The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Neither girls could take much more. Their body's shivered and began to tense as Kenny continued to groan into her pussy. Her hips bucked forwards against him as she reached her peek. When Kenny yelled into her pussy she could no longer hold it in. The timing was almost perfect as both girls threw their heads back and cried out in estasy as they came hard as if on cue. As Cindy came a load of cum rushed into Kenny's mouth, and after a few seconds to allow herself to come down from the climax, Cindy's hands fell flat on the bed as she hovered over Kenny on all four panting with a dreamy smile on her lips. Anna stayed deep on him for a few minutes before she slowly pulled off of him, allowing their cum to pour from her pussy down onto his cock before she rolled over to lye on her back on the bed.
Kenny's tonuge lapped up the remaing cum taht dripped from Cindy's pussy as she kept her pussy to him, as she moved away the boy leaned his head up to keep kidding the vaginal lips softly waitign for her to roll off of him as Anna did before he dropped his head back down otn he pillow, hsi breath heavy and slow as he relaxed there. "mmm i think i'm too tired to move from thsi spot." He teased as he looked to Anna hopign to stay in her bed for the night with her.. or more the day.... ate;last he would fall asleep near her.
Cindy crawled off of Kenny to lie in the bed just above his head. "Then we can sleep here the night." Anna said as she rolled her body sideways to wrap her arm over Kenny and kiss him on the cheek. "CIndy, I believe it is time you return to your coffin." Anna said pleasantly. Anna's room was not exactly vampire friendly during the day. "Yes Mame." Anna nodded her head obediently as she took the hint they wanted to be alone. She crawled off the bed and gathered her panties and dress, putting them back on so she could travel the hallways at least half way descent then she walked over to Kenny, leaning over to kiss him. "Pleasant dreams Master." She told him as she kissed him softly on the lips and then headed towards the door.
Kenny slipped a secodn kiss onto Cindy befoer she wa out of reach just as a treat. "sweet dreeams my little slut." He cooed before turnign to return Anna's kiss witha deeper one rolling onto hsi side to wrap hsi arms around her as weland opull her closer as he kept intoe h ksis, hsi hands runnign over the grils spine down to her anus to tease tibefeor venturign back up as he pulled formt eh kiss. "I'm positive.. this wa the best christmas ever." He whispered to he as he scottoed down itn eh bed to snuggle into ehr bosom teasihgnly as if they were pillows and he was gettign comforrtable and ready to sleep.
Cindy blushed as he called her a slut and disappeared out the room closing the door behind her. Anna closed her eyes smiling as Kenny kissed her. She felt warm and loved as his hand trailed up and down her back. It was nice to feel this way about someone. As he pulled from the kiss she could not help but think that he was the best christmas present she could have ever asked for. Anna giggled happily as he snuggled into her bossoms. "Yes, I am sure this was the best christmas I have had as well." She said as her fingers stroked between his hair and she closed her eyes to fall asleep if only for a little while. "Now that I have you." She whispered pleasantly.

The next morning when Kenny woke up his collar was once again around his neck. Cindy was sitting at the edge of the bed watching him sleep and waiting for him to wake up. "Good morning sleepy." She smiled. "You are going to go into the wardrob room first today and pick out some casual clothes. You're going to hit the streets tonight." She said with excitement for him.
It took a moment tfor kenny to register which girl was the blurred blonde that sat at the edge of the bed until he heard her voice, grinnign softly at Cindy as he rubbed his eye sto get rid of the dazed sleep before yawnign as he slipepd fomr ht bed to strech, hsi member coated with dry cum s he looked to Cindy again. "not that i'm happy to hear that, but may i ask why I'm hitting the streets and with who?" HE asked as he headed for Anna's personal bathroom to take a quick shower to clean last nights 'filth' off of his body and walkign back out a few minutes alter with a towel around his waist, scratchign his neck, once mroe wishing for the freedom that he colalr restrained He gestured for Cindy to follow so as to answer any questiosn he asked as he walekd downt he hall to the wardrobe room, surprised to actualy see atleast two wardrobes and shelves wfilled with male clothing, he wtnt simple with boxers, jeans taht hafd been faded from wear, a white wife beater and a black button up logn sleeve shirt which he left unbutoneed before lookign to his collar and sighing, he figured he should hide it if he were going otu so he took of hte shirt to put on a short sleeved white one and gettign a black vest along witha black tie to hide his collar before turnign to Cindy. 'what do you think.. i gue si could go with black pants or..." the boy took off hsi pjeans and put on a darker pair of blue jeans before he nodded finaly satisfied.
