The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Cindy thought she had did good but tatooman's cursing said otherwise. Her bottom lip pouted out and she looked down at her work. It looked good to her. There was a problem though. He was not erect. Why wasn't he erect? Most men had a hard on after this kind of experience. At least the ones she served did. Cindy was an attractive girl so it could not have been her. Maybe she had done it wrong. "I'm Sorry. I'm Sorry." She hastily apologized. This was supposed to be funny but it wasn't. Cindy pulled out the piercing as quickly as she could. She took a minute to study his penis and where she had pierced it. Then she picked a new place and reloaded the piercing gun. "I will get it right this time." She gave him the orders to stay in place as before and "Bang!" She shot Mr. Sprakles once more. This time did not seem to be any better. In fact five tries later she pulled another piercing from his cock. It now reminded her of swiss cheese with all the indentions that had yet to heal.

"Hmmm... Maybe I should get Roxie to do this..." Cindy thought aloud as she gently stroked his pulsing hot cock in one hand hoping it would help it feel at least a little better.
"In the meantime you should appologize for yelling at me.. and.. and thank your Mistress for trying to give you pretty jewelry for Mr. Sparkles." She told him.

Once that was taken care of she leaped onto his back. "To my room" She instructed. Proudly she rode the back of her fledgling down the hall to her bed room. CIndy called for Roxie to come over. While they were waiting she sat in her pillowed coffin with her toes hanging out the sides. She handed Xander a viel of pink glittered nail polish. "Paint my toenails and don't get any paint on the skin." She told him as she wiggled her bare toes in front of him. Cindy watched Xander as he crouched below her painting her toe nails. Her fingers ran through his silky hair and her eyes trailed over his body. She could not help but feel like she was lucky. Despite his attitude she had found one very attractive fledgling. Cindy thought about the time they had together, about his kisses. She even recalled the scene earlier when he made love to that mortal girl. He looked like he knew what he was doing. She wondered though how well his tongue worked in lower areas. So when he had finished with her toes Cindy decided she needed to keep him busy.

"Come her Xander..." She coed softly. "I want to see how well you can use your tongue.." She began to grow a little bashful now as her hand slide between her opening legs. "Down here." She pointed to her crotch while her cheeks flushed a light shade of pink.
Six more tries, every time she pierced the same area, jsut higher or lower on his shaft, and every time he would cuss out at her. of course he watche dher sadness in her eyes as she seemd to be unabel to understand what she was doing wrong, eveyr time he repeated to stop and gt a profesional, though every time he woudl shout mroe obsenaties, he was sure not to raise his vocie though, he didn;t want any oen to coem in seeign him in a bedazzled vest and crotchless pants.

She had to just make it worse when she finally gav eup, his eyes going wide. "Wwho.. is..roxxie?" he asked as calmly as possible through grit teeth as she lappe dup the last of his blood. I..I'm sorry for yelling at you...and getting angery whenyou tried to i HAVE to.." he tried, her grit his teeth and tried to say anythign but what she called it, but as he was bginignt o learn, no matter the trivial tasks she gave him he was compeled to follow. "I'm sorry for gettign agery at you for trying to improve, Mr....Sp-Sparkles" He got it out with an exagerated gasp, smirkign as she hoped onto his back, atleas tthis ment she was doen with teh piercings.

He wasn't surprised int he least when he got to her room it looke dlike every highschool girl that ever existed spat up ont he walls and floor, with an unusual amount o pictures on her drawers of the man asleep in the infirmary. Atleast he knew he wasn't going to be her literal boy toy, she seemed to already have a little crush on this 'master kenny'. He had to have known as he turne dto her laygn with ehr fet danglign out of the cofffin, what was cominf next wasn't going tobenefit him at all.

Sighign he got downm on his knees as she tosse dhimt he polish, taking his time with each toe, hsi hand cshaking, he was use dto doing small tasks with his hands but a polish brush seeme dot be his only weakness as he tried to keep from gettign any on the skin, the whoel tiem he wondered how girls did this for fun. Hsi whole concentrationw as put on eh toes that he didnt evne notice the call she made for another, instead the next words that came from ehr mouth made his eye sgleam.

