The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

A small scream escape Cindy's lips from surprise on how much the first slap stung her silky white bottom. Her eyes squint shut squeezing tears down her cheeks as she swung out and then back towards him. A cute little squeel of pain filled the air with each slap against her bottom. She sobbed as she swung back and forth, the wind blowing against her hair as she took her punishment. "I-I didn't mean to worry y-you Master, honest." Her bottom had now glowed a bright red from his hands now as she pleaded him to forgive her. "I have learned my lesson." She tried to sound convincing as she swung back towards him and she tensed a little as she anticipated another spanking.
His face had a(wow word escapign em so fail words XD) pleased, yet sadistic grin onhis face as he looked down at the pleadign girl wwingin bakc to him, his hadn slamign down on her ass again, btu this time hooke da finger onto her pnaties as she swung away, lettign the swign go as far as ti coudl befoer he let go of her panty to let the elastic snap back onto her pussy. "Oh i don;t think you hav eyet, you worry me so much, i think you shoudl leanr the emotional pain i went through." He said in a dark voice as he yanekd on her panties, though they didnt break instead her body swung to him . "hmm htis migth be a delema." He said disapoitned that he couldnt tear tthem off ehr, tugign on her panties again as he used his left hand to unzip his pants and elt them fall while he watched the girl bounce back and forth eveyr tiem he tugged and snapepd her panties.
it tok a mintue for him to get undressed while playign with his girls ass btu ocne he was his hands came to her thighs rigth under her knees and graspignt hem harder then he need to to stop her fom swinging, his cock rubbign on her butt cheeck befeor ehr shifted hsi hisp to teasignly slap the tender flesh with hsi throbign cock. "well now girl are yo ready for he secodn part of the punishment?"
Cindy let out another cry as she felt another sting against her but cheek. She was more disappointed her please did not appear to work. When he pulled her panties she thought they were going to tare off, once again she was disappointed when they snapped back against her pussy. She gasped and her hips shifted up against the rope as the small sting against her pussy sent erotic chills through her body. Cindy lifted her neck up towards Kenny. She sucked in her upper lip and watched him with guilty eyes as he pulled out his cock. She would not confess the excited chill that ran through her body as her eyes stared down at it. Her cheeks quickly grew red with shame that she would even think about sex when he was trying to punish her and she quickly averted her eyes up towards him. The way her arms were tied made her chest push up and out appearing larger than normal through her white gown. Each tug on her panties caused them to bounce in the moon light. Each snap of her panties made her gasp. Soon there would be a little spot of damp fabric.
As he payed more attention to her panties and to losing his pants her red bottom began to fade to pink. Though she could still feel the heat from the spanking. Her body uncontrolably gave a shudder when he rubbed his cock over her now sensative cheeks. Cindy took in a deep breathe as he asked her a question. She had fallen quiet from crying. She knew he wanted her to say yes. She wanted to be honest and say no. Instead she went with a third option. Answer his question with a question. "Wh-what is the second part of my punishment?" She asked in a soft low voice.
The boy seemd to be glad she asked about that, as his left ahdn slid down ehr thigh ,rubbign soflty on ehr supple ass befer hookign her panty with hsi thumb and draggign it to eh side, slidign hsi cock over her ass, leaivng a little streak form his own anticipation and form juices that hadn;t dried up yet form the twins punishemtn earlier, his cock fianly stoped to press at ehr perked littel anal holw whiel hsi trigth and moved down to run his thumb over her slit, felign ehr moisture. "Oh well it's where.. i do ... THIS!" HE grunte dotu as hsi hafignerr dug itno ehr pale flesh, nails threatenignt o make her bleed befoer he pulled at ehr flesha nd thrusted forwrd to begin forcign his cock into her anus, his rigth humb still hooked in her pussy pulling at its wall as hsi grip tightedn and he thrust again to force the whoel hea dof his cock itno ehr dry flesh, gasping as her anus squeezed on his cock .
