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I Want You To Be My Last (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She had set out some plates and moved to set out their food, her short skirt riding up a bit as she bent to collect the trash.
He stopped, frozen, as he stared at her form. He was instantly hard and throbbing, hands shaking so much that the glasses rattled gently.
She moved to the kitchen, making a soft noise. She wanted to make it more “romantic”, so she went to go grab some candles. They were in the top of the cabinet, and she was struggling to reach. “Baby, I need your height..~!”
She was leaning hard over the counter, reaching up at the top of the cabinet. “I need the candles but I can’t reach..!”
He throbbed and swallowed roughly before moving to press up against her from behind, reaching over her to get the candles, "All?"
She bit her lip. “B-Baby, you’re..” she cleared her throat, not wanting to embarrass him. “S-So helpful..~”
She bit her lip and took a breath, taking the candles. “M-Might need to get back before the food gets cold..~” she said.
He smiled and nodded, moving to sit at the table and dish up the food with her. He bought a ton of meat - mainly for hinself - but he was happy to share with her.
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