The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Marrianna looked around the room. There were plenty of gifts under the tree and everyone looked like they loved each other. At least in the way she had seen humans and immortals like vampires express their love for one another. It was a little different than the way merfolk would express their love but she had no place to judge. The only difference she really saw was the mention of peace on earth and good will towards man. That was hard to explain but she assummed it would have something to do with decorations. What is the point of the tree? She asked curiously. Though as Kenny brought his attention more towards the naga she thought the question was not so improtant and let him continue with Nell.
Nell's cheeks turned red from his tease, though she was hardly embarrassed. She actually appeared to be proud that she could take him in so easily. She moaned an approving reply as his fingers slide between her hair. As he shuddered and showed signs of coming close to cumming she began to work him harder with more enthusiasm until he finally did cum. The naga swallowed his load as if it was a smoothie. Then once he was done her lips pressed down against his flesh as she pulled out to make sure she took most of his cum with her. "Merry Christmas" She smirked as she slide back, licking her lips. "What a treat. I must have been a good girl this year." She mused.
"mm with a mouth liekthat, of cours eyou have beena good girl." Kenny tease dthe naga befor looking tot he mergirl curiosuly. "huh i never really thought of that, it's jsut festive i gues, santa clause coemxs at nigtha nd puts gifts under it" kenny said witha shrug befoere glancign aroudn the room, it defiantly wasn't how his family spent christmas, when his family spent christmas together, but other then taht he was wonderign where hsi little Cindy had gone as well as checkign on his girl friend, wondering how she was spendign christmass now. "any other questions my curious little mergirl."
The more he tried to explain the tree and christmas the more questions the mergirl had. Like who was santa clause and why does he break into peoples houses at night? However she could tell as he looked around the room, his eyes scanning for someone specifically, that his attention was else where. It was christmas and he seemed excited about it so she did not mind. No. That is all the questions I have for now. She told him. It was at that time that Cindy came back into the room from the hallway. This time she was wearing a gingerbread girl outfit with her hair pulled up in a big red bow. She was in a brown tanktop and skirt with large gumdrop buttons going down the front and white frosting like trip around the sleeves and bottom of the dress. She wore white thigh highs and furssy white cuffs on her wrists and black boots with the same white frosting triming. It was all complete with candycane earings and a rainbow candy necklace. Cindy walked over to the tank looking up at Kenny. "Do you like my knew outfit Master?" She asked curiously as she twirled in a circle for him to see it all.
"okay .. i'll do abit of researcha dn talk to you later then ,and Nell.. i have a surprise for you.. but at a difrent night.. now then i'm of for my own treat." HE said grinnign down to ccidny as he dried of fhsi feet and pulel don his pants, hopping of the tank and landing a fot infrotn of her as he gazed over her with hungery eyes. "mmm i could eat you all up." he saidthe obviously corny line befoer kissing her uponthe lips. "you know you should stop wearign these food based outfits, it only gives me more reason to bite in." He teased as he nipped at her ear, witheh candy cane stockigns from befoer and the gingerbreadt now eh couldtn help himelf fromt eh littl jokes bafore stepping backa nd lookign around. "so its both of our first christmass in this mansiona nd i have no clue what todo now." he saidcuriously as he looked around, the stockings the coal both seemed fun hthough he figrued there migth eb more todo.
Cindy seemed to blush just by the way he was looking at her. His eyes looking over her outfit like a hungry wolf. She leaned forwards against him as he kissed her. A big smile grew on her lips as she was happy he liked her choice in the costume. "I'll try to remember that next time." Cindy replied to his tease, giggling as he nipped at her ear. She looked around with him before looking back at her master. "It's christmas!" She said happily. "You can do anything you want. What do you want to do master?" She asked curiously. "Yes, what do you want to do?" A familiar voice came from behind him as Anna kissed him on the neck from behind before walking over to his side.
"mmm well there you are anna." Kenny stated as he leaned over to kis her upon the lips a hand wraping aroudn ehr waist as he looked to cindy, his eyes goign ide for a moment as he thought of it, thisha dbeent he first time anna and cindy had really been together with him, excluding the ties ehw as down itn eh dungeon."mmmm what am i going todo.. what am i goign todo, me and two of the loviest girsl ont eh planet... so many disicions." Kenny pondered allowed before glancing to Anna. "might there be any other rooms decorated for christmass?" he asked curiously before lookign out the widnow to see it actualy snowsing outside, his gaze was on the snow for a full mintue befer he snapepd otu of it and tugeed on hsi collar, igues first thigns first, may i please let loose." He said as he jokingly pouted to his girlfriend
Anna smiled embrassing the kiss as her hands slide up to rest just below his shoulders. It appeared both girl's rosy cheeks flushed a darker tone of pink when he flattered them as the lovliest girls. Anna nodded her head to his question. "The entire mannor is decorated, some rooms more than others." She informed him. "This one is simply everyone likes to gather in to celebrate together." She said. Her eyes followed his gaze and she glanced at the snow outside the window for a brief second before he began to pleade her to remove the collar. She laughted lightly. "How can I say no to an adorable face like that." She teased as she she unlatched the collar and removed it from his neck. "Would you like to go outside in the snow?" Anna asked him curiously knowing he had not left the walls of the mansion since he arrived and she had noticed he snow had caught his attention.
