The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

"You liek it dont you, whynot have more!" He grunte dotua s he clamed harder and harder down her throat gaspign every time hsi memerb bent to fit intot eh fleshy tunnel, so much diffrent then a pussy, so much wetter and teh metal ring that his the base of his balls mad ehim shudder every tiem . "c'mon groan liek the slut youare!" EH yele dotu to ehr as he healed hsi cock in her throat for nearly half a minut, keepign her form breathginbefoer he pulled out , givign her only a few seocdns to cath her breath befeor rammign abck in for the fianly as he shot his cum dipp ino her thrat down to ehr stomach lettign ti flood her as eh pulled out, watchginte h cum seep from her open mout, stroking his memebr to let one splurt hit her face before shocign ig back itno her mouth and forcign ehr to take antoerh load as he pound her thraoat for a good 3 mintues befoer lettign loose agian, thsi tiem pullign otu quicker to let mroe cover the huinters face. "mmm look at that slut, coveed in ehr enemies cum, can youfeel my sperm in your stomahc you whore?" he barke dout at her ashe leaned downt o untie one of ehr legs, putign ti over hsi shoudler and presign agasitt her to let his member press agsitn her pussy, thougthe weigth caused the chair to topple backwards , the beast never loosign hsi fotoign as he now slumepd over her her free leg nearly bent ot tuch her chest." such a flexible whore, i'm goign to have fun with you." He growled otu as his hands slamed otn eh ground next to ehr head, hsis feet catchign tractiona s eh slamemd itno ehr pussy without a care the human length only rammign hard itot he enterance of ehr cervix unable to break it open with si length, nto yet atleast.
"Noo" She tried to speak but it was nothing but groans and whimpers as he slammed harder into her throat. She could feel him slideing in and out her throat and hear the sounds of his balls hitting against her face and the pure pleasure he was getting from this. It was absolutely degrading. She groaned as he yelled at her, chils ran trough her, she could not believe she was actually doing this despite the fact she didn't have a choice. Her face slowly turned red as he held himself down her throat. She squirmed in the chair whimpering as she struggled to breath. Her thighs twitching at how unbielievably hot her pussy felt. Ruby sucked in air quickly before it was cut off again as she felt a rush of warm liguid quickly flowing down her throat. Silent tears grew in her eyes, she wasn't crying, it was just a natural reaction as she swallowed trying to catch a breathe whenever she could. She coughed through the gag splurting cum from her mouth as her chest heaving up as she caught her breath. Ruby closed her eyes when he came in her face then to her disbeilef he shoved himself back in and pounded into her throat until he came again. She whimpered and gasped for air the whole time, she tried to catch control of the situation and work him but he was too rough for her to keep up. Soon his hot sticky cum was dripping from her face and lips and sticking to her torn clothes and stomache. She looked down at her stomache as he spoke, her face pure red from the expierience as she breathed heavily through the gag. Her only relief was the thought the he was threw cumming.
She moaned as he pulled her leg up to her chest, stretching her musles a bit further than comfortably. Then the chair flew back and everything happened so fast. The wire to the clamp on her clit tugged as she fell back the ripped from her sensative nub just as he forced his length all the way into her tight pussy. Ruby screamed out, her body lifting into a deep arch and tensed. Her thin body trimbled under him as her inner walls gave his cock a death grip due to his head hiting against her entrance and the blood rushing back into her clit. She wasn't a virgin, but right now it was very hard to tell the difference.
"OH GOD SOOO TIGHT!!" The wolf boy groaned otu loadly as he held hsi memeber in her, shuddering as her pussy clenched tigtha roudn him. "you migth not be a slut now. but by tomorrow morning, you will be.. oh you will be.. i promis you.." Kenny growled out with eager ness pullign out slowly and shovign in hard again it was repatative but pelasurabel as he tore at her tight vagianl hoel slammign at her cerivx every time threatenign to ente but never breakgin through he lvoed the feelign of hsi sensatvie head rammign agaisnt her flresh, hearign the slappign soudns and as he did so he bit at her suple leg flesh, leavign read circled bite marks that never broke ehr skin every where one hr inner leg after he anekd off herboot, lickjign over hte tender flesh before bitting down again, his hands movign fom the floro to her breasts to dig his fingers in and every time he pulel dotu he would pull her breasts up, every tim she arched her bakc he would pll her breasts higher forcign her to keep ehr bakc arched afew more secodns befeor he woudl let go and then once mroe dig into her flesh.
