The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Their sadistic eyes light up lustfully as the shocking began. It may not appear it but this was the first time they had sexually tormented their catch, at least for Ruby. They had never really gone this far. It was new and exciting. When his piercing sparked Ruby's eyes light up even more. "Its like a sparkler." She commented. And this was only a low voltage. Then Kenny shouted and both girls grew quiet as he emptied his bladder on the floor. Sapphire quickly backed away so she would not get hit. "Stupid flee infested mutt. You did that on purpose!" She growled when the shock had ended. Her cheeks had turned flushed with anger he had almost peed on her. She was sure he had done it to get back at her.

Ruby's cheeks were also flushed but for a different reason. She was holding in her laughter but the moment her partner opened her mouth the girl could not hold it in. It hurt her stomach too much to try. Ruby bursted out into a fit of laughter. She tried to catch her breathe, taking in deep quick inhales and exhales but when she looked at the yellow puddle on the floor the laughter continued. "Oh... my side.. it hurts.." She clutched her stomach as she tried again to catch her breathe, this time being a little easier with icy piercing of her partner's glare. "Werewolves... really are... filthy dogs." Ruby stated to embarrass Kenny with a new fact he had just proven as she wiped her own tears from her eyes. Now that his bladder had been unexpectedly released she felt safer to go further south.

The girls walked around Kenny switching places and avoiding the puddle. Ruby go on her knees to strattle Kenny's waist while Sapphire stood behind him and removed her own little patch from her pants. She gripped his hair pulling his head back so she could look at him. "That is clearly true. You are far from broken which means more fun for me." She said before she stepped forwards and strattled his head, facing the chain and her partner. Ruby wrapped her fingers around his cock and brushed his head over her pussy lips. He could hear a shudder of erotic relief come from her lips as her pussy was finally touched. "Your manners are worst than I thought. This calls for harsher discipline." Sapphire mused wickedly as she turned the notch up and pressed the button again.

"Ohhh!" Ruby moaned pleasantly giggling a little as she continued to slide his cock up and down the outside of her pussy lips. The sparks from the piercing was more pleasurable than she imagined as the tingly static stimulated her pussy lips. "It feels... amazing." She moaned blissfully. Sapphire held the button down just a little longer than the first time because of how much Ruby enjoyed it as well as out of spitefulness that Kenny nearly peed on her. However, after what felt like much longer than it really was, she released the button.
"oh but how filthy doe stha tmake you?" Kenny asked as he gleame dup at Saphire. "takeing such pleasure in such filthy animals." He chuckle dout, his lounges givign out on him as he coughed out hte rest."mmmm and you're willing to touch yoru 'divine' bodies upon such trash." HE added, his body migth be in pain, but his mind was still as quick as ever his body shudderign and bakc archign as he felt he pusy rub upong hsi cock, his eyes abel to cathc a glimpse of saphires pussy, he couldn't help how much he wanted to taste that, he didn;t care if it was the enemy, a pussy was a pussy in his mind. though hsi blissfull thought was interupted as his body jolte din his body tuggign on hsi chains as the electrity ran up his cock to the piercign again, hsi balls felt like tehy were ready to burst, and not int eh good way it was pain ful , it was conflicting as the pain and teh pleasure mixed frotme h shockign and his cock rubbign upon ehr pussy. " it felt liek aternity as his teeth grit upon each otehr hsi jaw clenched and eyes closed with ttears, it was bad enough to be kicke dint eh balls this was just like he was beign kicked every second as she held down the button. finaly relief came and the mans head relaxeed in saphries grip. "c'mon bitch, lower yourself to my level, fuck me all night and torture me... andthen call ME the filthy dog." KEnny laughed out, still unwillin to be broken by these two.
"Clearly you are a glutton for pain you sadistic mutt." Sapphire stated angrily though it was half apparent she enjoyed his persistance and stubborn attitude. "It does not matter what we do tonight. By morning you will still be lower than the dirt beneath our feet." She once again pressed the button and watched her partner get off on his torments. Each second the button was held down her grip grew a little tighter in his hair. It was an unintentional reaction of her own lust as she watched Kenny's body jolt painfully under her thumb and her parther hump his cock. She could see sparks from under the girls pussy, lighting up. Her mouth was open and watered in her own lustful thoughts. Her body was growing hotter and she swallowed when Ruby came. She held the button down a few seconds after the precum dripped over his cock then released the button.

