The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

"Oh i'm not hte rich one.. I'm just the one who stole the heart of the girl who live sitn eh mansion." Kenny steased as he looked back to Anna with a wink befeor continueign his convo with his sisters, his hand venturing down Cindys ass as he talked, still in an aroused mood from the dance with Anna.;"I Havent told you becasue the mistress.. she is a little strict about leavign th mansion.. or leting foreigner sin." He whispered, wiatign till they would get intot eh limo before he would break the truth on her. the Limo came and the boy unraveld his arms formt eh girls lettign them step in first befoer he slipep din after lettignt eh driver clos ethe door., "Soo what do you feel like eating?" HE asked openly to the three girls.

The drow seemed to let ehr work her own little magic on his member, his hand clutchign a ballof ehr hari as she squirmed. "Now now take ti all in." HE grunted otu as he shoved hsi cock up thehr throat, movign easier then usual as hsi member curved up as if it were goign itno a pussy, he held her there, lettign her gag and gugrle for a few secodns befoer slowly pullign otu to let her continue her work,. "and go ahead and try and bite.. do you think i can even feel pain any more?"
Claire listened to Kenny's explaination with great interest. Cindy blushed when she felt his hand on her rear but kept quiet. "Mistress? Mansion?... If I didn't know any better It would sound like you moved into a whore house." Claire joked as she got into the limo. Of course Cindy sat next to Kenny and Anna sat across from him next to Claire. The girls were quiet when Kenny asked about food. Once again Cindy found herself strangely without an appetite for food. Anna and Claire were waiting for the other to answer. After a good long pause Claire finally spoke. "I haven't had italian in a while. How about Olive Garden." She suggested. The limo started and Anna whom was still rather lustful for Kenny from the dance, and in a playful mood, got up and settled herself on Kenny's lap, spreading his legs so she could cross hers in between. Cindy snickered but tried hiding it. "Tell me more about this mansion?" Claire said as she sat back, crossing her legs. Anna had her back hand settled on Kenny's leg but subtly and slowly drug it down over his thigh towards his crotch which was hidden behind her skirt and legs. "Did the Mistress give you that or was it..?" "Anna.." Anna smiled to Claire giving her her name. It was at that time her hand found its target as she gave his bulge a little squeeze.
"you really cant wait?" KEnny whispered to anna happily as she sat upon his lap, his own hand carressign ehr inner thigh, nothing too dirty abotu that for a lovign couple he figured, kissing Anna uponteh neck as the girsl spoke, only leaving ehr flesh ass Claire asked her question, only to gasp and squirm under Anan as she foudn her toy. "I... I'm assuming your talkign abut the collar." Kenny said in a broken voice, clearing his throat befeor tugging on it. "The mistress found out about my... condition.. it resurfaced... so she has me wear this so i dotn go out of control." Kenny explaiend knowign full well that his sister knew about his lyncanthrope, figuring she would be fine whens he foudn out baout what Anna and Cindy were and yet he still seemd to drag it out, it was a slightly uncomfortable subject to talk about, or more, awkward subject.
The candle continued to drip onto her most private area, streams flowing on new side of the candle creating new paths down her pussy causing her to constantly shiver and squirm. It was taking more concentration to keep herself steady as well as to get him off. Then she felt his thick cock push down her throat. She was startled and gaged. Her body squirmed like a worm, her chest arching out first then her hips. The wax splatter on her thighs and she sucked in hard which only help him delve deeper down her throat. The only good that came from this was that the candle would take a little time before it had a constant flow to drip on her again. He pulled out slowly and she sucked in a deep breathe of air through her nostrals. Her eyes grew wide when he spoke again, in fact she actually paused her tongue work to register what he had just said. He couldn't feel it if she bite him? Was this some sort of test on whether she would actually do it? If he couldn't feel her bite then he wouldn't feel pleasure either she rationalized and that could not possibly be true. At least she did not think so. She did not want to take the chance. Marine began to feel her tongue over his scars once more as she concentrated on breathing through her nose and sucking hard on his head. She even added random moaning and groaning to add to his pleasure, doing all she could think of to get him off more quickly. All the while she was thinking about his scars. How did he get them? A tough man could bare scars but a real man, someone who could take anything had them on his manhood. Was she actually thinking something positive about him? Then something even more startling hit her. Look what she was doing. She was actually trying her best to get him to cum. How did it come to this? No one had ever had so much control over her and still had her working willingly. She could feel her body growing hotter again, what was he doing to her?
"you did well mistress, she definatly knows how to workher mouth"Ferus complimented Victoria as his body finaly shoiok witht eh first sign of pleasure, only to let his precum seep out"lick it up, taste the prize that is soon to come"HE mused shovign hsi cock deepe rinto her mouth, teasing hsi own little cock by rubbign it agiasnt he bacfk of her throat, his bolody shaking more moan as he let out a heavy breath, the drows ears seemgin to droop slighhlty befoer he shove dhsi cock down her throat again forcing it alt eh way in and even more so that even hehis balsl were held hin her mouth as he spray down her throat directly to her stomahc as he rocked bakc and forth groanign as hsi balsl rubbed in her mouth befroe he begna pulling otu to fill her mouth with cum as thgravity also tried to take ahold and mak ethe cum driop out of her htroat.
Anna tilted her head slightly to the side as Kenny left warm kisses on her flesh. She had a sheepish smile upon her lips as she was quite clearly enjoying it. However his hand caressing her thigh was the biggest tease to her. She wanted more but didn't think he would go any further in front of his sister. She acted innoscent as if nothing had happened when his voice broke. On the inside she was giggleing with success. Her grip release and she gently rubbed her hand up and down the bulge. She could feel him getting hard under his pants. When Cindy felt Kenny squirm beside her she glanced down and saw Anna's hand. Her cheeks turned pink and she quickly turned her head away looking to the side and down to give them a little privacy, and to hold her tongue about what was going on. She was not very good with keeping secrets.
"Are you feeling alright?" Claire asked Kenny as he was acting a little strange. "Maybe I should visit your mansion one day. I would like to meet the woman who can keep my little brother on a leash." She added amused. It was at that moment the limo slowed to a stop as they were at the restaraunt.

