The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

She took a step back as he stood up and took his pants down. Cindy took one glimpse at his penis and her eyes shot up to look at his face, wanting to look at anything but it. She noticed his face was turning as red as hers but she did not quite understand why. She took a deep breath and swallowed, nodding her head softly and going down on her knees just as he told her to. She was finding it a lot harder to keep her eyes on his face instead of his penis when it was now dangling in front of her face. Part of her was now wishing that his mistress would have just killed her without any sort of warning, quickly before. It would have been much easier than this. Her hand reached up an poked it gently like a kid would a dead animal to see if it was alive. Then she slowly placed her hand around his fleshy member, wanting to pull her hand away immediatly but did not do so as she wanted to appear braver than she was inside right now. Her hands held him gently, mainly because she was afraid of holding him too tight. Then she jiggled her hand making his length wiggle like a worm. "LIke this?" She asked softly as she looked down at her hand. A smile grew on her lips as she held in a giggle, this felt silly wiggling a mans member like this. She then stopped thinking if it was so funny to her she was probably doing something wrong. She thought of the things he suggested her to do and took in a deep breathe. Her eyes rolled up to look at him sheepishly as her head craned forwards. Her tongue slowly slide from her mouth cautiously. She looked from him to the his manhood in front of her back to him then back in front of her. Her tongue poked the head once, barely touching before it quickly went back in her mouth. Then a moment later it slide back out and she actually allowed her tongue a small lick over his head.
Kenny chuckeld as she wigleld his member, she was so innoscent and cute, it was actualy beginign to rutn him on as she looekd up to him with worried eyes, so blue and beautiful. but as she actualy licked his member his member bagan to move and buldge out to the sides as more blood pumpe din, makign it grow ,s tiffer btu still nto tiff enough ."hehe, its gettign there slowly,but you forog the foreskin, the rest of the sensative part is hiden behidn it, just give my member a slow tug back and you should see the head, thats the sensative part you want to lick."he stated informativly.
She took in a breathe, her grip nearly letting go as she felt his member growing on the sides. She should have expected it but it still caught her by surprise. She paused looking up at him as he gave her directions on how to improve what she was doing. "I knew I was forgetting something." She said lightly, acting as if she had already known that part and forgotten. The hand that barely held him up slide forwards to wrap a little tighter just behind the head and she slowly pulled the skin back just like he had said to reveal his head. She watched it like it was some magic trick, still unable to believe she was doing this. Then slowly she leaned her head sticking her tongue out and titled her head up to slowly lick him once more. Her tongue slide over his head horizontally a few times as she was starting to get herself comfortable to the action and used to the feeling of his smooth skin against her rough tongue.
Kenny shuddered slightly as her tongue ran agisnt his sensative head, she wasnt god but it was a sensation lost to him for a while, pussy he could get any were , but oral he handt goten for whiel. "Mmm you're gettign the hang of it." he stated softly, as he watche dhi memebr buldge and rise up more. "Now, lets getyou moist a the same tiem, i'm sure you know how to plaese your self, put your hand in your pants, ad rub between your panties." He stated though eh was hopign she wasnt so innoscent that she hadnt masturbated before
She could feel him growing more and getting harder between her soft fingers. His words were encouraging and he could tell as a smile grew on her lips, she was pleased with herself that she was doing it right. As he spoke further she had to remind herself not to mess up. "Alright" she said soflty to his next bit of instructions. The licking paused for a moment as her free hand fiddled with the button on her jeans. She appeared nervous for a minute when she had trouble getting them undone before. She had almost paniced, nearly getting her thumb stuck in the button hole and her fingers subconsciously tightening slightly around his length, before the top button finally escaped through the hole. She sighed relaxing a little as her fingers continued on to unzip her pants. Cindy allowed her legs to spread slightly as much as the jeans would allow, which was not much, then she slide her hand inside the crotch of her pants and gently slide her fingers over her panties. She touched her clit with a twich of her thighs and held her breath as her fingers slide further over her pussy. A soft coo came from the back of her throat. Her eyes rolled up at Kenny and she blushed realizing he was watching her, even though he told her to pleasure herself she still felt dirty. "Oh! Sorry!" She appologized realizing she was supposed to be licking him as well. She quickly leaned her head forwards again and began to lick his head again. Her tongue slide across his head in diagonals then in a circular motion as she began to become more comfortable and like it like it was candy.
