The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

She glanced down at his wiggleing penis, almost ashamed at how bashful she became looking at it and how wet it made her as dirty thoughts of what she wanted immediately filled her head. Cindy nodded her head obediently. "I can help you with that Master." She reassured him as she turned her head to the side and slide her rough tongue over his flesh to taste his cum. She began to lick the cum from the side of his length. Then she pulled her head back slightly to roll her tongue over his sensative head.
Kenny shuddered as her rough tongue licked over his sensaive memeber."mmm but thats not what i want, after two days wihtout insertion.. suck on it." HE demandign as her presse dhsi memreb hard at ehr lips when she licked the sensative head. "with you all stuck itn eh wall it would even be okay to feed on me, ic an pull away if need be." he said to reasure her, wishign fot he masocistic pleasure of a real vamprie blow job now.
Cindy's head pulled back and she closed her lips refusing to suck him off at first. Memories of the night before came back into her head and she was afraid. She did not want to hurt him again. Her eyes looked up at him, almost pleading him not to make her do this. However, he did have a point. He could get away from her if things got out of hand. She hoped. And he was being demanding about it. It was something he seemed to really want. So, with a sigh, Cindy slide her lips open around his head and leaned her head forwards to slowly guide him inside. The girl immediately began to suck gently on his length. She slide him a few inches in then slide her head back to his head and back down, bobbing her head at a steady pace.
Meanwhile the twins were standing on the other side of the hole admireing their work. They tilted their heads to the side, staring at Cindy's rear end curiously. Why had she stopped struggling? It was no fun if she just lied there. Both girls walked up closer to observe Cindy better. Ashley lifted Cindy's dress up to get a better look at her bottom while Amber crouched beneath the girl and took hold of Cindy's anckles, spreading the girl's legs apart so she could look up as Cindy's wet panties. Ashley slide her fingers over Cindy's pussy, teasing the lips as they grew wet. Cindy tried to kick her feet, wiggling her bottom as she realized someone was still on the other side messing with her, though she said nothing to Kenny as she continued to suck him.
The boy gasped as her lips wraped aroudn hsi memebr, it wa the feelign he had been needign for more then 48 hours now, his hand ,slidgn dwont eh wall to the girls head, runngin his hand through her golden loches."mmm get it deeper in." KEnny grouane dotu as he gripepd her hair and pulle don it lightly to force her head down even mroe precum spluritng into her mouth as the tip f the head hit the top of her mouth.
Her blue eyes rolled up at him as his fingers ran through her hair. His reaction and very touch made her smile. As instructed she slide him deeper into his mouth. She could feel the groves in his hard penis slide over her tongue and she eagerly swallowed when he released a little cum in her mouth. It was a clear sign she was doing something right. She moaned lightly as the girls continued playing with her on the other end. Cindy slide him in as far as he reached her throat. Once he had filled her mouth and began to feel a little uncomfortable she stopped and tried pulling her head back, bobbing her head and sucking eagerly to that length.
"heh is it too big for your throat?" HE taased as the thrust forward to hit agaisnt ehr throat ebfeor letign her do the work again, his ahdn softly strokging her hair agin, his heart melted when he looekd upt o her with her big blue eyees. "now rung oru fangs agasitn my flesh, let em feel that ltitle beast you are." HE said in a soft, coxign voice. he could feel the rest of the cum buildign ,btu he was holdign it back as best he could wantign to blow a big load for her to swallow.
Cindy gagged on his length as he hit the back of her throat. She was not used to anyone ever going that deep, especially as thick as he was. Though in all honestly he was the first person she had ever give oral on. He gave her back control and she pulled her head back, breathing in a gasp of air through her nose, consequently causing her to suck on him harder. She closed her eyes breathing out as he stroked her hair. He smelt and tasted so good, he was almost irresistable. When he directed her to release her fangs she gave no objection. Cindy paused her movements as she opened her eyes, the blue flickered violet as she let her fangs grow out. Cindy filled her mouth with his throbbing hot cock then gently closed her teeth down against his flesh before pulling back. She continued to suck as her fangs grazed over her flesh. Her body shuddered from the feeling and the smell of his rustic blood. She could almost taste it as her mouth watered for his blood.