"Mmmm...You are a licking... electric... ahh bliss." Ruby's wet pussy humped Kenny's head. Her body shuddering from the static until she could not hold it and she released a small load of precum over his cock. Once the electricity stopped she took a moment to catch her breathe. Her pussy was wet enough now that she slowly began to drop her pussy down onto his head. Once he was popped in she lifted her body up slightly and sort of jumped down forcing his entire length in. Ruby's back arched and her knees pressed into his outer thights. Her pussy was tighly squeezing his cock and she paused to catch her breath and grow used to his girth.

Once the button was released Sapphire fully stepped over Kenny's head. She tugged his hair forcing his head up and pressed his lips into her wet pussy. "I believe you know what I want." She said just before Ruby had made the assault to screw his cock. "Use your tongue and if I feel you are not putting all of your effort into it, well my finger might slip onto the button again." She threatened him as her thighs closed in around his cheeks.
The boy seemd to squirm more when she thrust down than when he wasshocked, at this poitn the pleasure was heavenly to him, his body bloodya nd soar formthe beatign before that the waves of pleasure warmed his blood and strengthened his muscles, evne lettign out a soft groand as he felt her pussy press down on his piercing, the feelign of hsi heead beign squeezed envelopign ove rthe pain of his flesh beign pulled at. "mmm thats rigth, even ou still yearn for my cock after al thsoe nights." Kenny muse dotu almsot in triumph as Ruby thrust down all teh way makign him goran out in heavenly relief. his brows cocking as the otehr girls pussy was placed above his head, hiding his grinnign face. "Oh you migth reget tellign me that."Kenny chuckle dotu betwenet he girls thighs, hisbody shiverign tas his head was surouned by soft warm flesh, snugglign in just to tease her innerthighs befoer he prssed his tounge up and ran the tip betwene teh slit befoer pushign forwardto pres shis lips upon hers and suckle the flehs softly, makign obsense slurpign sounds just to tautn them even if it was from hsi saliva mreo then her liquids at this moment.
"Mmm... really get in there." Sapphire hummed. Her pussy twitched and her body shuddered in joy as her pussy finally got some attention. His lips and tongue were arms and his sucking only attracked more of her wet fluids. "Did your tongue deep." She instructed him as she pushed the back of his head into her so that his nose rubbed into her flesh. She wiggled her pussy against him cutting off his air supply into her pussy wondering how long he could hold his breathe and how good his gasping and groaning would feel. She also like the suprising idea of the scare. She released his head so that he could breathe and tugged on the chain to the leash upwards. "Ohh!" Her body tensed from the feeling of the cold metal brushing against her clit. It was a good feeling so she tested it again, tugging the chain and moving her hip forward to grind against the chain as the boy worked and groaned into her pussy. The feelings made her back arch slightly and her knees trimble.

Ruby slowly slide up. Her body shuddering as she felt her walls stretching and gripping his cock. The two balls pressed against her walls causing her toes to curl and her hips to shift and twitch every time he hit a soft spot. Ruby's hands slide up his chest and she pressed her nails around his hard pecks slide back down on him. Her hands slide down his chest leaving her own scratch marks, not deep enough to bleed but left pretty pink marks over the whip welts and pale skin. Ruby began to ride him up and down at her own fairly slow pace. She squirmed her hips around using his piercing to give her extra pleasure. Her fingers curled around his upper body and as she leaned forwards to press herself against him she began to tease his nipples with her thumbs.
His eyes shot wide as she forced hsi face up, his nose twisitng uponhre fleshand closign in, the alst wif of air, fillign hsi lungs with ehr sweat covered scent makign him groan out in what was suposed to be protest but turne dmore itno pleasure as he flethet the piercign move upoon hsi cock, it still stung eveyr so often but it had become a new little toy that added evne mroe sensations to the thrusting, makign him almost forget to breath as he finaly felt hsi lounges short of air, evne soem of ehr fluids from her pussy had made it into his body as he tried breathign through his mouth for one breef secodn, he dint stop lickign though, he knew it would jsut make it worse beign shocked and sufficated at the same time. relief onc emroe came just intime as eh puleld hsi head away, his face socvered in saliva and vaginal fliuids as he spat otu to breath. "mmmm naughty bitch." He caughe dotu eh moemtn he could as he felt hsi chain beign tugged, her alreayd knew what she was usign for as he mvoed back to lick her hole this time twisitng his tongue farther in as he did, groanign as he felt his piericng move insid ethe girls body, all this fun had mad ehim weak, nto even tryign to hodl bakc as he let his precum splurt into the girls body.
Saphire's body trembled in delight as his tongue slithered over and in her pussy. Every gasp, moan and groan sent vibrations up her pussy. His sucking and attempts for air was even better than any plastic or rubber she used in her own personal time. She hand one arm hugging the chain and practically using it as a suport. In the other hand her fingers were tangled in his hair. Sapphire released the pressure on the back of his head just long enough for him to catch a descent breathe and then with out warning she force his face back up deep into her pussy. Her only concern for the mutt was to make sure he did not pass out in the middle of the fun. "I know you can do better than that. Use that big tongue like the dog you are and slide it deeper. I want to feel all of it." She demanded in a lustfilled groan.

