The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

"Still, It isn;t that profesional looking without a pare of black shoes." Alex stated his own opinion with a shrug, he figured he couldn't change their minds but what could it hurt to speak up. his comment seemd to be lost anyways as the girl seemd to daze off for a moment before giggling, he didn;t imagine to ask why and stayed silent as she had her little brain fart and moemnt of enlightenment, it was then that he cocked a brow at her commentas he followed along. "The kitchen...what do you need a kitchen for, it's not liek youc na cook blood...well youc an but... do vampires eat blood pudding?" Alex asked as he followe d behind, he opened his mouth for a nother question half way down the hall, but stopped as his eyes went blank,t scent filling his nostrils. he could smell it, the fresh blood, he could hear the beating heart, slow but loud liek a drummer beating on his ears, the sound was deffening as he turned the corner to see the girl laying there. His eyes glowing brightly as he fianlly saw her, everythign he saw seemd to have a tinge of red to it, all muddled together, but there she was glowing yellow in his sight, the only livign thing int he room , he took in a deep breath, the scent filling hsi lungs, but so did the cool air of the mansion, it calmed him as much as the blood seemd to craze him. He circled the table slowly, looking down at her. "Why... Why is she not panicing...Why is she not bound..." He asked, hsi speach calm as he fought every urge, hsi muscles tense every time he opene dhis mouth as if he were holding his body back form lundging at her. he had fought temptation before, his years studying as a necromancer had helped him with that, the demons, they always worked your emotions, this was no different, just a stronger urge, still he knew ifhe gave in, he would be no more than monster.
Cindy walked across the kitchen and hoped up on the counter to sit and watch the show. Her skirt lifted up and puffed around the counter and in her lap. She was wearing a lolita styled uniform tonight. It was black with puffed sleeves and blue lace around all the hymm lines. Her hair was down but there was a matching little hat bobby pinned in her hair and matching blue thigh highs beneath her black heels. Thanks to Alex she had blood pudding on her mind as she swayed her feet back and forth below her. She would have to ask Alyson later to try making her some. For now her attention was on Alex as he circled the human. "Do you really think we are such horrible monsters?" She asked in response to his own question. "She doesn't need to be bound silly. She wants you're vampire kisses." Cindy was unusually careful with her words. Victoria had given her strict orders for her to follow. She needed to be careful not to break them. She was not in the mood to be punished tonight. Not if she wanted to play with her new toy.

The woman on the table had red hair with pink highlights. It was a bold choice but on her it worked very well. Her skin was light but soft. She was thin and well endowed in her chest, Cindy believed they were implants. None the less they threatened to pop out of the snug black tank top she wore. Pink bra straps were visibly parallel to the tank top straps. She wore a red plaid skirt with changes fashionably sewed around the band and black boots. Around the woman's neck was a collar with a red blood drop gem dangling in the center. The girl pulled herself up and leaned forwards on her hands towards him. "What's the matter dear? You don't like me?" She teased to make light of the situation. This vampire circling her like a vulture around a soon to be dead corpse was making her a little nervous. "Am I not your blood type?" She made another joke, one of which Cindy apparently found very funny due to her sudden burst of giggles in the corner. "Come here." The woman held out her hand offering to pull him close against the table, if he did so she would lean forwards and try to kiss him.
aLex's eyes shited betweent eh two, suspicious o how calm they seemed to be about hte whole situation. Cindy he could understand, this obviously wasn;t the first time she had seen something like this, that and he figured her...sunny...disposition was hard to get rid of. But the human was a different story, she was still young, older than him it seemed but she couldn't be any older than thirty, either she didn't know f the true meaning of a vampire kiss, or for some reason she wishe dto end it all tonight. He couldn't imagine why with her looks though, even he foudn it hard to resist her, he didn't know if it was just his hunger strengthenign his lust or if his body yearned for a normal girl ater last night. Ether way he ound his lips attached to hers his tongue snakign into her moutha nd running over the inside of her cheek befoer wrapping aroudn her tongue, his body shuddering as he elt he pulse of her blood in her tongue.

He pulled away quickly with a gaspm biting his bottom lip and takign in a deep breaht to calm his mind before he looke dup to ehr agin. "What is it you expect to happen tonight?" HE asked in a hushed voice, he wanted to know what drove a normal human to get itnto eh center of this mansion, he wanted to knwo what they wanted him todo with her. Though even as he waited for a response his mind grew clouded and his lips found her neck, hisbmind screaming to bite down but as his lips touched his eyes opened and he grew releaved as he felt the hard leather of her collar on his lips, he knew he could bite through it but it was the kind of shield he needed to snap him away from bittjng her as he now moved his head down to kiss at her collar bone.
The woman embrassed his kiss. Her tongue snaked around his with a soft moan. Even though she knew this man was strangely hesitant to go near her the woman did not restrain herself in the least. Her arms instantly clung around his neck. She pulled him in close against her ask they kissed but it didn't last long. He pulled away as if she was contagious. She pulled herself up on her knees on the table. This was odd. He was a vampire against feeding on humans? The woman was confused. She looked over to Cindy who was quietly watching with her knees feet kicking back and forth beneath her. "Go on, tell him." Cindy happily encouraged the woman.

