The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Kenny's eye slit up, rememerb her supple bosom now as she lifted up her gown, he was now all to eager to get up there that he just skipped her pussy and began kissing up to the girls naval slowly but at a ftaster pace then he had down hwith ehr legs that soong his forehead pressed toeh bottom of ehr rigth breast as he kept kising her belly, the cold remindign him of the one thing that truely set humans and vampires apart, slowly he reached to udner her breastas he kisse the lfesh where breast and belly conected fuckling on the flesh, to deminstrate the feelign he was goign to give her when he got to he nipples.
His warm kisses on her flesh felt wonderfully warm and soothing. They were just what she wanted. She chuckled as he was so eager she noticed he was working his way up a bit faster than she expected. Victoria slide her gown over her head and tossed it to the side of the bed. Then she reached back unsnapping her bra as his head slide under her bossom. That too was tossed to the side on top of her night gown. Her hands settled on his shoulders as his lips slide under her breast. "Mmmm" She moaned lightly as her hands slide gently up his neck and her fingers curled into his hair. "Yes, suck your Mistress's flesh just like that." She encouraged him.
"The mistres want more?" HE said with a n eager vocie as he moved upo to nip her bipple and begin sucklign ti lieka baby with his mother, though he always put his twist as he flicekd ehr nipple with hsi tongue, hsi hand wwringin his wrist in frustration trying to keep his hands behidn his back when he so whsied to groep at her body.
"Yes" She breathed out as he nipped her sensative nipple. "I want more." She moaned as a shiver ran through her chest. Her fingers curled into a fist as she clenched a hand full of hair tugging slightly as he suckled on her chest as if expecting milk to come out. Her back arched slightly as her chest pressed forwards towards him. "Give me more." She practically demanded lustfully as his warm saliva and hot breathe tingled against her cold nipples. That was the beauty for having a human as a pet, their warmth itself added to the estasy.
her words were unbearable to him, he couldnt resist any mreo as hsi dhands cmae otu form behdin him one movign to her fre breast to group at it and twist her nipple as he suckled the other one ard still, pausing to catch his breaht bfoer goign back to the relentless atack on ehr breast, movign from her nippelt o the toehr flesh of her bossom jsut to tease her again whiel his right hand moved down and pinched at her clit befoer insertign into her pussy.
"nnnn..." Her head tilted back as his hand captured her free breast and twisted her nipple. Her blood red hair flowed over the sheets behind her as she looked up at the ceiling, concentrating on his warm touch. For a moment she debated on whether she should call out his disobedience. However, when he touched her hungry nub she could not stop him. "Uhhh...Good boy" She moaned lifting her hips up as he pinched her clit. His warm skin was now touching her three most sensative areas. Her grip on one hand tightened on his head tugging his head against her chest as his rough tongue slide over her breast making the mistress shiver in excitement and pleasure. The other hand slide onto the matress behind her for support. Her wet pussy clenched around his finger hungrily. "Use that filthy mouth of yours to please me" She encouraged him.
She should have punishe dhim though because with eehr acceptance to touch her that gave him friedom as his hand temporarily left ehr pussyu too guide his memebr otu of his pants, makign sure to keep her distracted as he nipped at ehr hard tiwit with hsi teeth while twisstignt he toerh playful, then sudenly he was upon her as he thrust his memebr hard into her, the only warnign was when the tip of the memebr touched her pussy as confirmation his aim was right, gasping upon her breast at eh oonerful feeligngof tearing open a second virign pussy tonight as his hand left hsi memebr and now felt her belly as his thumb woudl pres on her clit.
