The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

"No don't-" She shook her head pleading him not to continue but was cut off by the electrical shock that once again surged through her nipples and traveled through her chest sending chills through her body. Her body instantly tensed as the stimulation forced whimpers and constant moaning sounds from her throat. Her body shifted upwards as he thrusted into her "AHh!- huh... Plleeese-...ohh!" She cried out what could be considered words with each sting of the crop and intense shock. Her legs flenched and tried desprately to close to keep the cum in. However, he did not let up on the button as he did before. After a long minute she didn't think he would. Her concentration however was to keep the quickly building pressure inside her at bay. She failed miserably. The crap hit the dildo which pushed against her cevix wall which set her off. She actually yelled out, her hips lifting up as little they could as she convulsed. The small load of cum pushed the dildo out a few inches, but it was so large most of the cum was trapped beneath allowing very little to seep out the sides. She tried comming down and catching her breathe from the orgasm but Kenny would not have it. For two more minutes he continued to screw her tits. Ashley felt like she was going crazy. Her body was more sensative now that she had orgasmed and was unable to rest. Any little touch could send shivers through her. Each slap of the crop and shock caused her to flinch and moan quite loudly as she whithered under him. Then he finally turned it off, the sensations all stopping at once. Her mouth opened to speak but all that came out were heavy breathes. "Huh huh.. Pleease MASTER.." She tried again, emphasizing his title this time. Her eyes looked up at him wide with adorable pleading puppy dog eyes, they had always worked on her father when she was human. "Forgive me." She breathed out just above a whisper. "What I did was wrong. I won't do it again." She appologized pouting her lips as if she really felt bad for it.
"mm but how can i trust you if you orgasimed during yoru punishment you dirty little maid." Kenny teasd as he slapepd her breasts with the crop again, goign silent for a minute as he himself gasped runnign hsi cock back and forth inher breasts for hsi won orgasim, s just as his body began convulsin her grabed a jar form the cart, puing it at her breast so as he came hte white llve goo squirted into the jar isnead of on the girl, his body shakign for a few secodns befoer he finished and raisedup the lgeasss a trail of cum stickignf rom the edge to the tip of hsi head as he shwoed ti to her. "I bet you wnted me to wshower ou wihth this as well yolu little whore." HE hissed out befoer puting ht jar ont eh cart. :you dont get any of my juices until yo leanr your lesson.. now tell me.. why did you do it, and if im pleased with yoru answer you will get somethign... interesting." HE said as he picke dup the remote for the strange unseen dildo machine aimed at her anus, in reality it was a drill like machine with its own lubrication so as nto todo too much harm to the girl, he jsut wanted to see the shock inher face when he started it up, sif she gave himt he rigth answers.
If her cheeks were not already flushed from the electic shocks he would have been able to notice her blushing from his tease. She was embarrassed for cumming. She was not supposed to be enjoying her time in the dungeon but her body was reacting differently. "It w-was an accident." She protested trying to sound innoscent. She blamed him for making her orgasm but she would not speak it aloud. She fell silent, though he could still hear her soft panting, as he got himself off between her breasts. His throbbing penis sliding back and forth between her breasts was the most gentle erotic feeling he had given her so she savored the moment, frowning when he stopped to cum in the jar. Though It was not her favorite thing to be covered in cum, the denile of it made her wish for it more. "I have learned my lesson master...honest" She told him innoscently. Then she paused to think carefully about he answer. She was unsure she wanted what he had prepared for her. And she did not think it was wise to admit she was jealous. So she had to think quickly and make up something. "I... I saw it on the internet." She told him "I thought it would be funny to try on someone in the mansion." She explained to him.
Kenny shook his head pressing the nippel remote for ten secodns befoer speaking. "Tell teh truth." He said softly as eh pressed the button for the dilso machine so teh tip of the drill poked at her anus teasingly. "or you wont have any pleasure for the rest of the night... that is.. unless your actualy torturer comes down here to give you the punishment." Kenny sid with a devious grin, admiting he wasnt sent here for her, though he didnt care, it was personal now taht she had prnaked his girlfriend. "now ell me hte truth, why did you do this to our lovely mistress?" he asked , zappign her for another ten secodns befoer lettign her speak.