A smirk began to grow on his face as she slowly spread her legs, her skirt pofoing up so her upepr body was hidden from his view, for once he coudl imagine she wasn;t there tonight as he ran his hands softly on her inner thighs, he didn't speak as his ork began. his hands took their time, slowly inching closer and closer tot he prize , stopping every secon so his thumb could circle and press ont he tender flesh until they reached her lips, th thumbs presing at each fold, entering softly into her slit before he began to sprad them , his head almost instaly dartign down the moemtn he saw the mosit flesh. hsi tongue ran over it one, goign slowly sow he could taste every invch of the crevis, the tip of his tongue hitting her clit before he dragged it back down till the moist muscle foudnt eh whole and he pressed in his lips pressing on her allowing him to suckle her as hsi tognue snaked farther and farther in.
Cindy shuddered when Xander began full filling her latest order. His hands were soft and gentle on her thighs. It actually tickled a little but she held herself together so that he could continue deeper. She felt his thumbs soon enter her lips spreading them open to the cold air. His tongue then joined in. She could feel the slimy rough bumps lick upwards. Shivers ran through her. A relief flooded through her body. This was the touch she had wanted, she had craved. "mmm thats it..." she coed as her thighs spread a little more. Cindy's soft feet found a place on each of his shoulders. The bottom of her feet pressed comfortable into the dip of his shoulders and her toes curled onto his back. Her pussy was growing hotter now as his tongue slide inside. Her juices freely flowing out now as his tongue snacked in deep. Cindy began to moan as her pelvis lifted up against his lips. "Deeper ah.. really work your ahh tongue.." She coed as her fingers entangled themselves in his hair. She was moaning the words out softly encouraging him.
It was dimeaning, beign told todot his for her. But he didn't mind too much, a sex slave never seemed too bad, though he still diud nto want to spend teh rest of his immortal life on his knees. The thoughts of rebelion were washed away though formt eh girls crys of pleasure, breaking away and freeign himself could come later, for now he woudl enjoy this as he slurpe dup her fluids, his tongue curlign in her hole as if to lap it up.. every 'lap' makign sure to scrape the tip of his tongue eagiant he uper wall.
The fun seemed to end though as the door creeked open, his ears pirkign up byt the curiousity, but hsi midn wouldnt let his body stop from doing what his msittress stodl him todo, infact he had begun hookign his thumbs itno her flesh tryignt o spread her lips wider so his tongue could slither deepr into ehr hole, trying to literally manefest what his mistress comanded of him.

"You better finish soon." an annboyed female voice rang outbehidn hima t he door way. Their stood Ziva, formally known as K.I.G.A. before she had been rescued and recuperated at the mansion. She was , to put it lightly a mosnter girl, he skin was grey, covere din tiney scales that were soo smootheand soft in some palces it jsut felt liek flesh, though her tailw as otherwaise, it was reptilian and long, and now that she was away form the constant experiments and drug injections her dorsal spikes that had run down her back and tail seemd to have shrunk, allowing her to finally wear clothing, this tiem beign a loose fittinf shredded tank top that jsut barely covered over her nipples of ehr large bossom, and skinny jeans that hung down passed ehr hip, one for fasion sense and also due to teh fact atht she didnt want to cut a hoel in it for her tail, instead going for het look so every oen could see the thong liek panties she wore under neath. She didn;t wear any shoes as she ahd been so used to walkign bearfoto aroudn the laboratories, though now her body was mroe humanoid and humanoid feet didn't ahve the protective scales so she had takent o wearign heavy socks to compensate for her tender flesh. She was a punk in every ense fo the term, her postiro was relaxed as she leaned agaitn eh wall , her arms crosse duner her breasts and an annoey dlook on her face, her hair, was white naturaly and she kept one stisde tie dup in corn rows whil ehte otehr hung over her face , stoppign short of her chin. her one visible eye was as white as her hair, few were barely abel to see when the iris or pupil turne ditnote h sclera. "Roxie will be here soon, She delaye dmy apointment for your...urgency." Ziva grumbled out , eyeing the litle display infront of her with a smirk. "Plus syou don;t want to spend too much tiem away form kenny.... what if he wakes to see me ove rhim instead," THe lizard girl mused before she slippe doff the door frame and out downt he hall, a satisfied smerk on ehr face, she wasn't actually after kennies heart liek teh vamprie girl, but she did owe the wolf man a great debt for comign abck to save her, infact she was the reason he was in a coma, if eh hadnt't gone back for her, then maybe he would have had time to escape without gettign shot. Still it ahd seemed cindy had taken zivas early concern for her woudned savior as affection and now the monster girl loved to poke at cindy and rustle the blonde maids feathers as much as she could, jsut to see that adorable face so distraught. Ziva bt her lip softly thinking of Cindys poutey little face, forcign herself from turnign aroudna nd goign bakc itnoth e room to pounce ont he little blonde vampire ..... she woudl have too if she wasn't so intent on keepign ehr time free so she could get her piercings after Cindys.
Cindy released Xanders hair so she could fall back into her coffin. Her body shivered against the silk sheets. He was good. He was really good. His tongue felt like magic wiggling inside her. Cindy's toes curled against his shoulders and pulled him in closer. "Xander..." She moaned "Y-your tongue itsss...itss-" A familiar voice cut her off. Cindy nearly jumped out of her cold pale skin when she realized who it was. She had gotten so into playing with her new slave she did not hear anyone come in. The worst part it was Ziva of all the girls in the mansion. That troublesome monster that was trying to take her Kenny away. Cindy used her arms for support as she pulled herself up to peek over the coffin at the monster girl. She glared at the empty door way as the monster's words began to sink into her mind. "She would not dare..." The glare softened into a pout of puffed lips. "Would she?" She asked Xander with clear worry in her voice. Cindy was supposed to be the first person Kenny sees when he wakes up. No one else would be good especially Ziva.

"Ah!-" Cindy's hip's twitched up as Xander's tongue hit a sensative area and snapped her attention back to the current event. "That's a good boy." She slide her feet past his shoulders and down his back as she scooched herself in a more straight sitting position. Her back arched as his snake like tongue wiggled and sucked on her.

