The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

The girls' moan got louder as he thrust down on Cindy. She whimpered at the pleasure and the pressure she felt as he twisted her nipples. Chills ran up her spin as she felt his hard cock and the dildo scraping and pushing against her inner walls, grinding mercilessly inside her. It was just too much. She could not hold it off any longer. Cindy's fists clenched the bed sheets as she tensed and her inner walls clenched against Kenny and the toy. Then at once both girls cried out and arched against each other as they cried out in estasy. Cindy pressed her back up against Kenny, rolling her head back as she came hard, then just as she came up, she crashed down on top the kitten.

Victoria moaned sofly through her throat, enjoying the clean up as much as she could before he finished. The vampiress grinned as her eyes followed the trail of cum from his neck down. "It would be my pleasure." Victoria coed as she licked her lips. She leaned forwards placing a soft kiss on his neck then her rough tongue slide over the cum on his neck. She took her time to suckle on his sweaty flesh as her lips traveled down the trail of cum to the prize, his rod. She licked the cum from her lips, looking up at him with a smile before she got on her knees in front of him and slide her tongue over his soft head. He had been exceptionally fun for a human and Victoria had decided to reward him as such. Not only had she let him live longer than expected, but she was going to drain him a more, pleasurable way. Her lips slide over his cock and she slowly slide him all the way in her mouth. Her tongue snaked over the sides to lap up some of the cum as she bobbed her head twice. Victoria took him in deep one last time when her fangs suddenly sunk into his flesh without warning and she began to suck, finally tasting his warm blood as it flowed onto her tongue.
The boy came a second after Cindy as her anus clenched tight upon his mmebr forcign him to release his large load into ehr intestines as he bt hard down on her shoulder, his human teeth thankfuly not sharp enough with teh force he was puting ont hem to break her skin as eh groaned upon her flesh his arm tight around her waist squeezign her as she climaxed forcign ehr body close to his until she went limp and his jaw unclenche dform her flesh asd he landed atop botht eh girls pulling out his mmebr slowly a gurgling pop sounded as hsi memeber came alt eh way otu and the cum was forced otu of her anus whiel hsi memebr hung there. "So you must be hungery my lvoe. " HE whispere dto her in a ehavy breath. "the girl has been good to us, make it painless." HE whispere deven quieter to ehr as he looekd ot eh exhausted stranger.

"Oh god I'm sure there is goign to be antoher mesSSS...GAH!!" THE striperp was cut off as she bit otno his memeber the pain odly pleasurable abtu as the suckign came, evne withte h pelasure he begna fearign of somethign a little two kinky for hima s hsi hahdn came to ehr hari to ty and pull over off of him as his back arche dhis boyddy fightign between the exotic pelasure and the horribel pain.
Cindy was panting heavily as she layed sandwiched between the two. She was exhausted. It was bad enough that she was low on energy from being hungry but now after climaxing so many times, she felt simply drained. Her body shivered as he pulled out of her, but she felt relief as his cum seeped from her bottom and trailed down her crack. Cindy was quiet as Kenny whispered into his ear, she was more than happy to comply. "Try to relax, this will only hurt for a moment." She stated softly to the stripper who looked at her funny, not knowing what was going to happen next. Cindy craned her head to the side, quickly bared out her fangs, then sunk them deep into the stripper's neck. The stripper gave a small scream from the brief pain in her neck, it quickly faded but she was still freaked out by what was happening. She tried pushing Cindy off her but Cindy only suckled on the blood harder, her eyes already turned violet as she fed. She was weak but compared to the human below she was still inhumanly strong enough to over power her as she ignored the girl's struggle for survival as she grew weaker and weaker.

Victoria did not flinch or move back in any way as the stripper tried to free himself from the inevitable. She closed her eyes, enjoying the delightful taste of the youth swirled with his cum. It was one of her favorite tastes. Her hands gripped his thighs, pulling him slightly towards her as he fought. Her scarlet eyes opened and she looked up at him with almost a dreamy smile as she continued to drink and suckle his flesh until there would be no more fight, and no more life in the boy.
