The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

He was a sadist but he wasn't completly cruel, as he grinned watchign her gasp out 'please, oh how he loved the screams of pain, but what was the point if she couldn't beg either , her beggign was halfed ass but he was hopign fro more once he gave her the lube, he flipepd his fingers and the didleo in her anus seemdd to begin cumming, splurintg out a load of lube half the size of one of kennys normal climaxs, the rubber rod quickly covering itself int eh fluid as it kept pumping, even faster now, no longer tearign at her hole wit he h friction btu the speed didnt let up, it actualy had goen faster withotu the friction now.
Albert kept grinnign as he watched her struggle under him, that was until he was over come, over coem with somethign he hadn't expected. Pain, his torso suddenly felt burnt, and he cringed as eh steppe dback, holdign his hand to his sstomahc as he felt a soreness in his intestines and a sudden sense of sadness, fear and vulnerability, evne hsi chest hurt now. The scientest looekd over his naked body, confused as eh saw no wounds, btu his midn only took a minute to click everythign into place as he glanced back at Anna chucklign out loadly. "Oh this is a joy behond joys,I've heard of ghosts telpathy but i never expecte dit to be this intesne." HE said with a little crigne as he stepped back towards her, his gfigners rubbign together to twist at ehr nipples again and suddenly the soarness in hsi chest increased, making him shudder in excitment. HE wasn't too much of a masocist, but the idea of beign able to feel what she felt while he torture dher, it was an exotic, tisted idea he loved. "Mmmm you really do deserve a present for that dont you?" Albert mused as he took her by the hips and thurst hsi cock in hard, gasping as he felt her chery pop, the strange sensation makgin him shudder now. The dildo in her seemd to cum agian splurtign antoher load of lubrication itno her anus filling her up a little more as it kept thrusting, about eveyry twenty thrusts it would let loose another load, and if Albert wanted he could make it buggr or smappler, but why would he now as his mind was more entagled int eh idea of fuckign this girl himself, the only thought he had on the dildo was how godo ti felt every tiem it thrust in forcign her flesh up agisnt hsi cock as he slamemd his own throbign member in, the nubs on the top of his cock hittign agaisnt her clit as he dug deeper into her vagianl hole, lammign against her cervix as he finally made it all the way in, the man standign over her, gaspign and groanign as he tried to handle all the sensatiosn that were over whelmign him. "if you beg again.. beg for me to fuck you hard and fast and i will show you Kenny" he mused, though eh almsot felt he should give ehr more after she had shared such a fun trick with him.
Anna tilted her head up with a confused expression that matched the scientist as he stumbled back in pain. A smirk grew on her moaning lips when she realized herself what was happening. He was getting the taste of his own medicine. One he clearly deserved. That smirk quickly faded when she realized how much he was enjoying it. “You really are a madd freak.” She muttered before groaning as she felt another load of ‘cum’ splurt into her belly.

The next sound he heard from her was the screaming moans as he popped her cherry and forced his thick cock inside her. Tears began to trickle down her face from the pain and overwhelming stimulation on her body. All at once her hyme was popped, her tight walls screamed as they stretched for him while her clit was brushed and teased and her cervix was invaded. That did not even count with her immobile limbs tugging at the chains, her back arched, her sore breasts bobbing with his thrust and a newly expanding belly. It was enough to drive the average girl made beyond sanity. Good thing she was not the average girl. Yet through all this all she wanted was to see her Kenny and make sure he was alright. “Fuck me…” She practically demanded, though her voice was shallow and weaker than before “Grind your slimy cock into my pussy as deep as you like, just let me see Kenny.” She was trying desprately to stay stubborn. The last thing she wanted was for him to have all the control and power over her. But as he grew stronger she was becoming weaker against his will. “Bring him out of that aweful room. I want to see him.” Her tone was now sounding more desprated and pleading as her body shivered beneath him and her hips were bucked up against his.
"Oh donlt worry you will se ehim soon enough, onc ei'm done with you that is" The scientest exlaimed as he rammed back into her, this torturous play of his went on for antoerh half hour, with multipel ejacualtiosn on his part, each time he made sure to fill up one of her three holes with his altered sperm befeor he fianllys stepped back, admiring the work of her gapign anus as it leake dotu hsi white goop whiel he through on a lab coat and went to pull his pants on. once dressed the scientest snapepd hsi fingers and anna was yanked to her feet the only invisibel bidng on ehr know were wrist cuffs that dragged her as if fromt eh wall as he stepepd out of the room, her bindigns tugging her along, a smirk on hsi face as he paraded her down the hall way, eahc lab door turning clear so all of its occupaints coudl see her cum fileld body follow behidn him until they reached a cell door.
'A mansion full of weakened undead after a crusader attack, and a budding young necromancer. You should be able to put the pieces together. For every package delivered we will supply you with $500 in any currency you desire.' That was the message left on Alexander's doorstep in the form of a text message on a burn-phone. Now though he was far from home, the screen of the phone being the only light he had as he looked up from the bushes at the mansion. It had taken him from sunset till dawn to get past all the wards that scattered the mansions fences without tipping them off to his presence.
The man mumbled a few incoherent words under his breath and his eyes began to shine a dim purple as he pocketed the phone, the eyes of a tribal skull tattooed on his neck giving off the same faint glow as he slipped out from the bushes, pulling the collar of his trench coat up to hide the light while scurrying to the stone wall of the mansion. The whole time his eyes scanned for any more wards or spells, any traces of magic that could stop him from getting in.
None, it seemed the mansion's inhabitants were either too foolish or too confident to think someone could breach their outer barrier, even after the crusaders had infiltrated and kidnapped their leader only months ago. More incoherent mumbling and his eyes were back to normal though his body gave a soft flash of purple light before settling, it was a spell to mask his scent. Alexander shimmied along the wall, keeping his head low until he got to the first window low enough to peer through, from the outside it looked as if it were and abandoned kitchen, broken stools and cutlery cluttering the floor, a chandelier hang close to the ground, its bolts seeming to have rusted away years ago, the sinks and cupboards filled with nothing but the dinner's left by the resident spiders. It was a good illusion but he knew better as he pressed his hand against the window sill, sighing in disappointment as he felt it move easily. The foolish vampires didn't even have the intelligence to lock the windows.
In one swift movement the man slept up , pushing the door open and somersaulted into the kitchen on a knee and hand, smirking as he landed on the hard tile floor, the window slamming shut behind him to block any natural light to get in. 'magic windows to let light out....but not intruders, how dumb could they be' He thought as he stood up and dusted his jacket off, taking his time to scan the real kitchen. Without the illusion the place was twice as large as it looked from the outside , the floor a marble tile, white and pristine, while the side boards seemed to be topped with an ebony colored marble, the sinks empty but seemed as if the steel faucets. The cupboards were made of some kind of wood Alexander didn't know about but he bet his life it was expensive and/or rare.

