The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

"she isn't coming down here to be punished." Kenny said to clear upt he idea, his body shuddering as the girl left a hickie on his chest. "just aftger a long nigth of plesuring my self, it woudl be nice to lay back and have my cindy pleaseme, and if she wants, Anna is invited as well, i'm pretty sure she would enjoy watchignt eh torment on Ashleysface." Kenny said witha devious little grin befeor takign another bite fo the food.
"I see..." She said as her lips slide a few inches down planting a kiss, then grazed over his flesh a little further down "So you are using the excuse of tormenting poor Ashley to play with your new toy?" She summed up what he was saying softly as her breathe blew over his skin. A shiver when trough her as she though about Ashley and her punishments, it was an arousing thought. She pressed her lips just below his belly button and suckled on him gently, leaving another hicky as she blindly fed him with her free hand. At this point she had cleaned up the crumbs and were merely teasing him. Then her lips slide back up to kiss the center of his chest. "Tell me then, what are you going to do next? Before dinner?" She asked him curiously as she lifted her head up to look at him.
The boy shuddered as she tesed his bdoy with her lips, takign a bite fromt eh food and finishign off a slice of pizza byt eh time she asked ehr question. "twell i'm goign to go back and see jsut how roughh that girl likes it." Kenny said as eh looekd voe rothte maid hanign, waitign for ehr punishment. "so what do you do while your not feeding your handsom, sexy master?" kenny asked addign a chokign twist to teh question.
"Sounds like fun." She replied as she took the drink, bringing it to his lips to help him wash the pizza down. "You mean the one waiting for me in the kitchen?" She joked. "Well first I have to clean up my master's mess." She said as she leaned in to kiss him. "He's quite a filthy man." She teased as her fingers traced over his ears and played with his earlob between her fingers. "Then, once he is pleased..." She said as she pulled away to sit up and lean against his chest as she had done before, she began to feed him more of the bread stick. "I make sure everyone else is feed. Do my assigned chores. Then I am free to do as I please." She told him answering his question.
KEnny let out a shaeky breath as she rubbed her earlobe, she was such a tease, and knowing she wasn't goign to givehim any thing this meal, just made it even worse ton his aroused hard penis. gettiugn his composure back quickly to bite itno the bread stick, looking a the half that was left witha smirk ,his eye sglistenign with an idea. "mm the bread stick is lackign somethign.. some flavor.. but i will figure that out later.. first.. i woul like to know what you do onyour fre time?' He aseked curiously, "Oh but wait.. i rememebr what its missing." Kenny said after slyly slidign his hand into the girsl skrit to rub over her pussy."Its missignt he dippign sauce."
"That is quite a personal question to be asking your cook" she replied to him pleasantly as if reminding him their relationship was not so personal. The rest of her reply had to wait as he slide his hands into her skirt to tease her sex. "Mmmm..." She hummed as she uncrossed her legs and pushed her hips down towards his fingers. "My cooking is flawless.." She said dignantly. "However, dipping sause does sound... yummy." She said as she put the breadstick down on the plate. "But I am afraid I am fresh out of recipies for dipping sauce.." She teased him. Her hand slide onto his cheek as she pouted her lips playfully. "I am afraid you will have to help me make some.... So show me.. my handsome... sexy... Master." She brushed her thumb over his lips as she leaned her head in towards his. "How do you make sweat..." She gave him a peck on the lips. "Creamy..." The word slide off her tongue as she gave him another kiss. "Dipping sauce?"
"well first we have to take the lid off ourpot,a nd open it wide." the last part he sid as he spread her pusy with two of hsi fingers ebfeor tking his hand out."if you may, why dont you take off. the coverign for me." he said ashe took the bread stick fromher, waitign for her to stip off hr panties befeor hsi hand slid back down to ehr pussy spreading her tigth slit open befroe the hand withe bread stick slowly slid down ehr body to ehr skirt and under it the tip of teh breadd stick presign at her clit befroe pullign both his hands away."i'ts kidn fo hard to cook blind, why dont you get ina pose. where i can see my work space better."
