek in that area of the world. It's also a flower, so mayhap Grovershire is named for it. It is pretty resilient, like her."

Olivia carved the meat, asking for everyone's plate so they could have something to eat. Gregor and Tuxford would have to come over to the girls' table to get some boar. "Everyone eat up. There's plenty. I asked for this to split, but I don't want to see any go to waste either." She would stop eating, long enough to carve seconds for anyone who asked.

¹-most fruit purees would be equivalent to fruit sauce. Apple, berries, cherry, lemon, orange, peach, pear, plum, pomegranate and strawberry. Rhubarb would mostly be pie or served as a puree, or sauce. Grapes would mostly be in wines or whole in salads.
Clair blushed.
"I umm..." She paused, Calla told her that she had to get something, but she truly had no coin on her, not a single copper, there was no way she could afford anything.
"I c-can't afford anything..." She admitted softly, looking down ashamed.

Diana nodded.
"That makes sense, it's a lovely name"
Diana ordered a side of Kabobs for herself and anyone else who might want one.
The princess was having none of it. "I'll pay for it, if it's not covered in the expense account. Get something besides the meat. Please."

Olivia nodded, poking Clair. "You're skin and bones as is. I'm paying for our entree, Diana is offering kebobs. If you go that route, I recommend the pepper variety, which has chunks of onion and tomato, all well roasted, or get a puree like the princess offered earlier. Just. Eat. " She pointed to the serving of boar. "Make a sandwich with the small loaf, with some mustard if you want to eat everything with your hands." Clair would notice that that's exactly what Olivia was doing, and the jar of mustard with spoon in it, was already right there on the table.
Clair blushed yet again at all the sudden attention.
"I... Okay, b-but I'll pay you back" She offered.

"Nonsense, you get a kabob, and I did indeed order those exact ones." Diana smiled at Olivia, as indeed those Kabobs arrived, and she held the plate to Olivia to grab one for herself and Clair.

"I, okay, I'll get the salad, and thank you all for sharing, it has been a while since I had such a meal... umm actually I don't think I have had one like this before..." She admitted. Clair did indeed use the mustard to eat like Olivia was, making a sandwich.
"Is this right?" She asked Olivia after she had formed it.
Both the princess and Olivia waved Clair off as well, Olivia raised her eyebrow and smirked, giving a curt nod at Clair's sandwich. "Well done."

Clair's salad would come as she would have started to tuck into her sandwich.

Grovershire called for the service wench just as everyone was finishing off with dinner, and there would be some boar left, that Olivia would make into a few more sandwiches. Three to be exact. "My turn to treat, and I hope everyone saved room for dessert. I'm partial to Dunwyn's lemon custard." She then told the service wench to get everyone in the party a bowl. She knew full well that wouldn't have been in the budget, especially when the princess herself asked, "Milady! Are you quite certain?" Grovershire simply gave a warm-hearted chuckle and nod. "Everyone gets a bowl." She gave a pointed look at Clair. "Without exception."
Clair nodded, enjoying the sandwich and salad, finishing it as well as the Kabob from Diana, additionally once it was clear there was enough, she actually took additional sandwiches, she ate more than was expected from someone of her size.

Clair blushed, knowing better than to try and argue with Calla about the dessert.
"Thank you" She blushed feeling once again targeted.

Once the dessert was complete and they were brought to their rooms, Clair was left with Olivia by the time she got to her door.
"Umm, thanks again Olivia, for all the help with stuff" She blushed looking down at her fingers as she fiddles with her fingers.
"Umm, h-have a good s-sleep, g-goodnight" She Blushed before going into her room, closing the door behind herself.

Once inside she sighed and rubbed her head.
"Stupid, I don't... do I like them? like that? How do I know? maybe these are just normal friend feelings and I just don't know any better, or I am weird..." She spoke to herself as she changed and was ready for bed by the time Groveshire arrived.
"Hey, the privacy umm thing is all yours, think I'll get into bed, today, was long." She blushed and did just that.
Archery at Nottingham

The next morning, it was still dark and Iolite was banging on the door. "Up and out of bed, girls! Present your colours for inspection by the king! Put an oil lamp on so you don't trip over yourselves! We ride at quarter of six, prepare in Nottingham! First arrow flies at seven!"

