The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Teh man grinned before givign a wide smile and then laughign along with them after they tried to scare him, his hands slappign down on their legs as they quiete ddown and his grip became strong on their flesh, no longer the caresses as before. "you really think you are going to scare me, ME, my code name is a weapon wielded by death its self, and belive me i ddin't star out with thsi code name." HE muse as his grip tightene don thier legs, the only finger not being used was his middle which he let the nail scrape upon theri stockings as he spoke. "even at your full strength, vampries such as yourself could never out mathc me, I just enjoy watching my bitches starve for their food, Kehehehehe" with that laugh he took his hands off them, though not loosenignhis grip as he yank and tore a piece of theri stockigns tossign the usless fabris asie as he leaned forward and slappe dhis ahdns inbetween bother thei legs to hits his fingers agsitn theri most private parts, his midle finger sliddign up and down the littel crevis of their pussy, scrapign at the fabric to slowly weaken its integrety. "I jsut enjoy seeing who braeaks first."
The maids jumped as he gripped tight to their legs and fear began to take a strong grip on them. They realized none of their tricks or little games were working on him. Blood trickled down their bare skin and over the tattered stockings. They were so hungry the cuts were not healing fast enough without the proper nutrition to help. Their heads rolled back against the wall as his grip grew even tighter, his one finger scraping against their leg, despite the danger they were clearly in the chills rising up their thighs were making their panties damp. "We were messing around." Ashley confessed as if trying to apologize. "You said you wanted a trick.” Amber added in.
The girls gasped in a deep breathe of air as his hand slapped against their most sensitive region. Their knees felt began to shake, threatening to give in at any moment. “Don’t touch there.” They both squieled as his finger slide back and forth teasing their soft lips and threatening to break through the thin material the protected the moist pink lips. Both of the thighs squeezed against his hands as they tried to close their legs. Amber’s knees bucked together and she rose slightly on her toes to keep the chain from pulling back on her neck. Ashley lifted one of her legs up trying to block her nether regions. Both of their hands came down to wrap their fingers around his wrist. “We are too weak..” “For that kind of play” “We will pass out” “Undoubtably.” They voiced their fears. They both knew first hand how exhausting sex could be on the body and even thought their pussys twitched with excitement of being touched, they did not wish for the exhaustion that came after a good orgasm.

The girls used what strength they had to try pulling his hand upwards their lips. “Let us have a taste.” “Just one little bite…” A lustful thurst grew in their eyes. Their mouths were still slightly parted. They were practically drooling of the thought of tasting his blood. “It does not hurt.” Amber reassured him. “Have you ever been kissed by a vampire?” Ashley asked him, a clear lust in her voice though it was almost impossible whether to tell it was for him or his blood. “It feels… orgasmic.” The both moaned creating a heavenly sound through their unified voice that would make any mans cock rise.
Keheheheh, believ eme you will learn what tricks i want soon enough."THE hunter laughe dout as the vampries took hold of his wrist. This what he had been waiting for, hungering for, for themt o break, to tremble in his hands as they lusted fro his blood, and for hte most part he was allowing them to drag his ahnds up their bodies, his figners pressing upon their bossoms as they passed only to fianly yank his blood filld apendages away form them with his sinister laugh as eh stpped away to a safe distance. "I've felt the kis of a vampire many times alreayd, and by the end off this session i will probably feel it again." Sythe then plope dupon his bed as he pressed the controls , the chain movivg on the wall to yank them down and force them on their knees befoer he would give tir necks slack again.
There was a clatter heard ont he floor as he tossed them an asortment of double dildos and strap ons."I want to see soem tricks, i want to see soem fun Kehehe" He mused happily while blood dripped onto his ahnds, waiting a few secodns for his palm to fill and he splashed the red fluid all over hte toys. "I want to see some rape, I want to see some clothes tareing and soem tears as one of you violates the other... and who ever the rap[ist is.. gets to taste soem fresh blood kehehe" he said a she puleld a pocket knife form his pants and [pricke dhis finger just to intise them even more.
A soft whimpers of disappointment came from their pouted lips as he pulled his hand away and stepped back. They could not say they did not expect it but they had hoped they could have been a little lucky. It did not take much to pull them onto their knees, they did not want to be on their feet any longer than they had to anyways. It was a relief that the chain around their neck been loosened. They girls rubbed their necks as their scarlet eyes remained fixed on the master of the room. They did not even looked down to see the toys he had thrown in front of them, at least not until he added a little seasoning to it. The moment the crimson liquid sprinkled onto the plastic toys they each picked up a toy.

Ashley picked up a thick black double dildo while Amber lifted a clear blue strappon with round bumps encircling the long rod. Without hesitation they shamelessly slide their tongues across the sides of the plastic to lick the blood off. Their eyes only left the toys when he explained what they were supposed to do. "You-you can't make us do that" Amber complained. "We won't turn on each other." Ashley agreed with her sister. Their eyes looked over at his pricked fingers and they both swallowed. The blood on the toys was good but it was not enough. It was simply a teaser. His was the real treat.

