The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

"More than you probably." Alex mused ,a confident smirk playing his face. "You have never had to break or manipulate an imp, forc ethem to tell you their dirty littel secrets. Or play a fun little game of sexual twenty questions witha succubus... There are things I've done that I be tyou in your life tiems hav enever even thought of." Alex added as he rolel dover onto his back, foldign his arms under his hea dint eh cockiest smile he had . Though it slipped away as eh sighed, realizing he probably would never get to have another adventure into the nether worlds, the portals of darkness or any of that like while he was stuck inthsi mansion. Each day it seeme dlike he would be stuck 'playing' with another girl.
"I doubt that but go on." Victoria let in the small comment but quietly listened. The way he spoke as if he had infinite wisdom over dominating magical creatures was quite amusing considering a day ago he was a young mortal. "All of that and yet you have no slaves? In fact you live quite the solitary life. Was a waste of talent." She stated as she eyed him. Thoughts were clearly forming in her mind as she paused. "You must meet Ferus. He will find you fascinating and the stories you would exchange, there simply would not be enough time in the night to tell them all." She pictured the two men sitting together all night gossiping like teenagers. "That will have to wait until after your training of course." She dismissed the thought as she decided to get back to her point. "I like you so I am going to give you a choice in where you rank here in the mansion. You can remain as you are a lowly slave cleaning floors and presenting your rear to maids and clients. Or you can become a Master and train incoming slaves. There will be plenty of imps and girls from places you have never even heard of to break." She offered him. "If you chose to be a trainer here you will get your own slave at some point and I will keep your beloved Mistress Cindy out of sight and mind... Most of the time." She reassured him to sweeten the deal.
alex sighed as she gav ehimt he options. He been through this before, there were no real options, she knew he dispised what had happene dlast night, and she knew what option he was going to pick, the idea mad ehim frown slightly making him feel as if she thougth she could manipulate him so easily. It almsot felt like signing in his surrender as he spoke, playing rigth into her hands. "I'll become a master if I must, but only until I find away out of this sess pool off bodily fluids." He added trying to add his distain to his setence, as if he actually struggle dwith the desicion. "So is that all you dragged me up here for?" He asked as he grabbed the sheets and rolel donto his side to face away form her, pulling the sheets over his shoulder as he let his head sink intot he pillows. "If so I had been plannign to rest tonight if the fates allowed. I migth be healed but you don't forget a nigth like that so soon.... no matter how much you ry."
He gave in easily but she could tell he was not happy to do so. That was fine. He would change "his mind he just needed time. The mansion took time to adjust too but it also had a way with becoming a home to men like him. She smiled as he rolled over. Her scarlet eyes stayed upon him for a moment. "There will be plenty of time for rest later." Victoria adjusted herself to where she was know lying in the bed behind him. Her robbed chest was pressed up against the covers on his back. Her arm curled around him and she rest her chin on his shoulders. "Tonight I want to get to know you a little better." She coed and kissed his neck to try hinting at what she wanted.

Soon he no longer felt anything pressing against his back. Instead the Mistress slide herself under the covers. When she came back up she took her time. He would feel cold flesh gently massaging his toes as if to feel their shape and size. Then the feeling went up the top of his foot past his anckles. There was a squeeze on his calves then trailed up again this time gently running up the back of his knees to give him that prickly tickle sensation. The tips of her fingers and nails next went to visit his thighs. They grazed up the sensative flesh. Then her hole hand followed the curved of his thighs groping the muscle and traveling up to once more get a nice squeeze on his firm butt cheeks. They really were nice. Her hands traveled back around following down the crevice of his pelvis she pressed against his flesh giving the slightest pressure. She touched every space of flesh but somehow manage to skip his family jewls as her hands traveled up over his belly button and washboard abs. They trailed over his man pecks. Her fingers curled over each shoulder and thumbs massaged into the front muscle briefly before her hands cupped around his neck. At this point her head had surfaced from beneath the covers and was even with his. Her hands slide back onto his shoulders and pushed him onto his back. Then flawlessly she rolled over to lie onto of him. Her arms were folded beneath her separating her chest from his. Still Victoria said nothing while her eyes deeply gazed into hazel eyes. The candle light flickered making them sparkle, in reverse it looked like fire in her scarlet eyes. Whether he pulled away or not she leaned in and planted her lips on his, kissing him passionately with a very soft moan. Her fingers traveled up out of instinct to gently clasp at his neck, not enough to cut off the air supply he did not need, simply to have something to grasp.

Pulling out of the kiss she gasped in a single breath of air creating an erotic sound as she sat up, her knees straddling his abs. She untied the tie to her robe and pulled it from the loops so the fabric would open. The robe slide open, falling from the front of her body like one was opening drapes to reveal a set of matching red corset and panities. They looked to be made completely of sheer lace. The corset fit snug against her thin form and the lace supported and outlined her supple breasts perfectly. It was almost as if it was drawn on her body. There were even red stones sewn into the lace to make her body sparkle each moment one caught the candle light. She looped the thin silk ribbonlike material that had served as the belt tie behind his neck with one hand on each side and lifted his head up at an angle so that he could get a closer look. "If you play your cards right you might get to know me a little better too." She coed then let go of the tie so that he could fall back into the pillow.
She knew just what to say, he gave her that, her corny little lines of seduction made teh man crack a soft smirk as he felt her chin on his shoulder. The whoel atmosphere was comforting, after such a hectic tiem the nigth before, this short conversation , her welcomign bed and soft body upon his mad ehim feel , well, comfortable for once sens ehe became a vampire. He was abotu to turn and face her when she slipped form him, leaving him int eh dim light, seemingly alone, he heard the rustling of the sheets, though only assumed it was her getting out of the bed as he sighed and close dhis eyes again figuring she changed her mind.