Almost as if it was on que yet another girl stepped into the room. This girl was dressed in the black maid's uniform only it had been altered a bit. In stead of heels she wore black heeled boots than ran up her thighs. The normal skirt was replaced with black panties covered by a white apron with multiple pockets to suite her specialty in the mansion piercings and tatoos. Under the apron was a skin tight black shirt that tied at the waist to give a peek at the tattoes colored under the middrift. The sleeves were off the shoulder and ran across from one arm straight to the other. Roxie's hair was up in a ponytail high on top her head. It was long, fell down to her backside even as it was up and was stained and assortment of colors. Her bangs were choppy and flipped to the right. She had crystal jewlry tattooed on her wrist and middle finger and an elaborate tribal choker tatooed around her collar and upper chest. There were more tattoos that adorned her body but those were to be revealed in a dimely light room when the clothes came off. Her yellow cat like eyes light up when she saw the man kneeling on the ground eating Cindy out. It wasn't a common sight to see little Cindy on the other side.

Silently the girl walked into the room and winked at Cindy. "D-d-dont stopah until your mistress cummm" Cindy moaned with pink flushed cheeks. Roxie took the words as a signal to continue forwards as she stopped just behind the boy. She placed her tackle like box onto the floor with a thud then began gathering what she needed.

With a strapon set against her waist and a needle in her hand she dropped onto her knees behind Xander. "I heard there was a new boy in town. I can't wait to play." She coed into his ear. Her right hand gripped his cock and blindly her thumb and fingers ran over the marks Cindy had left on him. "Dear dear, you have had a rough night. Don't worry Roxie is hear to make it all better." Roxie pressed her body against the boys back and looked down over his shoulders. "You might feel a slight pinch." She warned him though they all knew this was going to be more than just a pinch. Then without any more warning she jabbed the needle into his growing girth and replaced the metal with the piercing Cindy had left in from earlier.
The strange girls voice had almsot made Alex hopefully, hopeful that the word swoudl get cindy to go bakc to her master and let Alex roam the mansion alone, moslty so he could change into something less, gawdy, even if he was in a masnion full of whores it didnt mena he coudnt dress nice. Though int he end it seemd his tongue betraye dhim as he legs hugge dhim tighter, his body shuddering frotm eh feelign of her feet rub over his back , sex was sex and any touch, even from this crazed little girl, was a good touch to him right now, he had to evne admit he was enjoying it nwo as he made sure to nuzzle his nose agaisnt her clit befoer fioorcign his lips bakc onto hers and squirmign is tongue in as deep as possible.
HE ahd been lostint he moment when a voice breathed upon his ear, his eyes goign wide as he yearned to turn and see thsi new girl, but he knew he ouldnt leave the pussy . He knew if he tried his mind woudl screma at himt eh words of hsi msitress until he complied again, and so he was helpless to this new girl as she presse dehr breasts iuponhis back, the boy shaking with exitment as he felt her cold hands wrap arooudn his cock. cold ment another vampire, btu he didn;tcare, tiwas another female, mayeb it ment mroe play time, his mind totaly forgeting why they had move dto cindys room itn eh first place. He was quickly reminde dthough wiht eh sharp pain, his bakc archign up and hands ripping tight onto cindys thighs as he groaned into her pussy, his body trembling as he cmae down formt he shot of pain, he fould feelt he cold metal agian slide into his flesh, and allhe hope dnow was that he girl that did it had soem kind of intellegence to her.
Cindy withered and moaned under her slaveboy's tongue. As the pressure built she began shifting her hips forwards against him, her soft thighs shifting against his skin with every movement she made. Her blue eyes looked down past Xander to watch Roxie tease and pierce her new boy toys. The moment the needled pricked his pecker and the man let out a groan of pain Cindy made her own little out cry. Her back arched, her pelvis tensed up and her thighs squeezed against his head. Cindy grasped his head with both hands and held it close against her as she reached her climax and came. After the initial release she kept grip of his hair. Cindy's muscles relaxed. It was as if a great sigh ran through her body. However as she came down from the climax her pussy twitched once, then twice against him trying to get the last bit of arousal she could before the sensitivity died out.

It didn't occur to Cindy until a few minutes later that she might hit her peak because of his piercing. Had she just gotten off on his pain? Cindy's cheeks flushed red at the thought but she said nothing.