On the other side of the wall the girls snickered at how wet Cindy had become. "Naughty naughty." Ashley whispered as she pulled up her wet fingers to show her sister. "She is enjoying this too much." Amber whispered back. The girls glanced around the room then nodded their heads when they spotted a plunger for each of them. The twin's quickly got up and gathered their own plunger and scurried back to the stuck girl. The young maids took a place on each side of the girl, holding thier plungers like a baseball bat. Ashley took a swing first creating a smacking sound as the wood hit Cindy's left cheek, the force was hard enough to leave a pink stinging welt for a few seconds.
Cindy's hips twitched from the impact and she kicked her legs trying to touch someone. Pleased by her reaction Amber waited a minute or so for Cindy to calm down before she took her turn on the other cheek.

On the other side, Cindy had not expected whomever was on the other side to begin whiping her with a foreign object. She was able to graze her fangs over Kenny's length twice before the first impact. She jumped and her fangs instantly sunk into his length. A whimper quickly grew into a moan as his warm blood washed in her mouth and slide down her throat.
KEnny shuddered ourt a groan as she grazed his skin with ehr sharp fangs, he lovesd the ligth tease of pain as she csuckeld on him. Hsi eyes wideneign as hand gripign her hair as she bit down on hsi memeber unexpecctedly,the boy gasped in pain,a s eh girt hsi teeth for a meomnt befoer the rush of extasy ran through him, her but forcign otu a splurt of cum. "ofh god cindy.. I.. you..I can't..." THe boy coudlnt get a straigth senence out, as he took nearly all of hsi will power to keep his cum in his mmber, wantign to allow her to feast on hsi blood, thought it was less then a mintue befoer he lsot it , hsi back archign foricn hsi memebr to ram into her throat, the boy yelpign as her fangs cut itno his flesh as he slamed down her throat befoer hsi memeber released the cum, as he got control of hsi bdoy agian he began pullign his memebr out of her throat back itno erh mouth, allowign his memebr to heal so the only punctured flesh was where her fangs were digign itno him as his memerb still unloaded more cum itno her mouth mixign with hsiblood.
Cindy groaned, wincing slightly from another smack on the bottom before Kenny could lose control on her. Her little body stiffened and she gagged on his large cock as he rammed it down her throat. It took a few seconds before her mind registered to swallow, though when it did, she swallowed hard as the rush of cum down her throat. Her vampiric instincts had once again begun taking control of her action as her violet eyes looked up at him lustfully. Through his orgasm she surprisingly had not lifted her fangs from his length. Instead she slide her tongue over the torn flesh as she savored the taste of his warm blood. She moaned pleasantly through his throat as a new taste of cum and blood mixed in her mouth and she sucked a bit harder. This time was a little different than the last time she turned on him, she seemed a little distracted. Cindy groaned, and her fangs retracted from his flesh as the twins took another smack at her bottom. Seconds later however she allowed her fangs to clamp down to create a new set of holes.
Kenny sighed as she took hier fangsx out and had begun sliding his memebr out of her when she bit down again, ehr fangs sinking right in right under his sensative head, makignt eh boy groan out of pain and pleasure, his hand gripign at her hair to try and get her to release. "Now no cindy if you don't let go how will be able to enjoy the other fun stuff i'm goign todo to you." HE said tryign to talk her in leting go, he would wait two minute bfoer he woudl yank his memebr out of her frocefuly
Cindy did not release him right away. The young vampire did not like being told know when he tasted so good. However, another whip complements of the twins made her gasp and release him. "Sorry Master." Cindy appologized as her tongue slide over her fangs. "It is hard to stop when you taste so GOOD" She moaned the last bit as she tried to keep her attention on Kenny and ignore what was happening on the other side of the wall.
Kenny sigehd in relief as he felt his memerb heal, grinnign ather little moan as he knelt down, takign hsi humb tot eh sid eof ehr lip to rub of f soem of his blood befeor he pressed his lips to hers, kissign ehr softly fro a moment. Teh boy stood then and turned as eh puleld up his pants. "well at elas tyou released my little toy, and for that, i award you, jsut wait for the surprise." HE said as he loekd back to her with a wink befoer he disapeare douthe door and heade dinot he girls bathroom, a waide grin on his face at the ideas he had inhishead, stopign though as he caugth eh scent of two other maids, lookign over at the twins with a puzzled look as eh cleare dhis throat to get their atention, waiting for an explenation. "did you do thsi to my toy?"