Ruby gasped as she felt hot sticky liquid slurt up inside her pussy. She was half way out and thrusted her hips down hard and fast on him. The brunette arched her back in a moan that drowned out the sound of their flesh smacking together as she sat on his balls. "Naughty boy. You should know by now you are not allowed to cum without permission!" She scolded him through shallow breathes. Ruby reached for a wire with a little metal tip that looked like the plug for head phones. "Clearly you want more punishment don't you agree Saphire." Ruby asked as her hand went behind her and between Kenny's spread legs. She circled the metal around his tight puckered hole then poked the tip lightly against the center, threatening to enter.

Finally Sapphire yanked Kenny's head back, freeing him from her pussy and allowing him to breathe again. "Tell your new Master you want to be punished. Beg her for it." She demanded. Both girls wanted to hear to puppy break down even more and beg for their torture.
Kenny complied witht eh girls as Saphire kept pressign his face upon her most flesh, he had goten so used to it now that he woudl takein a breatht he mometn he felt her hand tighten on his head. no matter wha the girl said though he couldn't go any deeper with his tongue, ntto as a human atleast, though she didn't know that. IT had all reached a sense of pleasure paterns, face up, suck lick suck, face down breath groan shudder. that was until Ruby had taken notice of his precum, he had been expecting any punishemtn, a scratch, a slap, a whip, antoehr shock even. but this was new, his eyes wide as eh fellteh codl metal press upon his warm puckere dhol. "What!, What the hell is that!!" EH exclaimed, his body shuderign with actual terror, he didnt know how big the object was or what ti was made of, all he knew is he did nto want to get butt rape dinfrotn of his cindy. "That's takign it to far, get it away." HE growled otu as he even force dhsi head away form Saphires pussy as the boy squirme din hsi chains, a tinge of fear acutaly gripign his heart, sure he had heard a finge rupt eh but coudl add to eh experience, but he feared this sadistic sisers were goign todo more than that to him.
The girls both snickered to his reaction. They could actually see true fear growing in him which only made them more excited and confident about what would happen next. None the less, with a smirk, Sapphire decided to milk his apparent fear. "No, we can go much farther than this. We really should." She warned him. "But Ruby is in a generous mood." She said as if she did not agree with how easy her sister is taking it on him.

"What is this? Is the big bad wolf afraid of the unknown?" Ruby teased as she poked the little tip in and out of the little hole to tease him. Saphire's hands left his head and the chain and slide down his chest to grip his little nipples and twist them. "Now beg you masochistic mutt. Right now, in front of your slave I want to hear you beg for us to punish your ass." She demanded.
The boy shivered, nearly all confidence lost a the metal began pressing upon his butox, bittignhis lip to stiffle a yelp as Saphrie twisted hisnipples, his mind racing with idea, all of them endign with him beign violated in the one place he had never expected. Well as he thougth of it he was almost surprised Victoria hadn't violated him there yet. antoerh twist of hsi hard nipples snapped the boy out of his thoughts as he gasped out. "You bitch." HE growled otu defiantly, thougha pressign upogn his hole made him think twice before beign defiant. It felt small atleast and he knew they could do worse if he spoke out. "VIolate me if you must." HE spat out in disgust as he close dhsi eyes, waiting for the event to happen.
"Oh we are past violating." Sapphire chuckled. "You are not very good at begging. If you could even call that begging." Sapphire sounded a little disappointed in his response. She released his nipples and he could hear a clicking sound as she turned up the voltage on the remote. Her head nodded to Ruby who then poked the plug into his anal hole. It was small and thin and only went about two inches deep before the end of the plug met the opening of the hole.

