The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

"Of course, we celebrate most holidays." She informed him as he got dressed. "Don't worry. You really don't have to get me anything." She reassured him as she hopped off the bed. "Having you here is enough." She told him. Sure the line was a little cheesy but it was true. That fact that he was here somehow made this christmas feel more special to her. She practically skipped over to him once he was dressed. She cut off in front of him just as they reached the door. She quickly looked him over then nodded her head. "Mmm hmmm... very happy." She said with a bright smile as she once again kissed him. Then without warning she took his hand and began to lead him down the hallway. "Come on I wanna show you!" She said as she eagerly tugged his hand. Once they were halfway down the hall she paused as if she had forgotten something. "Close your eyes. And no peeking." She told him. She waited for him to close his eyes and waved her hand in front of him to make sure they were closed. Then she began to guide him again.
"Yourreally love this holdiay dont you?" HE asked as she puleld formt he kiss moemtn before he tugged him out the dor, a grin on hsi face the whole time, until she stopepd him, givign a quizical look befoer chucklign as he shut his eyes for her. "mmm a surprise, i dont know if i hould worry or not abotu that." He chuckled otu as he waite dfor her to guide him now
"It's your first christmas here. I want you to see it all at once." She explained as she guided him to the end of the hallway to the open doorway that lead into the main entrance room. She looked up at his face to watch his reaction. "Alright. You can open your eyes now." She told him as she continued to hold his hand.

The main entrance or living area was much larger than he remembered and was more festive than anything he had ever seen. The room seemed to glow as it was decorated in lights and Christmas decorations. Christmas music played in the air and there was no one in their usual uniform. All the maids today were dressed up like santa’s elves, raindeers, or wearing other Christmas related costumes. Every resident in the mannor was in the room and there still seemed to be room to spare. In the middle of the room was santa’s sleigh. The butler was a fairly built young man wearing a red santa suit complete with the hat, pants and boots and a large open coat which made him look more like a stripper for hire than a santa. Pulling the sleigh were six (maybe eight) girls on their hands and knees with horse bites in their mouths and raindeer headbands on their head. They had belled collars around their necks and wore brown langerii. The chains that connected them together slide from their collar under their soaked panties making them pause and gasp in pleasure with each crawl they made to pull the sleigh. The young twins Amber and Ashley led the sleigh with blinking red noses. “Ho Ho Ho” Santa exclaimed as his green whip lashed against the ‘deer’s supple bottoms, tittleing a ho for each girl. “Merry Christmas” He called out pleasantly as one of the young maids dressed as an elf sat on his lap. In the back seat of the sleigh there was another male sevant dressed in elf like attire screwing one of the elves.
Against the side wall Victoria sat in a Christmas like thrown, silver with red felt lining, like one would see santa sit in at the mall. Her hair was pulled half way up in a bun and she was wearing a emerald green gown today. There was another male servant in green on his knees in front of her with his head under her skirt as he licked and suckled her pussy. Further down there was a small tank where Marianna and Nell , the mermaid and naga seemed to be having a conversation together.

Across the room in the corner was a large Christmas tree with a flow of presents beneath it. There he would spot little Cindy curled underneath it with ribbon like a kitten playing with yarn. She wore a green langeree set with a emerald skirt and red candy cane striped stockings. Her hair was up in pick tails with shiny metallic bows on her head like one would find on presents. The girl was tangled in a large red ribbon that wrapped around her body and limbs. The ribbon wrapped over her lips and restrained one arm under her chest and around her side while the other was stuck at her ankle causing her back to arch a bit. At first she was sitting up on her knees then she somehow rolled over to her side, now realizing that her ankles were stuck to her thighs. It looked like she had a fight with the ribbon and it was winning.
Not far from the tree was a large stack of a what looked like fake coal.

There were ‘naughty’ sighs hanging above the stack. And besides the stack was two elves playing. One of which had her arms bound behind her back with ribbon while here legs were spread apart by a large candy cane bar. A naughty sign was hung around he neck over he chest while another elf was on her knees in front of the girl, giggling, as she stuck one coal piece after in the girl’s pussy like vibrating eggs. Lust, love and festive cheer filled the room.