"I wish I could take the credit." VIctoria stated as she watched the two with a lustful eye. "As I have stated before, she just arrived today. There was not time for any other training. Your pet must be a slut." The Mistress smirked.
Marine grew excited when she tasted the precum and his heavy breathes were music to her ears. He was going to cum soon. Her eyes squeezed shut and she did all she could to try not to gag as he shoved down her throat again. Her groaning were practically silenced by his girth and shivers ran through her as she felt his scars and head rubbing against her throat. She took a single deep breathe then she shoved his monster of a cock all the way in and came. She was both startled and excited from it. Her body instinctively twitched which resulted in a cry against his sac as more wax splattered. Her toes curled against the pole and she began to swallow hard and quickly to keep herself from chocking. Her cheeks were filled like a squirl from his sacs. Then he finally pulled out and she gasped for air, swallowing as much as she could as he pulled out. He had so much though that she ended up coughing lightly and spitting a bit of it out of the floor towards his feet. Marine stared at his cum and scare covered cock as she panted lightly, looking almost impressed he could release so much cum.
"The Iron is ready." Victoria told Kenny as she stood by the back wall and continued to watch.
"No... Anna here doesnt know how to keep her hand to herself." KEnny mused givingAnna an accusing glare befoer kissign ehr on the lips, hs hand slipping uner her skirtt as they stopped . "WE shoudl get up." He whispered on Annas lips, giving her hte choice to finish this here or in the restraunt, god knows they woudl do it in the bathroom easily. His head pullign sloly from Annas to reply to Claire. "No, it wouldn't be a good idea to meet the msitress, believe me when i say im lucky to not be dead right now...cindy well Cindy knows what im talking about." HE said eyeing Cindy though she was lookign away so he said ti himself. "Claire, you and I are the only living beigns in thsi car rigth now." he said finaly deciding to break the secret, knowing it would comeout sooenr or later tonight, though even withe awkwardness int he air now he still rubbed Annas panties his thumb and pinky caressignt erh inner thigh whiel his midle figner pushe dher panties in to form a camel toe.