Kenny wasn't disapointed when she stope dlicking, it was actualy arousign to watch her begi tochgin herself, her littel coo music to his ears along with eh expresion on her face especialy when she blushed. "Its alright, i think i even got harder though." He said, even the little grip she had had mad ehim more aroused. sighing as he leane dback, the plesure finaly beginign to build in him as his penis finaly surged one lasgt tiem, plumping up to its full width and lenght. "Tehre you go, , now you can finish off the lolipop or we can mvoe on, though the first climax is short.. so... just continue.. and .. well thinkign of it liek an actual lolipop, you cna put it in your mouth.. huh or actualy no mor elike a big popsicle"
Her breathing was becoming a bit shallow as she continued to rub herself. Her hips wiggled sided to side slightly against her fingers, the movements so small it was almost unnoticable. Her hot breathe blew over his member as she breathed out with each lick. She made little sounds out the back of her throat but the were spares as she tried to keep her concentration on pleasuring him. Her eyes rolled up watching him as she licked his head and pleasured herself. Her toes curled in a twitch and she began to rub herself a bit faster when he mentioned climaxing. Her body was naturally reacting to a desire for more. She felt oddly attracted to him which was getting her wet and aroused. This was a new feeling for her. "A popiscle?" She repeated curiously, pausing once more to think. Cindy held her breathe and pursed her lips on the tip of his head and slowly opened and pushed her head forwards allowing his head to slide into her mouth. Once inside she breathed out , her tongue sliding over his head. She sucked in instinctively to breathe and began to bob her head slowly about an inch in and out as her tongue continued to lick him.
Kenny's whoel body shuddered as her lips 'kissed' his sensative head, givign off a low moan as hthey seperated and envelpoed it, he love dthe feeling now as she moved back and forth, her rough tongue upon his soft flessh and moist warm breath envelpoing the whole member that was in her small mouth. the boy opened his eyes after that moment of pleasure, and now looked down to see her bobbing up and down on hsi rod, holdign in a slight chuckle, it was actualy kind of cute to watch her.
Though she had concentrated more on his head then the rest as she continued to make herself feel good and get used to the movement her lips slowly and gradually began to creep up further. She kept a steady rhythm breathing in and out, bobbing her head back and forth. HIs moan was encouraging, she could not believe it but she was actually doing this all right. At least she thought she did. As she rubbed herself her middle finger came up and hit her clit. The sesative little nub caused her to jump and suck in a little harder than before. She squinched her eyes and nose briefly making a funny face but she quickly tried to play it of as she let out a deep breath and continued to slide her tongue around his head. Her fingers went back a little deeper to rub her now soaked panties over her pussy folds. A soft moan traveled from the back of her throat to her lips as she felt her thighs and the crotch area of her jeans getting damp. She continued bobbing her head not going past two inches now, wondering how long it would take for either of them to climax.
Kenny didn't hold back his cum, or he wasn't plannign too, he figured it would be good encouragment for the gril and get toe he better part quickly, so he wasn't ashamed when his precum alreayd splurted intot eh girls mouth as the boy gave a soft gasp. "The surprise is comign soon." Kenny said softly to ehr , looking down to teh girl as she bobbed her head, if it were any oen else he probably would have forced ehr to take the whoel thing by now.
She had crept barely past two inches when his member had splurt out the precum. Cindy jumped as she unexpectly felt the warm liquid slide down her throat. Her tongue slide over the liquid getting a better taste of it. It took her a moment to decide it was not so bad before she began to swallow, drinking the precum. After all she did not think it was a good idea to spit it out or remove her lips from his snake yet. Her eyes gazed up at him, her cheeks now bright red as she could already guess what the surprise was. A soft smile grew on her lips in response to him. Though in her mind she was growing more anxious about the surprise. Getting over the surprise of the precum she began to bob her head once more, her lips going a little further to get the precum that tried to escape the crease of her lips. Her hands went back to massaging her panties, her breathing becoming even heavier between the anxiety of his soon cumming and her own finger movements.
