The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

((soooo nwo what))
"you too my lovely little toy."He mused happily spanking her ass a she tune dto leave befeor he closed the door and headed to his bed, curious as to where his girl friend had been the whole nigth, though he was too tired to look for her, cindy hadnt lost control but she still had taken a good amount of blodo and e wante dto rest after that as he ploped onto the bed withotu undressing.
Anna sat on the side of the bed beside Kenny the next night when he woke up. "Good evening." She said as her fingers stroked through his hair. "It looks like you had a long night." She mused as she looked at him as he fell asleep in the same clothes as the night before. Anna leaned in and kissed Kenny on the lips, a good morning kiss since she had not seen the night before. She was wearing a purple corset with fishnet stockings and boots but instead of a crop or whip in her hand she had a leash. It was a typical mistress attire she often wore when doing her part in the mansion.
"mmm" Kenny groaned otu sleepily once the girl puleld form teh seeet kiss, rubbing his eye sas be slowly pushe dhis stiff body up to lean agsinte h head ofhsi bed, finaly openign his eyes fully, rubbing the gunk from one eye as eh gazzed over her a grin appearing on hsi face as hsi ahdn came to he leash runnign his hand over the leather. "Is it wrogn if i'm hoping this is for me?" HE muse dhappily still glancing over the girls dominatrix attire, he had to admit seeign her like that warmed up hsi body quickly as the boy grew excited
Anna smirked as she watched him look her over. Even though the outfit was not for him she knew he would enjoy seeing her in it. "If I said it was wrong would you care?" She mused. Then she nodded her head to confirm his question. "It is for you but I won't be playing with you today." She told him. "You should clean up and get dressed. If you are hungry I can take you to the kitchen but don't waste too much time." Anna began giving him orders once he was fully awake to follow them. "Lady Victoria wants to see you. She has been in a foul mood since last night so lets try not to make her wait too long." Anna gave Kenny a fair warning of why she was there as well a little of what to expect.
Kennys grin faded slowly first from her not playign with him and then when h heard fo victoria. "Alright i'll take a quick snack, especialy if victoria is in a bad mood, dont want to be so weak." HE said as eh puleld off hsi shirt and headed to teh shower. "I would ask if you wante dto help but." Kenny pause dto look over hig girl agin , a smile returnign to hsi face. "It woudl take to logn to get you back in that." he finishe dbefoer the water was heard runnign, 3 minutes later he was out and ryign himself pulling on his uniform and waitign at the door for Anna before heaidng tot he ktichen, payign hsi usual respects to Alyson, a peck ont eh cheek as eh got up form hsi seat and hande dher an empty plate. "so why does the mistress wish to see me.. did i do somethign wrogn last night?" HE asked curiosuly as Anna guided him to victoria.
Anna waited patiently while Kenny showered and changed. She giggled at his comment about her clothes. When he was done she attached the leash to his collar and they went to the kitchen. Once again she watched and waited patiently for him to finish eatting. Anna shook her head to his question with a reassuring smile as she tugged on the leash lightly. "My Kenny wouldn't do anything wrong." Anna teased then she shook her head reassuringly. "Don't worry, you are not the one she is upset with...." Anna lead him across the living area and down the long corridor to one of the doors passed the rest rooms. "I think she has a task for you that you will enjoy." Anna whispered to him. Then she knocked and the door opened.
The door opened and Victoria was standing in a long scarlette night gown. There were a few tares along the bottom of the gown and it appeared that whatever had happened, she did not have a chance to change her clothing yet from it. "Finally you brought my pet." She said taking Kenny's collar from Anna and sending her on her way. "Thank you Anna. That is all for now." She said simply. Anna bowed her head respectively turned and quickly walked away. Victoria's gazed looked down at Kenny and her mood seemed to lighten a little as she tugged his leash so the he would stand directly in front of her. "Good evening my pet." She greeted him before forcing him into a welcoming kiss. "Did you have a good day's rest?" She asked him curiously.