"Mmm... sounds right." She moaned lightly as he spread her pussy. Then she nodded her head as she got off him long enough to slide her panties off before she sat back on him. She took in a breathe slowly exhaling in pleasure as the breadstick teased down her body. She gasped as it pressed against her sensative nub. She expected to feel more but was disappointed when his hands pulled away. "Alright." She nodded her head and crawled off him and got on all fours with her backside facing him. She backed up and spread her legs wide open for him then she leaned her upper body down pressing her chest and head on the mattress so her supple round butt was in the air, her wet pussy lips was exposed in front of him as her glossy juices glazed over her pussy. "Is this better Sir?" She asked him.
"much better, and now as.. that one cook said.. BAM" HE said jokingly as eh rammed the breadstick intoeherh whole at the exact moemtb, pulling it out quickly jsut to tease her as he slowly moved the bread stick arodunt eh lips of her pussy to get her as hot and horny as he could." first you myst stimualte the are aroudnt he bowl to get allt eh ingredients nice an most.. and if posible , fill upthe seocnd bowl with other ingredients." he said as if he were oin an on-air cookign show, one ahnd spankignehr ass befoer restign ove rher anus, his thumb pressign at the hoel to make a slow desent into her anus while the bread stick flicked over her clit.
She gasped as her rammed the breadstick in and out of her. Her back arched for a moment from the tease. She moaned pleasantly like a cat purring as the bread slowly teased her pussy. Her fingers curled around the bed sheets in front of her while her juices seeped from her pussy. She was quickly getting hot, wanting him to fill her already with the stick. "SSsounds right" She breathed out. "Ohhh" She maned out lifting her ass up when he spanked her. She moaned even louder, her fingers and toes curled tightly into the sheets as he pressed his thumb into her tight whole. She shuddered and whirled her ass in a slow circular motion, pushing her hips up against his thumb to help push him in. She bucked her hips lustfully as he flicked her clit, waves of warmth and pleasure quickly traveled through her body. "Mmmm... yes, the extra ingrediants makes for a larger sauce.." She said expertly. "Though I don't think... You have put enough." She encouraged him.
"mmm but some times that can be too.. intense for yhe bowl.. though i am an expert." kenny mused, havign too much fun wiht this food speak as he too out his thumb, moving hsi hand so his thumb presse dinto ehr pussy whiel his middle finger stabed itno ehr anus, not beign able to wait much longer to hear her pleads of joy he began shovign the bread stick into ehr pussy while he already was forcign his index and middle finger into her anus, spreadign it as whide as his figners could befoer forcign in hehis ring figner. "now we must rememerb to stir the ingredients." he added as he began swirlign the bread stick slowly in ehr pussy as his pinky finaly began to push at her anus.
"I am the professional so I will be the one judging." she reminded him as he pulled out his thumb leaving her hole bare for a moment. "MMMM...Yesss!" She moaned aloud arching her back as he shoved the first finger in and began to fill her pussy with the breast stick. Both of her tight wholes began to stretch, it was a beautiful pain that caused her to shake in excitement. "SSOoo goood" She groaned pleasantly as he pushed more fingers in. Her head rolled back as her elbows pushed into the mattress. Her body twitched in excitment as he spread her anal hole to fit another finger. "Your doing goood" She breathed out, correcting herself to sound more like she was supervising his work. "MMM... rememberrr" She breathed out, her words shaky as she rolled her head back down though her back remained at an arch. "...t-to stir both clockwise.. and counter clockwise." She reminded him.
"if that's waht eh profesional says." Kenny said as he stopepd swirling to begin goign the other way while his fingers begant o spred her anus as wide as tit could , the foru fingers going off in diffrent directions beeorf closign tigth as his muscle gave into ehr but muscles. the boy sudedenly stopepd swirlign and jsut began to ramm the breadstick itno erh pussy hard agasitn her walls as he woudl angle it in random directions every time ehr rammed it in.