"Well... I am going to die tonight." The woman stated rather bluntly. He came forward and began to plant kisses on her neck. She rolled her head back to give him more room. Her heart began to pound faster. Now the woman was starting to become nervous about what was to come next. A vampire's lips were on her neck the only logical step next was to be bitten. "It is okay. My blood will give you life." She reassured Xander. Her body shuddered as his lips traveled further down, still he had yet to bite. "You can enjoy my body as well." She coed as she leaned down to whisper in his ear. "If it pleases you."
Cindy said nothing. She had to stay quiet to make sure she did not accidently give her pet orders and it was killing her.
The whispered words stoppedhis lips, his eye sopenign slowly as he thought, questioned himself, once mroe trying to clear his mind. Why was he already all over this girl? why was she so willing, he was pretty sure the vamprie hypnosis thing was just myth and hollywood, so why did she so willingly give her body and blood to him. He paused to take inher words, his lips slippign form her shoulder to lay her flesh under his nose, he took in a wiff, shudderign befeor pullignback, this time takin a whole step beck. "No, this isn't right." He blurted out with a growl, glaring at cindy before fully turning his back to the girl on the table, taking steps towards the closest window as he spoke. "Fuck this, I am not playing into your little trap, I'm going to just find a squirreel or two." He yelled out in the time he got wihtin reach of hte closest window, his hand reachign up slowly to press ont eh cold tinted glass, his whoel body pausing as he realized somethign, the window didn;t feel cold. He knew it was cold because it was night, because of hte condensation on the window, and yet it felt, room tempature to him.. hsi body was as cold as the glass he touched. the realization shattered his courage for a second as he pulled his hand away slowly, almost turning to return to them. But as he took a breath in, his lungs,fileld with the girls scent, liek eveyr other time, he could feel the urge s clouding his mind, the hunger eatign at his stomach. The pain was what brougth him back. "No....I'm stronger than this." he whispered to hismelf as he reache dotu and pushe dhte window open, welcomign the fresh air that washed away the bloody scent, the wind seemignt o purify him in body and mind as he stood there abit longer, relieved in the release of tension.
"Wha-" The girl was stunned he pulled off of her. "I had to be stuck with the baby." The woman muttered in disappointment while both girls watched Xander freak out and fight against his instincts. Cindy tilted her head to the side watching him curiously discover his body temperature. It was quite nestalgic. Cindy did not have such a hard time getting used to the lack of cold. She never cared for cold weather in the first place. It required wearing too much bulky clothes that covered her figure. When the window opened Cindy realized that now was the time to interfere. She could not allow him to go outside but she still had to keep with the training.

In one swift blur Cindy was off the counter and then standing behind Xander. She playfully wrapped her arms around his waste, resting her head against his shoulders while she hugged his back. "I wouldn't go out there if I were you." She cooed a playful warning. "Even if you manage to find a fuzzy little squirrel this late at night you won't be satisfied. It will be some poor passerby that just happens to be walking by on the streets that will become your first meal." She warned him.

"A squirl..." Cindy giggled at the nonsence. "That won't hold you. You have alot to learn Mr. Magic man." Cindy squeezed her little self between him an the window so that she could catch his attention. She tried to take his hands into hers and lead him to turn back around towards the table. "I know you think I am a monster but being a vampire is not so bad."

Cindy went back to the table this time climbing onto the tabletop kneel behind the woman. "Like, you were probably taught never to play with your food but here you can." With that said she pulled the woman's tanktop down until the material was crunched on her belly and the straps were at her elbow. Then she reached around and unsnapped the hook in the center of the bra. A firm pair of C breasts bounced free. Cindy groped the balloons in each hand and began to jiggle them. "Wow, they are so soft." Cindy seemed surprised and lost her attention from the man for a second as she looked over the girl's shoulders to see the glorious mounds.
The woman smiled looking at Alex. "They really are. Come feel for yourself."
He ahd expecte dher to be fast, but not that fast, in a litteral blink of his eye he felt her embrace aroudn him forcign him his body jump from teh feel. He was trapped, he kenw it now, even if he could out run her, her words would jsut snake into his mind, liek they did now. he knew he knew he could find enough vermin to quench his thirst, he had to find them for ingredients and food many a time as he worked as a necromancer. But her words snaked doubt into eveyr thougth he had. what if there wasn't enough in the general area, what if they had alreayd been hutned by other vampires tonight. They were all absurd ideas, but his mind kept sayign her words were right, that it wasn't good enough to get non-human blood.

His body was limp with defeat as she dragge dhim back to the table hisfeet planted exactly where they had been moemtns ago befoer his outburst, his eyes dazed until she let go of his hand ad he had full cotnrol again. The first thing he saw were the beautiful lumps of flesh beign set free and carressed by the dainty little hands of hsi controler, his mind enterign a new daze now as he still yearned for a sexual release after the strange day before. Still he took a defiant tep badck before speakign again, tryign to force aglare onto his face.

