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The 'Laugh You Lose' Game

Anjeru said:
Alright. First of all, Trygon and I both know Kaios in real life. So just because YOU don't see or read any reprecussions, doesn't mean there haven't been any! And all the times that I have seen Kaios retaliate was because YOU flamed.

Second of all, don't tell me to bugger off. I'm here to help BlueMoon and I bring new members in to help promote our community. And I report any bullshit I see. Which, my dear, is all that you spew; BULLSHIT.

One more word to me like this last one, I'm reporting you.

Simple as that.

Glad to know I am not the only one calling him out on it.
Trygon said:
Kiwa said:
Kaios said:
Kiwa, back the fuck of or bad things will happen to you really, this is not a site for unlimited warnings unless you want to get banned then by all means keep doing what you're doing but when you do get banned and I do mean WHEN this will be a much better place.
Oh yes because a world full of smarmy cunts like you is so much better.
Actually, he was warned, as well. I'm glad you seem to think you know more about what's going on in my job then I am, though. It makes it easier for me to ask you to give me one reason to not ban you right now. You know, since you're so informed about everyone's crimes.
I'm the only one who has been called out though, never once has he gotten any sort of big post threatening to ban him. And then he gets to fucking act like he's the better guy. If you want to ban me go ahead, it's just an internet forum. a forum full of thin-skinned crybabies at that.
Kiwa said:
Trygon said:
Kiwa said:
Oh yes because a world full of smarmy cunts like you is so much better.
Actually, he was warned, as well. I'm glad you seem to think you know more about what's going on in my job then I am, though. It makes it easier for me to ask you to give me one reason to not ban you right now. You know, since you're so informed about everyone's crimes.
I'm the only one who has been called out though, never once has he gotten any sort of big post threatening to ban him. And then he gets to fucking act like he's the better guy. If you want to ban me go ahead, it's just an internet forum. a forum full of thin-skinned crybabies at that.
Peace out, Kiwa. Your persecution complex won't be missed.
Trygon said:
almost had me. Sure force of will kept me alive. but that reminds me...


and a typical episode
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