He nearly kicked her hard when he felt her hands touch hsi feet, just out of surprise, btu as he calemd he grinned, his eye sclosign again to enjoyt he feel of her hands trace over the body, atleast now that he was a vamprie her touches no longer felt cold on his skin. He anxiously wited as she got to his butox, his member already throbbign and ready for her, but a touch never came, even as she glided furhter up his body her large bossom seemed to totally miss even scrapping his seneative member. Once mroe he knew she was an expert at treating a man, his eyes openign as her head slippe dfromt eh sheets and their vision locked.

She hardly had to touch him to get him to roll onto his back, he kenw what was comign and that please smirk on his face stayed as he got lost in ther fiery stare. He didn't knwo if he was truely tired or just glad to finally ahve a nigth like this, btu either way he felt liek putty in her hands as their lips touched, the man teasign hookign his fang on ehr bottom lip as she puleld away, wishign to keep the moemnt for a little bit longer. And as she pulled the belt around his neck his eye staye don ehrs, hoping to once mroe lean up and meet them, though she stopepd fort and he had not been proping himself up on hsi arms so he soon fell back otnot he soft matress.

Fianlly he gaiend enough sense to begin moving on his own again, his ahnds slippign formt eh sheets to find hers befoer she could attach them to his body again, his thumb hooking on the silken belt as his other fingers entwined themseles in hers ."You make ti sound like..."Alex finally spoke, hsi voice soft but full of confidence as he slowly pushe dup on her hands while his back curle dup to raise his hea dto her bossom again, the man biting his lip to forc ehimself from barrying his face betwen her perfect bossom. Isntead he pushe dont he matress with his feet slidignhis body under herso her soft bottom llay on hsi hip now, his throbign memebr jsut barly brushign at the lacey wall betwene their flesh as he was able to pull his chest farther up now, his ahdn raisign hers above her head as his lips finally gave in and found her neck, hsi hair drapign over her shoulder as he tilted his ehad , sucklign onthe soft flesh, teeasing her with the tip of his fangs whiel hsi hands still plaey dwiht hers above them, crosign her wrists beore he let go,his pinky takignt he sily belt with htem as he blindly tried to begintieing her wrist together, if he succeeded he would make a weak not, strong enough to hold, but still weak enought hat it would break before tehfabric would tear. "I don't already know what i need to." HE finsiehd as his lips left ehr flesh to breaht softly upon her ear, his fac ehiden in her scarlet hari.
As Victoria teased the boy she could tell in his movements that he was putty in her hands. His rebellious attitude had left his mind. He wanted her. He was giving into the lust. And it was not the giving in attitude he had displayed before. This was genuine. Her finger's coiled into his as he push himself up to reposition himself. She did not have to look down to know where his manhood stood. She followed his movement allowing to lift her arms up and tie her wrists together. Her wrists pulled to test how strong he had tied the ribbon. She could not help doing so, she was curious. Excitement ran through her body like a sudden wave. He was taking advantage of his resources. She liked that. Her neck craned to the side to allow his fangs access. "Mmmm.." the sound seductively echoed in her throat.

She smirked at his comment. "There is so much more to learn." She reminded him. Her arms bent where her hands settled behind her head. For a moment she looked as if she were under arrest. She was a hooker caught in action. Victoria arched her back more with the thought. Her chest heaving lightly in lust.

Her arms then lifted up to loop over his shoulders and rest behind his head. Her right knee shifted, sliding over the smooth sheets as she lowered herself down an inch or so. She shuddered as she felt the head of his cock press up into the lace of her panties. Her pussy twitched as she felt the heat between her legs, the desire was growing to fully sit but she resisted. It was too early for that. Neither of them was fully ready. She squezed the muscles in her thighs once to tease, squeezing the tip of him within the folds of the fabric. Then she relaxed and began to slowly shift her hips back and forth teasing herself as she felt the soft lace rub against her. "Show me how much you want this." She commanded in a soft lustful voice refering to what was happening between her legs.
"You don't get to tease me." Alex growled out as the girl rubbed upon his heated member, both of his hands grabbing her shoulders as he twisted hsi body to spin them both around and pin her to the matress. "If I'm am to be a master, than no one teases me, unless I wish it." He hissed ton her ear as his hands slipep dform her shoulders, slidign over her cold flesh to fidn her breasts, his thumb rolling over her nipple as each figner took their turn t press softly into her bossom, massagign the balloons. Hsi teeth nipped and tugged at ehr ear lobe while his hip moved down to press the tip of his penis upont he cold wet spt on her lingerie, rubbing at the silk to tease her now. "I know atleast three ladies willing to have me in there bed tonight, in thsi mansion alone.... what make syou think I would work for your love?" He asked ina scolding tone as if lecturing the scarlet haired vapmire as his lips moved down, each word he exhaiel dhard just to let his breaht tease her flesh till her got to her neck and he lightly bit at it, kissign and nipign the flesh a he searched for the bite mark that had turned her.
To her pleasant surprise, Alex pulled off the most attractive thing he had done all night. He took charge and in a matter of minutes he tried turning the tables around. He actually pinned the Mistress beneath him. His hissing sent a shudder down her spin. It was spoken like a true Master. It had been a while since anyone has spoken to her that way. Most of the time she had slaves groveling at her feet or obediently beaconing on her every word. It was arousing to have such a dominating force in her bed. The question was, could he keep hold of her expectations? Was he all talk? He was certainly doing a good job so far.