Kenny sighed as he riubbed his now free neck, his eyes glidding back over toe hhe window. "it would be nice to get some fresh air and maybe some exercise that isn't well.... you know." Kenny said witha chuckle as he headed out of the room, and once he stepepd intot eh halwlay his clothes seemd to fall as he seemed to disapear, a wolf now shaking off the clothes before rushing downt he halway, the wolf happy to be able to transform, he had forgoten how it felt to be an animal and he couldnt wait to get used to teh body out in nature, if not jsut happy to see beyond the door again, though in his rush hthe wolf now sat at eh door unable to open it without aposable thumbs and he wasn;t about to opent he door as a but naked human,so the dog scratched at the wood as eh waited for Anna and Cindy to catch up to him.
(meh couldnt help myself)
The girls followed him into the hallway and giggled as he transformed racing back and forth eagerly. They followed him over to the door. "Bad boy." Anna tapped his nose lightly, pretending to scold him. "Victoria won't be happy you are scratching up her door." She teased. Cindy wrapped her arms around the over sized wolf's neck. His fur was so soft and her hand scratched behind his ear. "This is the first time I have seen a werewolf fully transform." She told Anna. "He's like an oversized dog I always wanted." She giggled acting as if she has just gotten a new dog for christmas. "Open the door. He wants to go outside." She urged Anna. "Alright Kenny, don't leave the yard." She warned him as she opened the door to let him loose. They watied for him to go out before they followed behind closing the door behind them. WIth the fresh snow falling everything was covered in white.

((hehe I couldn't either >.<))
Kenny yelped and backed away abit as Anna smacked is nose, stickign his tongue out at her as she jokingly scolded him, the wolf then leaned its hea dback as Cindy hugged him, nuzzlign ehr cheek woit he back of his head that ws until the door was opened and he dashed out leaping inttoeh snow in one bound before rolling onto his bakc and rollign itneh snow happily, nothign was a better insulator then his own fur as he roleld around he hardly felt the nip of the cold, only inteh air he breathed in and that didnt bother him at all, it was actualy invigurating to breath it ina s he panted, watchign hsi breath come out in clodus of steam as he roleld bakc over and sat to look over to hsi girls wonderign what they were doing.
Anna had grabbed a coat and gloves by the door and put them on. She was still dead which meant she could not get sick or die from the cold. However, she was in her human form which meant the could would be uncomfortable still. Cindy laughed as she watched Kenny roll over into the snow. She did not need any coverage. She was fully dead and her body temperature was already cold. Cindy raced down the stairs into the yard and threw herself backwards onto the ground. She spread her arms and legs and began to flap them like a bird making a snow angel. Anna had followed not far behind. She dipped her hands into the snow, patting it together lightly. Then she threw a snowball at Kenny.
Kenny had just laye dhsi eye son Anna at teh rigth moment to see the large white ball moments before it hit him makignthe gdog tumble over with a yelp. 'oh that's it this means WAR' The boy tried to say but only barking and growling came out as he ran intot he bushes out of the site of the ghost and vampire, slinking off to come up tot he bushes rigth by the door they had exited and there for right behind Anna as he howled and leaped out to pounce the girl.
The girls laughed as Kenny got hit. When he disappeared into the bushes Cindy jumped out of her angel and walked around to draw a halo over it in the snow with her fingers. She stood looking down at it with her hands on her hips and nodded her head in proud approval. Anna bent down to gather more snow and pat another snow ball down in her hand. She stood up looking around for Kenny and just as she turned to face him he pounced out of the bushes. She fell flat on her back under him and the snowball went flying out of her hand landing on Cindy's head. "Hey!" Cindy scrunched her nose and put her hands on her hips as she turned to face the two. White powdered snow toped her head. "I wasn't even playing." She complained. Anna snickered a she turned her head to Cindy. "Opps." Was all Anna could say for herself. Cindy bent down and picked up a snowball throwing it towards the two. "Now I am." She added.
KEnny had begunt o lick teh girsl face in revengve when his ears perke dup as he heare domsthign coming, lookign up ocne mroe jsut intome for his snout to get smacked withe h cold ball of ice, tumblign off of Anna the werewolf covere dhis nozle with a paw and whimpered actign as if it hurt him,w aitign for one fo them t get close enoughj to himto pounce and lick them, it was the most he could do withotu hands to make snow balls.
