The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Kenny winced at Cindy's first screams, he had only been with ehr ocne as a wolf, he knew she wasn't used to the size, but he couldn't help be aroused as she watche dehr body spasm and wriggle unde rthe beast girls touch, his own body shuddering as he listene dot eh moans and screams of the two, it was heavenly even though he knew it was wrong. That mind set, knowing that cindy wasnt willing, was theonly thing keeping him form jerking off tot eh sight right now as he glance dup to see Kigas but bounce with every one of her thrusts, he could only imagine what it looke dlike formt he side, their breasts together and grinding.

Kiga pasued for a second , her cock just pockign at ther enteracne se she splurte dout the precum inwillingly. the beast girls breaht wsas heavyas her chest heaved, presign breast upon breast, the sensation was heavenly, she hardlyy got such a perky toy to play with before. "You really are a resilient one." Kiga breathed otu happily, her hands running over cindys body befoer finaly reachign her butox, graspign it hard as the nails scratche da the flesh, liunging her hip forwar dand returning to the contastnt poundign of the girls tiny inards, her lips spreadign to btie softly upon cindys shoulder as she waited for the inevitable to come. one lat thrust as the lizard girlsmuscles convulsed, groanignhard upon cindys shoulder as her bite threatend to breakthe skin, thougth it never did, much liek the nails as she gropae dnad massaged her ass whiel the tail presed hard ont he girls clit trying to get her to climax as well. as her cum fille dup Cindys pussy, once mroe it was a mixed size, much bigger then a humans but not as much as a lycanthropes. Her teeth unclenched as her head roleld bakc to breath, groaning happily as she spanked cindys ass. her face leanign forward soehrpupiless eyes gazed at cindy a pleased grin on her face. "sadly i'm suposed to keep doing this till you black out." Kiga mused,with all too much pleasurein ehr tone as she puleld out to let the cum splurt from cindys pussy.
Cindy's body stayed in a full arch during the entire sexual attack. Kiga was a horny woman and would not let up a second on Cindy as she indulged in her own pleasure. The young vampire gasped and moaned between each thrust and cry. The way her body reacted to Kiga's every touch it was as if even the pain was pushing the girl over the top. They could actually hear her voice shuddering as the girls nails clawed at her buttom. "Gah!... please... nooh mor-... Imm gonnnah..I am goonnna.." The pressure was building so quickly. The clit play and biting her neck was only making her whimper and moan louder and pushing her over the edge faster. This time though she was actually hoping to cum as soon as possible. Cumming meant that Kiga would pull out sooner. Almost simultaneously with Kiga Cindy's body tenseds, the bindings pulled tight and she came, though it was hard to tell how much was actually hers when she had cam so many times before and Kiga had filled her with a large load of her own. A sigh escaped through Cindy's body as her muscles relaxed and her body slumped from the arch while the cum poured from her pussy like a fountain.

A new fear filled Cindy at Kiga's last words. This was only the first out of multiple times she knew Kiga was going to take advantage of her nude vulnerable body. "Please...I can't take that long." She whimpered. The bad part about being in a vampire in this sort of situation was that they regain their energy rather quickly. Cindy was breathing heavily but the longer her body was left untouched and allowed to rest a littie, the better her breathing had become. Cindy was tired from cuming countless time and she wished she could black out just so Kenny would no longer see her like this, but she knew there was more energy in her. The Dr. had made sure of it before he began this experiment.
"oh but that will be no fun if we stop so soon, especialy with such an ontoughed hole." Kigs mused as she walekd aroundCindy shovign a giner into the girls anus , twisitng it around happily befoer pulling out. "mmmm vampires, always have such a clean butox." she mused as she crouched down, her face ate her ass as her elongated tongue stuck out so logn that the tip just barely touched teh girls clit befoer she slid the moist tounge down the slit and bakc itnoehr mouth, groanigna thte he taste of the cum and vagianl fluids. slowly straghtening her posture as she began running her tognue up cindys back, letting her chest press forwards so her bossom grinded agasint eh girls back after her tongue her tongue would finally reach cindies neck, rectracign in as it was replace dby a kiss upon one of the previous hickies, hers hands cslapign hard on the girls but, her thumbs pullign teh cheeks apart a she shoved her hip frowards to chove hard inot the girls angus withotu warning, the cum coated rod slipepd easier then usual in though, btu the tightness hugged her cock hard, makign her instinctivly bigth down formt eh pain, her teth jsut barely puncturign the girls skin as she groaned upon her neck form the masocistic paint eh tight anl hole gave her tender cock as he began penetratign further and futrther, stoppign half way as her tial wraped aroudnt he girl, grindign agaisnt eh clit befoer wrigglign the tip intot he vaginal enterance.