It was quite noticable when his finger's slide from her pussy. However, his teeth against her sensative nipples had made up for it at the moment. A small breif moment. "Aghhhh" She groaned, arching her body against him as he stole her virginity. Her eyes were closed but the moment he thrust in they flickered with a mixture of pleasure and furry. She gave him an inch and he took a mile, stabbing the heart of the lesson in one thrust. He had failed the lesson proving to her that he needed more training than she had originally planned if he was to be her pet. "What a wild... untamed mute you are" She breathed out as the furry in her eyes flickered away before she titled her head back down towards him. Her fist was now tangled in his hair as her tight pussy painfully stretched for him, though she found it a pleasurable pain and moaned softly as he pressed against her clit.
Kenny winced as hsi mouth was rremoved fromt eh girls nipple, givign her mistress a naughty grinn as he slowly slid his memebr out, putign as hif he leanre dhis lesson ebfeor his and gropped and yanekd on ehr breast whiel thrusitign back in fully again. "ye sbut you know you enjoyt the feelign, teh pain." HE mused out as hsi ahnd came up to her breast so now boths hit hands pulled and gripepd at ehr breasts as he begna pullgin otu again, thrusign into her if she started a sentence.
His grin created a smirk on her lips. She spread her legs a bit wider as he slide her member out, her tight pussy clinging to his legth the entire time. Her body trimbled in excitement as his warm hands gropped and pulled at her large breasts. If she was not horny already she was now. He may have been disobedient but he seemed to have learned in the allyway a while back. Once again she groaned in pleasure from his beautifully painful thrust within her, arching her back like a cat. Her body trembled and chills ran up her spine as he rough handled her chest, using them as leverage as he slide out of her. He was giving her something she did not know she wanted that night. If anyone else had tried this she would have easily broken free from them, however, this was his first real lesson with her as her pet and the selfish lustful side of her decided to allow him to continue and simply observe him, the punishment would come later after she was done enjoying his unexpected actions. She opened her mouth to reply to him but his next thrust turned her sentence into a long moan. Her grip on his hair pulled his face into her cleavage and she bucked her hips up against him lustfully. "Mmm... and your cocky as well." She mused at her observation as the arm that was holding her upright slide from under her and she felt flat on her back, her legs curling behind him as her fingers released their grip on his hair.
Kenny had thought the next words form her mouth were goign to be his pnishemnt but as she forced him into ehr cleavage and moaned,he was either wodnerign fi this was the best punishment ever, or if he had her in his hands now. his second idea obvious to him now as she relased hsi hair, thougth he staye dine hr chest still pullign at her breast as hte trut in, agains,a nd again, hitting itneo her at an aganle and slightty scratching at ehr breasts now tiwith hsi nails when eh cgroped at ehr, his head tiltign toeh side so eh coudl pres hsi lisp a the side of one breast befeor bitign at it playfuly.
Her fingers trailed over his back muscles, pressing into his flesh every so often. They would press hard against him, grasping his flesh with every hard thrust. "Mmm ohhahh" She moaned lifting her chest up as she tugged at her large breasts. The mistress thrusted her hips up against him to create a harder impact, their flesh made slapping sounds as thier hips hit together. "Yes!" She groaned as he hit one angle then caused her to lurch up at another. "R-right there" She moaned to him encouragingly. Shivers ran through her chest as he groped her and his rough tongue sent chills through her sensative flesh. "My horny little beast..." She paused gasping in pleasure as his bit her chest like a dog would playing with his lover. "show me and tell me more of what your mistress enjoy." She urged him trying to keep some sort of lesson into this, though really she just wanted more.
Koshi's teeth let go of her flesh as he began to speak, in a muffled voice through her cleavage," the mistres love sto be ravage." He said first as he began scratchgin at ehr breasts mroe, his nails seming to get sharper, his muscles seemign to grwo in her hands, his head moved out form her breasts as he licked t ehr flesh befroe bitign at her shoulder gentlye though hsi teeth seeemd to have gotten sharper. "The mistreeess loves it when i rip open her pussy, and tear at ehr flesh." Hsi voice hot as teh thrust into her, hsi ememebr seemignt o double in size in ehr ramming hard at her cervix enterance now as if it was no big deal. "And the mistress didn't know i wasn't completely human." HE whispered itno her ear befeor comign to look at her face witha grin, his teeth sharp now more lieka carnivoures then a human or a vampires, his eyes yeellow and castign a ligth glow in the dim light, hsi scent stronger now, muskier as if he were givign off mroe hormones, much mroe then a normal human, and the scent was different, more animal then human as hew as changing, though stopping his formhere, wonderign if his mistres coudl gues what he really was befoer he had to go all the way. leannign downt o kiss her hard lettign hsi tongue slip into her mouth to give her even mroe hints as h woudl let her taste his flesh.
