The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

KeNnny blindlytookt he food from the cook, his eyes afixed on anna and cindy, curous to see what anna had planned for his girl, bitign the bottom lip a she finally saw Cindy naked, he hadn't takent he time to take off her top during thier first sex section, her breasts wereround supple, delicious looking,and on top of that her breast wre white, whiter then her otehr skin, she had tan lines, soemthign odlyatractive abotu thatas his eyes seeed to rbe drawn tto ehr breasts and pussy more due to thri diffrent skin color then the rest of ehr body,it was liek highlightign the important areas, grinnign glad to see that her beign a vamprei hadn't takent he coloration away. her words nto helping his excitement at all but it fgav ehim an idea as he grinned. "Well if Cindy is my sex doll, why isn;t she pleasuring my body right now?" HE asked as eh cocked a brow looking to Anna forher response as eh took antoehr bite of food.
"You know the answer to that already." The cook smirked as she continued to feed him and enjoy the show. She herself had been aroused both by Kenny's body and the show though she hide it well. The only sign left for Kenny was her cum soaked panties from the orgasms she released between meals caused by her chastity belt.

Cindy's eyebrows raised to Kenny's question and she turned her head trying to glance back at Anna. "Can I Mistress?" She asked already wanting to be free from her bindings to please Kenny. In response the vibrations she stratled were turned up forcing her upper body to stretch like a cat as her own moans filled the air. Anna leaned her chest against Cindy's back as her chin rested on her shoulder. "You both know better than to trick me into going against the Mistress's wishs." She coed playfully as she tugged on Cindy's nipple chains. The girl gasped and winced her eyes shut. After a good long minute she let go of the chain and gropped Cindy's supple breasts as her fingers caressed her soft skin. Her lips kissed gently against Cindy’s neck. “Now show Master how I taught you to beg.” She ordered into Cindy’s ear, though she still spoke loud enough for Kenny to hear her. Cindy blushed slightly to the order but nodded her head obediently. Then she looked up at Kenny with a pleading look. “Master, I am a horny slut. PLEASE stick your…” she hesitated a moment still modest and a little embarrasses at what she was saying to him. “Big… hot meat in my pussy.” She begged making it believeable that that was what she really wanted.
Kenny squirmed ascindy did, her moans shakign his spine with pelasure jsut hearign her, and the strong smell of orgasmic fluids had fileld the air recently, finaly linking it ot one of the girls he looked down a the cooks skirt curiously befoer back to Cindy as eh watched his girlfriend pulla t her nipples, kenny biting his lip hard trying to hodl back from strugglign free, hestinatn now to even takt eh food intohis moth now, though he slowly did. "You will get it.. later my toy." HE said replyign weakly, his mind screamign to ahve one fo the girls bodies now as he subconciusly begna producign the musk again, strogner then before
"Eat your vegetables. They are good for you." The cook said as she spoon fed him corn, noticing he was now eating alot slower and had almost refused the food. She was persistant on feeding him. Both Anna and the cook were amused bye the other two's reactions. They were enjoying the show as if they had their own little inside jokes. "You know..." Anna began as she watched Kenny squirm. "I am not sure our little toy here.." She said playfully as she squeezed Cindy's breasts together and jiggled them. "is very convincing." She smirked wickedly as she looked over to the cook. "What do you think?" She asked the maid. "Hmmm... I believe she can do better." The cook agreed. "I thought so too." Anna nodded her head.

"Perhaps she just needs a little motivation." She said as she released the girl's breasts to turn the switch on the syban to high. Immediatly little Cindy threw her head back into Anna's shoulders causing her chest to lift up even hight, displaying her perky mounds. She shivered and squimed on the mond as her body arched back against her mistress. She tried to lift off the object but failed horribly, her retraints keeping her inplace. She sucked her bottom lip in whimpering in the rather intense pleasure. "Its too much at once." She moaned almost. "Don't worry. I worry I would not do anything I did not think you could handle." Anna assured the girl as her hands went back to massaging and neading the girl's breasts. Every now and then she flicked the nipple clamps just for the fun of it. "Your Master loves watching you squirm. Just look how hard he is." Anna teased Cindy though she made sure Kenny could hear as well to add to his own torments. Cindy squirmed and shoke in pleasure for a while, time passing so slow it felt like it had stopped completely. And then the time finally came when she had reached her climax and was about to cum. "I am going tooo-" Before she could finish her words or was able to release Anna turned the mashine off. Cindy wimpered as the stimulation was suddenly cut off. She had no way or releasing the pressure that had built up within her. Anna laughed as she looked from Kenny to Cindy.