Cindy's body seemed to shudder as the creatures abnormally long tongue slide up between her legs to lick the sticky cum that seeped from her pussy. After taking soo many showers the young vampire never felt so dirty and vulnerable as she did at this moment with her pussy ozing with cum, her pale skin shining of water sweat and spit, and Kiga's tongue licking over her body and pressing her nude body against her. It all had Cindy wishing the scary human would return to torment her with the shower head. None the less she tried to keep her body relaxed as long as much as she could, which really only lasted maybe a minute, if that, before the beast's cock took aim into another hole.

Little Cindy's bright blue eyes bulged wide in fear seconds before squinting shut. "Not THEREAH!-" She gasped as pain shot up her bum. Her head rolled to the side as her wrists and anckles tugged against the bindings. It was time for round two to begin. Her inner walls squeezed Kiga's cock trying to push out the invader. "It hurts... take it out. Please." Cindy whimpered as her hips lifted up as if to try pulling away only to be teased by the girls rough tail. An erotic shudder ran through the girls body as she soon realized the tail was about to squirm its way into her juicy pussy.
"mmm such cries and pleas, soo heavenly to this beasts ears." Kiga hisse dout tauntingly to Cindy as he hands came to slap the vamprie sbreasts back and forht liek pingpong for a few seconds, gigglign at the sound of flesh slammignupon flesh as ti echoed through otu teh nearly empty room. the play was quick though as soon enough ehr nails dug intot he plump melons pulling down upon her bossom as Kiga lurched forward, screamign out in painful ecstasy as she slamemd the rest of ehr length in upon cindy whiel her tail did the same, shovign in hard and fast to slam straigth intot he cervix, lettign alal the cum housed insid ehte organ sto splurt out as eh opene dhtehole, her breasts pressed head upont eh girsl back rubbign as the beast heaved up and down her hip swirlign as she moved her cock ever so slowly bakc and forht int he girls intestines, not by choice though, the friction and squeeze on ehr cock mad eit hard for her to move but she enjoyed every second, gigglign otu a heavy sigh as she losoene dhte grasp upon cindys breats. "I cna feel it.. i can feel my tail nearly touch my cock." Kiga muse din a cinical vocie befoer shovign up again, this tiem forcign her to yank out nearly thre inches and slammign bakc up, trying to keep a steady pase as he her self whimpere dand groaend with eveyr thrust now, her body shuddering with excitement as she let the precum loose intisde cindy only helping the beasts cause as she moved faster now.
Cindy whimpered. Her breasts were sensative enough before they were being bounced around and slapped. The side of her supple mounts turned pink from the slaps. And as Kiga sink her claws into the girls melons the lizard girl got just what she wanted. A painful scream from the girl as both her holes were instantly filled. Waves of pain filled her perfect body and as most did her survival instincts and body turned these waves of pain into intense waves of estasy. The bound and vulnerable girl were getting off on the pain, though not nearly as much as Kiga did. Instead she was getting off on the humiliation caused by Kiga. Every laugh and dirty remark that showed the girl was enjoying Cindy's pain made Cindy feel shameful she was giving so much pleasure to her captor, not to mention those on the other side of the video cameras and to Kenny as well. The very thought was making her breathing heavier. Even though it was being forced upon her she felt like a slut with so much attention on her. "Y-your terrible.." She groaned in a shaky breathe as the Kiga pulled out only to push back in again. "Ohh ahh! Ohhhh" Cindy whimpered and graoned, even cried out as the Kigas large cock and tail began to thrust into both holes. She could feel her inner walls stretching and squeezing painfully down and her sensative cervix envaded so roughly that she actually came over the tail. But Kiga did not let off and it was hard to tell from all the cum already slurping in her pussy. In fact it felt like Kiga was becoming faster in her anal hole. "I canttt take thiss" Cindy moaned the words. Hoping to outsmart the doctor and Kiga, Cindy let out a cry, arching her back as if she had came and then closed her eyes and relaxed her muscles as best she could to try faking that she passed out.
