How To Deliver Justice (with KiraMusani

Diana curtsied back.
"But since we are here, I suppose we shall follow your customs this time around."

She nodded along as Calla spoke to her.
"Yes, I am aware of the important decision you are planning to make, just know that it is mostly about the paperwork, as long as whomever you choose is fine with it you may get to find love elsewhere if needed."

Diana smiled and took her hand.
"Certainly princess I'll walk you there, but why did you not mention the Avenger as an option, I am sure your father has"

Clair meanwhile walked with Amethyst, once getting there she stayed quiet waiting to be asked a question, not wanting to make any mistakes now that she had a big secret to keep!
Calla winced. As much as she loved the Amazonian princess, she did not trust her that well. Clearing her throat, she said, "While that is true, I cannot cheat on my partner. I'm promising her my heart. I've heard the vows from other couples." She patted Diana's arm. "I could definitely promise you all of me, and many of the court ladies I grew up around... Even the inventor, as little about her I know, because I've seen her around and been in her store. I can't promise that to someone I've never met. It would be like if one of your goddesses were to propose, I would just have to face her wrath for turning her down." A shrug. "I don't know her."

They had approached the king as Calla finished explaining, with half truths, why she couldn't marry the Avenger. The King studied his daughter for a long moment. He nodded to Diana. "Good evening and welcome, Diana, Princess of the British Amazons. Have you heard from your mother in Themiscyra recently? I hear from Princess Cassandra you have your own warrior hero. I hope our heroes can meet if they haven't already." Turning to his daughter, he asked, "Are you here about my edict at dinner? I'm not changing my mind."

Calla shook her head, looking to her father. "I'm joining the fall courting season, this ball begins."

Gregor looked between her and Diana, noticing Calla had not removed her fingers from Diana's arm. "I take, then, the princess of the Amazons is the frontrunner. Splendid. Be sure you speak and spend time with all the suitors, Calla. It's only fair to the others." He then looked at Diana to see if she had anything to add or say.

Meanwhile, Princess Cassandra approached Clair. "Why do you seem by your actions so out of place? As the Avenger's Inventor are you not in competition for the princess's hand?" The youngest Amazonian princess held out her hand with a smile. "It's a ball, and there's a wonderful waltz playing. Shall we dance? We can talk during."
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Diana saw the wince and smiled, her own suspicions gaining clarity, though she of course could not be certain. She nodded along as Calla explained her position, telling her several reasons why she could not marry the Avenger, though, of course, Diana wondered why she had not been able to meet and get acquainted with her yet but managed to get to know a lowly peasant girl who happened to be the Avengers inventor. However, she kept these questions to herself for now, wanting to respect her privacy for now.

"Ahh thank you for having us your Majesty," She said giving a warrior bow of her people.
"Yes we had stopped there on the way here, and Yes this Avenger is as much a mystery to us as she seems to you. As far as the edict, it sounds fine to me, though I am afraid your daughter must impress me as much as I need to her, though I do not expect that to be too much trouble for her if she truly wishes for my hand" She replied with a wink toward Calla.

"Speaking of her other suitors do you know if there is a plan for Avenger to be making an appearance tonight?" Diana asked, while also feeling Calla for her initial reaction.

Clair blushed heavily at the question, putting her on the spot a little, she could not help but answer nervously.
'"I umm, y-yeah s-sure" She took her hand trying to position her hands as she was taught by Calla.
"So umm, I am not used to this stuff, as of yesterday I was just some peasant girl, all this is very sudden for me. I have never been to a peasant party let alone a royal ball" She admitted.
"And umm yeah, I am not sure how I ended up on the list for the princess's hand... or what the rules around that stuff are."
Calla looked away, blushing, as Gregor was the one asked if Avenger would make an appearance.

Gregor shrugged, his shoulders going up slightly. "All the maidens in the realms were invited, Diana. She is one of a few that haven't shown up. Princess Marie and Sophie Delacroix of Gaul, and Amethyst's sister Spinel are also not in attendance. The night and season is young, though, I'm sure they all will if not tonight, then as the season progresses."