Down the hall, it almost sounded like she was beating the door down! "Princess! This is YOUR third call! Get your lazy ass out of bed, get dressed and see your father in his throne room! Ten minutes ago!"

Grovershire lit the oil lamp, yawned and stretched, before scratching her head. "Bloody hell. You'd think I was back in the knights' special training corps again. Sun ain't even up yet." Another yawn. "Presenting colours basically means wearing what we had on yesterday for King Richard. Our pantsuits and capes." She covered her mouth as she let out an extra noisy yawn. "Why must morning be so bloody early?!"
Diana was up and ready in no time, standing prepared in her suit and with her lantern in the hall, waiting for the others.

Clair sat up and stretched rubbing her eyes as Groveshires light lit the room.
"Morning... yeah I am more of a late-night gal, not so much a morning one..." She said as she got out of bed, getting lit up by Groveshire's lantern as she did so, revealing her messy hair and gown hanging down over her one shoulder due to her small frame, exposing her shoulder and collar bone.
"Okay, change into the pantsuit again got it, where did I put my lantern?" She asked turning her head as she looked around.
"Do you want to use the changing wall or shall I?"
Grovershire raised an eyebrow. "You had to have had it when we got back from the tavern. It was getting dark. I mean, it was about seven." She looked around and sighed. "I have a hunch, since I don't see your pantsuit either, that you'll find both behind the changing wall. I'll get ready while you change, give me five before you come out."

Olivia was second behind Diana, just beating Diana's sisters. Blood sister Cass, and Amazon sister that was Cassandra's roommate. "Damn, Diana, did you sleep in it?" Olivia teased. "Or were you up before our wake-up call?" Olivia was across from Diana who was next to the princess's room. "That's odd, since when is early bird not up?" She motioned to Princess Calla's big oak double doors.

Ten minutes later, King Gregor marched through. "At ease ladies... I must have words with my wayward, lazy bones daughter." He banged extra loud on the door. "Calla! Lily! Dunwyn!! You damned well better have a good excuse!" He motioned to one of Amethyst's men who was guarding the door. "Unlock it." He ordered. He then asided, mostly to Diana, "Teenagers, amirite?" He then noticed Olivia. "With me. You're leading the court right now. Draw your blade and be ready." He drew his sword.

The palace guard saluted after gulping and unlocked the door. Olivia positioned herself opposite the king, and both barged in, after nodding to each other.

Three yelps were heard sure to bring Diana running. One masculine and two feminine.

Calla Dunwyn, dressed in her Avenger outfit, complete with mask, and holding an opened letter with the royal seal in one gloved hand, stared open mouthed at a gaping Gregor. Olivia quickly recovered. Brandishing her dagger at her friend, the princess, and making herself sound as cold as possible, she said, "You better have a damned good reason for your intrusion into the princess's bedchambers, vigilante." She motioned with her knife. "That letter your holding. Hand it over to the king... Slowly. Keep both hands where I can see 'em. No sudden moves."

Calla gulped and did as Olivia asked, and the King read it quietly. "It's in my daughter's handwriting. She asked Avenger to come and sneak in her window to see the doll, and to join us for breakfast. Next question is where did she get off to. She blew off our meeting." Glaring at Avenger, he said coolly, "You just became her stand-in as we meet the ladies of court. By the way... You're late. You should have been here yesterday."
Clair nodded "Right, changing wall." She snapped her fingers in recognition, seeming to be less than her usual nervous self in this tired state. With that she moved behind the wall and lit the lantern, clearly still tired as the lantern was placed behind her imprinting her silhouette on the screen as she changed. Though Groveshire asked her to give her some time, if she had looked would see she would be done changing before Clair this time around.

Diana smiled.
"The latter, and she must be extra tired from all the emotions from yesterday, or perhaps she had a nighttime guest." She joked with a wink.

Diana joined in the salute of the King before getting the at-ease command.

Clair had just come out with Groveshire as the King was getting there, instead of saluting or standing at attention she simply stared quietly, shocked to see him in what she thought was a girls building.

Diana played along, drawing her weapon as they opened the door, stopping herself from gasping as they saw what was inside before keeping her act up.

