The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

"You have spent twenty four hours trying not to look at those girls or fantasize and now you can't take your eyes from them." She mused at the irony. She licked the syrup from her lips as his hand ventured over her soft stockings."I may not be a mystery girl anymore..." She smirked, pausing to enjoy his warm hand groping her bare breast. She turned to gather more food onto the fork and feed him another bite. "But I believe I can keep your attention for a little while." She said as she leaned in and licked the syrup from the corner of his lips.
"and if you entertain me well enough, i might give you a little taste of me." He whispeered to ehr , his lips brushig agasitn hers befeor he mvoed to take antoehr bite while his hand twisted ehr nipple hard. "Which will be hard, i've seen you in action already, do you really have soemthign enw to show me?" He asked tauntingly, teasign her as hsi ahdn woudl slide up ther thigh but stop a the trim of ehr skirt to venture back down her leg.
"Mmm sounds like a real treat" she spoke softly as he gave her something to look forwards to at the end. His lips brushed against hers and she faught the urge to kiss him as she continued to feed the boy. "Eeww" the vampire inhaled a sharp breathe, a shiver running through her chest from the twist. Her nipples were quite sensative. Even his gentle hands running up and down her legs were arousing. "Who said I need something new up my sleeve?" She teased as she traced her fingers up the creases of his muscular chest, sliding her nails gently up the side of his neck. Her hand slide over the back of his neck where her thumb began to rub and tease his earlobe. Her other hand taking the milk from the trey to give him something to drink. "The classics are always the best." She informed him.
Kenny took a few gulps of the milk mking sure the milke left a mustache as he pulled from the milk to speak. "mmm but that's only if you dot he classics well, ar eyou good with the classics?" EH aske dquizicaly, twisitng ehr nipple itneh other direction now just to see ehr squirm befeor her let go of it, massgaign ehr breast now his thumb rubbing over her nipple as he otehr hand moved up to spank her ass playfuly befeor goign back to strokign ehr leg slowlyh, she seeemed to enjoy it well enough so why stop now.
"Ohhh" He moaned, heaving her chest out more towards him with the second twist. Another shudder ran pleasantly through her body. "I believe I can manage." She confirmed as she placed the drink back on the tray. His thumb sent chills through her. His touches and foreplay had already made her breathing a bit shallower. He was lying on the bed nude in front of her. The cook wanted to take him fully already. However, she knew better than to think they would be going that far today, after all she was the one who had read out the rules. She wanted his cock and it was easy to tell in her eyes. His little swat made her jump playfully and she giggled. "You see..." She began as she sat up and leaned towards him as she lifted a leg over his waist and was soon stratling his waste on her knees. The maid straightened up as she looked forwards now at him. "I have had lots and lots of practice." She said as she tugged on the ribbon that held her hair up in a bun. Her soft lock flowed down gently over her shoulders. And as most girls do when taking their hair down, she did a hair flip to straighten out the crease. "You know..." She brushed her thumb over his cheak as she leaned forwards to whisper a secret. "You are a messy eater." She whispered as her lips gently began to kiss his upper lip side to side to slowly eliminate his mile mustashe. When she reached the center she gently sucked on his upper lip.
KEnny tried to speak, his wrods muffled as she sucked upon his lip though, he didnt care instead eh spoke with hsi hands, oen till pwokign at her breast as eh leaned over her, the other though had ventured up ehr leg under her skirt to squeeze a but cheek lovign the feel of ehr suple lesh in hsi hand even if it was covered by ehr panties, he kept ont eh queeze as hsi middle figner poked at ehr crack to prod at where he figrued her anus would be hiding udner her patneis.
Her lips slide down into a kiss as his hands vetured under her clothing. She moaned gently, encouraging his hands. His teasing fingers excited her senses. She pulled back from the kiss with a pleased smile. "There, all clean." She whispered as she slowly backed up. Her arm reached behind her and tugged on the strings around her neck to allow her apron to fold down and free her chest. "Mmm.." A soft moan filled the back of her throat as he played with breast. Then she picked up the fork again to get some more of the hash brown as she brought the fork back up to his mouth to feed him. "A good plate is a happy plate." She smiled. "You're almost finished." She told him after glancing at what was left in the plate.