"It's in. Press the button." Ruby stated with clear excitement in her voice. She wiggled her rump against him eagerly as Kenny's thick cock continued to sit deep in her pussy. As instructed Sapphire pressed the button and a vultage a little higher than that was set on his precious balls earlier, traveled through the wires and in the metal of the plug to send electricity into his third hole. Both girls had their attention on his body waiting to see, and more importantly fell the affects of thier torture. The button was held down for a couple long seconds before it was released.
The boys body jolte dint eh chains as the rod first penetrated hsi anus, it wasn't as bad as he ad imagined, he had expecte dsomehtign bigger and his body soon relaxed, shudderign ever so slightly fromt he exotic pleacure he got form the hold metal insid ehis body, or maybe it was the pain of the tip scraping insid ehim, his masocstic nature takign hold again, allw as good until he heard the clicking of the remote, his eyes widenign with fear. "Wait.. i thought you didn't want me to cum." Kenny protested, thinkign the girls knew wha teh rod was actualy for "No don't press GAH!!!!" THE boyw as cut off as his bakc arched his face pressign upon Saphriesinner thigh, as he yelel dinto her pants, fdarign nto to bite downas he felt eh shocks surge up hsi hole, goign trhough hsi flesh to spark the peircign int eh girls pussy befoer it arche dback trhough him and into hsi chaisn. This was the problem the surge whent rigth through hsi cock,t eh vibratiosn and heat makign ti imposible for himt o hold in his load as he groane dotu upon siphires his muscles convulsing even more almsot as if ehr were havign a sezure formt eh electricution and the orgasim as his cum spurt hard and fast itno rubys vagina, the white liquid wasnt held back, he had no cotnrol over hsi body at this poitn as his load was nearly twice the one that he ahd released upon teh floor, the boy nearly passign otu as the electrisity stopped, his head rollign back as best it could with the chain aroudn his neck. "you, idiots." HE gasped out.
Sapphire actually moaned as Kenny convulsed between her legs. He screamed into her thighs sending shudders up her legs and through her body. Right now she did not care that he had left his attention from her pussy. This was so much better watching him on the border line of consciousness.

Ruby's knees pressed into Kenny's sides and her fingers wrapped around her back as she hugged herself against him for support. He was shaking so much it was like she had her own personal fleshy vibrator deep inside her. And that piercing, it was the best idea she had ever had. The static electricity it sent a sparking against her walls was more pleasurable than anything she had ever experienced. She winced her eyes shut, enjoying the few seconds of stimulation that took place before he interrupted her pleasure with his orgasm. Her eyes grew wide as a rush of hot sticky liquid filled her insides. She gasped in surprise.

Lucky for Kenny this was a new toy for the girls and neither knew the full effects the shock was going to take on him. They were both stunned he cam so hard. Though they both knew it was clearly involuntary they were not going to let him off so easily. "So that is what happens..." Ruby stated in a matter of fact tone Ruby placed her hands against his pelvis and pushed herself up until she was fully off of his cock and allowed the river of cum to drip out of her and cover his cock. Sapphire acted upset for the disobedience but if the girls really did not want any cum that knight they would have forced him to wear a rubber.