She whipered rolling her head in protest against his words. Her body slowly came down as he slowly pulled out, it shuddered as her inner walls stretched even as his thick member pulled out. Then her hips bucked up against him as he slammed back down. She cried out again, then this time not as loud as her walls stretched trying to make room for him. A shock of erotic pain sent up her spine as he hit her entrance again. She could not believe he was this big as a human. Her leg twitched each time he took a bit into her soft flesh. His rough tongue tickled the skin and his prickly teeth made her legs tingle. Her back arched up every time he pounded into her. Each time she cried out as he hit her cervix fear clear in her eyes each time as he rammed her as if he was trying to break through. She whimpered as he clawed his nails into her breasts. It was another painful sensation that made her body oddly hot and aroused and constantly on edge. The pain and estasy that he placed on her body. That mixed with the former play of the clamp on her clit was too much for her body to take. She was quickly growing pressure and tensing up. She groaned trying hard to hold it in but there was no use. It only took a few minutes of his hard pounding before she tensed, arched her back and came hard on him.
the boy groaned otu releasign hsi load at he enteranc eof ehr cervix as she cliamxed, his claws drawign drops of blood form hos hard her gripped her but nothign that woudltn close ina few seocnds as he took hsi ahdns off, keepign hsi memebr in her as he moved to reach for hte piercign box, makign quick work as he stabbed a needle itno ehr cluti watchgin her convolse and squirt more cum in her from jsut he sheer pelasure of watchign her in pain as he looped the hook form teh chain on ehr breast to eh clit so now when her breast jiggeld the clit woudl be aynked., the boy leaned forward to whiserd to her now as he slid two figners in her mouth runnignt hem ove r her tongue so she coudl taste her blodoa nd her juices tha the accumiliate don hsi fingers from piercign her down there. "i've climaxed thre tiems and im still hard, if this is my human stamina.. think how long the beast in me will last." He growled out hsi eye sflickering for a seocnd before he naked out of ehr pussy, hsi hand turnign itnoa claw to strike a the bottom of the chair and break it, her hands still cuffed tot eh bakc of the chair which had been unharmed, lifitneh girls ass up by grabbign her legs and yankgint hem int eh air to expose her tigth asss, as he put her leg son his shoulders, his left hand keepgin a tigth grip on ehr left leg as he massaged it hwile hsi rigth positioned hsi cocka t her anus and began shocvign in, he wasnt goign to let the girl get a break, once her was all teh way in he tosse dher leg off hsi shoudler , ducking hsi head down and with inhuamn force picked upa nd twiste dher body so she spuna nd her chest slamed ontot he cold cement,t he whole tiem his memebr still in ehr tigth anus, the spin tearign at her walls evne with the lubrication of hsi three lyaers of cum., they ere now basicaly doggy style unil her looped an arm aroudn ehr chest pullign at he shchain as he hugged her to hsi boyd aand stood , clumsily he got his footign as he walekd htem over to the mirror window he hoped Victoria was sill in as he ramemd the girl agsitne h window lettign go ogf her as gravity force him evne deepr, presign hsi back agisnt her tied arms as he whispered to ehr. "i will fill yoruintestines with my sperm, so much that all youw il shit for a week will be my fluids."
She moaned through the gag, her eyes wide in surprise as he came inside her. She flenched briefly as she felt his claws pierce the skin though it didn't feel much different then it had before. Her hips lurched up against him and her body gave a small spasm as she threw her head back screaming out as he pierched her clit. It was the most sensative part of her body and it was extrasensative since she had not even had time to calm down from her climax. Ruby whimpered through the gag breathing heavily as he attached the piercing and came even more inside her. Her tongue slide on his fingers as he pushed them in her mouth. She swallowed hard letting out what sounded like a moan in response as he mentioned that this was basically him being easy on her. Ruby relaxed for a brief moment as he pulled out of her, a rush of cum drained from her pussy as he broke the chair. He lifted her legs up and she looked up, letting out little sounds from her throat as she saw the chain on her breast pull at her clit and noticed what he had done.