Alexander didn't get to admire it for long when a twitch of movement came from the corner of his eye and his body stiffened, head jerking quickly to find the cause, only to see two pale women, both wide eyed and naked except for an apron that kept his prying eyes form their bosoms, they seemed confused as to why he was hear, not too startled, not yet at least but Alexander couldn't give them any more time to ponder. "What do vampires even need with a kitchen?" He blurted out in frustration. 'The only place I wouldn't get caught entering would be the kitchen, why would blood suckers even need a place like this. Still no time to think, impale them and move on, an easy grand from the start.' HE thought to himself as he slammed his palm onto the wall, mumbling as his eyes turned purple as a faint glow emanated from his sleeve, soon it looked as if tattoos were growing on his hand five tendrils each slipping onto one of his fingers before seamlessly etching themselves on to the wall, the moment the black lines touched the wall though they grew in a flash, and before the girls knew what was happening their vocal cords had been impaled by 2 skinny black spikes that shot form the wall behind them, 2 more shot out to right beside their hips before it hooked and pulled them to the wall.
Alexander shuddered as he walked passed the girls, trying not to look at hsi handy work, he knew they would be fine, they were undead after all but still he watched them try and yell out for help , but only getting wheezes or gasps without being able to produce any sound loud enough to penetrate the kitchen walls. "Now you two stay here till i need to leave got it?" He chuckled, trying to lighten his mood with no avail, though as he watched the two he realized something and muttered a spell under his breath, the skull tattoo on his neck glowing full and bright now as a new tattoo wrapped around it, a pentagram made out of black chains formed around the skull now, a ward that would prevent the skin on his neck form being cut or punctured.
With his neck now protected from any surpise love bites the necromancer felt conifdent enought o push opent eh door out of the kitchen, grinning as he saw the ligths of fitne h enxt room, andthe plac eot be empty, wiht eh sun rising the mansion was going to sleep and that ment all the vampires would hopefully be laying in their coffins, just ready for him to pluck them up.
Cindy tried to fall asleep. The problem was that even in the pitch black of her coffin she could not settle. She lied on her right closed her eyes and tried to hum herself to sleep. Ten minutes later she shifted to her other side. She closed her eyes but rest did not come. Her mind was too busy imagining her Master Kenny waking up alone because she was sleeping in her coffin. He would think she abandoned him or that she did not care that he was in a coma. Cindy could not bare the thought of Kenny waking without her but at the same time she needed her rest or she would be no good to him. Lying on her back Cindy tried one last time to rest. She closed her eyes and began to count sheep starting with one hundred and going backwards. She got to fifty before she became frustrated. The lid to the coffin creaked open and Cindy sat up with an exasperated sigh. She in a false breath then paused. What was that? She sniffed the air curiously. Was that a human she smelled? Her eyes gave a violet glow in the pitch-black room. Perhaps she should get a morning snack. Come to think of it, it had been a long while since she feed. Kenny would be too weak to feed on when he woke. She needed to be strong and full for him.

In one swift movement Cindy was out of the bed and standing at the door to her room. Her eyes peeked out the crack of the door into the hallway. Nothing. She sniffed the air like a curious pup. Softly she tiptoed her bare feet down the hallway and peeked around the corner. There he was stepping out of the kitchen. He had to be new. What was he doing in the mansion? He did not look like a hunter. She scanned the hallway quickly to make sure he was alone then she made her move. In the darkness she took a step forwards and in a flash she was two doors down from the man in one of the spare bedrooms used for clients.

“What are you doing playing in the dark?” She cooed to get his attention as she stood in the doorway. If he was capable of seeing in the darkness he would see a pale blond girl in her early 20’s dressed in very girly night clothes. If he did not know any better she looked more like he had stepped into a sorority house rather than an vampire infested mansion. She was barefoot wearing a baby pink spaghetti strapped night gown that fell transparent below her perky chest and stopped a few inches below her panty line. She had lacy pink panties and her blond curls were pulled up in pigtails by pink ribbons. She lifted her hand and curled her pointer finger backwards to signal him to follow. Then with a playful giggle she backed into the room fully expecting him to follow. When he came in she would be lying across the bed on her side facing him. “Close the door cutie.”
He was twenty minutes and 2 floors into his little hunting spree when he stepped into a small dark room, lit onc emore only by the dim light of his tattoos. "Must be a....service room." HE said with sligth disgust as he tripped over a contraption itne h middle, which simply put, looked like a saddle rack, with a dildo stickign out of the saddle itnt he middle. The heft of the mechanism though gave away the secret that it had movign parts in it. "I wont find anythign in..."
Alexander stopped when thehair on hsi neck pricked up as a voice caleld otu behind him, his mucles tensed and he spun around quickly, his hwole body raeady to shoot out and stop the girl. But all he heard and saw was a soft invitation leavign Alex to stand itn eh dark baffled for a second. 'are the girls really that stpid... or are my spells strong enough to fool a thrall liek her?' he asked himself as he stepped out into the hallway just in time to catch a glimpse of her nightie flow intot he room next to him, and followed her cautiously so as not to fall into a trap. in hte ligth he finally saw the girl that snuck up on him.

'this skinny little paycheck is what was able to sneak up on me?' hescolded himself silently as he looked her over, a defeated smirk on his face , she either was luring him to atrap or really was that willing, either way he could over power her if anythgin went wrong, and it was only an hour into the day, he migth as well indulg ein soem fun befoer he turned the goods into his, benifactors.