The girls fell quiet for a moment. He could tell as they looked at each other and the toys that they were debating in their mind what to do. Neither wanted to hurt the other but at the same time they knew one of them had to do it if they wanted to eat. "Lie down Amber." Ashley finally spoke low and softly to her sister. Amber looked over to Ashley with shock her sister was going with him. Then she shook her head. "You lie down." She said deciding that she too wanted to be on top. "I am going to be on top." Ashley said giving her sister a shove. "No, I will" Amber pushed back. Clearly Sythes orders was creating an argument between the two.
"Kehehe, its a godo start but your goign to have to try harder." HE muse a sthe girls got in a little cat fight. "but thats nto what i want, I wnat one of you to pin the otehr down.. tear her clothe soff and." Syth paused, seeing as he wasnt gettign much of their attention s he pricked antoehr figner befeor continueing. "penetrate her, and i'm also sure you know.. what this has." Sthe added as he unzipepd his patns to let his throbing cock bounce out, "and how much blood it has." the man didnt much enjoy the little squable and wante done of them to fianly just get the pint so he could join int, he wasn'tthe type of giuy who was goign to sit there and touch himself either. well atleas tnot much. "the big question is, who is the alpha of your lil twin pack? who calls the shots?"

(sry so short)
"Let me on top slut" Ashley was getting aggressive as she ripped the right sleeve down Amber's arm. "Whore" The other gasped reaching her clawed fingers down to tear the skirt of her dress so there was a big whole at the seems. The material hung down revealing her thighs and pink panties. The scent of his blood only fueled their desire and aggression towards each other. It was not until he whipped out his juicy cock that they froze in position. Their heads whipped towards Scyth like a dog who had just smelt the prey.

Ashley licked her lips unaware that Amber had broken her gaze from the prize a second sooner than she. Amber forced herself on top her sister, pinning her to the ground by her shoulders. Her hands slide down Ashley's arms forcing them beneath her and holding the girl's hands behind her lower back. Amber squirmed to break from but was being over powered. "I am sorry, but this has to be done."Amber whispered before her lips met against Ashleys neck and she began suckling hard to leave a bright red make. Amber rolled her neck to the side shuddering in pleasure. It was not fair her sister knew her weakness and was using it against. "No.." She moaned weakly. Amber licked the bright red hickey teasing the girl to keep her down as she reached to the side and grabbed the torn stockings, using it to quickly tie the chains around Ashley's wrists together. Once her sister's arms were restrained, Amber was able to use both her arms freely and pulled herself up and adjusted her legs so she was stratling her sisters waist. This had been inevitable. Amber had always been the more dominate of the twins it was why Ashley had always been the one who got caught and took the blame in the mansion.

"Shhh.." She put her finger to her sister's lips then slowly trailed her hands down the girl's collar bone, trailing slowly down her bare neckline to her cleavage. Then she gripped the fabric of the black dress and ripped it in half. Her perky C cupped breast were revealed trapped under a blue laced bra. Ashleys breathing was becoming slow and shallow as her sisters fingers trailed up her stomache, between her chest, then rose up to her shoulders. She continued with the asault by pushing the material off her shoulders and down her arms until it was at her elbows as a result pinning the girls arms to her side.
"Kehehehe such a vicsious sister, all of this for soem cock.. what whores Kehehehe" Teh hunter was mroe then pleased now as one of them finally started it, his breathign heavy as he watche dher tear off her own sisters close and tie her down, to think she would bind a girlwho was alreayd i n chains. "Kehehehe good good, you have pinned her.. now take her.. VIOLATE HER liek the dirty little bitch she is..or.. do you .. nto want fresh meat?" HE asked, eggign on the show as he began pumpign his cock to let the blood flow more. "and don;t forget to gag her.. don;t want to risk her stealign your meal do you?"
((nothin much to say maybe next post i will *shifty eyes*))
Amber glanced around trying to find the smallest strap on there. The problem was they were all pretty big. She ended up picking the one Ashley had licked the blood off of. It was somewhat lubricated and she hoped the bumps would give her sister more pleasure. Amber lifted her skirt and fasten it around her waist like a belt. Then she reached behind her and slide her hands into her sister panties and found her clit. She began to rub and pinch the girls nub. Ashley's legs bent up against the floor. Her back arched and she moaned aloud. "Dirty slut you are enjoying this." Ashley moaned "I can feel your panties getting damp" Ashley added then her body suddenly julted and she yelped as Amber dug her nails into the sensative nub.