Teh drow leaned forward ashe blew out he candles makign sure to blow hard enough to let the rest of the wax splash out grin as he watche dhe reaction befeor graspignt eh candle, or what was left with it and yanked as hard s he could lettignt eh wax that hardedn arodn ti pull at ehr flesh, rpingin any hair, is ff she had any, off form aroudn her tender area, still soem drops fo red wax staye don her flesh which he idnt bother to pull off as he te armired how the wavx had begun makgin a mold of her inards. "Soo mmy mistress, what symbol hav eyou diecided to giv emy pet?" HE asked curiously, stepign over and picking up the red hot brandign iron, examing it closlely.
Anna gave an innoscent smile to Kenny's accusation, though it was her turn to gasp when she felt his hand reach her nether region. "But I'm not hungry." She complained soflly as she gave him another soft kiss. "At least not for food." She added teasing him.
Claire watched their display of affection with amusement and she payed attention to Kenny's explaination. There was an eeiry silence that filled the still limo. She looked over Cindy now noticing her unusually pale complection, then she looked over Anna who looked normal enough to her. Then she began to laugh. "My little brother spent all those years studying the supernatural and trying to prove their existance. And now he is trapped in a mansion filled with the supernatural." She mused. "You have to admit it is a little ironic."
Anna and Cindy stared at her surprised she took the news so lightly. Anna was more surprised that Kenny was open to his sister about their teasing. He could feel the line between her camel toe growing wetter with each stroke. The driver had gotten out of the car and soon opened the side door. Claire was the first to get out. Cindy scurried out quickly after her. Anna didn't want to move, his teasing felt so good and she was ready to shut the door and pounce on Kenny. After a good long second she gave a sigh and stood up. She leaned in and whispered in his ear. "Tease me for too long and I might find an attractive waitor inside." She winked to him as she got out the limo with the other girls.

"Hahh" Marine gasped, sucking in air, her body tensing as he blew out the candle. Another wave of heat tingled through her body. Then without warning he ripped the candle from her tender pussy and her hips bucked up, her head flew back and she let out a small scream. It was all quick, like ripping off a bandaid. As her body hung and began to relax again she could feel her pussy twitch, the inside unbelievably moist and now heated from where the wax had been. At this point she would give anything to have something wet or cool on her pussy. Anything that wasn't hot would do. She couldn't believe how she was feeling right now, sticky, hot, helpless and she would never speak it aloud but her body was showing every sign of being aroused. And as she looked across the room most of those were consumed with fear.
"I believe your personal seal is most appropriate in this situation." Victoria replied as the branding had a sort of shield on it with an elaborately decorated F.
"Oh come on, you know you don't need a waitor." Kenny whsipered to her as he came out behind her, bitign ehr ear lobe befeor pullign away tohea dinside, gettign a table and leting eht girsl sit down befeor geting intto eh booth as well. "You girls don't worry about hiding any thing, Claire is the closest of my siblings, she is three years older and well.. the most accepting oh my, issue..a nd well" Kenny paused tryign to think of how to say this. "you know what iw as doign to you int eh car.. ya she taugth me that, he said slyly." lets jsut say witht eh two of us, it seems are perversness is genetic." HE chuckle dout as eh began reading through the menu as if this were a normal conversation.

"Of course i gues that is fitting" HE mused a she turned to eh girl spinnign the brand in his hand as he circled the prey, eying her nude body. "mmm but where to put it, i gues if i get bore di cna heal you nd brand you agian." He pondered out as he stopepd infornt of ehr and crouched infrotn of her, lookign her eye to eye. "so where does my pet want it? you knwo .. i bave the perfect area." HE said overing the white hot mtal right above her clit between that are and ehr belly button. "I think thsi is the perfect place." HE muse dout as he slowly pressed the iron onto her snow white flessh, chucklign lightly as he hear dthe sizzle. "lets tarnish that perfect body of yours."
CIndy and Anna slide into the booths first. Then Claire slide in next to Cindy and Kenny was next to Anna. "I suppose I should be thanking her then." Anna smiled to Claire. "That's what big sisters are for" She said feeling a little modest now as Kenny explained their relationship. "Does that mean you two... you know?" Cindy asked curiously, her cheeks flushed again as she imagined Kenny playing around with his sister. She was a little jealous as she looked at Claire again. His sister was pretty and clearly knew what she was doing. Soon the waitor came, a young but slightly attractive waitor. Anna flirted lightly with him as he took their orders and winked to him as he left. She thought making Kenny a little jealous would be fun both now and when they got past the foreplay.