Clair watched from a distance, afraid of the possible bloodshed if it had been something terrible. Though as she saw who it was, she did not manage to hold back a luckily quiet gasp, seeing Calla in her Avenger uniform, she thought for sure she was caught! But it seems either she got very lucky or had planned for such an event with that note. At the revelation of her becoming the stand-in, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Umm, wait, aren't I here as a stand-in for Avenger? How can she be the stand-in for the princess if she is also playing for the Princess's hand, does that mean we are all here to court the Avenger? And how I can I be standing in for her when she is standing in for the princess?" She whispered to Groveshire who stood with her further back and out of earshot at that volume.
Grovershire did sneak a peek at the silhouette of Clair, before she finished getting ready. They both would leave their door to wait in the hall.

When Clair's expression betrayed her, Grovershire chuckled. "The king owns the whole castle, we are in the north wing, where we always go for court. This is the girls wing during court, but the princess's all the time." She motioned towards the oak double doors being unlocked.

The Avenger balked as the King told her she was standing in for, well, herself, basically. "M-M-Me?! I-I-I'm not the princess!"

Grovershire heard Clair's questions and said, "Looks like our friend just left the door wide open for the King himself to explain. Listen."

Gregor sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "This is court season, Avenger! If my daughter hadn't forgotten to meet me in the throne room, I'd have sent for you, anyway. You have to fill in for my missing daughter so that I may conduct the inspection. I actually told you before, the north wing becomes the ladies residences during court. I expected you not to come the evening your wrist was broken, but you still could have been here yesterday for the day off, and to see King Richard." He stared her down, a look Calla knew all too well. That of a disappointed father. Calla actually shivered. Literally quaking in her musketeer boots. "Now. Attend the inspection with me, as my temporary daughter."

Olivia smirked. "Pleasure, Avenger. Finally I meet you. Face to masked face. Olivia Nevrakis of Lythikos." She then bowed to King Gregor. "I believe, with all the commotion, everyone else is ready for your inspection, Majesty."

Diana, being right behind them would be next to greet Princess Calla as the Avenger, as well as King Gregor. Clair would also have a chance to say something to Calla... As the Avenger, and any questions she might have for the king. Although both parties already knew Clair had met the Avenger prior.
Clair's silhouetted frame would show her thin mostly straight form, perhaps from being slightly malnourished while developing as a less well-off daughter of formerly struggling merchants. Though nothing was able to see too clearly, had she got enough of a look or had sharp enough of an eye, would notice Clair was not wearing any upper undergarments, which of course did no favours for her smaller bust.

Clair did her best to compose herself as she heard Groveshire react to her reactions, clueing her into what she was doing.

Diana smiled and gave a warrior's bow to the Avenger.
"A pleasure to finally meet you in person Sister, I am Diana crowned princess of Brittania Amazona, or as I prefer, Diana of Themiscyra"

As Avenger approached Clair in her head she repeated to herself, 'don't call her Calla, don't call her Calla'.
"Oh Hello again A-Avenger, Sorry I, umm Clair, of no- uh, umm Clair of Dunwyn..." She paused a moment unsure if that was correct before moving on.
"S-sorry no new inventions this time around, I have been busy with my role here as your stand-in, sorry that I have not performed better" She apologized, her face becoming red with her continued troubles.

Clair was not a good liar, and the more secrets she knew she had to keep the worse she seemed to be at it.
Grovershire and Gregor both chuckled.

"That's quite alright, my dear, it takes a while for even some seasoned nobility to get the etiquette correct." Gregor then gave a pointed look at Kenna's daughter, Ruby Rose, which caused her to suddenly find her feet extremely interesting. "Although you are aware, since she's your inventor, allow me the pleasure of introducing you to Clair Handler of Dunwyn."

Avenger smiled and bowed, looking to Clair to return the greeting. After all, both were in pants. "Pleasure to formally greet you, Lady Clair." She spoke.

Calla Grovershire bowed next, "Lady Calla of the duchy Grovershire. Kingdom of Dunwyn."

Even the princess couldn't keep from correcting her, clearing her throat, she as the Avenger stated, "But since you are the heiress of the duchy doesn't that mean you're a duchess?"

"Good show, Avenger, I knew I was right to pick you as the stand-in for my daughter. That would be absolutely correct. This is Duchess Calla of Grovershire." Gregor nodded, patting Avenger on the back.