((Lol I meant to put Anna woke him but Cindy works too >.<))

"Most of the Mannor is going out tonight. I thought you knew that already." Cindy said as she followed close behind Kenny in the hallway. "You are going out with me Master." She replied happily. She paused for a moment before changing her wording around."Well.. actually. You are going out with Mistress Victoria." She informed him as they entered the wardrob room. She did not sound as cheerful about this. "I have to go with you." She said now fiddling her thumbs as he changed his clothes a few times. She wasn't quite sure how he felt about having to babysit her. She was nieve but she was smart enough to know that was the reason he was going. Cindy watched him change, her eyes glistening in admiration over his body. He looked cute in everything. She snapped out of it though when he asked her what she thought. She nodded her head agreeing with him. "I like the darker pants better Master." She agreed. She herself was already dressed in a frilled light blue mini skirt, a pink top that ran up just short enough to show her belly button and a pair of blue heels under her white stockings. Her hair was in braided pigtails like the night they had met. "Mistress Victoria is waiting for us outside." She informed him once he was done getting dressed.
"oh don't sound so down about coming along you know you will enjoy it." HE said as eh walekd over to her to kiss her forehead befeor finaly lookign over her."this is what you call casual... where is the mistress plannign on takign us any ways?" He asked as the boy took Cindy's hand as he walked out into the hall heading for the frotn door, Cindy had come to the mansion in jeans and a shirt, he had always figured that was her casualand the skirts and every thing afterwards were just eye candy for him, he had never expected to see her dress like that to go outside, though it's not like he had a rigth to complain , she looked cute, but woudl almost feel liek a pedo with ehr dresse dup so 'innocently' with him a smirk on his face fromteh ammusing thought before he pushe dopent eh frotn door to look aroudn for the mistress.
Cindy smiled. "Yes, I know I will." She nodded her head. She looked down at her clothes to his comment. "The Mistress said I was too shy, that this would help me draw attention to myself." She informed him that she had help picking out the clothes. "We're going clubbing." Cindy informed him with a giggle as he took her hand and they went outside.
"You are just in time." Vlctoria stated as she came from seemingly no wheres to stand beside Kenny on the porch. "Did you miss me my pet?" She asked as her finger curled under his chin and she turned his head to give him a welcoming kiss. She then stepped back looking over him. "You don't look half bad." She complemented him before her finger curled on his collar tugging it gently for him to walk along with her. Tonight, Victoria had her scarlette hair pulled up in a high pony tail. She was wearing blue jean hip huggers, a pair of black boots and a scarlet red mini-t that fit perfectly snug against her figure. "It is such a beautiful night that I thought we should walk to the club." She said as she gazed up adoringly at the moon with a smirk on her scarlette lips.
"clubbing huh... and don't le th mistres get to you, you're adorbale when you'rs shy." THe boy encouraged his slave in a low whisper before tunign to look at eh moon as he was tugged along, the boys skin begna to crawl and he beagan gettign antsy just seeign it , nearly full taunting hima s much as the colalr did. "yeah.. eautiful night.." HE said as if he was only half there, his mind still trying to calm his body as he began catching pace withe mistres o he wouldnt be tugged. "sooo clubbing.. but why.. I mean aren't you tired form lst nights.. fun..." HE asked the mistress curiouslyu knowign hsi body was still slightly soar but then it could jsut be from transforming for the first time last night.
Cindy nodded her head to Kenny's encouraging words then followed a few steps behind the two as they stepped off the Mannor's property and began walking down the side of the streets. Victoria watched Kenny fight the temptation of the moon for a minute or so. Then she casually slide her hands into her pocket with a smirk as Kenny asked why they were going out. It was obvious now that no one had told him what was happening tonight. "Yes of course, we are a little tired after last night." She told him with a bit of humor in her voice. "That is precisely why most of the mansion is venturing the city to night, to regain their strength while having a little fun." Victoria mused as her eyes glanced behind them at Cindy for a brief second, whose attention went to every mortal they passed. She was not really paying attention to Victoria or Kenny any more as she slowly followed them. "The clubs are filled with deliciously young men." Victoria informed him in a lustful tone as she looked over to Kenny.
The boy nodded in understandign asthe mistress spoke, the whole time taking int he scent of the fresh air and the new scents he was now attacked with due to his canine senses, he could pin point every human within a few blocks, it as interesting, he never had this strong a sense in the mansion, but then he wasn;'t as exposed tot eh moon as he was now, breathign out slowly to watch his breaht turn to steam befoer glancign bakc to Cindy, reachign bakc to take her hand, his own little reassurance that she wouldn;t run away for the hunt. "so then why am I out here, of course i'm hungery but i obviously don;t have the as you do, I could have stayed back and made my own food..;" he said curious as tot he mistress's reasons.