"Oh don't be such a pussy, i know your more of a whore then that." Kige growled otu as she thrust in altl he way again, this time her tail rammign and curlign inot eh cerivix almost to much thent eh organ coudl handle whiel the beast girl bit down upon Cindy ear, her nails just bariley peiercing the skin on the plump white breasts befoer pullign to leave little red liens upon erh bosom. "Yopou brought this upon your self."Kiga growled otu as he let go hef ehr ear and breast, the thrussing not stopping and the tail seemd to u-turn inside cindy to force more of it in as the thickness of ehr tail was now even larger then Kigas own cock, the bumps grindign agaisnt ehr clit as she inche dmroe and mroe of her tail in."You should know I still am female.. i know what it looks liek to fake." SHe gigled out befeor bitign down upon the girls shoudeelr as she begna thrustign ina nd out some more, not evne carign if Cindy was concious any more, she was goign to finish what she started , a sinical grin lay upon her face as a hand slid downt o felethe buldge in Cindys stomach from how much of ehr own tail she had been stuffing intot he poor girls pussy. itt would be another five exrusshating minutes befoer Kiga,s body begna convoolsign and teh lizard girl let out a scremaign groan as she blaste da load into the vampires anal hole. The beast girl only took a fw seconds to relax befoer she once more began the barage nto evne pulling out, she was goign to rape the girl till she knew she was truely unconcious.
Cindy could not fake the black out. Seconds after she tried faking it Kiga called her out and worked her sweating and shuddering body even more than before. Cindy's head was pressed back against Kiga's shoulder as her cries, screams and moans echoed from the tiny room and into the main room. Her breathing was heavy and harsh and she gasped often even though she really had no need to breath. "Im Sorry ah Im sorry.. whwhateverr ah I didah Im sorry" The girl whimpered, her voice was going to a high pitch with each word as she felt her womb become over stuffed and stretched and her clit ground against. She had never been in soo much pain yet at the same time she had never felt so much masichistic pleasure. Cindy came hard once again before Kiga just from the tail snaking in and pumping deep inside her. Yet once again, even after Kiga came she had not yet had her fill of Cindy's perfectly helpless body. Cindy had an annusually strong pair of lungs as her heavenly voice could be heard through the entire session. Although vampires could regain their strength quickly, Kiga gave Cindy no breaks to recover. After what felt like an eternity for the young vampire she eventually had her final energy draining orgasm and blacked out.
Kiga was a beast with sex, her species was used to vast orgies for reproduction, maybe it was abtti fo snake in her, she could go a whole 24 hours with very little break if she was in heat, but this was jsut her normal stamina, from al the testing and her own beastial libido. The sex though had been tiring still as the lizard girl leane dher whole wait upon the unconcious kiga, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. her own body glistenedn wet from the mixture of both their sweat, her cock slowly shrinking as hthe girl shuddere din relief, she hadnt taken the large rod out of Cindys ass afte rhte first climax and now as the penis slowly turned back to a clit the girl grinend sheepisly with the relief of the pressure no longer having to deel with teh pressur of the vampire anus squeezign her dry. agiggle escaped her lips as she slid down cindys body to kneel between ehr legs and letting her tounge stick out to let Cindys juices and Ikgiss cum cover the logn pink muscle, goranign at the heavenly taste. "I never took you for sucha sadist." Kiga mused whiel she licke dher lips of the white goo, looking over to Kenny who wa sshudderign on hsi ahnds and knees a pool of white under him, watching such thing had made him climax without even beign touched, a shamed llok on his face as he lay his eye supon his unconcious slave before lookign away not so as not to give Kiga the pleasure of his expresion. though hsi eye sopened as eh heard the changed raddle and a loud thud, glance over , baffled at what he saw.