"Nnnnn! Like thatt!" She purred praising him as he swtiched directions. The bread scrapped and streached her inner walls sending strokes of pleasure from her pussy up her back sending chills though her. Her anus pushed up against his fingers as she wiggled her hips lustfully. Her body shook beneath him as she was so horny from the cooking roleplay that she was quickly getting lost in the pleasure. Her head flew back and her back arched almost painfully as he began to ram the breaststick at angels. A cry of pure pleasure escaped her lips as she withered in front of him. Her body shifted against the bed again and again as he ramed into her sensative walls. Each time forcing a cry of pleasure from her lips. "Yess... the pot... is boiling.." She moaned warning him that the pressure was building within her as he kept ramming into her walls at angles, everynow and then slamming into her g-spot. "Ittsss...just abouttt.. ready!" She warned him not long after, just before she, tensed, spasmed and came over the breadstick. "I... think..its ready." She breathed out a pleasurable sigh as her knees gave in and her legs dropped onto the bed in a v shape in front of him, her head rested in her arms as she seemed to glow from the orgasm. "Have a taste." She breathed out softly as her cum seeped from her pussy onto the sheets.
kenny hadnt had to be told twice todo it as he bit down on the soggy bread,"mmmm such a heavenly taste... you should really serve this with every meal." he complimented her befroe takin aot bite, finishign it in less then a mintue befoer crawling to lay next to her, his lips pressign to hers. "such a good cook.. now don't forget to tell Anna and Cindy my request." Kenny said befeor he slipepd off thebed, getting back to work as soon hsi whip was lashign out against the pink haird girls ass, tearing hte cloth off till her but was exposed, at which point bhe pluged ehr ass and began rubbign his cock between ehr but cheeks. a few hours later the girls back was covered in his cum, the girl her self exhausted, nearly pass dotu hanign there as he walked away from her, over to Ashley, turnignm of the drill first, maing sure to turn it off whiel it was still in her whiel he roucghly yanked out the still wigglign didlo from her pussy repalcign it now with a reverse strap ont hat stabbed a solid dildo intoe hr pussy , it was suposed to have antoeh didlo ont he end like a double dildo but the boy had taken it off, this washer secodn punishment, having the rest ofthe nigth witha dildo in her, with no way to move it or pleasure herself with it, with it fastened on he kicked the dildo machine so the drill was yanek dout of ehr roughly, smirkign as he watche dher reaction. "are you ready for part two?" he finaly spoek up as he came over to look her it he eyes while he fastened a collar and leash aroudn her neck, tieign the leash to his wrist so she woudltn run off, if she even had the energy to run now, he thenm unstrapped her and yanke don ehr collar. "get up lets move." he said hsi voice rough, like a msater should be.
The cook smiled savoring his last kiss and nodded her head to his request. Then she gathered the trey and left him to play until dinner time. The pink haired maid seemed to be the massacistic type, her screams and moans filled the dungeon while Kenny worked her, till a couple hours later when she was left with just enough energy to barely stay conscious.

Ashley's face seemed to light up when Kenny approached her. If it were anyone else they would have probably dreaded him but she was thinking positive and was hoping he came to set her free. After all she had no idea how long she had been there but it felt like a life time. He turned off the drill and she fell quiet, as quite as she could be. She was disappointed she felt her anal walls clamp around the drill but said nothing. She cried out as he roughly yanked the dildo from her pussy and squirmed weakly against him, whimpering as he replaced it with a strap on. She lifted her head up straining to see what he had put in her, it was basically a plug for her pussy. It appeared he was not coming to set her free after all. She flinched crying out once again as the drill ripped from her anal hole. He was still not happy with her. "P-p-part t-two?" She stuttered in disbelief, opening her eyes to see his deviously handsome grin. She shook her head as he fastened the collar onto her and released her straps. "No more Master..pleease..I have learned my lesson." She pleased him as she slowly sat up on the table, rubbing her wrists. Her body was sore being stuck in the same position all day and ached from the multiple orgasms that were forced upon her. She was exhausted and was embarrassed for him to even look at her with how she looked right now, even if he was the one who caused it. Her body was covered in his dry cum and the bottom of the bench, floor and drill were covered in her cum. Her breasts were huge and as red as he cheeks as her nipples clung together, she wanted to free them but was afraid of the consequences (not sure if he removed the belts, I can edit if he did). Ashley quickly stumbled to her feet as he tugged on her collar. She followed him slowly with her head held low, her bare feet nearly slipping on her own cum.

