The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Anna slide her panties down as suckled hard on his neck to leave a big hicky. "Oh yes" She coed as her tongue slide up towards his hear and she bit his earlobe playfully. "I can't wait to feel the dirty pervert inside me." She whispered to him. Then she slide her hips forwards trapping his cock between her pussy and his pelvis. She leaned forwards and lifted his arms above his head pinning them to the wall as she forced him to lay back. The tips of her nipples pressed against his chest through her shirt. She kissed him passionatelly on the lips as her hips began to shift up and slowly hump his cock. "Is it bad..." She pulled her lips away just long enough to breathe before kissing him again. "I think I am falling for the pervert.." She mused as she pulled her lips from his once more.
"Oh Geez" She gasped, jumping under him slightly in surprise as she felt his scars begin to press individually against her walls as he continued to push in. It was something she should have expected but didn't. Her body shook under him he continued to push in obviously not willing to pause or stop until he was all the way inside of her. She was a little too tense and her walls were being stretched as he forced his way in. Her hands took grasp of his wrist to have something to hold onto. She moaned and whimpered through her throat as she felt deep inside her. "Lucky me" She breathed with just a hint of sarcasm in her words.
"Its not good." Kenny ppulel dhsi head back, bumpign the wall as he spoke formt eh kissthough ultimatly returnign befoer he spoe next. "perverts often... like many types...of..women..." HE added to his explenation, tryign to resist the girsl lips but it was hard as he went bakc tio it in mid scentence, , hsi hips squirmign to rub over her pussy. "can you handle.. al the competition?" HE mused as he was able tpto break form her lips for another few seconds
She was quivering inside with excitement. The grooves of his cock rubbed against her pussy causing her juices to work as a sort of lub for her to slide up and down on. It felt so good against her cunt and made her want to get to the next part even faster. "I m a big girl..." She replied as she pulled back from the kiss, staring him in the eyes. "I am not worried about... other women..." she hovered her lips over his. "He has never... meet a girl iike me before." She coed as her lips pressed to his again this time her tongue slide into his mouth and when she pulled out she sucked on his bottom lip. "I can be any type of woman his heart desires" she said lustfully.
Kenny gasped as she puleld on his lip, grinning as he let hsi tongue run over the borrtom of his lip as itf tastign anythgin she left behind"You can definatly be a tease thats for sure" HE whispered as he leanend to kiss ehr again, his ahdns still pinend abov him, he could have over poered her btu that woudl be no fun, "Now then, this pervert does ahs a meal that migth be ready soon." HE added as he puleld form the kiss, implying thhat tehy migth nto want to leave cindy or claire sittign at the tabele all night.
"Just like a pervert to mention other girls just before the fun part." She pouted playfully. "Even perverts need to eat." She agreed as she reluctantly pulled her head back so he couldn't reach her. "I suppose I can let you off with a warning this time." Anna pulled his arms over her head now to rest on her shoulders. She slide off his cock to sit back in his lap. "Next time your hot body is mine." She warned him with one last kiss before standing.
Kenny gave an evil smirk as she unbound his arms,his body lurchign up as she got off him to pin her to the wall. "The foods goign to take a few more minutes to prepare i bet." HE whispreed itno her ear with a hot breath. "And you should never untie a pervert." HE added as he stuck his fingr into her pussy rubbign the inner wall before steppign away, in one movemtn hsi shirt was back on and he slipepd apsse dher out of the stall, liking the figner with her juices on it, he had to get eh lst tease in as he left the girls bathroom to head back to the table.
She was practically speechless as he pinned her to the wall. His hot breathe tickled her ear causing her to shudder. "Mmm.."A soft moan escaped her lips as his finger invaded her pussy briefly teasing her. "I will remember that." She breathed out thanking him for the warning as she watch him walk out the stall and the room. Anna let out a deep breathe of air once he was gone. That was by far the hottest thing he had done that night, or she was possibly so worked up it felt that way. Anna gathered her composure and sliped her panties back up before she was soon joining the rest of the group at the table. Of course she was there a minute or so after Kenny to make it somewhat appear like they came and went separately.
"You are just in time for the food." Claire said as the two sat down. Kenny must have scared the last waitor off for a new guy had just returned with their food and was now setting their plates in front of them.