Kiga had unchaiend Cindys wrists letign the body drop in a spurt of a flash as it fell upon the pool of cum that had draiend out of her anus like a fosset, Kiga slowly knelt infornt of the girl, tugigng otn eh ankle braces to make sure they were tight before she took kigas hair to yank her head up with one hand while Kigas other hand traced aroudn her own(kigas) breast rasing the girls head up to bossom height before she winced as she stuck ehr own claw into the perky breast, makign a small cut rigth abov ethe nippel to let the blood trickle out slowly. "Come now, we gotah make sure you don;t starve after all that play." Kiga whispere dsoftly,hoping the smell of blood would ge the girl to bite, it was true, the testign was over for now but they needed to make sureteh vampires didn't starve, and Kigas cells replicated fast enough to heal quickly and make it so a vampire feeidng couldnt kill her.
Cindy was so tired and weak she hardly made a sound as her body hit the floor. It was not until blood dripped from the cut onto her lips that she gave any sort of response. Her tongue slide from her mouth to lick her lips and reached out to slide over the cut. Curiously Cindy slowly opened her eyes to see the bleeding bossom offered to her. Without the slightest bit of hesistation her fangs came out between her teeth and she bite down weakly around the monster's nipple. Cindy's blue eyes grew violet with blood lust. As Cindy fed on the blood she became more aware of what was going on. She began to bite and suckle harder. She felt as if she was starving and if she was allowed the vampire planned on draining the lustful monster of every last drop of her blood.
Kiga groaned betwene pursed lips as the vampires fangs first punctured. It was the firs ttime she even tried such a stunt, and she couldnt believe the wave dof pleasure she got as teh girl began sucklign hteh ffot flesh, she could feel the blood flowing out, it was erotic to her to get the feeling of almsot dieign as the tiem went by. "mmmm do you enjoy it my little whore?" Kiga mused as he ran her fingers through the girls blonde hair which had been matted from the fall int he pool of cum. "but I can;t let you filling up now cna I?" Kiga hised out, ehr tail her wrappe dbehind the vampire, the tip ticklign the anal whoel for a second befoer jabbign in hard and fast,t he lubrication makign it wasy as he slither the wrigglign flesh intot he girls anus, she would riggle in deep and deeper trying to get cindy to let go in a scream or gasp, the rough bumps int he tail grindign agaisnt her intestinal walls as she move din deeper then even her cock would, at this poitn she began tuggign on the vampries hair lightly to encourage her to let go, it wasnt that she woudl die from loss of blood, it was more that she didnt know what her mastr would do if she returned to him needing rest to recuperate.
Cindy moaned hungrily as she fed on Kiga's breast. She grew nervous as she felt the tip of the tail tease her anal hole and squeeled, wiggling her bottom as the tail invaded her rectum. Her fangs bit down harder as she refused to let go. Not only did she want more but she wanted to put up some kind of fight in front of Kenny. Her hands lifted to grab the tail, trying to pull it out of her. She was still too weak compared to the monster girl. The tail was wiggling deeper and deeper causing the girl to squirm and squeel even more. By time Kiga began tugging her head back the vampire could feel the tail wiggling too deep for her comfort and she was obviously not strong enough to stop it. A large gasp came from her lips as she finally removed her fangs from the girl's breast. Blood dripped down the corner of her lips and chin.

As Kiga continued her time with Cindy the door opened and two girls stepped inside the room pulling a chest in behind them. The door was shut and the chest was placed behind against the wall behind Kenny. "Sadistic mutt. You really do get off on torturing girls." A familiar voice teased him. Ruby and Saphire had walked come in wearing matching outfits. Saphire was wearing a blue corset that cut off short and metalic blue pants with a pair heels. Ruby wore a red version of the attire. Both girls were at the tip of their physic with curves in all the right places and tight firm abs. Ruby came up behind Kenny and crouched down to press her chest over his back and push him further on her knees. Her hand came around to grab his cock. "You poor pup. Did you really let out all that cum without touching yourself?" She asked curiously. "If you are that excited just by watching I can't wait to see how you react to the second half of your session." She spoke calmly into his ear. "Its time for a little payback!" She said sadistically and at the last words she squeezed his thick cock so hard it would have most guys begging for mercy.