"You know.. if you think you can control it.. i'll let you ahve a treat." KEnny hisssed in the girls ear. "but only once we get back to the mansion." HE added figurign any mroe fun in a room with a dead stipper wouldnt be safe as he got up, goign to clean off his memerb but stoppign as he isntead jsut puleld onhsi boxers and pants befoer lookgin to Cindy. "are you ready to go?" HE asekd as he looekd backoto teh bed, with his werewolf awakened in him, seeing such sites as a vamprie feed no logner affected him as badly and even just looking at the girl he go an idea, eyeign the starpon she wore as he walked over toe h chest ti came from, openign it and grabing the stripeprs bag , emptyign otu teh beag and extendign his hadn. "yanknow Cindy, i think it's tiem you srarrt your own little collection of toys, much like our lovely Anna." He said as eh glanced over to her when she was finished eating. "take the stap-on and a few other toy you find interesting, we can keep the colelction in my room, i have an empty chest any ways." HE added as he walekd to teh door to let the gril choose whiel he waited. "you can use them there, in my room.. for those nigths i'm too bussy for you..." He mused as he thougth of trying to get a camera, if she followed through witt h plan he felt liek videotaping her solo fun.

The boy ddint struggle after she puleld him sclsoer, otu fo weaknes physicaly and mentaly eh jsut gave in as he evne let loose another laod of cum in ehr mouth before he was dried up.
Cindy's animalistic instincts had taken over as she drained the poor stripper almost to her last drop. Once she had the taste of the blood it was difficult to stop until she was fully satisfied. Cindy let out a soft growl to Kenny's comment, merely to acknowledge she had heard him as she fed. Then when she was done, she unstrapped the strap-on from her waist and gently slide it from her pussy, allowing her juices to escape onto the bed. Cindy turned, sitting on the bed with her hands in her lap as she watched Kenny go over to the chest curiously. Blood dripped from the corner of her lips down her chin. "You want me to steal, Master?" She asked uncertain about what he asked her to do. She took the strap-on from the dead striper, then hesitated as she watched him hold out the bag towards her. He was waiting for her and he seemed excited about the idea so she stood and walked over to take the bag and go over to the chest to peek inside at all the toys. She began to place a few items that caught her eye in the bag as Kenny walked over to the door and waited for her. She looked up from the chest however when he explained what he wanted her to do with them. "Master I don't..." She paused trying to think of a clean way to say it. "I only play with toys when you are there to use them." She tried to explain to him. The very thought of touching herself, weil it was awkeward to talk about an made her blush to think he wanted her to do it alone in his room. Soon she zipped up the bag and took a few minutes to put her panties back on and straighten out her clothes to look descent in public. "I am ready" She said as she wiped the blood from her chin onto the back of her hand as she held the duffel bag out for Kenny in case he wanted to see what she picked out.

Victoria smiled at his little surprise as he came again and happily swallowed his cum. Once she had her fill she whipped her lips clean on his clothing and redressed herself. She took a moment in the mirror to pamper herself before she left the room. It took no time for her to smell out Kenny and Cindy as she appeared outside their door, waiting for the two to finish their feeding.
"Kenny gav ethe girla soft smiel as she whipe dthe bldo off ehr lips,takign a figner to lift ehr head bfoer givign ehr a soft kiss. "well then we cna play with them... but i'm sure in time.. they will become useful." HE said ina soft, knowign vocie , not takign any time to look at teh contents, figurign he would see them as he put them int eh chest, plus sit would be safer to leave now befoer any oen noticed the bodies, and as Victoria could smell them, he could smell her standign outside their room. "now lets not keep the mistres waitign." HE mused as he opened the doro to bow to the mistres sbefore stepign out. "I asume you had a godo meal?" HE asked politely with a content smirk.
Cindy returned the kiss, smiling happily when he decided not to push her into something she was uncomfortable with. Cindy nodded her head to him slightly as he opened the door and they both stepped out side the room, back into the noisy club area. "He was quite satisfying." Victoria mused. She tilted her head to see the stripper lying lifeless on the bed now. "I trust you and your toy had no trouble?" Victoria asked curiously as she began to walk into the main room and across the dance floor as she expected them to follow her out the club and back onto the sidewalk.
"it was enligthenign." Kenny mused happily, takign an arm aroudn cidny as he followed the mistress out to teh fresh air, takign in a wiff of the cool crisp air as snow began to fall ont he cloudy night, the shine of a blured moon just visible thorought he cloud cover. "there is somthign i wish to speak to you mistress, when we get home that is.. it is somethgin mandatory of m condition." HE said firguring to thell her abotu the conditions for full moons, evne if one wasn;t going to happen for a while.