Although she tried to hide her fear, Marines body shivered lightly as he circled his pray. She knew he was doing it to play with her, intimidate her and it was working. She swallowed hard as he crouched down and found that her throat was dry. Her eyes narrowed in his almost defiantly, then grew wide as she could feel the heat of the iron brushing over her pelvis. She pulled her hips back trying to escape it until the pole stopped her in place. "Not there." She said quickly shaking her head. " Please NoHOTT!" Her scream filled the room as he pressed the iron against her skin. Her wrists and legs tugged at the chains and her eyes became glossy. She clenched her teeth together and whimpered and groaned while the chuckles of both the drow and the Mistress filled her ears.
Kenny gave a deathly look to the waitor til he left, it was obvious he was the type to get jealous easily, atlest when he was outside of the mansion, every male seeme dto be an enemy to him, especiialy after the trouble at the rave, though witheh waitor goen and the privacy back he put a grin on hsi face."believe me you don;t know how many times i tried as a teen." HE chuckeld out, a hand runnign on Anna's thigh before slippign into her panties and skirt to go straigth fo her clit, pinching it betweein hie index and middle finger. "No, I have never inserted it inot my sister, though we have doen much dirtier acts." He mused as he reminised bakc int he day "I'm sure she woudl be willign to teahc you Cindy, if you're really that curiously." THe boy said witha sly smirk as he looked over to his 'personal maid'.

It was a good long minute befeor he puleld the brandign iron away, tossign it tot eh wall witha crashign clang as eh slowly move dto examint he fresh wound, stickignotu hsi tongue and running it over hte F to taste her cooked flesha dn tease the wound before he took a step back looking at teh danglign girlwwith hsi oen exposed white eye and a wicked grin on his face, a snap of his fingers asn the chains formt eh ceilodign and floor disapeard , leting ehr fall with ehr wrists still bound and the pole still strapepd one rh knees. "Now then, tell me... have you ever taken it form behind?" Ferus asked as he circle dher again, looking over to Victoriia. "And have you ever done it with a girl and a guy?" HE mused , gesturign fro Victoria to look througthe bag for soem toys.
Anna was amused when she saw Kenny's reaction to the waiter. It was a little cruel but she liked making him jealous, she found it a turn on. She gasped as he found her clit and her legs instinctively closed slightly before she spread her legs wide in the booth. "Mmmm.... sound like some interesting stories." Anna said as her back arched slightly in the booth. Cindy's eyes light up when Kenny mention Claire teaching her. Then she grew shy. "I am sure she is busy with school or work." Cindy said Claire smirked as she watched the three. "I wouldn't mind. I would love to get to know those close to Kenny a little better." She said as her hands began to rub Cindy's thigh. Anna could feel that she was going to have her first orgasm soon as he played with her clit, too much foreplay and she need to do something about it. "Escuse me, I need to go to the restroom." She said looking over to Kenny so he could slide out the booth.

Her muscles seemed to relax a little with relief when he pulled the iron away. Her body shuddered as his tongue ran over the wound. She opened her eyes to look up at his white eye and wicked grin. He was powerful and completely madd and he was going to be her master. It was starting to sink into her mind that she did not think she could escape him. And the marking he just made proved to the rest of the world she belonged to him now. He snapped his fingers and she fell to the ground with a thud. For a moment she just lied on her back, breathing harshly. Then she pulled herself up into a sitting position. She looked down at the marking as he circled her, her hand gingerly feeling the flesh around it. She did not respond to either answers immediately, she was debating in her mind whether the truth was a good answer. "No." She breathed out "I have not done either." She repiled. She sort of examined herself as she sat there. It was embarrassing how wet she was from his training and she felt so hot between her legs it was hardly bearable. She felt as if she were in heat or had just come in for the desert. "I need water." She stated looking up at him. "I am a water nymph, if you have not forgotten." Her fiesty spirit seemed to come back now. "If I am going to be any use to you then I need water." She told him as if it was for her health. She was hoping it would both cool her body down as well as calm it down.
Victoria watched the whole thing and was convinced now that the price she paid for this rare nymph was well worth it. "By the way she gave you oral earlier I would say the little slut is lying." She mused as she walked over to the bag to look at the goodies he brought.
"WEl then I willg et it Okayed witht eh mistress, Cindy can visit you tomorrow night." Kenny said witha nod as if everythign were settled, grinning as anna tried to nudge her way out. "Ya thats a good idea, I shoudl wash up before dinner." Kenny explaiend as he slippe dout of the booth waitign for Anna tog et otu and follow her, almost too obvious with his intentions.