Kenny once mroe swallowed down his food, befoer givign her a little poute. "But if i clean the plate then wont you leave?" HE asked ina disapoitned vocie bfeor yanking on her tit hard enough that her bbody was pulle dbck to him as he forced her itnoa kiss. "IU don't want you to leave so soon." Hsi voice was still in the poutign tone even after such a rough play onhis part, he was jsut messign with her now as he circled his middel finge r aroudn ehr sensative area before hsi thumb hooked onto the back of her panties to pull it down and elt her ass free, once mroe goign abck to grop ehr ass, this tiem his middle finger jabbign art her naked anus.
She gasped allowing herself to fall against him. Her arms were now pressed against his strong chest sandwiched between the two as she returned his kiss. She closed her eyes briefly, opening them once their lips once again parted. "Yes, that is a possiblity." She admitted with a nodd of her head. Her chest shivered under his finger. She reached the fork over to the plate to gather some more food, but as soon as his finger touched her jabbed at her puckered hole she took advantage of his actions. Her hips bucked up against his stomache as she was trying to move her hole away from his finger. Her thighs twitched against his sides as she leaned her head onto his shoulders. "Unless you give me a reason to stay." She whispered the words softly into his ears, the lust in her voice challenging him.
Kennys lips parted to a devious grin, "You know you should never challenge me." He whispered back before bitign her ear roughly, and with her this close he did oen thing she knew she wouldnt be able to stand as his pores opened up and his seductive scent seeped formhis body, he knew he was goign to be using this alot tonight, to torture the girls he played with, he had already seen how she shuddered last nigth from his scent., his hand spankign her ass to make contact with it again after it so rudley slid away from him, this time he gabbed his figner hard at ehr anus to penetrate into it.
"Ewww" A shudder of excitement traveled through her the moment he bit her ear. "Should I be scared?" She teased. As before his musky sent slowly took effect on her. The first sign of its affect was her breathing more harsh. To Alyson it was a stronger attraction she suddenly felt towards him. She was attracted to him before but this was different. It was more like a need slowly growing in her. She let out a playful yelp as his hand slapped against her ass. She could tell without looking that cheek was red from the sting of impact. "OH! Dirty boy" She groaned as he forced his finger into her tight puckered hole, her upper body straightened in instinctive reaction and her wet pussy pressed against his stomache as she bucked her hips forwards once more. "You should not aim for that hole first, it's filthy." She informed him sounding somewhat modest, though the musk had worked on her enough that she really didn't care which hole he penetrated as long as he touched her.
"mmm but im such a dirty boy, why dwouldnt i want to play with yoru dirty hole?" He teased as he once mroe spanked her ass and shived hsi finger in deeper in ehr anus, his other hand twistig at eh nippleagain, pullign it to eh side seeign as how he coudltn pull her much closer to him now. "That is, unless you beg for it to be inteh other hole.." He hsised out top her ear before he bit at it agin.
Her body felt her body getting hotter as she was now leaned in against his chest. Her head rested on his shoulders and she moaned in his ear as his hand gave her ass another swat. He could actually feel her shiver on top of him as his finger dug deeper into her hole, her anal muscles clenched tight around his finger as he scraped against her unlubed walls. Her cold hands slide down his shoulders to grop his chest, her fingers prodding into the flesh as he twisted her nipples. An uncontrolable wave of pleasure traveled through her chest and she had to pause to catch her breathe before she could even speak. She inhaled a deep breathe, the rustic aroma of his blood flowing through his veins mixed with his animalistic musk was heavenly, almost unbearable. She lifted her head up to pull her attention away from his neck, her hands slowly slide up his neck to caress his pink cheeks. Her eyes landed on his lips and she desptratley wanted to kiss them so she tilted her head and went into a deep kiss. "Is that what you want?" She asked as she broke from the kiss to inhale a breathe then soon pressed her lips back against his. She was feeling so horny and lustful now that she was subconsciously rubbing her pussy over his abs, back and forth in a slow almost unnoticable hump. "You want me to beg you to finger my hot..wet... pussy?" She asked after pulling from the kiss, pecking him softly on the lips between each of the last three words.
"only if you wish to feel it in your.. hot..wet..pussy." HE said teasign her as he pecked her the same ways she did him, buiut with each kksis he also shove dhsi finger deeper into ehr dry little anus to the point that hsi index finger was soon chovign into her anus as well by teh last word, and hthis time he didnt stop, he twisted and shoved slowly deeper into her anus tryign to fit both figners into it agaisnt ehr convulsign muscles, his hand movign form ehr breast now to work at ehr but cheek slapignteh neglected one hard befoer waitign for her to speak, spankign her afte each of her words just to torment her even more.