Amethyst made a face as Tuxford approached her, and whispered something in her ear. "I'm your underling, my old friend, why come to me?" She asked looking at him in shock.

"Keep your voice down, Amethyst. You're the only one I could trust with this." Tuxford whispered harshly.

Amethyst nodded. She whispered back, "I wonder what this will mean for her investigation. Are you sure it was the Avenger's left wrist that the ogre broke?" She glanced to Calla who was constantly trying to hide her bandaged left wrist from everyone, including her own father and Princess Diana.

"Bent it far enough back a pop could be heard, and the Avenger did scream in pain. She almost didn't let Dr. Monroe reset it." Tuxford whispered calmly.

All this was near where Cassandra and Clair would be dancing. Cassandra spun Clair away. She hadn't gotten to explain things to Clair, yet, as her head spun with the revelation from the lead knight. "Well, I think that means your boss won't be showing up tonight. I hope they tell the king that, soon." She then cleared her throat. "How is it working for Dunwyn's favorite daughter?"
That reaction deepened Diana's suspicions but she decided to keep that to herself for now.

She nodded along at the King as he spoke.
"Yes, I look forward to what the night and your daughter hold in the long run."

"Oh, y-yeah" Clair stumbled a little as she had overheard the story of Avenger hurting her wrist, likely breaking it.
"Sorry, hearing that stuff gives me a light head." She apologized and shook it off as she continued to dance with her.
"Umm, as for Dunwyn's favorite daughter, I am afraid I cannot speak for the princess, we don't really know each other that well to be honest." She admitted, trying to distance herself to remove the association she had with Avenger and the Princess.
"We only really met a few days ago and I spent more time with her at this party than ever before." She added.
Cassandra smirked. "And you say you don't know how to act like a noble. Only someone of court would assume Dunwyn's favorite daughter is the princess herself. And rightfully so, as she IS the Kingdom of Dunwyn's favorite daughter. I actually meant the village of Dunwyn's favorite daughter, which would be your boss, the Crimson Avenger." After spinning Clair as the waltz began to come to an end, and giving the same warrior's bow to Clair that Diana gave to the king, she looked at Clair, hoping for a curtsy, which would be proper, and exactly what Calla and Amethyst taught Clair, seeing as she was in a ball gown. Cassandra would then look for Diana to tell her how Clair had answered her question, which would definitely pin the Avenger as, at least, a noble.

Clair, meanwhile, would be free to dance with her other fellow suitors vying for Princess Calla.

Gregor meanwhile, smiled and nodded to Princess Diana. "As do I. A pleasure as always, Princess Diana."

Calla, noticing Tuxford fast approaching, said straightforward to get both of their attention. "Hark! Behold Sir Tuxford approacheth. Mayhap with tidings of the missing maidens and whence to expect them. Come, Milady Diana. Let us hasten away so father has privacy!" The overzealous and obviously embarrassed princess headed away from her father, beckoning Diana with a wave to follow her to a table of assorted flutes of wine, champagne, mead and other potable beverages... And right to Cassandra who would wait to get Diana alone with her own news, which wouldn't be long, as Calla would spot Clair and head to her quickly.

All parties would see the countenance of the king become solemn as he heard from his head knight of the injury suffered by the Avenger following the meeting by an ogre. Even Gregor realized, unless she was already at the ball in her civilian persona, The Crimson Avenger wouldn't dare show up at the ball with such a telling injury, at least not without one hell of a cover story.

Lucky for Calla, two other ladies had sported obvious injured left wrists. Unfortunately, they were both nobles, with one sharing her very name! Calla Lily!
Clair blushed at her response, not even thinking that the favorite daughter would be anyone but Calla, was she somehow bias? Clair stumbled during the dance but did remember her curtsey as she saw the bow.
"Umm, thank you, umm, my Lady?" She said with a shrug, unsure if she had called her by the proper name.

Diana once again gave the warrior's bow to the King and returned the nod.
"The pleasure was all mine, thank you for your time" She replied before taking her leave with Calla.