"Are you going to stop me befeor i drain her dry?" Alex asked , his voice cold as he looked up at the blue eyed vampire. "Or are either of you going to tell me why, you are so willingly throwing your life away at a young age?" His head now snapping at the slutty girl infront of him, hsi arms crossing, he knew in the end they were goign to amke him feed one way or the other. He had begun acceptign that fact now, be it by his own will or the will of his msitress. That didn;t mean he coudln't get some answers first. he needed to know why soem oen woudl so stupidly through their life away. "Or am I to turn her liek you did me?" He asked hsi final question glaring back up at his 'mistress'.
Both girls stared at him for a long minute even after he finished talking. Then as if on cue they laughed. They were not laughing at him. It was more as an 'that's so cute' flirty laugh. "The necromancer has a thing for life how ironic." The woman mused before smiling to address him. "I have lived my life. I can't go into details but I have made a deal with Mistress Victoria. She has held up her end of the bargain. Now it is my turn." She answered him as if it was a simple answer. "Now, come here and give into your instincts before I get mad." She reached out to grab his vest and pull him closer in one lustful tug. This time she leaned in and kissed him, snaking her tongue into his mouth while moaning. Cindy began to pinch and roll her nipples between her fingers mean while the woman's warm hands traveled down his abs and squeezed under the belt of his pants in search of treasure.
Alex stood there, trying to look unphased by their laughter, though in his mind he wodnred what was so funny,, and their explenation didn't help much. "I work wiht teh already dead... It is never stated necromancers have to enjoy killing." He grumbed out. Cokcign a brow as the girl gve her, vague explenation, he was about to open his mouth and ask for mroe information even after her warning. But there was no need, he was cut off by her lips, her tongue snakign through his throat as he closed hsi eyes, welcomign the taste of livign lesh, and fighting the urge to bite down and take her tongue just for the blood.

He had tried multipel tims to reason witht he two, but they both were intent on tis outcome, his mind clouded by hunger, lust and his istress' words, he no longer felt the urge to fight back as he steepd forward, leanign into the kiss to take back his dominance as his tongue begand dancign with hers again, hsi hands coming to lay ont he table on either side of her as he towered over the girls. Reluctantly he finally pulled formt eh kiss, a sot smirk escapign hsi mouth as he saw cindyplayign with eh girls breasts, it was the oddest sandwhich he had seen, hsi chest,t he girls hands, cindis hands, the girl and then cindy, all clumped into one now. "well..." He whisipered out... "You wanted me to play with my food... I thinkt he food should have soem say in her last little romp." Alex mused out, his tongue snakign over to teh girls ear now his lip suckling on the lobe before his voice hissed out. " are you a top or bottom girl hmmm?"
Cindy giggled with joy as she watched her toy finally begin to give into his instincts. She had given him just the nudge he needed. The woman moaned in success as he whispered and nibbled on her ear. Her body was already beginning to heat in excitment and arousal. Her pussy twitched as she stroked his cock with one hand. "Normally I go both ways." She informed him. "But tonight I will take the bottom." She informed him. Logically it was the best choice. On top sure she could keep him from backing down but not really. He was still a vampire and could toss her to the wall if he wanted with a flick of his finger. By time this was half way over she could be too weak to be on top so she decided to lay back and enjoy what she could. Cindy released the girl's breasts and backed up to give them more space. The woman hooked her free hand around his neck so that he could follow her down as she began to lie back on the table. "Don't be shy now." She mused as she fliped her hair to the table to expose more skin. Her legs spread to each side of him to give him easier access. Her soft stocking thighs rubbing against him.
"I am anything.. btu shy.." He whispered to her as he inched closer toeh edge of the table, his body seemign to try and get her hand to stay in his patns as she laye dback, btu ti wa sutile, it didn't matter much though as one hand moved formt eh table to her exposed breast, his other sliping ove rto lay the palm of his hand on her cheek, letting his cold flesh feel her warm body with eveyr touch. hit thumb rand over her lip and presed into ehr mouth, letting her suckle it i she chose whiel the other hand began slidign down her body, leaivng her breasts to venture over her navel befoer his hand lifted and mad ethe rest of the journey to his pants as he blindly unbuckled everythign with one hand, the other still feelign over hre ace whiel his lips played wihte fsoft flesh udner her chin.