In the light he exposed nothign at first, hsi trenchcoat covering him from his shoulders down, leavign her only to see the dark purple tribnbal tatoo over his left eye, it etched arodn in what looke dliek a claw mark that went form his cheek bone to rigth above his jaw. his skin was tanned, golden liek a ligth leather, and hair jet blakc and long , tie dup into a pony tail tat ended right between his shoulderblades. "what is this though, so willing and yet i have no cash to pay for the fun." Alex said as he slowly stepped towards her , puting his hand sin his poickets and turning them inside out to shwo they were empty.
Cindy pulled herself up onto her knees as the boy came closer. Her chest bounced from the perky motion. "That's okay." She reassured the stranger. "I never get paid anyways. Cash is between you and the Mistress." She shuffled herself to the edge of the bed and extended a hand out towards him. Her cold lifeless fingers trailed over the tatoo on his face as she curiously got a better look at his features. His skin was warm. He was definitely living. That fact alone was good enough to encourage her thirst. "There are other ways to.. repay me." She sucked in her bottom lip and looked down where the trenchcoat covered his hidden treasure. Her cheeks flushed shyly at the remark. Then a playful smile grew back on her lips as her hands went to his belt. "Let's make you a little more comfortable. You must be hott with all that clothes on." She untied the belt then unbuttoned his coat. Both hands followed up to coil around his neck. Her tongue slide over her teeth inside her mouth. She could feel his warm veins pulsing under her fingers. It was going to be hard to hold back with this one. Her hands slide over his shoulders feeling over the muscle as she pushed the jacket down his arms and onto the ground.
"Oh my..." She breathed out with in a tone one would use when first seeing a finely toned stripper. Her fingers trailed over his chests. She could feel the scared skin roughly under her touch. "You must be very strong."She encouraged his ego. "Who are you Mr. Muscle man?" She asked curiously. Cindy leaned forwards as her hands reached his neck again. She kissed him once on the lips. Then his cheek. Then she left a third kiss on his earlobe so she could whisper in his ear. "What would you like me to do?" She coed in his ear while her fingers found their way to his belt buckle. She was not wasting much time. The quicker she got him to bed the quicker she would get her meal and the more she thought about it the hungrier she felt.
There it was, the moment she touched him he could see the change, if she hadn;t known he was alive before,s he knew now. Yet she didn't raise an alarm, she must be sexually starved or some kind of sexual bimbo to have stayed so focused this whole time. he stayed still as he let her slip off his trench coat, best thing about being the kind of magic user he was, was that he didn't need to carry any supplies to use his spells, atleast not mot of his simpe offensive one. He could be butt naked and he could still be a force to be reckoned wiht.
That is why as the trench coat fell it exposed his simpel wardrobe, shirtless, exposing his scar riddled chest, muscls firma nd toned, he hated the stereotype that mages were physically weak and so worked otu as much as he studied. The only thing on his upper body that could be consiered attire were the tribal tattoos that ran up both arms, four tribal bands on each arm, along with a tribal latin sheild symbol etched over hsi shoulder blades on his back. each tatoo givign of a soft purple glow in the dim light. they were usualy all black, but the ink was infused with herbs and minerals to up his magical ability, they were what was keepign all the vampires he encoutnered tied down while he took his little break. around hsi waste was a blakc leather belt that heald up his skinny jeans, tight enough to be abel to shwo off the muscle but still loose, he ahd to move around tonight and didn't need any hinderances, his foot wear was a simpel pair of combat boots made for function over style.
the man jt smirked whent he vampires lips left his, what was she tryign todo get him weakkneed? all thsi soft play was sweet but he didn;t have time for all thsi fore play."Youc na call me Xander, and what i want form you..." HE paused as he slipepd away from her spinngina roudn ehr to land sittign ont he bed his legs spread and his back agaisnt the wall, stil he kept a straigth posture even as he see3md to relax down to get comfortable. "Undress me, it's been a long night and i want to see how nimble those little hands of yours are."
The glowing tattoos were pretty. They were the same violet as her eyes when Cindy went into vampire mode. It was strange to her that they glowed but not strange enough to make her stop. He was still human and she was still hungry. Victoria was known for bringing strange inhuman clients into the mansion. He was just one more guest. The only difference was this was not an order. This might actually be more fun.

“Xander.” Cindy repeated his name aloud while he spun around her. It was a weird name. It sounded like something from a comic book like a character on X-men. Like all clients she kept her real thoughts to herself and complemented the customer. “That’s a sexy name.” She turned to see him now on the bed beside her. Immediately began the task that was given to her. Happily she got on the floor in front of the man. First she started with his boots. She began untieing the shoe laces. Cindy was impatient. The few minutes it took to unstring the shoes and pull them off was too long for her. She had to hold herself back. It could take a split second to get them off but if she did that he would know she was a vampire. Cindy was not sure if he knew that about her but if he did not it could be bad. He could run away. Of course she could easily catch him but she did not want to make the effort if it could be avoided.

Once the shoes were off Cindy sat up. His belt buckle was eye level begging her to unlatch it. She looked up at him while her hands blindly unlatched the buckle.“This is your lucky day.” She told him. “It’s been so boring. I have not had anyone to play with in ages.” She leaning her head forwards and pulling his zipper down with the use of her lips. Cindy inhaled a deep breath, closing her eyes to hide thier spontaneous change in color. She could smell the hot red liquid pulsing in front of her nose. His cock must have been growing thicker. She could almost taste his blood already. Once his pants were unfastened Cindy pulled back up to calm her thirst and regain control. Cindy took one of his ankles in each hand and stood up to support his legs one on each side of her. "Bottoms up!" She warned him playfully to lift his butt up while she tugged. Then took the hem of the ankle parts of his pants and in one swift tug the pants were completely off. “Whoop!.. All gone.” She giggled as she tossed the pants aside. Cindy got on her knees again while he regained his composure. She placed her ice cold hands on his knees and gently trailed up the skin. Her hands slide under the pants legs of his boxer briefs and teased over his inner thighs. “Boy are you happy to see me.” She giggled at the size of the tent rising in his pants. “Lets let the big guy breath” Cindy pulled her hands out of his boxers and rubbed her hand over the crotch part of his briefs for a few seconds then she took a hold of the elastic and pulled it down. Cindy blushed and licked her tongue over her bottom lip lustfully at the sight of his thick cock standing at attention. Cindy shifted her eyes to the side to look away. Cindy slowly rose up, giving him a chance to look over her slim form. "Xander, You haven't touched me at all." She pouted as she took his hands into hers. She tilted her head sideways looking at him while she took a step closer allowing barely a few inches between them. "You do want me don't you?" She asked as if there was doubt in her mind. She guided his hands under the sheer material onto the smooth flesh of her hips and allowed his hands to wonder up and down however he wanted. Cindy put her hands on his head, running her fingers through his hair so that he would look up at her. "How do you want me?" She asked in a softer almost heated tone.

