The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

"Have you been workignt hepoles again?" Kenny asked jokignly as he watche dhis sister, steppign up besdie her as she worke dher magic witht eh door. "WEll we could go up and see wher eht pole starts, that migth be fun." HE mused tryign to think of a fun room, or we could start itneh frie truck." He added as he saw where Cindy was looking. "Alice really is wonder land now isnt she." HE teased the vamprie girl on ehr clothe agian, it wasnt a bad thing, actualy he found it kind of cute.
Claire looked back at Cindy after Kenny's comment and laughed lightly. "She sure is." She agreed. "There we go" Claire said to herself triumphantly as there was a click and she swung the door open. "Hmmm... Lets go exploring." She smirked as she stepped through the door. Looking around she stopped for a moment to pull out a small flashlight from inside her jacket. "I am sure you spent enough nights fooling around in the back seats of a truck." She mused as she turned on the flashlight and began walking "Lets see what else we can find." She said as she began walking through the first floor of the fire house. As Cindy expected it was dusty inside and looked to have been abandoned for some time. Most of the room seemed bare. A living area without a couch or tv. A little kitchen with empty cabinets. There was an office like area in the front with a long counter. It was not a very long walk through before Claire got to the stairs leading to the second floor.
CIndy brought her attention away from the truck to Kenny at his comment, blushing modestly. She walked away from the truck, slowing near the pole so she could look up and try to see the rooms through the hole in the ceiling. Then she continued forwards stepping close behind Kenny as they entered the house. She found it was strange that Claire used a flashlight in the house. She could see perfectly fine. It was not until they approached the stairs that Cindy randomly giggled at herself upon realizing that she could see because of her night vision. It was something she never really needed to use until now.
The boy wrnkled hsi nose as they opene dhte door , disturbign the dust and iritating his sensative cannine sense of smell for a few minutes leavign him scratchign and snigfling until he got used to it, at which point he was stairing up the stairs as his sister lead the way up, glancign back to Cindy with a quizical look as she gigled. "what sso funny?" HE asked cuirously as he walke dup the stairs backwayds to keep an eye on his odd lilttle maid.
"Nothing" Cindy replied to Kenny rather quickly when he asked her what was funny. She averted her eyes away from him, thinking she probably looked foolish. She would look even more foolish though had she told him she forgot she could see in the dark so she left it at that. "I was just..." She paused for a moment. "..thinking about how much fun we will have upstairs" she was not very good at lying. Her voice always dropped a notch lower when she did and she sounded more uncertain than usual.
Once they reached the top of the stairs Claire entered the first room. It was the living quarters. There were bunks lining the walls, three beds per wall. There were also cubbies with a few fire suits and gear left behind and the pole was near the corner of the room that lead down to the garage. "Well I think I found the pole room." Claire chimed as she pointed the flashlight down the hole. "So who wants to play dress up?" She asked excitedly as she pointed the flashlight towards the cubbies. "OH! I do!" Cindy threw her hand up in the air. She always wanted to try on a real fire suit. At least now that she had a chance to she did.
"Great, i'm stuck with two girls playign dress up." Kenny said with a light hearte dhuf as he landed ont he bed only seconds later did he get up waving his hand infrotn of his face as he coughed away the dust, takign a few steps forward befoer pointign back. "Okay lets not jump onto the dust covered beds." HE added as a mental note to every one as he walke dback to Claire, glancign at her trenchcoat and tugigng on erh cshoudler lightly. "so what ar eyou hidign under there any ways, last time i saw a girl in a coat like this.. well.. she had somethign VERY nice underneath." HE said remmebrign back to when Anna paid him a visit as his dorm.
Both girls laughed at Kenny as the dust cloud rose from the bed. "Good idea." Claire agreed with him. She and Cindy then went over to the cubbies and began to dust off the fire man jackets and suits. "Why don't you take a wild guess." Claire teased Kenny deciding not to tell him what was underneath for now. "Now be a gentleman and turn around while we change." She told him. Though it really wasn't necessary since no one was really going to take much of anything off. "Since everything seems to be covered in dust, where do you propose we do this at then?" She asked her brother curiously since the beds and pretty much any soft surface appeared to be capable of creating dust clouds when sat upon.