His beginning movements were soft and subtle yet heavenly to the touch. Her ass tingled as his warm hand ran over her cold flesh. As he moved her panties to the side her body reacted as most females would. Her breathe was becoming more shallow and she very quiet as she waited for a reply. That was until she felt his cock press at her anal hole. Then she could not breathe at all for a moment. Cindy shook her head and opened her mouth to speak but he shoved in her little hole before any recognizable words could come out. A high pitched whimper eched through the yard as they blonde threw her head back. Her back arched up and consequently her bum pushed swung against him. His nails sent painful tingles up her thighs which were now tense. Her pussy twitched against his thumb and her little hole squeezed him tightly. Tears streamed down her cheeks as her small hole was forced open. She whimpered through her throat and squirmed trying to pull away of course it was pointless. She was helpless with her hands and legs tied together. "Itt hurtss" She breathed out. She felt his thumb scrapping against her inner wall and her body shuddered as juices began to flow over his thumb. "P-pull it out ahh.." She whimpered as she looked up at her master. "P-pleassssee"
"No.." He spoke otu softly to her, his breath heated int eh nigth air making clouds of steam with eahc of hsi heavy breaths as he leaned forrward closer to her face. His body notw puttin more wieght on ehr and forcign his cock to grind on her dry anal flsh, the thick head of his penis scrapign on every curve or wrinkle in ehr, sendign chills though his body and forcign a shaky exhail , his thumbs curling itne h extasy pulling at the walls of her moistened pussyand spreading them more then they probaby should with her tight nearly virgin flesh. with hsi arms infornt of him it was nearly impossibel to lean to her face, instea dhe hunched down to let his tongue tease at the tip of one of ehr erect nipples befoer speakign. "Why would I stop playign with such a tight hole? especaily when it was wrapped up so perfectly for a horny BEAST liek me?" HE growled tou as eh lurched forward to bite on ehr breast, keepign his strength in check as nto to draw any blood as his teeth pressed upogn her supple breast makign a cheweeign movment so it almost looked as if ehr were sucklign her while his rough saliva soaked tongue circled her cold nipple. groans teasing her even mroe as he begna movign hsi hip once mroe, his breath iregualr as he rammed hsi flesh agasint hers lettign the soudn of slappign flesh echo out into teh empty woods.
The way he said no to her please, it struck a disappointing fear through her. Yet at the same time she found herself a little more attracted to her master. His lips were so close to her face that she could feel his hot breath upon her skin. Her cheeks were flushed pink with her desire to capture a kiss from him but the restraints made it nearly impossible. "mmm asterrr" Her breath shuddered as he pushed his weight against her. Her arms hugged tightly squeezing her legs as her little bottom wiggled against him. Her little holes were resisting and it sent constant chills through her body. She was quivering beneath his strong dominant form. A moan escaped through her whimpers as his tongue slide over her nipple. The quickly grew hard and erect. The warm touch of his saliva over her sensative nipple was the erotic touch she had desprately desired. "A-a BEAST?!" she let out one of her squeelish cry, her body jumping in surprise that he bit her mound. His teeth bite over the thin fabrics of her dress. Her bra had unsnapped itself during the earlier struggle with the twins and she could feel his teeth knawing against her flesh. His warm saliva was creating a big wet stain on the night gown making the wet material become transparent and cling to her skin and keeping that area warm against her cold flesh. Her head rolled back and she could see the moonlight peering through the trees it was a clear sign his inner wolf was taking part of him if it had not already.
Despite how rough he was on his little toy her body was reacting positively. The vampire was starting to sweat, her frail body shivered beneath him and her breathe was panting as if she was in heat. Her juices were flowing over his thumb and her pussy walls twitched as his thumb curled into them. Her toes curled into his shoulders as he slapped his hot thick member into her cold anal hole. Cindy whimpered and moaned, arching her back as he forced himself deep into her anal hole stretching her terribly. She wanted him to stop but at the same time she loved how her master desired her body.