Clair once left alone would find an empty corner to compose herself and catch a breath, which she just managed to catch as Calla once again approached her.
"Ah! Oh hey Ca- umm, your highness," She said giving a curtsy and adjusting her own dress nervously.
Cassandra, satisfied, parted, and as soon as Calla had left, said, "She may act like she isn't, but Lady Clair is every bit the noble, just not as used to court, like most well-to-do merchants. When asked about what she thought of 'Dunwyn's favorite daughter', she talked of the princess. Royalty. Not something a regular peasant villager would have done. We both overheard the head knight and his protege speak of an ogre breaking Avenger's left wrist. I've noticed the noble who has the princess's very name," She made a motion to a brunette woman with auburn tips, and a sweeping one sided ponytail, speaking and laughing with another noblelady, "And another, besides the princess herself, with a bandaged left wrist." She made a motion with her mead flute to the fellow blonde, standing by herself, looking around and rubbing her own bandaged wrist. "How do we play this? One of us should surely talk to the other Calla, after all, that name is Grecian."

Although Diana's sister had a point, she shouldn't rely on that fact alone. Lucky, or unlucky, for Calla, the noblelady with her name also knew how to fight, but the way the other even stood... She had never lifted a sword before, little alone fought with one. All that had to be done, would be to look at the women's good hands to see that.

Meanwhile, Princess Calla sidled over to Clair. "Enjoying the ball, Milady?" She smiled as Clair caught herself. "Wow. Close one. Even a noble must address me as 'your highness' or 'Milady Calla'." She pulled her onto the dance floor. "Let's sweep around to listen and see if we can learn how..." She stopped, and lost her grin as the other Calla approached her. She composed herself. "Lady Calla of Grovershire."

Both noticed the other's bandaged left wrist, and an awkward silence followed, one only Diana could break, unless Clair was also quick on her feet.
Diana placed a hand to her chin as she thought.
"Well, it should not be too hard to figure out given their combat prowess, which can be seen in their hands, we can simply go and introduce ourselves, get a look at their hands, and see what we find."

Clair let out a sigh of relief and a nod as Calla reminded her of the etiquette she had upheld.
"Oh, a dance? R-right, your father did say we needed to interact more right?" She was about to take her hand when the other Calla appeared.
"Oh! umm, your name is Calla too? Heh, what are the odds you both hurt your wrist and have the same name?" She said nervously, not realizing the hurt wrist was also a connection to Avenger.
Calla (of) Grovershire looked at Clair and nodded her head, quirking an eyebrow at the remark before looking at her left hand. She glanced at Calla (of) Dunwyn's. "Yes. Fancy that. Doubt very seriously the princess got hers practicing a jousting move. Must hold a lance just right."

"You're right." The blonde nodded. "Sparring with one of the knights."

"If a lady must fight, she should never use her fists. I've told you before, Your Highness, swords." Lady Calla Grovershire tutted. She gripped Clair's shoulder with a friendly squeeze and smiled. "Not that it helped me when I took a gainer off my steed, and twisted my wrist wrong, trying to hold onto my lance, but I'm surprised she didn't break a few knuckles sparring. You must be Clair Handler. Pleasure. I'm sure the princess won't mind I steal you for a dance."

Calla sighed, and nodded to Clair. It at least gave Clair a chance to talk to the brunette Calla, and find out about Grovershire and what that Calla did for a living.

Meanwhile, seeing the brunette busy with the princess and the inventor, Cassandra followed Diana to the only other noblewoman. One look at her dainty hands would be enough to know the sharpest object she ever picked up was a needle and thread, and the roughest thing she ever touched would be the reins to guide her horse. It would be interesting to see what she possibly could have done to have her left wrist and part of her hand bandaged. It was clear she was no fighter.
Clair just smiled and nodded as the other Calla spoke, she was not expecting another warrior princess at this ball and her face went its now classical red tone.
"Oh wow that sounds painful" She replied shyly.

"And umm, the pleasure is all mine" She replied before looking to her Calla, and upon getting a confirmation she nodded,
"Okay, yeah umm heh, so many dances, who would have known I would be such a popular partner" She blushed taking her hand.

As they danced Clair first focused on getting into the rhythm before asking questions.
"So umm, mind if I asked why you wanted to dance with me? I kind of feel like a nobody here."