(You can add your own vision on what would be in the room on Christmas as well ^.^)
((._. you got a tree you got santa and you got eh coal and the present... Iunno if i can add any more lol))

The boys eyes went wide, unabelt o take it all in at once, first of all he was surprised to actualy see mroe then one butler at a time, he felt almsot intimidated seeign their physic , the boy snaping out of his gaze of the girls that had been 'naughty' as somthign passign infrotn of his eyes, it was snow, or so he thought at first befoer he followed a flake tot he ground, it seemd to dissapear magicaly befoer it hit the ground, it was beautifl, well atleast in his eyes, who knew what other people woudl thinkg of this, his eyes comign upon a giaitn fire palce now which had shackles hangin form above it , three girls hung there , the boy chucklign at the idea, even stockings over a fire palce had been turned sexual as each girl had soem oen pleasurign her 'stuffing' the stockigns with 'gifts'.((wooo i thought of something)) it was the last thing that kenny saw that really made hsi day, his cute little Cindy all tied up and waitign for him. "I must say this has to be the best christmass ever." HE exclaiemd as he turned to kiss Anna upong hte lips, ashe puleld away eh chuckeld as he looked up, the ceilign seemed to be covered with mistle toe where there weren't ligths. "Now is that present for em to unwrap?" KEnny aske dcriously returnign his attention to Cindy.
((stockings over the fireplace and mistletoe covering the cieling >.< nice))

Anna laughed cheerfully when she saw his reaction. It was even better than she imagined it to be. She welcomed his warm kiss with a smile. "I was hoping you would say something like that." She replied pleasantly as he pulled away. She looked over to Cindy under the tree and shruged her shoulder. "It is not my wrapping... but I'm fairly certain that one is yours." She nodded her head in agreement. "Go on and have fun." She said giving him a nudge forwards "Before Victoria spots you in that black unform and turns you into an elf." She joked.
"mm but what is Anna going todo?" Kenny asked curiously, though he slipped away soon after hsi question, almsot fearing what anna had said abotu Victoria gettign him into a costume, the boy was soon crouched under the large christmas tree over his adorable present, readign teh tag on her witha grin, sure enough it was to:Kenny, though he didn't much care who it was form, not yet atleast as he ran a hand over her stockinged leg the other cradlign her cheek to turn her head up towards him. a thumb runnign over the wrapping that covere dher lips, takign hsi time roto cherish Cindy all wrappe dup like this. And with hsi gaze he noticed one ribon that went down beteween ehr legs, onviously over her pussy. "I gues i shoudl start unwraping my gift." he said with an eager grin as eh puleld at the ribbon in hopes that it woudl tighten on her pussy, slippign hsi figner off to let the ribbon snap bakc into place his other hand still strokign her leg softly, this had probably beenthe longest he had gone withotu unwrapign a present after seeign it, but then agian this present was obviously an exception.
"Enjoy Christmas of course." She told him simply. While Kenny went straight for the tree Anna ended up not far away from him. She found one of the young elf girls and took her over to the other side of the coal pile to place a naughty sign over the girl's neck and begin her own fun.
Meanwhile Cindy had stopped squirming in the large ribbon the moment she felt Kenny's hand on her leg. She froze on her side, her eyes light up the moment they met Kenny looking back at her. "Master!" the one word was difficult to inturpret as it was muffled in the ribbon but she was sure he understood. A smile grew on her lips and she tilted her head nudging it gently against his hand like a cat. His very touch over her cheeks and legs seemed to both relax her and excite the girl at the same time. She loved the feeling of his hand stroking over her leg. She felt the ribbon pull tight on her pussy and let out a soft moan, shifted her hips slightly in response to his statement.
"and you know we never got to finish what i started last night." He shipered to her as he begna cuttign a few ribons as he turned one of hsi fingers into a claw, it stung him a tllittle but he didnt want to deal with nots as he freed h he legs tu not her ankles allowing ehr to spread her legs a little. next he freed the hand that was stuck under her breasts, yes he was goign to miss how perky it made her bossom look but he liked it when both peopel paricipated in the fun, his hand then retungin tot he ribon at ehr pussy to tugg ia tti repeatedly befoer lettign ti flick back his other hand stil unabel to move away form ehr leggs nwo as eh brushed the ribbon off lettign ehr feel her soft stockgin covered legs now unobstructed byt eh wrapping.
(( *Slaps head* I knew I forgot something. Anna was suppose to take off his collar before she went to play with the coal. Oh well.))

