The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Kenny chuckled at the girls childish reaction, wrpaign hsi arms aroudn her, befoer on went down to run over her bakc whiel the other stroked her side softly. "well htat's if the mistress allowws, i would enjoy kepepign you here till i am allowed out." he siad looking over to anna, noticng Ashley with a sympathetic sigh. "And i gues Ashley.... can stay with us... if the mistress sees her punishemnt is over." He said, still feeling slightly bad, he had gone a little hard onher, really the secodn part of the punishment should have been punishment enough for her.
Anna nodded her head with a smile. "She is your toy, I don't see any reason why not." She stated as she released Ashley's hands to whisper in her ear. "What do you know, Master Kenny really has had a change in heart...count your blessings next time you may not be so lucky." She hissed in the girl's ear before straightening up. She then went over to Kenny, leaning over the bed to kiss him good night. "Sweet dreams my love." She said softly as she pulled away. "I will see you tomorrow night." She reassured him before she turned and left up the stairs.
"believ eme , nex tiem she wont." Kenny said, his lycan hearign even peakign upt he whisper as he roleld over on his side, sliding down ot eh bed so his head was ont eh pillow andhsi arms still wrapped aroudn cindy, kising her forehed softly as ahand slowly took her glasses off, sure they weere fake btu he didnt want them poking any one at night, sighimg at the only downside, hte girl was a vamprie and not warm, he felt her flesh andsure she was warm from the beign in contact with him but it wasn the same, though he didnt care,he lvoed her nearly as much as he loved Anna and just beign in contact with oen of thri bodies made the boy happy his head atop the girsl for head so every tiem her breathed he took inher scent and the scent of herhair. "ashley ar eyou goign to join us, or reject your masters offer for some joy?" he asked in a slightly snappycvoice, he had offere dthe girl what she wante dandyet she had yet to join the two.
Cindy was happy and content being with Kenny. She curled her legs over him, nuggling her head into as they got comfortable. She closed her eyes pleasantly, even though the room was filled with moaning and depressing cries of tormented girls, their sounds were tuned out as she enjoyed the moment being held safely in her Master's arms. Ashley was just happy to hear Kenny call himself her Master again. "Sorry Master." She said quickly as she snapped out of the shock of being released from her punishment. She crawled quickly over to Kenny and lied on the opposite side of Cindy, enjoying the warmth of Kenny's body. Both girl's snuggled contently into their master. (Omgosh... He is such a pimp >.<)

Kenny was left to fall asleep once more in the dungeon. The next night when he awoke again he found himself lying under the sheets familiar large bed. Both Ashley and Cindy were gone and he was still wearing his collar as he awoke in Victoria's bed chamber. He heard a soft creaking through the darkness and the lid to Victoria's coffin lifted up as the vampiress herself rose up, stretching her arms. "Good morning my pet." She said as she stepped out of her coffin and walked towards the bed. "I trust you had a good sleep?" She asked greating him with small talk.

((I thought we should move on from the dungeon.. unless you had other plans))
(a pimp sells the girls.. he just get shtem all for himself lol))
Kenny sighed as he slowly roleld onto his back and sat up, if it werent fro teh silver collar that was strapepd aroudn hsi neck he would have sworn the past two nigths were mearly a dream, but he still had the lingrign scent of the multiple females jices in his nose, their moans and cries still rinign in his ears itne h silence of the new yet old enviorment. "mistress, you wish to play with me tonighjt?" HE asked curiously, unable to find any other reason for her to have him sent back to her bedroom after punishment.
"Are you in a playful mood?" She answered his question with another curious question. Victoria sat on the bed beside him. "You are wondering why you are here instead of in your own bed?" She asked but never gave him a chance to answer that question. Her hand reached out through the darkness to settle behind his head. Her finger stroked and played with his messy hair. "I wanted to be the first one you see after you were released from the basement." She said pleasantly. "Do you like your new collar? I had it custom made for you." She said as her hand slide down his neck to tug gently on the back of the collar.
"You know i always am." HE chuckled out int eh darkness, he could hear her soft fotosteps gettign closer, movment onh e bed and her hadn touchig hsi hair as she got closer. "mmm my misttress is a greedy young lady." HE teased befroe frownign itn eh darkness, makign the poutign soudn of a dog. "but with this on mistress none of th maidw will get ot playw itha reall beast." He whined out.
"I can't have a wild wolf running loose in the mannor now can I?" She asked retorically as she scratched behind his ear. "I have to protect the inhabitants of this household." She said as if he was a potential threat. It was clear that she cared for the safety of those who lived in the mansion. "Don't worry my pet. I would never permanetly restrain you form your lycan abilities. When you want it off you can ask one of the girls to remove it. They can take it off, temporarily." She reassured him that he could still go into his wolf form if the maid trusted him enough to remove it. "Now, tell me about your last two nights." She inquired curiously.