Diana walked with Cassandra to the one non-busy injured noblewoman. At first sight, Diana could already tell she was not the one they were looking for but was curious about her injury.
"Good day ladies, I could not help but notice your injury. May I ask how you sustained such an injury?"
The lady looked at the Amazon Princess, and then her own bandaged hand, and hid it behind her back, seemingly embarrassed. "Something that happens to everyone one point or other... Scalding water." Truth, although the obvious embarrassing event, caused her to not want to meet Diana's eyes. "I... Tried to help... In the kitchen."

One of the fellow nobles nearby, scoffed. "Serves you right, then. That's what servants are for. They should do all the hard labour. Handling of hot things. And likewise."

Cassandra frowned and looked ready to tear into the snotty noble, glowering at her to the point she might burn holes through the other woman; something both Crimson Avenger and Robin Hood, in their civilian guises, would frown heavily upon. Luckily, Diana was right there to easily defuse the glaring contest between Cassandra and the snooty member of nobility.

Calla Grovershire led Clair around the dance floor. "And why not? You dance well. I've not seen you in court before. First time? You say you're a nobody? If you're friends with the princess, you're far from being a nobody." She carried the air of a trained military leader, but was only the daughter of one, trained in combat techniques to defend her land and herself from oppressors. Clair might be able to recognize this close up. This would be noticed by Diana should she have time to look, that Grovershire was clearly trained to defend her land, and had all the mannerisms of being trained by someone in the king's army.

But first, dealing with her sister staring down a noblewoman who was just as much in the wrong from what she said to the scalding victim.
Diana smiled.
"No need to be embarrassed, it is a noble thing to want to help in all matters of work, it shows great character." She placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Plus hot water is very deceptive as it can not always be seen"
She added before starting daggers at the other Nobles.
"Tis of poor character to think ones self above these tasks"

Clair blushed at her compliments, not being used to so many women bolstering her up like this.
"Well, I suppose as of late I have been in the spotlight... But I truly do not understand how I came into such a position. I still only feel like a mere peasant, and this is by a large measure the most expensive clothes and room I have ever been in." Unfortunately, Clair had virtually no ability to read people and did not see the hints in her training.
Grovershire chuckled as she gave Clair a spin as the dance wound down. "Are you not a merchant? Even the Dunwyn Bakery is here, and the tailor, and a few others." She nodded to Clair's fellow merchants. "I thought I even saw Dr. Monroe, ah, yes. Speaking to King Gregor. They may not look like it, but to any with common sense among us regular court attendees, know that merchants and physicians are considered nobility. Whether or not you attend courtly functions is up to you. I, for one, am glad you're attending the court season and look forward to hosting you and the other noblewomen when you come to Grovershire." When the dance finished, she gave a warrior's bow, similar to the one Diana had, and returned her to Princess Calla.

The noble with the bandaged hand, smiled and nodded to Diana's encouragement, while the other continued with a glare at Cass who at least soften hers, slightly. "Not restraining your little sister looks bad on both of you, Amazon." The woman huffed, before turning on her heel and walking away before Diana could say anything else.

Cassandra sighed. She was one of the youngest at court, being 16, yet after a few deep cleansing breaths, recomposed herself and nodded to the fast approaching brunette Calla. "Our other suspect approaches us?" She whispered the question, as Grovershire pulled up and gave a warrior's bow to her fellow fighter. "Pleasure, Princess Diana. Princess Cassandra."
Clair did her best with the spin but stumbled a little but kept the dance going as she spoke.
"Oh, well, I suppose there are plenty of merchants here, but I guess technically my parents are the merchants, I am more of an inventor." She admitted before returning a curtsy to the bow.

She then returned to Calla.

Diana rolled her eyes at the women before turning her attention to the next suspect, returning the warrior's bow.
"pleasure, fair warrior. May we ask how you injured your wrist?"
Grovershire grinned. "I figured that freak accident would get me noticed among the ladies today. Twisted my wrist wrong trying to hold onto my lance when I took a gainer off my steed in a practice jousting run." She sighed. "Didn't hurt like hell, I'd do it again, just for the attention, you're the second person to comment about it." She gave Diana a wink.

