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The 'Laugh You Lose' Game

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The first two are huge not the the third isn't big...
Part One

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _final.jpg</a><!-- m -->

Part Two

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... onnova.jpg</a><!-- m -->
Avatar said:

I died.

Avatar said:
Part One

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _final.jpg</a><!-- m -->

Part Two

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... onnova.jpg</a><!-- m -->

-laughs too hard-
Avatar said:
Part One

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _final.jpg</a><!-- m -->

Part Two

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... onnova.jpg</a><!-- m -->
I loved KH2. Not even a chuckle.

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Per Request:

So...a kid came into class today high as a fucking kite. The teacher started freaking out cause she thought he was sick, so she sent him to the nurse. She thought he was like, in shock or something, so she sent him to guidance. Guidance thought he was having a mental breakdown, so they sent him to the psych ward at the local hospital.

Hospital said he was high, and that everyone before them was dumb. xD
Nurse_K said:
Per Request:

So...a kid came into class today high as a fucking kite. The teacher started freaking out cause she thought he was sick, so she sent him to the nurse. She thought he was like, in shock or something, so she sent him to guidance. Guidance thought he was having a mental breakdown, so they sent him to the psych ward at the local hospital.

Hospital said he was high, and that everyone before them was dumb. xD
I did not Lol. D:
I know, but...D: there wasn't to much humor in it. Just idiots not knowing how to tell that a person is high.
Um, okay. You already said you didn't think it was funny, there's no reason to continue with your reasons why.
I shall make up for redundancy with a two part comedy thing.
[youtube][/youtube]Part 1
[youtube][/youtube]Part 2

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I posted them here after I posted them in the twilight......I can post other pictures but I was told some of them where funny....sorry.
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