Meanwhile Victoria had stayed up later than normal finishing off last minute business with the financial issues. With the last check written out she wondered into Kenny's room to make sure everything was sound. It was curious that Anna was at his bedside but Cindy was no place to be seen. Perhaps the young one finally gave in to her exhaustion. Just to make sure Victoria decided to glance into the girls room on her way to her own bed chambers. She never made it that far. On the second floor she discovered three of her vampires pinned to the wall. Victoria's eyes instantly glowed a bright red that matched her hair. Her fangs barred out and a hissing growl pierced through her lips. They had not even fully recovered from the last attack and already someone dared enter her mansion and attacked her girls. Victoria was furious. Instead of seeking out the intruder herself this time she actually thought clearly throughout the madness. Victoria went straight to the center room on the third floor. She keyed in a five digit code on the key pad and then entered once the door slide open. This was a new control room she had built. If there was someone sneaking around her mansion she would be able to see them on video.
"A pretty girl like you, with no one to play wiht, that's a sin on humanity." Alex scoffed sarcastically as she took her lips so close to his lump it made the man shudder. She was fast, but her movemtns seemded rush, not that sensual at all, he wondered if hshe was truely that sexually starved, or jsut new to this mansion. It wasn't too surprsing if she was new, she looke dyoung after all, but then looks were always decieving with vampires.
Quick with the pants, liek she had been with eh boots, he was surprised she hadn't jsut torn them off,and had nearly got himself pulled with his pants if he hadn't had the mind to push himself of the bed for a second to allow it to go. In no tiem she was at his underwear, his body stiff when she finally pued them down, a look of sligth shockin his eye swhen he saw his throbbing member, the tattoos there glowing dimly as well, he hadn't thought he was expendign enough magic to have even those ones glow. His worry was washed away though when the body infrotn of him mooved to stand, takign his hands inher cold palms and slipping them under her nigth gown, the tempature difference felt weird at first, but after a few secodns of glidign over her soft skin, it hardly mattered, it was flesh, she was breathing, if not just out of old instinct, and she was ready for him. "Why mus tyou always ask that , when you knwo what every man wnats." Alex exclaimed, so many questions, she was so unsure at times, he needed a woman with power, who knew how to take charge, btu rigth now this little girl would have todo.
He slippied hsi hands up her waste over the soft incling from belly to ribcage before he got to her breasts, he spent but a second runnign each finger over her nipples befoer hsi hands cupep dunder her armpits and tightened. "Up you go." He mused , his muscleds flexing as he hefted Cindy up, hopign she woudl help with a little jumpo befoer he leaned back and pulel dher over his cock, makign sure to lower her and let his memebr graze agaisnt it befoer dropping her down on his bas, his face to hers now as he let go, his breaht heavy formt he suden exertion, leanign forward slowly as if to kiss her, letting his breath warm her lips as he hovered their letting hsi hands work her body. Hsi hands left her nighty, sliddign down out of it, with her this close now she was his, confident that if she tried to bite him he was safe with eh spell he now let instinct take hold as his hands went up ehr body agian, this time outside ogf the soft fabric to scoem to the elastic collargripping at it before pullign hsi hands away quickly to literally tear her clothign off, with a smirk he dipped hsi head down, ending hte tease on her lips as his mouth foudn her neck, teeth softly pressing at the flesh as he suckle don it, his tongue runnign over the soft cold skin, takign note off the two indents scarre dinto her flesh. his arms wrapepd around her pullign her tigth so their bodies squeezed together, once mro ehe couldnt help but shudder fromt eh heat change and the exotic feelign of her cold yet still human body pressed upon his. , his cock throbbign between her butt cheecks , urging him for more as he pulled his lips away from her neck to finally speak. "well , what are you waiting for, choose a hole and lets get started" Alex exclaimed as he move dhis lips down form ehr neck to her collar bone, repeatign hsi prosses of a ligth bite followe dby the suckign kiss top her flesh as his hands grappled at her backs, fingers trailing ov erher shoulder blades.
Cindy made note to his remark. He was one of those guys. He wanted the girl to just do and worry about doing something wrong later. She could do that. At least she would try. She should not be worried about upsetting him anyways. He was not going to last that long. Not with the kind of thirst she had. Cindy's breathing became more shallow as his warms hands began to rise up her body and actually made some soft moans then his warm fingers teased her nipples. They became hard and erect almost instantly. Without a single touch her panties were becoming moist. When his hands reached under her arms she reacted almost instantly weakly kicking her feet off the floor. Not because she was weak but if she pushed too hard she could hit the roof. Cindy folded her legs beneath her as she settled on his abs. Her eyes stared into his while her lips lingered so close she was debating on closing in the gap. The sound of ripping clothes distracted her. "Oh..mmm" His lips found her bite marks. Her eyes grew wide and cheeks flushed. He knew, he had to know. Why wasn't he freaking out? The tingly feeling his hot breathe sent through her neck easily clouded her mind. Hunched her shoulder craning her neck instinctivly on the opposite side.

"You don't have to tell me twice." She complied. Cindy hesisitated, not because she didn't want this but because she still had her panties on but did not want to get up to pull them off. Instead she leaned forwards even closer to him. His hot body against her own was heavenly. It made her pussy twitch for more. Her hands squeezed between them as she blindly moved her panties to the side with one hand and gripped his thick cock in the other. She rubbed the head against her dripping lips. Then slowly she began to squeeze him in. Cindy began to make her usual whimpering moans as she pushed the first two inches in. He was thick for a human. With a soundless pop the head was in. Cindy paused for a moment to allow her tight pussy to adjust then she pushed the rest in, not stopping until she was sitting all the way down on his cock. "Ohh ..your so bigg." She moaned as she buried her head in his neck Her arms wrapped around his back, holding him tight against her. "You're stretching mee." She groaned as she lifted her hips up and began to thrust down. If there was one thing Cindy had learned from being a near virgin vampire it was that pace was key. Quickly going through the beginning was less painful. Up and down Cindy began to bounce on the tattooed man like a horny rabbit. She closed her eyes moaning as she began to really get into it. His warm body and large cock reminded her of Kenny. It had been a long time since she was able to take advantage of a human like this. It felt better than she remembered. "Don't s-s-stop.. thrust harder." Cindy moaned as her nose pressed against his neck. The scent of his blood flowing underneath such a thin layer of skin was intoxicating. As she got lost in the estasy of the moment Cindy could not hold back her cravings any longer. She wanted him, all of him, and she wanted it now. Her eyes flushed a glowing violet color and without a single warning her fangs shot out. Cindy clamped her teeth down into his neck. She sucked but nothing came out. Confused Cindy lifted her head and bit down on another portion of his neck. Nothing. It did not even pierce through the skin. "Y-you're not human!" She gasped in both confusion and rage. He tricked her! How dare he trick her. She was so hungry. All this effort and she wasn't going to get a living snack.
Fianlly the good stuff, eh thought as she felt the cold ooze of her pussy smear over th tip of hsi cock, his lips leaving her flesh so as he could bite his own, holdign in anotehr shudder as he groaned out when she fiannly slid down on him, his nails digging softly itno her back as the wave sof exstacy flowe dthrough him. She was tight, an any second he assuemd to feelt he wamrm rush of blodo form a virgin pussy, forgetting for a sedcond that he was wiht hte undead as he sloache dhsi head down to kiss and suckel ont he cold flesh betwene her breastsand collar bone. His midn wne to his cock though when she finally stopped and he was all the way in, this time he coudln't help but shudder, while embracign her her body had seeme dot warm up jsut a little, but her pussy was still cold as coudl be. IT hardly took away fromt eh sexual exstacy of haivng hsi cock nearly squeezed off by her tight little pussy, it was jsut a friendly reminder that she wasn't human any more, moving hsi lips form her chest to mumble and strenghten the neck guard again as a precaution, this girl seeme dtoo into it to bite, especially sense her lips ahd been on his neck the whoel night and nothing, but that didn;t stop form any one els einterupting.