"Shut up" Amber hissed. She looked over at Scyth as if trying to get his approval while her hand pulled up pulling hard at the girls clit. "Oww... oh stopppp sttopp!" Her head press back against the floor and her hips came up trying to catch up with her sister's hands. Her eyes began to water from the intesity as whe whimpered.
"I said shut up" Amber hissed again as if she was some sort of mistress. She ripped Ashley's panties off and stuffed the wade of fabric into her mouth. Then she slide back, lifted Ashley's legs onto her shoulders and pressed the head against her pussy. She pressed her hips back and forth teasingly then leaned over her sister, cupping one hand over her mouth and supporting the other on her breast as she slowly pushed in. Ashley's body shook beneath her, soft whimpers and moans muffled into her sister's hand.
"Is it true? are you really horny?" Sythe mused with hsi wicked laugh as he hopped off his bed, his body shaking with a chill of excitment as he saw the vampire dominate her victim, oh to see siblings turn on each other, it was so thirilling tot eh hutner, and no matter what he got his girls to turn on one another, these towo though broke so easily he was so happy. "come now take your hand off her mouth, she alreayd has her dirty little bitch stained panties in it." He mused as he crouche dinfrotn of the twins his throbing cock inches form AShleys face as he took ambers hand with his bleedign hand, softly tugging it off of her sisters mouth before standign up, slowly so as to tease bothte girls, takign half a step forward as if he were goign to let the rapist taste his throbing flesh, letign hsi head just barely touch her lips befoer pullign bakc quickly. "Nope not yet, though you two can have this." He added, pulling a pakc of blood from his jackent pocket and squeezing it so the crimson liquid dropped all over Ashleys face, soakign into the panite sin her mouth. "Don;t want you passing out, just incase you really are the feeble bitches you make yourselfes to be." He said as eh tossed the empty sack away and walekd behind Amber, slapign his hand to her ass befeor diggin her hand itno ehr flesh and yankign away her panties, laughign as the elastic snappe dand whipped off of her only to slap his hand upon both her cheeks, his cock slidign between the vampires ass as he squeezed her butcheeks together rubbign hsi cock on her cold plump flesh, they weree always so codl when they hadn't fed, but he never minded. "are you ready my thirsty little bitch?" Sythe asked whiel the girl was still (probably) licking the blodo form ehr sisters face befoer he slamemd his cock into her anus, keepign hsi tight grip on ehr flesh to make sure as to squeeze is cock as much as he could and make ti more difictult as his initial thrist hardly got hit thick throbing head itno her dirty little bum hole.
Amber's cheeks flushed red with embarrassment as the truth came out. Her panties really was damp but she could not help it. Ashley grew quiet as his cock sat just above her nose, her eyes crossed slightly as she despritely wished he would stick his throbing sausage in her mouth. She could smell the blood pulsing though it and it was a wonderous smell. So much so that she whimpered lifting her head up as he brought the treat over to her sister's lips. Amber parted her lips open in hopes that he would slide his warm cock in but he refused her. A chill ran down her spine from the tease causing her to become even more wet. She licked the blood from his hand off her fingers as he pursed the mouth watering fluid all over her sister's face. Ashley closed her mouth to squeeze the blood from the panties down her throat. She smiled blissfully and suckon the material making a slirping sound. That was soon followed by a groan as her inner walls were being stertched and penitrated. She tried to arch her back but Amber would not allow that. Amber leaned forwards, putting weight on her sisters chest so she lied with her back flat against the ground. Hungrily she licked her rough tongue over her sister's cheeks and suckled on her soft flesh, determined to taste ever drop of blood. The efforts to lean over and reached the treat caused her hips to push the strapon into her sister without mercy.

Little yelps crossed Amber's lips with each swat on her behind. She payed little attention to him until she felt his hand slap over her puckered hole followed by his warm cock sandwiched into her crack. A shudder ran up her spine and she whimpered in disapproval as she could only guess what he was thinking. "Don't put it there." She breathed out before her heard her make a sucking sound on her sister's face. Of course he didn't listen. A cry of pain escaped her lips echoing through the room as his cock rammed into her back door. Simultaneously her sister too gave a muffled cry. Amber's fingers took grasp of her sister's breasts squeezing them hard, mainly because they were already sitting there. Her hips bucked forwards trying to pull from Sythe's tight grip which caused her to push the entire length of the strapon deep into her sisters woman hood. Each little squirm and movement caused the dildo to move inside her and push against her stretching walls. Both girls arched their backs whimpering and moaning as their bodys shuddered from the arousing pain. "Uggh... Your too biggg" Amber groaned as her puckered hole twitched and squeezed around his hot thick cock. "It won't fitt." She tried to warn him.
Sythe chuckled out his wicked laugh as the girl begged for him to stop, his own reaction was to force it in harder, gruntign as he got two inches into her, his body restign ont he vampries befoer for a seocnd, he didnt need to but it was to torment the girl as he breathed heavily upon ambers neck. "ydo you really think im going to talk to a loose bitch like you? I will make it fit.. believ eme." HE swhispered to her before bittign upon her ear and pulling ot eh lobe as his hands wraped aroudn her boddy, his fingers massaging her supple breasts on her uniform , his grip hardenign as he begna thrustign again forcign his howt cock into her dry hole, their skin grinding and pullign upon each other in her tigth puickered hole with no lube, his hand pullign at her breastsnd clothes to slowly begin rippign and tearign at he fabric, the boy laughing uipon her ear as he release her breasts , instead slippign under her unfiorm and yankign her bra off, abel to work easily now as he top hung loosly on her. "tell me is thsi your first tiem beign violated? Kehehe?" Syth asked as he could smell it on her, the smell of arousal, though ehw as human, for all he knew it was jsut sweat, all he knesw is he took it as arousal .
As Sythe continued to torment her sister, Ashley's body was soon into a full arch. Her feet were pressed against the ground and the dildo plowed deep into her cunt held her hips up in the air. Amber's tight grip held Ashley's upper body up off the ground by her supple breasts. They swelled out between Amber's fingers was being pulled by her weight. Without the use of her arms her head hung just an inch above the ground.