"I wanted to take my little pup on a walk." Victoria teased as she scratched behind his ear. "I do enjoy the company." She said as her eyes glanced over the stores and buildings as they passed them. They passed by different bars and was soon approaching the part of town where a few clubs were located. Cindy's attention snapped over to Kenny when he took her hand. She smiled sheepishly to him. Then her gaze was quickly stolen by another passing human. "Plus, this is your little toy's first night out." Victoria said as she glanced back at Cindy. "She looks hungry. You should make sure she is feed properly." Victoria mused as she told him the real reason he was there, for her entertainment and to watch over the young vampire.
"alright so i have to give my pet her food, seems simple enough." Kenny said witha shrug before turnign to smirk to Cindy, it was funny to see her easily disctracted byt he humans, like a puppy on it's first walk. "are you int he mood for a male or a female tonight?" He asked as he quickly pecke chet girl ont eh forehead to get her attention.
Victoria smirked to his comment, wondering if the he really would find his task simple. She doubted it. Cindy's attention went back to Kenny when he kissed her. She smiled from the kiss but the smile quickly faded a little to think about his question. Her finger went up to her lip as it did most of the time she thought about a question when she was unsure of the answer. "I don't think I have had a female before, so I think I would like to try one." She told Kenny as she was curious to how it would taste. The females that had passed her in the street before smelt delicious.
"Here we are." VIctoria said as they stopped in front of a night club, it was booming with people and you could already hear some of the music from outside. "This will be the perfect place to start." Victoria told Kenny as they walked in. Victoria leaned over to speak in Kenny's ear. "Keep her close." She advised him.
As they walked into the club they would notice it was a strip club. On a stage near the entrance there were young females dancing on poles and slowly taking off their clothes for the men cheering around them. Further in the back of the room was another stage where the male strippers were putting on a show. The room was fairly crowded with people. The smell of human blood was becoming over whelming for young Cindy as her fingers now clenched Kenny's hand tightly. Her eyes traveled over the humans closer to her. There was hunger growing in her eyes as if she were now stalking her pray and was ready at any moment to pounce and consume her meal.
"mmm well female shouldn't be too hard to attract, though a good one might take soem time." HE mused to himself, that was until he saw waht kind of club it was, a smirk on his face now. "well this makes everything simple.." He said as he pulled Cindly closer so he cloud loop an arm arudn ehr waist at Victoria's advisment. "so do you want a profesional." He siad directign her attention to teh stripeprs, ebfeor takign hsi hadn and guidign Cindy's gaze over tot eh amel strippers. "or a wanna be?" HE whispered to her. "because you know we should always play with your food first."
Victoria saw Kenny pull Cindy closer and began to speak to her. She figured he had everything under control. "Don't leave the building without me." She warned the two as her way of saying good bye. The vampiress left the two as she walked through the crowd, swaying her hips to the music as she traveled to the back of the club. Her eyes traveled over the many male strippers up on stage then she looked around the room, making sure she had scouted out all her options. Then she walked up to the stage and waved a handsome young dancer down to get his attention. "Why don't you take me somewhere's more private where we can have some real fun." She suggested as her eyes met with his and gave a soft glow, instantly hympnotizing him to where he could not deny her request.
Cindy's cheeks grew pink for a moment when Kenny's arm wrapped around her waist. His sudden touch helped distract her mind for a moment. Her eyes looked up on the stage then followed his hand over. "Ummm..." Her eyes went from human to human. They all smelt so good she did not know which one she wanted she just wanted one. "A profession." She finally said looking to Kenny for approval whether she made the right choice. "I think." She added a little nervously as she sucked on her bottom lip subconsciously.
"Mmm better tase.. but more expensive." He said though noticing heis little error afterwards as in taste he ment style. not how she was probably thinking rioght now. this hand wraped tighter aroudn her waist now as he began their jounryey intot eh dancign crowd, towards teh stage, keeping cindy close for two reasons, to keep her form loosing controla nd to keep any other males wanderigns hands off of her, as theygrew closer tot he stage teh boy dippe dbehidn Cindy to walk behidn her a hand on each sdie of her hip guiding her tot he edge of the stage and stoppign as they stood infrotn of a cornver of a stage, pressign his hip tohers to try and force her to lean ont eh corner as he kissed upon her neck. "so tell me which one looks good,m relie on your eye snow not your nose." He whispered while his own body begna releasign his musk and his hip began movign with the music along with hsi hadns.