Kenny's soft kiss seemed to calm Cindy down a bit. Though she frowned when he disappeared behind the door leaving her alone. She did not think anything good was going to come of him disappearing on the other side of the wall. She struggled once more to get free before sighing. Meanwhile both girls turned to face Kenny, their plungers disappearing in a flash behind their backs. "Us?" They said at once looking appalled at his accusation. They booth shook their heads immediately. "She was already like this when we came in here." Ashley began innoscently. "We would never do anything to something that belongs to you Master Kenny." Amber added. Even though they were caught red handed they were believable liers, had he not caught them in the middle of the act, and were acting completely innoscent. "Wait a minute.." "what are you.." "doing in the girl's" "bathroom?" The girls finished each other's sentence as they tried changing the topic on him. The girls smirked with a small giggle "You were going to" "peep weren't you?" They once again took turns before speaking together. "Naughty naughty" They teased making light of the situation.
Kenny grinned hsi devious little grin, unlieke them he had learnt to not try and cover up when he was caugth itne h act, he foudnt aht out when he was first caugth by victoria on mansion grounds, the memory brought back a sligth discomfort in hsi neck, rememebrign hwo she choked him. "Of course I was, but then again, i was only expecitng my toy to be int he bathroom cleanign." HE said as eh began to walk over ot them angleign it to try and walk to their sides to see what they were hidign behidn their backs, they hadn't stopepd soon enough and hs he had walekd itnot he bathroom he still saw two cute pink wlets on hsi girls butox befoer it healed. "the questionis, why are two vamprie maids, vampires which dont go to the bathroom,a dn maids not asigned to this cleanign area, why wouidl they be up here, at the same tiem my toy jsut happens to be stuck itn eh wall, a day after i tormented one of said maids by making her watch s the stuck maid pleasured me, said maid also being one of the jealous vengful types.
The girls turned their bodies towards him as he tried cleverly to see what was behind their backs, they subtly kept their bodies facing him so that he could not see. They also stepped sideways to that they were soon standing side by side each other. "Jealous?" "Vengeful?" The girls repeated him. "Your choice in word...""Are harsh Master Kenny." They accused him of being a little cruel himself. "We were at the wrong place""At the wrong time" They explained. "Purely coincidence" They said innoscently together. This all appeared to be a game to them as they tested their fate acting is if they did nothing wrong. They were smart. They both amired and crushed on Kenny and also knew he knew little of the maids schedules and areas so he could not hold it against them. "We were assigned this cleaning area." "in the room just across the hallway." "We were going there when we noticed the" "said maid" the other added just to tease him "had been in the bathroom for quite a while." "We were concerned" The two made up the story on the spot to try cleaning their tracks.
"I will check that with the msitress later, for now, tell me why you had my toys skirt up." Kennys said as eh bent down next tot eh plump little ass oc cidny's and slowly slid her skirt down to cover the pale flesh ebeor lookign back to the twisn as he stood, why were you standign next to her and not tryign to get her out?" HE aske das eh stepepd toward tehm again. "Why were their welts on her ass when i walked in?" he asked with antoerh step clsoer." And what are you two hidign behidn your backs?" He asked, the alast step puting him within arms reach of the girls as he reached otu to grab their shoulders sot hey coudlnt move away again,
The girl's nearly melted as his hand grabbed their shoulders. This was fun, exciting. Sure they were in trouble, but there was something about the danger that surrounded them. Him, of all people, catching them in the act was unfortunate but they were going to at least try taking advantage of it. After all it was better for him to catch them than another mistress. "We did try to help her.""She is stuck good in that hole." They said now smiling, and trying deprately to hold in a laugh as they were proud of the prank and found it funny. However, they knew it was the wrong time to laugh, it was serious to him. One twin slide her plunger behind her back to the other so that both her hands would be free. "Master Kenny, she is not going anywheres any time soon." the one with the free hands began as she lifted his hand off her shoulder to guide it down, brushing over her breast, then settiing around her waist as she stepped closer. "We can give you.." She began as she stepped closer to him, placing a hand on his cheek before sliding it down his neck and chest, her eyes following her hand lustfullly. "the naughty fun.." The other spoke as she too stepped closer, her free hand coming up to curl into his while her other held the plungers behind her back. "that you came here for." The first twin said as her hand slide over his chest and around his waist. She tilted her head to kiss him on the neck, the girls now trying to seduce him into forgeting half the questions they ignored.