"Thats true, and she obviously wasnt a virgin." Ferus explaiend outload as he looked a teh gcnadle ont eh floor and the girsl wet pussy, void of any blood. "I just fed you more then enough liquid." Ferus rebuttled , knockign down Marines plea for water, he would give ti to ehr, but not now, she wasn't broken, not all the way, the drow croushed down as he slunk towards her his eye looking at her wet pussy. "If you need any liquid, you cna suck it out of me again, if not then let me get tot he main lesson.
" HE said as eh stopepd inforn of ehr, hsi hands on ehr kness as he crousche dunder the bar, inchign his way closer to ehr pussy.
"WEl then I willg et it Okayed witht eh mistress, Cindy can visit you tomorrow night." Kenny said witha nod as if everythign were settled, grinning as anna tried to nudge her way out. "Ya thats a good idea, I shoudl wash up before dinner." Kenny explaiend as he slippe dout of the booth waitign for Anna tog et otu and follow her, almost too obvious with his intentions.

"Thats true, and she obviously wasnt a virgin." Ferus explaiend outload as he looked a teh gcnadle ont eh floor and the girsl wet pussy, void of any blood. "I just fed you more then enough liquid." Ferus rebuttled , knockign down Marines plea for water, he would give ti to ehr, but not now, she wasn't broken, not all the way, the drow croushed down as he slunk towards her his eye looking at her wet pussy. "If you need any liquid, you cna suck it out of me again, if not then let me get tot he main lesson.
" HE said as eh stopepd inforn of ehr, hsi hands on ehr kness as he crousche dunder the bar, inchign his way closer to ehr pussy.
"Thank you Master" Cindy said happily. However, when Kenny and Anna stood up to leave she began to feel a little awkeward being left alone with Claire, even if it was supposedly for a few minutes. As Anna walked towards the bathrooms she noticed the waitor returning with their drinks. She made sure that Kenny was close behind and that she would brush pass the waitor. She gave the poor boy a pat on the bottom as she passed and he nearly dropped the trey when Kenny passed by him. Anna snickered to herself. Tonight really was fun. As they approached the bathroom doors she stopped against the wall between the two doors. "You know, you don't have to go in there to wash up." She told him as she nodded her head towards the man's door. "I can wash your hand for you." She said as she took his hand that he was teasing her with earlier and slide her tongue up his middle finger.

"I am not lying. Nymphs are known to be a naturally sensual race, however even I have boundries." she tried defending herself before he threw her request down. "That does not count." She sounded a little irritated now that he would deny her. Really it was more that she could not control how her body felt. "It is not the same." She shook her head as he crouched down offering more of his cum to her. As her crawled under the bar she wanted to back away, but there was no wheres to go and looking fearful would not help he was enjoying this too much. Her blue hair fell over her chest like curtains as her eyes met his. Her hands slide further down past the marking to cover her pussy. She could feel the heat from her pussy on her hands. "What are you trying to teach me this time?" She tried to keep her voice soft and calm now. She tried to appear fearless even though her heart felt like it was beating through her chest the closer he came to her. It was like a predator finally coming upon its pray and if it was a roleplay game then she imagined it would be the hottest she had ever played. This wasn't a game though, it was real.
Even if the waitor didnt drop the drinks from Annas action, he surely did when Kenny intentionaly bumpe dinto the boy, knockign himt ot he ground without evne a glance, the boys mood quickly lightenign as he walekd with anna, nearly pinnign her tot eh wall asshe likce dhis fineger. "Wellt ehn.. why dont i go in wiht you.. make sure there arent any.. perverts itneh womens stalls." HE whispered slyly, pushignt eh girls dooropen wiht hsi free hand.