"It is your choice when you want this to finihs." He whispered out as his hand finally got everything free from his clothing. "just remove your necklace when you are read.. though.. i suggest youwait.. till after the fun." He mused his lips still brushign upon her neck as he spoke, with each word he rocked his hips back and forath aloign the long member to run along her lips, while hsi thumb still playe dwith ehr other. "Yo've waite dthis logn after all." He added, his lips curlign itno a smile, hidden udner her flesh as he fianlly thrust forward, his memebr pushign into her openign with a messy pop as his head slipped in first, thrustign again before his full member was in, his body pressing down on hers, chest to chest so she woudlnt slide ont eh table as he le thte lightly lubed memebr grind agaisnt he walls. She seemd lik the girl who liked it rough, why wait for her to be nice and wet when this seemed more fun. His thumb slipping from her mouth with ehr expected gasp as his third thrust made his member slam upon the enterance of her secodn fleshy door, a doro he had never been able to enter with his length, but jsut he feelign o goign that deep made the boy shudder. Hiis saliva covered thumb runnign down her chin till hsi palm cupep dher neck, the trail goign downt he center of her neck over her collar bone befoer his hand finally made it to her breast, his moist thumb circlign over the soft flesh between her cleavage whiel his other hand finally moved form hsi cock to trail up the side of ehr body, teasingly glidign ove hte sensative flesh of her armpit and then up her arm until hsi fingers entagled with hers and he orced her hand ove rher head.

IT was a good half hour of them together before Alex began to show any signs of climaxing, he ahd done it on purpose. Staying itn eh same position prolonged his orgasim, too much movment and his mind woudl go elsewhere, and eh felt she deserved a long one if it was ehr last one. Their bodies drippign with sweat as he puleld form a kiss a grin on hsi face as he ramemd into her again, watchign ehr head rol lback in exstacy. "you are a strong one." He mused, his tongue rollign ove rhis lips befoer he leaned forward as he puleld back. "but my hunger can't be sustaine dfor ever...I could..always take your wrists." HE hisse dout as both hands had pinend ehr wrists over her head ebfore thrusting in, two sharp nails raunnigna crcle on ehr wrist and poking at the soft flesh, threatening to draw blood befoer eh let for . The fgirsl hands blindly fumbligna t her nekc to trya nd get the necklace off as he spoke. "I can tiem it.. so i bite when you climax.. jsut tell me when." HE moaned out softly itno her ear , her hands throing the colalr across the rom befeor they gripped otno hsi shoudlers, the girl groanign otu loudly as eh once more thrust forwad, slammign hard into her tender cervix now, hsi lips sucking at ehr neck.

Thsi play went on befoer five more mintue until the words were spoking. "Now, oh god now, I'm goign to... IEEEEE" The girl screamed out as he legs clenched around his hips , anckles locke dtogether and toes curcle din exstasy as her back arche dup presisng her breasts to sandwhich otno hsi chest. her scream was cut short though as he bit down, hsi body puslignas his white cum burst into her pusy, fillign ehr cervix and fluddign out as he began sucking. Teh blood was heaven in his mouth, warm and smooth as it trickeld down his thrat. he coudl feel his true strength returning tohim, he hadn;t known how weak he was until he began feelignt he blodo flo through hsi body, like a cool drink of water after a logn work out.

the girls grip on him was tigth for a few secodns from the exstacy and pain, she didn't figth it though and soon ehr hands slipepd form aroudn his shoudlers and onto the table, his own hands pinnign hers to the tabel to keep the body form movign as he drank. hsi eyes closed as he concentrated on this feeling, hsi back tatoo glowign itn he dim light and twisign over his arms, making two penta grams that appeared on hsi hands. Hsi eyes snapped open the moemnt the pentagrams were complete, his blood lust filled enough to remember the monsterous act he was doing, and waht he had thought up the alst thirty minutes. The pentagrams flashed iwht a brilliant purple light that fileld the room.

As the ligth dimmed it coudl be seen that Alex has pulled away form the girl, a soft smile on hsi face as he looekd down at her, her chest heaivng with a weak breath as he admire dhis handy work. now on ehr wrist and neck were three identical pentagrams, alogn with a more intracite one that could be seen peakign jsut betwene her cleavage, his body shakign as he already semd to have draiend the eneryg the feedign had given him, especially sens ehe hadn't draiend the body. years of workign with corpses had taugth him how logn it woudl take to drain a body of blood efer soem oen would die, and it had taken all hsi disipline to pulla way beeor he ahd draiend too much form her. now she had the same emblems that had prevented cidny from biting him, on ehr neck and wrists, as well as a new one over her heart, one that would prevent any deadly blood loss form her body. Alex grinned over to Cindy, the smile of triumph on hsi face as he spoke.

"check mate" Was all he got out befoer he went limp and fell to the ground, the pain unbearable as his body shut down. There was a price to pay for using the main tatoo on his back, a price he had never been abel to pay befeor, it would have been pain so strong that any human would have died, mentaly breakign down form their nerve ends burnign up.. btu he was immortal and undead now, he coudl use such a risk, though now he had to live through the pain, there woudl be no sweet release of death as his price was paid with an our of brungin nerve endings.
Both Cindy and the woman were shocked at what just happened. They stared wide eyed at the body that fell to the floor. Then rushed to his side. Cindy tried shaking him. She tried commanding him to wake up. She even tried pinching the unconscious body but it remained limp on the ground. Her lips began to pout and whimper. Victoria was going to kill her for this. She failed one simple task. All she had to do was make him feed. To get his first taste of human blood. Technically she had done so but he was unconscious and the human who was supposed to be dead had the strange tatoos on her. Why didn't he give me tatoos? She found herself wondering as she stared at the ink on the girl's chest.