"mmm well the first night wasnt as fun, you torturing me and all,m my little anna pleasurign my toy infrotn of my eyes without me." he pouted out as if it had been somehting horrible to watch."the secodn day was much betteri got MUCH closer witht he hand tha feeds me, and mmm the girls all tied up.. but he end was the best with my little toy usign ehr feet all over my memebr." he said the images rushign abck to him and he got hard quickly just thinkign of everythign, he faield to mention cindy gettign slightly otu of control, one becaus ehe ddint want to get her introuble beut evne then his mind wondered off into such dirty thougths after rememberign her outfit he ttoaly would have forgotne to mention it any ways
She listened to his complaining and smirked when she saw his erection growing as he continued on with the short summary of the two day event. "You have grown quite fond of your new toy." She noted aloud. It was hard to tell whether she meant it in a good or bad way but that did not matter. "It sounds like you have enjoyed yourself" She stated as if pleased with what he told her. "I would hate to think I left you alone with those girls for two nights and you got nothing out of it." She continued on "So tell your Mistress, what have you learned from those two nights?" She asked him curiously.
"I leanre dnot to disobey my mistress.. unles i want to be typed to a bed." He said putign a bit og humor ot his lesson, his lips touchign hers quickly int he dark, he couldnt see, not withotu the light of the moon, btu his other sense were heieghteneed enough that he basicaly coudl see her int eh dark, one hand gropigna t her breast as he pulled from the kiss. "you never answere dmy question though... does the mistress wish to play with me?" he asked curiously.
She was not really surprised by his kiss, though she did embrass it. Her hands settled on his hips as he groped her. "How could I deny my eager little pup when he wants to play." She replied in an amused tone. She kissed him once more then her lips slide past his cheek to whisper softly in his ear. "I will play with you my pet...however there will be no insertion" She whispered his one restriction in his ear as her fingers wrapped around his length teasingly.
"You punish yourself by doign that" E whispered back , a smirk inteh dark , he had thought of this the night before as he continued his scentence. "this means i can not even insert my fingers or tongues." He wanted to see how the mistress dealt with this. "do you really wish of thsi kind of retriction for yourself?"
"I do? I never thought of it that way." She replied in a joking manor as of she was not smart enough to realize the consequences herself. She knew very well the consequence. However, she could have sex anytime with pretty much anyone she wanted. After centuries it really could become boring. "Hmm... without restrictions how do I know you really learned your lessons properly?" She then asked him as if she was puzzled on what to do. She paused for a good long minute playing around with him as if she was debating before she spoke aloud. "I am okay with the restrictions..." She finally announced confidently. "I did not mean your fingers and tongue as well... I will have to be more specific next time." She shrugged. "Just think of it as a challenge." She told him as if the restriction was not so bad. "If you no longer want to play... I suppose I can understand." She teased
"Mmm i'm fine with playing, it just might be slightly diifficult." He said ebfoer leangn into kiss her, puttign force itno it to suggest she whould lay down as his hadns worked at ehr breasts tint eh dark, that is after getting any clothes that might be itne h way out of the way.
((meh iunno shall we do thsi oen?))
She leaned back as he kissed her, helping him remove her night gown and bra, before she lied down on the matress. "What kind of fun would it be if it were always easy?" She smirked as his warm hands massaged her breasts, getting her quickly in the mood as her nipples hardened and perked up. Her knee came up to rub between his rod and thighs while her hands slide onto his shoulders pulling him down into another kiss.

((Meh...we can do a time jump to when he is outside the room or something.))
-a few hours later-
kenny walekd out of the mistress' room givign a soft bow befeor closing the door. the mistress had dismissed him for the night and he wsas glad, the first thing he needed todo was.. get some clothes on. the boy was sttrak naked , and had been fro the past two nights, he had gotten used to it, but he woudl like to get some pants onnow as he headed down the stairs to his room.
As he headed to his room, two of the young maids were cleaning the first floor. Though the sounded more like gossiping. They fell silent when they noticed him walk by then one whispered to the other and they snickered. As usual the twins sounded like they were up to something. Further past Alyson was returning to the kitchen with a silver platter of empty bowls that needed to be cleaned. Anna and Cindy however, were no wheres in sight.
KEnny had stopepd to give a quick quizzical look tot eh twins, slightly surprised the mistress' allowed the two girls to e togehte after Anna's incident, but it wasn't somthign he dwelleed upon, seeign Alyson itn eh kitchen the boy quickly dressed and headed over to her, wrapping his arms aroudn he as she finsished cleanign the alst bowl, his lips presing to her neck ebfeor he spoke. "do you ahve nay food for me?" HE asked in all honesty he was hungery withotu havign any breakfast andit was even past lunch... if you coudl call those meals that as it was the middle of the night now.