"well as long as she isn;t angery at me.. or any of my girls.. then im fien." Kenny mused soflty getigtng ina ligther mood as he straigthedned his bakc, gatehring confidence befeoreo they stepped intot he room with victoria, paying litle mind tot eh tear in the mistress' gown if not only thinking it was from soem rough play, frownign slightly as hsi girl left though ocne mroe hsi mood hightened as victoria kisse dhim. "mmm a godo sleep indeed mistress, do you wish for your pet to be a beast and play with you?" He asekd figurign she wanted soem... rougher play especialy with how she was dressed.
"Your mind is always on ravaging your Mistress." Victoria stated with a smirk as if she found it funny. Then she shook her head. "No, but I do have a new little chew toy for you." She said with a bit of bitterness in her voice. She then tugged on Kenny's leash to pull him into the room and the door behind him closed. They were standing in a small dark room. It was empty aside from two chairs facing a large window and a door beside it the connected to another room. The light from the other room was the only light showing on the small room they stood in. "My well rested sleep was interrupted last night." Victoria began as she led Kenny to the window so he could see who he would be playing with. "When this huntress tried to kill your Mistress." She spat out in an angry tone. Through the window was another somewhat small room. It was empty aside from a metal table and the chair behind it with the girl sitting inside. She was fully clothed but could not hear or see the two in the other room. She was wearing a blind fold and gag, her hands were cuffed behind her back and her ankles were cuffed to the legs of the chair. The two rooms looked like an interigation room like one would see on a cop show. "I want you to get as much information as you can out of the wench." Victoria told Kenny his task as she turned to face him and removed the leash. Then she handed him a remote control with a bunch of unlabeled buttons, each one a different color. "Each button controls something different in the room." She told him. "You will figure out what when you press them." She informed him.

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so thats why your reak of human." Kenny mused as he took in a wif of the mistress' scent, glanicng thorugh the window to his chew toy befoer lookign ot the buttons then back at mistress witha smirk. "why not take of fmy collar and watch soem real fun." HE mused as he curiously pushed a blue button ont he control befoer lookign at he room curious as to what type of interagation the mistress had in mind for him todo, he had some fun ideas but he didtn know if the mistres swished for such a pelasurable idea of torment. "You know you also runt he risk of me infecting my adorable ne wtoy if i go in there." HE said reminding her of the infectious natrue of his bite and maybe evne sperm
((pushes button and the lights turn off and cheesy porn music turns on >.<))

Victoria sneered when he mentioned that she smelt of the hunter. She really did loath humans, especially hunters. However his other comments caused her mood to lighten a bit as she smirked. Her fingers traced over his collar. "Hmm... I would not want you to give in to your primal instincts too early. Where would the fun be if it ends too quickly?" She asked him as she debated wether to remove the collar or not. She turned her attention into the room as he pressed the blue button. The girl in the chair quickly lifted her head when she heard something in the room move. Part of the wall behind the girl slide down and behind it were three shelves of interegation toys. Victoria smiled as she looked back at Kenny to reply to his next comment. "It is a risk I am willing to take." She stated bluntly. "If she gets infected then I will kill her." She said with a shrug. Victoria hated hunters more than anyone else. After getting the information she wanted she did not plan on the girl ever leaving the mannor alive anyway. Soon Victoria gave in as she unlatched his leash. "Your task is to get information out of her." She reminded him. "Remember not to wear the girl out completely before you can get her to talk."
Kenny chuckled at eh irony. "the huntress gets kileld by a vamprie because she is turnigninto a werwolf.. funny aitn it." Kenny mused tryign to get his mistres sin a ligther mood befoer he took hsi bow and heade dout the doro itno teh next room rubbign his neck as he looked at he controls before palcign them ont eh metal table wiht a loud bang , glancign to teh blindfolded toy to see ehr reaction, takign in a wif of air sto smell if she was afraid as se walekd over to ehr, runnign a hand over her cheek befoer he stood up and walke dover to eh shelves, looking a the asortmetn of fun toys, the obvious one woul dbe the whipe which he picke dup ,alshign it behidn him so teh air cracked rigth byt eh girls ear as eh glanced around, his eye slightign up as he found an electracuting device down ont eh bottom shelf (meh experiment) takign it byt eh handle and lugign ti of the shelf to drop it ont eh rigth sid eof the girl with a metalic clank, the but of the whipe pressign agaisnt eh girls chin ot force her head up as a claw came to cut teh gag off,he had seen more onteh shelves and would use them alter for nwo he presed his lisp to hers as he boppulel dback a fang dug into rhe lip to give ti a small cut befoer he spoke. "do you know why you're here?" He asked in a soft, devious voice, a hisign ntoe at eh end of each word due to hsi whisper mad eit soudn liek a snake breathgin upon her ears.