Her eyes grew wide as she felt his head press against her puckered hole and she shock her head frantically trying to talk in protest before he pushed in. Once again her back arched as she cried out in pain. Her tight walls felt like they were taring as they squeezed his cock. His arms then curled under her back and another scream escaped throat as he sent her twisting on his cock. Chills of painful pleasure shuddered through her body as she hit the cement. She let out a huff of breathe, the wind feeling as if it had been knocked from her and she panted as he pulled her up against him. Her body constantly shivered in his arms and wimperes filled the air as he carried her. She jumped and her anal walls tightened briefly every time the chain tugged on her clit, which was at least every other step. He was not giving her a break and it drove her mind crazy between the pain an how horny she felt from it. It was confusing and frustrating. All the guys she had been with before were soft and easy on her so this was complete new and extreme. The next sound she heard was her sweaty body hitting against cold glass. "Aghh" Her voice shuddered as she slide down the glass taking his cock in even deeper. She closed her eyes. The rings on her nipples scraped against the glass sending vibrations through her chest. She shook her head groaning as he spoke in her ear. His words sent chills through her. As she opened her eyes with her face pressed against the glass she could see through it.

The woman whom she was in trouble for attacking was sitting in a chair with lust and joy in her scarlet eyes as she stared straight at Ruby. Below her, under her dress she could see a male eating the vampires pussy. Ruby blushed pulling her head back quickly so all she could see was black glass in front of her again. She could not believe the Mistress was watching all of this and was enjoying it as if it was a live action porn flick.
"I',m goign to forc eyou to enjoy thsi." Kenny growld out as hsi figner flicked aat her niple beell, chuckligna the ring and clank as it hsi the glass with every flick. "I'm not takign my cock out till you climax again." HE threatned as he licked her ear, glancign througthe glass to see Victoria as hif free hand slammed Ruby's face ot eh glass, look, look at yoru prey enjoys wathcign yoru torment." he demanded as he moved hsi hand form the bell to the chaina nd began tugign on it with 1 seocnd intervals for nearlya whoel minute utnil he decided to instead massage her breast which still straiend and yanekd at her chain., the grindign in her anus actualy becomign harder as the cum dried form the frictiona nd it was soon jsut skin to skin scrapigna gsitn each other.
He could smell the fear and arousal in the air as he held her up against the glass. He could even taste it in her sweat as when he licked her ear. Ruby groaned as he flicked at the bell. It jingled and clanked against the glass sending erotic vibrations though her chest in ways she had never felt before. The ringing was the worst part. The sound forced a pleasure through her chest and was a constant reminder of the piercings. It had not been on her for long and it was already getting to her. She groaned even louder in fear when he made his threat. She kicked her dangling feet desprately trying to mount them on the wall, around his waist and then on his thighs in an attempt to push herself up as gravitly helped him pound deep into her tight hole. Her feet failed at every attempt as his weight alone held her high above the ground.
Ruby flinched he pressed her face against the glass. Her eyes met with Victoria's wicked stare. She closed them quickly but could still feel Victoria's eyes watching her. Just knowing the woman was watching felt dirty. Her eyes opened and she fought against him, pulling her head back away from the glass as she felt a tug on her clit. A deep moan escaped the gag. Her knees pushed together curling up as he continued to tug on the chain with out a break.The one long minute felt much longer. He forced light moans and louder whimpers now out of her as he relentlessly tugged at her sensative clit and nipple. It felt so good, the intensity of it was almost too good. Then she felt his fingers grasp around her breasts adding to the pleasure that flowed though her upper body. She hated how he tormented her with the pleasure, making her look like a slut moaning as he pounded into her anus.
Her toes curled under her as muffled yelps and groans became more frequent between her moaning. As the pleasure grew from his hands the pain also increased as his thick cock scrapped against her tight walls painfully pushing in and out where he clearly did not fit. She tried relaxing to help adjust to his size but the tugs on her clit made her walls twitch and hug against him making it worst for herself and better for him.
"mmm listen to thos emoans, you must get off in fear and pain, sucha masocistic slut." Kenny teased as he bit at her ear befopereo venturign down to let his fangs trail over the skin on hr neck as he thrust into her deepe rand harder, tkaign in a wiff of ehr flesh as he bit her softly, hsi grip on her breaststigth as he let loose a load of cum into ehr anus, though withe h climax hsi body dditn stop , his pace never lsoly though now the obsense sound could be heard as each thrust forced cum deeper itno her anus as wella s pushign it out as he puleld otu beoer thrustign in, ti lubricated him makign him move faster as eh graoedn onto her neck, as was hsi promcise he wasn't going to stop till she climaxed and now he ignroed the bella dnthe clit seeign how it gave her pleasure, he wanted to proilong this anal rape as logna s he could, cumming about every 3 minutes into ehr intestiens , ti was a good work otu and hte boy began sweatign heaviuly as he ran his mouth over her nekc, bitign down every time he came and sucklign until he left a hicky befoer moviogn o to antoerh part of the soft fleh.