Cindy stretched her legs out as he freed them first. Though she was aware enough to keep the leg he was stroking near his hand not wanting the soft feeling of his hand to stop. Once her hands were free she used them to help sit herself up more, and leaned her back against some of the larger presents for support. Instinctively she brushed some loose hair from her face before tugging the ribbon down from her pink lips. "I-" She gasped as the ribbon tugged on her pussy once more. She moaned softly and inhaled deeply with each tug as shivers ran through her body. Though she had allowed the rest of the ribbon to slide down or off her body she left that one ribbon between her legs along. It felt wonderful against her pussy and was making her wet and horny. "Merry Christmas" She told him as she leaned forwards to kiss him. "I was tying a big ribbon around myself to look festive for you and the other girls said they wanted to help." She explained to him why she was all wrapped up as she broke from the kiss. "I think they got a little carried away." She giggled, happy just to be there with him on Christmas.
"mm well it's no fun gettign a gift if i can't unwrap it." HE said as if it were a no big deal as he lightly tugged onthe ribon as he spoke. "so tell me what special features does my christmass gift coem with?" He asked before remmebring soemthign, almsot emberessed he forgot to say ti nwo as eh leaned forward to kiss her softly ont he lips. "Merry christmass to you too." he whispered to her as hsi figner sliped formteh ribont o let ti snap back again, he coudl smell it, he could smell her juices beginign to seep out of her, and if he hadn't already been horny, he sure as hell would be now.
"Mmm" Her hips seemed to instinctively pull back against the ribbon as he tugged out it, the ribbon tugging against her pussy and clit sent shivers through her body. She did not reply to his question immediately. Instead she welcomed his kiss, her cheeks turning a light pink tent as the feeling of his warm lips against hers lingered on her soft pink lips even after he pulled away to whisper to her. "Well... I .." She began lightly as her fingers gently pressed against his firm chest muscles while she looked down his hot body. How desprately she wanted him right now was almost to embarrassing to admit. What was even worst, she thought as she looked back up his body to his face, was she was not sure exactly what to say to him. She found herself nearly speechless. She took a deep breathe and tried to remember her training with Anna. "Your new christmas doll comes complete with...umm... a festive christmas outfit..." She began refering to her new clothes "And a... wet pussy immediately ready for use Master." She said. She could not believe how much speaking the last phrase aloud turned her on. "Your sex toy can even talk. If you pull the right strings, and push the right buttons this doll will make sounds of pleasure for you." She added encouraging foreplay. She would have been happy if he had felt her up and teased her pussy all night.
Kenny nodded his head with ehr explenation, his hand movign formteh ribon to massage her breasts, hsi themb pressign one hr nipple as she talked abotu pushign buttons as he thought for a moment befeor leanign into whisper. "do you reall want me todo it here?" he asked as he looked out aroudn him "ifnrotn of every one" he added, hoping she stil had some innocents, of course he loved the sluts like the twins but a girl that felt shame, emberasment still innosent was always nice too. "though either way, you are my toy i can play with you any where right?" He asked with a sly grin ebfeor leanign bakc down to kiss her upont he lips.
Shivers ran through her chest the moment his hands cupped her emarald bra. Her breathing became a bit more shallow as he massaged he chest then her breathing suddenly stopped completely as he whispered into her ear. She was so concerned with the way her body felt and with Kenny himself that she had completely blocked out and forgotten everything else, including where they were. For the first time her eyes left him to scan over the room and its many inhabitants. She was no longer so confident in what she had wanted before. She looked back to him and his sly grin as he spoke. All she could do was nodd her head. He was right. She did not want him to be but he was. She belonged to him unconditionally and making love infront of all those people was a possible price she could pay for being his toy. She closed her eyes as he kissed her and finally remembered to exhale as she pulled from the kiss. "Master Kenny.." She began softly "Can we do this somewheres else?" She asked him now sounding a bit unsure for she doubted he would allow it. "Somewhere more private... less noisy?" She asked trying to use the noise in the background as a valid excuse to hide how nervous she had become and how much she did not want anyone else watching them.
((wooo *cough*'subtle'*cough* hints work lol))
Now that was the Cindy he wanted as his devious smirk turned toa soft smile the boys thumb turned itnoa claw to cut down in ehr cleavage and tear the bra sot eh cups bounced of. "but why cindy? don't you lvoe their cries of passion, dont you want to add to teh music?" HE asked in a soft hiss in her ear abfro he stepped and twirled and suddenly he was behidn her allowign her chest to be exposed to the party with hsi hands cuping under them , his forfigner and thumb twsitign at her nipples as eh nibbled on her ear, his ahnds leavign her breast sto slowly feel over hte curves of ehr body to her skirt and then to press on her inner thighs to force them open." now why don't we show them how much you soaked that ribon of yours."
