"I am anything.. btu shy.." He whispered to her as he inched closer toeh edge of the table, his body seemign to try and get her hand to stay in his patns as she laye dback, btu ti wa sutile, it didn't matter much though as one hand moved formt eh table to her exposed breast, his other sliping ove rto lay the palm of his hand on her cheek, letting his cold flesh feel her warm body with eveyr touch. hit thumb rand over her lip and presed into ehr mouth, letting her suckle it i she chose whiel the other hand began slidign down her body, leaivng her breasts to venture over her navel befoer his hand lifted and mad ethe rest of the journey to his pants as he blindly unbuckled everythign with one hand, the other still feelign over hre ace whiel his lips played wihte fsoft flesh udner her chin.
"It is your choice when you want this to finihs." He whispered out as his hand finally got everything free from his clothing. "just remove your necklace when you are read.. though.. i suggest youwait.. till after the fun." He mused his lips still brushign upon her neck as he spoke, with each word he rocked his hips back and forath aloign the long member to run along her lips, while hsi thumb still playe dwith ehr other. "Yo've waite dthis logn after all." He added, his lips curlign itno a smile, hidden udner her flesh as he fianlly thrust forward, his memebr pushign into her openign with a messy pop as his head slipped in first, thrustign again before his full member was in, his body pressing down on hers, chest to chest so she woudlnt slide ont eh table as he le thte lightly lubed memebr grind agaisnt he walls. She seemd lik the girl who liked it rough, why wait for her to be nice and wet when this seemed more fun. His thumb slipping from her mouth with ehr expected gasp as his third thrust made his member slam upon the enterance of her secodn fleshy door, a doro he had never been able to enter with his length, but jsut he feelign o goign that deep made the boy shudder. Hiis saliva covered thumb runnign down her chin till hsi palm cupep dher neck, the trail goign downt he center of her neck over her collar bone befoer his hand finally made it to her breast, his moist thumb circlign over the soft flesh between her cleavage whiel his other hand finally moved form hsi cock to trail up the side of ehr body, teasingly glidign ove hte sensative flesh of her armpit and then up her arm until hsi fingers entagled with hers and he orced her hand ove rher head.
IT was a good half hour of them together before Alex began to show any signs of climaxing, he ahd done it on purpose. Staying itn eh same position prolonged his orgasim, too much movment and his mind woudl go elsewhere, and eh felt she deserved a long one if it was ehr last one. Their bodies drippign with sweat as he puleld form a kiss a grin on hsi face as he ramemd into her again, watchign ehr head rol lback in exstacy. "you are a strong one." He mused, his tongue rollign ove rhis lips befoer he leaned forward as he puleld back. "but my hunger can't be sustaine dfor ever...I could..always take your wrists." HE hisse dout as both hands had pinend ehr wrists over her head ebfore thrusting in, two sharp nails raunnigna crcle on ehr wrist and poking at the soft flesh, threatening to draw blood befoer eh let for . The fgirsl hands blindly fumbligna t her nekc to trya nd get the necklace off as he spoke. "I can tiem it.. so i bite when you climax.. jsut tell me when." HE moaned out softly itno her ear , her hands throing the colalr across the rom befeor they gripped otno hsi shoudlers, the girl groanign otu loudly as eh once more thrust forwad, slammign hard into her tender cervix now, hsi lips sucking at ehr neck.
Thsi play went on befoer five more mintue until the words were spoking. "Now, oh god now, I'm goign to... IEEEEE" The girl screamed out as he legs clenched around his hips , anckles locke dtogether and toes curcle din exstasy as her back arche dup presisng her breasts to sandwhich otno hsi chest. her scream was cut short though as he bit down, hsi body puslignas his white cum burst into her pusy, fillign ehr cervix and fluddign out as he began sucking. Teh blood was heaven in his mouth, warm and smooth as it trickeld down his thrat. he coudl feel his true strength returning tohim, he hadn;t known how weak he was until he began feelignt he blodo flo through hsi body, like a cool drink of water after a logn work out.
the girls grip on him was tigth for a few secodns from the exstacy and pain, she didn't figth it though and soon ehr hands slipepd form aroudn his shoudlers and onto the table, his own hands pinnign hers to the tabel to keep the body form movign as he drank. hsi eyes closed as he concentrated on this feeling, hsi back tatoo glowign itn he dim light and twisign over his arms, making two penta grams that appeared on hsi hands. Hsi eyes snapped open the moemnt the pentagrams were complete, his blood lust filled enough to remember the monsterous act he was doing, and waht he had thought up the alst thirty minutes. The pentagrams flashed iwht a brilliant purple light that fileld the room.
As the ligth dimmed it coudl be seen that Alex has pulled away form the girl, a soft smile on hsi face as he looekd down at her, her chest heaivng with a weak breath as he admire dhis handy work. now on ehr wrist and neck were three identical pentagrams, alogn with a more intracite one that could be seen peakign jsut betwene her cleavage, his body shakign as he already semd to have draiend the eneryg the feedign had given him, especially sens ehe hadn't draiend the body. years of workign with corpses had taugth him how logn it woudl take to drain a body of blood efer soem oen would die, and it had taken all hsi disipline to pulla way beeor he ahd draiend too much form her. now she had the same emblems that had prevented cidny from biting him, on ehr neck and wrists, as well as a new one over her heart, one that would prevent any deadly blood loss form her body. Alex grinned over to Cindy, the smile of triumph on hsi face as he spoke.
"check mate" Was all he got out befoer he went limp and fell to the ground, the pain unbearable as his body shut down. There was a price to pay for using the main tatoo on his back, a price he had never been abel to pay befeor, it would have been pain so strong that any human would have died, mentaly breakign down form their nerve ends burnign up.. btu he was immortal and undead now, he coudl use such a risk, though now he had to live through the pain, there woudl be no sweet release of death as his price was paid with an our of brungin nerve endings.