"Now try again." She commanded. "Beg for your Master's cock." She hissed into Cindy's ears. Cindy looked at Kenny's cock first bitting her lips lustfully. Then her eyes rolled up to Kenny. "P-please Master" She whimpered softly "I am a horny slut." She said, this time the new found hunger for him makeing it sound a bit different but more true. "PLEASE stick your big hot meat." The last three words she breathed out lustfully "inside my wet pussy." She pleaded desprately as if there was hope that she might actually get what she asked for. All she wanted right now was a release and she felt dirty and slightly ashamed for wanting it so badly.
Kennys legs kicked at eh bed , slidign the shets off the matress in hsi squirming,he couldnt handle it, but he didnt knwo what todo, he couldnt trnasform, eh wcoudlnt riskthat kind of pain agian, and he was still above begging, he looked to anna, pantign heavily , pre cum seeping formhsi memerb again, he was nearlya t eh same point as cindy now, wishign to release any way possible. "Why are you doing this to Cindy?" HE asked weakly before takign a bite of food, nearly unabel to swallow in hsi weak state. "why are you tormenting her? what has she done wrong?"
"Why?" Anna repeated the question as the two panted in their bindings. "The answer is obvious if you think about it. The is part of both of your training." She said simply. The cook was giving him more of his drink than his food to help keep him hydrated. "She is generously helping with your training." She said as if it made sense. "And when a toy's Master suffers shouldn't they feel his pain?" She mused. Anna allowed the two to rest and catch their breathe. "You can't say you are not enjoying this. You love it so much it is driving you mad." She and the cook giggled.

Once Cindy's heart began to beat at a normal pace and she was calm the vibrations went back on a bit higher than it had before. "Please M-mistress." She whimpered as she once again arched her back while pressing her head against Anna. She shivered helplessly in her bindings. "N-not again." She breathed out. Anna grabbed the chain pulling quite hard "Do not question my decisions" She spoke like a true mistress. Cindy cried out lustfully from the pain in her nipples. Her pussy was sore from the first denial making the pleasure feel that much more intense as wave after wave flowed through her body. She could not stop moaning and whimpering from the pleasure. "Kenny dear, she is your toy. Is there anything you would like me to do with her to add to your enjoyment?" She asked as her hand reached up to take Cindy's chin and tilt her head to the sided so they could briefly kiss.
Kenny watched helplessly, even as he closed his eyes, Cindys scent was over whelming and he could see what anna was doign evne thoughhis eeys were closed, he could jsut imagine it, and the boy would cross hsi leggs squirming them anxiously, tryign to clear his mind, coming up with one idea, though he was reluctant todo ti as he looked to anna,could he be so mean as to, his questionw as answered as Anna spoke so roughly to his 'toy'. "HEY!" KEnny barke dotu loudly, , putign on an angered face as eh glared to anna. "She is my toy, no one is allowed to touch her withotu my permision!" His vocie loud and rough, demannding, but his body shook as he tried to keep a strogn front, this time he even controls his musk to let out his intoxicatign scent even more.
Anna and the cook were quiet from Kenny's out burst. They appeared to be stunned by his anger. Anna acted as if she could not believe he was speaking this way. Cindy looked over to Kenny with admiring eyes. Her hero. That was until she felt the pressure building once more, this time quicker than the last due to a lack in complete rest. Anna's speechlessness was really a short stall before she smirked. "Alright then." She said as she turned off the machine once again with impecible timing to turn it off just before the poor girl's climax. Cindy whimpered, her body hunched forwards and glistening in sweat as she panted to catch her breathe. "I believe we hit a nerve." Anna teased as she stepped to the side, away from Cindy. "He's just grumpy because he's hungry." The cook said as she tried to feed him so more. "Kenny my love." Anna coed as she walked over to the bed, leaning forwards to rest her arms against the foot boards. "I am your girlfriend. Doesn't that mean I get to play with your toys?" She asked him in a sweet innocent tone.
"And would a girl friend really torment her boyfriend like this?" HE aske dwith a smirk as if he kenw he was wining the battle,it was mroe jsut to throw the girls off, if he gained conficendce maybe he coudl get out of the restrains, he jsut needed to releaseand this was his hope of gettign out, growlign slightlye before he took another bite of hsi food quickly not evne lookign at teh cook any more
"She would if she beiieved it will help him." She replied back as she knew more than he did. "It's not like you are going to die and the orders come from a higher command." She explained as if she was doing the right thing. "Besides your body says you love this kind of torment." She giggled as she glanced at his cum. She walked around the bed to the other side opposite of the cook. "Be the man I feel in love with and deal with your lessons." She suggested as she leaned in and kissed him, her hands caressing his cheek and their lips the only flesh touching. "Sweety, do I have your permission to play with your toy?" She asked him as she broke from the kiss.