There was a silent pause as Sapphire caught her breathe and allowed Kenny a few gasps of air before she spoke again. "You are full of surprises.... You have balls and defiant until the end I have you that much." Then without warning she pressed the button that triggered a charge on his sac. "Do you have any spunk left in them?" She asked curiously knowing how sensitive he must have been after the orgasm and all their play.
"Of course i do." HE hissed otu,t eh his scratchign at his throat to much as he cougehd out itn eh end, his screams had already torn up his throat, the silver collar too close tot he woudns to let it heal leavign hsi ovice witha rasp as he spoke again. "Why not give in and just fuck?" HE mused out in a hoping tone, only to be shocked again hsi eye swaide as eh bit down on hsi lip, tears streamign down as his legs shook, his body stoo soar and hsi mind too weak as he tried to figth it. HE had to fightit, for his slave, he couldn;t let her se ehim give in, not liek this, his mind still ought btu his body, hsi poor body couldng take it."FUck.. you." HJe sighe dout before hsi head roleld back and body convulsed one last time bffore goign still, the boy unconsious and limp int eh chaisn now, he needed rest, oh how eh needed to heal.
Ruby pouted as their captive passed out the first time that night. Sapphire stepped back and crouched down and lick the tears from his cheek. "Well it is about time." She laughed. They gave him five minutes to rest then splashed cold water on his face and private areas both to clean off all the cum as well as to get his attention. The rest of the night Ruby and Sapphire mercilessly played with their werewolf. They shocked him multiple times as they rode his cock and switched places once the girls orgasmed. They milked him for every drop of cum he had and when he passed out they gave him enough time to last the next round and then revived him. By time the sun rose Kenny was overly exhausted, practically dehydrated and sore. Kenny was put into his original position on all fours when the huntresses left the room.
Kiga had been caleld away after Kenny passed out, kissing Cindy a swee t goodbye before linkign past the pitiful scene the huntress' had made fo kenny, a worrie dlook upon her face as she closed the door behind her, sighing as she headed to her next task, she always had to service a few of the hunters each night , of coursse this is what her master coutned as a males touch, but the filthy pigs weren't creative, they had gotten so mundane as they would stuff every one of her holes at once.

The buzz of teh tannign ligths shut off in an instant as the normal brigth whtie ligths once mfore flooded teh room as Albert swung the door open, a lab coat on that was buttone dcompletly, coverign down to his kness showign he still wore black slacks as he pushe dup hsi glasses to admire his work, he had left Anna under the ligths for a good few hours letign her 'cook' in mreo ways than one as he had injecte dehr with a lactating syrum before he ahd left, a grin on his face as he saw her breasts now too large for ehr bra and wet marks beign produced upon each cup whiel he circled her. "mmmm so you can tan and such sweet lines as well." Albert mused as he puleld on her bra strap form behidn to squeeze her bras upon erher bossom even more as he admired the diffrences in skin tone, it wasn't taht large as Anna obviously was a caucasian, but it was enough to get the man aroused just thinking of what else he could test on er later. for now, it was time to play with her. His rigth hand slipped form hsi pocket to show an electronic glove coverign hsi flesh. Albert stopepd infront of her as he began programignt eh glove befoer wavign it around, gesturign to both ehr hands and then pointing behidn her back, with that n invisible force pulledupon ehr wrists to wrap them close behidn her back. "Did you knwo you were capable of such a wodnerfaul transformation?" Albert asked as he moved ehr legs up to hover high as if being heald up form the cieling.
Anna squint her eyes as the bright lights filled the room. He was back, the madd scientist who was apparently obsessed in solving the mysteries of being a ghost. She gasped as he pulled on the bra strap. Her chest was heavy from the injection and she felt as if her bra was sporting over filled water balloons. She did not like his desire to change her body like this, even if it was just her skin tone. That part could have been so much worse. None the less she refused to look down at her own body. "Of course I know what my body is capable of." She said with some dignitly as her arms were pulled behind her. She struggled against the chains trying to keep her legs together but she was just too weak for his gadgets and failed miserable at that part. "I would not call this a wonderful transformation you sick pervert."
"Oh now now that's the pot callignthe kettle black isn;t it?" Albert mused , his gloved hand shootign forward at ehr as a force cma to pull her bakc bakc and down so she was force ditno an arche dposition, if she looked at him she woudl have to look past ehr bloated breasts. "What kind of girl is able to stand this?" ALbert asked as he walekd around to one hand slapign her bossom as he tore hre bra off. "Most girls woudl be complainign about the soarness, teh bloatign,and you.. it seems you're used to such a feeling." HE msued, his head hoverign over hers as his hadn graped upon ehr breasts to squeee them tight,, hsi thumb and index finger pinchign at her nippls to prevent the milk form squirting out, but even as he removed his fingers ther was still an unseen force squeezign her tits makgins srue whatehr did to her she wouldnt be able to lactate as his ungloveed hand ran aroudnt eh subbled circumfrence of her breast. "noo stretch marks either, such a divine body. I woudl say this Kenny of yours was a lucky man.. but well ..... never mind." Teh scientest snapped away formehr as hsi back turne din a swoosh ofhis jacket as he looekd aroudn his room, hsi gloved hand pointign to areas of the walled as an asortment of vials popped form shelves that slide otu of the wall alogn with obvious sexual mechanisims, the scientest then took his time to glanc eover his equipment as he unbuttoned hsi jacket with one hand, the gloved hand raised behind hism as he rubbed hsi index finger upon his thumb, makignt ehinvisible force ont eh girls nippls twist the little nubs."tell me do any of these catch yoru eye?" THE scientest asked allowed as he gazed upon the electronic dildos he had. Not evne waitign for a responses as his hand gestured to a wheel machinse that held 4 difrent sized and shaped dildos aotne h spinning contraption. Teh scientist then turned bakc to Anna as his pants feltl showing his engorged cock, probably twice the size of a normal humans form hsi won little experimenting it even had bumps runnignu upon teh top ofthe fleshy rod made to stimualte the girsl clit ., a sinister grin on his face as he let his toy role up unde the girl, the smallest of the dilso positioned rigth under her anus and with a snap ufo hsi figners shot up with otu ny lubrication, the smallest though was made otu of metal, no grooves on ti at all ao is slid in relativly easycompared to the other three optins otne h wheel, he let the small thsing puncture her anus three tiems, eachtime pullign out completly before a gass valve shot it back up itno her, thw hoel tiem he rubbed his fingers to twist her nipples, watchign asshe squirmed.
Anna could actually hear her back pop as he positioned her into an arch. It was a relieving feeling after being in that other position for hours. However after a good stretch she was ready to come back up and out of this lewd position that had her body exposed and open to him in every way possible. It would have been a hot night if it was Kenny standing between her legs. However, it was someone entirely different making this a serious violation in her mind. Anna closed her eyes as her bra was wriped off. Her large breasts bounced freely on her chest, tugging on her skin. He was right. They felt swollen and sore but she had been through far worst in her earlier years with Victoria or on the few occasions an Elder chose her for a night. "I am not the kind of girl who complains over the little things." She tried to explained before her speech was interupted by a deep gasp. Her breasts began to ache as he squeezed them. Her chest squirmed as she tried to break free of his hands. Oh how she had wished he would have just squeezed it all out right there and got it over quickly.
He was not going to go that easy on her. Instead he made her voice shudder as his fingers pinched her sore nipples. A chill ran down her spin as he somehow managed to plug her milk holes up.