It had been goign so well too, he thought as he fianlly felt he burn of his spell on his neck, he had been jsut minutes from climaxing and the girl decided to bite, the man pulled his lips from her neck now as he sighed. "Oh I am human, as human as they get.....and here i thought we were goign to have a nice night." He sighed agin before mumblign under his breath, the tatoos on his wrist wriggligna nd squirming befoer slippign off onto her shoulder blades and stretchign out, painthign themselves on herwrists befoer too eitherial blakc lines shot fromt eh tatoos intoeh ground behind her, yankign her with ungodly force onto the groudn and off of his cock, allowign him to stand and loom over her. the blakc lines ran to her back, stiffenign to forc eher to sit up before he was able to cgrab her hair and yank her head up to hsi waste. "well, if the vamprie bitch is soo eager to suck, then try this." He growled out as he jamemd hsi cock at her cheek, waiting for a response.
Victoria rewound the video footage back an hour and began her search there. She checked outside then each room for anything unusual. Unusual for the mansion that was. It took five minutes of going through video before she found footage from the kitchen. It started with a man in a trench coat sneaking in the window. Then his tattoos gave a glow and before she knew it her girls were literally being stabbed in the back. She watched room to room as he snuck around her precious home and began taking down vampires one by one. There was two things she paid close attention too. First it was how he attacked her girls. If she was going to stop him she needed to know his moves. Second she realized that he could have easily killed them. Instead he was pinning them against walls. This was not a hunt to slaughter or exterminate it was one to capture. Someone must have heard about the mansions recent tragedy and tried to take advantage of their vulnerability. Whoever this man was, and whoever he was working for, they were going to learn the hard way that no one messed with Victoria and her girls. Not unless they wanted a very long, agonizingly painful death.

Once she had seen how he got in and how he worked Victoria speed forwards the footage to the present. She watched everything. She saw how Cindy lured him into one of the guest rooms. He was going to fall for that? Victoria’s eyes were glued to the screen. At any moment he was going to follow Cindy into that room and attack her like he had the rest of the girls. Shockingly he didn’t. In fact it looked as if Cindy had the control. He was falling for her lure. “That’s a good girl.” Victoria mused. Cindy was not the strongest in the mansion but she did have something going for her. She still had trouble controlling her thirst. Right now she was probably starving. A starving vampire could be a very dangerous thing.

As predicted Cindy did try to feed. When the bite failed the Mistress of the house finally decided it was time to jump in.

Cindy looked over at her shoulders and wrists, panicing as his magic tattoos slithered onto her skin. When did humans begin to mess with this kind of magic? There was still a lot about this supernatural world she needed to learn. Right now just was not the time. She tried swiping the markings off of her skin. All it really did was cause her to scream as she was flung off the bed and thrown to the floor. Her vampire strength should have helped in this situation but it was no use. Her arms were pinned to each side and soon she was forced to sit up. Her body was stuff. The only thing that could move was her fingers and toes. Her head could have counted but she soon discovered he did not need magic to control that.

“I was not going to hurt you.” She whimpered as she tried to explain herself. “A vampires kiss, it enhances the sex.” She tried explaining. “Some people cum from the bite alone.” Her cheeks flushed red as she could not believe some of the stuff she was telling him, even if most of it were true. She flinched as his anger as he pushed his cock against her cheek. She tried turning her head away at first, there was no point in this if she could not bite him, but it only made matters worse. Reluctantly Cindy opened her mouth and gave him access. She began to suck as the head slide in and swirled her tongue around the warm flesh. Cindy’s eyes looked up at him, still glowing violet. She was still very mad at him for fooling her and even more so from trapping her in his tattoos.
"Yes and all people DIE when you stab their jugular." Alex growled out, it wa bad enough she tried to bit him, but to tryand pass it off as a favor wasn;t helping her, he hardly waite dfor her mouth to be full open befoer he shoved it in, he went it slowly at first, allowing her to lick it,a nd taste her own juices, btu the moemnt she had finished every inch of hsi head he thrusted his hip forward, puting both hands on her head, hsi fingers squirmign into tangle into her hair so if she tried to pull away it woudl her more. HE made shure it hit the bakc of her throat, not budgign as he moved slowly up and down to wiggle hsi throbbign member in her mouth, the head rubbing roughly agaisnt the back of her throat. "You see the best part is.." He hisse dotua s he bent down so she could hear him, his penis pulling oout ever so slightly so the head was now at eh back of hte tongue. "I know you're undead.... so i cna.." He pause das he thrust bakc in, slamming hard to tehe back of her throat. "Keep doing..." a pause as he puleldbakc farther and slamemd in harder. "This without worrying about choking you." He growled out this time holding hsi cock in agianst hteh back of her throat. "now then, stikc tha ttongue out and play with my balls." He ordered, yankign hard on her hair still she did so. after that he wasnt as rough, of course he never pulel dout farther then half way ove rher tongue befoer thrusting in, not lettignehr get a breaht in though never thruusting too hard now as eh didn't want to hurt his own cock.

