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I Want You To Be My Last (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She drank her wine, her blush crawling to her ears as she kept teasing him, feeling her bravery wavering.
She swallowed hard, she knew if she pushed further, he’d snap. And gods, the thought of that made her stomach flip.
"H-Here, Aphron help!" He said, shooting up from his seat. Maybe it would help take his mind off breeding her.
She gasped a bit and bumped into him, pausing before she dropped the plates snd glasses. “S-Sorry baby I didn’t mean to bump into you..!”
She was so sweet smelling, so intoxicating that it almost made him audibly moan. She blushed a bit and moved off to go put the dishes away.
Her scent was a little sweeter than usual. What was that? Some.. more enticing part of her scent that made his skull tingle.
She took a breath as she moved to rinse the dishes off, making a soft noise. Damn, this was exciting.
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