Victoria laughed lightly at Kenny's joke before he walked into the next room. She took a seat against the wall and watched Kenny and the hunter, curious to how this would play out. She hoped it would make good entertainment in the least.

The door opened and closed. The girl who was sitting somewhat slump in the chair, straightened her posture as she heard someone's footsteps in the room. She flinched as the loud bang echoed through the room, though it was probably hard to tell with the blindfold. He could smell a small amount of fear in the air. She figured if they wanted to kill her then Victoria would have done so already. There was still hope in her that she would be rescued before any real harm could be done. She actually became more at ease as his hand slide over her cheek, the touch was warm which meant the person in the room with her was not a vampire. She heard his foot steps travel away from her, moment later the chair shifted against the floor slightly as she jumped to the loud cracking sound of a whip at her ear. It startled her more than anything. Her breathing became softer, more time between breathes as she calmed herself. Then there was something metal that fell to her right. She was allowing herself to become more accustomed and less startled by each loud noise. She wondered what in the world this person was doing and what made the noises. When she felt the claw break the gag she debated in her mind whether it was a knife or a nail to a claw, it would help her decide whether the person was human. When he bite her she gasped and crossed out human on her list of possibilities. The girl sucked on her bottom lip, tasting the blood as she took her time to answer his question. "I think I do" She replied as she turned her head to towards his voice. She had to remind herself to stay calm as his voice was creepy. "It depends on what you mean by here. Do you mean here as in the mannor or this room?" She asked him curiously.
The boygrowled, crackign hsi whip in her logn pause, rushin to ehr his hadns on her wrists his mouth rigth at her ear. "If iI were liek the otehrs you would hav ebeen punished for not answerign em directly." HE growled out a fang nipign at her ear lobe, suclign on it as he actualy thought of ehr question. "Both woudl be nice." He finaly answered as he stepepd back form her takign the whip form hsi side and crackign it along her chest to tear a streak over her shirt."ANd answer me quick."
Her eyes fliched with the sound of the whip. It was clear he was not pleased with her response. He sounded angry but she was confused when be began to nip and suck on her earlobe. Between that and him bitting her lips and the constant sounds of what she now believed to be a whip. She wondered if he was trying to seduce her. If he was this was not the best way to do it. Maybe he was a succubus. She opened her mouth to speak but instead let out a yelp that was cut off as she sucked in her lip to muffle the sound. There was a stinging lash across her chest confirming her whip theory. "Yes!" She replied quickly. "Yes, I think I know why I am here, in both places." She answered his question confidently. "You know why I am here too don't you?" She asked turning her head to the other side where she believed he was. "You wouldn't be here if you did not know why I am here." She rationalized. This was almost turning into a guessing game for her as she turned the question on him.
the boy growled out, peeved by her little game as he lashe dhte whip out jerkign his hadn bakc to pull it back and ravvle it around hsi belt as he looekd at eh X mark torn itno erh clothes revealign parts of her breasts mainly ehr nipples. "Answer my question's or it will get worse." HE barke dout as he walekd over to ehr again his hands grabbign hard ton her breasts makign shrue his sharp nails dug at ehe whip welts his tongue runign over her neck tastignt eh human flesh eagely, he was still a carnivoir and the live meat got him excited especialy in thsi enraged state, "Now then." HE growle dotu. "why ar eyou here, and who are you, name included."
His growl braced her for the next leash as she sucked her lip in. Even prepared she jumped as another red welt was created over her chest. Not being able to see the whip when it hit kept her somewhat on the edge. "No fair, I answered your questions." She replied. She did not hear his footsteps as she spoke and was caught by surprise when she felt his nails pressing against her stinging welts. Her teeth clenched together and she sucked in air quickly creating a hissing sound. Her head had tilted back instinctively but she forced it upwards when he began licking her. "I am here, in the mansion, because I came here to destroy the vampire Victoria." She began. Her heart was beating faster now as she endured the pain in her chest. "I am here in this room because I did not succeed in destroying the vampire Victoria." Her nipples were growing erect and harder as she spoke as the cold air nipped at her exposed flesh. That answer was easy. It was something he already knew so she did not really have a problem admitting it. She did not stall in answering the next part of the question. "My name is Ruby and I am a vampire hunter." She answered his question short and too the point.
