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The 'Laugh You Lose' Game

If I was in that guys position I would take the blame though, argueing with woman like that usually ends with blood.
Though if she gets like that woman does often...I would just break up with her later.
I have had WAY too many psycho girlfriends and really I don't need another >.>
Neon Boy said:
I wonder who was able to fuck that, Mars? is that why it is a dead planet?

I woul think so. Could have been jupiter....Earth took all it had until it was one big gassy mass.
Kaios said:
If I was in that guys position I would take the blame though, argueing with woman like that usually ends with blood.
if you say so... my arguments usually lead to very angry and hostile sex.
which... is pretty nice.

or a walk. =/
Try to laugh at this one


Tis me in the vid I gave it the hug first.
Raven-Eve said:
OMFG I died... I didn't see this before and I was back tracking with my friends.... We all lost... so hard. >_<
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