Victoria enjoyed their walk through the city streets at night. The cold did not seem to affect her or Cindy at all. That would be expected from b=vampires though. "Mandatory?" Victoria asked as she glanced over to Kenny. "Very well, you may tell me what you like when we get back to the mannor" she said as she turned the corner down a new street where they were hardly a block from the mannor and would soon be arriving there as long as there were other events drawing the their attention elsewhere.
"Good, it is.. well you'll understand." HE said, staign silent forthe rest of the walk enjoying the peace , as they enter the mansion he kissed cindy on the forehead befoer lightly spankign erh ass. "Go up stair suand unload the loot , i'l be up shortly, but first i must speak witht eh mistres." he said , waitign for her to leave before he spoek to the mistress. the night befor ea full moon i nee dyou to tak off my collar, lock me in the naga lair, oh and giv ethe naga twice the amount of food for that night." He said bluntly ina serious voice. "fullmoons are the only tiem i cant control my self, im going to have to transformitno a werewolf when im exposed toa werewolf, I've been with the naga i know she will be able to handle it.. but its somethign i had to tell you before it got too much of a problem."
"Yes Master." Cindy smiled as she was kissed, then she turned and made her way to his bedroom where she dumped the items from the duffel bag into the trunk and closed it. She sat on top the trunk as she waited for Kenny to return to see her.
Victoria listened to his explaination and took a moment to think before she replied. "I knew having a werewolf for a pet would be trouble." She stated bluntly. "However, you have thought this problem through." She smirked as she took a step forwards to scratch behind his ear, praising him like a dog. "If you can reassure my Naga will be safe, then it is your responsibility to come to me the night before a full moon and I will make the arrangements." Victoria reassured Kenny.
Th boy smirked as she scrathed his ear, playign alogn by tilging his head toward her."mmm I've been with eh naga, she can handle me and my werewolf state i bet, i'm sure she will enjoy it.. its not jsut a hunger for food that i have whiel i'm a beast." He said slyly as he kissed his mistress ont he lips. "Nwow if you would please excuse me I have a toy that is in dire need of some fun." Kenny said as he slipped pase dthe mistress up the stairs , theboy dropped his pants a she closed the doro behidn him, smirkign at his servant as his dirty memebr dangled expose dfor her to see." now then i figure di would give you a treat, you have jsut fed, so lets see if youc an contol your hunger, i'll let you have antoehr taste of me.." He stated as he walekd over to her, a hand goign to stroke her hair as his toehr raise dhis memebr strokign it lightly to get it hard again.
Victoria smirked after the kiss, nodding her head as he slipped away. She returned her her own business in the mannor.
Cindy's cheeks flushed when he walked in and dropped his pants. The first thing she did was stare at his dirty cock, then her eyes quickly traveled up to his face to try avoiding it for now. "I am sorry for losing control before." She appologized for losing control the other times he had tried this with her. Cindy's eyes rolled up innoscently to look at Kenny as he stood over her and stroked her hair. "I promise I will try not to lose control this time Master." She reassured him as her hands slide up to lightly grasp his thighs. Her eyes traveled down his body to his growing erection as he stroked himself. A little hesisitantly, Cindy poked her tongue out her mouth, and poked then licked at his soft head as he prepared himself for her.
"you ar eyoung and untraiend, it is to be expected, and the only way youc an leanr is from the msitakes." HE said reasurignly his figners tanglign into her hair as he stroekd her head, hsi hadns sliping to staya the base of the memebr to hold it up as eh began licking his cock throbign once jumpign as it was now abel to hold itself up wit he blood rushign through it his head becomgin increasignly sensative.
Cindy nodded her head once. "I will learn quickly for you." She told him as he spoke of how ill experienced she was. It was true but she still wanted to prove herself, that she could be like the older more experienced gilrs in the mannor. Once his hand slide down his member, she slide her tongue passed the head to lick up the dry cum from the sides. Her tongue snaked over the sides of him slowly, then she carefully pursed her lips over his head then down his penis as she lightly bobbed her head and suckled on him.
"Don't learn too quickly though." Kenbny warned before gaspign as he felt her soft lips on hsi sensative head. "mmm yes... your innoscense is one of you beast qualities." HE mused , addign insigth as to why he wishe dher to learn slowly, though tthis fun feedign was somehtign he realy iwshed she would master soon.