His body broke as she kissed him, finaly gettign any touch he could his memebr squirted otu soem coem jsut formt he feeling of her lips upon his, his breahtigng heavy as she pulled formthe kiss, she broke him again as eh gave a soft smile, noddign to her. "as long as you promise me soem fun tomorrow night, no matte rhow bussy you are." HE said, wishign to touch ehr but as he got the thought of touchign her teh chaisn shrank so thsi wrists were slamed agaisnt eh wooden head board.
She smirked as she cum seep around his member, finding it humorous and flattering a kiss from her would cause such a reaction. This time she sucked in her lower lip pausing a moment to think before she could reply. His promise caught her off guard. She wondered if it was a good Idea to tell him where he would be tomorrow or to let him wait and find out when he woke up. "I promise I will spend time with you tomorrow." She finally reassured him. Then she backed away from him and headed back to his toy whom was breathing a bit easier now. "You hear that." Anna spoke playfully as she came up behind Cindy once more. "Kenny said I can play with you." She said as she hugged the girl from behind, running her fingers over her smooth belly.
"Please finish your food sir. The sooner you finish the sooner this will be over." The cook reassured Kenny. Meanwhile Anna flicked the syban back on high. "Kenny my love is there anything special you want me to do to your toy?" She asked once again. She nibbled playfully on the girls neck and rolling her breasts. Cindy withered, panted and moaned helplessly like an animal in heat under Anna's touches.
"Mmm you know i love to see you girls kiss." Kenny purred out befoer taking a few bites fo hsi food. "Though that isn't much, hmm why not put a nice dildo in her breasts." It ws the best he coudl think of rigth now, his mind was clouded with ideas of him atop any one of these girls, it wasnt easy thinkign of anythign else but his own member. " and let the poor girl cum, i wish to smell the heavenly scent of her fluids." He said hungerly before taking mor ebites of food, he was defiantly mroe encouraged to eat knowing it would end this faster.
"If that is what gets you off my love." Anna giggled as she teased her bound boyfriend. She kissed Cindy once before pulling away from the girl so that she could pick a nice thick dildo from the cart beside her. Cindy coed soft moan as the plastic toy was turned on vibration and was slide between her breasts. "Th-th-thank y-youuu Master" Cindy practically praised Kenny as he told her mistress to allow her release. Once again Anna turned Cindy's lips towards her as she forced the girl into a kiss, her moans muffled into her lips as she squished and massaged Cindy's breasts together against the dildo. After a good long kiss she continued playing with Cindy until she believed the girl was coming close to a climax. Without warning she tugged the chain attacked to the girls breasts until it snapped from her breasts. Cindy of course cried out from the feeling. "Beg your Master to let you climax." Anna hissed soflty in her ears as she began to finger herself while she slowly slide the dildo down towards the girl's clit. "Mmaster.... may I cum...Master p-please let y-your slutty doll cum." She begged Kenny. Mean while the cook was feeding him the last bit of his food.
Kenny had to swallow his food befeor givign his doll a soft smile, noddign he answerbefeor speaking it . "yes you may my doll, my dirty little doll , eelt me hear you orgasim." He answered, he himself all so eager sto smell her juices, it was alreayd intoxicating with ehr sweat and the smell of the fles of all three girls, he was thankful for his awakened lycanthrope powers, if not he probably wouldnt get as much pleasure as he did tonight if he were still normal human. takignt he last bite in his mouth and savoring he taste this time, after suhched a hurried dinenr he wished to actualy taste the last bite.
With Kenny's permission Anna slide the dildo onto the girl's clit and a few moments later both girls tensed, spasmed and cam at once, Cindy of course cuming the hardest and largest load. Cindy's body relaxed as Anna turned off the dildo, placing it in the cart, and turned off the machine. "Thank you Master." Cindy breathed out lightly. Anna allowed Cindy to rest a few minutes and catch her breath then she lowered the counter down and released Cindy's legs so she could stand. She was a bit wably at first, her legs were stiff and weak from the position and torments, but she soon had the strength and ballance to walk on her own. "All done." The cook announced pleasantly as she gathered the tray and stood up. "Good night Sir... or should I say good morning?" She mused with a shrug as she headed towards the stairs. "Good night Master." Cindy told Kenny as Anna once again guided her by a leash. "Good night my love." Anna smiled blowing him a kiss as they too headed towards the stairs.
Kenny let out a little poute as al teh girls began to walk off. "I gues i was just dreamign to think i would get let out now." He said as he pretended to grab Anna's kiss as she blew it to him. sighing he slid back down ontot he matress, stugglign to finaly get eh sheets over him as he roleld to his side, closign his eyes to try and sleepw ithte h moans itn eh background, it felt lackign, trying to sleep without Anna in hsi arms fro two nigths ina row.