Victoria had arrived with a small party of two maids to come pick up the body. Two others came to take the mortal. An hour later, on the second floor of the mansion the four were sitting in a fairly small room. It was empty aside from two beds and a few chairs. Alex was placed in a single bed a few feet from the bed they had placed Kenny in. Cindy was sitting beside Kenny, holding his hand and sobbing. Victoria was sitting with one leg crossed over the other in a chair in the corner of the room, silently watching over the two men.

The moment Alex began to stir Cindy lifted her head. She looked over him and a moment later she had pounced and was hugging him tightly. "You're awake!"
"That was quite a stunt you pulled off earlier." Victoria's voice spoke cooly through the dimly light room. "To bad it backfired." She did not move from her seat as she spoke. She was not thrilled he was awake like Cindy nor did she seem angry or upset about the situation. "How do you feel?" She asked him curiously.
Why did it keep ending liek this. eh thougth as the pain was htethign to wake him, his mind beign able to inally comprehend teh pain as it subsided, his muscles clenchign as he took a gasp o breath, uneeded but sitll isntinct kicke din and he opedn his eyes, Teh man shotu out a small yelp of pain as the female body was atop him in seconds, her arms aroudn him presssing on his still tender nerves as she embraced him. "Pain... no..touchign..please.." He groaned out tryignt o inch away from her though her strenght was great, hsi mind fuzzy as he looked over to the mistress, her cold stare almsot as painful as cindy rigth now, th fear embracign him as he kne whow vulnirabel he was rigth now, evne if he had other tatoos he had no strenght to cast anythign in defence of what they migth do to him now.

"have you..e very.. burnt of all yoru skin?" He asked with a wince as he trie dto scoto up on hte bed hopign to wiggle out of ehr embrace , his nerves slowly healing as the pain subsided and hsi mind began to clear. "times that pain by a hundered." He added, hsi voice now groggy as he got out a full sentence wihtout havign to pause, hsi figner on hsi temple as he trie dto still clear hsi brain fromt eh linering memory of the pain. "WAIT!" Alex's eyes snaped open, his head twistign aroudn to look abotu teh room, totaly ignroing the male next to him before his glare landed upon Victoria. "Where is she.. you better not have kileld her" He growled out, hsi warnign weaker than his voice, though he hoped nne of them knew he didn;t even have the strength to kill a flea.
Victoria watched the boy. She studied him with her scarlet eyes. The way he rose from the bed, even the littlest mannerisms she took note of. Especially they type of pain he was in.

Cindy quickly pulled off of Xander as he complained about the pain. She was so confused. Why was he in so much pain? She did not remember feeling like she was burned alive when she had turned. "Why does your skin burn?" She asked the question aloud without fully intending too. "It is his magic Cindy. He used it on the human but his body was not strong enough to use that kind of power. Now, he is even weaker than before." Victoria answered the girl's question.
Cindy's lips pursed into a circle. "Ohhhh.." Her eyes shifted down seeing Kenny's hand. Her little nose scrunched. Then her fist aimed straight at Xander's shoulder. "Don't do that again."

Victoria let out a small laugh at Cindy's lack of control in emotions. She could not blame the girl not after all that had happened. Gently Victoria crossed her arms, a single finger nail tapped her cold flesh. "Who is she?" She asked as if she did not know what he was talking about. "You have no idea who that girl was do you? So why should you care what happens to her. It's no matter. I doubt you will be seeing her again." She informed him.
"If I were you I would be more concerned with your own fate." She changed the topic and attention to him. "Why do you continue to fight? You are a vampire. A young nieve fledgling. The sooner you accept this the easier the change will be for you."
"It wasn't about strength...." Alex mumble dout though he didn't try and correct the vampire too much, he didn't feel liek going over how any of his magic worked rigth now, she had explaiend it well enough to ge the message across that she kenw he was weak rigth now while being able to allow his 'mistress' to understand. She might hav eunderstood too weel as her fist slamemd itno hsi shoulder makign the man wince, she was strong for a skinny little girl, the pain makign him rub his shoulder , rolling it to tryand stretch teh muscle , his arm numb more form his still healing nerves than anythign else. Th worst ahd to b though that onc emroe hr words etche dinto his mind as he was force dto respond to his maker.
"Fine I wont.." He grumbled out befoer the mistress' voice drew hsi eyes to her again,. a flesh statue jsut sittign their watchin gthem, he hated it, he couldn't read her he couldn;t predict what was coming next or if he shoudl believe anythign she said.

"I don't need to knwo soem one to be abel to giv ethem a second chance in life.... If I find she is dead there will be consiquences." HE growled out, his ee slockign witht he scarlet eyes of the hea dmistress. he migth not be strogn enough not but that didn't mean there wasn't any truth to his threat, he had to break a few deals to get that tatoo onto the girls chest, the neck and wrist wards had been easy, he had sscratche dthem itno ehr flesh during sex, theey were turned itno tatoos by a little surge of magic, the ches tone though, the chest one was what knocke dhim out.