((I don't think he ever removed her gown >.< I can edit that part if Im wrong.))
((keep the gown))
His eyes flashed orange for a second as teh moonhti him, a low growl emminating from his throat. Teh man pulled his hea dback as his tooth hooekd her cloth before he bit down on the gown and yanekd bakc to tear at the white fabric as he thrust forward again, the boy pantign as he stood over her,pulling one of hsi thumbs form her pussy to run it up her body, grinnign as he saw teh tail of glisten form her juicy pusy to her mouth, runnign the thumb over her lip teasign before slipign it into her mouth. "To believe a whore liek you was jsut beggign em to stop." he mused as he moved his otehr thumb out to run it over her pale thigh as he slipepd his middle finger into her now, curlign it to scrape at ehr walls whiel he forced his poitner and rign in as well, leanign forward agin lusting over her bare chest now, his tongue runnign over his lips befoer thrusitng forwad to bite at ehr bare chest now whiel he began spreadign her pussy with his fingers testing her threshold as e girated his hip, turnign and grindign hsi cock in her anus with no caere fo how she felt, he neeed his pleasure as eh rubbed his most sensative parts within her tight dirty hole.
he pulel dhis mouth away slowly from her breast thinkign for once of her own saftey as eh bit down on hsi bottom lip, the rough play and this being the first tiem tonight or atleas the first excitign tiem tonigth made him week as his warm load burst form his throbign rod which had nearly doubled insize as the load pumped through it into her hole, his muscles tensign formt eh extacy as his hand grtippe dupon her pussy
Goosebumps trailed over her flash as the warm night air hit her pale flesh. The moonlight reflected a soft blueish glow over silky skin. Cindy looked up at Kenny, her whimpers falling silent for a second as his warm sticky finger trailed over her lip. Her hesitantly tongue slide over his thumb to taste her own fluids. She was blushing in embarrassement that he had made her so wet when he was trying to punish her. "P-please don't call me that ah master." She turned her head shamefully away from his hand. Her eyes averting towards the ground away from him. He slide his finger inside her and as it curled upwards scrapping into her damp flesh her body suddenly tensed. Cindy winced her eyes shuts as an erotic shock quickly struck up her body. Her feet pushed against his shoulder as if trying to push herself away from him. "NOt there! not there" She breathed out quickly as his finger had obviously found her sensative g-spot. The second his finger left that spot though her muscles seemed to relax a little. The sensation probably would have been pleasureable but for the young vampire it was a little intense mixed with all the other things that were happening with her body.
"Ahhh....mmnoooahh" Her body jolted as his prickly teeth found her flesh again. His hot breathe made her breasts feel hot sending feelings of arousal through her chest. Tears continued to flow down her cheeks as he continued to grind her small hole and his fingers stretched open her other. Her head rolled back as she whimpered trough her throat. It was driving the poor girl crazy how the pain was still building pressure inside her. Cindy cried out as she felt him release his own pressure inside her. His hot cum filling her stomache. Both of her holes clenched around his cock and fingers as she tried to hold back her own pressure. The last thing she wanted was the embarrassement of cumming during her punishment. She thought Kenny would be upset if she did.
Teh forest had gone quiet again, all except for the heavy panting of the master and whthe whimpering of his hanging servant. sweat dripping from his muscled body as he slouched over her, a satisfied grin on his face, he had been slightly peeved that his own servant didn't seem to have enjoyedit as much as he did, btu thenagian this was her punishment, and found it almsot amusing now as he pulled out of her, the punishment fit now as he wouldn't touch her any more tonight. "HAv eyou leanrt your lesson?" He asked as he fianlly caugth his breath grinning as his index finger rimmed aroudn ehr anus whiel it poured otu hsi cum, it was hard nto to touch her.
He gaiend control moments later as he pulled his figner away and swiped hsi hadns at the ropes above her letigng hsi instant claws snaap the rope to let gravity pull cindy to the ground,. She woulsn't hit it though as her masters arms caught her in a cradlign position, givign her a soft smile and leanign forward to brush his lips agaisnt hers teasignly only to drop her the rest of the way to eh ground. "You didn't think i would carry you like that allt eh way bakc to the mansion did you?" HE asked with a sly grin befeor turnign away form her and hunching over ever so slightly."Come on get up and get on" He wasn't so mean as ot make her walk back but atlesat this way she had to hold ont he whole time.
Cindy looked up into her master's eyes as she felt his hot cum inside her, the satisfied look upon his face made her own face turn beat red. He had really enjoyed her body and the way he looked at her make her heart flutter. "Y-yes Master." She answered immediatly with a soft sigh as she felt his fluid draining from her behind. "I.. will not let this happen again." She sniffed as her tears began to dry on her cheeks and sparkle in the moonlight. She smiled weakly only to gasp as he cut the rope.