"I'm going to teach you.." THE drow paused hin hsi scentence a she slinekd up so his lips wher brushign on hers, one hand on her shoudler to keep her pressed tot eh wall in her sittign position while the otehr pinched and twisted at her clit without restraint, pullin a the sensative nub as if tryign to tear it off. "I'm goignt o teach you to crave for me, to hugner for my body and my touch, to enjoy it as much as you enjoy your precious water." HE hisse dotu upon her lips.
"Hmm your right... it will be safer if you come in with me." She agreed as she stepped sideways and walked backwards through the door. Then she finally turned to walk in the bathroom and look around to make sure no one else was there. She paused though when she came to the first stall. "With all that talk about perverts... Im a little scared to look." She said now acting a little afraid. "You should look first."

The back of her head pressed against the wall as his lips teased over hers. She resisted every desire to allow them to meet while her had her pinned against the wall. Then his greedy fingers went past her hands and found her nub. She gasped as he began to pinch and pull her sensative clit, which was extra sensative now after the candle wax peeled off. "Ohhh...Not s-s-so rough-ah... pleassse." Her voice was shaky. Her hips lifted up towards her hand and her cuffed hands found a place pushing against his chest. Each little twist and tug sent a shock of painful yet erotic pleasure through her. She could not take how her body was reacting to his fingers, and his words were only helping her work towards her first climax. "Ughh..." She almost pressed her lips to his just to silence herself, it would be shameful to actually moan from this, not to mention it would be giving into him. She caught herself turning her head to the side. Her eyes squint shut and she pursed her lips in to swallow a moan that faught to come out.
"alright, fine le tyour big strong gaurdian prtect you from teh dangers of rape." He boaste dotu jokignly as he pushe dopenteh stall, stepped ian and looked around, , stanign otne h toiled to look itne h stall next to them befeor lookign bakc to her. "I don't see any danger, do you wish to yuse thsi one?" HE asked politely.

"OOh coem on, I know you lvoe it rough, the only girls that have goten wet form such torment are my masocists." HE hisse dout one rh lisp before kising ehr, bitting one rh bottom one ashe pulled form th kiss to tug on erh lip while his left hand slipepd off erh shoudler to move to her breast finaly abel to feel over the plump white bosom that had been taungin him for so long as he twiste dher clit one last time befeor his hand seemd to leave ehr pussy, only moments before four figners slamed itno the slit, wigglignt o get into erjh vaginal hole whiel hsi thumb presse don her clit.
"My hero" Anna clasped her hands together as he stepped up on the toilet to check for danger. "No" She shook her head and stepped into the stall next to him that her just checked. "I am going to use this one." She said as she closed to door. She then slide her panties off stood over the toilet crouching down. "Oh dear, i forgot to have the other stall checked. I do hope no one is peeking." She said as her hand slide between her legs and she began to rub her pussy and toy with her clit with her fingers. It felt so good to finally be able to take care of her arousal properly. And the best part was she knew Kenny would be watching. So she made sure to put on a show for him as she moaned loud enough for him to hear but not loud enough to breech past the walls. She leaned her back against the wall arching her body slightly as her fingers worked between her legs. "Mmm... there it is...ohhh" It did not take very long at all before her body shuddered and she came.

His warm lips caught her before she could even open them to speak. Her head felt like it was spinning as she tried to keep up with all that was happening. It could not true. she wasn't a masacist. She didn't like pain, who would? Then again she had never been in this situation. She groaned as he tugged on her lip then let out a heavy breathe. "No-ah" She shook her head the moment her lips were free. Her body began to grow stiff as he grasped her breast. The pressure was building too quickly and there were so many distractions, like whether she really was a masocist or why every time she felt her fingers touched one of his scars she felt her heart skip a beat, she could not concentrate on trying to hold it back. "I mmmmm not a..a.. OHH" She groaned as her hips twitched as he twisted her clit again. She paused to catch her breath before his fingers shoved into her slit. The moment his thumb it her clit it was like pushing a button. Her feet dug into the floor and her back arched up. A moan burst from her lips as she came on his hand.
"Mmm dont mention it." KEnny said with a wink, though is face was confused as she chose a diffrent one, almsot follwoign her in til the door was clsoe dinfotrnt of him, isntea dhe wne intot eh odl tstall to look over and watch as he heard the first groan, his hand already in his pants as he leane don the tip of hsi toes to watc her whiel hsi oteh hand unzippe dhis ants befeor catchignt eh top of the stall so he didnt fall with hsi first spasim fianly letignt he precum out as he began watchign. cumming secodns after she scame, givign off his own little grown as his load spaltered all ofve rhte stall wall.
Anna cleaned herself up a little before slipping her panties on and coming out the stall. She went over to the next stall, peeking into the crack curiously before she poked at the door. It creaked open and she slide into Kenny's stall closing the door behind her. She looked over to the wall and snickered when she saw the cum. "I knew I heard a dirty pervert watching me." She said accusingly. "It's always the good ones. The 'big strong gaurdians' you have to look out for." She teased as she stepped closer until the toilet hit the back of he knees. "You were caught sticky handed" She said as she held up his hand by his wrist. Her head leaned forwards to where their lips were an inch apart. "What do you have to say for yourself?" She asked in a more seductive tone.
The boy just stood there witha smerk as she accused him, though his face still beat red with emberasmentas she moved to him, nearly fallign ont eh toilet as she pinne dhim there now, his lips quickly goign to hers , a peck between each word as he spoek in a hot voice. "I plead...guilty.. of being.. a dirty... little .. pervert.. what is myy punishment?"