"What? What about Kenny?" Her head lifted up as much as she could between her clevage for concern over her boyfriend. She had not heard anything about Kenny or the rest of those captured since she was taken. "What have you done to him?!" She whippered at the end of her speech as her nipples began to twist on their own. They were so sensative that the little pain was a hightened pleasure to her. She had ignored his next question and payed little attention to the toys or his unveiling of his own tool. Her thoughts were strictly on what they had done to Kenny until they were brutally interupted by something cold and slick suddenly shoved up her anus. "AHhhh!" Her head fell back and she bit her lip. Her anus burned from the speed and friction of the metal that ground against her walls. Three times her hips bucked up and her legs tensed. He pulled out and shot in quickly breaking through her puckered hole. "Stopp!" She groaned as her anus felt like it was on fire from the slick friction. Yet the tease on her nipples kept her upper body shivering. As shameful as it was she could feel the old air through her panties which meant they were already getting wet. "Answer my questions." She tried pulling his attention off of her.
"Oh you'll see what that little mutt is up to... if you're a good girl that is"HE said witha wicked grin as he watched the metal bullet ram into ehr anus, tearign a hole inerh panties formt eh first time, small specs of blood ecen on it form how rough the dildo had gone int he first time and torn at some of ehr inner flesh., hs body shudderign with wicked pleasure as he stpped towartds her so he was between her legs. "now beg bitch, beg for relief." Albert barked otu as he rubbe dhis finger sot twist at her nipples. "tell me you lov eit up your filthy ass." HE added to hsi demands as his mutated cock yal right above her pussy, runnidn the bottom of his length upon her silk covered clit to please himself. "and then maybe i will tell you abit about your flea ridden boyfriend." He hissed out, a synical grin on his face, he kne whte most abou thte mansion, hewas the one who had gotten the information for the infiltration, and knew the most about the people they had captured, especailly the relationship betwen the ghost and the dog. he waited, knowign it was a matter of tiem before she gave in, and even she didn't beg he would snap his fingers and the wheel beneether her ass would turn, the piston hissing befoer releasing as a larger mroe human shaped dildo shoved hard itno ehr anus, the materail that of a fleshy rubber now addign evne mroe firction oot eh unlubricated hole, he would only fire it once if she complied, but if she didn;t beg he would let the piston pump into her ass until she gave in.
She whimpered even louder as he twisted her nipples even more. Hightened sparks of pleasure flowed through her milk filled bossoms as they bounced around with each squirm. Her legs twitched, tugging at the bindings as she felt his massive cock press against her crotch and tease her clit. Her eyes had grown wide just from the feel of how large he must have been. He had to be too big for a human. A shudder traveled from her clit up her arched back and through her upper body forcing a soft moan from the back of her throat. It happened each time he rubbed up against her clit. Her panties had been pulled tight into her pussy lips thanks to the force of the dildo leaving the material to grow wet even faster and exposing part of her pink lips around the fabric. That was until he began to rub his cock over the panties which helped pull the material free.