(you cna have him cum in your post if you want)
Cindy sucked and licked him like her favorite lolipop. Even if she was mad was angry with this man and had little hope for blood she could not deny the skills she had acquired in the mansion trying to please Kenny as well as her clients. She suckled lustfully before he thrust all the way in. "Gahh" She groaned as his thick cock it the back of her throat. Her little toes curled and her wrists pulled as she tried to reach for his thighs but the tattooed bindings did not budge. She was well restrained for a vampire. Hard and mercilessly he humped the back of her throat with his thick sausage. Cindy gaged and whimpered. She could not breathe but he was right she didn't need too. She closed her eyes trying her best to suck as if inhaling air but all she really did was suck in more flesh. A soft squeel came from the back of her throught as he yanked her hair with another order. It took sometime for her to comply. He was just so big for her little tongue to squeeze through the cracks of her lips.

Cindy's knees trembled and her body squirmed on the floor. The tattoos had her firmly held to the ground. The rough play and the restraints had her chest heaving and a warm trickle of liquid forming between her legs. Oh what she would give to be able to slip a finger down there. Any kind of touch would do. His thick cock bloated with hot juicy blood did not help as it slid back and forth against her tongue. Her eyes lifted up to watch him carefully. She could tell when he was getting ready to climax. That look on his face, the way he moved his feet and gripped his fingers. When he began showing the signs she sucked on him even harder until he finally blew. The rush of cum slid down her throat. She closed her eyes and swallowed quickly but still choked on some of it. It was so creamy and bitter sweet like almost metalic. The sound of the man screaming caused her to open her eyes. It was then that she had realized she had bit down on the girthy cock and that rustic taste was his blood. Cindy smiled intrimph and sucked even harder. Finally she had her precious blood.

Victoria did not waste any time. She had arrived in at the room Cindy and her guests were occuping just in time to peek into the door and witness the beginning of the blow job. Stupid girl she thought. He had already overpowered the one vampire that could have taken him down. Then she saw the violet in Cindy's eyes and smirked. Maybe it was not as bad as it looked. The sound of the boy's made the woman smile with glee. Perhaps tonight would work in her favor. The sound of Victoria's laughter emitted in the room. A second later she was standing behind the tattoo man. Her hands gently crattled his cheeks and a moment later his neck snapped.

Victoria stood over the body watching Cindy as she swallowed down the last bit of cum. The moment the tattoos released her from the floor Cindy fell onto her hands and continued to suck his blood like an animal draining a carcus. It took a few minutes before Victoria broke the silence. "That's enough Cindy." She said firmly. Cindy looked up at her with pleading eyes, blood dripping down the crease of her lips. She did not understand. There was still more blood. He was not drained out yet. He deserved to be drained. "He needs some of his blood. Give me your wrist." Cindy did as she was told. She held out her wrist and made a small hissing sound as the Mistress used a sharp fingernail to slash a deep cut across the skin.
"Now feed him. It is time you have your very own babe."
Cindy's eyes went wide. Her own fledgling? The Mistress was going to let her keep this human. Cindy's mood shifted from anger to excitement in a manner of seconds. Cindy instantly grabbed Xander by the back of the neck and shoved her wrist into his mouth. She was not going to give Victoria the chance to change her mind.
How could he have forgotten his dick. Alex thought as he yelped out in pain, biting down on his lip as he trie dto tug on ehr thair to get her to release, not wantign to yank back for fear of loosign his most precious appendage, his grip began to loosien after a few secodns though as hsi arms began to get weak. "Dam bitch, if Isurvive this." HE growled out befor ehs eyes went wide, two hands on his neck and then everythng went dark.

The first thing he felt when he began regainign conciousness was the popping of his nerves and bones correctign themselve in his neck, then came the warm rush of unknown liquid that ran down his newly reformed throat, it was warm, it was sweet, salty, tasted slightly liek copper, but heis mind didn;t ponder too long on what it was, it just seemd to kick in that he needed it, and before even opening hsi eyes his hands were up forcign what ever was in his mouth to stay there ans he suckled the liquid out of it's container. It wasn;t tilla good ten secodns later that everythign snapped bakc into hsi mind and he went wide eyed, his pupils shooting up to see the bloned girl sittign above him, her wrist between his lips. He was of fof her in a secodn, spititng what ever blodo he had in his mouth out as he backed up ont eh floor, hitting hte bed frame befeor his arms got he cordination to push him to his feet. "No.. no didn;t.. really.. you didn't...fuck.... just fuck." Alex exclaiemd tryignto gather hsi thougths as his hands blindly over his neck. "No bite marks.. but then.. how..." He paused to run his tongue over his fangs.. there were fangs.. but no bite on his all clicked again as he looked down at hsi danglign member, gettign a good look at his new skin color, he wasn't as pale as the girls, his latin skin made surte of that, but still he knew he had no blood now. "REally... that better still work." HE growled before lookign up at the two women..wait..two.. there was a second. "YOU!!" HE hisse dout , thrustign a hand forward before his eyes went wide again, no tatoos, al teh tatoos on hsi arms were gone. "A mirror.. get me a mirror....fuck..wait.. no..vapmpire...wait is the mirror thing true...sit..fuck i don;t care jsut tell me.. is the tatoo sitll on my back?" He asked, more paniced than befero as he turned around to show them his back, his tribal aztec shiedl tatoo stil ther in all it's glory, but hsi body seemd to have been wipped of all other ink.
Cindy watched him carefully as tattooed man started to come back to life. Her chest heaved but it was not from arousal, this time it was excitement. She was watching the birth of a new vampire. Even better he was her vampire. Hungrily he clasped on her wrist sucking hard. It was beautiful to see his skin pale and his admittedly attractive body rise up. It was all because of her. Cindy was quit proud. Seconds later he came to and pulled away spitting out her blood and panicing.

Cindy laughed watching him repeat the same words and look over his body in confusion. "I saved your life." Cindy mused. In her eyes there were far worse fates for humans who entered the mansion than this. "Calm down." She snickered at his comment about his penis. Of course it should work. Why wouldn't it? He was being over dramatic. Cindy licked the blood from the creases of her mouth then she carelessly licked the blood from her wrist. The girl was a hot mess. Her hair was tangled and the picktails were angled and askew. Her panties had a wet spot, aside from that she was as naked as her new toy.