Victoria shuddered as his hot breathe muffled into her chest. His words were hot and just what she wanted to here to get her more aroused. The 'young' vampiress closed her eyes as what looked like a relaxed smile was set upon her lips. His sharp nails were like nails on a chalk boards scraping against her cold flesh and she loved it so much she had not really noticed he was changing. It had felt more like he was getting into is. "Mmm yes." She agreed with him encouraging the boy to go on. She took in a deep breathe holding it to enjoy his rough tongue and his sharp teeth upon her shoulder. Pleasantly his teeth were sharper and she began to wonder why that was but was not going to inturpt the fun with something so petty. At least not yet. Once again his words alone were getting her excited and wet. The mistress indeed was a masacistic type when it came to love making. She was a powerful woman incharge of a rather large household. Her word was law, she always had to keep control. So in privacy it was always nice to have her status turned on her where she was the one being dominated or 'played with'. Though this was a little difficult for her since she could never really lose domanance and control over even her pets. She could never look weak in front of a household of beings who feared and trusted her. "AAGHHHhah" She groaned out a moan as he thrust hard into her, her body jolted up into an large arch as he pounded against her cervix, a painful shock running up her spin. She was shoked even he was large enough to achieve this. He was indeed the perfect pet, it felt like centuries since she had sex like this and this was his first night with her, apart from the allyway. The mistress expected to catch her breathe and fall back onto the matress however his girth quickly grew inside her tearing her walls even more to force a fit. Her arms clung to his back hugging him to where it was almost as if the hug kept her hovered over the bed. Her body quivered as if she was freezing. "W-what?!" Her eyes shot open when she found out he wasn't human. Her scarlet eyes looking into his inhuman eyes as he began to change in front of her. His new scent and beast like features giving away his true form. Her arms quickly came between him to push against his chest creating distance between them as if she wanted to push him off. Though even for her that would be difficult with his large sausage sitting deep within her.

The vampiress paniced mentally, not sure how to take this information he threw at her in the middle of taking her. He was a werewolf, her species complete opposite and rival. Her eyes flickered a brighter red. She was furious feeling he had tricked her into forcing him to stay in her mansion. It was like he had planned all this from the begining. Before she could say anything though her back was into the matress and her lips were locked with his. Her eyes rolled back as her tongue slide over his. She was now figthing the desire to bite down and tasted his blood. How heavenly it must taste. What was she going to do with him now? She could not allow everyone to know she had been fooled and despite how angry she was. His kiss, his animalistic instincts were something she did not want to get ride of so quickly even though she knew she should. Anyone else would have ended it there. After all despite what he was he was leaving himself vulnerable to her with the kiss. Her hands slide up to his shoulders and she pushed him out of the kiss. "You lying dog." She stated breathing heavily as her body shivered beneath him. "You truly are a beast... a werewolf." revealing that she had figured out the truth. She seemed to at least appear to be getting over the shock. "Well that kill the pretend part of you being my new pup." She made an amused joke to lighten the situation a little.