The top basement door opened and three girls began to descend the stairs. Alyson once again looked fresh and clean as if she had just started her day. She was carrying Kenny's trey of food down the stairs while Anna and Cindy followed behind her. Anna was wearing her usual mistress uniform, though this time it was dark purple. She lead Cindy down the stairs by a leash. Cindy was however looking different. Anna had dressed her specifically for this occasion. She was wearing a pair of black heels with buckles on the front and white knee high stockings with bows on the top. She wore a green plaid school girls skirt that was just short enough that he could peek at her smooth bottom and laced underwear from behind. Her perky breasts were held up by a short white blouse that stopped halfway to her belly button and a green neck tie that traveled between her breasts and fell longer than the blouse itself. Her hear was breaded in pick tails with ribbons and she had a pair of framed glasses on. Although they were not bound her arms appeared to be as she nervously held them behind her back. "As you have requested Sir, I have brought you Cindy as well as Lady Anna." Alyson announced as they approached the bed.
((actualy i totaly forgot about eh breasts lol))

Kenny led his prisoner to the bed, tieing the elach onto a head post befero lookign over to her, almost forgetign to release her breasts. he was at work untieing her nipples and unbuckling the belts when he heard teh door open, te boys eyes lightign up and his memebr even perkued up just for mteh scent of anna and cindy. "if you weren't jealous before, you will be soon enough." He whispered to Ashley befeor turnnign and headign ot eh stairs to greet his girls, coming over as he quickly pressed his lips to Annas ina pastionet kiss, pullign away slowly, a perpectual smile on his face as eh turned to admire Cindy. "you realy do know what i enjoy."he praised th mistress as he went over to his shy little sex to, pecking her on the forhead before gesturign tot eh bed. "now lets see if you know how to please your master, a toy should knwo how to pleasure without insertion."Kenny stated as if it were a lessont hat was beginign as he walked over oto the bed, the devious smirk once more spreadign over hsi face as he glanced to Ashley befeor he sat on the bed muchyt eh same way he ddi for luncha nd breakfast. "I also took the pleasure of punishing ashley for you Anna." kenny said as he noted why ashley was tied to he bed post.
((rofl yeah I thought that was the case >.<))

Ashley gasped and breathed out heavy releif as her chest was released from their restraints. Her eyes flickered bitter envy as she looked over to her mistress and the two girls with her. Then she frowned sinking onto the bed. This was going to be torture, perhaps more so than part one, when she though about Kenny with the three other girls. As Kenny walked away she leaned her back against the headboard and lifted her legs out straight to make herself more comfortable and allow her body to rest more easily.
Anna welcomed the kiss, smiling as he pulled away and admired his toy. It was a nice welcome from him and she did like being complemented for her work. "Of course. I know what my Kenny likes." She replied pleasantly. Cindy blushed lightly as he looked over her and kissed her on her forehead. A sheepish smile growing quickly on her lips from his warm kiss. "Yes Master." She nearly whispered as they followed him to the bed. Alyson sat on the edge of the bed beside Kenny as she placed the food tray in front of her. Anna walked around the bed, Cindy shyly following close behind, so that she could get a better look at Ashley. She smirked nearly laughing as she looked the girl up and down, her eyes then followed the cum trail on the floor over to the table she had tied the girl down to. "It appears you really showed the slut her place." She said in a please tone as she looked back at Kenny. She then leaned onto the bed to kiss Kenny a passionate thank you kiss. "Perhaps I can thank you for taking care of her later." She teased giving him something to look forwards to when they were able to share a bed again. "In the mean time, she is all yours." She said as she slide Anna's leash into his hand and backed away. "Go on Cindy. Show Master Kenny what you have learned." Cindy shyly nodded her head. "Yes Mistress." She responded before she stood with her legs slightly spread open and looked over to Kenny. "Master... I am your humble sex doll." She said a bit nervously. "How may I please you master?" She asked him.