"Hmm?" Cindy stood and stared at him this time his remarks were not so amuseing as he pointed out the tattoos on his body were missing. "How can I call you my tattoo man if you don't have any tattoos?" She complained. Luckily there was still one on his back. "There's one!" She poked the tatoo on his back as if she found it. "Where did your other tatoos go?" She asked him curiously. Her eyes shifted to Victoria for a moment then she realized she was his mistress. "You are mine now and I command you to answer me." She tried to sound threatening but her looks, voice and attitude all failed her attempt to sound fierce.

"You are MINE!" Cindy repeated with excitement. She rushed forward to link her arm into his. "Tell me about you and your magic tattoo powers. I want to know everything." She told him as she hugged his now cold muscular arm.

Victoria was more like a supervisor in this situation. She sat back to watch how Cindy and her new vampire handled each other. "The Hunter has become one of the hunted." Victoris smirked. Now that he was a vampire her girls were no longer in danger. In fact she could hear them being free from the shadowed restraints. Stepping in front of the happy new couple Victoria nodded her head once. "Welcome to your new life." She told him with an amused smirk. The fact that he was hating this change made it that much more satisfying to her. "I am the head Mistress here. What I say goes. If you learn that much you might just survive." The last part was stated just to scare him.
The man seemd to relax with reliefas she poked his back, allw as good for now, he migth be...dead... but atleas the deal was still good. In a different ligth this did mean he had an eternity to study his magic, if it still worked in thsi corpse of a body. His thoughts were disturbed when he felt her breasts squeeze upon his arm, a snear appearing on his face. "Why would i" Alex shook his head as he tried to force back what ever seemd to be clouding his mind, somthething mad eher words snake into his mind, and ring in there . "They are spells, I trap shades into my skin and control them to my will." He blurted out, cursign under his breath aftter he did, though he was secretly relieved, with that scentence her words stopped ringing, was he really hers now? The thought of being this little timid girls salve was almsot sickening, she hardly had the power to take control during love, and now he had to follwo her every word.

"No, I am never the hunted." Alex growled out his body twisteing to glare at the red head. "I was never a hunter, thsi was never a hunt, if anythign this ws a harvest, i was pluckign your girls up like carrots in a field." He said, his voice cold witht he truth. "In reality you made me a hunter, now i have to feed, i have to track, to kill" HE added the last part his voice going cold with the thought, he had been a necromancer, always fascinated with the dead btu he had never actually taken a life that hadn't atleast threatened his own first. "What make syou think i'm even goign to stay...Mistress" he spat the tittle out as if it were poison, his eyes fixated on hers, a dead lock of a glare. "What is stopping me from going back home, and just...a adjusting to my new lifestyle?" HE asked as he yanked his arm from cindys and turne dto pick up his trenchcoat, throwign it on in one fluid motion as he stood. "What makes you think you have the power to stop the Great Xander form escaping?"
Victoria stood her ground. She looked into his eyes but remained calm and collected despite his rudeness. "Cindy dear. Did you hear what he said." She broke her eyes from him to glance over at the blond vampire who was still standing in the same spot he had pulled his arm free of. At first she was trying to remember where she had heard the word Shades from. When Victoria grabbed her attention she had to once more pause and rewind back everything Xander had said for she only had bits and pieces of it. She had not been worried too much about him leaving. She would always find him no matter where he ran and no one left Victoria without permission.

Then it finally hit her. "You came to take us away?..." Her eyes grew wide as she thought about the hunters. She thought about how they came and took everyone and tortured her and Master Kenny and everyone else. Her eyes began to water "You were going to take me away from Master while he-" She choked on the lump that was suddenly in her throat forcing her voice to go an octive higher and made it almost impossible for her to continue speaking. She held her hands over her lips as tears began to fall.
"That's right. He wants to make Kenny wake up to an empty house. All alone." Victoria informed Cindy with almost fake sympathy. "We can't allow that now can we?"
Cindy shook her head weakly. "No.. I won't leave Master."
"Good girl. What are you going to do about it?" Victoria had to give her the hint that she had to stop crying and do something. Cindy's eyes began to glow again as she looked over to Alex. Her sadness was quickly growing to anger. "Come here, get on your knees and say your Sorry!" She commanded. "Apologize and promise me you will never EVER take me away from my Master. And promise you won't pluck any of the girls away from the mansion" She added. She paused for a moment. Then she smiled. "Then you can finish your apology by kissing my feet." She crossed her arms and held out her foot, wiggling her toes which were painted in baby blue nail polish.

Victoria watched and waited and when it was over she walked beside Cindy. "You see. Cindy belongs to me. As I said before. What I say goes." She repeated her words from before to drill it into his head. "I've seen every move you have made since you stepped foot on my property. I believe you will get along well here. You may even exceed my expectations."
Alex smirked as he heard the girls speak, like pulling on heart strings would make him care, without his tattoos he couldn't capture a single girl anyways so why would they care. They had effectivly neutered him for now, he was defensles sbut he still knew enough spells to make an escape if they tried to stop him, he was three steps fromt eh door when cindy commanded him. "Like that is going todo anything." The man scoffed as he took another step, wincign as his brain seem dto bloat in hsi skull sendign a sharp pain through his body, he just pushe dit away as fatigue, her words still ringign as he tried to take another step, his legs felt like puddy and as his foto hit hte ground his balance seemd to waver as he fell forwrds, landign on his hands and knees, pantign to regain control of his weakenign muscles. "What did that wench do to me." He curse dotu in a hushed voice, her words seemign to ring louder and loude rin his ears, as if the imaginary soudn was threatenign to burst his ear drums.

His mind muddled, the only coherant thougths were what kept ringing , bounceign and wrattlign his mind, finally after a few secodns of panting he pushe dhimself up to his feet to turn to her, hsi shoulders sluched forward, ponytial hanging to one side as he glanced toward the girls eyes givign off a soft yellow glow, hsi face twisted in pain, and beeds of sweat dripping from his nose . Each step towards cindy seemd to giv ehim his strength back, and yet he couldn;t seem to pull himself to stand up straight, finally his last step ended with him hookign his knee as his limbs went week again and he dropped to his knees infront of her. The man grit his teeth, his face hidden behidn his hair as he tried to force back the words that were burnign into his brain now. "I...I'm sorry..... I will never try and hurt you or anyone int he mansion...ever again..." He spat out slowly, letting each word ferment in his mouth befoer spitting it out, the boy his a snear behidn his head as she lifted up her foot, any other time, if a women had doen this too him he woudl have enjoyed it, a strong assertive women, btu this was a girl, his age if not younger she shouldn't, couldn't hold this much power ove rhim, and yet here he was , his lips on her big toe now.