His hissing words tickled her ear and she smiled sheepishly as she scrunched her shoulders and tilted her head slightly towards him. She wanted to shake her head and say no to him but she also did not want to disappoint him. So Cindy did the next best thing and made up an excuse. "My voice is small.." She paused, gasping as he was suddenly behind. She lifted her arms up to cover her exposed breasts but his big hands were already cupping and playing with her chest. Her cheeks flushed bright red as she glanced around to room, though it wasn't likely true, she suddenly felt like everyone's eyes were on her. Her gaze dropped down to the floor, if they were looking at her she did not want to look back. "Y-y-you-" She stuttered her words hardly able to let them out now as his warm fingers took her nipples hostage, twisting them sending warm chills through her chest. She gasped rolling her head against him as he nibbled on her ear. She was like putty in his hands and it was completely embarrassing. "..w-wontt.." breathed out as his hands began to trail away from her chest. "B-be able to hhear me." Her hands slide up to cross modestly over her chest as she watched his hands guide her thighs open. She could feel her cheeks heat when he mentioned the ribbon. She was sure it would be drenched in her juices. Her knees bucked inwards as she desprately wanted to close her legs now. "Master, do you really want to share your christmas present with everyone? Sharing is not neccessary. Do you really want other boys looking at me?" She asked trying to convince him to take her somewheres else.
"of course i do, i want them to be envious of what they can't have." HE whispere dto her befoet bitign upon ehr ear lobe, one hand slippign up her thight under her skirt to press a teh ribon and fore it to crease itno ehr slit befoer he sliftd hsi fingers up, his index tunign itno a claw to slowly tear at her skirt takign a nice long minute to shred the fabric so hat only her ribon was coverig her most private area and evne then half od it was stuffe ditno ehr slit now, his other hand still running over her thight pressign itnot eh soft sensative skin as he kept nibllign on her ear, his breath heavy as he was ready to take ehr any moment, he could smellher uneasyness and her fear, it was heavenly mixed with all the toerh aromas floodignt he room with lust and extacy.
Her breathing was growing shallow with his every word and she nearly jumped when he bit her earlobe, her body gave a shudder as she imagined all those boys watching her half naked body exposed to them while Kenny bite her ear. She suddenly felt easy, and at the same time she was flattered Kenny liked her and thought she was pretty enough to want to show her off. She moaned softly as she felt him press the ribbon down into her slight and pull his finger out. She leaned her back against his chest, her breathing seemed to grow shallower with each second as he tore her skirt. Despite how uncomfortable she felt with the feeling of all those eyes on her vulnerable little body, she felt horny and her cold lifeless body felt hot almost as if she were human. "I-y don't want them to see..." She breathed out and she bent her leg in front of her trying to turn her body to the side while his hand ran so wonderfully over her other thigh. "I am y-yours not theirs." She protested in her soft half moaning whisper as he nibbled on her ears. Despite her weak protests her body was completely failing her as she continued to grew wetter and wetter. It was almost as if she liked being embarrassed infront of everyone. That could not be true.
"yes but if they don't see thsi how wil lthey know you're mine?" he asked her while he tugge don her ribbon yet again givign ti slack befoer tugging hard. "what will they all think if i make you climax befoer even inserting?" He whsipered toher teasignly his free hadn slippign behidn her to unbuttong and unzip his pants, guidign his hard memebr out to press and rub its head between ehr but cheek, the boy gaspign s he was finaly able to pleasure himself physicaly
"Mmm" She moaned softly as he tugged the ribbon once more. "I will tell them" She replied during the short time he gave the ribbon slack. Then the ribbon came up hard against her pussy and clit sending chills of pleasure up her spin. She closed her thighs pressing her back harder against him "Ohhaaah" A louder moan was forced from her throat as her hands subconsciously squeezed her covered chest. Her eyes caught a few eyes turn her way from her cry of pleasure and she blushed, bitting her bottom lip lightly. "Noo-" She paused knowing very well she should not say no to her Master especially on christmas. She could not even imaging what the boys would think if she came so early. She knew he could easily make her. Her small body could not take much more. "I c-can't imagine what they'll think of me" She breathed out shyly. Though she fell quiet when she heard the zipper of his pants come down and she gasped simultaneously with him in surprise as she felt his hard cock rub against her backside.