His lustful nibbles at her flesh and massaging fingers were working wonders on her body. Her chest heaved in heat. Her arms released themselves from around his neck and fell back above her head. Her shoulderblades pushed against the matress to heave her breasts up against his fingers yet his scholding did not deter her in the slightest. Unlike the weaker girls, who would have coward into submission at this point, Victoria smirked. "You are a Master not MY [i/] Master." She corrected him. Victoria casually turned her head to the side to give him more flesh to greedily nip. "With a snap of my fingers I could make it to where not a single monster in town would go to bed with you." She coed. Then in a blink of an eye the Mistress switched their positions from lazily lying on the bed to something much more clingy.

Victoria's legs curled around Xander's back. Using natural Vampire speed and strength she pushed her elbows against the matress. That force alone allowed her to come up. Her body pressed against his, pushing him up, his back against headboard with a thud. Her thin fingers took a hold of his wrists, pulling them up away from her chest. After the motion was over and done he was sitting up against the wall with the Mistress startling him. Her legs were closed around his waist, her wet panties still pressed against his cock. In all it was a swift violent motion that had the boy pinned to the wall. She held his wrists up together above his head while her scarlet lips found his pale ear. "If you don't earn my love, then you get love from no one Casanova." She coed. Her tongue traced the inner crevice of his ear before she sucked on the lob. "So you better make a wish or try again."
He couldnt help but have the most satisifed grin on his face as she flipped him onto the wall."you don't know how hot you are right now" alexander mused into her own ear, tilting to give it as soft kiss while his hands wriggled from her grasp and he gripped her wrists again, this time in only one hand while the other played with the exrra strand on her belt at rhe end of the knot he made. "See there is one little problem with your power" he added with a soft whisper, his body thrusting forward at her, she was ontop of him, she might be stronger than him but he was heavier than her, he used it to his advantage as he slammed her onto the matress on her back, his hair falling around the two to hide their faces in a black sheet. "You have to be able to snap your fingers." He mused as he leaned down to press his lips ontk hers, forcing his tongue into her mouth to snake around and tasre the mistress' flesh. It was all a little deception though , his hair hiding her from the spark of light as he embeded the knot with magic while he tied the extra end to the bed post, a grin on his face as he pulled back wincing from the pain. "Doesnt hurt as much when the target isnt organic" he said, he had to move before she put two to two together, his hands on the end of the bed as he hefted himself up to a hand stand above the misrress, giving her a wink before fliping off the bed and heading toward the door, the vampire cradling his hand as he waited for the nerve ending to heal. "Sit tight while i get a bite to eat...its no fun if your prey is fighting on an empty stomach now is it?" Alex chuckled out ad he reached the door and went to slip out to leave the mistress there tied and waiting
Victoria's scarlet lips curled up at the sound of his voice. The boy had a wild kinky side. He may not admit it but he liked being dominated. She knew it. That was why weak little Cindy drove him so madd. She noticed his hands switching but did nothing. She wanted him to take control again. It was the fun of this game of cat and mouse. You give the mouse a little freedom and when he thought he was safe the cat pounces. This little mouse thought her plan was flawed. "There is?" She coed to his comment questioning him in amusing curiousity.
A small laugh escaped her lips she was once again on her back, her sight hidden in his hair, his beautifully silk hair. Her scarlet eyes fixed in his, just as she was craving it their lips locked. Her legs uncoiled from his waist to dig into the mattress. A sigh of content exhaled in heated breathe when their lips finally parted. Then she noticed something unusual instead of satisfaction their was pain distorted in his face. She had not gotten to that part yet.

Victoria raised a brow watching in confusion as he pulled away. It took a moment to register what was going on. Pain from an inorganic target. Her eyes shifted to the belt that was now connected to the bed. She would have been excited if he was not headed towards the door. Victoria tugged on the bindings. It was strong, much stronger than before. He was sneaky. Internally she was beaming from ear to ear on the outside she had to try her hardest to hide it with a scowl. She tilted her head up, her hair curtaining around her face as she glared towards the door. "Hurry back... I'm not finished with you." She replied, even though she knew she could be stuck there for a while she would not admit he had won this round. When he left Victoria dropped head lazily in the sheets relaxing. She wanted to be mad. Instead she chuckled with pride. This one was fun. Victoria decided she would play his game. She would stay in place for a short while, curious if he would really return. "Mmm..." Victoria softly moaned in the dark solitary room. Her back arched in the sheets and her limbs stretched against the silk bed sheets like a horny cat when she thought about the deliciously rough night she would have. Relaxing her muscles again Victoria snuggled her body against the soft silk sheets, curling her knees as she got herself comfortable.
"But I haven't decided...if I'm finished with you or not." Alex mused as he closed the door behidn him, leavign her to ponder how long she would be stuck, though he knew if she wanted she could probably find away to break free, you don;t becoema msitress of a place liek this without being soem kind of Houdini. So the moment the door clicked shut he headed downt eh hall ina quick walk, not wantign to look too hurried, and not stopping to fidn soem set of clothing, instead he was more worrie dabotu where he was int eh mansion. He hadn't been lieing, his stomahc was empty and he coudl feel the hunger set in. The only problem was the only kitchen's he knew abotu were otn eh first and maybe secodn floor(he wasn;t so sure where he had fed last night) and as he looked down the stair well he knew he was on the third floor, ro atleast he hopped, afte how he broke in and found the kitchen to be bigger, he wasn't sure if the mansion its self was mroe than three floors.

Still he rushed down the stais, skippign steps when he could, and givign a nod and a smile to each maid he passed, most were unphased by him ,others oggled his naked body, and even some seemed startled to see him disrobbed. It wasn't till her hit what he thought was the groudn floor that he smelt it, his eyes flashign yellwo as the smell of fresh blood fille dhis nostrils, there was somethign ff about the scent, though he didn;t care, he jsut hope dthe sccent would lead him tot he kitchen as he weaved throught eh hallways.

