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The 'Laugh You Lose' Game

Gotta love the internet, Wow. People who get bent out of shape like that take things too seriously.
Time for a terrible joke.

Why are oysters so greedy?

Because they're shellfish!

*badabum... tsssch!*
If we are going to jokes....

Three men are on a cruise ship when it crashes into a island, and they are the only three survivors. They start searching the island, and are caught by a tribe of cannibals. They are taken to their leader, who says "I'm going to give you three a chance to survive. Go into the forest and bring back 12 of any single type of fruit." So the three men disperse into the forest.

The first man comes back with 12 apples, and the leader says "Ok now, bend over, we are going to shove these up your ass. If you make any sound, we will kill you." The first man makes it to three before he screams in pain, and they kill him. The second man comes back with 12 grapes. The leader tells him the same thing. The second man makes it to 11 grapes before he starts laughing his head off, and they kill him.

Up in heaven, the second guy is approached by the first, who asks "Why did you start laughing!? You were about to get through!" The second guy says "The third guy came back with 12 pineapples."
Raziel99 said:
If we are going to jokes....

Three men are on a cruise ship when it crashes into a island, and they are the only three survivors. They start searching the island, and are caught by a tribe of cannibals. They are taken to their leader, who says "I'm going to give you three a chance to survive. Go into the forest and bring back 12 of any single type of fruit." So the three men disperse into the forest.

The first man comes back with 12 apples, and the leader says "Ok now, bend over, we are going to shove these up your ass. If you make any sound, we will kill you." The first man makes it to three before he screams in pain, and they kill him. The second man comes back with 12 grapes. The leader tells him the same thing. The second man makes it to 11 grapes before he starts laughing his head off, and they kill him.

Up in heaven, the second guy is approached by the first, who asks "Why did you start laughing!? You were about to get through!" The second guy says "The third guy came back with 12 pineapples."
Did you know that black is an absolutely retarded text color for a primarily dark forum theme?
The only time I'd use black text is if we're talking about some story something and there's a spoiler.

The fact that Snape killed Dumbledore. Yeah, I know it's overdone, but it gets the point across.

The black guy attracted to the huge white girl...

I can read german...
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Me too, it was also pretty awesome. and its on a loop, which I didn't notice til about the 6th time through.
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