KEnny gave a sly grin, and probablyt eh widet grin he hasd shown at ehr little comment. "You know you shouldnt let my mind wander like that." He mused befoer tunign aroudn for hte girl, already stepping ote h te beds and pulling off a cheet form one, caughign for a few secodns as he tosse dhte sheet away. "Well underneith doesn't look too bad." HE said as he ran his hand over tthe bare matress."Though we can stack all the sheets in a pile on the floor." He added as he began to turn aroud in his scentence, quickly turnign away out of respect and out of fear of his sisters wrath, it snto like he hadnt seen every thign before, but at tiems he feared his sister mor ehten he feared the mistress.

(( i will also post ferus post in my next post)
"We will start on the bed and see where we go from there." Claire stated as Kenny set up the bed. Then soft whispers began to fill the room as Claire began to give Cindy advice on what they were going to do next. There were a few moments of silence and even a giggle or two during the whispering. Claire did not change clothing, she was just helping Cindy. The girl removed her shoes and skirt, replacing them with large yellow pants that only stayed on because of the straps that held it over her shoulders (can't remember the name >.<) and the smallest pair of boots she could find were still big for her frail little feet. A large yellow fireman's jacket fit over her corset and the outfit was not complete without the helmet on her head. "Alright. You can look now." Claire told him as she pulled out some candles from the pockets inside her jacket and placed two on the floor on each side of the bed to help give them some lighting. She then sat on the bed with her legs crossed and flashed the light towards Cindy as she came walking towards Kenny. She tried to do so in a more seductive manner, swaying her hips slightly to arouse Kenny, she was failing however for the large boots made her steps a bit awkwards as she did her best not to trip. "How do I look Master?" She asked as she stopped in front of him spreading her arms out for him to be able to see. "Do I look like a real fireman?" She asked him curiously. "I-I am missing something though?" She said now sounding a little uncertain. "Every firefighter needs a...hose.." Her voice dropped a little as did her eyes towards his crotch. Her cheeks showed a bit brighter in the candle light now as she didn't sound as confident as she had started out, this was clearly a line Claire had given her.
Kenny gave a lil poute as he looked ove rher."But that uniform hide syou lovely body." HWe wined just to see wha the girsl woluld do , lowerign hsi head with a smirk at Cindys faield attempt to sway in the heavy clothes. "Though i wills ay i love a girl in uniform." HE muse dotut he cheesey line. agrin spreading on his face as eh mentioend horse. "Yes, A firegirl needs her hose.. only to figth a fire though..." He teased her spankign her ass as he walekd aroudn ehr. "That is... unelss you wish to train." Kenny mused as he came aroudnto ehr frotn and sat ont he bed now with his sister, his legs spread mro ethen usual as he waited for a responce.
"That is the whole point." Ciaire smirked confidently. She did not see any fun if he was to see everything immediately. In her mind guys may not know it but they want to be teased. Cindy almost felt that the large fit on her had disappointed her Master. It was his cheesy comment that actually encouraged her. Her finger tip settled on her bottom as he walked around her. She jumped letting out a soft squil when he slapped her bottom. "That is a problem. I can't be a firegirl without training first." Cindy agreed with him. Cindy went down on her knees in front of him. Her hands spread his legs open more as she looked up at him. "Will you help me train to be a firegirl Master?" She asked him as she looked up at him with pleading eyes. The fire jacket now hung open and the top had already begun to slide down her shoulders. "Can I use your hose to train?" She asked him innoscently as if he would really be helping her out if there was a doubt he could turn her down.
"Oh im fine with her being unexposed, though it could show more curves." HE said as if critiqueign the uniforma s she walekd over and knelt down to him, his eyes sparking with excitmend as it begna slidign of fher bodty." But then again, baggy could be good." He mused with a nod. "Yes you may use it if you cna even get it to turn on." He added as he leane dback slightly, signaling for her todo all the work. "So claire, when will we get a peek under that coat?" HE asked curioulsy, the lil wolf boy alwasy too curious for his own good.