She shook her head frantically denying that she could get any pleasure from the way he handled her body. She yelped as he bit her and a shudder ran through her body as his his sharp fangs trailed over her sensative flesh. Her body was tense despite how hard he pounded her as she was prepared and waiting or this fangs to bit down at any moment. She was not prepared however for him to release inside her. Ruby cried out as she pressed her back against him and her head left the glass to roll on her shoulder. Whimpers escaped her throat as he never slowed down. His sharp claws sent painful chills through her chests and despite the all of his cum he was still screwing her back hole harder than ever. Soon she was finding herself actually wishing he would go back to playing with her clit. All the pleasure he had given her before had ceased. All that was left was the sounds of her sweaty body squeeking and shifting against the glass and the sloshing sound of his sacs hitting against her rear and all the cum squirting form her anus. Whimpers and groaning filled the air against the rattling of a chain and ringing of her bell. The sexual music that filled the air was completely embarrassing. She wanted to turn the volume down but she could not stop making the noises. She cried and screamed into the gag, some cries even muffled against the glass each time she felt him spray his warm juices inside her. Each deep climax pressed her clit hard against the glass and forced her legs to flail out below her. Shudders ran up her body as he bit and suckled on her skin, which would heal and fade by his next climax. He was a sexual mastermind and she hated him for it. Despite what her mind thought her body remained aroused and the pressure continued to slowly build. His lack of pleasurable touches prolonged her second climax to the point where she felt like she would climax at any moment. The pressure was becoming overwhelming and her stomache felt full with his cum. Ruby was whimpering and breathing heavily as her body began giving all the signs of a climax. She was practically begging for it as she clenched her anal wall around his cock hoping to release and end this sooner. Ruby could not believe he had her lustfully craving a climax.
The boy coudl see the signs, he could feel it as she squeezed his cock, her nipples erect as can be, he scould hear it as there were more moans thenscreams now, and he could smell it, oh how he could smell it , his hand slevt her breast now to loosen the gag and let it fall aroudn her neck like a neclace. "beg me to elt you release, beg me to touch you, the sooner you climax,t he sooner im .. tout.. of.. this.. hole." HE demanded pausign at he end of hsi scetence with 4 hard thrusts befeor he climaxe dintoe rh agian, his pace still going,t hough eh was growign fatiured, he definatly was going to have to go werewolf if he wante dtohe energy to keep up this play through the rest fo the nigth and morning.
Ruby stretched her lips with the little time she could after he took the gag out. She was greatful he did so for her jaw had been starting to ache from it. She hardly had much chance to stretch it for long though as concentrated more on her heavy breathing and the vulgur sounds his actions forced from her lips. "Nuu-Uggh-Ohhh-Ah HaH" She graoned and her body grew tense with each hard force he made against her anus. Her piercings and clit hit hard against the glass sending intense chills through her body. She did not want to beg him to cum. It would mean she was giving into his will, I would mean partly that she like or wanted it, and it was degrading. However, she could feel the swishing of his multiple loads in her stomache and she needed to climax so bad it was almost unbearable. He was working her throbbing anus so hard she was ready for it to end, or for her to at least have some relief. "Let me cum... Huh..ahh.. I need to climax, I need reliefah" She moaned as as her sweaty body smeared up and down the glass.
"there we go .. you horny slut." Kenny said in triumph as hands movign to her belly to feel over her sweaty flesh, his tongue runnign over her shoulder, he took his sweet time to runn his fingers over her body finaly trailign to her legs rubbign her inner thy as he kept poundign her, after a long minute his thumb and index finger touched and began twistign art ehr clit to get her off, bittign on ehr shoulder softly as he thrust in and launsched one more slur of cum into her anus., witht he climax done the boy yanked out of her, his eyes glowing orange as he looekd down to her. "mmm now the real fun begins." HE said as he picke dup the remote fromt he table and turned off the ligths.