Clair would meet several of the others over the course of the greetings, some it wouldn't matter if she remembered them or not, as several wouldn't be sticking around past Nottingham. Others she would hear over and over again; Like Bernice Beaumont of Ramsford, Clara Princeton of Scotland, and Genevieve Versailles of Gaul. Two she would recognize as two of the most stuck up nobles she'd have met, Bernice and Genevieve having rubbed Olivia and Diana the wrong way already with their attitudes. Genevieve being the one who looked down her nose at Clair and the other noblewoman with the bandaged wrist, who had scalded her hand helping in the kitchen.
Clair blushed at the additional attention but returned the bow.
"Oh umm, Pleasure to meet you uhh, Your- uhh, Lady Avenger?" She replied not sure what to call her.
"Dame Knight Avenger?"

Clair cleared her throat and replied to Grovshire.
"Umm Lady Clair of Dunwyn, the pleasure is all mine" She replied, before turning to Olivia.

"Lady Clair of Dunwyn, a pleasure to meet you" She blushed.

Clair did her best to introduce herself to the other ladies, though when introducing herself to the more intense or mean ladies, made more mistakes from her nerves, causing them to undoubtedly come down on her more, causing a sort of nervous loop that would make her spiral.

Clair would try and stick by someone the whole time, never wanting to be alone, usually trying to be with a Calla or Olivia.
Avenger blushed, turning a familiar red to Clair. "I'm not knighted yet... Some things need to happen before that does."

"One of which is stopping Igthorne. You know what the others are." Gregor answered.

Both Olivia and Calla Grovershire returned the bow to Clair, but theirs more resembled Diana's warrior bow.

Portavira, Cordonia, Monterisso, Iberia, fellow Dunwynians and others from around the realm and Europe for the most part were cordial with Clair as she introduced herself. Clair would recognize both the name and look of one of the merchants in court. Cinnamon Baker. The butcher's daughter, who promised to stand with the Avenger when the time comes, was also present.

Grovershire, being Clair's roommate was the one to be nearby most of the time, but Olivia wasn't too far away. Princess Calla, on the other hand, in her guise as The Crimson Avenger, was often tied up with diplomatic stuff, all the way to the time the ladies left for Nottingham.

Once there, Robin Hood himself would be there as one of the judges. Maid Marian would come up to the ladies as a whole, and curtsy. "Welcome, one and all, I have your itineraries¹ right here. First place against last, second against 54th, and so on. First up, Crimson Avenger versus Olivia Nevrakis. Ladies prepare your bows, best three out of five. Bullseye's worth 75 points. Good luck."

Olivia sighed. It looked like she was up against the princess herself, and Calla had been trained by none other than the goddess of the hunt! Meanwhile, Clair would have about 90 minutes to wait for her matchup: The Princess of Cordonia!

¹ 01 vs 55 02 vs 54 03 vs 53 04 vs 52
05 vs 51 06 vs 50 07 vs 49 08 vs 48
09 vs 47 10 vs 46 11 vs 45 12 vs 44

And so on. Clair will face the 45th place contestant.
Clair blushed at the correction.
"Oh right, my mistake" She rubbed the back of her head, looking away.

Clair seemed a bit more relaxed around the other merchant girls that she had met before, but there was always that lingering nervousness in the back of her.

Clair was certain to stay with Groveshire as she walked about, practically following her around like a puppy whenever she could.

As the games began Clair would now know who to cheer on, she liked both Olivia and Princess Calla, so she cheered for them both, though once they had tied she was quite relieved able to tell them both that she thought they did really well.

After that Clair would go to where the bows were, they were certainly well made, after all, it was royal use, however, Clair managed to spot a few excess materials laying around, and since she had some time to wait decided to start tinkering. To anyone who might discover her, she would be crafting a strange-looking bow together that seemed to have two small wheels on both the top and bottom of it, as well several strings going down between both ends instead of just the one.

Meanwhile, Diana was up, and though bows were not exactly her specialty she did very well against her opponent.

Clair would finish her bow in about an hour, leaving her about 30mins to tweak and practice a little with the bow far away from the rest, she only really needed 10 minutes for that, and soon she would return to watch the others shoot, cheering on her friends when they came up.
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