"Yekk" Anna laughed as she tilted her head up and rolled it to the side trying to escape his large tongue. Cindy came to her rescue but it was not before half her face was covered in slobber. The girls stood up smiling but when Kenny whimpered their smiles had faded. The two curiously walked towards Kenny, their heads tilted to the side trying to see his nose. "You weren't supposed to hurt him." Anna told Cindy. "Im sorry Master." She appologized as the two approached him together, bending forwards towards his face hoping to see if he was alright.
the wolf boy waited for both of them to get close enough before he pounces at both of them to pin them down a paw on each of their chests as he went backand forht lickign boths of their faces before leaping off and chucklign ashe finaly spoke. "can't believe you two fell fro that." He said in a mroe human voice as he begna gettignt he hang of his wolf body once more.
The girls squeeled as they fell onto the backs. Their faces scrunced up and tilted to the sides as he took turns licking their faces. Their hands were pressed against his fur and above their head as the squirmed slightly under him with laughter. "That was not very funny." Cindy said as the girls roled onto their knees and stood up. "Yeah" Anna agreed with Cindy. Both girls looked at each other was a smirk as if they were reading each other's mind. Then they looked back at the werewolf as they brushed the snow off of him. "Let's get him." Anna said as they both suddenly bent down to gather a snow ball and ran after him.
the wolfs confidence faded as they rushed towards him, his ears lowerign and tail drooping as eh went wide eyed befeor turnign and dashign away formt hem before they could get too close, tryign to dive fro the cover of the bushes again , hiding and navigating through them to try and pounce Cindy from ebehind now hopinghte trick would work twice.
The two girls saw him head for the bushes and threw their show balls hoping they would hit something. Then they quickly bent down to gather another snowball. “Do you see him?” Cindy asked as they patted the snow down in their hands. Anna shook her head. “He is somewhere in the bushes. Keep your eyes open for him.” Anna suggested as they split up. Anna went towards one end of the bushes while Cindy went towards the other. She cuffed her hand curiously over her eyes as she leaned forwards a little to lower her sight eye level to the bushes.
The boy chuckled in his mind as one ball actualy hit him, the wolf's eyes watched curiously as they csplit up and he quickly began headign towards Cindy's end, the first thign she would see is the glow of his eye sinteh moonliht before his snout shot form teh shadows to fit in her cupped ahands and lick her face before he pounnced at her, giviggn hreer a poutign face as he sat on ehr befoer quickly lookign to anna, trotting off of his captive ghost and nuxxlignher back to make her sit upa s he hid behind her
Cindy saw the glow in his eyes staring back at her and was actually mesmerized for a moment before she realized what it had meant. She took a few steps back but was not fast enough to truly react. Before she knew it the werewolf was on top her licking her face again. "Okay.. okayyy" she giggled giving in. Then he crawled off of her and nuzzled against her back. In now time she was sitting up and Kenny was using her as a living shield from Anna. Anna had heard the commotion but by time she came around she could not see Kenny. "Cindy, where did he go?" She asked curiously as she walked forwards over to Cindy, her eyes looking around towards the bushes as she suspected Kenny was hiding again. Cindy snickered to herself but shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know." She said trying to hold in a giggle as she knew Kenny was behind her. Anna looked at Cindy suspiciously, her face glistened in slobber and her arms and legs had fresh snow on them. "Didn't you just see him?" She asked suspiciously. Cindy shrugged her shoulders, she was not very good at lying.
the boy knew the jig was up even before Cindy spoke but that wouldn't stop him from having soem fun as he began nuzzlignt he girls back to tickle her, hsi wet nose rubbing on her spine int he litle indent on ehr back right befor eth curve of ehr but.
Cindy giggled arching her back forwards, trying to get away from his cold wet snout. "Kenny stop it." She conplained, wiggling her upper body back. She gasped covering her mouth as she realized what she had just said. "Oops." The single word came out as Anna rushed around Cindy to see Kenny nuzzling her back. "I have you this time." Anna said as she threw the snowball towards him then punched forwards to try tackling to the ground so that she would be on all fours over the wolf boy.
the wolf was grinnign when Anna found him but as his eyes laid upon the snow ball in her hands the grin dissapeared, he hadnt expected her to hav eon in her hand already as it slamemd itno hsi face, blindign him long enough to find he was hte onw now pinned byt eh ghost girl who hung over him, smirkign as her sudenly turned back into a human long neough to give her a quick peck on the lips befeor turnign abckintoa wolf before hsi body could feel the cold of the snow, his paws pusshign at ehr to see if he could get her off, though he wasn't tryign too hard.
Anna blushed as she was caught surprised by the human kiss. "Got you" She said proudly to her success. As Kenny's paws went to push Anna off her Cindy crawled over to them and pushed her shoulder against Anna's to lightly push her out the way. Anna rolled to her side while Cindy threw herself half on top Kenny in a hug, snuggling her cheek against his warm chest fur. Anna rolled onto her side to wrap herself around Kenny's other side as the two girls calmed down, lying in the snow snuggling into Kenny. After a few minutes of staring up at the white sky Cindy broke the silence "Now what do we do?" She asked curiously.
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