The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

He finally answered her question and she now had a neutral expression to her face. His question proved he still was not fitting in to the mansion as quickly as she expected. "That is exactly why it matters." She began just before there was a stir in the sheets. Cindy's eyes opened and she slowly sat up, blinking as if she had just woken up. "Oh, I am starving." She groaned before her fingers lifted up to hold her mouth. "And my jaw really hurts." She complained as tears began to slide down her cheeks from the pain. Victoria sunk her teeth in to her own wrist and tugged at the flesh. Then she wrapped her arm around Cindy's shoulder forcing her wrist against Cindy's lips. Cindy pulled her head back trying to refuse. "Drink up dear, go on.." She said softly, almost motherly as she forced her wrists into Cindy's mouth. She struggled against her at first but was soon sucking on Victoria's wrist as if her blood was made of candy. "There that's it much better." Victoria encouraged her as she looked over to Kenny. "How many in this manner, besides yourself, are not one of the dead?" She asked him retorically.
"Kenny had opeend his mouth to answer the girl when sudenlyt eh corpse moved,t he boy nearly jumped formt eh spot if his midn hadnt fianly snapped back itno place. "Vampire." He whispered to hismelf ina scoldign voice, forgetign teh whole brign back the eead, he felt so stupid as e hit his forhead befoer looking ove to cindy and victoria, glad to see the girl 'alive' but also saddened, for knowing she was goign to go through alot of change now, even worse thenw hat he had goen through, or in this case was still goign through. "Oh.. well there is me, the naga, and hte mermaid, none.... but i alwasy thougth.. if you broek the neck.. they. couldnt be briugth back.. i thought he spine had to be intact.. ya knwo the whole kil the zombie by lowing ut tis brain thing... and ll." Kenny said curious and quizical, his morbid feeligns seemign to drain away quickly as his brain had began workign again.
"Urban myth" Victoria said simply. "That's enough dear." She said pulling her wrist from Cindy who now had blood dripping down her chin. "Most of what you hear are what we want mortals to think." Victoria explained as she licked her wrist, the wound quickly healing as she licked up the blood. "The easiest way to turn a vampire is for them to literally die. How, usually does not matter." She informed him. Victoria stood up now taking Cindy's hand. "Come along you two." She said as she walked across the room and out the door with Cindy following beside her. There was a maid waiting outside of which Victoria instructed Cindy to be taken to the training head quarters where the newly changed vampires or training vampires were kept. Then she turned her attention back to Kenny. "You will spend the night in my bedchamber." She told him as if it where a real treat as they walked towards the stair case that lead up two the second floor and her room.
Kenny now was grinnign as they lef the room, new information and a cute new maid, he couldnt wait to speak with anna or cindy now, his mind snapign back to victoria as she spoke of stayign the nigth with the mistres. "Uh. i'm flttered, but why the suden interest in me?" He aske das he foollowe dher up, wonderign how easily he coudl get itneh mood agian with deaht still lingerign about him, it wasnt as bad now haq the girl was brought back to life but it still felt kind of awkward, though the mistress was the omost experience, he had no doubt she would soem how get him in the mood again.
"On the contrary, my interest is not sudden at all." she said as they reached the to flight of the stairs. "You had my interest when I discovered you with Anna and you have somehow kept my interest since then." She informed him as they reached the large wooden door that lead to her room. "You are catching on rather slowly." She informed him as she opened the door and walked in, expecting him to follow. "Do close the door behind you." She told him as she walked over towards her dresser. "When you moved in I already had a few ideas to where your place would be in this mannor. There was one of which I am quite fond of." She explained as she opened the top drawer revealing a large assortment of collars. "You have already given yourself to me, this will make it official." She said as she glimpsed through the collars before pulling one out. "You are my newest pet." She said as she suddenly appeared directly infront of him and held out the collar for him to take.