Kenny bit his bottom lip, pondering what he wanted his sex doll todo, tugging on her leash lightly as he finally spoke. "take off the heals and come get on the bed with your master first of all" kenny commande dbefoer looking to alyson, leanign over to peck her ont he lips. "I'm sorryr but for this meal you are excused early, i will eat my food later." Kenny stated to her befeor looking back to cindy, waitign for ehr to get on the bed befeor plantign his lips to hers to give ehr a passionete, long kiss, hopefully not makign his girl friend jealous, ti was mroe to mamke ashley suffer. pulling away he looked to her girlfriend now witha grin. "and i cant wait for that, and it brings up a question iwill ask when I finaly get out of here. He once more returned his atention to cindy as he put some slack on her leash. "now show me somethign your mistress ahas taught you, surprise your master." he had rubbed his dick on nearly ever body part tonight, from hand jobs, to tity jobs and hot doggign, he was wonderign if she could give him somthign new, or a new twist on what he ahd done to the others.
"Yes master Kenny" Cindy said obediently as she bent forwards to remover her heals giving him a chance to see her cleavage though her shirt. Then she crawled onto the bed. "Mm... very well then. You can leave your tray beside the bed if I do not return before you sleep." Alyson told Kenny before she turned and left back upstairs. Cindy was caught by surprise by Kenny's passionate kiss. Her cheeks turned flush red and she eagerly kissed him back, her nervous body relaxing a little as his warm lips passionately kissed her own. Ashley pouted as Kenny kissed this new girl. She was quickly growing jealous as she watched this pretty young girl clearly enjoying his kiss. This girl was obviously competition. Alyson with stood the kiss then turned her head away to stare down at the floor. "Well..." Cindy began as she thought a moment for how to start. Her hands gently took his legs and slide them open in a V-shape. Then she fell back onto her butt in front of him. "Mistress taught me out to use my feet to tease you." She said a bit nervously as she lifted her legs up putting her feet on his shoulders, exposing her panties to him. Then she slowly slide her feet down his chest, her toes softly pressing over his muscles on the way down. She leaned back, using her arms for support as her feet traveled down to his waist where she then bent her knees so that her big toes took a minute to trace up and down the crease where his thighs and pelvis meets. She watched his reaction a little nervously, this was her first time with him where she was expected to please him and she was afraid she was going to mess this up. Soon her knees bent out and her soft feet were rubbing over his inner thighs.
"'Don't look away." Anna commanded as she roughly gripped Ashley's chin and turned the girl's head to watch the two. "You are going to watch your Master cum for his new toy."
Kenny nodded as alyson left. his eyes lightign up as he heard what cindy was taught, glancign over to Anna to give her a pleased smile, his hands came up as her feet went to hsi shoulders, his hadn laying on her shins to rub them softly feelgin teh soft fabricas it slid nde rhis palms while she slid her feet down his body which shuddered in anticipationa nd pleasrue, keepign his ahdns in place as she slid her feet so aht hsi palms slid down her shins to her feet until nothing was under his hadns but his own chest, the boy gasping as she rubbed and presse dagasitn hsi inner thigh, bitign hsi lip for a second befeor he regainned his posure, a soft grin on his face as he saw hownervous his toy was. "your doing great, the mistress migth have taugth you too well." He teased as if statign that now Anna had competition.