"Mmm thats godo to hear." KEnny said though he was happier about a new waitor mor ehten he was abotu the food, especialy now that he sat between cindy and anna, buttping a hand on both of their thighs, just to keep teasign both of them. "So what did you girls talk abotu whiel we were gone?" Kenny asked curiously
"Cindy was telliing me about the first time the two of you meet." Claire told him as if it was a really interestiing story. "About how you saved her from your big bad Mistress." Claire seemed to be amused more than anything as she began to eat her pasta. "I never knew my little brother was so heroic." She teased adding some humor to the conversation. Anna took a bite of her alfraido and smiled warmly. It was the most delicious thing she had tasted all night. Even though she did not need the substance it made her feel wonderful to act as if she did, as if she were still alive. Cindy stared at her plate quietly. She was both embarrassed by the way Claire explained the story and frankly she was unsure about the food. She still wasn't hungry and this would be the first plate of food she ate since she was dead. Skeptically she picked up her fork and scooped up a little of her spagetti and took a bite. After she swallowed she paused a moment to realiize that it really wasn't a huge deal. She didn't feel any fuller and the food tasted alright. It was all for show so she ate so she wouldn't just sit there awkewardly.
"She tld you that i techincaly was forced to rape her right?" Kenny asked curiosuly as he bgean spining hsi fork in the noodle siwht hsi left hand while his rigth now teased cindy runnign his hand under her skirt close to her pussy as eh felt ehr inner thight, knowing she probably didnt enjoy fodo as much as Anna did rigth now, she hadtn been dead longe enough to have forgotne the great taste of food he figured. "and the mistress WAS the one who decided to brign her back to life to be mine any ways.. though i gues she figured they way i treated ehr would make her perfect for ey first pet." He mused.
" She romantasized it quite a bit." Claire mused as she looked over to Cindy who was looking down at her plate, this time to avoid looking at the others as he cheeks flushed pink. "Well technically it wasn't rape. The way she explained it you had her concent." Claire rationalized as if nothing about what they were talking about bothered her. Sure this was all alot for any normal human to digest. However, after her brother turned into a werewolf she opened her mind accepting the unordinary to all be possible. Not to mention she wanted her brother to be able to talk to her. Cindy felt Kenny's hand sliding down her thighs. A shudder ran through the quite girl and she slide her legs wider apart welcoming her Master's hand as she stuffed another fork full of spagetti in her mouth. "So you have a pet, a soon to be feonce and a mistress. What else should I know about your adventures in this mansion?" Claire asked curiously as they ate.
"Oh those three are only the main girls.. espexcialy Anna and Cindy." Kenny mussed, takign am inute to roll up anotehr fork load and eat, bendign his head over the plate to chew and at the same tiem lettign his pinky run over his maids panties. "Cindy is only MY maid, there are others int eh mansion, and other inhabitants... I am apperently a nagas pet." HE said proudly as if it were a godo thing. "And yes.. they have.. clsoe to the same as teh human reproductive organs." HE said with a wink befeor coninuteign on to explain the rest of the mansion. ((iunno if youw ana time skip or not)
Cindy sat quietly, trying to stay as quite and normal as possible as Kenny teased her. She only at about half her food before the dinner was over. Anna spent most of the dinner enjoying the food as if it were her last meal and watching Kenny's sister with interest. Claire held most of the conversation with Kenny finding all of what he had to say quite interesting. More importantly it was nice to just sit and talk with him, it was something they had not done in a long time. Once the check was paid Claire stood to say her good byes. "It was nice meeting you." She said to the girls. "Thanks for dinner. I will see you tomorrow." She said hugging Kenny before she left the restaraunt. There was another party she wanted to go to close by so there was no need to get another ride.

The next morning Kenny woke up with Anna lying in the bed next to him as usual and Cindy standing beside Kenny's side of the bed looking down on him. "Good morning Master!" She chimed the moment his eyes opened. She was wearing a light blue corset, a flaired blue mini skirt set with white stockings and heels. Her hair was pulled up in pig tails and she seemed a little impatient. Tonight she was leaving the manor with Kenny once more and this time it was special and important to her. It would be without the other girls in the manor which meant she had him practically all to herself. And she was going to learn all the secret ways to please him from his sister. She wanted nothing more than to get make him happier than the other girls in the manor could.
"Muuhhh.. good morning my alice in wodnerland." THe boy mused as eh roleld onto hsi side to gaze upon Cindy, addignt he comment to her blue and whilte look that always reminded him of alic ein wodnerland. slowly hgettign up he heade dstraight to chagne , gettign into jeans and atank top, nothign specail today figurign he was goign to have to take it off soon enough as he waited for Cindy to follow before heading out of the mansion. "You seem excited." Kenny chuckle dout by cindys unsual perkiness.