He was in a blind rush byt he time he turned the corner, his nose fileld wihte h scent, literally now as his face slamemd intot eh shoudler of a strangers body. Alex stumbeld a few steps back, bewildered at what had happened, it took him a moment btu as the chuckel of the stranger reached his ears he began to realize. What stood infrotn of the vamprie now was a man, abotu halkf a foto shorter than Alexander, though he was a tall man so most men and women stood shorter thant eh vampire. What stood out abotu thsi man dressed in a tuxedo, tail and all, was his conplection, the mans skin was a dark earthy brown, almsot unnatural looking, his hair was a direct cotnrast too it being a bright green, short and spiked up with random purple highlights streekd through it, he wasn't human, or atleast that's what the vmaprie figured when he saw the mans pointed ear. Human or not he smelt fo fresh blood, he was alive.

"Ho there fabio, where are you goign in such a rush?" Teh elf mused as he looked a the bewildered vampire, he had aquanted himself with every vamprie male int he mansion, atleast every preminent one, there weren't many. "You must be new here, names Darragh, you can call em Dare though, most humans, elt alone americans, can pronoucne my name correctly." Teh elf chuckeld out, extendign a friendly hand that Alexander seemed to shy away from.

" can call em Xander..... you, you're alive, not a vampire." Alexander spoke, confused lookign at the hand, he wasn't expectign soem one still breathgin to be so calm inthe middle of this mansion, still he shook his head he didn't care rigth now. Slowly the vamprie straigthend his bakc and cleared his thoat. "Where is the kitchen?" Alex asked, nto lettign the buttler answer the question of why he was here. Dare could see the weakness itn eh vmapries eyes, he was starving, he was used to theat look, and he wouldnt try and carry on a conversation with a potential predator, instead the elf sighed as he ointed behind Alexander. "Down that hall, take your first left and the third door on yoru right, now hurry along Xander, who everr stripped you must be waitign eagerly." Dare mused as his dark green eyes scanend over the vampires muscular body as he nodded a thank you and walked off towards the kitchen.
Alex was blind to anythign but the fridge Cindy had shown him the moemtn he steppe dintot he kitchen, the thirstign vamprie went straight to it withotu a secodn though, openign the door and pullign randomly formt he stacks that were seperated by blood type, gender even disease, the bottom drawers were filled with animal blood, once mroe he didn;'t much care as he puleld formt eh O- female slot and sclossed the door grinnign eagerly as he opene dhis mouth. Though he stopep dmid bite, his eye brow raising as he looek do the larger fridge next to it. Curiousity beat hunger as he swung the doubel doors open , hsi eye sgoign wide as he saw it stakce d full with fresh food, mostly frutis and vegitables, curiouslyt he man looked around, once more anotehr door next to teh fridge, this one he swugn inwards to see the meat locker, he didn't much question why they had so much food, though now an idea came to mind. He wasn't goign to feed off the living, and the blood packs were sub par. Instead the vampire began searchign througthe h locker, stakign one slow barefoot step after another, glad he didnt need warmth as he shugfled through the cold corridor. The boy jumping nearly out of his skin when soemthign mvoed formteh corner of his eye, the man shifted quickly ready for anything, and yet he wasn't ready for what he saw. A female vampire hung their, wrsts chaien dto a meat hook, danglign her nearly a foot higher then she coudl reach, though he wasnt sure of ehr actual heigth. Teh girls body was twisted, bakc arched as she groudn into her ball gag, her lower body beign puled and dropepd by a secodn large hook that hung form teh ceiling and into her vagina, the look seeemd morbid at first though as eh focuse dhe noticed the hook turned to rubber or atleast was covere dby rubber as it enter the girls body, he figured there was soemthign fallic at he end byt eh way the girls toes curled and body shuddere d every tiem teh chain was puleld against her inards. Teh vampire watched confused at the display of sexual torture,t hat ws utnil he looke dup and saw teh video camera hooek dup next tot he crank ont eh chaisn. "Thsi place is twisted." Alexander mused with an awkward chuckel as he walked awayy while the girl gav eotu antoehr groanign scream.

His concentrationw as broek every time he hear dhte chains rattle and the girl groan, it wasn't too hard to ignore, but his sense of smell was was hieghtene dby his hutnign inctinct, the raw flesh hanging aroudn him was bad enough but the girls sexual stench made it hard form him to concentrate. Oen or two tiems he weven turend planning on takign the girl up tot he room wit eh mistress. instead he awlays stopepd back to hsi eearch, in all it took him ten mintues to find the rigth peice of meat befeor he hurried formt eh meat locker closign it to silence the girls moans form his ears as he turned and threw the slab off por onto the cutting board int eh center fo the ktichen. Witht hat he went abotu throwign opent eh cuboard still he foudn the spices, grabbign those with the veggitables formt eh fridge. he took a knfie cuttign everythgin in a hasty manor, he didtn care abotu unifrom cookign rigth nwo, the tiem wasted int eh locker mad ehis stomach crunch up as if it were a black hoel eatign awa at his inards. he threw everythign ina pot fileld with water, not even measuring he spices that he splashed in befoer settign them to a full boil and falligng to eh floor with a groan whiel he waited for eveyr thign to boil. Eveyr few secodns he woudl take a nip at he blodo pack he had, lettign a few drops fall on his tongue and down his throat. The boy was un settled hungery and horny now as he coudltn evne seem to loose his erectiona s he sat there, his own hand slowly massagign the shaft as he waited, he culd still hear the faitn moans frotm eh meat locker, the scent of the girl still strong in his mind. The only thing that stopepd him froma full masturbation was the sound of water sizzligna s it hit the gass flame, quickly he got up and began poorign the rest of his blood bag intot eh soup as he stirred, sadly only a quarter wsa left and he quickly moved to get mroe fromt eh fridge as he let the soup boil over, not ina straigth enough midn to rememebr to turn downt he flame.
Cold air hissed from beside the freezer as the door to the meat locker cracked open. Cold air seeped from the opening like an eeiry fog. Yellow catlike eyes gave the illusion of glowing through the thin white fog. With the door open the sound of clanking chains and moans were thick in the air. A girl who looked as if she had stepped out of an elder episode of strawberry shortcake popped her head into the room. Curiously she took a minute to watch the boy trying to cook. Her nose scrunched in distaste. 