"MMMm... you took it like a man." Roxie complemented him. Her finger traced a circle around the piercing before her finger gently poked it. "I have heard about your tatoos." She said with fascination. "You and I will definitely meet again soon." There was clear excitement in her voice.
Looking up at Cindy she decided to push her feelings for the man aside. Her hand once again took grip of his thick member and she began stroking her hand up and down his length, making sure her thumb rubbed over the piercing every time. "You know when I heard there was a new slave in the mansion I was dying to use my favorite toy on the noobie. But I like you so I am going to give you a chance to escape the plastic." She put the needled back into her case as she spoke. Then her lips returned to his ear. "Mount your Mistress and show her how grateful you really are. If I like the show I won't interfere. Buttt... if I get bored I'll jump in with this..." She warned him as she pressed the rubber between his cheeks as a sample of what might come.
Alex seemed to relax as his mistress did, his face covered wiht her own sticky bodily luids didnt seem to perterb him. All he cared about was that he could move in anyway not sexual towards her without hsi midn screamign back at him, his head pulling from her lips the moemnt her tighs loosene dtheir grip, though sadly he was stuck under her skirt, unabel to move back without pushing over hte strange women that seemd to be plastered to his back, he wouldnt have minded her soft breasts upon his back if it hadnt been for the fact that they were keeping him from escapign the darkness that was cindys skirt. It wasn't that he didnt enjoy the smell let off from sex, it was that he just wanted to get some air that wasnt filed withe scent of his mistres for atlest one second.
It seemd though that this woman knew how to control Alex without usign a single word, hsi body shuddering as she played with his new piercing, more from teh relief that he didnt feel any flehs tear as he felt his blodo pump into the member and bloat the sensative flesh, He hadn't gotten compeltly hard form playign with cindy, mainly due tot he annoyance that it had been to be forced todo it by such a girl, now though he had a dominating vampries pressed agianst his back, her grip upon his penis hard as she began jerking him, his body shuderign as the skin woudl tug softly a the piercign with every stroke. She hardly gave him time to speak, let alone think as she kept whisperign in his ear, the whoel scenario makign him want to jsut turn and pounce on her , that was .. until he felt it.. the cold, dry platic slip between his cheeks. And just liek tha tin a second he had pushed the stranger off of him, nearly flipping cindy as he stood wihtout slippign otu form under the vampires legs. His muscles tense as he turne dto glare at he punk vampire on the ground, forcing himself to look past her technicolroed hair and perfectly inke dbody to remember what she just threatend him with. "One, if you come near me with that... you will lube it, I dont give a damned abotu healign factor ... and two.. if you expect me to make love wiht HER" He said pointign acusingly at cindy befoer continueing. "After what SHE put me through tonight, she better atleast put a show on or me, or atleast strip out of THAT outfit... strippign me woudl be a pluss." He said, mumblign the last part under his breath. IT was the first time he ha dbeen abel to move wihtout cindy orderign himf ro what felt liek hours and he sure as hell wasn;t goign to spend those moemnts beign penetrated and domiante dby some stranger, he had to bring back some of his dominance even if it had stemmed from fear of rape.
The girls fell back, holding themselves up on the palm of their hands as the new slave made an act of rebellion against their wishes. There was a small moment of silence before it was broken by Roxie who had begun to laugh. A split second later Cindy joined in with her bubble giggles. "He's so cute." Roxie mused. "Adorable" Cindy agreed. "I wish I had found him first." Roxie complained then she finally acknowledged his conditions. "I did not hear an objection. I don't think he's a virgin back there." She mused gesturing her finger in the direction of his firm rear.

Roxie began to stand up while shaking her head slightly. "Give her a break she is just as new to being a Master as you are being a slave. You see the point of a slave is to make the Master happy and to make everything easier. If they need to wash you wash them. If they need to change clothes you take them off. So.." She turned him around and leaned her body against his left arm. "If you want to see beneath that horrid black uniform" she jestured towards the dress as they both looked down upon Cindy. "Then take it off yourself you naughty boy." She added the last bit in to tease him as she jockingly jabbed her elbow into his side. "Oh and from one slave to another..." She leaned in to whisper into his ear. "If you want to get ride of that aweful nagging voice that keeps poking your brain do what you think she wants before she says it. Trust me it does wonders for your sanity."
"I can't object to soemthign she coudl force me todo." Alex growled out under grit teeth, his muscles tensign with rage, nothign he said was teken seriously byt he two, it was a shot to his pride that didn't help his condition right now. "This little runt has no right beign a master, My little toe has more back bone than her, it's humilatign havign to listen to such a ditz." He barked out, pouring ont he insults with every word, he didn't care any more, he had taken what he coudl for the night, and cindy hadn't given him an order yet, without anythigncloudign his mind his rage finally began flowing out, the non chalant behavior of th new girl not helping at all as she presse dup agasint him. "I've been through worse, I just have to get used to it." He said defiatnly to teh girls advice, to give in liek that would be to give up. "And get off me" He fianlly shouted as he yanke dhis body away from the tatoos girl, takign two steps back, his hands balle ditno fists . "What makes any of you think this is fun?" He asked, spreading his arms to gesture to jsut about everythign here, he had to admit teh apeal of sex every nigth was great, but if it ment goign through what cindy had put him througjh, every night, then he would proabbly thrw himself out a window durign the day in less than a month. He had tried to convince himself that it would be fun, eatign the girl out, but the poke to his ass had pushed him over the limit, all of this, was because he accepted a lousey job for a couple hundered dollars. "And this, how could any one think this outfit is apealing!" He added as he grabebd his vest before literaly tearign it off hsi body, takign note at how easy it was with his new strength, befeor tossign it in cindys direction as he turned to head out the door, his pace fast as he wanted to get out of ear shot of cindy, though he refused to go at an all out run, not willing to show that much fear or desperation to get away, instea dhe took long hard strides , his hands still clenche din fists hoping his words would take them a moment before they coudl recover.
"Rude" Roxie huffed as she had to catch her balance from Xanders out burst. "Wow. Hulk MAD" She made a deep manly voice to mock the character." In reaction to him wripping his sweater. Then her eyes followed the sweater to Cindy curious to how the girl took this.