"MMM thats a good girl." Kiga mused , forcign ehr lips ontot eh girls to taste her own blood. "Now then you're awake, fed and ready to watch you're masters plight." Kiga mused , her tail slowly wrigginling out of the girls bum, though it didn;t exit ti completly, leaivng hte tip in as the beast girl gazed over at the two huntressess. "I have a feeling you got it off better htne he will." Kiga giggled, on hand wraped aroudn cinydys hip , a nail tesignehr naval while the other rubbed the girls clit slowly, teasing the vampire again for onlya seocn dbefore he hand slowly slipped over her thigh and away from cindy to rise up behidn Kiga and twist the nob on the wall, letignthe warm watr tirckle down on bother the girls to wash them of their nasty deeeds slowly as the wathced the show, with permision from her master, for now that is, and if the girls didn't kick her out. "Lets hope they don't break him... I REALLy want to try that beast of a man." Kiga hissed upon cindys ear softly so tthe huamsn didnt hear befoer giglign at Kennys first reaction.

forced girn grew upon his face as he took int he scnet of the two humans. "mmm it seems your actualy able to walk." Kenny chuckled out as Ruby pushed him down. "mmmm are you sure, with how much I stretched that pussy of yours you think it would be like throwign a hotdog in a .. GAH" His snide remark ws cut of as the girl squeezed his cock, makign him shudder in pain, and a tigne of pleasure, he had been aroudnt he mistress long enough to get pleasure out of almsot any pain tht was dealt to him, his face goign red as the grip squeezed out soem cum that had still been hidden in his pipe form his dirty climax.
Cindy's body relaxed as Kiga pulled her tail out, or at least the majarity. She had just feed but she was still tired. Her tongue slide over her lips trying to lap up as much of the blood from her lips as she could. As sigh even came through her body as the water came down and began to wash all the sticky stuff that covered her. However when Kiga spoke of her master Cindy grew defensive. "Stay away from Master!" She hissed a warning to Kiga. Cindy was not going to let Kiga do the things she did to Cindy to Kenny. Not if she had any way of preventing it.

The girls ignored Kiga. Saphire walked around Kenny and sqauated down on her heels in front of him. Their pants were so form fitting and tight it was almost miraculous that they did not tare in such a position. She gripped his chin between her fingers an lead his head up so that their eyes would meet. "You are lucky we have one of the best doctors here." She hissed. Her eyes were fierce glaring into his own. Apparently Sapphire was upset about what the mutt had done to her partner, perhaps more so than the actual victim. "Had he not been able to fully heal her this situation you are in right now would be quiet different." The brunet turned her head to look towards Cindy and Kiga for the first time. "Luck was on her side." She stated before standing and walking around to the trunk.

"Aww... It looks like the porn show has drained him out." Ruby pouted as her grip loosened on his cock and she started wiggling his cock like a rubber worm. "Don't worry. We know how to get you stiff again." She whispered into his ear before laughing. The last thing Kenny saw was the water washing on Cindy before his sight went black as Saphire came back and placed a blindfold over his eyes. Ruby stood off of him and there were adjustments made to his chains. The chains on the floor were pulled off his wrist cuffs. A new chain came down from the ceiling and clamped his cuffs together high above his head. The chains on his collar was removed but those on his ankles were tugged back further into the floor so he was on his knees but could not move out of place. Something was retrieved from the trunk. Then for a good minute all he could hear was the girls heels clanking on the floor as they walked around him like vultures circling their prey. SWAT. Without warning he heard the crack of the whip as the first strike came hard across his butt cheeks.
"Ooooo the little bitch still has soem figth in her." Kige mused softlyat cindys warning. "Believe me girl, I'm sure he would enjoy beign with me then havig to sleep with such an inexperienced girl like yourself." Kiga added just to tormentthe little blondes mind as they watched the fun.

"aww but does that mean They got my lovely ring out of her nipple?" Kenny puted out, defiant tot he end as his eyes glanced down upon saphires spread crotch,, hopign for a tear, jsut to laugh at the huntress, but there was no such luck as he was blinded and hoisted up to kneel. If it had been any other cercumstance he would have trie dto break free onc ehtey unchained his wrists, but he kne whte beast still had Cindy and he couldn't risk losing his little vamprie lover.