"Don't do it like that." He heard her voice before he could see her full form. In a fast vampire like pace she skipped over to the man, planted her foot on his knee as he was on the floor and used it as leverage to jump onto the counter top. She crouched down with her elbows pointed out and hands on her chin. Wide mustard brown eyes peered into the pot. She shook her head frantically. "Oh dear. Oh dear. Oh dear. This is all wrong!" she fussed dramatically. This will never due! You can't cook blood like that!" frantically the girl knocked the blood packet from his hand before he could do anymore damage. 

A split second later she was standing on the opposite side of Alex. "Good thing I was here to save the day." playfully she bumped her hip against his to push him away from the stove. "This MIGHT be salvageable. Step aside and watch me work my magic." The girl who was known as Cherry around the kitchen looked at him long enough to give a smile. Then she went to work lowering the flame of the fire and preparing her own ingredients.
Alexander barely had time to look away fromt he stew when he wass put upon by his asailent,t he girll hopped form his body to the counter forcing him bakc ot he ground again with a soft 'hmph' as air escaped his lungs. he ahd gotten up witha growl, brushign off his knee where ti was red from her foot when hew as once mroe pushed away by the tiny pale maid. Teh vampire was confused distrot and a little iritated as she took him form his meal.

"Where did you... why were you....why ARE you....WHAt the...wait a second.." Alex tried gettign his frustrated words out but eahc sentence was interupted by a moan a clank or a scream that echoed from the. Sighing the man gave in and stomped over to the huge metal door, his movements far less intimidatign when he didnt have any shoes on to echo each frustrated step, what did finally make soudn was him slammign the metal doro shut with a load bang before he turned aroudn, his head droppign low as he sighed, his ears finally free again fromt eh constant barrage of sexual arrousal. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!?" Alexander finally got otu as his head flipep dback up, hsi face twisted in anger as he stomped bakc ot hte gril, not botherign to push away as instead he hovere dover her, his body loomign over the surprisingly cheery cook. "WHAt give syout eh rigth to stop my meal? I was nearly done.. do you knwo how long that took!?" He added, his hands thrustign to geture to all the cut vegitabels and the empty blood pack at the work station.
Her shoulders hunched at the sound of the slammed door. Unlike the other weaker girls he had met previously in the mansion, his attitude did not appear to affect her at all. She glided around the kitchen gathering spices and fresh blood bags and returned to the stove. She was humming a cheerful melody with her hips swaying as if she was doing a little dance. The skirt of her dress fluffing as she moved. "I am cooking." She responded simply. The girl stuck a wooden spoon in the pot and hesitantly tasted his concoction. Her lips persed in like a fish as if it was sour "Blah" she rolled out her tongue.

A pinch of spice was added, two blood packets carefully poured and mixed in, then she added a few other vegetables into the pot. Soon his shadow was hovering over her. The girl turned to face him. "This is my kitchen that's why." She tilted her head up and stuck her tongue out at him. Her hands soon coming to her hips. "You are a little cute when you are mad." She added. "Your cheeks turn red." The girl mused. Then she turned back to the pot, lifting up on her toes so that she could stir it. "It shouldn't take you that long." She turned off the stove and moved the pot onto one of the cool stove top. The vampire heaved in a deep breathe and jumped up in the air. Instead of going down her body sort of hovered for a few seconds with her butt sticking up. She blew a light frost over the top of the pot. Then softly landed back on her feet. She scooped a spoon full of the cooled stew into the spoon then turned and shoved it into his mouth. "Try this." She said pulling the spoon back and watched him anxiously with doe like eyes. "What do you think?"
"Your kitchen, how does a tiny thing like you-" Alex pause din his retort when she stuck her tongue otu at him, his rage and frustration buildign as he was about to blow up on her, the tan vampires muscles tensign as he openene dhismouth wide to yell at her, scold her, anythign to put her in her palce. He was Xander the great, he was hte man who jsut tie dup the head msitress of this whole mansion to a bed post just minutes ago, and here was this girl half his size pushign him around,, he was goign to have none of it. And then liek that his mouth was shut as she calel dhim cute, baffled he was still frustreated, but now conflicted, sh ehad been teasign him now too, he wante dto be angery at her still btu she had guts. "I... I'm not cute... I'm Handsome." He mumble under his breath before watchign her literally float about. He wasn;t goign to deny beign spoon fed as he putt his lips tot he fwooden ladel and sucke dint he broth. The warm liquid flowign down his throat, the heat seemignt o seep through his body as he got some real blood sustanance into his stomahc tonight, bnut that wasnt all, it was bareable, ti wasn jsut blood he tasted, he got a mouth full of flaver, the salt of the blodo seemign to make every ingredient pop in his mouth as he sotodo their wide eyed. "ITs good.... Its great actually, how do you know how to cook liek that?" Alexander asked as he stepepd towards ehr to look down into the pot curious as to what she added tha tmade his watery blood turn itno soemthign that tasted like a lovign mother cooked up for their sickly son. And then it begna clickign in hsi ehad, what if she could make more? "What else cna you do? how good of a cook ar eyou?" He asked eagerly sniffing the broth, unable to take hismelf away form it, though to that down side the vamprie coudlnt go and get a bowl for himself, and he wasnt uncivilized enough to eat form the pot.
The mini cheif beamed with pride, her chest held high and her chine up as he marveled at her cooking. This was her favorite part. It was not often that she had new people trying her cooking and once again it was a hit. "It's sort of my job here... When Mistress Alyson isn't working." She added lowly. The girl easily walked from under him and pulled a bowl from the dishwasher. She lept back onto the counter, it seemed to be her favorite place.