Cindy was a little puzzled at first by his comment. Until she looked down at herself and realized he was right. She kinda of did look like Alice. It was not intentional. She smiled at the irony deciding that it was okay because he seemed to like it but made a mental note to try not to dress like characters in the future. Cindy waited for Kenny to get dress then quickly scurried behind him as he headed out the mansion. "Do I really look that happy?" She asked him as they began their way down the driveway. "Your sister was really nice last night. I guess I am just excited to see her again." She said shrugging her shoulders as they began walking down the sidewalk. They continued walking down the side of the streets as they headed towards the park to meet up with Claire. Cindy could not hold in her excitement or the real meaning for too long though. She looked up at the clear sky with a great smile on her lips. "I can't believe the Mistress let me go out with you tonight." She looked so happy she could practically start into a skip at any time. She paused for a moment before she realized how her wording sounded. "I didn't mean go out with you we are going out." She looked at Kenny now as her words seem to speed up. "Its not like this is a date. This isn't... I mean its not that I don't want to.. date you. You are dateing Anna..." Her hands were behind her back as she stopped herself and took a deep breathe. Her cheeks had already turned a fresh shade of pink from making a fool of herself already. "I know better.." She said in a lower tone. She looked away from him and began gazing at the store windows to shut herself up before saying anything else she would regret. Cindy sucked on her bottom lip as she replayed how foolish she must have just sounded in her mind.
"Your adorbale you know that." Was all KEnny had to say as Teh girl finished stumbling upon her words, kissing her cheek and takign ehr hand as they heade dintto eh park, goign straight for hte center tot eh lake wher ehe would stop ounde rhte light of a single lamp post, givign a soft smile as he looked at Cindys blonde hair seem to glow itn eh light, leaning over to her to kiss her on the lips for a breif few secodns before pulling bakc and sitting otn eh bench under the light. "Claire shoudl be here soon." he said as eh took a deep breaht out to watch the cloud of steam form, maybe ti was too codl for an outign like this, lookign over cindy the boy began to grin, the good thign about an undead servant, she woudl wear anythign in any weather, but claire was human and probably would be freezign, he figured ihe would ask her when she got their if she was willign to take them to where she was stayign tohav ethe lesson.

((meh edited,and ya knwo i figured it is winter >.<))
((I keep forgetting about the cold >.< Why did we have to pick a state where it actually snows XP ))
His kiss seemed to warm her inside and she smiled, feeling a little better now that he took her hand. As they approached the lake she was practically back to her excited self again. Cindy leaned against the pole after his kiss and looked into the water. She could not help but admire how pretty the water looked with the stars from the sky reflecting on the surface. Part of her had hoped Claire would never show up. The place had the potential to be the most romantic night for her and Kenny. Of course that was just her dreaming again. Cindy heard the sound of heels clanking against the sidewalk, someone was coming. She let out a soft breathe of air and moved to sit next to Kenny on the bench. Soon enough Claire was walking down the pathway towards them. She was wearing a long scarlet trench coal that fell down to her anckles so that all that could be seen underneath with a pair of black heels. To Cindy she looked a little different today, more classy and mysterious like in a movie with her red lipstick and shoulder length hair. Cindy was impressed, Claire knew how to be a woman and between last night and tonight she concluded that his sister knew how to dress for certain occasions. "I hope I did not keep you waiting for too long." Claire said as she stopped in front of Kenny, seeing they had made it there before her.
IT was true, as Cindy showed every sign of the innocents of a highschool girl, his siter was a drastic opposite, elegant and refined, much liek the mistress but withotu that blood thristy aura that hung over the red haired vampiress, he began rememberign why he ahd fallen itnto eh incestual love itn eh frist place and chuckled to himself at how foolish he was back then. "No it gave us time to bond on our little date." Kenny mused teasignly as he looked bakc to wink at Cindy befeor steppign to his sister. "So is your plac ewithin walkign distance?" He asked figurign otu of the three of them she would be the first one to submit tot he cold.