"mmm Ruby.. cute name.. srry profession though." Hsi voice had been light hearted at teh beginign, obviously growign darker at he end fo the scentences his finger s taking the nails out of her welts to massage her berasts,grinning as he felt her hard nipples under his palms. "Tell em Ruby would you try adn kill me even though i'm nto a Vampire?" HE asked cruiously as he steppe dback letignt he cold air waft over her chest , it ws a shame she was a cute chew toy, though he was goign to enjoy watchign her squirm as he took two metal clamps from the metal box at eh sid of the chair, touchignthem together to see the sparks and grinign as he turned the voltage off befroe clampignthe metal down upon her hardened nipples, takignt eh remote on it and turnign it to a fery low voltage, givign a soft tickle much like the static you feel forma baloon.
Her body seemed to sigh as he massaged her breasts. She did not like the way he was touching her, though she was warned ahead of time of what happened in the mansion and she knew on the most part how to handle this type of situation. "No." Ruby shook her head to his question. "You are not a vampire so I have no reason to kill you." She clarified. No one cuffed to a chair would tell their captor they would kill them especially if they didn't know how dangerous the person was. She heard something sort of sizzle for a second and her head turned towards the sound as her heart skipped a beat. "Oww.." She jumped in the chair, her chest curling in as he attacked some sort of clamp to her nipples. She shuddered as she felt the soft tickle on her nipples. Ruby fell quiet and still as she got used to the feeling. "What did you put on me?" She asked him. "I am answering all you're questions... and quickly." She protested calmly for she did not want to sound demanding or insulting to him. "This is not fair."

"It isn't hurting any more so why do you care?" Kenny barked out , tempted to turn ont eh voltage for her remark but witha heavy breath he heald back. " I hav emroe queations and this is jsut. to coach you along. "so tell me why do you hunt them, what have then done to you?" Kenny asked out of curiousity proably not a questiont he mistress neede dbut it gave hima chance to use his toy as which ever way she said it she woudl be wrogn and he would zap her breasts with a small voltage to make her nipples slightly soar and sto send a quick numbness through her chest.
She tensed a little as he fussed at her, it tended to mean he was going to do something after. Ruby didn't like his question at all. It was complicated and he expected her to answer immediately. "They..." She began quickly just to make it look like she wasn't hesitating. It really was not a fair question because she knew he would not like the answer. "They killed family and friends. They drain helpless humans until there is no life left in them." Ruby had to soften her explaination and tried hard to keep words she often used on instinct like monster and murder. Her eyes squint shut and she gasped as she felt the electricity flow through her chest. A frown grew on her lips as he zapped her, in her opinion for no apparent reason. It was difficult to show her frustration when she couldn't move her arms or give him any type of death glare. The frustration wasn't exactly from the shock, it was more that he was doing something to her, messing with her body when she was complying to his questions. She held her tongue this time and had to stay quiet until the next question.
"And what of other humans they murder rob rape each other, why do you nto hunt them downa dn killt hem? its always when somethign diffrent does it,a nd animal, a monster you think of it as wrogn and make it your duty to go after them, it's why i dispise hunters, all you are are filth." Kenny spat out as he shocked her again. "vampires hunt humans becsuasue they need them to survive, they have an actual reason to, do we punish a cat when it kilsl a mouse? or a shark when it kills a seal? Its the same prinicple." Kenny barked otu as eh turned the shock off and walekd over ot her smikign slightly as his hand reached betwene ehr legs, feleign ove rher panties rubbign her pussy . "my next question.. why is it you dress so provacativly when huntign.. its liek you want me to rape you." He spoke in a sly hugnery vocie lookigna the skirt that hid nothing.