She filled the bowl with the stew and handed it over to him. "Here you go. Enjoy." She laughed at his eager questions, not at him but out of seeing someone so happy from her cooking. "What else do you want?" she asked him in response to his question letting him assume she could cook anything. Once he had the bowl she spun onto her bottom, sitting on the counter with her legs down and feet pressed against the counter beneath her. "My name is Naomi by the way." She finally introduced herself while pushing the brim of her glasses up with a finger.
"Mistress?" Alex mused curiously, his brow cockign up quizzically as he watched her. She had a msitress tha twasn't Victoria, but then she could be liek him with Cindy, still tiw as a curious idea that there were so many 'mistress' in the mansion here. In his experience Masters never liked competition, he himself would never let an udnerling hav ehte taste of power or experience, they migth ge teh idea to over throw him. And yet here was Victoria and atleast two other Mistress' and he didn;t even knwo this Alyson, what if she was a co-owner with Victoria, hereally wasn;t givent hat godo of a description of hte mansion when he was tasked to infiltrate it, he was beginign to wonder if they had expecte dhim to failt hsi whoel time. His train of thought stopepd as the girl handed himt eh bowl which he eagerly accepted, turnign his droolign gapign motuh into a thiankful smile.

"Well Naomi, I'm fien with anything you want to make, though I would be curious to see somethign with beef, I havent had a steak in months." Alexander said, admiting to his poverty, though it wasnt that he lacke dmoney, it was jsut hard to cook and store many meats in his little hovel he ahd caleld home. "Wait! No how 'bout something sweet? A dessert, lets see if lil' miss maid can cook up a bloody sweet" xander mused reasing ly giving a confidenr smirk "And you can call me Xander, Master Xander if you wish." Teh vamprie said with a grin and a wink befoer he began walkign away fromt eh girl, surely he wanted to stay and talk, watch her cook, maybe even get soem fun time in, but he could see the yellowish glow the roomw as taking and he knew he neede dto feed soon so he lef the girl as he walekd throught he kitchen door to sit quietly at the same table he had saved a girl on the nigth before.
"Bloody sweets huh?" She tilted her head as she thought about his request. "I can do that!" She reassured him with the utmost confidence. She was a little confused when he walked out the kitchen after only stating his name. That was strange. She knew he was a new Master in the Mansion, one of the higher leveled masters, yet all he requested was food. He did not even ask her to feed it to him or join him. He was an odd one. Naomi giggled aloud to herself. She just might like him.

Leaping off the counter Naomi decided she needed to get to work on that desert. "It's not going to make itself... or is it." An idea instantly came into her head on what she would make him and how she was going to do it. Quickly she raided the freezer and cabinets for the ingredients needed. Then she placed them all on the countertop, one item placed to the other carefully in a neat single file line. First the milk, then eggs, then flower, then cherries, ice cream, strawberries, whipped cream, blood, more blood, pans and utensils. She muttered a silly incantation and waved her hands in front of her. In less than a minute, in place of all the ingredients sat a ready made desert. It was a freshly baked cherry and blood pie with three scoops of strawberry icecream, surrounded by a ring of sliced strawberries. The ice cream was covered in dripping O- blood with a swirl of whipped cream topped off with a cherry. The girl leaned in and deeply inhaled the scent of the pie. She sighed it looked delicious. She stuck a fork in it then made her way out the kitchen with the pie saftly in her hands.

Naomi paused at the door, peeking into the table where Xander had just taken his seat. Curiously she watched him. He really was going to feed himself! Was there something wrong with her? Was she unattractive? Naomi considered this to be an insult but decided to test her theory before she got upset. She was not the best slave in the house but she certainly was not the worst. "I am back with you're bloody sweets." She chimed as she glided into the room and held the pie out to the man before placeing on the table.

"What are you doing?" She asked him curiously. The girl stood beside him looking at Xander with her mustard eyes as if eating with a spoon was very strange. Naomi moved behind him and pulled his chair out from beneath the table, leaving at least a foot between him and the table so that he couldnt quit reach for the next bite. "Xander, Is this the first time you have been a master?" She asked him as she went in front of him. Naomi looked down at his cock. It was stiff and thick. That was a good sign. Perhaps there was hope for her. She leapt onto his waiste without an invitation, each of her legs going through the armrest to stick straight out behind the chair. She took the spoon from him with one hand while she blindly reached down to grasp his cock. Pink rushed to her cheeks when she realized how thick it felt in her hand. It practically had a pulse. He must be aroused by this. So she continued. "I have never seen a Master who feeds himself when there is a girl present." She told him as if he was being silly. She scooped some of the soup into the spoon. "Open up, here comes the airplane." She joked with a giggle as she brought the spoon to his mouth.
Xander hadn't gotten ten spoonfuls in when the girls voice chime dout next to him, his mouth wide open as he was int he middle of a btie when she appeared, he cocke dhis brow curiously still mid bite as he looked a the obviously fresh pie. His mind spun ideas as to how or why she had the delicious dessert done befoer he was even half way trough his meal, let alone done wihtin five minutes. "I'm....eating..." He said hesitantly, he didn;t know if that was the answer she was looking for, obviously soemthign troubled her, though he didn;t much care rigth now as he finally shove hte spoon in his mouth to once more let the warm broth flow down his throat, he could feel it, the blood seepign through his body, makign him feel as if he were alive again, it was wonderful, and all with the added bonus of not acutally tasting of blood.