((iunno if you wana skip the werewolf rape or not but ya))
Her body trembled underneath him to his every touch. She would not admit it aloud but the mere touch of his hand gently roaming over her body felt wonderful with the harsh treatment of her throbing anus. She even found herself lifting her weak legs a little as his hand roamed over her thighs. "Ohh! Right there ahh.." Her voice breathed out a shaky moan as he began playing with her clit, that and the bite were the best feeling in the world right now as itfinally set her off. The moment he came her body tensed and lurched and she screamed louder than before as she ciimaxed hard. Her cheeks burnt red and her body went limp agaist the glass. She let out a sigh of relief as he pulled out of her sour anal hole. He was panting heavily as he stepped back to get the remote she slide down the wall, using it to barely hold herself up against the all as she felt as if all her energy had been drained. Then the lights went out and her eyes grew wide in panic with his words. "No, we've had enough fun!" She protested weakly as she turned to try facing his voice in the dark.

((lol it's up to you whether you want to or not))
((hehe well we need to move on before we forget stuff lol))
a low grow verberated throught eh darkness, soon followed byt the crackign of bones as the boy began to transform, a grough chuckle was heard behind her befeor she was grabbed. It was a show fro the mistress, knowign that he vampiress coudl see the whoel thing int eh dark, and it was great to terrify the girl as he now ravaged her with his savage member. the nigth went on with that , the lycan filling all of her holes and more until about mid-day when he walekd out of the room turnign ont eh lights, naked and exhausted, his body was covered in all sorts of fluids a she closed the door behidn him and headed to his room, sliding into hsi bath tub and just fallign asleep in the warm water to let the grim soak off of him, knowign in a few hours nigth was goign to fall again and he was obviously goign to have mroe work todo, pluss in a cuple days it was goign to be new years.. and he was hopign to get hout fo the masnsion for that.
Ruby had passed out a few times the Lycan had his fun with her. She lied tied, weak and helpless in the darkness of the empty room clovered in fluids until the next night when someone was able to get her and bring her down to the basement. There she would continue to pay for her crimes against the leader of the vampire clan.
The same night Victoria spent the night rewarding Kenny for the show he had put on for her. Part of the rewards was to give him freedom to go out on a date with two of the girls.
Time passed and December thirty first came quickly. Two excited blondes knelt on each side of Kenny waking him up with a kiss on each cheek. "Good Morning." They greeted him as they waited for him to fully awake.
Kenny opened his eyes slowly, a grin on his face as he felt the lips of hsi two angels. "mmmm new years already." He mused as he sat up in bed, rubbign his eyes. gazing over the girls outfits to confirm his ideas, they definatly seeme dready for the clubs and the parties. one was in a tight yellow strapless tank top, cute pink short shorts and black stockings, whielt he other wore all blue, a collared light blue button up sleevless shirt with a short blue skirt on ligth blue stockigns. (i'll let you choose who's wearign what) "so eager, hav eyou fed already Cindy? we don't nee dyou going out of control aroudn all those people." He said as he slipped pased the girls to get dressed.
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((hehe wooo for yugioh giving me clothign ideas))
"Mm hmm.." Cindy nodded her head reassuringly to Kenny "Yes Master." She spoke lightly, a little embarrassed that he had to worry about her losing control. "I fed last night." She reassured him confidently that there would not be any problems like that. Her eyes shifted away from him towards the corner modestly as he changed his clothes. "Where are we going first?" Anna asked as she watched him change clothes, having no problems checking over his body as he did so. She crawled forwards towards the foot of the bed as the two girls waited for Kenny to finish getting ready. Anna was in the yellow outfit while Cindy wore all blue.

((Its not much, may take a few posts to get back into the characters ))
((its all good , its been a while))
Kenny glanced over his shoulder to smirk and wink at anna as she watched him, buttonign hsi shirt as he replied. well I was thinking a club first, work up a sweat, maybe find soem fun to take to a motel if not jsut enjoy ourselves soem where outside of the mansion, i have a great rave place i know that is packed every new years eve. and if you two want we can go some where to eat, i know you two dont ahve to but coem on i know you two enjoy some good food every so often... not saying outr lovely cook isnt godo.." by the time he was done with his scentence he had snuck over to cindy and groped her ass before pullign away, the boy was dressed ina dress shirt and vest with blakc pants on, asoemthing formal, but still he ahd a tank top underneith if it got to hot. "so come on you two LETS PARTY!!" He shouted out as he hopped backwards to teh door fo the room and issapeared downt he hall eager to have some fun.