Anna did not comply to the scientist right away. She certainly did not wish to beg for anything from him but he did know how to get her attention. The only thing that held her tongue from beaconing to his every word was doubt he would keep his word. After all he did say maybe. She opened her mouth, he snapped his fingers, and a scream filled the air in the place of lustful begging. He had shoved something larger up her burning hole. Her back arched a little further than it already was and trembled under the electric chains. Her eyes watered as she felt her tight walls being pushed and pulled against the rubber and stretching for a quick fit.
"I see... what you are doing." She said once she was able to catch a breathe. "You want me to give you permission to violate my body and beg to be touched so you can say I wanted this. That I begged for it. Well I won't do it." She told him stubbornly as she tried lifting her head to look at him. Her tanned body was now begining to glisten with sweat from the anal pumps. "I don't trust you will tell me anything in return."
"I don't NEED your permision tod anythign." HE spat out as he snappe dhis figners to slam the dildo into her multiple tiems as he spoke in disgust to her. "I am the lead scientest here, I get what i want, you are my study subject, you are no bigger than an ameba ina petri dish, the only reason i wisht o hear you beg is out of my own twisted joy you got that!!!" HE growled out befoer snapign hsi figners to stop the dildo right as it was pullign otu so half the thing was still in her anus, even mreo blodo drippign upotn eh groudn form the rough friction. I am a man of fact and science, it's an insult to think you would call me a liar." HE added as he poitned hsi figner to the cieling, a screen dropign down form above before it switched on to show Cindy beign fondled by Kiga, Kennys distinct voice cuttign trhough as eh yeleld out "Oh you son of a bitch." from his dick beign pierced, though he adn thee twisn were of screen. After that Albert turne dthe Tv on mute ashe looked back to her witha twisted grin. "IT seems his fun has started as well, now then if you want to see your dirty mut you will BEG for it in the ass, and i imight be more forgiving." He demanded, snappign hsi finger to make the diildo thrust bakc up befoer yankign otu fully again.
Anna's sweet voice screaming echoed through the room the moment he snapped his fingers. Her eyes squint shut with tears slowly flowing down each side of her face. Her body trembled as the chains held her tightly in place. Her body temperature rose and when he stopped the dildo halfway in her she could feel her warm blood trickle over the rubber. She was sure he had torn something. Her body sort of relaxed in the arched position where she let her head hang back and her golden hair dangle below her. She heaved a few breathes and swallowed softly as her anal hole twitched around the rubber. She wished he had fully pulled it out.