She continue dto talk with him thoughevne as he proceeded to try and eat, her questions confusign him. Waht was he doign so wrogn that mad eher question his pwoer? with a sight he vmapire sat bakc, slumping int eh chair as he was pulled form his food, he was beginign to get irritated with the little one. She was adorbale, kenw how to dress to make herself charming and sexy at he same time, and yet didn't knwo when a man jsut wante dto eat. "It is my first time being.. this kind of master... why?" He asked as she circled aroudn him, his eyes widenign as she hopped on him forcign himt o sit straigth so as she didn't smash his precious member inadvertantly. There she was , close as could be now, a smirk slippign upon his face as her fingers wrapped aroudn his member, he was begingin to understand now. In his blind thrist he had forgotten how these girls must be raised and trained, evne the most innocent was dirty to the core. "You are cute when you blush." Alex teased back, sendign bakc her little quote form earlier, the grin slippign as she tease dhim lieka baby. he woudl have been insulted if it didn;t fit her persona so well, so after a seocnd he opend his mouth and tookt he tew to let the liquid sit on his tongue, letting he flavor seep aroudn every taste bud befeor eh got an idea. Hsi hands were free now, allwoed todo what he pleased, and with them he groped a the girls but with one,t he other twisting aroudn ehr waist to pull her toward shim as he pulel dhte cspoon form his mouth. Gettign ehr close enough to plant his lips on hers. Skillfully he snaked his tognue out to press upon ehr lipss, metnaly her chuckled as he tasted the strawberry gloss, he waited tillshe opene dher lips for hima dn then he did the same, letting the soup seeop formhis mouth to hers befoer he puleld away. "How many masters hav eyou done this with?" HE mused curiously as he pulled bakc, waiting for the next soonful as his hand relaxed to drop form her waist, both hands resting comfortably ont he girls skit covered bottom.
There was a fault to being a girl. When one was told they were blushing the natural female reaction was to blush even deeper. To say they were cute only added fuel to the fire burning in her cheeks. It was embarrassing but Naomi was no different. Alex's tease made her cheeks turn a deeper shade of pink. She pretended not to notice how easilly she could be influenced.

Luckily he was catching onto the master thing. His lips kept her from saying anything as he pulled her forward into a kiss. It was a pleasant surprise that made the girl let out a soft moan of approval. His hands were on her lower back and groping her smooth bottom. Now was the time to prove how good of a kisser she was. Naomi parted her lips to let his tongue in. Her tongue wiggled around his. That was when something wonderful met her taste buds. Her eyes grew wide for a moment and her hand gave his cock a quick squeeze. When he pulled away she washed the soup over her tongue and swallowed. Her cheeks had now turned from a deep pink to a bright cherry red. Even her nose gathered some color at the tip. She could not remember the last time she had been kissed like that and the stew really did taste good. Again she tried to play it off as she scooped some stew into the spoon and began to feed him more. The other hand, which had not done much as of yet, had begun to gently stroked the thick man meat beneath her fingers. She shifted her hand up and down the shaft at a steady fairly normal pace. "Not very many at all." She answered him honestly though it was apparent that she was embarrassed to confess so little. "I am not a top seller." She informed him. In honesty that was an understatment. She was worth much less than the other maids in the mansion. She decided it was because she was fairly new, not because most men do not fantasize about making love to pint sized cooks. As she pulled the spoon away her hand rolled over the head to give it some attention then returned to the shaft once the spoon returned with more stew. It took a moment for her to realize how bad her answer must have sounded. Now he was going to think she was aweful in bed. "It's not that I am that bad. I am not. I KNOW how to please a man." She boasted. "I just.. " she decided to shut up now before she said anything else that made her look bad. "Why do you ask?" She tried throwing a question back to him.
The man couldn't help btu chuckle when he saw ehr face go as red as could be, she was adorable, a surprisign contrast from Victoria, Ziva, and Roxie. While her innosence reminde dhim of his hated mistress, she still seemed to know her place aroudn soem oen with power, and from what he had seen in the kitchen, she knew where she ruled and where she didn't. Though that could have been her confidence jsut slipping the mor intiamte they got, he still couldn't ge this mind off how easily he made her go red jsut now as he allowed her to spoon feed him again, swallowign it down this time befoer quickly peckign the small lady on her cherry nose, just to see if he could keep her blushing.He wasn't surprised as she begna workign his throbbing member, his body shudderign from the wave of endorphins shootign through his body, forcign him to bite his lip for a seocnd ebfoer accepting the next spoonful, though he heald the broth in his mouth, waitign for her to finish talkign befoer eh kissed her again, once more feeding the girl on his lap, just as anotehr excuse to taste her strawberry lips.