Cindy stayed close to Kenny as they traveled towards the stage but every so often she found herself tugging slightly away as if to follow the person who had just bumped into her or came passed her. Her attention was drawn back, however, as Kenny disappeared behind her and lead her to the stage, the entire time her head was tilted upwards as she watched the strippers in awe of some of the moves they were capable of pulling off. Soon Cindy was leaning forwards against the stage as Kenny pressed his body against her from behind. She tilted her head to the side, giggling lightly as he kissed her neck. Her cheeks now a soft pink from how close they were as well as his statement. Her hands settled on his over her hips as she began to move her hips with his. Her eyes gazed up on the stage as she looked over the girls one at a time. She took a little while to pick a girl. It was difficult when she wanted to taste them all. She also did not want to chose the wrong one for Kenny, afraid he would think she had a bad sense of style. "What about that one?" She finally suggested pointing to a young red head who was spinning on a pole wearing a skimpy green skirt and bakini top with cat ears and a fake tail on.
"mm good choice." He mussed as he bit upon her ear lobe. "now lets see how good you are at baitign the girl." As kenny spoke hsi hand left her hip as he forced ehr closer tot eh gcorner till she was pressign against it, when that was done he placed a wallet in her hand, that he had swipped forma drunkman. " lets see if you are any goodat seducing any one other then me." HE teased as hsi hadn returned to her hip whiel he rubbed the lump in his pants agsint ehr ass.

"So what's wrogn beautiful?" THE stripper asked as he closed the door behind Victoria, leaving them in a room wit velvet bpadded walls, for the rough play and for sound proofing, it was a simpel room witha pool a bedwitha apdded side almsot lieka sofa, a chair near the bed and ofcourse a trunk of toys, though the trunk was closed and locked, it would cost extra for that. "and tell me which package you want.. other then mine that is" HE siad wiht a chukle while walking over to Victoria, lookign her over witha smirk, it was a rare treat to actualy find good looking women willign to pay,.
Cindy smiled happily as he bit her earlobe, pleased she had made the right decision. The smile faded though when he told her she would have to get the girl. "Bait the girl?" She gasped, jumping in surprise as he pushed her so far into the corner that the corner of the stage rubbed through her skirt against her nether regions. She seemed to be a little more tense now as she chewed on her bottom lip. She could feel the lump in his pants rubbing against her and between that and the stage pressing against her, she was getting a little aroused and wet. Not wanting to move, and unsure Kenny would even allow her much movement from the corner, Cindy dug in the wallet and pulled out a few bills. She waited for the girl's eyes to look her way before she waved the money as a beacon the stripper happily answered as she stepped off the pole and danced over to their corner.

"I am starving." Victoria said as her eyes trailed overt the room and back to him. "I believe you can satisfy my appetite." She said lustfully as she walked over to the young stripper. "I am feeling... adventurous today... " She said as her fingers trailed over his chest. "I want the whole package." She said before she whispered the most beautiful words to most mortals in his ear. "Money is no object." Then she walked passed him towards the center of the room with her back to him. She slide her shirt off first, though her hair covered most of her back and he had yet to see her front. Then she pretended fiddle with her jeans. "I seem to be having a little trouble. Would you mind lending a hand?"
"goo you baited ehr, but money isn't all they want, sweeten the deal, reel her in." HE whispred to Cindy as the girl got closer. His hip grindign agsainst Cindy's ass, he could smell ti on her, how aroused she was gettign, ofcourse he smetl every one elses hormones and pheramones that sriounde dhim, but he had been so close with Cindy he could pick out her scent even if she were on the other side of the city, "lets see if youc an get her into a threesome wihtout payign extra" he added trying to add some diffifulty if he wasn;t already makign it hard enough as his hands ran up and down the girls hips.

The stripper walke dup behind Victoria with a smirk upon his face, taking off hsi cowboy hat and placing it on her head beferoe he leaned over her shoulder, as if to look at ehr jeans, intruth it wa sjsut to see how wel developed his customer was as his ahdns slid roudn her hips to her jeans , she wasn't the only oen actign now as he pretended to fumbela roudn blindly trying to fidnthe zipper, in reality he was rubbing hsi fingers inbetwen her legs to tease her. the man was slightly tanend and blonde, blue eyes, his chest was bare except for a brown leather vest witha sheriff's star on it, the man hasda few sdcars which jsut adde dot hsi rough cowboy look on his waist he wore chapless (wow the word jsut escaped me , ya knwo what cowboiys wear) with tigth jeans underneith to give him come coverage though he was goign commando so the girl wouldtn have to work hard to get to his real gun, in the holsters where guns were suposed to be he ahd two silver painted vibrators (hehe known as silver bullets ^_^), withe h playign downe he unzipepd the girls pants , loopign his thumsb ont eh rim and slowly sliding it down for her feelign over her curves as he did, goign on his kness behidn her as the pants reached her ankles and his teeth now on the elastic of her panties(or thong of w/e) to slowly trip that off for her aswell, witht aht doen he stood straigth up as he twirled handcuffs arodudn one of hsi fingers. "so lil' missy are you a cowgirl.. or a horse?"