"well now.. for soem oen who doenst liek pain and punishment you surely finished quickly." Ferus mused as he pulel dhsi hand otu, letign teh cum drip on ehr body as he slid a figner over her belly, slipign his hand between her breasts befeor trailign up to her mouth and pushign hsi index ititno her motuhth to let ehr tste her juices as he leaned his hip forwrd to rub his cock agaisnt her pussy , his whole body shivering with excitment now as he begna pushign in slowly, enjoyignt he feelign though he had slippe dhis head in quickly.
"MMmm.." She kissed him one last time before she leaned in to whisper into his ear "Payback" She hissed as her tongue slide over his ear. Her hands went to his shoulders and she pushed him down onto the seat. "How about payback for the poor victim." She suggested as she lifted her foot onto his leg. Her skirt instantly rose up giving him a clear panty shot. "You invaded her privacy making the poor girl feel exposed." Her leg siide down to the side and she lifted her other leg over his so that she stratled him. She sat down and smirked as she began to unbutton his shirt while she spoke. "It's only fair that you sit here while she takes advantage of your body." She said as her hands slide up his chest "Lets give the dirty pervert a taste of his own medicine." She coed as her hands slide over and behind his shoulders. "Don't you agree?" She asked as her lips found his neck where she began to leave warm kisses.

Her body fell back against the floor as she came down from the climax. If her face was not already flushed from his torments it would have been apparent that she was blushing as he slide her sticky cum up her body, reminding her of how much she seemed to have liked it or at least her body did. "It wasn't the pain-" She breathed out as his finger trailed near her lips, she stopped herself near the end of the sentence. "You forced it upon me." She accused him before his finger silenced her, for once she was almost grateful he shut her up before she said something she would regret. Her hips instinctivly shifted slightly against his cock as he teased her and her body shuddered as she knew what would be coming next. "Mmmm!" Her arms came up to her chest and she groaned into his finger as she felt him push into. Her feet planted into the ground and her back arched slightly. She was wet enough to have some lubrication but her pussy was tight enough that he would have to stretch her to get in. "H-how many 'girls' do you have?" She asked as she tilted her head up away from his finger and tried to turn the conversation away from her.
"Oh no.. please no." Teh boy whimpere dotu as his shirt was taken off."Its no good if imt eh one beign exposed" He cried out as if in pain, befero chuckling out as he couldnt hold hsi character any more, lifitn his arms up to rub her hips as his shirt held his elbows together like a rope, he could slip it of if her wanted but it was more fun to act bound, hsi body shiverign as she kisse dhis neck
"Oh too many to count, thsi mistress isnt the only mansion i train at, i workt he whole underground." HE explaiend as he pushe dhsi cock in deeper , gasping as the first of hsi scars rubebd agsint eh enterance of her pussy, they were slightly mroe sensative then his oehr flesh and it actcted lieka ridged dildo. "Though you, you are defiantly one to keep, i dont think i have any mroe females that i actualy own." HE said as eh tried to think whiel twisint gher mouth, his cock pushign in deeper,it wasnt thinck, defiantly not as thick as Kennys but he didnt nee dhte size to pleasure a girl.
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