"You really are enjoying this arent you." HE whispered toher ear as he thrust in one last itm to shove it in al lthe way, just barely hitting her cervizx beveooer her body pusshe dhsi cock back atelast an inch from her wall, jus tthe force had made it able for himt o touch her inner wall, makign him gasp fromt eh pleasure of his head hitign it and his ensative scars rubbign agsitn her walls.
"Yay! Thank you Master." She thanked him as her hands instantly went to his crotch. "I can get it on." She nodded her head confidently. Eagerly she unzipped his pants and her cold hands slide in his boxers and pulled out the prize. Her hands then slide onto his inner thighs for support, pushing them further apart as she leaned forwards. Cindy opened her lips and slide as much of him as she could into her mouth, then she pressed her lips down and sucked lightly as she slide him out her mouth. Then she tilted her head and began to slide her tongue over his length. Her tongue went from the base of his length towards the tip. Her tongue slide up and down his length starting on his left and working her way around towards the right as if she planned on making sure every inch of his thick cock felt her rough damp tongue slide over it. Claire smirked looking down at Cindy as she happily licked Kenny with her pig tails lightly bouncing to they rythem of her eager licks. She knew exactly what Kenny meant by baggy being a good thing as the jacket had now slide down to Cindy's elbows. "When I decide I want you to see what's underneath." Claire exclaimed back as she watched Cindy. The girl's eagerness to please Kenny was actually starting to turn her on. It was quite interesting in the least on how real the Master slave relationship was between the two. "You are dying to know aren't you?" Claire laughed.

"Ah-" Her head hit against the wall and found that there was no place for it to go as he shoved the rest of himself inside her. She felt his soft wave hit her cervix wall witch caused her eyes to flinch and her inner walls to clench tight around him for a split second as if trying to protect her most precious area. As painful as she was making it by trying to fight against him, there were still signs of pleasure. His scars rubbed against her walls. It was a new feeling, a new pleasure that sent little shivers through her body. His hot breathe against her ear nearly made her eyes roll back mixed with a small bit of relief. She would deny it but her pussy had been twitching for pleasure since she droped on that stone cold floor. "You are enjoying this.. way more than I am." She tried clearing her voice and sucked in air, catching her breathe as she denied him.
Kenny shuddered as her tognue slid over his cock, it was the first pleasure he had goten all night, and his body ha dbeen cravign it it seemed as he already leaked out his precum while Claire spoke to him, his hands gripigna nd sliding ont eh edg eof the bed restlesly as he watche dhsi slave go to work, she was really gettign godo with her mouth as his mind was hardly able to process what hsi sister had said through the sound of hsi blood throbign through his body form excitement. "YEs.. ye si do.. ugh../." Kenny groane dout softly befoer bittign hsi lip an takign in a breath to calm himself. "Are you goign to drink it. or shall we see how much the hose can spary?" KEnny quesitona s he looked cdown at cidny, wodnerign how she would look rigth nwo covered in his white sap.
"Let's play a game then." Claire coed as she watched her brother squirm under Cindy's tongue. "You guess what is underneath this coat. If you get something right then I'll unbutton one but if you guess wrong a button goes back on." She mused as she pointed the buttons showing him there were five main buttons to be concerned with. Claire glanced down at Cindy as she began to circle her tongue around Kenny's cock for the second time. "Speaking of revealing, I believe it is time you show us your lovely breasts." Claire told Cindy.
Cindy was growing more confident in herself as Kenny began to react to her tongue. She was getting more excited in more ways then one as Kenny groaned and shuddered. They were clear signs that she was pleasing him. "Which do you prefer Master?" Cindy asked curiously to his question as her tongue slide over his head to lap up his precum. Her tonue left his throbbing cock when Claire addressed her. With nothing more than a nodd of her head she glanced at Kenny, then looked down as she pulled the ribbon that held her corset shut and unstrung the first few laces. Then she cupped her hands inside the material and pulled her perky breasts out. Her eyes lifted to Kenny to see how he was looking upon her. She began to blush a little now as she thought about why Claire had asked her to do this. She leaned forwards, her eyes fixed on her master as she slide her breasts around his cock and gently used her hands to press them together. They weren't very big, not compared to Anna's or Victoria's but they were large enough to fully enclose around his penis. Knowing he was close to a climax Cindy leaned her head down again and began sliding her tongue over his sensative head in a circular motion as if she were licking candy.