Cindy moaned softly to add to his pleasure as she suckled on his growing erection. Her eyes rolled up to look at him as she smiled pleased to hear he liked her innoscence, even if it embarrassed her half the time. Slowly she bobbed her head at a steady pace, taking in a little more of him each time until she finally reached his hand.
By the time she reached his hand he had let hsi precum splur tinto her mouth down her throat, givign only a soft groand as a warning." You can have a taste now." He whispred softly to her, the grip on her hair now tightenign slightly, as he prepare dhis body for the pain. "you deserve the treat after such a fun night, and after enduring loosing the last of your virginity." He muse dhis mind going back to that fun feeling of ehr anus squeezing tight on his member..
Cindy jumped lightly as she was caught by surprise of the precum. Eagerly she began to swallow his cum. Then he gave her permission to have a taste of him. Though his grip tightened on her hair, she did not comply immediately. She was nervous, scared that even after feeding she would lose control on him. It had already happened twice. She did not quiet understand how he had confidence in her when she hardly had any when it came to this. On his last comment Cindy blushed as she thought back earlier in the night and how she moaned in pleasure as he took her from behind. Cindy could not resist the sweet smell of his blood, despite her fear a minute later she let out her fangs and dug them into his shaft. Her eyes instantly turned violet as his warm blood drained into her throat and she began to suck a little harder on him.
Kenny gasped as hsi grip tigthedm on both ehr hair and his memebr , more fcum forced form thjsi memebr as she bit downa ns d hsi body shuddered form the masocistic plaeasure that shto through hsi body. "mmma nd soon wyou will have suhc a great taste as all my fluids fill your mouth." HE groaned out.
The rush of blood and cum soon swirled together in her mouth. CIndy began to moan happily as she suckled down the liquid. Her tongue swirled over the sides of his length and her fingers gripped tighter against his thighs to hold him close against her. His blood tasted so good and the more she swallowed and moaned it seemed the more fluids she got for him.
it didtn take long for him to climax, it was hard for himt o hold with her scuckign so hard and sooon with a loud groan he lclimaxed forcign hsi cockall the wayitno her moutht o ram agasitnt he bacjkk of her mouthand bend hsicock down itno her throat leaving a lofng gash form ehr fangs so as his cum flooded directly into her throat more blood gushe dform hsi memebr as it slwoly heald. "OH GOD CINDY!!" HE groane dout the whoel time, slowly pullign his memebr out of her throat near the end of hsi climax to allow ehr to taste the cum she had worked formhsi body.
Cindy's eyes squint closed and she gaged a little as he forced his cock down her throat. It was well worth it to her though. Kenny felt so good from it he climaxed and she got the best part out of it. More blood. Blood seeped from the gash, mixing with the cum he shot down her throat. She moaned as he groaned out her name. That alone made her violet eyes light up, it was her own little rewards. Cindy swallowed hard and lifted her fangs up as he pulled back, she did not need them with all the cum and the blood flowing from the punctures she had already made. Cindy's tongue eagerly lapped up the cum he drained in her mouth. When he finally stopped releasing cum, she tried to swallow what was left then forced herself to pull off of him. She was completely satisfied and full, actually she felt over full from the size of his load. Cindy wiped her lips with the back of her hand before she looked up at Kenny. "I stopped!" She stated as if she did not completely believe it. "I did not lose control Master!" She told him in an excited tone.
"i can se that." KEnny said happily as she helpe dher up, hugigng ehr and kissign ehr neck befeor he pulled formt eh hug. "mm i would give you a present for beign such a good girl.. but i think that was present enough." He chuckled out as he licked soem cum and blood that was still onher lips befeor turnign it into a kiss and passign the fluids into ehr mouth. "now why don't you hurry off to bed if you want.. i dont know if the mistress qwould want you sleepign outside of the coffin yet." He said more to himself tohento her.
CIndy was so proud of her self, and even happier she did not let him down that she giggled when he hugged her and kissed her neck. "Mm hmm.." Cindy nodded her head to his statement about the present, smiling as his tongue slide over her lips and then kissed him back. She did not exactly want to get to bed, but it was late and the both of the were probably tired so she nodded her head obediently. "Sweet dreams Master." She said as she hugged him once more then turned and skipped out her room happily so she could go to her coffin.
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