Cindy was confused at first. "I have a spine" She said lowly as if talking to herself. She reached behind and felt the middle of her lower back as if to check and make sure. "I'm a failure. You don't like being with me." Cindy's bottom lip pouted out and quivered. Her eyes glazed over. The girl was looking down at her hands. It was as if she was fighting hard not to cry. "I fail.." She whimpered as she realized she really was an aweful mistress. What would Kenny think if he saw this? He would be disappointed in her. In her head she saw Kenny turn his back to her. Who would want a vampire who could not control her own fledgeing. Cindy was about to curl up in a little ball and cry her eyes out in her coffin.

Then the sweater landed in her face. When it slide out of her vision she saw the tatoo man racing towards the door. She could not let him leave like this. If he left the room it would all be over. She really would have failed. So Cindy paniced "Freeze!" she yelled out. "You can't leave." She told him. "In fact. There is an invisible door there. If you touch it you will... will... instantly orgasm and your legs will stop working and you will fall back onto your butt until someone comes to help you." She made it all up at the top of her head then curiously wondered if it would really happen. The mind could play terrible tricks on people but could it make those things happen. Cindy sighed as she knew he now would not leave.

"That a girl." Roxie looked over to Cindy. She did not think the girl had it in her to hold back the tears and call him out so quickly. "But are you really going to let him talk about you like that?" She asked curiously.
Cindy looked at Roxie as if trying to read into what her friend thought she should do. "No. I won't" She said confidently. Then her blue eyes fell upon Alex. "Get on your knees." She told him simply. "You cannot stand in my presence until... until...the sun rises, or I say so." She decided with a nodd.
"Andddd?" Roxie asked.
"And... if you do not treat your Mistress with respect you will be punished." Cindy added as she tried to give him a chance to take back all his mean words.
Alexanders hands stopped jsut centimeters fromt eh door frame, his fingers extended, tempted to tryand pass through, his hand shakign as he got close, but rigth befoer he woudl pass through the invisble barrier he stoppe dnad pulled back, grolwign unde rhis breaht as he pulled his hand into a fist by his chest, the words didnt echo in his head about her strange demand. But still if his body were to lsiten to her he knew it would mean defeat in mroe ways than one, he feare dto find out if her words had that power on his body.

instead he got on his kneees as she said, his fists pressign hard on his knees , , jaw clenched and bakc straigth as he waited for her next command. "I see no mistress... only a whiney little bitch." He mummbled the secodn part udner his breath, half afraid to say it aloud at the top of his voice. At the same time he was curious if she even had the guts to punish him, unless that was what all of tonigth had been, though he couldn't imagine she did all of this as intentional torment to him.
Yellow and blue eyes were fixed on Xander as he reached his finger forwards. Will he do it? Both girls were half hoping he would try just to see if Cindy's childish mind games worked. It was disappointing when he pulled away and got on his knees.

He may have been stubborn and a fairly smart guy at the moment Xander was letting his temper get the best of him. He had to have forgotten just how sensitive a vampire when he dared to mumble under his breath those horrid words about his Mistress. Cindy's ears twitched. She gasped. A small almost whimering sound came from her throat as she swallowed back her tears. She asked nicely and he still wanted to be mean to her. Cindy thought back on her first training lessons on being a slave and all the punishments she had endured. Now she to was starting to see why they were necessary. Some bad boys needed to be punished. "You are mean. I don't want a mean slave." She folded her arms with a Hmph! Her cheeks burned read as she glared down at the man. "I told you if you were mean you would be punished." She said in a I-told-you-so sort of voice.

She looked over to Roxie. It only took a moment for her to decide what his punishment would be. "Slave boy bend down onto your hands and knees." She commanded while her eyes traveled down Roxie's figure to the rubber strap on still standing stiff on her waist. "Roxie would you-" Cindy was cut off by a raised hand. "Don't worry Doll. I have this." She smirked. Roxie walked over to Xander and knelt down behind him. Her fingers teased over the waisted of his pants. She lifted her pelvis and aimed the rubber against his puckered hole. "Sorry, I left the lube in my other bag. Don't worry. I'll take it slow." She mused. In one hard thrust she popped the head in then slowly continued to push forwards.
The moment Alex was on his hands and knees he knew what was goign to happen, he turne dhis body aroudn so he was facign icndy, a deathly glare on hsi face as he waited, hsi ass int he air, body tremblign ever so slightly as he anticipated what was to come. IT was worse than he thought though, no preperation, no lube, not even spit, she just slammed right in with hardly a warning, to his best effort he tried to keep his ass loose, the bman bitting down on his lip to hodl back a yell as he grabeb dupont he carpet flooring, he could feel his flesh tearing, the strength and spee dof the dry thrust had all but skinne dhis anus. Compared ot eh pain he ahd endured early tonigth this was nothing, btu still, it was pain and this time he didnt hav ethe sweet repreave of unconciousness to end it. She kept it up, and every thrust in he heald in antoehr grunt , his eyes glarign up at his mistress every time he could, if his head wasnt smothered in the carpet to hodl back a scream. Hsi own blod soon had lubed the dry rubber, but still his skin would try and heal eveyr tiem she stoppe dmovign, only to be torn agian from another strong thrust.