His bodygivign a soft shudder in anticipation, every click of their heel rinign in his ear a he tried to pinpoitn where each of the girls were, he didnt have to guse for long as the ear splitign crack of the whip shot through his head while the leather its self lashe dupon his tight butox, making the muscles convolse as hsi bakc archd formt he pain, his teeth clenching as he wrestede a gasp of surprise. "Is that all?" He muse dotu forcefully. "A whip and chains, this is soft core int he mansion." HE added with a heavy breather chuckle, his cock evne twitching atlightly formt he excitment.
Cindy would have been made another remark if she had heard Kiga's full reply. However, the crack of the whip echoing in the room cut through Kiga's words. It caused Cindy to jump and her eyes to fall upon her master. Instinctively she acted much like her Master as her arms tugged at the bindings trying to get free to help him. However, she held her tongue.

The girls chuckled, pleased with how his body reacted to the whip. They did not respond immediately. Instead the whip spoke for him as another lash came across his chest. "Oh, but this is just foreplay." Sapphire muse. Ruby giggled on the other side before speaking. "I know how you like it rough." She said lashing her whip across the top of his pelvis at the last word. The girls began to walk around him again to tease them. Three more lashes came out, one against each of his thighs and one up his back. Each strike was perfectly aimed to hit their mark.
The lash across his chest was nothing, just a short sting and a smirk upon his defiatn face as his eyes followed the harpies as they circled theri prey, it was when the leather struck and split the skin on his inner thighs did he show a twinge of pain, a quick yelp that was covered by a forced laugh as they hit his other thigh, his bakc archign even before the leather struck himt he last time, his breath gaspign out as he had heald it in after the thigh strikes, tryiging to force nay weak soudns down hsi throat but now he had a heavey breaht which he was still decidign was worth it or not. His cock twitchign anxiously the whoel time, no matter how much he hate dit, the time he spent int he mansion had turned him into more of a masocist then he wanted to admit. "Oh i'm sure you loved it the whoel time." Kenny mused otu a sick grin on hsi face, it was all a rouse, mroe to annoy the girls btu also to trya dn reasure his slave, the squirming blonde who watched form the corner of hsi eye.
As terrible as it may be, the eyes of the two girls watched in lustful delight as the wolf boy arched his back and gasped for breathe. Even though he was the enemy even they could not deny their luck that he was cute and had a nice body. Being chained helplessly on his knees before them, growing an erection with every mark they left on his body. It was one of the hottest things the girls had ever experienced. Even though their intentions were vengeful their twitching pussies with each sound of his harsh breath could not be denied.
The back of one of their hands came across his face in reaction to his smug remark. A gasp could be heard from Cindy in the background and her chains rattling. "Let Master go" She called out without considering the consequence. Of course the hunters ignored her.
"I did not enjoy any of it and you know it." Ruby stated dignantly. She sent a lash across his perfectly sculpted abs. Saphire came up from behind him and traced the handle of the whip up his newest mark. "Clearly you are enjoying this too much. Perhaps you want more no?" She coed in his ear. "I don't think you have enough pretty red marks on your body."

For the next three minutes the girls circled him, leaving one lash after another and taking ten and twenty second pauses between each of them so that he could feel each sting. Every few often the girls would crack thier whips at once to hit both thighs or his back and front hoping to get a howl or a plea from his stubborn throat. When they were satisfied the girls took one more walk around him to admire their work. Each had an hand reached out and allowed their finger tips to slided over his sweating body as they walked.
Ruby stopped in front of him and pressed her boot up between his leg to test his erection. "Looks like it worked." Ruby giggled. "The dirty mute is nice and firm." She mused. "How about one more strike just to make sure." Sapphire mused. Though before she could even finish the suggestion the whip was already in the air an coming down to hit his sausage diagonally and coil up his throbbing cock. With a quick jerk of the whip it was soon safely coiled back in her hands.
"Hush child don't disturb them." Kiga hissed, it was mroe cause , as the huntresses were, she was just getting horny form watchign this sadistic little play, just to hush the girl Kiga begna movign her figners that lay between cindys legs to start teasing the slit with ehr nails as they softly grazed the flesh, whiel her other hand did the same to her own body makignt he lizard girl shudder happily.