Cindy was growing excited as Kenny explained the night to them. It sounded like fun and she did miss being outside the mannor. She began to daydream about how pretty the light up streets would be and the liveliness of the dance club. Her thoughts were soon interupted. She jumped slightly when she felt his hand on her butt and she looked up quickly at Kenny, her cheeks lightly flushed. She looked over at Kenny as he backed away, her eyes falling in love with his handsome appearance all over again. "I can't wait." Anna laughed as the two hopped off the bed and scurried on their feet to catch up with Kenny. It did not take much effort for the two before they were both beside him. Anna linked her arm into his right arm, pulling him closer to her. "There is a driver waiting it the front as we speak... that is unless you want to walk everywhere tonight?" She asked in a somewhat playful tone as they approached the front door to step outside. Cindy followed quietly on Kenny's left as they stepped outside. A smile was stuck on her lips as they walked out into the fresh air.
Kenny [pecked anna ont he forehead as she linekd arsm with him. "mm well I could use the exercise, that is, unless you have somethign planned with the car?" He questioned slyly as he opened the frotn door, holdign it open for both girls, admiring their bodies as the street ligths pained them yuellow and the moon made their blone hair glow like a hallo on each of their heads, so ironic given what happened in the manor every night. "now girls, the nigth is ours, lets end our first year otogether with a bang" He mused as he breahte dint he fresh nigth air, the damp cold dew fillig his lounge and fillign him with energy.
Cindy blushed when he kissed her forehead. With all the time they spent together she still felt slightly unworthy for someone so great as Kenny. Things like a little kiss excited the nieve girl. "I want to go for a walk!" Cindy spat out excitedly before Anna could even open her mouth or even register the two options in her mind. "Fresh air it is then" Anna laughed as they stepped outside. "I have the choupher on speed dial if we grow tired of walking later." Anna winked to Kenny as they began walking down the large driveway of the mannor and out into the streets.
Kenny gave out a laugh at teh vampires perkyness , his hand tigth around Anna's waist as they began to walk, grinnign as his shoes crunchedthe fresh snow onteh ground, breathign otu to watch teh cloud of steam drift infrotn of him. "oh believe me it will be more to warm up, then to rest." HE mused back as they headed downt he street. "teh warehouse is about eight blocks down, btu dont worry, you woke me up early we got an hour tillt he party really starts there any ways." He reasured the girls as they headed towards the docks, here once a month an empty warehouse was filled for a specail rave, usualy based off of a holiday of the month, or jsut to party.
It probably looked strange to see the three walking down the street. Cindy's body itself was cool as ice so she needed no protection from the snow. For Anna the cold air never really bothered her. She could not freeze to death and Kenny's body close up against her was enough heat to keep her satisfied. So walking down the street in party close was a sight that turned a few heads. Cindy would smile brightly and wave to anyone she caught staring at her, she, for the males she felt pretty thinking they were checking her out. She had forgotten how cold it was. Anna ignored the stares as her attention was on the night sky and Kenny. "I am not worried." Anna replied rather calmly as she looked over to Kenny. "If I remember correctly. It is better to be fashionably late anyway." She said hoping that custom wasn't outdated without her knowledge.
Kenny onc emroe chuckle,d thiis tiem loudly at annas response. "I never said anythign about beign early, i just said befoe rhte real party started, its no godo till half teh peopel are drunk or high," He added happily, for him the cold wasn't to bad, Anna still gave of fbody heat like a human and if he ever tgot too ocold he woudl create a coat of fur unde rhis clothes not noticbale by any one aroudn them, smerkign every time cindy woudl wave, she was so cute and innocent, he was glad she had kept that additude after a few months in the mansion.

there were three taps on teh mistress' widnwo as the dark figure crouche don the balcony railign, teaterign on the edge withte breeze as if anythign would make him fall byt eh slightest touch., his face half bandaged as usual and body covvere din a tatered cloak, too lazy to put on a shirt tonight alreayd knowing why the mistress had calel dhim over forthe night, instea dhe looekd as if he had a hunched back as the claock hid his back pakc fileld with his own tools, he trusted the msitress but always liekd bringin hsi own equipment for training.
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