"I am anythign but niave, if I gave up any time soem one or someTHINg told me to, I would have bene lost tot he void years ago." He said with a confident smirk. "stronger.... curvier demons ahve tried, what make syou think YOU can intimidate or change me? without the help of your lap dog here." Alex said geturing his hea dto cindy who still sat on his bed.
"It was a nuisance but I made arrangements to make use of the girl alive." Victoria reassured him to set that matter aside. She had to admit he had guts. Victoria could have finished him off for good if she wanted too. He was weak enough but there was a cockiness to him that she liked. He was also smart. This was two qualities that made for an exceptional master. It was his intelligent defiance that was saving him. None the less it did not mean she would let his actions go without consequence. She still had a reputation and respect to up hold.

Her scarlet lips curled to the corner into a smirk. Victoira rose from her chairs taking a step forwards so that the little light in the room reflected off her pale skin. Her red hair was down, smooth flowing over her shoulder and trailing down her back. Tonight she was in a sheer black spagetti strapped gown. It was elegant and victoirian inspired with beaded roses on the bodice and carefully sewn into the train of the gown dragged the floor behind her bare feet. Black stones decorated around her neck and collar and a few black bracelets clanked on her wrist.
"I tried to be nice..." She coed as she walked down the middle aisle between the beds. "I gave you one simple rule to follow. Do not leave the mansion. I provided clothes for you." She stopped at his side and gently cupped his cheek in her hand as she looked down upon the boy. "I gave you the will to act on your own." She told him as if it had been a gift. Restricting Cindy's words had been a gift that he took advantage of. "In return you defied me." She growled pulling her hand away. "So I am taking that free will away." Her voice became calm again as she looked over to Cindy. "Take him to feed once more. Use your voice if he fights it. When he is good and strong you have the rest of the night to play with your new slave." She said emphasizing the last word to show him what he could become. "This is your first fledgling take advantage of your power Cindy. Have fun and don't hold back." She encouraged the girl. And with that said she headed out the room. "I will see you tomorrow." She told the boy.

Cindy's eyes light up when Victoria gave her instructions. "Yes Mistress. I won't let you down." She squealed with excitement. She bowed her head down in respect then turned her attention back to Alex. "Now get up and give me a piggy back ride." Cindy gave her first order. She stood on the bed and waited for him to stand before climbing onto his back. "To the kitchen!" She declared raising her arm up and forward while the other arm hugged around his neck. Once he began moving forwards she brought up the next question poking at her brain. "Why didn't you give me a magical tatoo? I want one."
Alex smirked as victoria walked away, it was a nice cliche to see it was as fun to watch her coming as it was her going as he imagined the strong womens nude body under her thin dress. If she hadn't been trying to break him, if they had met under other cercumstances he knew for a act he woudl have gotten her in bed by now. That thought is what mad ehim realize something, he was naked under the sheets, he hadn't eben paing much attention ot his atire or any feelign in his body, due to the fact that less thena minute ago he felt as if hsi whole body was sun burnt, now ll he elt was the sliddign o fabric over hsi member as it rose with his deviant thougths o the head mistress.

His realization was made worse whent he grattign started in hsi mind, even when he didn;t pay attention to her words they still snake ditno his mind and in les than a minute he was bent down at the edge of the bed, hsi bod naked for all to view, his member not hard but sitll pumpign with blood. he hoped she woudln't notice as he hfted her up, cursign the position as he breast este dont eh back of hsi neck, he could feel the soft pillow s through his long hair and her fabric, makign it harder to get his buldge to go awa. "the kitchen... ar eyou really goign to try this again?" He muse dwith a bluffing confidence as he headed otu the door, glancign finally to the other bed as he realised their had been an unconcious fourth person int e room the whole time. He was headign downt he hallw hen he decided to answer her. "What do you need a tatoo for? thsoe were so you couldn;t bite her.... I don;t think they would help you." he said rationalizing why she shouldnt get one. "Pluss a girl like you, didn;t evne think you wanted a tatoo.." Unless its a tramp stamp, he added in hsi mind with a smerk. "So.. who was the other man in the room with us?" He asked curiously.
Cindy giggled as he began his way out the room. This was going to be a fun night. Cindy sighed resting her chin on his head as she thought about tatoos. So the tatoos were made to block the biting, that made sense. It did not deter her from thinking about them though. "Sometimes knowing you can't have it makes you want it more." She informed him. Sure when she was human she did not want a tatoo. Now that she was a vampire having a tattoo was rare and more desirable. If she tried getting one now it would just heal itself, that was unless he did it. She wondered if she did get one what it would be of and where it would go. Something with a vampire and a werewolf came into her mind.