She yelped clenching her teeth and fists together as the erotic shocks tingled through her breasts. The girl managed to hold her breathe in that ten seconds and exhaled deeply once his thumb left the button. She thought she was convincing but he obviously did not believe her. The twin gasped in fear when she felt something cold press against her puckered hole. "No, please can't" She whimpered and pleaded the moment he threatened any hopes of being touched by him. It took a few minutes of her staring at his wicked grin to realize what his words meant. By then he had given her another ten second zap, destracting her thoughts as she whithered and shuddered to the thought of orgasming again from the clamps. "Please Masterhuh..." She breathed as she lifted her head to look at him. "It... was ah harmless prank.... She is a ghost. She.." She paused tried to remain calm and reasonable. "She can't really get hurt." She told him as she tried to rationalize that what she did was not so bad. "Is she coming to punish me after you?" She then changed the subject to something more important to her. "Who is supposed to punish me?" She asked him as she now appeared worried there was more in store for her after him.
"She is more then a ghsot she is my girlfriend, and any harm to her means punishment." Kenny growled out as if he were furious, ignorign her other question as he pressed down ont he button again to zap her for a whole minute once mroe. the boy was enjoying this and was easuly hard again as she watched her squirm under him, he had almsot fogoten how fun it ws to bind up and sexualy torturea girl, he was really thinking of spendign mroe time int he dungeon later days if he could. "Now tell me.. why..di.. you.." HE sked whipign ehr withe crop agaisnt her breasts every pause, putign teh crop downa dn tightenignt eh belts aroudn teh girls breasts again as he waited for an answer.
"NOAHHH!!" She cried out throwing her head forwards as he pressed that red button once more. She closed her eyes tight, clenching her teeth and fist as the clamps zapped her sensative breasts and traveled quickly through her body. Her toes curled from the intense senstations and once more his body and the restraints held her down in place. She whimpered and moaned constantly though the back of her throat as her supple breasts jiggled in front of him. She really needed to be more careful about how she answered him. What was more tormenting than the clamps was that he really did care for Anna. She felt his dick grow hard as it sat against her flesh. Though he seemed angry she knew he was enjoying this. So she convinced herself that he did not like Anna as much, he just really liked punishing her. It was a comforting thought whether it was really true or not. She let out a breathe, and her chest heaved heavily after that long minute. "Ah!...OH!..NNN!" She yelped and screamed with each whip, her chest squirmed trying to find comfort from the stinging welts of the crop. She gasped for air, flinching as he tightened the belts around her breasts so they would swell out and appear to grow larger for him. Ashley dropped her head back against the bench and lied there silently for a few minutes. He was waiting for an answer so she tried to take advantage of that time to catch her breath and relax as best as possible. This time she also decided to think through her answer before responding so quickly like before. Perhaps if she told him the truth, that it was done out of jealousy and all for him, he would go easier on her. Perhaps kiss her or give her any type of affection she so craved from him. Or she could lye again. If it were convincing enough it would spare her convincing her embarrassing crush. She wondered wether he would be able to tell the truth or not. "I...Iya was having trouble with adjusting to the mannor" She admitted. "I wasn't thinking. I was upset she had turned us into maids and sex slaves...I wanted to get back at her." She finally admitted making herself sound a little bitter after a few minutes of silence. "You believe me.. don't you Master?" She asked looking up at him with pleading eyes. Her eyes slide down to the button then quickly back to him as if she were expecting him to press it again.
"And that's wher yo fail, if anything you should prank THE mistress." Kenny said as he turne donteh clamps again for half a minute, whipign her pussy withe crop at the same time, her pain was gettign him off so quickly that he could already felt he cum buildign in his member and he hadnt even moved to stimulate it yet, he aleady kenw the real reason, he had seent he admiration in her eyes alogn with her sisters the first time he met the two girls, cute little high school crush, thats what they saw him as, he had seen it enough in college and highschool,a nd had alwasy teaken advantage of it, he jsut wanted to hear her admit it, to humiliate her like that befeor he would give her the pleasure.