"I just thought you would have asked me up here earlier."He said for his excuse befeor he followed ehr in and closed teh doro as she said, turnigna roudn to find her infront of him with a collar in her hand, a smirk upon his face as he took it and placed it aroudn hsi neck befeor doignt he clasp int eh back, puling on it lightly to try and get use dto it as he took off hsi bow tie. "Mmmm but the naga girl has made me her pet already, you sure you want use dgoods." HE teased jokingly toi her as he felt ove rthe leather that now wraped aroudn his neck.
"I believe I can deal with that." She smirked to how willing he was. Her fingers slide up his bare chest to his neck where she looped a finger inside the link hole to the collar "This is much more becoming of you then that silly bow tie." She mused as she began walking backwards, tugging at the collar and leading him to follow her to the bed. Victoria sat on the bed crossing one leg over the other now. "Think of Cindy as a gift from me." She told him the reason for turning the girl and asking all those questions. "Now I want you to think your mistress, my pet. Starting at my feet." She told him as she lifted at foot out, pointing her toes towards him.
"Mmm my mistress is so nice, givign em great presents liek that." He cooe dotu as he knelt down when she gave ehr order, looking at her toes with a smirk, , wondering how to start as hsi ahdns came up to run over her calf slowly and softly as if massagin or strokign ehr leg while he leaned forward, kissign ehr big toe. "yes msitres, thank you msitresss." HE said in what was as best an obedient toen as eh coudl get as he kissed abover ehr big to befeor sucklign on the top flesh of ehr rigth fort for a second, it was strange but he wodnerd how sensative teh flesh there was as he gave slow short pecks to her foot until he hit hte ankel running up her leg , and stoppign ever three inches to lick her flesh or leave a smal dark mark of a hickie abefoer tcontinuieign up at a slwo pace, he had been rigth, beign treated liek this and having to work over her body formt he bottom up was erotic and he coudl arledy feel he blodo flowign to hsi emmerb.
She leaned back on her hands as she looked down at him. A smile on her lips as he began to complement her. "Yes just like that." She said as he began by kissing her big to and addressing her in such an obedient tone. "Mmm" She coed softly as he suckled on her flesh traveling his way from her toes up her leg. This was just what she needed to get in the mood and he was doing well for the first night with her. And best of all he was getting into the role of her pet. As he went past her anckle she slide her foot onto his shoulder, setting it there lightly. "Mmmm that is nice my pet." She encouraged him. "Now when you get to the other leg I want you to spend some time sucking on each of my little toes" she instructed him.
"Yes my lovign mistress." He said obediently as he made his way downn her rigth leg again, till he was at ehr ankle,a t which poitn his ahnds took her left laeg to lift her foto up to his mouth as he put her pinky toe betwen his lips and suckle on it for a few seocnd before movign to eh nest oen, thit time lickign it beeor it went itno hsi mouth and rollign hit tongieu onthe tip of ehr toe as he suckled it , the middle toe he nipped on teasignly before movign on until he gotto eh bit toe agondoing every thign he did to the toehr ones as he licked it nipepd it and suckled it befoer lickign her foto over till it glistene dwith is saliva, lookign up to her eagerly. "is the msitress pleaed?"
She smiled watching him as he responded to her properly like a pet should and used his lips to travel down her leg and moved on to the other. She made soft sounds as he suckled her toes to show she approved. She was impressed how he used his tongue and increased his actions with each toe he got to. She even smiled to a point he could have sworn she was going to laugh when his tongue licked over the bottom of her foot. "Yes, my pet." She said as she caressed his cheek with the bottom of her glistening foot. "Your Mistress is quite pleased with your tongue." She nodded her head. "Now work your way up my leg to my stomache." She instructed him to continue on.