He enduered this in his muffled silence for a long fifteen minutes, hsi anus dripping with blood now byt he time she gave any leway, and that was only to add to his humiliation. What made roxxie stop was an angry voice that shouted out formt he hallway. "DAM IT CINDY I TOLD YOU DON'T"Ziva had storme dintot eh room, the monster girl furious at first but when she saw the display, hshe seemed to go pale, lookign about the three in shocked silence before she began to slwly step tot eh doorway again. "Oh...I'm sorry...I..Uhm...Cindy.. you can have roxxie for hte nigth... yeha.. i can wait." Ziva said in a hurrie dvoice as she turned to try and bolt down the hallway, hoping not to get roped into this reverse rape that was goign on.
Cindy sat up and leaned back in her coffin to enjoy the show. Roxie was really giving it to him. Normally she did not like staying for this sort of thing but this.. it was causing her to drip onto her bed sheets. Her eyes were fixed on her toy until she heard her name being screamed out. Cindy grabbed her bed sheets pulling them over her as if to find a place to hide. She was surprised though that the anger dropped fast. "Wait Kiga..." She called out softly. She hoped the girl would turn around. "Would you like to... umm play with me?" She asked shyly. She was embarrassed that sweet little Cindy was getting aroused by watching the boy get anal rammed. "Oh not like that! I won't hurt you." She promised as she quickly realized why Ziva wanted to leave so fast.

Roxie was really having fun thrusting into the new guy. Her sadist side was getting the best of her. When Ziva arrived she stopped briefly to see what the commotion was about. "Ziva... I forgot about you." She said embarrassingly. Ziva did not seem to care any more though, when the girl tried to leave Roxie saw it as a sign to keep going. After getting a good thrusting motion started Roxie reached down, she wrapped his hair around her wrist then pulled him up by his hair. "To think you could have avoided all of this if you would have made love with your Mistress." She coed in his ear. She released his head to grasp his forarms and pull them behind his back to use them as leverage as she continued grinding into the poor boy. Roxie looked up at Cindy and nodded her head trying to get her to understand what she needed to say without actually telling her. Cindy took the hint. "Slave boy..." Cindy began with the demeaning name. She decided until he was nice to her that would be his new nick name. "What do you think of your Mistress Cindy?" she asked him.
Ziva's ears perke dup as cindy calel dout her old name, she had half a midn to turn and scold her, she had changed her naem to forget the laboratory, and cindy never seemed to rememebr to NOT use it. Still she bit her bottom lip as she hear dthe rest of the littl eblonds request, a glint in her eye as she saw the potential for a fun night. in an isntant Ziva had gotten on all fours and scurried over to cindys bed, her grey hea dpoking up over tthe side of the coffin as she leaned her chn on her now folded arms. "So Cindy... ar eyou saying you're willing to giveinto my every whim?" Ziva mused, her tail curlign around to pull down the sheets that the little vampire hi dunder, her ass wiggling as she felt her clit being to grow and pres on her panties and tight jeans, sure her love for tight clothes. "isn't that what your salv eboy is forr hmmmmm?" she added, her eyse perking up as her tail slithere dunder th girls skirt and she could feelthe wet spot on ehr panties, a soft chuckle comign from her lips as she ran a few of her rounde dspikes over the wet spot to tease at her pussy. "I see, your getting off on thsi dirty little anal play, you filthy little whore." She mused before squintign ehr eye sclosed as he body shudered, her clit wantign to grow out into its full male coutnerpart but it was trapepd under her tigth clothes.

All alex did was growl as his head was yanke dup, his eyes glarign up a the tatooed girla s best he could,his own lips bleeding from bititng down so har dhte whole time, but what was a little more pain compare dto giving into the two vampires. Hsi eyes shootign back to his mistress, takign note of the curious little grey girl this time, able to put a body to the voice that had disturbe dthem before. "I think you're a coward, unable to get your own hands dirty" Alex spat out, the pain, was bareabel enough thtat he wasn't goign to change his mind from a little..exessive bleedign form the rear.

The waves of pleasure finally stopepd long enough for Ziva to speak. "Fine I'll hav emy fun with you but first." The beast gril fell back on her ass, her legs wide and back propepd up on her elbows, the buldge already vissible on the jeans. "Let my beast free,a nd get it nice and wet for me." She ordered wantign to see the little blonde maid on ehr hands and knees.
Cindy looked down at Ziva as she appeared at her bed side. She did not hesitate to nodd her head at the monster girl's question but did not verbally respond. "He.. he's being mean. He deserve fun with me." She told Kiga as she looked over to her slave again. That was until the tail slide between her legs. She gasped bitting her lower lip as she looked back at the monster girl. Her cheeks turned red "Am not.." She softly protested even if they both knew the truth.

Alex's voice once again stole her attention. He actually called her a coward. Even with anal he was still mean. Saddly Cindy instantly believe what he said was true. She was letting Roxie punish him for her. At the same time she still believed she needed to say something back at him. "Oh yeah, well if you don't have anything nice to say then don't speak at all." She fussed back at him and childishly stuck out her tongue.

