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The 'Laugh You Lose' Game

Kiwa said:
So you bitch about me flaming people then call me a fag? Grats on the hypocrisy there. Also, calling someone a fag doesn't offend them when they're not an insecure child. You also don't hear anything, this is text. And since when is insulting people the only thing homosexuals do? You seem to have issues with homosexuals.

I have no problem with Gays I have a few gay friends. If it didn't offend you then why retaliate? I know where I stand with my sexuality and I am comfortable with it, or maybe you would understand if you would come out of that "Human shell" you speak of. Be gone, you are not with the internet space.
Kaios said:
Kiwa said:
So you bitch about me flaming people then call me a fag? Grats on the hypocrisy there. Also, calling someone a fag doesn't offend them when they're not an insecure child. You also don't hear anything, this is text. And since when is insulting people the only thing homosexuals do? You seem to have issues with homosexuals.

I have no problem with Gays I have a few gay friends. If it didn't offend you then why retaliate? I know where I stand with my sexuality and I am comfortable with it, or maybe you would understand if you would come out of that "Human shell" you speak of. Be gone, you are not with the internet space.
I am worth the space though. Mostly because I don't take everything so seriously. Loosen up and take the stick out of your ass.

And apparently you do have a problem with gays. You sound rather homophobic. I'm friends with black people but you don't here me calling random people "nigger" do you? Homophobe.
No, you know what, its the fighting and the arguing that takes the fun out of this.

So really just stop.
Anjeru said:
No, you know what, its the fighting and the arguing that takes the fun out of this.

So really just stop.

As you wish my dear, he isn't worth the effort anyway. He isn't even a challange.
Kaios said:
Anjeru said:
No, you know what, its the fighting and the arguing that takes the fun out of this.

So really just stop.

As you wish my dear, he isn't worth the effort anyway. He isn't even a challange.
Whatever makes you feel like a real man there, skippy.
Alright. Seriously, this is the last warning I'm extending; Stop. No more names, no jabs, nothing.

Kiwa, stop flaming. You had no reason to diss the picture; you started it and now I'm telling you to stop. This is the 3rd thread you've derailed with this stupid, non-essential, bantering bullshit.

Trygon has warned you twice. So stop it now, or you will get reported. And, depending on Trygon's thoughts, maybe even banned.

Last warning.

No more flaming, name-calling, dissing, or this bullshit, outside of PvP.


It's called Player Versus Player for a reason.
Anjeru said:
Alright. Seriously, this is the last warning I'm extending; Stop. No more names, no jabs, nothing.

Kiwa, stop flaming. You had no reason to diss the picture; you started it and now I'm telling you to stop. This is the 3rd thread you've derailed with this stupid, non-essential, bantering bullshit.

Trygon has warned you twice. So stop it now, or you will get reported. And, depending on Trygon's thoughts, maybe even banned.

Last warning.

No more flaming, name-calling, dissing, or this bullshit, outside of PvP.


It's called Player Versus Player for a reason.
What the hell? I didn't do any flaming for once. All I did was express that I thought the picture was stupid. He's the one that flamed, why am I the only one getting in any shit here?
Kiwa, back the fuck of or bad things will happen to you really, this is not a site for unlimited warnings unless you want to get banned then by all means keep doing what you're doing but when you do get banned and I do mean WHEN this will be a much better place.
Haha, trygon lost. :p

@Kiwa: By doing that though, you flamed Kaios' taste in humor. You've also unjustifibly flamed him in other threads as well. I have also warned him, so this is not personal, as you make it out to be.
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