"Mmm... I doo" She moaned, the words came out without thought. She was not one to beg, she had been trained to work a guy without ever needing to beg. But each soft kiss was mouth watering. Each shove made her gasp for air that her body did not need and pushed her hips into a longer hump. She felt like a dog in heat, wanting every type of sexual attention he could give her. Not only wanting him but her body felt like she needed him. Her hands squeezed onto his shoulders as she put weight against him and the head board. His fingers became more violent on her anus and her firm bottom began to wiggle against his fingers as if to help him. "It hurts..." She moaned her body tensing back as he twisted his fingers. "Sooo good.." She breathed out shakily. It was becoming quiet clear the musk had taken a heavier affect on her by now. "AHH-Sir!" Her hair flipped back and her back arched up as the first swat made it's impact. Her chested heaved up to his eye level due to the arch in her back. "Push-" She looked startled that he would interupt her with a slap the first time. "Ah-Deeper-" She tried to speak again and once again was spanked. "I-" She groaned pausing as if getting frustrated but the interuptions were arousing making him hotter in her eyes. She was so turned on by his tormenting that her wet juices were dripping down his abs. "Stopah-" She moaned quickly shaking her head for she did not want him to. "Uggh!" She growled at herself the stinging slap on her red ass sent an erotic chill through her and after the next moaning slap she forced her lips into his to shut herself up.
there was a dark grin on his face as he hismelf got even mroe aroused formthe girl frustration do to his 'little' intereuption, he had never seen Alyson so weak int he few days he had known her, she was always the tease, the obedient one, the one on top, end even though she was ontop rigth now, he knew he was the one in control as he puleld formt he kiss as best he could, though the head boards stoped him, makign him have to speak in her lips. "whats wrogn don't you want it in your hot wet pussy?" he asked as his ring finger began jabing at ehr anus now, his other hand rubbignehr tender ass softly waitign for ehr to make any noicse befeor eh would spank her again.
She nodded her head in response to his mocking words. He was using her own words that she had used to seduce him against her. She sucked on her bottom lip moaning through her throat as she felt another finger trying to intrude into her tight hole. She shuddered from the mere thought of being touched in her anus. She did not quite fully understand what was happening with her body. He was giving her erotically painful pleasure and yet her body was hot and horny, craving a man she would not have minded being denyed before. "Ido" She tried speaking quickly mixing her words in, each slap would make her body shift forwards and her breasts jiggle in front of him. "You- I canttt-" She groaned in a lustful frustration. She could hardly get a word in with him. The worst part was that if he kept messing with her like this she was almost sure she would cum soon, how embarrassing would that be. Even the thought of being embarrassed made her juices leak.
Kenny chuckled otu a little diabolical laugha s he spanked her again. "What's wrong? do you want soemthign?" He asked ina mock kind voice to her befeore bitign on her nipple now as ti swugn toward s him, twisitng his hand as he finaly stretched her hole enought to fit a thrid figner in, now tryign to stppread hsi figners inside of her to see how wide he could get her anus to spred befeor shovign a fourth figner inehr faster thent eh rest, no longer takign hsi time he went rough and hard into teh hole, manuverign his arm and hand so hsi thumb was rigt under her pussy rubbing the tender flesh near her pussy., consiquently gettign hsi arm stuck between ehr and him so now sher sopign wet vagina rubbed alogn his muscled arm.
He was laughing at her mocking her so sensually. She could tell he was having fun which pleased her. It meant she was doing her job right and she would soon be getting her own relief, it was not happening exactly the way it usually did but it was still good for the both of them. She gasped in pleasure as his strong hand slaped against her red increasingly sour ass. "YESSS!" She moaned out tilting her head back and closing her eyes tight as his teeth caught her pink nipple. Her bottom rose back slightly to push against his third finger. Her body trembled as she felt his fingers stretching her anal walls. The pressure was buiding she could feel it. She lurched forwards gasping and moaning louder as she forced a forth finger in. Her knees curved into his side "Nnn MOREE" She moaned as she felt his fingers roughly filling her hole, her hips jumping up in surprise as his thumb rubbed her flesh near her pussy. She shifted her hips, squirming as she felt his firm muscular arms rub under it. It was so hot she could not bear the thought. She trembled her body was begining to tense up and she could not help but begin to think of how unfair it was that when he was finally getting ready to play with her pussy she was getting ready to climax. She closed her eyes and took in a breath trying to keep the intesity down but all it would really take was another slap or bite, anything arousingly pleasurable to set her off.