"OOOOOOOHHH" Amber's voice was shaky as he pushed harder into her. She swallowed hard catching a breathe as he paused. She could feel his hot cock pulsing against her inner flesh it made her knees tremble at the very thought. She could not believe how aroused her body felt by the way he violated her. It was too much to think about she wanted it to end. Instead he added to the torment as she felt his hot breathe making the hairs on the back of her neck stand. Then he bit her ear and her back arched up against his chest, lifting her sister off the floor. Then her gropped her through the dress and she nearly lost it. A moan escaped her lips and she quickly bit down stiffening her body so that she would not cum. "Ah- PLeease Don't" She rolled her head onto his shoulder, tears streaming down her cheeks as he forced his cock into her hole. Her hips ground hard against her sisters hips and they both moaned uncontrolably for mercy.

Ambers grinding against Ashley caused the tip of the plastic to bump and grind against her entrance while the bumps created unbelievle pleasure against her inner walls. Amber's clit was being sandwiched between their hips sending tense shocks of estasy up her body while she could feel her inner walls burning with heat as they were being scrapped and stretched. Her knees trembled as he tore at her clothing and yanked at her bra greedily trying to get to her prized mounds. "Yy-yes" she lied weakly. The manner was nothing but pleasure and violation, though she never remembered being violated and forced into an orgasm as quickly as she was experiencing. She felt weak and powerless. Her thighs were clenched to gether trickling with her juices. She was whimpering from the pain and trying deprately to withhold her first orgasm of the night though she knew in the back of her mind that it would not take much more than the right touch to set her off. Her mind was screaming no but her body was practically begging for it.
"Keheheh really?" THe boy asked almsot surprieds as he finaly shoved hsi cock all the way itno her, his hip movign bakc and forth to begint eh unendign gridnign of hs hot member in her anal hole, pulling a the flesh as he moved otu and then shovignt he thick thing bakc into her, his hhis grunss and gasps upon her ear as he began twisitng at her nipples, pulling them til the shirt would stop him befoer he would let fgo of her nipples so her breasts would bounce back inplace and he would start all voer agian, twistign and pulling as he thruste din and out of her. "the way you are getting off onthis, ou must just be a natural born slut Kehehe, you two might acualy be keepers." HE mused happily, he had always broken his previous toys before but if these girls enjoyed it this much.. maybe, they would survive longer.
"Itss so hot inside.." Amber whimpered at his hard cock continued to assault her bum. He was so rough and the grinding brought tears to her eyes as she felt her inner walls being pushed and pulled without mercy. "Stop.. please.. " She moaned as he teased and mocked her. Her body was stiffening she was trying desprately to hold the building pressure in. It was embarrasing to be getting off from this cruelty but her continued to respond sexually to his every movement. It was driving her crazy. Even seeing her sister whimping and moaning disgracefully beneath her made her shiver. His warm fingers took her sensative nipples hostage was all it took. Her chest heaved up following his fingers when he pulled on them. Her back arched even further and erotic shivers ran through her chest as he twisted the nubs. Her head rolled from side to side on his shoulders "Sttop I can't hahhh" She moaned before her body suddenly grew stiff and she cried out. Her body convulsed against him and she came against Amber's hips. Her fingers dropping the twin with loud thud that knocked the breathe out of the girl for a brief minute. Ashley could barely be heard gasping for breathe over Amber's heavenly moan against Sythe's ear as she pressed against him.
She tried to come down from the orgasm in a less shameful manner and tried to fall and lay over her sister for some sort of relief or rest that never came as he continued to thrust hard against her. In return her sweaty body shifted up against her bound sister's nude body. "Mmm...nNN ahh oohh" Any word Ashley tried to form only came out as sounds through the panties as Sythes pounding kept pushing the plastic toy inside her against her cervix over and over again, always threateing to enter but it was not big enough to actually live up to the threat.
"OH Kehehehe you are such sluts, here let me gived you two a rpize!!" THe assain mused happily and his twisted little voice, his ahnds pullign one hr nippels harder thretening tow hat seeme dliek actualy putll them off as he slammed his cock hard into ehr before pulling out and crouchign farther down, his motth omign to bite on the vampries shoudler as he shoved hsi cock betwene bother h girls, His ccock grindign betweent he girls body and the dildo as he groane dupon the girls flesh, finally lettign otu his load of cum to pspray upon both bodies. "Kehehehe" HE breathe dout with heavy heaves befoer he spoke again. "Are you two ready for round two?" HE asked in his sadistic voice.
((hmmm what to skip to))
The man had just finished, 'cleaning' Cindy off and had begun to unzip his pant, only to grunt asthe small ear piece he ha don beeped. Growling he looked up at teh camera int eh roowith totaly disbelief, "REALLY!!" He spoke out angerly as he put his figner to his ear to speak to who ever was ont he other side. "Your going to let her have the fun and not... alright alright but your buying me a bithc tonight." THE gaurd said in defeat, glancign over to Cindy as he turned off the water aad zipped up his pants. "I would say your a lucky bitch... but then what they have instore is so much worse." HE grumbled as he stomped past her and kenny who watche ed with an amused grin on his face, oh so smug now that this filthy man didn't get his way. "Oh don;t smile at me, you'll wish i was fucking her when you see what that doctor has in mind." The gaurd said as he shoved a thumb at he camera. "that perverted little man." he grumbeld under his breaht as he stepped out of the door,.