He fell backwards onto hsi ass once it was over, lettign out a gasp as he leane dback onto hsi hands, glaring up at he two girls, the glwo in his eyes disapating as he looked to victoria. "FINE.....and believe me.. you haven;t seen anything yet." HE warned as he stood up, pullign hsi coat together to buckle it befoere speakign again. "So what now huh? what are you goign todo wiht me? It's almost noon i bet, and i also bet you two are gettign pretty tired aren't you?" Alex mused, wonderign if either of these girls had thought that far ahead. "And do you even dare to sleep? what if I had contingency plans for if i were caught? can you risk sleeping knowing soem oen else got in?" He asked, trying to turn the tables ont hem, worry them hopign some how he could distract them enough to escape, if this girl had ushc mental hodl on him, he knew he had to get away soon, she had made him promise to not steal any girls, but that didn't stop him from trying to escape himself.
Cindy began to calm down once his lips touched her toes. "That's better." She sniffed with a smile. She wiped her eyes on the back of her hand. The wound on her wrist had long been healed. Cindy stepped over and sat down on the bed while the man put his coat back on. "I am not sleepy" She shook her head stubbornly. Sure crying did make her tired most of the time but she had just gotten a new fill on blood plus she was too excited to sleep. She had her very first fledgling.

Victoria still did not seem to be threatened by this man's comments. "You came here alone. Should someone else arrive you will kill them before sundown." She stated as if it were a fact. He was a baby vampire. Any human that dared step in the same room as him was to be considered lunch. And from the lack of experience it was likely to be a very messy and painful lunch.
"You may have this room until I can get you a coffin and better quarters. For now you are free to do as you wish. At sundown one of the maids will come with your new uniform and your training well begin." She informed him. "You are forbidden to step outside the mansion walls unsupervised until your training is complete. Do you have any other questions?" She asked wanting to see if there was anything else that needed clearing up before she tried to leave the room.
"You are confident that i would so willingly kill for you or food, or obey your rules once you leave the room." Alex scoffed as he circled the mistress, finally eyejng her as he spoke. "You really believe you hold so much power jn the's kind of hot." He said with an amused smirk before he took a flying leap, twirljng over cndy before landing onto the matress behind her, jn no tjme his hands were behind his head and one leg resting on the knee of the other. "Well it's not like i can escape in mid day, not with this ckndition. So i guess i will play your game for now." Alex sighed out his eyes closed tjough he kept his amused smile on his face, confident that this wouldnt be a permanent home for him, there had never been a permanent place he called home. "now can you please go 'not be tired some where else'" he added as his foot pushed lightly on cindys back to try and nudge her off the bed.
Victoria glided over to the doorway. "Confident and strong willed... I like that. It'll make you more fun to break." She winked at him then left the room.
Cindy jumped up when she felt Alex kick her off the bed. She turned her head sticking her tongue out at him then skipped to the door. "See you tonight Mr. Tattoo man." She giggled closing the door behind her. All was good now. Everyone would stay in the mansion and Cindy now had her very own very hot latino fledgling. Even better he had powers. Not just any fledgling was that special. She had hit the vampire jackpot.

Content Cindy returned that night dressed in her own maid uniform. She was carrying a neatly folded pair of black pants, a black vest and bow tie. "Knock Knock." She chimed as she opened the door. "You awake? Descent?" Her head popped in. Her hair was down now, lying perfectly curled over her shoulders. "I brought you're new uniform." She placed it on the bed and then sat on the side of the bed beside him. She pulled up the vest and held it out making the neckline close to his in the air. "I am not sure your muscles will fit this..."
Alex slept liek a log, waking up with half his body draped ove rhte edge of the bed and hsi hea din a pool of drol. Withotu even thinking he slippe dhte rest of the way off of the bed and dropepd to his hands, startign off the mornign , or night now, wiht a set of push ups, he didn;t know if he had to maintain his muscle now that he was dead and he didn;t much care, this was routine to him. So much so tha tit was like instinct,, much like breathign was, he knew he was dead and he knew he didn;t need to breaht and yet he caugth hismelf doign it subconciously.

he was into his sittups when he heard that voice through the door, he was never going to forget that voice, the voice that ever word snaked into hsi mind, coilign aroudn hsi brain until he would remember it for the rest of hsi undieing life, no matter hwo trivial it was. "Waht do you think?' He asked in a grumble as he pushe doff his knee to stand as he walked in to show of fhsi bare neake dbody. "A uniform.. really?" He asked as he looked at the clothing. "No boxers, no socks or shoes?" HE asked curiously as he pulled ont eh pants and took his belt form his pants to buckle the pants up. HE was blidnly tieing the bowtie when she put the vest up to him. "I think your mistress knew that." HE mused wiht a smirk as he took the vest from her and slippe dit on, not bothering to buton it up so tha the slender crack betwene the fabric showed of fhis six pack. "so now what? have you figured what you big bad girls are going todo?" He asked, still questionign their skill.
Cindy blushed as he stood up from his push ups showing off his body so proudly. She had to actually fight her instincts to instantly look away. "You really are going to fit in." She replied. She could not believe this was his first night as a vampire and already he was sleeping and working out naked. "Boxers are optional." She told him as he began to get dressed. "You aren't leaving the mansion so there is no need for shoes." She reminded him as if he had asked a silly question. Looking down beside his bed she imagined her new pet doing his push ups and a curious thought came to mind. What happens to his penis? Does he just go low enough for the tip to touch the ground? Her eyes grew large at her next thought. Would it bend or slide against the floor. He was pretty big and nude there was nothing holding it down there. Her face was now bright red as she stared at the spot. She did not remember hearing any kind of sounds of pain when she came in. None the less she imagined him doing a push up, his impressive man hood squashing against the floor and a pained almost orgasmic look on his face as he went down, paused like a man, then began going up. Cindy erupted a spontaneous giggle then caught herself with the interruption of Xander's question.

"Oh. Umm..." Cindy had to take a moment to regain her proper thoughts. "Today is not about what we are going to do. It is about what you are going to do." She informed him. "Where did Mistress tell me to bring you first..." She mind had gone blank as she scratched her head. The image of her sexy new toy was still fogging her thoughts. "OH! Right.. to the kitchen!" She had an exciting eureka moment as she pointed a finger up then aimed it towards the door. "Come on Tattoo man. I bet you are hungry." She took his hand and began to lead him out the door where a fairly attractive human female was lying on the table waiting for them.
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