Claire glanced over Kenny's tank top and then over at Cindy's rather skimpy outfit. "Judging by the way your dressed I wouldn't think the cold bothers you." She teased. Then she nodded her head as her hands slide into her pockets. "Come along." She said as she turned gesturing her head for them to follow in that direction. "I live about a block from here. It's the apartment building across from the old fire station" She said she paused for them and they headed out the park. Cindy smiled at Kenny's tease, now feeling more embarrased than ever, she didn't think he was going to let her down on her little ramblng episode, now making light on what would have been serious to her if it was a real date. Cindy stood up as Claire turned and began to walk beside Kenny. She was a bit more excited now, mainly it was curiousity about what Claire's apartment would look like.
As they approached the streets Claire swung her arm around Kenny's shoulders, leaning towards him like they were buddies. "So, how innoscent is your little maid?" She asked Kenny curiously, now sounding like the snooping older sister that she was. "What shall we corrupt her with tonight?" She asked Kenny with a playful smile.
"She was a complete virgin when i took her." Kenny whisperd back with a satisifed grin as if gloating. "I think the only way she know show todo anythign is through footjobs and well, me havign too most of the work in sex." He added. "Anna taugth her hwot o play with her feet, i gue syou can teach her everythignelse, those peasts of her are perky and full, we could always use them first." HE said as he began thinkign as they walked.
"So she's practically a blank slate." Claire laughed. "She's so cute." Claire said in a more adorable manor while glancing over Cindy as they walked. She almost seemed to young and immature for Kenny. "I suppose you always were drawn towards the more vulnerable type of girls. The poor girl didn't see what was coming." She teased. "I am surprised with how long you have been gone you haven't taught her yourself." Claire stated. Anna was quite through most of the walk. Her eyes went from building to building but even so she was still able to listen in on their conversation.
"You want her to learn to be on top then." Claire nodded her head as she went back to their planning. "I think I can handle that." She said confidently. Time was flying by as they spoke, soon they were so close that the apartment building Claire stayed at was just across the street. She paused, however, as they approached the old fire house she had mentioned earlier. Her arm slide away form Kenny and Claire looked up at the old building. The windows were dusty and it appeared no one had entered the building in quite some time. "Say, did you really have your heart set in doing this at my place?" She asked as her eyes traveled up the building. "Or would you like to do this somewhere more... spontaneous?" She asked looking over towards Kenny. She had that mischievous look on her face, the one people usually make when they were up to no good. "Like old times?" She asked reminding him of the little adventures and experimenting they did when they still lived in the same house.
"Not too on top though." Kenny warned."IU want to keep her innocents, she is so adorable whens he blushes durign sex." KEnny mused happily , continueign on as he described a few specifics and the few tiems he had been with Cinday, atleas teh few very memorable times, like chritmass and the nigth after she had been turned when hew as stuck itn eh dungeon, and when she was stucck itne h hole int he wall.
As they got to her apartment the boy had begun eyeign the firestation, almost ready to pitchy the exact same idea as he saw that it was abandoned."Its liek you rea dmy mind sis." HE chuckle dout as he turned TO Cindy. "What do you think?, shall we be a little naughty?" Heaske dto her in a seductive voice, egging on his little maide as he alfready began headign across the street, nto even waitign for a response as he ope dthe fence and broke the rusted chain to let them into teh yard.
Cindy looked over at the fire house. She thought Claire was crazy wanting them to have sex in an abandoned fire house. The place looked like it would be dusty and full of cob webs and it didn't look very safe. Not that the safe part really mattered, she was still used to thinking like a human for stuff like that. Then there was the fact that they could get in trouble. Then again she and Kenny could outrun anyone who caught them. She was uneasy about the idea but Kenny looked excited about it and she wanted to make him happy so she put a smile upon her lips and nodded her head. "Okay...If this is what you really want to do Master." She went along with it, following Kenny as he broke into the fence. Claire was the first one beside Kenny and was the first one in when he broke the chain. "There are so many rooms we can choose from..." Claire said with excitement in her voice as they walked across the yard and she walked into the garage where they parked the trucks first. "Where do you want to start first?" She asked as she walked over to the dusty pole the firemen would slide down from. She hooked a bare leg around the pole and spun around it once with a giggle. Then she went to the door into the firehouse and used a bobby pin from her hair to pick the lock. Clearly she and Kenny were experts in breaking into places they didn't belong.
Cindy walked into the garage and watched in awe as Claire spun on the pole. Claire was becoming her idol. She gave a small applause for Claire clapping her hands before her gaze went onto the fire truck while Claire picked the lock.
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