The smile faded when he brought up Kenny. In fact any kind of happiness tended to wash away from the very question. "Master Kenny is Mistress Victoria's Werewolf and Mistress Anna's boyfriend. He's been like that since we got back." She inhaled a deep breath trying to keep control of her emotions. "He won't wake up. I think he might be getting worse." She was quiet as they entered the kitchen. She slunk off his back and walked over to one of the cabinets. She sighed. "Master Kenny, he saved me... kind of like what you did for that girl." She said softly as she started to realize why Victoria had picked him. Opening the cabinet Cindy reached in and opened a blind door. She tossed a bag of blood to the boy then took one out for herself. "Drink up." She looked at him for a moment then pulled out one more tossing it to him. "You're going to need more than one." She decided.
"A mistress, girlfriend and maid...wait... werewolf, he's th casualty i was suposedto confirm..." Alex stated with slight surprise though he didn't continue his thought as they got to teh kitchen. "so your'e tellign em you do have blood pouches here and you trie dto force me to kill an innocent?" HE aske dinstantly dropping his 'mistress; in anger as he snatched the bloodpuch from her hand, tearign the tip off and sucking the blood within seconds, leavign the puch dry before he grabbed a secodn form the fridge and did the same, hsi body shudderign as he coudl feel theenergy returnign to his body, though he mentally cursed himself, the blood was cold and it didnt have the same... feel the same envigoring ense of energy when he had nearly dried the girl an hour before.
"The lady made a deal with the Mistress willingly do you really think she was that innocent?" Cindy raised a brow at the boy. Even little Cindy had her moments when her logic actually made sense. "The Mistress is scary but she isn't heartless...all the time." Cindy punctured her bag as she watched him feed. "It's not the same is it. Blood bags and squires does not have the same wonderful taste as sinking your teeth into the skin and feeling the warm liquid go down your throat." She was starting to disappoint herself with the thought of fresh blood when she was drinking from a cold bag.

Xander's words snapped in Cindy's head. It took a moment but she caught on to what he was stating to himself. In a flash she was standing directly in front of him, face to face. "Who wants to hurt Master?! Who sent you here?" Cindy had a new fury in her eyes as she demanded answers. No one messed with her Master, especially when he was defenseless.
"She is young unexperience dand niave, your mistress took advantage of her and I gave her a second chance." Alex corrected her in a serious tone. "She unwillingly turned you, Your master failed you while i saved the girl and now he is in a coma." He adde dblatantly as he stepepd toward the wall to lean on it , looking down at his wrist as he prodded at his skin with a sharpened igner nail, watchign as his skin sowly healed. "I you want a tatoo i think we woudl ahve todo it before a feedign." He mumbel dto himself , all he needed todo was slow the healign down until he coudl embue the ink with magic, if he coudlnt jsut enchant the ink first though that woudl require rare ingeredients. "I don't know who sent me and they didn;t want him taken, they jsut wanted to confirm if anyone had died after the kidnapping, and before you ask I wasn't hire dby the hunters they hate magic users mroe than they hate you people... We CHOSe to be 'blights' upont he earth whiel you were forced to."
Cindy began to cool off due to his lack of answers. She knew if he had them he would tell her. Apparently this boy was useless when it came to information. She sighed and shook her head. This conversation was not fun. It was depressing and boring. "Alright." She said before changing the subject. "Well now that you are fed and have all you're strength. Lets have some fun!" She exclaimed. "Carry me." Cindy leaped up expecting him to catch her and carry her bridal style this time. "We are going upstairs, second floor, first door at the end." She gave him directions. "You need a wardrobe change out of your birthday suit." She told him.

When he opened the door he would is it was the mansion's universal dressing room. The usual wardrobes lined both walls making the massive room look as if it would go on forever. Cindy watched his face as he opened the door curious of his reaction. Then with a giggle she lept from his arms. "Let's see... what should you wear first?" She opened the first wardrob and began digging around. Of course she had been in this room long enough to know that the first two wardrobs were strickly female attire. That was precisely why she went there. She wanted to see what he would be willing to put on and could use a good laugh after today's events. "Ohh... perfect. Here try these on." She tossed. The first attire she chose was what looked like a hand made lolita dress with cupcake printed fabrics that poofed out passed the knees on the normal girl and had poofy sleeves. She had him take his hair down in order to fit the matching bonnet and tossed in a pair of pink knee highs. "You can't complete the outfit without knee highs." She said decidingly.
Cindy watched him get dressed. Watching the man put the clothes on was half the fun. The finished product was the second half. "You are so precious." She mused at how adorable he looked. "Now twirl around. Don't you love how the dress flares out." She mused.

Once she was content with that outfit she had him try on a silky black langerie set to match his silky hair, a red school girl outfit, a white leotard with a bunny tail and ears (that one she sort of regretted he did not pull of leotards well), an indian inspired outfit because of his tribal tatoos of course and finally a maids uniform. Once she was growing tired of the cross dressing portion of that night she moved on to something a bit more serious. Her next outfit of choice consisted of a polo shirt, a black glittery bow tie, a sweater vest and crouchless pants. Cindy stepped back and admired her creation but there was something still wrong. There was something missing from the outfit. So Cindy pulled out a big bucket of jewls and two metal clipguns. She made him take off the sweater vest and the two spent the next twenty minutes lying on the floor bejewling his sweater vest.