The three girls giggled to his comment as they went upstairs and locked the door behind him. No one came in or out of the dungeon until the next night. At the same time as before, sundown, the vampiress cook came down the stairs with a trey a food, freshly cooked home made waffles with syrup, milk and a hashbrown. "Good morning Sir." She greeted him cheerfully "Did you sleep well?" She asked him curiously.
Kenny rubbed his eyes witha sigha s he sat up, goign to strethc and once mfoee feelignt he restraints of his cuffs. "Wait.. why am i still stuck here? i thought my punishment was for one night?" He aske din dismay and anouance, completly ignoring her speak abotu food as he tuggedat the chains.
"Lady Victoria said you would act that way." She smirked as she nodded her head. "The first half of the lesson was for one night. However, you still have one more night to spend in the dungeon." She informed him. "Once you know the rules I am allowed to remove the cuffs." She told him. "Don't worry I think you will enjoy tonight much more than last night." She reassured him. "So lets get this over with... Rule number one" She said holding up a finger. "You cannot leave this room, the basement for twenty four hours." She began. "Rule number two the collar must remain on at all times." She said as she pulled off his original caller and put the one that she stored around her neck onto his, it was of coarse made of silver. "And rule number three" She finally said "Your penis may not enter any of the girl's three holes." She informed him. "Now, do you understand the rules so I can release you?" she asked him as she reached up with a key in her hand as she was ready to unlatch his cuffs.
Kenny growled at first as he heard he would have to spedn a nother night in the dungeon, expecting the worst, btu his eye slit up as she said rule number 3 and the sheckelds were taken off, quicklyt eh boy was at teh cook, his lips on hers , not carign where the food wheent in his haste, pulling from her slowly he grinned a devious grin, "I can do alot without having to stick it ina whole." HE said eagerly as his eyes wandered across the room to see what girls he could play with, he wsas liek a starving lion let out of his cage into a herd of sheep.
The shackles were off and before she could open her mouth to speak he was on her, their lips locking together. The maiden was stunned for a moment as she savored the kiss, gigging softly. "Your welcome." She mused. Then she looked to the side at the trey the food had fallen and mixed from the plate but luckily most of it was at least on the trey. "I know you are eager to play but you have all night. Don't you want breakfast first?" She asked him. "I can make more.." She added in case this food did not satisfy him. She looked around at at least a dozen girls surrounding him, now seemingly up on display for him to pick. She was curious to whom would be his first victim.
Kenny looked down a the tray, curiously befeor lsittign back in the bed. "mmm i enjoyed it when you fed me." EH said wiht a pink. "And this time i can actualy please you as you feed me." HE siad as his hand went to her breast with a soft teasign grope, his eye ssitll wanderign back and forth fromt eh girls,he had seen enough girls aroudnt he mansion, he was wodnerign if he could find any he had been with before. and as he figured his eyes founda girl he knew, from 3 nights back, a smirk appearing on his face, a glint in his eye as he began plotting the torment for the girl once he was doen with the cook that is. "
So alyson, did you come down here prepared tonight?" He asked curiously as his other hand began to jounry tunder her litttle skirt.
(( Found it! ^.^ You know I think I am going to have to make a little char page with all the characters we've encountered so far... it'll make times like this a bit easier.... rofl your talking about the twin that almost bit him >.< ))

"I like that idea." The maid smiled as he groped her chest. She crawled onto the bed to sit closer to him, leaning her shoulder against the head board as she made herself more comfortable. "So I have been the mystery girl." She mused as she knew who he was and yet he never knew her name. "My name is Alyson." She told him as she picked up the fork and pulled the food of the tray and into the plate than she cut little pieces of the waffle before bringing to fork over to Kenny's lips to begin feeding him. She noticed his eyes lurking around the room like a lion spotting it's prey. This left her curious to whom he picked first and what he was thinking. She smiled taking his chin in one hand to turn his head towards her. "I am right here." She teased as she used the other hand to stick the food in his mouth.
"mmm i'm sorry/" HE cooed as he looked the girl int eh eye befoer taking a bite of the food. "Its jsut soo tempting now to look at the others..." He added befoer kissing her softly ont eh lips, transferign abit of maple syrup form his lips to hers. "your no longer a mystery girl now are you alyson?, i like the name.." He said softly takign another bite as a hand ventrueedd downt he girls skirt to her stockigned leg and strok her smotth skin softly, feelign the material sendign a shiver up his spine, misigng th efeelign of a womens body even if its only been one nigth, he was craving it so badly, his hand pullign down her top enough for one breast to pop out which he groped and rolled in his hand.
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