Cindy squint her eyes shut, she really thought she was going to fall. Then he caught her. She blinked smiling up at him. Her breathing became almost none existant as his warm lips brushed against hers. She was a fool for him, waiting to feel his lips firmly pressed against hers. "OOFH" Instead she felt the hard ground hit her backside and Cindy woke from her fantasy into reality.
She stretched her arms and legs out as she slowly got up rubbing her bottom. "M-Master?..." She spoke so low it was almost a whisper. She sucked in her bottom lip as she straightened up, looking at his back. One hand slowly sliding between her legs. It was not helping that his hot cum was dripping down her thighs. "Master... could you..." She was not sure she was brave enough to ask but she was burning with desire for him between her legs. He had been satisfied but she had yet to be fully fulfilled. She grew quiet deciding that perhaps it was better to allow Anna or one of the maids to help her finish. She did not want to a get on Kenny's bad side again.

Cindy took a soft step forwards but she never got on his back. She never even touched him. It was quiet, too quiet. Kenny couldn't even hear her quivering breathes anymore. When he turned around Cindy was lying on the ground unconscience. If he looked even closer he would see a small sort of tranquilizer the size of a quarter that had been shot into her neck.
Kenny had turned the moment Cindy's unconcious body hit the ground, hsi eyes glowing a fierce orange as his arms buldged, bhis skin ripping in a flash of blood as claws replaced his human hands, the boy croushed over Cindy as his lungs let out an almost infinite growl, his eyes flashing aroudn for a second befoer he looked down to sniff Cindy, she seemed to still be.. alive, for a vamprie that is, thankfully she was still young enough that she still instinctivly breathed, if it werent for that he woudl have no way in tellign if she were or not.
"Oh the wolf and the bat, such an odd combination, kehehehehehe" A voice slithere dout fom behidn Kenny, the lycans eyes goign wide, he hadn;t evne heard any movmnt until now as he turned, only to topple onto the ground as a shapr pain throbed through his back. Kenny lay there panting as he felt teh sharp cold sting of snow in his wounds , his eyes rollign toward the voice to see a man in a winter coat, blood dripping form three sharp daggers haning form his sleeves, from this angele they looked liek they wer ethe mans own claws until he turned and Kenny saw they were gauntlets. "Such a weak one too" The Hunter mused as he stpped towad his two victims, the crunch of the snow just barely heard by the werwolf as his beating heart flooded his ears as the hunter crousched ove rhim, a slit of a grin on his face. "you're lucky we want you alive KEEHE"
"Such a lovely place, all filled with new plaything." Albert spoke to himself as he stood at he enterance of the mansion a gleeful grin on his face. "I gues it's tiem for you to go ina nd get your partner." HE added speakign to some one behind him befoer he pushed opent eh door, the scientist once much for fightign but he kenw how to stop the beasts as he tossed in a flash grenade dont he hall before any oen would be allowe din.

((is this okay??))
The flash grenade went off and Saphire stepped past Albert, adjusting her sunglasses and she looked around the now empty room. "She had better be alive or no one in this place will see tomorrow." She stated defiently. It seemed she had a bit of a temper, especially when it came to her partner being taken. Ruby was practically her sister, though she knew the dangers of going on missions espeically ones alone, she still grew angry at the thought of someone hurting her partner.

Saphire began to walk forwards into the main entrance and turning down the hallway. Her ears were perked for any sound and her left hand sat on the gun in her belt. She was in all black. Black jeans, a black turtleneck and black boots, it was good camoflauge for this type of mission. Her belt held two guns a whip, some amo and a few other things that might be needed when fighting the supernatural. It never left her waist, the belt was practically her lifeline.

There was a creak in the floor boards in the open doorway beside her. Without hesitating her arm went up and in one shot a young maid went down. Cautiously Saphire walked over the unconscious vampire then glanced back at the team they had taken with them. "Unit A check down that hallway and the back side of the house. Unit B start heading upstairs." She stated to the small crews of men they had taken with them for back up. "I will check this half of the place." She said nodding towards the kitchen.
"hey now, you can;t kil themm all." ALbert said as he steppe din while waves of men rushed past him to secure what parts of the buildign they could. "This is a beautiful find, and it'll be a cold day in hell before i let you kill ALL my pecimens again." He added with a smirk. "I hear this place holds more than just vampires, so f you will excuse me.. I'm going to go find these rare finds." he said and with that he was gone, The first of his stops was probably the best for him, his glashes gleaming in the back light of a digital screen, he was one of the mroe technical hunters which use dscience instea dof instinct, and his 'science' read ectoplasim on the otehr side of the door, a large grin on his face as if he were a kid in a candy store, it was true it was REALLY true. "there is a ghost." He mused almsot too gleefully as he pulle dout a wrope that was conected to his belt. it as only the polite thing todo as he knocked on the door, looking at eh rope for a seocnd befor sliping the rope back and going for a syringe filled with tanq,it was a good time to seeif ghost scoudl be knocke dout.

There wasn't much Syth could do now, the hunter had jsut taken down two prisoners, and he couldn't leave them int eh forest incase they woke up sooner then he expected, so he threw the limp girl over his shoulder, wincing as his finger touched her cum covered bottom and takign a moenment to wipe his hand itn eh dirt befeor grabing Kennys ankle and dragign the lycna behind him as he heade dback to one of the vans the hunters brought for what would obviously be a big catch.
"According to Dante the seventh layer of hell is covered in ice." Saphire mused being a smart ass as she watched the doctor wander away like a child on a treasure hunt. Saphire continued onwards checking door to door, each room searching for where her partner was being held until she finally came upon the right room. She swung the door open and took a perfect shot at the target. A maid with black hair fell back against the wall unconscious. There was a loud moaning sound that came from another door. The voice was too familiar to be ignored and distracted her from the second vampire guarding the door. Ashley lept onto the huntress's back hissing in fury that her twin had been attacked. Saphire was well prepared for this type of situation and she was not one to be messed with when it came to rescuing Ruby. With an elbow to the gut and a round house kick to the chest she had the baby vampire against the wall with a thud in a manner of seconds. "Take this one to the van. Syth likes twins." She ordered the men that were now finally showing up to see what the comotion was about.