Kenny let out a chuckle at the game, his midn turning on at the idea of a little mental challenge. "I wouldnt supose i could say simple things like, bra, panties and shoes? could I?" He asked as he cockd a brow to her only for a secodn though as it was hard to look away form his play thing, now with her breasts free and cushioining, fitting bbetween them just perfectly as if it were a key ina hole, it was hard to keep hsi cocky look now as her soft , plump flesh presse dand formed aroudn hsi cock whiel her rough tongue slid ove the sensative head. "MMm I wana see the firegirl all wet with my hose' water." HE mused though he ditn give her time to respond as he took ina breaht , hs cock pumpin secodns befeor it let loose a short stream of cum, followed by an onslaugth of little splurts.
"I suppose you could." Claire told him as if she considered it. "But that would take all the fun out of the game wouldn't it." She reminded him as she watched Cindy pull out her breasts and milk Kenny. Even she was getting excited watching this, despite the fact that she knew all that was going to happen.
Cindy let out a soft squeel as if she was caught by surprise when his hot cum sprayed on her face and sprinkled over her chest. "See Master. I told you I know how to turn the hose on." She giggled. She licked her lips to taste some of the cum.
With tht eload relesed the boy was aload to relax as he emptyed his lung sin a long exhail while leanign back more to rest his head on teh wall , givent eh slimness of the bunk he wsnt allowed to lay down the way he was sittign but he didnt mind, he got to look down at hsi cum covered slave, his cock already beginign to throb a little again as he wateched hsi cum roll on ehr breasts pooling slightly in her cleavage as hsi cock was moved away. "MMM fine then how about.. laced panties, partialy seethrough ... maybe victoraai secrets?" he said , startignt he game for real now. "and I'm sorry i ever doubted you.. but what are you todo now? how else are you to train with my hose?" He mused curiously.
"Lucky guess." Claire said as she unbuttoned the top button and opened it just enough for him to see her skin around the collar bone area. She didn't want to reveal too much too early, it might give away something if she did. "Go on... what about the color or the top..if I am wearing one," She added winking to him.
"I can turn it on... but it looks like I need more practice." Cindy said looking down at her chest pulling off the best pouty face she could when she was so happy. She rose up leaning forwards over Kenny so he could see her better in the candle light. "Just look at the mess I made" She sounded a little sad as she took his hands and placed them on her breasts. A sudden shiver ran through her body as his warm hands touched her breasts. She could not believe she was brave enough to have done this, none the less there was not going back now so she guided his hands with hers on top his towards the middle to smear his cum. "I should try again, this time a little different." She suggested. "I promise this time I will try not to be so messy." She reassured him as if his cumming was her fault.
"mmm hmmm well your defiantly wearign somthing." Kenny said as he sized up his sisters chests with his eyes, agreeign ont he idea her breasts were being heald by something. "I also want to say your have a nice laxe up top, front clip?"He assumed curious to see if he was right though his atention quickly turned back to his maid. the boys eyes glistenign in candle light witn excitment, he wasnt used to cindy beign able to go thsi far, ntowithout insertion, what ever hsi sister had told Cindy.. it was working as he ran his hands over her beautiful globes, hid coem makign them shine and flicker with the light of the flame. "mmmm yes firegirls should learn to be clean."
The rest of the night was as exciting as it had began. Cindy had her night alone with Kenny, well pretty much alone. Not only that but Claire had giver her the confidence and advice to please her Master if only for that night. A week later Cindy found herself once again at the bottom of the mansions food chain.

It was hard to tell how long she had been out there but had been long enough that she had given up on struggling against the ropes. The baby vampire silently sobbed helplessly as she hung from a tree in the center of the Mannor's back yard. Once again she had fallen for one of the twins wicked tricks to get her Master's attention. She really needed to be careful and stop falling for their tricks. Cindy hugged her legs, not that she had much of a choice, for the ropes held them tight, and swung gently under the tree, hoping that someone would find her before sunrise.