Calla Dunwyn, smiled and nodded as Clair returned to her. "You're getting a workout tonight. I heard part of the conversation. Hard to believe your parents never told you that as a merchant, you're technically nobility. I suppose, like most other merchants, since it's not a requirement, they don't attend these functions."

Dr. Monroe, who had treated the Avenger, started heading their way. Calla gulped. "You don't know where I am." She said, heading into the crowd quickly and disappearing.

By the time the salt and pepper haired gentleman would reach Clair, Calla was nowhere to be seen. Monroe would have recognized the bandages as the one he wrapped around Avenger's wrist.

While Grovershire and Diana spoke, Cassandra would notice the princess's disappearing act, and put a hand to her chin. "Now that's interesting..." She was near Calla Grovershire and Diana, but not paying attention to the conversation.
Diana smiled and chuckled,
"I am sure there are less destructive ways of getting a lady's attention" she replied with a gentle touch of her arm.
"Perhaps simply using your charm is more than enough for most ladies."

Clair took a deep breath.
"Yeah, I am pretty sure my resting heart rate has been like, a hundred or something, unless that's normal, then faster, it's crazy, want to feel?" she asked sticking her chest out toward her, not thinking as she started to get more comfortable around Calla.

"Huh? I don't? Wha-?" she replied as she left, not sure why she was saying that, and soon it was true, she lost her in the crowd and had no idea where she was once she lost sight of her.

As the man approached she jumped and placed a hand over her chest.
"Oh! You startled me, sorry a bit nervous" she admitted, seeming less nervous with him then the ladies.

Diana was too focused on her conversation to notice the princess the sneak away.
Grovershire nodded. "If that was my style. But, to coin a phrase, I'm a fighter not a lover." She patted the Amazon warrior's shoulder and looked over to Cassandra. Calla Grovershire had no idea that centuries later, her phrase would be misquoted with the two words switched.

Cassandra then took the opportunity to speak. "Dr. Monroe went to approach the princess and the inventor.... The princess just turned tail and ran through the crowd. Obvious ploy to avoid the good physician, but why? And why did she look scared? He probably only wanted to check her injury. Why would she run from the village doctor?" She looked between her older sister and the brunette Calla.

Calla frowned. "That IS odd. Sure she has a palace physician, but really. I would never mind a second opinion."

As Dr. Monroe reached Clair, he seemed surprised to see her by herself. " Don't worry about it. Wasn't the princess just here a minute ago? Gregor said to check her hand since it was bandaged. Do you know what happened, Miss Clair? How she injured it?"
Diana had a chuckle at her reply.
"Heh, a fighter, not a lover, I like it, mind if I use that?" she smiled and gave a gentle slap on her back.

Diana rubbed her chin in thought.
"Well some people are afraid of doctors, especially when they are sick or have a serious injury, but Calla is likely not the type. Perhaps if we ask the good doctor the right questions we can figure it out through deductive reasoning.

"Oh hello Dr. Monroe, umm, yeah she was, but she left somewhere?" she said looking around genuinely not knowing where she was.
"Oh her wrist? I'm afraid I don't know, admittedly I suppose I'm not too observant as I didn't notice the wound until it was mentioned to me." she blushed, embarrassed at that.
"Though as you know I'm pretty bad at even noticing my own, hehe, I couldn't count the number of times you had to tell me to come in sooner for injuries" she chuckled nervously, wanting to divert the subject.
Grovershire smirked. "Be my guest." The noble gave the Amazon a friendly nudge. "I never thought I'd see the day that tomboy would turn tail and run like some coward. Let me know what the doc says, hmm?" She looked at both Amazons.

Meanwhile Dr. Monroe chuckled. "If you must know, miss, five times in the last month alone. Once a week, average." A sigh. "Let her know her father wants me to assess her injury. Not that I don't trust the royal physician, he's an old study buddy of mine. We learned medicine together. This is to appease the King." He looked at Clair. "Remind the princess she doesn't get a vote on this. I'm to see her wrist before the end of the ball. She does NOT outrank her father."