the boys body shudeed obviously wishing to take them up ontheir offer so badly, his mind ont he toehr hand had a strogner resovle as he spoke otu with an unwaverign voice, almost like a hiss in both f the girl ears as he spoek to them. "how is it noaughty? if i can have you girls any time any wear?" He asked hoping to get into their heads abit as he backed away from their easrs witha smirk. "how can anythign be naghty with you two, your just maids, naughty is fuckigna girl that is stuck in a hole when your suposed to be gettginer her out."he added
His hiss made them shudder inside. It was so sexually appetizing to hear. It was true, they would let him take them anywhere. However, his questions were proving that they were slowly convincing him their way. "It is naughty to take advantage of two of your maids when the other is stuck in front of you." The twin whom was under his arm began in a playful seduction as she tilted her head to kiss the other side of his neck. The other twin began to walk behind him, taking his hand with her so that soon she was standing behind him, her fingers tangled between his as she held it behind his back. " It is naughty to take advantage of the help when they are supposed to be cleaning across the hallway." She said in the same seductive tone as her sister as she leaned forwards to press her chest into his back. Her lips hovered near his ear and all he could feel was her breathe breathing gently over his flesh. "Most of all it is a naughty little taboo to have your way with twins..." The other sister spoke softly in his opposite ear as she leaned against him. "sister..." The one behind coed in his ear. "together." They both whispered softly at once.
Kenny shuddered at the thought of it beign so taboo, but he had played with them both before."yes.. or i could play with you while fuckign my toy." HE suggested, trying to turn it aroudn on them or to try and get more pleasure for himself, he coudlnt leave his toy all alonnot when her perky little but was taunting him so.
((unno why i dcoudlnt think while postig lol))
((*Shrugs* it happens))
The two giggled as if he had just made a joke. "That won't due." The one behind him said. The girl in front shook her head "That won't due at all Master." The one in front muse, shaking her head lightly as she pulled back enough so that she could slide his vest from his shoulders and let it slide down his arms. "We want to play with the one eyed snake." She said as her hand slide down his pants to rub his crotch. "The snake can't visit our caves if it's inside hers" The one behind him explained as she bit playfully on his ear. The two began to move at that point. The girl behind him walking slightly backwards while the other pushed his chest from to front to slowly guide him towards the nearest stall. "Come with us Master Kenny" "Yes come""Lets play bathroom taboo"
Kenny sighed as he finaly gave itnot eh girls, it was inevitable anyways as he willingly walked itntoeh stall withe twins. "mmm such dirty little maids.. what am i going todo with you," HE said in mock dismay as he stopped int eh stall with them, he wasnt going to move unless they told him to, he was interested in what these twohad planned for him."though you knwoyou wil be punished for distracing me like this." he reminded them."
"Destracting you?" The twin in front questioned as she reached behind her to swing the stall shut. "You mean you are going to punish us because we want to play with you Master Kenny?" She pouted innoscently trying to make it sound a bit silly or harsh. "We only want to please you." The one behind him replied as she kissed him on the neck while the other slide her hands over his cheeks and kissed him as a destraction while the other slide her hand back to place the plungers behind the toilet as if they belonged there. "Can you really blame us?" She said as she pulled her lips from his. "Now close your eyes." The one behind him whispered softly into his ears as she wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her full body against his backside. "No peaking." The one in front whispered as she placed her lips to his other ear while her hand began to rub his crotch gently. "Take a minute to imagine us.." "in this very stall..""picture everything you...""desire" They paused for a moment to where he could only hear their soft breathes against his ears and neck and the cold fingers of the girl behind him sliding up in random directions over his stomache. "Take your time...""Tell us what you see..."
Kenny smirked and went alogn weith their little suggestion. "mmmmm" he groaned otu actign as if her was havign an especialy good idea."i see...i seee...." he took his sweet little time to tell them, and he alreayd knew they weren't going to like what he was going to say. "I see my sweet little cindy,all up agaisnt the stall door, mmm such a pretty blonde." he mused, figurign they didnt want to hear him thinkign of cindy." while i hold her up, her legs wrapped aroudn me and her tight little pussy being ripepd open by my long.. hard.. member while aI play with her lovely golden hair."
The girl had become excited up until that dreadful name slide from his lips 'cindy'. They had done all that to destract him from her and put his mind on them and he still insisted on thinking about that girl. The twins glared at him before exchanging glances with each other. They took in a deep breath and continued to remain calm. "That's nice." One began as they tried to sound undesturbed by his thoughts. "Think forwards..." The persisted on, perhaps he just needed a harder push. After all he really did not get to go that far with him before. "What about us?..""Imagine JUST the three of us..." "in this small stall.." "all alone.."
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