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The 'Laugh You Lose' Game


I did not laugh...because...that just sort of...really, really creeped me out.

Dunno why.
Angel said:
Raven-Eve said:
OMFG I died... I didn't see this before and I was back tracking with my friends.... We all lost... so hard. >_<

^^Me and my hubby watched that video over and over again...and we LOLed hard each time. I had to post it XD
Thanks to the wonders of my work firewall blocking all youtubes and about 90% of the images (since most are hosted on image server sites like photobucket), I am immune to most laugh inducing content! I win! MUAHAHAHA!
I wanna do it with you...
I want you breathing hard and heavily next to me...
I want us both hot and covered in sweat.

So yeah... let's go jogging. ^^
Damn you, woman! How can I defend against normal text? My firewall doesn't block that!

(I lose. ;_;)
Raven-Eve said:
Angel said:
Raven-Eve said:
OMFG I died... I didn't see this before and I was back tracking with my friends.... We all lost... so hard. >_<

^^Me and my hubby watched that video over and over again...and we LOLed hard each time. I had to post it XD
I lost hard
I didn't laugh :\ do I win? every time I'd find something sorta funny something completely retarded would take the funny out : (.
Here's some funny shit that I have:




my personal favorite
Based on position he had to have fallen before even getting into the tub. He just bent over it. It isn't funny. It's just stupid.
Kiwa said:
Based on position he had to have fallen before even getting into the tub. He just bent over it. It isn't funny. It's just stupid.

Dude really, you claim that I suck the fun out of the internet but all I hear you do is flame...Like a big falming fag. Go suck your cockcicle somewhere else.
Kaios said:
Kiwa said:
Based on position he had to have fallen before even getting into the tub. He just bent over it. It isn't funny. It's just stupid.

Dude really, you claim that I suck the fun out of the internet but all I hear you do is flame...Like a big falming fag. Go suck your cockcicle somewhere else.
So you bitch about me flaming people then call me a fag? Grats on the hypocrisy there. Also, calling someone a fag doesn't offend them when they're not an insecure child. You also don't hear anything, this is text. And since when is insulting people the only thing homosexuals do? You seem to have issues with homosexuals.
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