"Yes but it brigns up soe much more fun." HE whispered to her, strainign to keep his transformation as it was and nto go any farther, he had been able todo ti before, but it had ben years sense he had even knwn he had lycanthropy , his enlarged member thrusting hard at ehr cervix again, threatenign to penetrate each time, of course he could but it was the sensation of jsut rammign intot eh wall tha the loved. His head comign down to her ear so her lips were at his neck as he spoke. "i'm your ally, not an enemy, i'll explain myself tot he mistress after the fun" He said his voice tryignt o be reasurign though it came otu with almsot a growl to ti due tot eh transformation, his hands still playign with ehr breasts as the claws on his thumbs stabbed at ehr nipples now whiel his fingers scraped at the sides of hr breasts. "Oh and youc an take a taste, it's okay." He added on as he moved his flesh closer to her mouth rigth befeor rammign itno her again, this tiem breakign open ehr cervix and even rammign hard back into that organs wall as well.
He continued to pound into her, each thrust sending a painfully exstatic wave from her sensative cervix through her body. Her head rolled back her moans becoming louder the more violent his thrusts became. Each time she thought he was going to break through but most of those times he failed. Her fingers gripped tightly upon his shoulders as each thrust caused the matress to squek and shift from the force. She tilted her head to the side as he whispered in her ear what she had already known. "No more..of that... my pet" She breathed out lightly reassuring him she still planned on using him the same way. A deep frustrated groan came out next as he practically pierced her nipple with his sharp claws. The brief shock was heavenly but that added with his neck pressed to her lips and his hard pounding, it was pure torture to her. It drove her mind and her body crazy, lost in exstasy, wanting more and as well as teasing her with what she couldn't have. "Your claws..." she swallowed to catch her breathe, not that she really needed it. "Th-thier wonderful" She breathed out out, biting her bottom lip now as she resisted the urge of tasting him. His claws were sharp and prickly against her breasts, though she healed so quickly that the scratches and stabs that did break the flesh barely had time to bleed at all if any before the scrap healed itself. Her eyes went wide with when he gave her the okay to feed, his flesh pressed gently against her lips as if insisting on it. How could she turn that away. He thrust hard into her cervix and the moment of pain she bite down into his neck moaninging against his flesh as her arms wrapped over his shoulders, on hand grasping hold of his upper back as the other held the top of his head. She closed her eyes savoring the rustic salty flavor of the werewolf as the warm liquid seeped into her mouth. He was a delicasy indeed. It felt like this was her birthday as she groaned again when he pounded into the back of her cervix, the estatic pain intense enough to make most other girls pass out by now. "Mmmm..." She pulled her fangs out moments later and licked his bloody wound "No more speak of yourself." She hissed into his ear. "Talk Dirty to your mistress." She practically demanded as she lustfully licked his ear. "Your speach should only be on her." She said as her head slide back down to hungrily lick his bleeding neck.
the beasts own back arched slightly as she bit into his neck, it hurt at first, he hadn't felt the sharp pain in so mainy years that he had to bite his lip to conrtol hismelf, soon though the feelign of hsi blood rushign otu of the wound as she sucked begant o arouse him it was exotic and pleasurable feeling and her tounge agasint his sensative wound was even better, he was as immortal as a vampire though his woudns healed slower he wouldn't bleed todeath, though he wasn't used to the loss of so much blood so his poundign begant o get weaker for a fe wminutes as he went bakc to just tearign at he enterance of erh cervix. Pantign in her ear as she told him tot alk dirty now, he had to catc h his breath, let he wound heal a litle mroe befoer he spoke, his claws once mroe digigntg into erh flesh and stabign at her nipples. the mistress is a pain whroe isn't she, she lvoe sit when she bleeds, dont you? mistress lvoes to be torn open hard and fast."Kenny spoke otu ina dirty scoldign voice int eh girsl ear befoer his fang stabbed itno an earlobe bitign down on ehr flesh, he wasn't a blood sucker, but he was a carnivore and loves the taste of flesh and blood. he felt the pressure buildign in him, it was almsot time as eh rammed bakc into erh cervix to splurt out a monsterous load of precum, hteh white flood half as large as would his normal human climaxes, though he wouldn't tell the mistress that, he wanted to see how surprised she would be when he came his monster load. "I'm almsot ready to explode mistress." He panted otu with a low growl. "Teh msitress loves beign filled with coem, sucha dirty mistress leting the enemy race control you like this, take you like this, lettign a wolf have his way with your dirty little body, such a slut." He added rememebrign to talk abotu her.