There was a clickign sound came from the ope door, a rythmic pattern like foot steps. KEnny could hear the gaurd grumble downt he hall that was until a hissing sound came fromt eh ahllway and a thud as the gaurd stumbled away and a feminine chuckle coudl be heard. The voice made kenny perk up out of cruiousity turnign tot he dsoorway jsut intime to se ethe figure leanign their a the enteance, her tail twitchign as eh looekd over a the two. she was deffiantly female, her nude figure proved that, btu she wasn't human, her one visbile eye was all white, , her feet were clawed, thoughw ith some triming woudl resemble a huamsn, along with her hands, the tail wasn't teh big give away eitehr as she had a row of dorasl fins growign out of ehr back and ehr skin was a dark grey and seemed like a mixture of skin and scales, like you coudl rub it both ways and you woudltn be sratched, no she definatly wasnt human.

"So who am I supose dto play wiht?" SHe wined otu into her own little ear set as she glanced betweent he boy chained to eh floor and the girl int eh shower. "Please tell em i get some fuckign for once?... aw coem on I can't even touch.... fine." She spat out in dismay , removign ehr hand form her ear as she tugge don an electric collar around her neck, if she disobeyed she woudl be shocked she had been here logn enough to know the rules and she knew she had to follow them. sighing she stepepd itnot eh room letitng the door slide closed behidn ehr tail, her hisp swayignw ith every step, her tail followignt he motion as she walked it was liek water flowign around a rock her curves would move perfectlyw ith her muscles, one hand resting on ehr hip whielthe other swung beside her, her stare stuck otneh boy as she walekd past him, still yearning to wish to finally be with a male, but of course her perverted master wouldnt allow ehr such pleasure. though it wasn't too bad atleast this girl was cute, a sinister grin growign upon her face as she mad eit to eh vampire, runnign a figner udner Cindys chin as she waleked aroudn to stand behidn the girl. "Sorry todothis hun, it's nothing personal believe me, its jsut... thsi girl is on a short leash." The monster girl said as she tugge don her collar again with one hand whiel the other grasped cindy by the chin twisitng ehr head so their lips met in a forced kiss, her breasts pressign agaisnt cindies back as she had to lean itno it, her elongated tongue curlign into cindys mouth, runnign over the fans before retracting back into the mosnter girsl mouth as she puleld fromt eh kiss, hooking Cindys bottom lip with her own(her own as int he mosnter girls) fang to pull at cidnys bottom lip as she puleld formt he kiss."So tell em hunney, do i get any introductions befoer i violate you in every way shape and form?" The girl mused as her tail wraped aroudnd Cindis right leg rubbign up and down the fles making sure the bumps on ehr tail rubbed on cindiys inner thigh as her rigth hand moved down cindys chaned arm to ehr pit and slowly to feel over her curves before grasping and spankign the vampires ass.
Cindy flexed her jaw as the gag hung around her neck like a collar. It was one of the positive actions the human had made for her, even if it was a debatably unwise choice for him. She was relieved the man was interrupted by the phone call until she heard what he had to say. What could possibly be worse than him? She watched as the man left and someone else walk into the room. It was a grey dinosaur girl. Those were the best words Cindy could think of to describe her. Fear began to set into the nude girl's body. Her eyes fell upon Kenny hoping against hope for a way out of this or at least some sort of comfort. "Master?" He could hear the fear in her voice as the woman approached her.