She groaned as her failure to convince him the truth. The familiar buzzing started once more as the waves of intense electical pleasure tingled through her ensensative nipples and ran through her body. The shocks sent chills up and down her spine. She shook under him, her body once more trying to arch but the restraint that kept her from being able to drove her crazy upseting her and making her wet all at the same time. She whipered groaning and maoning each time the leather hit her flesh. Her hips shifted quickly and desprately with each sting that traveled through her pussy. "Ssssstop!" She gasped out trying to speak but finding it difficult. Her body was growing tense as it withered beneath him. Each whip was bringing her closer to another climax and it made her panic. She really did not want to cum again from the crop. So she tried to get him to stop before she could reach her peak. "Th-trruth!" She maoned before he finally turned it off. "I'll tell" She breathed out as she lied her head back on the table, panting and catching her breathe once the sensations stopped. Though her body was still a bit tense as she held the pressure within her. "I-I huh... did it.. because..uh.." She paused looking up at him for a moment, her bottom lip sliding under her own. "Because of you." She confessed. "She really likes you... I saw the way she looked at you during our training and how she fantasized about you... when the opprotunity came to bring the 'lovely Mistress' down, even for just a few hours, I took it." She confessed to him though now she was looking further down at her chest. She was too embarrassed to look straight at him.
"see now thats all i wtned to hear" HE said witha soft grin as he undid the clamps though he kept he wire and the belts on as eh slid his memebr out to begin slapignerh breasts with his member. "I gues you deserve teh pleasure dont you?" He asked as eh turned otenh drill, a whiring sond hissed thourgh the air as it started up slammign into ehr anus , twisitng and secretign lubrication in is slow attack at her back door,the lubrication jsut enough so her skin wouldnt tear but it woudl stil eb slightly painful as the cold metal steel ravaged at eh hole, reachgin back blindl the boy foudnte h switch for the dildo, turnign it on in her so that its sides wiggled franticaly in her pussy made to stretch ehr walls and a the same time crawlitno her whoela nd then work its way an inch out ebeor squirming back in rammign at ehr cervix wall eevery timeThe boy slidign hsi memebr ba kcc itno ehr breast as his ahdns , fianly free of cotnrolign every thing, moved to massage her red, tender, flesh squeezign it together to gvie his member more pelasure as he slid it back and forth. "You do know you shoul thankt he mistress, if she wasn't aroudn i woudltn even be int he mansion." he said to her as he worked her breasts eager to climax again.
She cried out, flinching as he removed the clamps, Most of the blood rushed back into her nipples imitating the pain when they were clamped on. She nodded her head quickly when he mentioned pleasure. Though what she got was not what she would have wanted. A scream escaped her lips as the drill slammed into her puckered hole, her hips lifted and her toes curled instantly. She whimpered in desappointment as the cold steel stretched her anal walls. "Yourr still... punishing me?" She moaned though smiling in approval as she felt him turn the other dildo on. She appeared to be greatful for practically any pleasure he would give her. Her eyes flinched as the dildo wiggled within her stretching her walls rather painfully, yet she moaned as the pleasure traveled up her spine. "Thank you master.." She moaned out as he began to screw her tits once more and massaged her breasts. Each little movement of his fingers over her tender skin sent tingling sensations through her chest. She opened her mouth to speak but instead gasped for air as the dildo rammed into her cervix. Her body tensed, twitching as the drill rammed into her tight hole. The second time the dildo hit her cervix she convulsed crying out in exstasy as she came once more before Kenny. Her cum splurted out around the dildo seeping out her pussy to form a puddle on the table beneith her. The dildo however did not seem to be affected by it as it continued to squirm and ram inside her. She ignored Kenny's remark as she came down from the orgasm. Since neither toys gave her a break to catch her breath she whimpered and moaned as her sensative body continued to be ravaged. "Dd-o Master?" She asked him in a pleading tone, concerned with what he might think about her now that he knew how she felt.
Kenny grinend as he watched her climax, the bloy splurtign otu hsi precum at teh end of ehr quesiton, lettign ti seep ove her face.."I was never angery,but yes i am a forgivign master .. though your punishment isnt done yet."He said but he didn't go into detail of what he ment intead he went in silence, with he few gasps here and there until his body convulsed once mroe and he spreaay heis cum over her face through her cleavage, lettign the white goo coat bewtween her breasts til he pulled off and got off of ehr. takign the jar formhis earleir cum and pourign it over her belly before walkigna round to hover over her head. LEanign downt he boy whipsered to eh girl. "I'm leavign you here till a see fit you have learnt your lesson, and even after that.. your goign oto ahve to sit by while i please even more of my more favorite girls." HE whispered, hsi lisp brushign hers, teasing her as if he were going to kis her but instead eh straightene dup and walked away, movign on to his next target.