Cindy climbed down from her coffin and got onto her hands and knees. She crawled over to Ziva and unzipped the girls pants then with a bit of force she pulled the skin tight material down. Like a tree being pulled back and released a very large cock sprung up. Cindy's eyes grew big as the large object sat face level in front of her. Her fingers curled tighter on Ziva's thighs from the sudden excitement and slight bit of fear growing in the little vampire. She was so horny she was not going to back out now. Cindy stuck out her tongue and began to lick the large meat like it was a lollipop. First her tongue whiled over the tip then she licked up and down and all around the sides, making an embarrassing little slirping sound as she went about lubbing the prize. After a few minutes she considered it to be wet enough. Cindy crawled forwards to stratle Kiga. She hovered over the head of the cock, allowing the tip to rub against her now soaking pussy. Then in one slaight push she began to slide it into her pussy. Cindy made a sound in between a whimper and a moan as she poped the head in. Cindy's arms fell onto Kiga's shoulder blades and she pulled her into a hug. Her body shivered as her body squeezed it in. Her toes curled as she continued to slowly push down. This was heavenly to finally have something going in after the events of the night.
Zivas body shudered as Cindy finally puleld her pants down to her ankles, the soft fabric of her panties were nothign tot he force of her growing erection, the throbing flesh pullign the elastic down to slap onto her alreayd leakign pussy the stingle of pain sendign waves of pleasure througthe girl as she curled her toes and arche dher back. Ziva had jsut spent a nigth being punished byt he head mistress, she was sexually starved, and the idea of being touched by Cindy first made her nearly orgasim just form the thought, her mouth in a perminant lip bite as she watche dhte eager little blonde lube up her twitchign penis. It was too much, she teased ehr dick for so long tha the moemnt cindys tight vagianl lips gripepd at ehr cock, the mosnter girl convulsed, groaning out as hshe let out her fisst, small load of cum out into cindys pussy, a small grin on Zivas face as she finished. "Naughty girl... what do you think?" Zivas mused intot he vamprie girls ear, more to pushed their breast together than anythign else. "That you get to choose what hole i penetrate.. whenyrou poor slave over there gets no choice." She added witha sadistic hiss , her hands slowly trailign up to teh vamprise shoulders grabignt hem hard and tosisng eht girl off of her, zivas body shudderign as her dick was yanked roughly form cindies pussy.
The beast was fast, pushing and pin nign cidny onto her chset, an evil little grin on her face as one hand heald cindys head in the carpet whiel the other clawed fingers tore at eh fabric on ehr back , takign her time for a whole minute until the clothign fell to little ribons off of her pale body before she tore her own tanktop off, sighign happily as she leaned forward to finally press her bare chest upon the vampries bare back, her eyes lookign straigth into Alex's as she spoke. "Let me show you how much of a naughty hypocrit your msitress is." Ziva mused, makign sure her lips brushed over cindys ear as she spoke, her cum and fluid coverd cock pokign at the girls tight little anus whiel her tail curled under her , slwoly rubbign over cindys vagianl slit befeor wrigglign along over her body, the tip caressign and circlign cindys naval beefore slitherign between the girsl sandwhiched cleavage , the whoel tiem she made sure a part of ehr tail was still grindign agaisnt cindys tender moist flesh.
Cindy was shocked that Ziva came so soon. It was way too early for that. Worst her pussy was filled with more sticky goop and she had yet the pleasure of her next release. In reflex to the suprise her body squeezed the monster girl. Her arms tightened around her and her pussy twitched but one the orgasm was down she soon found she had something much worse to worry about. She listened to Ziva's words. Her eyes could not help but to shift over to her new slave. That was when she was caught off guard. She squeeled as the thick cock popped out of her pussy and she rolled on the ground twice before the monster girl pounced and pinned her down to the floor. She tried lifting up but once Ziva's hand held her hand down Cindy stopped trying to resist. Her eyes grew wide as she heard the tearing sound from above and in a manner of seconds she felt the air press against her pale skin. "No!" She gasped as she felt something fleshy and warm poke against her puckered back door. Even with her protest the tingly breathe on her ear made her sheepishly smile and her body began to shudder in little waves of pleasure. It wasn't strong but it was just enough to tease. The monster knew how to use her tail. "P-please use the other hole." Cindy spoke the first word clearly but the rest of the words she tried to whisper. If she was not enough of a failure she felt being dominated in such a way in front of her slave.
"Oh no my sweet Cindy." Kiga mused, her long tongue wrapign around he vampires poitned ear befoer slitherign bakc into her mouth as he lips began nibling on her flesh. "Why does a little maid like you get to make requests? there are only two mistress' int he mansion." Kiga whispered softly, her words hissing int eh girls ear. "and you aren;t one of them. Now then keep your mouth shut and let's ahve soem fun." Kiga mused as her tail slithered out form under the girsl cleavage ticklign at her neck befoer teh tip forced its way into the vampire smouth. "You can bite if youw ant to.. I don't mind." Kiga added, shooting a devious grin over to Alex, who was still bent down on his recieving end, though his expresion had seemd to soften, it wasnt that deathly glare any more, now he was jsut curious as to what would happen infront oh him, his own anus numb by now he was jsut waiting for the vampire atop him to get her fill. With a wink towards the lone vamprie boy Kiga finally shoved in, she didn;t give any hestiation, her head popping in soon to be follwoe dby th e rest of the long shaft as the monster girls body shuddered wat the feel, lettting otu a load graon as she base of her hip slamemd agasint eh vamprie sbutcheeks, ehr tail grinding againt he grils vagiana as she did so.
Twenty mintue sit wennt liek that, Kiga didnt let up, her tial snakign into Cindys mouth, soemtimes pokign ath e bakc of her throat when she woudl thrust her hip forward, her til grindign withe h motion before the monster girls second load finally came, her teeth bitign down softly on cindeis shoulder as her sweat covere dbody shook with remors of pleasure, her slitoros cock pumping cum deep into teh girls intestines, she wasnt normals nothign abotu ehr was as she heald her climax for more than fifteen secodns of a stead stream of cum befoer her muscles went limp and she let go of the girls flesh, slithign ehr tail form ehr mouth befoer she collapeed atop cindy,unwilling to let her own cock out as she savore dhte feelign of the warm cum tryign to force itswa otu aroudn her own flesh, her hands moving from teh floor to snake under cindy and grope at her breasts, now barign her full wait atop the fragil blonde, curious to see if her legs woudl work after all of the fun. "I bet your master Kenny could never make you feelwthsi way." She muse dhappily, licking at cindies bite mark befoer it healed up enjoy the taste of the girls sweat covered flesh.
The next night Alex woke up in a fairly large bed room. He woke in a dimly lit room. Candle light flickered against the walls. If he payed enough attention he would notice there was no electrical light source. The owner of this room liked to live old school. The bed had old fine carving in he wood. The curtains for the canopy bed were tied against the polls and the bed sheets were red silk lined in black and as soft as clouds, or what one would imagine clouds to feel like. Sitting next to him the pale red headed Mistress Victoria was slowly running her fingers through his slick black hair. She was dressed in a silk black robe tied around her thin figure and her long hair draped losely down her back onto he sheets. "Good morning sunshine." She coed smiling as she looked down upon the waking boy. "How was last night?" She asked him curiously. "Did you enjoy your time alone with your peppy little Mistress?" Of course she knew the answer but she had to ask.
The first thing he realize dbefore even openign his eyes, was the smell of burning wax, rigth then he knew he was no longer in his dinky little supply closet of a room, that added tot he fact of the silky soft pillows and sheets he lay in. He almost didn't open his eyes, hoping athat if they stayed closed he could jsut lay here naked in bed for the rest of the time, until who ever had moved him left, thought he whoel tiem he knew that was impossible and soon enough he rolel donto his back and openeed up his eyes, leting them adjust near instantly tot he dim light.