Cindy pursed her lips in as she tried to keep herself from making any moaning sounds. His grinding was causing her to grind against the stage. Her breathing had already gotten heavier as she was both hungry and horny. She was getting wetter with every grind and wanted to get this over with in fear that one of two things were going to happen if she didn't. She was either going to have an early orgasm against the stage or she would be dripping wet by time they headed to the back. Either thought would be absolutely embarrassing. She had to calm down and control herself his challenge made that difficult. For someone like her it felt like what he asked for was impossible. But it was for him so she would do it. "I'll try Master." She replied in almost a whisper.
"What can I do for you cutie?" The stripper purred as she crouched down in front of them. "You are the purrrfect play mate." Cindy complemented the girl. "Would you come play with me... us?" She stammered on her last words. The stripper crawled beside and shifted her hips towards Cindy to slide the money in her skirt. "Sure, I'll play with you. But he's going to cost extra." The girl smirked thinking the girl was too innoscent not to take advantage of them. Cindy pouted tilting her head down and looking up at the girl with sad eyes. As Kenny ground his hips against her she sucked in instead of gasping to pretend she was crying. Her knees were begining to tremble, if Kenny kept playing with her like this she did not know how much longer she could last. "But...but..the money I have left I need to get home." Cindy whimpered, Kenny's grinding makeing her acting so much easier to believe. The stripper looked over Kenny, it was lucky he was cute. "Please come play with us." Cindy's eyes gave a soft glow as they locked with the stripper, she did not realize what she was doing but she wanted to please Kenny so badly and to get this done so quickly she accidently hypnotized the girl to her will. "Of course cutie, I can't say no to you." The stripper nodded her head, sounding more obedient than before.

"Mmmm" Victoria hummed lustfully as his hands rubbed between her legs. She stepped out of her thong and jeans and turned to face him. She stepped forwards to step herself against him as she was now wearing only a black bra and her boots. "I am a wild horse who needs to be tamed." Victoria coed as she grabbed his crotch in a tight grip. "Can you break me in cowboy?" she asked as she released her grip to rub his crotch through his pants.
"mmm thata a good girl." Kenny whispered as he pressed hard onteh girl now grindign rough as he didnt seem to want to move not yet. "woudl you give us a minute though." Kenny finaly spoke up othe stripper. "I love thsi song." He lied, wishing to tease ihis little slave and hopefuly ring her to an orgasim as one hand now masaged the girls covere dbreasts while he suckle dher neck.
"there has yet to be a hors ei can't break." THE stripepr replied as a snappign sound was heard and Victorias wrists were cuffed in front of her. "you always gotah show the animal who their bos is." He said as if the were teachigna tutorial the cowboy then stopepd back as he took hsi whip form his belt to lash at Victoria's feet. "now will you get on yoru hadns an kness, or do i relaly have to work." HE siad still smirking, obvously a dominant one.
The stripper looked over to Cindy as if asking her if she wanted the girl to leave and Cindy merely nodded her head. "I'll be waiting at that back door." The girl purred pointing to the door that lead to the private rooms beside the end of the stage. Then she got up and began dancing across the stage. Cindy gasped, cupping her hand over her lips as he ground harder against her. She could feel the edge of the stage hitting against her clit over and over again sending wave after wave of pleasure through her. Her neck rolled to the side as he suckled on her neck and groped her. This was becoming too much for the girl to handle. Her body was putty in his hand as the pressure built up to the point where she could blow at any moment. Soft whimpers and moans were caught muffled in her hand as she tried not to let anyone including Kenny hear her as she leaned back against Kenny, her body trembling under his touch.

Victoria was getting excited as the cuffs locked around her wrist. "Is that so?" Victoria questioned him smoothly as he began to tell her how to break his horse. She smirked as he pulled out the whip and took a few more steps back away from him. Her hands came up to rest behind her neck, teasing him with her body. She shook her head disobediently. "You can't tame this horse without putting some work into it." She mused playfully. She was pleased she had picked a fun human to play with.
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