Kenny watche dthe girl , smiling to her as a hand cameto brush her hair softly, befoer he sudenly lurched forward and his memebr let loose, he had given her his warnign so he said nothign as the juice flowed otu into ehr mouth, sighign as it finishedhe looekd to ehr again then past her face to her pants. "Iof you climb ont he bed i'll be glad to finish you off as well"
The anxiety was building like a ticking time bomb as she continued to bob on him. Though she found it very comforting to feel his fingers brush through her hair and she was greatful he chose to do so, it was almost as if she was afraid of his cuming. She promised herself she would try not to look so innoscent and childish in front of him like she did when she jumped at his precum. However, despite her promise to herself, the blonde girl filnched as the rush of his warm seed shot down her throat. Her lips pressed down against his flesh and she swallowed instantly, afraid she might choke on what she believed to be a large load. Once he was done, she pulled her head back and gave a small cough to free the remaining cum from her throat. She looked up at him as he spoke, a bit of his seed dripped down her chin yet she smiled softly. "I would like that." She said using the back of the hand she used to masterbate with to wipe the fluids from her chin. Slowly she stood, kicking off her shoes at the foot of the bed as she crawled onto the matress beside him. She leaned back on her elbows looking over to him patiently as if waiting for him to give another instruction or for him to make the next move. "Like this?" She asked unsure how he wanted her or how he was going to finish her off as he had said. However she was oddly eager to have her own climax.
Kenny kickked off his pants and boxers whiel she crawled ontot he bed, turing to her now with only his tie and vest on as he crawled onto the bed , over her to kiss her softly on teh lips. "Thats good, but for thsi part you don't have todo any thign, jsut enjoy yourself." He stated as he began pullign down her pants, pulligna way form her to get her pants all the way off and tossign them acrose the room before he leaned down beftween her legs to lick at her moist panties, pokign his tongue at the wet spot before movign up to clutch the elastic in hsi teeth and begin pullign them off her, slowly, using hsi hands if her panties ever got stuck, unlike the pants, he dint tos the panties, his mind more in the make otu mode, forgeting she migth nto have to dress after this sex sesion, instead he put it a the corner of the bed so she wouldnt have to venture too far t get to them befoer he begna runnign hsi hadns slwoly up her legs till hsi head was at her thighs, lickign her inner thigh with his wet tongue slowly tastign her virgin skin before hsi tongue came upon the wet flesh aroudn ehr pussy, runnig hsi tgongue aroudn her slit before teasign her clit by nipping it softly. hsi hands feelign over her warm fleshy legs, probably one of the only creatures he had slept with trhat had a warm body in thsi mansion, other then his girlfriend, vampires were warm but not as warm as a human, especialy not as hot as a human durign sex, it was probably one of the major things kenny missed about human girls.
She was young and inexperienced which left her shy and vulnerable to this hero of a man who in her eyes saved her from a quick painful death. Her eyes were fixed on him and no one else. As she watched him undress she realiized she was now hot and sweating unbelievably attracted to him. Even though some believed there were cuter guys she could not believe she was in bed with him. She embraced his kiss "Mmkay" Her response breathed out of her lips like a speechless fan girl as he told her to do nothing but enjoy herself. She did not know how it happened, for it did so quickly, but this girl who so strongly believed in abstinace and was technically his captor, had become putty in his strong yet gentle hands. She paid no attention to where her pants had gone as her eyes remained on him. She took in a soft breathe, allowing her nervous body to relax a little as his tongue poked at her covered flesh. She lifted her leg up lightly against his touch, enjoying the feeling and encouraging him for more. His tongue slide over her thighs and in reaction they twitched. She inhailed as breathe each time his tongue touched her flesh and then exhaled softly, her chest silently rose and fell to each touch. For now she was breathing quietly looking down at him as she enjoyed the new experience. She was young and a shy vulnerable virgin, that added to the fact that she had just been masterbating left her body sensative to the touch and craving sexual satisfaction. She gasped nearly closing her legs on him as his teeth nipped at her sensative nub. Her fingers and toes curled into the sheets briefly but just after the small erotic waves died down she spread her legs more for him, encouraging him to continue.