He was almost relieved when eh heard Victoria's voice, anythign but cindys rigth now was a heavenly reprieve. Though Victoria was higehr ont he foodchain than his ditzy little mistress. With a groan the man rolle donto his belly as he spoke again. "WEll if you're going todo it, you better get ti over with, I'm tired of all of this already." Alex sighed out, waiting for the anal rape, if he had learnt anything from the nigth before it was that all the girls seemed to have a strange effinity for the ass, he figured the head mistress was no different.
Victoria was surprised by his reaction in seeing him. It was as if his attitude towards her had taken a full 180. Instead of rebelling against her he rolled over into submission at the very sight of her. How very disappointing. He was broken so easily. Yet she still saw the attitude in his words. That was promising. "Do what?" She asked confused at what he was asking for. Though as her eyes scanned over his delicious body and the events of last night ran through her mind it did not take long for her scarlet eyes to set on his rear. She figured it out quickly. "Oh my." She laughed. "In one night the child has taught the pup to roll over. That was certainly unexpected." She mused. Her hand slide down his back to grop his closest butt cheek. Nice and firm just as she suspected. "That is not why you are here." She informed him with a shake to her head. Her hand left his bottom to find his chin and guide it in her direction. "Though if you continue to avoid my questions I can make arrangements for rough anal play." She warned him in a calm almost sweet tone. "Now, how was last night and did you enjoy the time you had with your blond Mistress?"
"She didn't train me, I just know I'm not going to out run or out power you without food or magic." Alex growled out, the idea that he had done what he did out of weakness made him feel sick, or the idea that Cindy had broken him at all. "If you were any other vampire... I could have a chance." He added in his weak little defense. Whens he found his chin he roleld to hsi side to face her, his normal scowl back on his face now that he had forced teh tiredness form his body. IT was a shame, she was a beautiful woman who kne whow to hold herself around men, but she was still his captor,and her threats did nothign to brigthen his mood."She is a wretched little idiot, who knwos nothing of power or how to use it, and has a horribel sense of no i did not enjoy myslef." HE said blunty each word seapign with eh poison of hate he had for the blonde, any other cercumstance and he knew he would have enjoyed his company with eh ditz, but to be her salve jsut mad ehis blood boil with rage.
Victoria studied his body. She caught on to the points he became annoyed and at the points she could tell a nerve was hit. "Wonderful." The Mistress mused after hearing he had such a horrible time. "That is what I wanted to hear." She praised him. Even thoughts were rational perhaps too much for his own good at times, but this time showed her he at least knew where she stood above him. He had learned something after all.

With the boy on his side she shifted her waist further the down the bed and leaned on her elbow, she set one hand under her chin to get more comfortable. "What do you know of power?" She asked curiously going off his own words. "Do you know how to used it?"
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