Saphire kicked the door open, not bothering to check if it was locked and ran into the large room that Ruby was being held. She froze in horror at what she saw. Her partner was bound in torn clothing, fully exposed and covered in sweat and liquids that she did not want to guess what it was. Ruby screamed out arching her back in a climax from the toy that was stuffed in her pussy. Saphire quickly ran over to her partner and freed her from her torment. "I knew you would come" Ruby breathed out with a glazed over smile. "I would never leave you behind." Saphire smiled reassuringly. "Everything is alright now. We are getting you out of here." She said as some men came and lifted up her partner who was so tired and weak she could hardly walk.

Anna was a little confused as to who was knocking at the door. Kenny was not there and it was his room she was in. Kenny was not there and everyone else could guess the room was empty. She was wearing a lacy pink night gown and her hair had been pinned half way up. The girl had heard about the twins prank and figured that when he was through handing the two and his toy then perhaps they could spend the rest of the night together visiting a more softer side of love making. "Yes?" She opened the door expecting perhaps one of the maids need her help in the training room. She was sadly mistaken. Instead it was a stranger holding a syring. Anna acted on instinct giving a small scream of surprise and tried to slam the door shut on whomever it was.
Sythe had a sadistic grin on his facce as they dragged Ashley into the van for him , trailing one of hsi dagers over his cheek as his tongue ran over his lips. "oh well now, i guess i can't reject a gift form a superior officer." HE mused with a shrug as if ti were a pain s he dragged ashley farther itnot eh van before hopping out as he got a call ont he radio about needed with water tank. "Ugh fien i'll call it in." HE growled out in anouance, he already had 3 bodies in a vehicle did they really need more.

"oh hello youngin'" Albert said over the girls scream, the door slamming on his wrist , but not quick neough as the syringe met flesh and a few secodns later he heardthe body hit he floor. Teh scientist knocke dht edoor with his foot befoer pushign it open, havign to force the ghosts body otu of the door way, hsi eye sgleamign as he looked over her. "she's warm.. liek a human, and definatly tans.. but does skin tone change?" HE aske dcuriously as he ran a hand over her shoulder, the radio call abotu needign a tank snappign him out of his trance as he pushe dhis glasse sup and scooped the ghost up in his arms, he would bind her onc ehe got to the van.
Albert made it out of the mansion in tiem to see Ruby beign helped itno antoehr vehicle they brought for her, it was basicaly an unmarked ambulance letignt hem set Ruby up before he hoppe din after them and tied Anna up to the back of the passanger seat. "Good news Saphire, your friend still has a pulse." Albert said over the radio as he began checking their huntress' vitals while wipign her off with a sponge, it had become so procedural now adays that he ditn get to aroused when dealign with this, he often had to stitch up and heal human pets they woudl find in toerh vamprie mansions, he was just surprised she wasnt bleeding too much, it seemed she was mroe sexualy abused then pysicaly, though that posed a problem as he began takign blood and fluid samples o the diffrent liquids on her, especialy after hearing how Sythe caugth a lycanthrope. Albert wasn't sure how that disease was passe dyet, and if the lycan had gone near Ruby.. who knows wht she had been through or was now adays all he knew was Ruby still had a pulse and that was good enough for now.
"I guess that means your specimens are safe." Saphire replied through the radio with a smirk on her lips as she began to head up stares. Now that she had gotten Ruby out of the mansion safely it was time that she went after the main target. The queen bee that Ruby had come to the manner for. She was going after the head Mistress. "I have one last thing I have to take care of." She said as she reached the top flight of the stairs and passed the room where the mermaid was clearly held. She could tell by all the men surrounding the door and saw two men pulling something out the water as she took a quick side glance through the door in her passing. "Your mer-" Saphire's voice was cut off and a sudden sound of static was heard from her receiving end.

In a manner of seconds the earpiece had been swiped off her ear and stomped on and the gun had been kicked straight out of her hand. "You are brave to walk into my manner knowing what lies in side. Brave but very stupid." The Mistress spook in a soothing calm voice, though there was fury and bloodlust glowing in her scarlet eyes. "I hope it was worth it. Neither you nor your men will leave this house alive." Victoria promise death with a venomous grin.

"You must be Victoria." Ruby said gathering her composure and wiping the blood from her ear where Victoria's claws as left a warning slash. "You are just the Vampire I have been looking for." She said grabbing the whip, laced with holy water from her belt and lashing it out with an echoing snap. "You are mine." The raven haired huntress smiled as the true rush of the hunt began.