Her mind was mainly concentrated right now on how different his blood tasted compared to the mere human, it tasted so much better. However, she did notice how it took affect on him as well. The blood gave her a little more energy but it appeared to temporarily drain him of some as well. She was constantly making sounds now, a groan and a shift of her body when he hit her entrance a soft moan or seemingly whimper as his claws scraped and pierced her supple breasts then there was the heavy breathing in between. She gasped when he once again peirced her healed nipple with his claws, the gasp closeing in on his healing wound. She slide her tongue over the loose blood as he body shuddered and withered under him. Her fingers massaging and pressing into his upper back muscles and clamped onto the back of his head. "MMhmm.." She moaned agreeing with him almost as if she was ashamed to be a pain whore, almost. "OOHhhh..god YES!" she moaned out throwing her head back as bit into her ear, biting her like an animal. "AHH mnnmm" Her hips instantly bucked up against his when he forced his way back into her and she felt his war liquid gush within her. Her back instantly arched forcing her body to press against his strong sweaty muscular body. She was getting excited now as he growled at her, his actions and dirty words helped her pressure build close to her own climax. "Do it" She panted out. Her head lifted up to kiss her bloody lips over his neck. She suckled his neck leaving smere marks and hickies with each kiss. "Fill your vampire mistress" She practically demanded him as she grazed her fangs over the holes she had bitten before teasing him. Moments later she bit back down into the same two holes for another taste. She had fed the night before, she did not need his blood therefore she was playing with him like he was some sort of exotic treat.
She didnt ahve to tell him to release, all she neeed todo was bite hima gain and the beast lost control, the pain and exotic pleasure sootign through hsi body makign him arch his back, nearly tearign her ear off if he hadn't opened his mouth "Gosd yes here it coems, let me over flwo yoru filthy little hole." HE groaned otua s the cum began spurtign otu, it was nearly a constant stream as the white goo shot out of his mmebr to coate every inch of her inards, if they weren't't of a different species it woudl hav ebeen a sure pregnancy, the beast pantign as he kept pushign out mroe cum unabel to move otu of ehr as she was hooked ot hsi neck, just givign him mroe reason to flood her pussy his claws diging into her breast sbefoer finaly lettign go as his head came down to rbeaht heavily in her ear.
She groaned against his flesh, her tongue slideing over his flesh as he continued to fill her for what felt like at least a minute. Her own body began to tense up as she clung to him. His clasp on her chest sent constant shivers up her spine. He had so much cum that some forced its way around his member to seep out her pussy. And when he finally seemed to be comeing to the end of his stream she released her fangs from his neck and arched her back to release her own load, a small rush of fluid seeped from her pussy though it seemed less than it really was since his large cock was still plugged inside her. Victoria released her arms from around him and allowed herself to fall onto the matress below him with a groan. She had so much cum inside her she felt absolutely stuffed. "That..was.. heavenly." She breathed out with a pleased smile as her hands rubbed over her slightly aching stomache. She looked up at the wolf boy with a smile. "Your mistress is very pleased." She told him as she waited for him to pull out so the cum could have a way to flow out.
"What mistress? done already?" HE said with a playful oute as he slowly, teasingly pulle dotu of her, the boy moved downt he girls body so his mouth was at her seeping pussy grinning at he site. "Such a nasty little pussy fileld with a beasts cum, lets empty it out." Kenny teased as his hands came toehr pussy, a figner hookign into her pussy on eahc side befeor pulling hard to spread her pussy open even wider then his member had stretched it as his tongue stuck out to tathc the cum that freely flowed out of her dirty little whole, takign a mouthful befeor cralwign abck up to ehr and forcign a kiss to swap the cum between their mouths.
