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I Want You To Be My Last (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

“N-Nothing..~” she said, looking back over her shoulder. “H-How much do you want me..~?”
She shuddered and cleared her throat. “Wh-Where do you want me..~?” She asked, pressing her hips back against his.
She let out a weak noise. “D-Did the wine make you bolder..~? O-Or the thought of making me your breeder..~?” She asked.
"Aphron know. Caeda take him good." He picked her up so he could unclasp her bra despite his instincts telling him to rip it off her. Once it was gone, he larches greedily onto her breast and reached to remove her panties.
She arched and let out a low moan as she tangled her fingers hard in his mane, her stomach flipping again and again.
He growled into her as he handled her roughly, teeth sinking into her flesh as his claws moved over her skin.
She shifted against him, panting and whining gently as he simply used her to relieve his own frustration.
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