She closed her eyes and lips as he slurted his precum on her face. She laughed a little feeling over joyed that he came on her face instead of in the jar. She opened her eyes, groaning as the drill rammed into her. It was almost simultaniously in response to his news that the punishment was not over. Her body quivered under him, flinching every time the dildo hit her sensative cervix. She was starting to understand how some people got off on pain. She had cum twice from pain and she was fully aroused and moaning as metal uncomfortably drilled her anus. She jumped insurprise as he splurted her the second time. "Mmmm" She hummed through her throught liking the cum from her lips with her tongue. Then he got off and she became excited at first, hoping he would pull the plastic out her for the real thing. Her body was also now able to squirm better without his weight holding her still. However her eyes grew wide when he told her what he was going to do. "No" She could barely breathe the word out. His iips brushed over hers and she stretched her head up desprately trying to steal a kiss from him. He had no idea what she would give just to be able to kiss him right now. "Pleeeeaase! Don't leave me... not like this." She called out to him, whimpering as her limbs faught against the bindings. She was stuck there covered in his cum and lying helplessly as the machine and dildo worked her bottom holes.
Her cries went unoticed as kenny had already spotted his next prey a yougn pink haired lass, still in her two peice miad outfit, reminiscent of the maid he had found tied up his first time ont eh job, she hung with ehr arsm ties above her haad, danglign a few inches off teh ground, kenny grabbed a whipand but plug fro a cart as he walked over to her, crackign teh whip as he stopepd infront. "So.. do you liek ti rough?" HE asked as he took her chin inhis hand to force her to look at him, even a few inches off teh groudn she was jsut below eye level with him.
The hanging girl jumped slightly with the crack of the whip but it was hard to tell whether it was out of fear or excitement. Her eyes met his as he forced her head to face his. "Yes sir, I do." She admitted. A moment later the door to the basement opened and her eyes slide to the corner to see the cook walking in. Alyson came down the stairs with the trey in her arms as usual. "Sir Kenny, it is time for your lunch." She called out to him as she walked over to the bed with the trey, watching Kenny curiously as she waited patiently for him to come join her.
"goo-" Kennys word was cut off as he looekd to the open door, grinnign to see alyson walk in. "looks like i will have to play with you later." Kenny said , lashignt eh girl with the whip once agaisn her breasts bfeor puting it down on a cart and walkign tot he bed, coming up behidn alyson to teasignly bite her neck. "mmm what's for lunch?" HE asked as he looked down a the trey in ehr hands as one hand manuevered under her apron to grope at ehr breasts, teh otehr feelign voer her leg. "and did you get all cleaned up from our little play?" hhe asked curiously.
The girl gasped as the whip hit her breasts which jiggled as her body swayed back and forth lightly.
"" Alyson teased as he nibbled on her neck, though she knew better than to even think of biting him. "I brought pizza, bread sticks and soda." She said more seriously now as she held up the trey before putting it on the bed. She moaned softly in the back of her throat as he groped her breasts and felt over her legs, her back leaned back against his chest to embrace herself in his arms. "Can't you tell?" She asked raising an eyebrow as she reluctantly pulled away from him. "I am fresh and clean." She said as she turned to face him so he could look her over herself. Her hair was pulled back in a bun and her clothing her clean and neat as if she had changed. She looked just as she had that morning before she fed him breakfast. "Did you have an.. educational morning?" She asked him as she picked up the pizza and lifted it up to his lips.
Kenny grinned as he admired the cooks fresh look, he had grown fond of her, if anna was hsi girlfriend, cindy was his sister, then alyson was the girl next door, the care taker . the boy sat upont hebed befeor he took a bite of the food and swallwoed it. "yes it was.. and it was nice of you to tell me my sweet little Anna had been pranked." he said with a poute as if hurt the cook hadn't given him the information on purpose, he move snow to lay sitting up ont eh bed befeor pattignhis lap. "Come sit wiht me as you feed me." Kenny said jsut wantign a sexy little maid like her on his lap.