Kenny could see she was going to break soon and he ws ready for it as he bti down hard on erh nipple pulling at it so as seh arched her back away from him her nipple was puleld even harder befeor he elt it go watchign her beast bouncy in place as the girl orgasimed on his arm, spanking her repeatedly till the juices woudl stop, his nose filling withe h orgasmic scent sendign waves of extasy throughhims as he precumemd on her ass, shiverign at hsi need to release now as he suckedl on hr bitten nipple, lookign up to her curiously s he slowly yanked a figner out of ehr hoel one at a time, curious to see if she was goign to play with him now, let him finish his fun.
His teeth caught her sensative nipples set her off instantly. Alyson threw her head back arching her back as she tensed and spasmed releasing a rather large load of cum over his arm. The tug of her nipple and his intent to continue spanking her feed to the intensity of the orgasm causing her to pant as she rode it out, lasting a little longer than if he would have just triggered it and let her be. Soon after she came down from the orgasm, hunching her body forwards as she was practically on all fours over him. A pleasant smile was on her lips and a sort of relaxed relief seemed to grow over her as he pulled his fingers out. "That...was....unreal." She panted lightly to catch her breath before she looked up at him. Her eyes flinched slightly as he was still sucking on her nipple which sent an unexpected chill through her. It was a clear sign to her that he still wanted to play. She sat up now, still strattling him as one of her hands slide behind him. Her fingers gently wrapped around his hard erection. "I can't leave yet." She breathed teasing him to think she was going to play with him now. "You are clearly still hungry." She then said as she glanced to the trey that still had some food left, then to his lips which were suckling her breasts. "And unsatisfied." She was making it a little confusing for him to figure out what exactly she meant, though after catching her off guard with his musk it was only fair.
Kenny reluctantly puleld formher nipple as she ofered him food, takign ti and swallowign it, it was good to get soemthign itn eh stomahc though he was slightly hungery, but he was still in such a playful mooda s she grasped his memebr. grinnign he still found a way to play with her as he acted as if he were goignt o slide his arm out form udne rher, slidign his arm over her pussy intentioanly befeor stopign and slidign back again before finaly pullign it out from under her, lookign at hsi glistending arm. "Look at what you did to me, how can i play with others if im all sticky and wet already." HE said ian scoldign voice as he showed ehr his wet flesh.
"If you don't eat it all you won't have energy to last all night." She reminded him as he ate and swallowed. Her fingers gripped his rod a bit tighter as she felt his arm sliding against her pussy, though the second time he slide his arm under she knew he was teasing her. His glistening skin sent a shudder through her but she took in a breathe hoping not to allow herself to loose complete control of herself again. She fell back onto her butt when he scolded her, sitting to where his erection stood against her backside. Her cheeks flushed pink as she saw her juices on his big strong arm. She actually felt embarrassed she got off on being spanked and fingered in her back hole. It fit with Victoria's lesson on getting the partner off without insertion, but it was still a little embarrassing to her. However, she quickly tried to hide such a feeling and play along with him. So she giggled with a shrug. "I guess I am the only girl you can play with then" She teased. But then like a child quickly changed her response as if trying to sound remorseful when they didn't mean it. She pouted bowing her head. "I'm sorry Sir, I've been a bad girl."
"mm its okay, as long as you atleast clean my dirty fingers after beign in such a filthy hole." He teased as eh ran hins index figner on her bottom lip, smearign her vaginal fluid onit whichhe got when he slipped his hand out form under her, it was hard to think now though as he felt ehr soft flesh otneh tip of hsi sensative memebr,t he precum smearing on her skin as his member pulsed hungerly for mroe pelasure and mroe stimulation.
"Mmm.." she sucked her bottom lip in to lick the fluids clean. Her hands lifted up to hold his arm in front of her. She practically hugged his arm between her chest to get better access to his wet fingers. "It would be my pleasure." She smiled as she slide her tongue up his index finger, tasting her fluids on her tongue. Then she slowly liked around the finger to the other side and then over the tip acting as if it was a minature penis. Then she moved on to the middle finger. Since it was the longest finger she slide the whole thing in her mouth, close her lips down around the base and then slowly slide his finger out as she sucked the cum from it. HIs next finger she sucked on in a similar mannor except for she used her tongue more, swirling it around while it was inside. And his pinky she slide in her mouth and sucked on it, using her tongue for a few minutes before she pulled it out. "There all clean. Are you happy now?" She teased as she took the fork to feed him what was left of his breakfast.
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