It hadn't taken Kenny long to have figured out teh twins had done somethign to his servant, they were way too happy when he passe dthem inthe hall, that and the way they clung to him after that. It wasn't figuring out they had done it that took a long time, it was getting them to tell him where they put her that took him nearly an hour, and once more they were sent ot eh basement, he had given the twins what ehy wanted, sex, if not rougher then they wanted it, already sendign them to teh basemtn exhausted and aching.

"you know, as much as you must hate it, you always look cute tied up and teary eyed." A voice mused out inteh dark befroe her master stepepd otu of hte shadows , a sly grin on hsi face as hsi eyes glint int eh moonlight, watch her pale skin shine throught eh same effect. "WEll isn't that the perkiest full moon I've seen." He teased stepping sclsoer to spank ehr ass adn watch her swing lightly form teh tress.
Cindy's eyes grew wide when she heard that familiar voice. Her head instantly turned his way. Her cheeks instantly burned red when she saw her master. She was embarrassed that she had even gotten herself into the situation and that he had found her that way. She was hoping this time someone else would have found her. However, she was grateful that he was there. Her glossy eyes light up as she watch the moonlight shine over his handsome body, her hero. She giggled weakly as he spanked her bottom, taking in another deep breath to calm her sobbing before she spoke. "I don't hate it..." She lied. "Not when you like it so much." She shook her head trying to hide her flushed cheeks. "I am so happy you found me Master... I was afraid that no one would notice I was gone."
"well neither of the mistress' really let me tie them up so its alwasy a littel perk to find you liek this." He explaiend wile tugging otn eh ropes and nots to see how tight they were, "You know i would never forget my little Cindy." HE mused out as hsi hands ran down her thigh to cup her ass, nuddgin her leg as he moved clsoer to fit hsi body between the two limbs. "You should learn not to trust those two any more, or I'm going to hav eto collar you again to track you down every night." he added in a strict voice , squeezing her cheeks as he spoke whiel his thumbs presd at ehr panties takignte h fabricand tuggign ti lightly to spread it befeor letignt eh elasitc mvoe back in place as he debated what todo with this pale lil body he had at hsi disposal, it was gettign clsoe tot he full moon meanign he was growign mroe and mroe rough each night, but then he didn't want to harm his girl too much. "Ialmsot think i should punish you for beign so clutzy."
Her heart seemed to flutter when he admitted he would never forget her. She felt chills run over her thighs as his warm hands ran over them. "Y-you can tie me up yourself Master." She offered in a shy tone. "I would not mind that." If it meant more time with her Master then she was willing to be tied however he wanted. If the twins could do it and the mistress during training sessions than he could as well. She trusted him more than the others.

She sucked in her bottom lip, taking in a deep breath to hold in a whimper as he began to speak more strict like a master. She was in trouble she knew it. Her little bottom shifted in the ropes against his hand. She was in trouble but as he teased her bottom she was growing aroused when she thought about what he had done to her everytime she was in this predicament as well as wondered what he would do this time. "I am sorry Master." She said lowly, her eyes moving off of him to the ground. "I should know better to trust them. I will not do it again." She appologized. When he mentioned punishing her she instantly turned her attention back to him. "Please forgive me Master.." Her eyes began to water up again at the thought of him being mad at her. "I won't fall for their tricks again."
"Oh belive me you will be forgiven... " HE mused with a sadistic grin creeping on his face as he stepepd back, pulling his hand up anbd slappign it hard upon her rump, the sound of flesh hitting flesh echoing in the lonely woods the force makign her swign forward, his other hand meeting the other side of her ass as she swung back towards him, his rigth hand going bakc up for antorh swing, "you should begin learnign.. its not nice to hav eyour master worry about you so much." HE growled otu with two more slaps to her ass. he was mroe then willign to let her tear up, she was probablyt he only girl that would in this mansion, and she was so adorable when she was vunerable, and with a more bestial additud ethen normal he was willign to let ehr hurt a little for his pleasure, anyways she woudl do anythign for him so why not push it a little.
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