"I can play with your pussy as well mistress?" Kenny asked eagerly as hif figners movesd to caress her panties(dotn knwo if she is nude so ya lol) while his motuh move dup ehr left leg slowly leavign even mroe hikkies upon ehr leg then her rigth as he licked her kneee now , glancignup to his mistres eagerly as he moved to her sensative innerthigh the flesh so soft an pale, lieka virgins, his memerb hard and throbign with hormones form thsi play, god how he wished to alreayd take ehr. or even mroe he wishe dfor her to take him, for hsi mistress to domiante him like the pet he was.
((Lol I had to go back two pages to check her clothes >.< ))

"My dirty little pet wants to play with his MIstress's pussy?" She teased as she felt his fingers over her soft black panties. They matched the spagetti strapped silk gown that flowed over her upper body. A shudder ran up her leg as he left a hickie on her thigh. Her eyes followed his eyes down his body to see the tent in her pants and she smirked. Victoria looked back up at her pet. "I want to see a trick." She told him as if she was in a generous and playful mood. "Remove my panties useing only your mouth." She ordered as she reached down to pet his head like he was a dog. "Then you may play with my pussy as your reward."
"Yes mistres thankyou mistress." HE said in an eager tone, glad she hadn't watched him eveyr time he aahd sex, or she woudld have already seen this trick done with anna." (rigth didnt he do that with anna lol)he move dhsi hands off of the girl now as he craweld up the small distance, closeingt he gap between her panties and hsi mouth as his tongue licke dhte fabirc slowly as he felt the groves of ehr pussy underneith it, fliping the little nub in t eh fabric that was obviously her clit, jsut to tease and please her befoer his teeth came to bite the elastic fabric line of her lace and tuggin on it slowly his eyes looking up to hers watchign her face eagerly as he slowly tugged, hard pulls wouldnt work at all as the elastic would contrict, pluss it made it much more enjoyable to tease himself by havign to go slowly.
((Yes, I know but it is still something I can see Victoria making him do. rofl))
"Mmmm" Victoria gave soft moans of encouragement, spreading her legs open a little more as his tongue slide over her pussy through the soft fabric. She sucked in a breath of air as his tongue found her sensative nub through the fabrics. She may be one of the most experienced wemon in the mannor but her body was still as sensative as a virgin's. Her eyes remained on him as he bit the tip of her panties and began to slowly slide it down. Her legs closed halfway to help the panties slide down. She loved the eager lustful look in his eyes as he watched her, looking for reactions from her. He was doing so well she was pleased she had chosen to keep him for her pet. She decided to show him how much she was pleased that his little licks and actions were going beyond what she initially asked and that she approved. Her feet slide up onto his inner thighs and she began to move her feet up and down rubbing his thighs gently as he continued to tug her panties down.
Koshi gave a short jump as he felt her rubbign his inner thigh, giving a soft moan , muffled byt eh girls panties to show he enjoyed his mistress's giftsa s eh begna movign down stoppign the panties a little under her knees befoer he ducked unde ter the panties and poppe dhis head back betwene htgirls thighs, the panteis now at hsi back stretched from ehr spread legs as he leane dhis head forward and nipped at ehr clit, with a palyful growl, takign on the eprsona of a dog as he licked aroudn ehr pussy rapidly before nippign her clit again.
Victoria chuckled lightly as he jumped, pleased with his reaction to her own actions. Her thighs widened a little, stretching her panties between her legs as he ducked his head down. There was another gasp of air as he nipped her bare clit. If he watched her there were clear signs that a shudder had gone up her spine. "Mmm good boy." she moaned pleasingly as his growl was music to her ears. Her legs lifted slightly as her toes grazed lightly over his thighs teasingly. Then her feet slide back down against his thighs pressing down on his pants and slidding against his pants as if a reaction to his licking. Goosebumps appeared on her thighs and she moaned once again as he nipped at her clit once more. "I want to see your hands behind your back like a good boy." She demanded lustfully.
