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I Want You To Be My Last (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He looked like he was going to cry - or lose his mind, whichever came first. "C...Can't...take it...~"
She made a soft noise, why was she so excited by all of this? She stopped, smiling a bit as she sipped her wine. “I’m sorry baby, I’ll stop teasing you over dinner~”
She nodded, smiling a bit. “I didn’t know it would be that bad, haven’t you been taking care of it..?” She asked.
“You..” she took a second, making sure she heard him correctly. “I know we haven’t been doing things, but.. you haven’t either..?” She asked.
Her face was a little red. “W-Well.. I guess you really will have to show me what you’ve learned this time..”
She nodded a bit and moved to finish her wine, unable to stop herself as she began teasing him again.
She let out a low whine. She wanted to be bold. “Y..Yeenoghu, you’re so hard already..~”
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