Kenny's body sustaine dit all, evne as the marks began to bleed afte the gfrist minute, he didn't scream, or atleast didn't try to. Every time the lash woudl break the skin ro hit under the skin he would yell out but quickly change ti to a rasped laugh, forcign it otu loadly just to taunt the girls, his arms tugigngign ont eh chains by the seocnd minute as he woudl hear dhe whipe cut throught he air befoer it slapped his body, by minute three hie gathered no joy formt he lashes and clenched hsi teeth with every lash, his breaht heaving, even the mistress hadn't played that logn witht he whip to him. it was the cock that did it , his body lurched forward as the leather whipepd aroudnt eh fleshy rod, yelling out as she yanked the leather away makign it grind upon his dry flesha dn leave large red marks upon his sensative tool. "is.. that .. all you got.." HE heaved out , takign in a breath before every word as he shakily smirked at the two.
Kenny's reactions to the whip, his convulsing sweaty body and his howl left the girls's mouth half open and their fingers itching to dive into their pants. Unlike Kiga, they had self control and refused to reduce themselves to her level when they knew there were possibly peeping toms watching them through the cameras. Instead they left him be for a good few seconds watching him helplessly on his knees. It really was a lustful sight to have a beast worn down on his knees. Sapphire even made a mental note to try making a screenshot later for her own personal use.
"He did not pass out yet." Saphire remarked. "Or cum" Ruby laughed as she took his cock and grazed her finger nail gently over the entire trail of the whip. Her thighs rubbed together as he squirmed to her touch. Saphire pressed her breast against his back and leaned her weight against his body. Her hands ran over his hips, around to the front where she ran her fingers teasingly over his pecks and bloody welts. "You are the first who has not lost consciousness on the first round. So... we have a reward for you." She coed in his ear.

Ruby finally stopped teasing his meat and got up and over to the chest. She shuffled around in it. Then she returned on her knees in front of Kenny. "I want him to see this." She told her sister. Saphire slide the blindfold around his neck and tilted his head down so he could see the piercing kit Ruby had opened in front of him.
"you have to start working harder." Kenny mused at their compliment. "what were you practicing on babies or somehtign." HE coughe dotu a chuckle, his body shudderign as the girls felt over his body, he could smell it, he could smell their human fluids betwene their legs jsut begging to be fucked.
the boys face turned , wincing as he ligth hit his eyes at full force, it took him a few seconds to adjust hsi pupils, and by that time Ruby had turned around with the kit in her hands, his eye swidenign for a second befoer he smirked. "mmmm i see where this is going. You want a matchign set don't you?" His breaht was strengthenign by now and he could speak complete scentences withotu coughign or rasping now, still though hsi woudns stayed open even if he had stoppe dbleeding. "how is that though? i'm sure you were able to get most piercign out, but what of my bell? is it still stuck to that perky little nipple?" HE mused remindign her of the piercign he ahd soddered onto her breast.
Ruby's cheeks grew pink as he teased her about the bell that sat beneath her top. It was the reason she had to wear thicker shirts now. It was also a reminder when it rang at night of the dirty things he did to her and her body's shameful reactions. "No, it is for this little guy." she took a firm grip of his erection and tapped her finger repeatedly over his little pee hole. Ruby purposefully ignored his question about the piercing.
"Don't bite your tongue." Sapphire hissed in his ear as they all watched his thick cock. Ruby took the needle with her right hand and mercilessly jabbed the needle through the base just below the head. It was not until the metal touched the skin that Kenny would realize they had made sure the needle was made of silver. "I picked this out just for you." Ruby said proudly as she put a stainless steel bar through the hole and screwed the two balls at the end. "It looks stunning." Saphire complemented him. Ruby slide her thumb over the flesh of his head and flicked the piercing ever few seconds to make a little clinking sound as her nail hit the metal. "How do you like you're gift?" Ruby asked him curiously.
"Mmmmm it will be so godo to test it on Cindy when i get free." He muse dhappily as he watche dher pull the neelde out, eager as his masocistic midn took hold, his body shuddirng rigth before she pierced. and at tha tmoemtn his eyes widdened in shock, waterign as he felt the burnign surge through hsi cock, his bakc arcign as he struggle din the chains. "OH GOD YOU SON OF A ..." THE boy clenche dhis teeth to shut himself up, wishign they had given him somkthignt o bite on as he felt hsi teeth would break any moment. he gaspe dout as the silver was finnaly puleld out, it ws probably only secodns btu the pain felt liek it had taken years as he went limp from the relief, his chest heaving up and down slowly , a single tear droppign form his watered eyes as he glare dup at ruby, almost glad to feelthe steel int eh new hole, it was a nice coolign feeling , hsi body joltign every time she flicked it. "You little bitch." HE growled out, his personality had completly changed, with the threat of sivler now he coudl no longer be serious about it.