Ten minutes later Ruby came out of the manner limping slight on her right leg. She had a few scratches here and there but it was nothing too serious. She walked up to Albert's van and lifted herself up to sit on the back floor. "I am ready to hear it now..." She said looking to Albert and expecting a grateful praise. "Thank you Saphire. You are the best hunter of the force. Tonight would be a failure without you." She helped him out with the words she was looking to hear, acting as if she had done none of this for herself. Then she glances to the men coming in to show him what she was talking about. Slumped over one of the men's shoulders was the unconscious mistress of the manor.
"Oh yes thanks .. for brinign hell upon us." Albert rebuttled as he looekd at teh unconcious mistress. "I am NOT dealign with her when she wakes." HE said, not wantign to have to deal with a master vampires furry, anyways he would be bussy witht he ghost and the mermaid. "Here you can ride with ruby." HE said as he hopped out of the medic van "I didn't brign any clothes for her so you will have to manage, but other then that she seems fine, no lasting physical damage, though i have yet to check her mental state." HE added givign Saphire the paper work he had writen up after inspcting their comrad, with that he headed to the truck with a large glass tank carried behidn it as the soldiers clumsily tossed the mermaid intot he water. "HEY HEY HEY!! no bruising!!" HE caleld otu as he hurried over before they did any more damage to the specimen, onc eher had climbed onoot the back of the truck their caravan went off to head back to their own head quateres, the hunting team had a long few months ahead of them, that was if ay of their specimens lasted tat long.
Kenny awoke lying on the floor. Heavy thick chains clamped around his wrists and ankles. There was a thick collar clamped around his neck with another chain attached going into the floor. It was just long enough so that he could sit up on his knees but would not allow him to rise any higher. Of course his bindings were made of silver to keep the wolf at bay. He was in a fairly large yet almost completely empty with room with tinted glass walls on all four sides.

The door behind Kenny slide open and a male walked in, closing the door behind him. He walked past Kenny, his eyes dropping down on the mutt with a mocking sneer in his eyes and a smirk across his lips. Then he looked forwards bringing Kenny’s attention to the door across the room.

The door was wide open and the walls around the small room were tented glass as well but had been made transparent for viewing pleasure. Inside was the bathroom to this particular cell. On the floor was a familiar torn white night gown. As Kenny’s eyes drew higher he would see Cindy’s nude body bound and hovering over the bath tub. There was a camera in the top corner of the room facing down on her. Her wrists were bound together above her head by a towel looking material. Her ankles were bound with the same material holding her legs open in a v shape. She was hanging at least a foot in the air. Moaning and familiar whimpers filled the air, muffled in a specially designed gag with a bit specifically made for vampires to keep them from taking a victim. Cindy was shaking in the bindings, her body grew tense then arched as she appeared to have an orgasm caused by the shower head that was focused on her open pussy. By the looks of it, it probably was not her first orgasm. The steam that filled the room made it clear that the water was heated. Then the water stopped suddenly. Cindy was given a short break, just long enough to come down for the orgasm. Then the shower automatically came back on. She jumped and cried louder as this time the water was cold causing goosebumps to form on her body.

The man entered the bathroom, picked up a bottle of body wash and squeezed the blue liquid over her chest. He glanced back at Kenny with a small laugh before his large hand grasped her breast tightly forcing another sound from her delicate throat and her tit to swell. He brought his attention back to the girl as he picked up a brush like scrubber and began to scrub over her perked nipple. Cindy’s body created an arch against his big hand, her toes curled tightly and one of her legs twitched from the intensity of the pleasure. “Filthy whore.” Were the first words that escaped his lips.

Ashley groaned as she opened her eyes slowly. “Amber?” She tried to get up but her body felt weak. Her sister’s eyes slowly flustered open at the sound of her sister’s voice. “I am right here.” She responded weakly. Their noses twitched to an appetizing scent, fresh blood. Ashley’s eyes scanned around the room, fear slowly grew inside her at what she saw. She had to pause and think for a minute to realize that they were no longer in the mannor at all. The last she remembered was the hunters attacking her sister and then everything had gone black. She blinked and her eyes fell upon the source of blood on the other side of the room. Drip… drip… drip… Her ears twitched from the hightened sound of each scarlet drop slowly draining from the blood pouch. The vampire tried to go for the food but quickly realized something was in her way.

The other cell next to the one Cindy and Kenny were in held a large fish tank. It was fairly small compared to the one in the manor and was now Marianna’s new home. Her arms were tied behind her back, wrist to elbow, by red rope that came up out of the water and was attached to some sort of pulley on the ceiling.