"mm such a sensative pussy." Kenny chimed out as he nipped hr clit again. "Though not as sensative as i expected, you must play alot" He teased her verbaly , his thumb rubbing her slit slowly befoer his head dissapeared between her legs. his thumb presign into her slit and pulling away one of her fleshy flaps to allow better openign as his tongue slippe ditno her pussy, itwas still tight and warm, he let our a puring sound to set out soft vibrations to ehr flesh as he licked herwall, his free hand stil feeling over her thigh, his thumb rotating ont he flesh in a circular motion to massage her soft flesh. he was enjoying this, wantign to treasure tis time, she was young and untouched by any other man, it was a heavenly gift. yes anne was virgin every night but it was diffrent, she had experience, cindy was virgin in mind and body, cute vunerable in his hands, he felt stronger like a lord and master, oh god how he wished to extend this to more nights,how he felt sick for thinkign of havign her as a slave if he could, he was beginign to thin he was wspenidn too much time itn eh mansion, thinking of every female as a toy now. he pushed the thougths form hsi mind as he continued tasting her virgin pussy.
Cindy gasped her knees curling inwards as he nipped her clit again. "No... I don't, honest." She rebeled his tease with a soft shake of her head. Her cheeks were pink flushed with embarrassment from the tease and arousal of his actions on her body. Her pointer finger slide horizontally between her soft lips and she sucked on it anxiously as she watched his head go back down between her legs. "Ohhh.." She coed as she felt his warm tongue slide into her pussy. Invading what had never been touched before. Her feet curled into the matress and her hips bucked up against his lips as he purred into her pussy like an animal. The vibrations sent chills up her back, they were unbelievably heavenly. She did not know any other way to respond to this but to giggle. Her thighs moved slightly to press up against his hand. She was feeling her body begin to tense and become more sensative as he massaged her sensative flesh. Cindy squirmed her little hips as he continued to lick her now soaking pussy. She moaned lightly, so lost into what he was doing to her that she did not realize what was about to happen until it was too late. She tensed up and her hips spasmed lightly as she came, her only warning to him as a muffled moan as she bit onto her finger.
Kenny gasped , surprised and pleased as she orgasme dand her juices squirted out, removign his wet them from her pussy as he move dhsi head out and u to look at her a smile on his face as he crawled dup to her. "Mmm such a dirty girl, you didnt even warn me, i coudl have cholked." He said jokingly as he ran hsi wet thum on her bottom lip, wishign to kiss the girl once she took her finger form her mouth. "The real fun begins soon" Kenny whispered to her as eh leaned forward still wishing to press his lips to hers as he slowly lay upon her to feel her warm flessh agasint his , her breasts touchign his chest first befoer his memebr pressed agsitn her thigh as he hadnt positioen dhismelf upon her yet.
Cindy looked at him a little nervously as she came down from her orgasm. "I am sorry." She said pulling her finger from her lips as he brushed her own cum against her bottom lips. "I didn't realize..." she began as she instinctivly slide her bottom lip into her mouth. "that I was going to soon." She added innocently, thinking it sounded better laking perception of time rather than knowledge of that she was going to cum. He came closer, her eyes followed his movements. She looked him in the eyes then they looked down on his shiny lips. They looked so warm and inviting. She swallowed, taking in a deep breath as his flesh pressed against hers. Her heart was racing again as she felt his hard member press against her thigh. She felt trapped lying beneath him, trapped in his lust and charm and yet she felt safe and excited at the same time. What was happening with her? How could she let him have his way with her body so freely? She didn't care anymore. She did not care that she was lying half naked under a perfect stranger. She nodded her head to his whispered warning "Be Gentle." She whispered back as her arms pushed against the matress to help push herself up a little as she lifted her head up to meet her lips with his.