"It's a surprise no one would buy a seet thing liek yourself." Alex whispere dotu as he puleld away, letign his back rest agaisnte h chair so he could admire as much of the girl whiel another wave of pleasure shuddred trhough him whens he played with hsi sensative head. "I was jsut curious, you aid you had never seen a master feed himself, I just wodnere dhow many you had fed yoruself... or are you jsut a voyeureistic perv." Teh vampire teased as hsi and slipped backup to ehr waist, the other tryign to find its way through the frills of ehr skirt to get to the actualy gfleshy surprise. as he puleld ehr to himagain he sat up so his chin rested on ehr shoulder"You would think, soemone with experience." Alex whispered into her ear. "Would knwo not to let the icecream melt." He added as he looekd at the neglected cherry pie that sat otn e table, a pool of pink already seepign out formt eh scoops of icecreama s the heat form the freshly made pastry waffed itno the air.
The red tent never left her pale face. He was giving the girl too much attention. The peck on the nose then once again sharing his lunch with her. The second time was not as much of a surprise to her but she happily accepted it. He was making her so happy she wanted to burst. Especially with his comment. The newest master in the house wanted her. Or so she thought he did. Her eyes never left him as she scooped up another spoon full, feeding him as if it was the easiest task. As hard as she tried though she could not cool the heat burning in her cheeks. Her face was so red it was as if she was really alive. The heat was also starting to burn down below. She could feel her pussy twitch and become moist as she continued to stroke his shaft. "I am not." She shook her head in protest to his accusation. She wasn't fully sure what that meant but it sounded dirty and if she was she would not confess it so freely.
A shiver ran through her body when his hand disappeared under her skirt. She felt his hand grope her left butt cheek. He was getting closer to giving her what her body craved. Her fingers began to move as she stroked him, massaging gently into his skin. Then he spoke of experience and she instantly turned a deeper shade of cherry red, her mind going straight in the gutter. He thought she was an experienced sex slave. Then he continued and shot the complement down a notice.
"Oh that." Naomi giggled. "Don't worry about that. A little melted strawberry seeping into the pie crust makes it all the more tastier." She told him in a carfree matter of fact tone. "Besides.." she went against her better instincts and used her spoon hand to push him back against the chair. "You will spoil your supper if you eat the dessert first. Mister. Eat all your stew first then you can have desert." She told him as she put more stew into his mouth, this time she began to feed him a bit more quickly now as she too wanted to get to the desert portion. She was not worried about the ice cream melting. If it did she would refreeze it. Easy as pie. "Just..." She felt his cock throbbing between her fingers. How long had he had this erection? If she remembered correctly it was there before he entered the freezer. He must have been ready to explode soon. If he did it now would he be a quick shot? Or was he doing something before? Curiously she wondered about his endurance. "Promise you won't come without telling me. Okay." She said in an almost pleading tone. "I want desert too." The girl inadvertantly licked her lips at the thought.
"Wh would i risk stainign such a cute uniform?" Alexander asked whiel he swallwoed down another spoonful, he relaly wanted to kiss her again, but she was beginign to shovel the soup down faster and faster, her words though put him at ease. He had been fighting his urge to blow for a few secodns now, he had only lasted so long without a sign of givign in because of the food, but he had been nursing the erection for long he was ready to blow. He movede away form teh spoon for one secodn to finally just kiss her normaly ont eh lips while his hand groped upon ehr supple flesh, so soft so smooth, and there it was, not lacy, just silken panties, so modest, she was o cute, evne withotu seeing them he knew her undergarments would match those of ann innosent school girl. "WEll you can't have my dessert sitting up her." He teased as he puleld formt eh kiss, pressign hsi forhead to hers. "I can feed my self, now get down their and get your treat." EH mussed befoer ligthly spankign the girls ass, his body shudderign as the slapping sound reverbarated in his ears makign him hesitate , not wantign to let go of his new toy, fianlly though he unravele dhsi grip from her. His hands stretchign otu behidn her to pick upt he soup bowl, kising her neck softly as eh enjoye dhte feel of her breasts pressed upon his naked flesh. "You can bite if you want as well." HE added as he sat back down again, putting the bowl between the two bodies a smirk on his face as he tilted the bowl up and slerped from the edge.
Naomi was so comfortable in her lap she almost did not want to move. He made the cold blooded girl feel so happy. His hands traveled to her panties and he kept kissing her. This time though it wasn't just food play. He was trying to arouse the little slave and it was working. It was working too well. She could not bring the shade of her cheeks back to a pale peach color if she tried.
As much as she liked the taste of his lips she craved his dessert even more. She would have leapt instantly from his lap if he had not held onto her. Plus her legs were still coiled behind the chair so if she did not do so carefully they would both go down. For a moment that thought was not such a bad idea, to 'accidentally' have Xander fallen on top of her. The girl reluctantly resisted the wicked plan. Instead she jumped with a giggle from his love tap. "If you insist Master Xander." She mused when she was finally able to get up from the chair, a shudder running down her neck from his final kiss.

Naomi made herself comfortably on her knees in front of Xander. Gently she spread his knees further apart and scouched herself closer. Her skirt was pulled out from beneath her to puff around her on the floor. She leaned her head in and licked the tip as if testing the water. Then she opened her mouth and slowly slide his thick cock down her throat. She would have done more foreplay but she could tell he was soon to blow. Instead she made a slirping sound as she sucked on his cock. She began to pull out, rolling her tongue around his girth to feel each little wrinkle. "Mmmmm.." She moaned. The girl slide her head back down taking him all the way in, relaxing her gag reflexes as his head rubbed the back of her throat. Eagerly she slurped and sucked on his cock as if it were a melting popsicle and she had to make sure none of the delicious juice slipped away. Her hands came up to his thigh's clasping gently on his inner leg as if to keep him from running off, as if he would. She was really getting into it, after a moment of looking up at him she closed her eyes. Her body shuddering as she wondered when the rush would cum.
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