Her bright blue eyes remained on Kenny until they were forced away by a kiss. A soft inaudiable whimper stuffled in her throat as the monster girl tugged at her bottom lip. She did not want to show fear, especially with her master watching. It was difficult to swallow her fears after everything the man had said and hearing the monster girl's apologies. "My name is Cindy" she finally spoke in a low tone. "Wha-" She jumped as she felt a thick tail coil around her leg. "-what do you want to know?" She asked wanting to cooperate on the easy parts in hopes that she would be left alone. Her small body began to tremble in her bindings but it was not from the way the monster girl felt over her soaking wet nude body or how her bumpy tail teased Cindy's thighs. It was out of growing fear that came from not knowing what would happen next but imagining the worst. Cindy yelp as she felt a swat against her bare bottom. "Please don't hurt me." She tilted her head back to try to see the girl hovering behind her.
"OOOOH master.. thats what you are to him." Kiga giggled otua s she glanced over to the boy who sat there, he had an awkward look on his face worried angery and aroused, well it was mroe his dick then his face that showed how arouse dhe was. "I wondered why they put you two int eh same room...w ell don't worry, you're lil' slave will be in one piece when i'm doen with her." Kiga mused in reassurance , her rigth hand movign aroudn on ehr ass to slip itnt he crack as the nail of ehr middle figner poked at ehr anal hole. "well i guess you can call me Kiga, thats what eveyr oen else calls me...and as for what i want from you.... welll" Kiga possed as she shoved her finger int eh girls anus while her left hand traveled off of the girls chin trailign ehr nails down til she grasped upon the girsl breast , letting eth naisl scratch but no bleed with her grasp. "I think that's quite obvious, the stupid human man couldnt sxhaust you... so i'm goign to FUCK YOUR BRAINS OUT till you black out." SHe hissed otu happily, a year of livign witht he hunters had made her abit twisted or more made her a nymphomaniac with a little sadist twist along with soemthign specail. "tell em girl.. hav eyou ever sucke don a girls dick?" She whispered to Anna so only she could hear, excitiedly waitinfg forhte girls answer.
Cindy jumped and a squeal escaped her lips when she felt the creatures finger enter her puckered hole. "Take it out... please." right now it was just a finger, uncomfortable but no big deal. The problem was that it was never just a finger, not for poor Cindy. She was wise enough to know more was to come. Her body shuddered and her skin tingled as the nails scraped over her skin. Pink scratch marks began to appear over her pale white breast. Her chest lifted to press against Kiga's hand as she whimpered in response to hearing their plans for her. Cindy raised her eyebrows in confusion to her captor's question. "Plastic ones." she nodded her head. Her cheeks flushed pink with embarassment as she caught her mind wondering back to the past and all the things the mistresses and maids had made her do. "But... girls don't have those." She replied in confusion, not daring say the word itself. "N-mot real ones."
Kiga gave otu a short giggle at the vampires response, she was definatly an innocent one, the way she shivered under her claws touch, but knowing the girl hasd survived a gaurd playing with her ment she couldn;t be all that innocent not if she had also played with dildos before."Oh such a naive lil' huney slave yolu got here boy.": Kiga mused abefore she ran her tongue up cindys neck, shudderign at the taste of the vampires flesh as as her body began to grow, unseen by Kennyor Cindy, the clit of the lizard girls pussy began elongatigna nd then buldgign as it took form to create her own dick, the lizard girl then slid her hip forward as she let her new cock rub right udner cindys pussy between the vampries spread legs, her tail unravelign as she rant eh tip of her tial up ehr leg slowly to cindys clit, pressing on ti befoer she moved up to tickle at her navel. " if girl's cn't have penis' then what is that?" Kiga hissed into Cidnys ear as her tail too ehr chin to slowly guid her hea dto look down betwene ehr leg as the tip of the throbing cock pertruded out from between cidnys legs. "I'll be nice for now and not ravage you ass." She mused with ehr dark giggle as she twisted the figner in cidnys anus.. "well atleast for our first fucking."
Cindy shrugged her shoulder towards Kiga as her rough sticky tongue slide up her neck. Cindy took in a deep breathe as she felt something brush against her pussy. She thought it was a dildo by the way Kiga spoke but it felt too hot against her cold skin to be a toy. None the less her thighs twitched as she fought the bindings trying to close her legs in vein. "Oh!" Her hips bucked against the tail as the scaly object brushed over her sensative nub. Cindy rolled her head back to face the wall trying to hide the smile that grow on her lips as the tail traveled upwards. The scales tickled her belly making it difficult to hold in a snicker. Kiga's hissing in her ear did not help. Her hisses tickled Cindy's ears causing her face to turn red as she pursed her lips in and held her breathe trying to hold it in from Kiga as well as her master.