Victoria, the highly coveted and highly dangerous mistress of the manner had her own unique cell. It was placed in the very center of the headquarters. It was like a witch being displayed before being burn to the stake. She was bound to a thick metal pole that rose from the floor to the ceiling. Her wrists were bound and pinned above her head behind the pole. A round block came out of the pole forcing her back to arch and her supple breasts to perk up high. A small bar was attached to her knees. It was a little over a foot in length to keep her thighs from closing. A large rubber phallus curled out of the pole between her legs like a giant hook threatening its prey. The head of the rubber was hardly an inch away from touching her womanhood. She was standing up on the balls of her bare feet and was wearing one of the spagetti strapped scarlet Victorian gowns she would normally wear in the manor. The gown was tattered and torn with whip marks from the vampire verses huntress battle in the manor. Like all the other vampires held prisoner she had a specially designed gag fastened safely between her lips. The walls were a couple of yards from her on all sides, giving just enough room for whomever enters to move around. There were four cameras in different corners of the circular room which potential feed to every room in the building, including the televisions mounted in the walls of every cell. Even the door to her cell was made of a type of tinted glass. Basically she was in a giant display tube rather than a room.

Young Anna opened her eyes slowly, groggily at first. Then they grew wide as she noticed that she was dangling from a ceiling looking down upon a blood stained floor. Her skin tingled as she looked over the chains that were holding her up. They were not exactly chains as much as they were blue electricity in the form of chains. She squirmed and struggled trying to break free. She even froze, closing her eyes trying to concentrate on going through the chains but nothing she tried was of any use.
It was Cindy's scent that had awoken the werewolf int he first place, his eyes snappign open as he fianly registered the sent. attempting to roll over on his stomahc to get a look aroudn only to wince as the pain shot through his back, the hunters had bound him tot he silver before his powers could completly heal the wounds on his back. As of now his back was filled witha warm stinign pain where the gashes had healed over but the muscles under the skin were sitll tender and weak. With no incentive to roll over he didn't well that wasn't tillt eh man walked passe dhim, his eyes lit with furry as he force dhimself to lundge at the man. his hand an inch fromt he mans leg before his throat became constricte dan the chains puleld him back. "bastard come back here and..." Kenny's words were lost as he finaly remembered what had woken him, Cindy's prgasmic scent, and now his eyes lay upon where the scent had coem from.
The mut crouched there on all fours as he watched his servant climax relax and be forced itno pleasure again, he was mixed with horror and arousal, he wnte dto be the onedoign that to her, and at the same tiem he wante dto save her from her torment. The mixed feeling turnign to rage though as the stranger began fondlign his toy. KEnny gowled otu as eh ocne more tried to lunge forward only to fall har don his back. "GOD DAM IT, get over hee you bastrd and let me rip your balsl out!!" HE shouted out in rage as he tugged at his bindings. Desperate to save Cindy and at the same time his beastial mind needed to rip apart that man for touchign what was rightfully Kennys.

"Kehehehe, are you hungerly my darling?" Syth mused as his thumb presse dupon a remote control tat would shortent he length of the chain around the twins next to pullback into the wall and yankignt he girls to it. "Now now can't let you feed yet, bithces don't get treats till they learn todo some tricks Kehehe" Teh white hair man lept form his bed to alk over to the driping blood sack, lettign theblood drip into hsi hands before he poured it into his mouth, spiting it out toont eh twins in disgust. "don;t see hwo you guys can drink this , I do enjoy the taste every so often though.. the idea of soem one else sheding blood, just.. get sme so hard KEHE" and with that he flippe don the ligth to his room so show the walls covere dwith an asortment of tools, one held racks of gusn and swords, the one acros from it heldammo and practical survival tools, twhielt he wall the girls were pinned to had mostly whips and chains alongwith other obvious bondage tools, the wall with his bed on it held.. well held toys he always used on his prizes.