"Mm..good evening Sir." She greeted him pleasantly as he kissed her on the neck. "Of course I have something for you to eat." She told him as she turned around. "I did not know when exactly you would show so I already cooked your meal. I just need to reheat it." She told him as she slide from his arms and went to the fridge. "Why don't you sit at the table while I heat it up for you." She suggested as she unwraped a premade plate and stuck it in the microwave. Meanwhile she went for a glass in the cabinet that she brought to the table and filled it with tea from a pitcher. By time the pitcher was put away the food was heated. "I thought you deserved a homecooked meal after the last two nights." She explained as she set a plate of spagetti, corn and garlic bread on the table for him. Meanwhile, the twins appeared to have finished their chores in the current room and moved together further down the hallway, disappearing behind a closed door.
"mmm so i got a special meal from the cook." HE said with a smirk as he begna twisitng hte fork in the spaggeti befeor stoping to look at her. "I gues it tould be too much to ask for you to feed me even though im not boudn or it ehdungeon?" Kenny asked curiosuly ebfeor to put he fork in his mouth to ea the spaggeti, glancign aover as teh twins moved away, he jsut felt they were up to somethign ever sense last nigth he wsn't sure he could trust them,a dn the real reason he had let Ashley sleep with him and cindy was hopignshe swoudlnt get in as uch trouble if she thougth he appreciated her, he was beginging to worry they woudl do a trick liek that to his cindy.
"It would not be very manly of you to take advantage of a cook like that when you are capable of feeding yourself." the cook teased. "Although." She said as she sat onto the table top, blocking Kenny's vision of the hallway with her body.
"As long as you are in this kitchen I am to serve your ever need...Sir." She reminded him as she leaned sideways to rest on her elbow, his tea glass magnefied her cleavage though the liquid. Meanwhile, Cindy soon went into the same room as the twins had ready to clean the bathroom. Alyson's body had unexpectedly destracted the body of any signs of what would happen yet.
Upon hearing Cindy enter, the twins quickly hid behind a stall. The blonde girl in her maid uniform paused shortly in the room when she noticed something was off. "What happened here?" She questioned aloud as she approached a large hole in the wall at the end of the girl's bathroom. She placed her cleaning pale down to poke her head inside the hole curiously. "I didn't know the boys and girl's bathroom was connected." She spoke her thoughts aloud before blushing a minute later when she realized she was peeping in the boy's restroom. The young vampire did not realize until it was too l ate that she was not alone. Someone came up behind her and before she knew it Cindy was squirming, struggling to get herself out of the hole. Her arms were pinned tight to her side and her legs hovered at least a foot off the ground. She struggled and called out for help but no mater how much she moved her body would not budge and no one seemed to come. She could have swarn she heard someone behind her but no one answered her when she called to them.
Kenny grinned as he looed througthe glass. "then lets have antoehr sdinner and a show." Kenny stated , watching alyson touch herself as he ate, by the time he was done with his food he had climaxed in his patns justg from watchign ehr, ti was a small load but it was good release, standign form tehempty plate and dishes the boy headed out eh hall way. "the bathrooms are rigth her rigth?" HE asked as he poitned down the hall. "and don't worry i'll giv eyou a treat for dinner."he teaed ebfeor he walekd out of site, pushing opent he bathroom door as he unzipep dhsi pants, wantign to clean off hsi member, pausign though as he caugtht eh scent of soem oen familiar. lookign aroudn curiously though it didnt take much to see who it was , the blonde maids head stickign form t he wall her breasts squeezed up by the small hole, she was in an obvious predicament, and kenny knew he had to take advantage fo thsi kinky little surprise as eh walekd over to her, his hand holdignt he base of hsi cum covere dmemebr. "well isnt this a curiosu site" He mused as he leane dove rher his free hand agsitne h wall as if her were standign over a urinal, his memebr rigth athe girls face." so hwo did youg et like this my uute little cidny?" He asked curiiously
Cindy had almost given up hope that anyone would come to help her when the bathroom door opened and Kenny walked in. She suddenly smiled, if anyone could or would help her it would be him. Though as he hovered over her she had this feeling that he was not going to free her right away. Her eyes crossed slightly as she looked at his large cum coated penis that he held directly in front of her face. She swallowed and blushed, becoming a bit shy and embarrassed already that he found her like this. Then she lifted her head up as much as she could to look up at him. "Someone snuck up behind me and pushed me in this hole." She complained. Her shoulders shifted and she squirmed a little to prove she could not get free. "Master, I am stuck. Please help me out of this hole."
"mm of course i will help you.. but first.. i came in here to clena somehtign specific.. but maybe.. you can he;lp me out withthat." HE said as he wigggled his memebr infrotn of her befeor movign forward so his memerb pressed on her plushign cheeks, she was adorable when she was emberassed.
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