The tail forced her to look down at the cock peaking between her legs. Cindy's bright blue eyes grew and a quick shudder of fear and excitement coursed through her body. Cindy had almost forgotten about the finger in her anus until it twisted and surprised the poor girl who jumped and finally let out all the air she was holding in. An awkward giggle burst from her lips. Cindy was so embarrased by the laughter she found herself speechless aside from one thing. "Thank you" She spoke out in nearly a whisper, embarrassed for the laughter and actually thinking the woman in front of Kenny, yet she still felt the need to show she was grateful Kiga was not going to ravage her bottom.
"Oh please.. don;t thank me the master requests i try every orafice... I'm sorry." Kiga mused there was a tinge of sympathy in the beasts vocie but it was hard to be too disapoitned form what she felt int he girls anus she was so tigth and perky it was almsot impossibel for cindy to not already be fuckign that hoel of hers. "MMMm but thsi whole danglign formteh cieling, can i really have good pussy fuckign liek that?" Kiga mused to herself as she twisted her finger one last time befoer pullign out quickly jsut to tease herfelf, her tail and hand unravelign from cindys body as she slipepd her dick otu form bewteent he girls legs.
HEr left claw traield aroudnte h girls leg as she circled aroudn to stand infrotn of cindy, allowign ehr a godo look at Kigas hot, pulsign flesh rod that rivaled Kenny in size and length it was a mix as she was longer and thicker then kenny when he was human but at the same tiem nto as big as his lycan form, that even made kenny's eyes go wide, teh boy was desperatly tryign not to touch himself formt eh sheer arousal, ti ws hard enough tryign to stay mad while he watched teh gaurd touch cindy but now, thsi, this fasniating new specimen seeme dto lust over his slave, it was liek soem twisted dream, sure he would ahve wanted a diffrent settign where their lives weren't at stake but it was still hard nto to want to be in this action.
Kiga took note of Kennys face his intent stare and quiverign body only made the lizard girl grin a toothy grin. "MMMmmm does master enjoy watchign hsi pet beign teased liek thsi? she teased as she took cindys cheeks in erh hand pursing the vampire girsl lips befoer she prese dehr cheaks to cindies and made the same puckerign face juust to mock KEnny ."i bet yoru master wishes to be between us now." she giggled otu befoer lookign up at cindys bindings they all seeme dliek they wouldn't move, they were ment to keep cindy under the pressure of the water so Kiga was given no leway when ti came to positions.
never the less she began eh work as she turned to face the chaine girl, her body shivering as the tick of ehr cock grazed against cidnies belly. her hands spankign both cheecke dof her ass befoer they slwoly traced up cindies well developed curves."you were turned at a perfect age hunney, tigth ass perfect breasts." Kiga mused as she licke dher lips hungerly , movign her hips to position her cock rigth on the girsl pussy, not even waitign to tease, the girlw as already wet enough form the water atnd hte forced orgasms, so ther eit was as he thrust her hips forward, her tial wrapigna round to press on cindys back to help the cock in harder to cindys pussy, stopping only once theri breasts touched letitgnteh lizard girl gasp at the cotnratsting feelign of the cold flesh upon her heated body, she was thankful though that al the hot water had made cidny warmer then most vampires she ahd fucked before. Kiga sniffed curiously in surpries befoer grinnign as eh leaned forward to give anna antoehr kiss, usign one hand to force idny into it while the other rubbed cindieys belly just to comfrot he vamprie. "mmmm so tigth and yet not evne a virgin,unles vamprie virgisn dont bleed?" Kiga mused curiously, wigglign ehr hip to rotate the cock i the girls pussy letignt eh mosnter shiver in ecstasy whiel ehr tail wraped around cindy so the tip teased at her clit and the bumps onteh tail would rub agasint kigas bellie so she got abti more pleasure out of it as well. "So how does it feel?" she asked as she wigled ehr hip agian foricng the cockin deeper. "is it better then you masters?" the last word was slurred as she tuck ehr tongue out to lick behidn cindys ear.
A sadly adorably pout grew on Cindy's lips as Kiga so happily explained a little further the kind of troubling situation the vampire was in. There was another squeal enducing twist to her anus and then Cindy's body relaxed ever so slightly while the grey monster pulled all touches from her to walk around the bound girl.

Cindy's bright blue eyes grew wide and fearful as she saw the thick throbing cock in front of her. Not only did she know it would be too big for her comfort but she could not figure out how this was possible. "How is that possible?" The words instantly mouthed on her lips before she could decide whether she really wanted to know the answer to that question. Cindy looked over to Kenny as Kiga began to tease her Master. She did not want to admit it but she knew deep down Kenny enjoyed watching her be teased and he would definitely love screwing Cindy instead of allowing Kiga to do it. She should have been used to it by now but she was still shy about her Master watching. He must think she was terrible from laughing earlier and the multiple times she came from the showerhead was shameful. Cindy's cheeks burned so red she didn't think it could go any darker.