"Finally it's done." Cindy said as they put on the last jewel. She handed the sparkling sweater back to Xander. "Alright show it off." She said twirling her finger to tell him to spin. His name was written on the back of the sweater with yellow and white rhyne stones. Cindy sat back and put her hand to her chin. "Hmmm... something is still missing." She said as if she was trying to figure it out. She already knew what was coming next but even Cindy liked to play. Her eyes traveled from his head down to his toes then back up. "I know!" She put her finger up in an epifiny moment.
Cindy ran to over to one of the wardrobs, dug into the draw and pulled out two boxes. One was clear and jingled as she moved. He could see inside it was filled with glistening metal earings of all shapes and sizes. "Don't you move from that spot." She gave the command for she was not sure if he was going to try to run for the hills when she got to him.
Cindy skipped over to Xander and bounced herself down in front of him. She got comfortably on her knees and set the boxes next to her. "Mr. Sparkles is missing his sparkle." She said in a cutsy baby voice while pointing to his penis. Then she opened the box and pulled out the piercing gun.
If there was a hell on earth, he was sure he was in it now as he struggle dto put he knee highs on, the bulk of his leg muscle stretchign it to a point that they came up tot eh bottoem of his knee cap, the rest of the dress stretched and ripepd at soem of the seams , mostly the under arms. Hsi face was of utter humilationa s he waddle din a circle for her, unabel to get full movmetn without makgint eh whoel outfit burst at the seems. "C-can you atleat find thigns that fit." He mumbel dout, hs vocie quiet, hoping that maybe if she saw how badlyt eh outfit was ruiend that she wouldnt try any more on.

Of coruse he was wrong and though the next few outfits fit better, they seemd to be mroe and mroe degrading, the whoel tiem his eyes darted around the room to make sure their were no cameras, but eveyr secodn she ahd him movign and he wasn't a hundered percent sure. Things got worse as he felt his balls nearly pushe dup into hsi body fromt he leotard, hsiface red as that was wear everythign in his body had been pushe dto, gald he didn;'t have to breaht because he doubted he could inhale in such an outfit.

He should have known, evne when she finally moved to the male outfits he felt silly. a sweater vest ANd polo with crotchless pants, if she were goign for a stripper look, a sweater vest withe h pants woudl work, he mentally noted tha the polo seemd of fint eh mix, though her dominatign words mad ehim fear for speakign otu agaisnt her as she continued. That was until she knelt down and opene dup the peircign box.
"WHO WHO WHO NO... I don;t care if I can heal from that, unless you tell me you worked at a tatoo parlor i AM NOT leting you near...wait.. did you just call my dick Mr. Sparkles....where did youg et that name from?" His thougths half there now,s he told him not to move though through the whoel nigth he had realized he coudl find little loop hoels in what she said, and though eh didn't move form his spot he sitll mvoed his hands over his tender member blockign it in hopes to talk soemsense into her.
Cindy shrugged her shoulders to his question. "I came up with it myself." She said with pride in the name she choose. The problem was that he was blocking the main prize. "Well if you don't want the gun I can use one of these instead." She mused lifting a long needle from the box. She looked up at him with a smile. "That's what I thought." She said as she put the needle back. "Now if you can't handle this then put your hands behind your back. You are hiding the prize." She said as she slapped a hand against his to knock it away. Cindy dugged into the clear box for a few minutes before she found the piercing she wanted to use. Then she loaded the gun and took his cock into her free hand. Cindy nuzzled her face against the thick girth. Even she had to admit it was an impressive size, it wasn't like Kenny's but it was still something. "Hold your breath this might sting." She mused as she aimed the gun, pressing it against his penis. "BANG!" She verbalized the banging sound of a gun as she pulled the trigger. There was a jingling sound that came from the piercing. She had picked a silver stud with two tiny silver bells attached to one big pink heart shaped diamond. Cindy watched Xander's reaction and giggled. "See, told you I could do it." She told him. Cindy leaned forwards and licked the blood from around the piercing.
"Oh Mr. Sparkles looks so pretty!" She squealed with excitement once she had pulled her tongue back.
"No I don't care what tool youw ant to use, I dont want you to..." alex stoppe dhis futile attempts when her words sank itno his mind and he was force dto put his hand s behidn his back, he knew she wasn't payign attention to wa word he said. Seriously though, first eahc of hsi nerves are burned away and regrown and now he was about to be peirced in his most sensative area, he bit his lip as he waite dfor it, his body joltign as he felt the needle thent eh metal slide through, takign in a deep breaht so as not to cuss out in pain."No... You didn't do it." Alex ground out , shudderign as she licked teh blood from hsi member, sendign the mixed sensation of pleasure and pain, his cock wantign to pulse wiht more blood but it seemd to just leak form the peircing. "You.. went through the main flesh... If ...I" Alex paused tryign to think of a better wayt o say it, with a lack of words he fianlly blurte dotu. "My damned cock will tear if i get a boner, take it out NOW !" He yelel dotu to her, holdgn his hands away knwoign he would make it worse if he rished. "If youw ant it peirced FIen, JUST LET A FUCKIGN PROFFESIONAL DO IT!!" HE added , his words coming out with haste, cussign at his little mistress.
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