Ruby shook her head blindly as he rambled on angrily to why he didn't like hunters. "No.." She took in a sharp breath, arching her chest back this time as the electricity once again numbed her chest making her nipples more sore than before. "Its not like that." She spoke again once he turned the shock off then quickly fell quiet as she realized explaining why he was wrong could mean giving him information he did not know. She reminded herself to hold her tongue and try agreeing with him to get this over sooner. At least know she knew why he was punishing her even when she complied, he hated her for being a hunter. It was quiet for a moment before her body tensed as she felt something rub against her panties. Her knees instinctively closed together and she tried pulling her hips back to try running from his hand. "No don't! Please..." She was quick to respond this time, it was the first time he could smell a hint of fear in the air. She actually believe he might try to rape her. "It is a disguise so that I could enter the manor unnoticed. I had to dress to look like one of the residents." She explained. In trying to explain she did not normally dressed like this she had unintentionally used a nice way to called the girls in the manor sluts. Between the shocks and the stimulation on her pussy, her body was reacting as any girl's would. She was slowly growing wet and hot between her legs, even as she fought the feeling.
"you say you don't want it, but your body agrees with me." He growled into her ear, "It enjoys the idea of me tearin open your pussy with my thick.. throbing.. penis ravaginign it all night long filling you up with my juices.
" his breath becomign heavy from hsi own arousal as he spoke,t he mixture of fear and lust int he the air drove him crazy . "next question.. is a very important one.. what.. do you think i am?" Kenny asked curiously, her question would base what she saw when and if he tookt he blindfold off, but more importantly it would tell him how badly he would ravage her body, human would be the safest thin for ehr to say, any thing else .. well...
A chill ran up her spine as he growled in her ear. She was feeling uncomfortable knowing he was so close with dirty thoughts of what he would do the her and she could not see it. Ruby didn't like him touching her and yet the way he was rubbing her pussy felt nice and was getting her aroused. Her heart began to beat faster as he spoke of raping her all night. She wondered if he was physically capable of doing so. She turned her head away as his breathing became heavy in her ears. The thought of how horny he sounded was making her grow more tense. She had to remind herself to calm down and relax as he began with his next question.
She did not answer him immediately. This was something she had been thinking about the entire time and had yet to figure it out. He was not a vampire clearly, his touch was too warm. She did not believe he was human either because a human could not possibly survive living in a mansion full of vampires. His claws and growls made her think werewolf at first but she quickly crossed that off the list as well. Werewolves and vampires were mortal enemies so the chances of him being one were too low. There were hundreds of other species to choose from. "I don't know." She finally admitted. For a long minute she was content with that as if it were her full answer. Then she decided to take a guess in fear he would get angry she was taking too long. "You hate me because I am a hunter. Yet you seem to lust over my body." She stated as if his actions made no sense. "Are you a succubus?" she made a guess.
The boy laughed out loadly at her idea. "you live in thsi house and lust is just a passtime." Kenny mussed with antoerh short chuckle. "you must be new to this, succubus are female lust demons.. Incubuss ar ehte oen that perfer playign with... girls." HE whispre dto her ear as he came back to palyw ith ehr body his figners once mroe playignw it her pussy, long enough in the mansion he could find her clit blindly under all ehr fabric with easy pressign hsi index finger on it while his tongue ran over her cheek goign abck to ehr ear. "you're wrong.. but it's cute of you to think i'm an incubbus" kenny mused as he took off the blindfold with his free hand , leangin back to sow his fac eto ehr. "do i look liek soem demon?" He asked curiously, he had been hoping to be accused of beign mosnter and eh woudl go as a werewofl form teh start but , he figure dhe woudl begin breakign her with a smaller... body first. "Oh i nearly forgot." THe boy sudenly went to theshokcign cotnrol to send a volt through her body again as he stepepd back. "you got the question wrogng." he watche dher convolse with hungery eye sas he droppe dhsi pants and boxers figurign there was no nee don keeptignt hem on, with that done he took the wires the clamps were stuck to and anked at hem to yank the clamspf of fehr nipples., glancign behdint he girl to skim over hte toys. "are there other's who will coem for you?" Kenny asked going back to more seriosu questions while he walekd over to the wall, crackignt he whip to scare her abit mroe, he didtn want to unbind her yet, well not form the chair yet.
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