Her body quivered in the bindings and her pussy grew wetter as the hot cock slid over her belly. She did not want to feel any sort of arousal but her body thought other wise. A whimper came in her throat as her but cheeks were slapped and the head of her cock positioned into place.
The next second Cindy's high pitched cry echoed through the bathroom and into the other room. Her back arched to press her stomach up against Kiga and her head rolled back so that her wet hair fell behind her and clung to her back. Even being so slippery inside her Kiga forced her cock painfully in meeting resistance as Cindy's walls clung tight to the intruder. Cindy squint her eyes shut, whimpering into the forced kiss. "N-no Imahh-" Anna tried to catch her breathe as she broke from the kiss. Her words studdered into a moan as the hot cock began to move inside her. Her body shook beneath the woman. "Ohhnn" Her hip bucked up as the tail found her clit, the very touch sent a shock of estasy through her. Her toes curled and Cindy found herself gasping as the woman pushed deeper inside her. She did not know what to say. She wanted to defend and stay true to her master but if she put Kiga down it could be bad for her.

Cindy shook her head quickly in response to Kiga's question. A studdering breathe exhaled from her parting lips as her ear was licked. She hunched her ear against to tung as goosebumps ran beneath her flesh. "M-master is mmmuch bigger than you." She tried to state the fact as clearly as her voice could get.
"mmmm if you must knwo the truth." Kiga moaned otu as her lips pressed upon the girls neck,. the tail still pressign and wiglging over Anna's clit while her handts mved abotu Cindys body, on stopign ahte back of the vampires neck to hold it in place as she cuckeled licked and kissed the soft lfesh under the vampires chin, groaign upotne h flesha s she pushed deeper itno Cindy, she had never been with a vampire tsoo tight before, most she had fucked were most liekly hookers before they had beenturned, this girl seeme dliek she had been virgin when she was turned,. " lizard males are able to have tow dicks." Shefianly explaiend breathign out every word with a hot breath upon the girls hickies, whiel her free hand moved off of cindy belwo Kigas cock to slip a claw into her own pussy gasping as she scrapepd upon her own walls, the convulstion of her ons pleasure filled spasm force dthe cock even farther up as her arched her own back letitng their breast sandwhich hard to gether , only makignt eh lizard girls shudeer evne more as she was now on ehr tows as she felt her cock force its way far enough int o hit the girls cervix enterance. "the scientist thougth ti would be fun to experimetn with my genetics, as the females of my race are also born with a pair of sexual organs... one jsut doenst develope." She groaend otu her head resstign on Cindies shoudler as her move dher index figner ina circular motion right athe nape of the girsl neck, her tongue comign otu to lick from cidnys collar boena l the way up to udner her chin before she spoke. "so the scientist manipulated my second sexual organ into a male one, now im able to grow.. my clit into a penis at will when im sexualy aroused. though soem tiems it just grows form extreem arousal." Shefianlly finished witha grun as she shove dher hips up, screamign otu in pleasure as she forced her cock itnot he girls cervis the hoel even tighter thenthbe pussy which proved to be evne slightly painful for ehr and her engorged throbign member, thoutght he p[ain was masked as ther thrust forced ehr own figner deper itno ehr own pussy as the claw scraped harder in ehr own innards makignher goran out in masochistic pleasure.. Teh beast girl took only a second to cathc ehr breath befoer hs eshoved harder in, shvign ehr cock all the way up, though unabel to hit the back of Cindys cervix she ditn much matter as the feelgin of the enterance squezsing on her throbign cock was painfuly heavenly as eh began pulling out letitgn the doorto the cervix close agian befoer sshe shoved back in, repeatign the pain ful process slowly and methodicaly.
Cindy hated Kiga on top of her, mostly because she knew her master was watching and she thought he did not like it. Despite how much she wanted to fight it the creature made it difficult to resist her touches. The tail had captured Cindy's clit sending as shuddering wave after wave through her body and the hicky's and kisses on her neck had her throat tingling with joy. Kiga was no novice. She knew exactly how to keep the girls body aroused and tormented at the same time. Cindy tried to listen to the Kiga's story the best she could, partly to try pulling her thoughts away from the touches, but the moment her highly sensative cervix was pulled into play the story became more like back ground noise under Cindy's cries and Kiga's moans. A large shuder ran through Cindy's body as she felt the head bump against her cervix. "Please..hah.. Don't push any further." She interupted Kiga's story out of fear of how much further the girl was going to take this. Soon her request was denied as the thick cock broke through her second entrance "GAHH!!" Cindy screamed out in pain. Her small body julted up and shudering wave of erotic pain shot through her body. "Pplea-Ahh!" Cindy's toes curled tightly and her feet arched, her fingers stretched out while her body was tensed up against Kiga. The woman was not as big as Kenny but she was just as rough as his wolf. Cindy tried to catch her breath as the woman pulled out only to give the girl what she wanted each time she pushed back in, an arousing cry, painfully tight inner walls, and a quivering vulnerable body pressed against her with their nipples occasionally grinding. Cindy's cute little face was flushed red as the one time she glanced at her Master he was rock hard watching and Kiga was litterally getting off on this. The worst part was that Cindy could feel the presure building and if Kiga continued to play like this with her she was going to cum really soon.
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