"The wolf is finally showing is true colors." Sapphire turned his head towards her and licked the salty tear from his cheek. "This is my favorite part of my job. Breaking wild beasts."
Ruby finally pulled her attention away from his cock as she picked up the kit. And with out another word reposition Kenny. The chain on his leash was thrown up to the cieling and pulled up tight. He was lowered a little so he could sit and his legs were made to spread in front of him. Then the chains on his wrists were released. His arms were pulled behind his back where his wrists were linked and the chains were then wrapped around his arms then looped into rings on the ground so that the chains on his arms pulled him down and his leash pulled him upwards forcing him in a set place. Once they were done the girls stepped back to get a good view of their work. It was more beautiful than they imagined.
"Comfy?" Ruby asked as she stepped behind him looking down to his face. "You really are selfish. We have been generous enough to take time out of our night to give you all this attention and you haven't given us any." She said as if she had been so generous. "Now is your turn to show your appreciation." She offered him a chance to redeem himself. Ruby slide her hand from the hem of her pants down a few inches to slide her thumb into a little hole and then with an easy tug, a patch of material came off revealing her bare pussy. She shuddered with excitement as the cold air hit her skin. While Ruby was teasing around with Kenny Sapphire shuffled around in the trunk and soon returned with a little remote, a little power box that had some wires coming from it.
"We can't forget this. The beast has a dirty mouth and needs to learn a lesson in manners." Sapphire said in amusement as she knelt in front of Kenny. "Meet teacher number one." She said as she placed the wire on his left sac with a round sticker. "And number two." She said placing a second wire on his other sac.
"Mmm... lets test it out." Ruby suggested eagerly. "Go on Mr. big bad wolf." She used a mocking tone. "Speak" She dared him. Sapphire stood up with her hand on the little remote. Curious to what he had to say she waited till the moment he finished talking to press the button and send a low voltage of electricity through his family jewels.
Kenny willingly moved as they positioned him, itw as bad enough they had silver aroudn hi sneck, and now they had stabbed him with silver, he knew that wasn't goign to feel rigth for days. a smirk playign acros shis face as he watche dher tear off her pant hole. "I knew you were hot for me." Kenny chuckle dout, the laugh cut short as he glanced towards saphrie and the small volt box, his body goign ridged for a second, he had to say the mistres shad never played with eletricity on him, not with the silver she kept aroudn his neck. his only savign grace was that she put them so low that he knew the shockw asn't goign to surge through his body, just the lower half.. but still his balls.. and that metal rodd. the bly squirmed nervously lookign at saphire as she spoke. "You little bitches wont break me" HE said witha grin, a glare on hsi face as the shockign began, you could see the balls piercign itno hsi cock spark sligthly , hsi teeth clenched int he horrid grin as he forced his tears to stay in hsi eyes, his toes curlign and legs twithcign as he could feel the eletricty tingle thourgh his lower extremities, itrt hurt, btu he knew this was only the begining, he nkenw he was goign to live through it. or thougth so. suddenly he felt the shock hit an organ that he hadn;t noticed sense he was captured. ti was full tot eh brim..a nd with ta nigth of runnign water it had been otn eh edge of bursting. now thsi painful shock to eh balls forced hsi blatter to empty. The boys eyes goign wide as the golden stream fountaiend out of hsi cock archign a few inches away at Rubys feet, his cheeks read before a short scream escaped hsi mouth, the urine stransportign eth eletrical surge through the lenght of his cock makign hsi body jotl form teh pain. "You... fuckin... I...." HE couldnt get a straigth sentence out till the torture stopped at whic poitn his strema of gold stoped to a trickel then a single drip as his body whent limp, finaly allowign hism to inhale. "I am not broken." HE said with a tinge of defiance in hsi vocie, though deep oitne h town there was alreayd the soudn of defeat as eh was once mreo breathign heavy, hsi balls red and the base of his cock throbign form the pain.
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