Alyson smiled at Kenny when he mentioned Anna's prank "It was not my place to tell" She said simply as if she really did know but chose not to tell him. She followed him onto the bed, settling herself in his lap. She sat sideways in his lap, crossing her legs together and sliding and arm across his shoulders around his neck so that she could lean against him comfortably. She pulled the trey closer to them and then used her free hand to feed him the pizza again and then the bread sticks. "Tell me about this morning." She told him to start up a conversation while he ate.
"mm well i found this miad i had seen once durign one of Annas trainign sesions, found out she pranke dmy lil' Anna so well... ya look at her now." Kenny said as he took antoehr bite form the bread stick lettign crumbs fall all over on purpose as he pointed over by where Ashley was , still bound with both her holes beign penetrated, his cum slowly drying and sticking on ehr skin
Alyson looked over to where Kenny pointed to see his work from the morning. She sucked in her bottom lip, taking in a breathe as she watched the girl bound to the table. Her eyes glazed over with lust as if she had been turned on by the image. "Mmmm...Remind me never to get on your bad side." she mused as she pulled her attention form the maid back to Kenny. "Your bad boy persons is not just for show." She said as if she were impressed. She put the breadstick down to give him some of the drink. Then she tilted her head down to lick some of the crumbs from his chest. She reached behind her for the pizza to feed him some more. Her lips kissed up his chest, his neck then to his ear. "You are supposed to eat the food not wear it." She teased softly in his ear while he ate.
"I don't liek puting on a false face.'" Kenny said proudly, shudderign as the girl kissed upon his skin.. "mmm but i love ti when you clean me p." HE teased back, one hand movignt o grope at her ass befoer goign for a bite of the pizza. "ou know if your hungery.. you cant take a taste." HE said as he leane dhsi ehd away form ehr to expose his naked neck."though you don't have to bite my neck." HE mused as he looekd to hsi member. "you know you said i cant insert into any hole but if you bite its side, its techncialy nto in yorumouth." he teased , ever sesne he foudn vampries were real he had wondered how a vamprie blowjob would feelit had been soemthign he fantasized abotu in highschool
"The human food does taste better when it's licked off human flesh." she agreed with him as she nibbled on his ear. She sighed lightly as he offered her a taste. He offered his neck to her and she slide her tongue over it teasingly as if she would bite next. Her eyes slide down the muscular curves of his body to his erection. His second offer was more tempting than the first. She was quiet, debating the temptation in her mind as she continued to hold the pizza in front of his face. "I really shouldn't" She breathed out in a soft lustful tone. She clearly wanted to. Her nose nuzzled over his neck teasingly as she inhaled his sweet aroma. "I am not supposed to." She told him as if it were a rule. Though her finger tips pressed into the side of his neck. "If I do... I am not sure I have the will power... to only have a taste." She warned him of her predicament. "I am still... very... young." The words slowly breathed from her lips as her nose continued to linger over his exposed neck.
Kenny pouted, btu understood, he couldnt be killed by a bite but he could run the risk of antoerh coma, somehtign he didn't wish to go trhough again, not if it ment leavign anna and cindy waitign fro him to wake up. "Alright, but can yo do me oen other favor?" He asked as he took a bite of the pizza, swallowign befeor speakigna gain. "for dinner can you brign down my sex toy Cindy with you? and make sure she is in somethign sexier then that crudy little nigth gown form yesterday, ask Anna to dress her, she knows what i enjoy." he added to hsi request. "and make sure Anna trains Cidny in how to pelase me wihtout usign a hole." he rememebrd, nto wanting Cidnty to coem down here unprepared. "you got allt hat?" he asked after takign antoerh bit of food, this time not wswallowign so some food fell on his chest again, jsut wanted her to taste his flesh again.
"Depends on the favor" She replied while lifting her head up to look at him now. She let out a soft sigh, calming down a little now that she was away from his neck. She looked at him a little surprised by his request. It was unusual for someone in the dungeon to request some one else to come down. "I am not sure how much she can teach Cindy in the short time period." She told him. "But I will pass Lady Anna the message." She told him with a reassuring smile and nodd of her head. She replaced the pizza with a drink and then the breadsticks as she raised an eyebrow to him. "After last night I am surprised you would have Cindy brought down her a second time." She said sounding a little confused. "Why the change in heart?" She asked him suspiciously. While she awaited for an answer she once again brought her head down and pressed her lips over the excess food he had spilt, sucking softly on his flesh to leave little hickies where the crumbs had been.
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