She shivered as he pulled out of her. The mistress pulled herself up to lean on her elbows so that her eyes cold follow him as he went down on her. She moaned, her toes and fingers curled into the sheets as he forced her pussy to spread open. A sigh of relief soon grew over her body as their white cum flowed from her pussy like a stream of cum. It flowed over his face and created a puddle at the end of the bed, soaking into the sheets. The next thing she knew he was crawling over her, kissing her. Her tongue slide into his mouth massaging his tongue as the cum swished between mouths and slide down her throat. After a good long kiss she pulled her head back to catch a breathe and speak. "Mmm...we are filthy." She stated as she glanced over his arousingly glistening muscular body. They were both sweaty and filthing with smeres of blood and cum. "Come now, you can bath your Mistress" she told him lustfully "While you explain to me the truth, on everything." She said as she scratched him behind the ear playfully like a dog. "My pet shall keep no secrets from me." She stated the fact.
"Mmm yes mistress we should clean up." HE repeated obedietnly, his body shrinkign down to his human form as he crawled of fthe bed and heade dinto ehr private bath and began warmignt he water for her. "Mistress it's ready." He said, wating for her to sit in the tub atop him, already putign a spounge at ehr pussy to 'clean' it as he spoke, hsi toerh ahnd with antoerh sponge runnign slowly over her breasts."It started back when i was aroudn 12, i wetn out for a walk, well iw as on a date, the girl bit me.. i learnt not take girls on full moon dates ever again, it took me about 5 years to get ful control of my powers, as you saw tonight i can go between forms, can even go full wolf, so i have the beat form, the human forma nd a wolf form." He said instructivly befeor eh kissed ehr neck softly , ishew as irresistable eh coudltn help btu kiss ehr eveyr so often. "I was 18 when i lost my powers, once mroe.. i should learn nto to date girls at night, she bit me and draiend me of m blood whiel iw as in my human foirm. but due to my lycanthrope a survived, stuck it eh hoospistal for 7 months, 5 of those months ina commas a smy body healed and my mind went to work supressign eveyr memory of my powers, so when i awoke i was technicaly human my lycanthrope metnaly locked away for the 4 years until tonight, befoer then i was begingint o get my memory back in flashes as a venturesd the house, but wathcng a girl die and come bac to life, it snappe dmy mind bakc ito its original state, you now have a lycanthropic pet my msiterss." He said as he begans finishgin up though styed i he tub as eh snuggled into ehr neck. "Wer'e done her... do youw ant to stay tn eh water abit longer?"
Victoria gathered a new night gown and a fresh pair of bra and underwear while he filled the tub. After he called for her she placed her clothes on the counter and twisted her long hair up onto her head fastened by a clip before she slide into the tub atop him. She smiled leaning back against him and closed her eyes relaxing as he bathed her and told his mistress the story of how he became a werewolf. He bathed her gently just how she liked it, his warm body caressing her. Even his kisses were wonderful. "You have a dangerous choice in wemon." She stated at the conclusion of his tale. Her hand reached behind her to caress his cheek as he nuzzled into her neck. She paused a few minutes to enjoy the moment. Then she turned to stratle her legs around his waist. She leaned in kissing him on the lips. Then without saying anything she got out the tub and began to dry herself off. "You will sleep in the bed tonight." She told him simply. "Tomorrow night, when you awaken you will be disciplined." She said in a simple refreshed tone on what was to come as she slide on a scarlett pair of panties and her bra as well as the slik red gown that slide onto her body with ease and stopped at her knees. Next the clip was tugged from her head so that her hair flowed down her backside.
"Mmmu ye s mistres.. but whats stopign me from jsut over powering you tomorrow?" Kenny swhispered in hr ear as eh came upebhidn her again, bitign her neck playfuly befeor stepping back lookign aroudn wih a poute. "I hav eno clena close" he teased as he looekd over to her. "Does this mena i sleep nude wiht my mistress?"
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