After he left, Princess Calla made her way back to Clair. "I need to avoid him the rest of the night. Doctor Morgan is intelligent enough to know the way this is wrapped is how he himself wrapped it after the meeting and run-in with the ogre." She whispered to Clair once noticing no one around them.

Dr. Monroe would meet the Amazon Princesses not long after breaking from Clair. "Ah, Princess Diana. Princess Cassandra. A pleasure seeing you two tonight. How goes your kingdom, or since you run things for your mother, queendom?"
Diana gave a nod to Grovershire.
"Yes it is very odd, I know her to be not someone to run from anything, I will be certain to relay what I can." She agreed.

Clair blushed at her frequent injuries, her inventing and more so her experimenting, which often had painful results. Though she listened and nodded to the doctor.
"Yes, Dr. Monroe, I will relay your message verbatim" She agreed, taking a breath after he left.

"Oh!" She jumped again at Calla's stealthy return.
"Sorry, you umm, you heard that? You can only avoid his check so long, your father ordered it, so if not now then it will be later" She replied in a whisper.

Diana was looking for Calla as well, having left where Clair was when running into the doctor.
"Oh, Doctor, they go well, we are quite prosperous at the moment. Though I am afraid I have not heard the same for this Kingdom, it seems the land of man still has trouble with the unanimous support of your leaders, or if undeserving, the replacement of them" She replied.
The doctor nodded sadly. "Well as long as there are people like Igthorne, Prince John and knights that turn their backs on their oaths to the king... We're going to continue to have that problem here. Whether it's England or somewhere else." Deep breath. "I hear you have your own hero. Some warrior woman righting wrongs over there. Has your mother, like Gregor, called a truce with her? Or you, yourself approached her to properly knight her?" Word does travel, and they do share a border... At least the British Amazons share a border with the kingdom of Dunwyn.

Calla grimaced. "He's already checked it once. Who do you think treated me as the Avenger? I can't have him look at it, he'll know I'm the Avenger." She whispered with a shake of her head. "Unless..." She raised an eyebrow and smirked, "It's not dressed the same as it is now... We need to spot Lady Amethyst, unless you know how to wrap? After all, you and Lady Amethyst are the only ones who know my secret."
Diana nodded and smiled. "Yes, we have not only welcomed her but have her aligned with our own militia but then again, we have far lower crime rates" She replied, though she knew her home was by no means perfect, she still didn't think they were in a position where they needed a vigilante.
"You see, we believe if you fight against someone trying to stop the crimes, you just create more crimes."

Clair got nervous as she heard the doctor also treated the Avenger. They were both right, he could not see her hand bandaged like that, but her father would not rest until he checked her. But as she suggested re-bandaging it she smiled.
"Oh! yes I can do that, we just need somewhere quiet and some fresh bandages" She explained.
Dr. Morgan had to agree, nodding along with Diana's explanation. "I don't know if Gregor would go that far, as putting her in his army. There's plenty of strapping young men willing to fight for him. Most of Dunwyn wants to see her knighted, unfortunately, several knights would rather," he sighed and made a motion towards her, indicating what she had said, "throw her in prison. Whether it's the dungeon or the tower. She's been keeping the peace around here, and whoever she is, she's one hell of a detective. She should be knighted and become a watchman¹, or rather in Avenger's case: A watch woman."

Calla looked around for a place they could duck and be out of sight. "Do you think two or three of those linen face cloths," she motioned to the snack table, and an end in particular, piled with clean linen for ball attendees to wipe their mouths after snacks, "would work. I know just the place, the veranda overlooking the rose maze. We each grab a plate and face cloth, then use the face cloths to switch the bandages."

They would have to tear the face cloths into strips, however, to get the effect of bandages.

¹- 14th century police. They also served as the first responders of fire brigades.
Diana nodded.
"As much as Gregor has been one of the better Kings, I do agree that he has not yet seen the value of women in his army, I have also heard some of your knights want worse for her than to be imprisoned." She stated.
"Some of them I heard may still even be here tonight." She added looking around.

Clair looked at the linen.
"Well I suppose they could work, but proper medical bandages would be better, the doctor would definitely be able to tell the difference, He then may question the royal physician on why he used improper bandages" She replied in a whisper.
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