The screen then came down and she finally opened her eyes to look up. She saw cindy but could not see Kenny. Her heart skipped a beat when she heard her dear Kenny yelling. She cringed she had never heard Kenny yell like that before and what was worst she could not see it which made her imagination go wild. The doctor could see the worry and horror on her face. Her head shot up when the screen went on mute. "What are they doing to him? Make them stop now!" She demanded. Another cry was provoked by the rubber that pumped in and out of her tight hole once more. She threw her head back once more, taking in and deep breathe and gritting her teeth. She knew what she had to do if she wanted to see more. She sighed taking in another breath. "Please fuck my ass." She stated in a breathe clean of any true passion or desire.
"Oh don;t be so niave young lady, i lead teh science department, i have no say over outr military." HE mused with his twisted smile, of course he coudl alwasy tell them to stop, it wouldn't help though he had seen what had happened to Ruby and knew Saphire wasn't goign to let the werewolf live it down. The scientiests eyes sparkled as the girl had shown the first signs of defeat. ."a little unenthusiastic btu it will do." He said as he flippe dthe sound back on for Anna to listen as he turne dhte machine bakc on to fuck at her hole, he had never said he ws goign to use his own cock, he would never touch such a hoel wihtou pumping it full of enema first, and well, he just wasn't int eh mood for that tonight."if you want it to be lubricated you have to beg a little better than that." HE mused "that is unles you enjoy your own blood" HE added at the end as he signaled for the machine to pump faster and evne deper into Cidny, so much so that he could feel it move within he as he presse dhsi hand upon her belly. "I really don't want my new toy to break thsi easily." he added as his ahdn ran down her naval to her panties, graspigna nd yankign at them til the elatis snapped , tossign them up over her breasts to land on her pain ridden facea s he placed hsi cock bakc upon ehr now esposed clit, grinnignas eh saw how wet she had already become. "Now then, beg, beg me to fuck your pussy, to tear your vagina and split you in two, tell me how badly you need the release." Albert hissed as he moved his glvoed hand to motion to her breasts,t he forc eone rh niples not pulling at them to stretcht he flesh up itne wair as he kept twisting the nubs, hsi cock rubbign upon the clit as heeagerly awaite dit. A grin still on hsi face, sure he had turne dht volume abck on but he had figured ith the anal rape she would be scream to much to evne hear kennys dismay.
He could almost feel the emotional tension radiating from her body. He was going to give her what she asked for so Anna tried to relax her body to prepare for the anal attack but the anticipation made relaxing nearly impossible. The sound turned back on from the recording but before she could hear her precious kenny her own voice stole the show. Her body julted in the chains as the machine began to pump back in and out of her bruised hole. The pain shot through her spine like electricity. Anna bit her bottom lips as loud whimpers temporary replaced her screams. She tried hard to think whether this pain was worth reducing herself to lustful begging. Her inner walls burned but she could take it. In fact it was almost enjoyable, that was until he turned it up. "Gah! Pleaaseah.." Her body quivered as the machine pumped even faster and deeper inside her. The burning and tugging of her innerwalls was traveling deeper inside her. He could feel her body temperature rise and her pale form shiver. Her screaming became more random, coming from every two or three pumps. The worst part of the situation was that he had forced her mind to forget about Kenny. She was so concerned with the machine screwing her back door, she could not even get find the will to raise her head any more. The worst part was that she could actually feel the pump pushing against her stomache and his hand sliding over to feel the penetration. A very dirty shameful image grew in her head causing her to shudder to his touch.

The panties fell onto her face and she inhaled the sent of her own soaking pussy. Her flushed face turned red. He could hear her breathing shudder as her breasts were pulled up. If it was not for his constant play on her hard nipples this experience would have been much more aggonizing for her. "I huh.." She was having a hard time getting the words out, not only because of whimpers and random screaming that made it now difficult to speak. It was also her pride getting in the way as she debated to giving into him. "I nn-nuh!" Her voice got caught in her throat as his hot flesh hit her clit. Each little rub sent her pussy twitching for attention and strokes of estasy up her hot body. "I nneed reliefah" She intentionally moaned with a bit more enthusiasm. She wanted the lube and since he showed her the video she hoped he give her a little more as well.

There was something else that was starting to happen though. Something that neither was fully aware had begun. The burning straveling up her bottom into her stomache, her bloated sore breasts and the vulnerablility of being unable to move her limbs as he did what he wished to her body was taking a tole on her body and senses. Usually she could control her emotions, but in being in true danger her ghostly aura was starting to emit from her body. All the pain and vulnerable stress she was feeling, the emotions were starting to release into the atmosphere and mix with the doctors. He could feel the agony and stress she felt in the room as if the emotions were begining to absorb in his skin. "T-take my pussy...I haHH! need it INside." She gave him the words she thought he wanted to hear. It was lustful but she was still partly holding back.
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