Kenny leaned into the kiss, subsiquently pressing his body agsitn ehr even more. he heald the kiss for nealry a minute befoer he pulled back, givign her one quick peck before speaking. "No matter how soft i go, it's going to hurt at first, you will bleed." He whispered, his voice trying to be comforting though he didnt knwo how comforting it was tellign ehr she was goign to bleed. Kenny leaned back up scooting away form her so he could begin as he slid his hand sunder her legs to lift them slightly. "If it helps you ca move to get comfortable during this." he said, knowign she didn't know any positions so he move shis hands for her legs, one pressign otn eh matress next to her, the other in hsi alreayd hard member, her orgas had aroused him all he neded as he began rubbing the head of his member agaisnt her pussy before pressign forward to try and enter her.
Cindy's tongue slide over her lips to remove the cum he had transfered to her from the kiss. She smiled weakly nodding her head once. "I know. It's alright." She said softly as he warned her of the pain to come. He was trying to be comforting and make this a good experience for her, she could tell that much, and she was grateful for it. Cindy tried to remain calm but as he slide down back to position herself she could not help but grow nervous of what was to come next. As he positioned himself Cindy bent her knees up sliding her feet flat against the matress and spread her legs hoping this might make it easier for the both of them. Her hands folded over her stomach and she closed her eyes taking in a deep breathe as she felt the tip of his head rubbing her pussy, teasing her before the main event. She tilted her head forwards to watch Kenny as he began to push his head against her entrance. Cindy took in a breath, forgetting to exhale as his head began to push its way inside her. It only took that split second that he began pushing his way in that her body tensed up makeing it even harder for him to push his head into her tight entrance, even with the lubrication from her first orgasm.
The boy gasped out fromt eh tesistanc,e he ws beginignt o think this girl was even tighter then his virgin anne as she pressed hard on his sensative head." such a tight pussy, i love it." Kenny whispered otu as his hands came to her knees for leverage, graspogn the knee caps befeor thrustign forward to go in a few inches and archign hsi bakc formt he pleasure as it felt liek she was squeezin the life from hsi trhobign member."God yes..." Kenny stopep din his joy to look down at her. "if it hurts to omuch i cna go faster, hopefulyt he pain will subside." kenny said as he began pushign in even more wonderign when he would hit the hymn, stopign when he felt it. "Here we go.." He said befeor trustignt he rest of hsi member in popping her cherry, breathgin slightly heavy form the work befroe beginign to pull out.
Her toes curled tightly into the bed sheets and her fists clenched tightly on the bottom of her shirt. Her inner walls were stretching a great deal to fit his thick head in and it hurt. She knew it would, her tried preparing her for it, but it hurt more than she though. Tears whelmed in her eyes as she watched him arching in pleasure, enjoying her pain. She shook her head when he offered to go faster. She could not actually open her mouth to speak. Cindy thought she could handle a little pain when she knew good would come from it after. It helped a little knowing that at least he was enjoying it. He stopped and she caught a breathe. Then he tore the rest of his way in and a cry of pain tore from her throat as she threw her head back. Her feet pushed against the mattress causing her back and hips to arch in the air. She dropped back onto the sheet, whimpering and her body shaking slightly as he slowy began pulling out. "G-go faster hurts." She whimpered.
Kenny felt bad after hearing her pain but he knew it was for the bestand leaned over her as she asked for ti faster. "This migth also help." He whispere dhis lips brushign hers as he spoke befoer he kissed her, rigth as he slamemd into her, takign little tiem as he puleld otu and slamemd back in again, not doign angles, even if he culd in her tight walls he knew it woudl jsut hurt her more, he woudl jsut have todo the nromal straigtha dn steady pounded, a hand goign to one of hrs to pullt it away form her shirt to allow his ahnd underneith and softly slip under her bra to caress her breast.
She fell quiet as he leaned in close to her. Her breathing was becoming more harsh. She swallowed hard letting out a weak wimper from her throat as he kissed her and thrust into her at once. She kissed him back as she tried concentrating her mind on the kiss rather than the pain. Her tight walls clung to him, stretching painfully as he slide out, his flesh rubbing against her. Her back arched with each thrust as her body shifted upwards. Her hips squirmed back and forth as she tried to get comfortable. Her hand was pryed away from her shirt and she lifted it to fell over his muscular chest. Her cheeks flushed pink when she felt his cold fingers caress her breast. Cindy took a breath, trying to relax.
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