Kenny ddint speak but instead he slid his hands slowly down the girls inner thigh, to show her what she was goign to be misisng before he clasped hsihadns behidn her back. he then went back to pelaseing her pussy as he nuzzled his nose itnot eh slit , pulling it otu and then flickgin her clit with his nose as he licked ehr pussy at he same time.
"Excellent" she praised him after his hands slide down her sensative thighs and behind his back just as she had asked. He did not need his hands to please her at the moment and she was curious to how he delt with restraint, especially when it was invisible. It also made him look more animalistic eating her pussy like that on his knees. Her fingers stroked through his hair as his nose nuzzled into her slit. She loved the feeling as her juices seeped from her pussy and covered his nose making it glisten in the light. She moaned softly as she felt him flick her sensative nub again. "Tell me, how does your Mistress taste?" She asked as his tongue slithered over her pussy. Her feet slide down his thighs towards his tent but just as her big toes actually touched his length, they slide back away and over his thighs again. "Tell me what you are thinking." She urged him lustfully yet curiously.
"Mmm you taste so sweet , so delicious." He pured out into her pussy , she was right though ti was hard to keep his hands behdin hsi back, as eh wished to spread her pussy wide and taste deeper into her"mmm i'm tbhinkign of you ravaging me, domminating me, the mistress over her pet, god i wish to be dominated by you my mistress." HE so wisbhed to be released and have hr over her, her power was great, though eh woudl lover to ravage her just as well.
"Just wait until you get to taste my heavenly cream." She breathed out as she softly as she watched him enjoying the little waves of pleasure her created as he purred into her pussy. "You horny mute." She mused. "fantasizing about your Mistress." She coed as if it were cute. Of course she loved the idea of dominating him. It just was not the time for that. Then she straightened her back leaning forwards. Her hand grabbed the hair on the back of his head and tugged back so he could look up at her. "I did not realize I adopted a selfish pup." She now said in a more scolding tone. He may have thought that he was experienced but he had a lot to learn. One of the reasons she chose him was because he was not new to sex and yet there was still alot of room for training. She loved the challenge of training a new pet. "Is this really your brain?" She asked him as she kicked the top of her foot against his tent with enough force to cause a brief moment of pain but no permanent damage. "Your thoughts should be on one thing right now." She scolded him in an oddly calm controled tone. "What do you think that is?" she asked him curiously.
Kenny was forced to look up to her, abit surprised, either she was takignthe joke far, or she was serious, the pain to his groin proved it as he wincedm closign hsi eyes for a moment as he gimanced fromt he pain, unabel to move his head though. "I'm sorry mistress, my mind should only be on pleaseing the mistress." HE spoke out quickly when it finaly came to him, opening his eyes with a woeful look befoer glancign to her pussy, wondeign swhat she was goignt o have him do next.
"Yes, thats right" She smiled looking pleased with his response as her fingers released his hair. "What do you think you should be doing now?" She asked him curiously as her fingers stroked the back oh his head gently. She noticed where his eyes were looking and wondered how he would reply this time. "What should you be doing to please your mistress?" She asked him curiously.
"I shouold shut up, and eat the mistress' pussy?" Kenny said in an uncertain tone, though hopeful,seeign as how thats what she had allowed him todo before., his memebr throbign , slightly for teh pain but also the restraint his pants had on it, wishign for anythgign to touch it right now, though he had to be obedient and styin control, his mind spinnign aroudnt he idea of what would hapen if he jsut tried to take her now.
A pup was the perfect way to describe him. He looked so hopeful and cute looking up at her, almost unsure about what he wanted or she wanted. "You may have a few more licks." She nodded her head feeling generous. "Then I would like my pet to continue his way up to my stomache and chest." She said as she slide her night gown up revealing her slinder yet cold to the touch stomache. "Then your delicious lips will travel on to my arms, neck, and then head." She informed him deciding tp inform him on what he will be doing ahead of time. "Once I am fully satisfied you may go back down and taste your Mistress's cream." She told him as if it was the golden prize at the end.
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