"no use in escaping." alberts voice rang out throughthe white room before a black rectangle appeared on the wall infrotn of Anna moment before the door slid away to show the scientist standign there, hsi arms folded behind him as he stood in a white lab coat already ocovered in blood. "It seems you heal over the day.. and turn.. to a real ghost." HE said in a cold monotone as he walked up to her and lifted ehr nigth gone to run his hand over her belly. "Completely healed, after a complete autopsy and everything." HE mused in surprise before looking up at her, "I wodner if your skin tans, you haave tan lines.. but where they before or after death? wonder if yoru hair grows, or does everything change back to normal the moment the un rises?" HE pondered to hismelf before he stepped back and snappe dhifs figners, suddenly the ligths above switched color to Uv ligths befoer he pulled a scalpol out to cut the snigth gown off her leavign her in her undies. "I gues we will see if youtan soon enough." He added with a smirk.
The twins gave a simultaneously annoyed groan as their bodies were tugged flat against the back wall. “What sort of tricks?”
“Amber!” Her sister dismissed the question quickly reminded her sister they were not so weak to submit to a human. “I was only curious.” Amber tried to act as if she had no intention of actually doing any of his tricks. Their eyes were fixed on the crimson liquid, the lips parting hungrily as he tasted their precious blood. Amber’s tongue curled towards the little spit on her face trying to get what little bit of blood she could muster on her tongue.
There eyes squint shut as the lights when on then slowly opened. Together they gasped, their eyes growing in fear as they became fully aware of just how dangerous this man was. “You are sick” “more like twisted.” Amber finished Ashley’s sentence. They killed and drunk blood but they did so for nutrition. By the looks of the room it appeared he liked to do so for a totally different reason. “Who are you?” “Why did you take us?” Their natural instincts took over as they took turns asking the questions they were both thinking.
"MmM only the best tricks ." He gladly answered the girls question as he steped twoards them slowly, croushing infront of the girls a he licked the blood form his hands only trying to agrivate their blood lust, he wanted to break them quickly. And the best way to break a vamprie is to starve them, they had gone nearly a whole day without blood now he wondered how long they would last. "Kehehe, so delicious, finishign scentences." HE mused with glee, he relaly had a thing for two of a kind, infact he had atelast two of every tool in his room. "My code name is Sythe, and i do enjoy havign twins." He said as his ahdns came to rub on each of theri legs, his perpetual grin widdening. "how bout you? has that bitch master named hr pets already? " he asked in, what he considered a polite way to talk to them, they were his prisoners after all.
Their eyes averted from the blood sac over to him. Their eyes were gazing upon him like he was a piece of meat. They bared their fangs bitterly taking his love of twins as a mockery. If there were not so hungry and agitated then they might have possibly taken it as a flattery. His warm hands sent shivers through them. They could only imagine the amount of blood flowing through his veins. The girls looked at eat other as if they were communication without the need to talk. Then they looked back towards their captor.
"That's Amber" "And she is Ashley." They introduced each other with the nod of their heads. "Or am I Ashley?" "I could be Amber" They began to toy with him. "You should have payed more attention earlier." "Then you would know." They both nodded their heads.
They were weak and hungry. The best way they got out of a bad situation was to depend on each other and their old tricks.
"You are very brave." "Possibly foolish" Ashley corrected her sister. "If you were wise." "You would feed us." They informed him as they hide their despriration behind confidence. "You should never." "Never" "Starve a vampire." They warned him. "You are a warm" "very large.." "Bag of blood" The last part was said in unison as they licked their lips hungrily. Their eyes were now fixed on him as if they would leap to him instead of the pouch the moment the chains would give any slack. "We can smell it." "Mmm we can almost.." "Taste it".
"Kehehehe now doesnt that sound delitful, being drained dry by duplicate maids." HE said in a voice that sounded gleeful as if he were enjoyign their threats, his ahdns runnign up and down their legs still befoer he took a stepl closer so as to feel their thighs, his fingers benindg so his sharpened middle figner torre at their stockigns, even drawign blood form both their supple legs, tiwht their heads pinned to the wall hed didnt fear getitgn close and he didnt much care any ways he enjoyed the danger. "oh dont worry I'll figure otu which one is which soon enough so tell me girls, how long hav eyou been able to go without feed? no lieing now.. or you might regret it." As he said regret he tore antoher strip itno their stockign tthis tiem purposfully makign both them bleed. ont heir inner thigh befroe taking his hands off them to lick the blood form both hsi fingers, hsi body shuderign at the ligth taste.
((oh BTW only theri neks are chained, well their arms are too but the chain is logn enough for htem to move thier arms, their legs are free XD))
((... I knew that, I meant the slack on their necks... aright fine you had a massive typo that got me all confused so I left it very general. It's good to know now ^.^))

They could feel their bodys growing weak to his touch. His warm hands teased them especially as he became brave enough to reach their thighs. They could still hear the drops of blood falling in the background. They sucked in a breath bitting their fangs over their lips as he drew blood. Objecting moans escaped the back of their throats as he scratched his nails into their thighs causing a shiver to run up their leg. They were trying their hardest to hold strong. They were so hungry and he was going to make them weaker now by drawing their own blood. Though it really was not enough blood to be concerned about.
"We can go an hour without feeding..." Ashley started their game again "A couple hours probably" Her sister took the hint. "A day max""Which means.." "We could pass out" "At any moment." "You would not want that would you?" "Would you?" They tried to convince him into feeding them. "We would be useless." "That would be no fun." "No fun at all." They allowed their body to remain calm even when he touched them their arms and legs gave not threatening movements. They were waiting for the right chance. They were waiting for him to in a way trust them and come close enough so that they could grab the madd human and try pulling him to their lips. Though if he kept them too much longer he would be strong enough to fight them off.
Both girl laughed as he licked his fingers. "You have tasted our blood" "If we kill you" "You become.." "One of us" The sang out together to mess with his head. They did not know if he knew whether it was true or not.
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