Anna smiled back proudlly as she saw how much Kenny was enjoying Cindy's tease. Her eyes continuously shifted from Kenny to Anna to Ashley as she enjoyed watching Ashley's punishment play out. She was embarrassed to even fall for the prank which made her the joke of the day in the mansion. She wanted the girl to suffer as long as possible. Kenny's soft touch on her calves were a nice comforting feeling that encouraged her to keep going. "Thank you Master, but I have just begun." She said modestly as he tried encouraging her. One of her feet soon slide up to rub gently over the flesh above his member. The other slide underneath his penis. She pointed her toes and her big toe somehow mannaged to lift up and poke at his anal hole teasingly a few times. Then the top of her foot brushed against the underside of his sack as she slide her foot back out. She placed the balls of each foot on top of each of his sack and began to roll her feet to the right and then to the left teasing his sacks. Her eyes were now looking down at his penis almost mesmerized as she watched his erection and her feet work her balls.
"mmm just beginign eh?"HE said curiously, though soon he was gasping as she poekd at his anus, the soft feelign ofher fabric covered toes, so erotic and arousign tot eh boy he swore she coudl make him cum wihtotu even touchign his member, thugh what would be the ufn in that. his body shuddering, and hsi figners fidgetignw tithe h sheets under him as he watched her feet slide to his ball sack, the boys back archign sligthly and head rolled back as she rolled his balsl under her feet, gaspign bforere he could speak."your.. your.. its heavenly." He spoke otu with a heavy breath, his mind blockign out everythign but cindy and her teasign feet, enjoying the view of ehr body as he looekd to her pantieds and slowly up her bereasts to that adorably innosent face, he had near totaly forgoten about his girlfriend and ashley were spectatign this whole thing.
A pleased smile grew on her lips as he gasped. His reactions to her touches was slowly making her feel at easy. She even giggled as he arched his back, pleased that he was enjoying this so much. Her feet slide together at his base to sandwich his member between the middle of her feet and then she slide her feet up to his head and back down again at easy slow pace, both to tease him and allow him to feel every little wrinkle against the soft frabric. She slide up and down his length twice before the balls of her feet went back on his sacs, this time she shifted her feet forwards and back, pressing down on his sac randomly adding a little pressure before letting up. She was going slow and easy at first to get him aroused as her mistress had taught her. Soon however she was becoming more eager to please him and her feet slide back onto his rodd going up and down, then switching back to his balls again after two more pumps. Cindy was getting aroused herself, excited that she was pleasing Kenny, yet she would always have that little part of her nervous she'll suddenly screw up. She too had blocked away their audience. A small wet spot was begining to form in her panties as she put all her attention on Kenny.
Ashley clenched her knees tight together as she watch Kenny ache his back and praise Cindy. She was growing jealous of Cindy, wishing she could be his toy if it meant she could be with him. She felt horny and aroused and shifted her thighs together trying to ignore the heat between her legs. She so desprately wanted Kenny to take her right now. "Kenny.." She breathed out to herself, bitting her bottom lip lustfully as her hands clenched the bed sheets. Anna came up behind her to whisper in her ear. "You want to his big hot cock in your pussy don't you" She teased as Ashley weakly nodded her head.
Kenny couldny belive how much a tease his sweet litle cindy had become already, he didnt care though the tease was evne mroe pleasureable then anythign esles,t he slow strokign alloing him to feel avery movment lettign his mind register every little erotic act his toy did to his balls and rod with her feet, the boys breathgin became heavy and eratic, hsi chest heavign fromt eh waves of pleasure that shot through his body. His mind jsut barely regestering Ashleys voice, but quickly ignorign it when ocne mroe his toy pressed ehr geet agasint hsi balls. "oh god, cindt this is.. just. youre perfect." her praised ehr as he already felt the prssure buildign in his member, as she pumped it forced a drop of fluid to seep out of his memebr, a precurso to his precum that was soon to come.
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