"believe me they will all be thinking.. possitive.. thigns about you." He teased into her ear his hand that was at her zipper now moved up her body to her hea,d carresigna cheek befeor he moved tot he bows on ehr head , untieing them and allowign ehr hair to hang loose, snugglign itnot eh bakc of her neck through her hair teasingly as he moved hsi hand back down to her inner thigh rubbign his thumb in nearly atop her pussy while his fingers flet over the skin of her thigh thet was exposed rigth abvoe the stockigns,his other hand tuggign harder at the ribbon, the boy was surprsied the splastic hadn't snapepd yet with all thsi play.
She sqwenched her shoulders giggling a little as his breath tickled her ear and her back tingled from his warm hand traveling up her spin to gently caress her cheek. Cindy rolled her head to the side as he snuggled into her neck. Her chest heaved up and down as his hand slide down her body to slide between her thighs teasing her lower regions once more. Chills of pleasure tingled through her body. He tugged harder at the ribbon and her hips bucked up and her back arched against him. "AHHH" She coed in pleasure as the ribbon tugged hard against her clip. She began to squirm a little, the ribbon was pulling so tight against her pussy and clit that each little movement from her brushed against the ribbon and sent waves of pleasure through her. "Pplease Master..." her body was now shaking in pleasure against him. "I c-can't take anymoreah" She whimpered softly as the pressure within her had built up to its peak. She did not want to ask him to let her cum or to admit that she was about to for she knew everyone was watching her, listening to her. It was embarrassing enough she was about to cum in front of them off of a christmas ribbon.
"well then let yourself loose." He whispered upon her neck as he yaknked hard multiple times, his thumb pressign ot eh sensative flesh next to her pussy , theboys tongue runing over her flesh up her jawbone to her ear. "let it all go, let every one see you LCIMAX!!" witht hey last work he yanekd as hard as he coould withe h ribon, in hopes to pushing her over the edge, at th same time the force finaly snapped teh ribon letign every oen see her soaked pussy.
Cindy gasped, her body tensed and twitched with each tug he made. Her eyes were squint shut and she held her breathe. Her body trembled as wave after wave of pleasure sent through her pushing her over the edge. Each time she thought she was going to cum, her mind begged her body to cum. His encouragement helped her over the edge. Then he made the final tug and her back arched against him as she cried out in pleasure. Her arms fell from her chest to her sides to grasp the floor as she threw her head back. Her legs fleshed open as her hips bucked up and Cindy came for the first time that morning. A moment later she body fell down from the arch and she slumped a little in Kenny's lap as her muscles relaxed and she opened her eyes while catching her breathe. Cindy looked down at herself and her cheeks burned red. She looked a mess in her eyes and she was completely embarrassed for anyone to see her in such a state. Her hair was down and messily thrown over her shoulders, her bra was snapped open, the front of her skirt was torn and her pussy glistened for all to see as cumm seeped from her pussy. It was shameful but the release left her feeling unbelievably good. Cindy tilted her head up to look at Kenny "Thank you Master." She breathed out even though he had done all this to her in front of the entire mannor.
"well you know there is one way you can thank me.. I haven't been pleased yet." HE whispere dto her, his hip buckign forward to press his memebr harder on ehr back side. "now ado you want to be a slut, and give ti to me willingly infornt of eveyr oen, or shall i hold you down." He hissed to ehr, she might be eager but he wante dto keep her blushing, it was cute on herit was one of ehr things, one of the things that made her stand out form the other maids int he mansion. "now what will it be my cute lil sex toy?" HE asked as the hand that ahd been pulling ot eh ribbon now twisted at her nipple.
She had been so worried about her own self image and her own climax that she had forgotten her number one job. Pleasing Master Kenny. She really needed more training in this being his toy thing. She was smiling and almost giggled as she felt his cock throbbing between her butt cheek. However, that smile quickly faded with his new questions and she had a confused look on her face. He had her stumped. She wanted to please him but she did not want to look like a slut in front of everyone. She also did not want to look like the type of girl who asked to be tied up or held down in Kenny's eyes. Even worse she knew no matter how she looked at it he was going to have sex with her right there under the tree. Her hand reached up to feel her red cheeks. Cindy suddenly inhaled sharply as his warm fingers twisted her sensative nipple. His actions had pulled her away from her thoughts and back to him. "I-I... " She looked shyly downwards to avoid eye contact with him. "would like you to... hold me down Master Kenny?" The words seemed to grow quieter at the end and sounded a little unsure of herself. "That way everyone can truly see I belong to you." she informed him. As she saw it if she was going to be exposed to the entire house like this she would rather be on the bottom. It was somehow less humiliating.
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