The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Kenny pailed as she spoke of sneakign in, movign tot he closest window he looked outside, it was alreayd dark, no sign of sun shien at all. "Shit, I thought i ended the myth." Kenny growled out, after he had seen Anna as a ghost he had worked hard at school to spread the rumor that the place was jsut a normal house, apperently he hadn't doen it well enough. Turnign bakc to the girl he had to pause to take it eh girls image, she was stunning, reminding him of the firs ttime he had seen anna inthe moon light, quickly shakign hsi head to snap out fof the daze he walekd to her and grabbed her shouler. "Its fien i wotn call the cops, but you're in much mroe nger then you think, you have to get out now, get home for god sakes get to a freinds house or soemthing." He said , conserned for hte girls well being, he got it easy with his sexual prowess, btu he had no idea how Victoriawould react to a female intruder.
His fear was contageous, she was already on edge from sneaking in. A small sense of relief had gone through her for a split second when he reassured her he would not call the cops. However, the rest of his reaction only reassured her fear. He made her think that even if the place was not haunted there was something going on she did not need to be a part of. She looked down at her watch. She could not leave yet, there was a little less than a half hour less. "W-what kind of danger?" She asked him as she had yet to move from where she stood. Her heart was beating fast and her mind had her already racing back downstairs and out the window she snuck into. However not knowing what the danger was she might be running down to it. "This house clearly isn't haunted and you won't call the cops." She started to try and think rationally. "I don't understand what's wrong?"
"Its hard to explain.." He siad as he turnend and headed i the direcction to Annas room, knowing it to be the best way out of the mansion."Just follow me and stay close, for godsakes, dont cut yoru self, on ANY THING!" He warned in a paniced whisper, takign her wrist to make sure she staye dclothes to him, he was probably panicign as much as the girl, he wasnt about to see such a young girl loose her life if he could help it.
"But I-" She paused as he grabbed her wrist before nodding her head "alright" she whispered going along with him. She did not understand what he was talking about cutting herself. He was talking crazy but if he was panicing this much then she thought it was safest for her to go along with her. Clearly he knew something she didn't. They barely went a few steps before a red head in a black spageti strap night gown made of fine silk and flowed down just below her knees appeared out of no wheres in front of Kenny. "Boo!" She said with her arms raised up and an amused smirk on her lips like a kid who just jumped out the corner to scare a friend. It was like and inside joke to her as she watched their reaction in amusement. Cindy immidiately jump, a single scream escaping her lips as she was caught off guard and scared. Her free hand clenched her heart as she caught her breath. "My dear Kenny.. I thought I had made it clear that you were not allowed visitors." She cooed as she her eyes fell upon Cindy eyeing the girl like a lion eyeing it's next meal. "Especially mmm mortals." She said sliding her tongue over her bottom lip as if she could already taste the girl's young blood. "Did I not?" She asked Kenny though her eyes never left the girl. Cindy was speechless, looking around to figure out where the woman came from while curious to how he would respond.
Kennys heart skipepd a beat as the mistress jumped out infront of them, his heart sinkign in fear as he realized jsut who it was that stopepd him, the good part is she could probably be reasoend with beter then a maid, the bad part was the pnishment he knew would come. His head was spinning as he thougth ofwaht to say next, there were goign to be horibble out comes no matter if he said he knew her or not, but he figured it was bext to say he kenw her, maybe the mistress would go easier. "Please, she was a feriend, i didnt inviteher, she was jsut concerned and this was the last palce i was seen." Kenny stated, makign up a quick lie as his hand heald tight to the girls hand. "he knows nothing, and if we let her live, maybe peopel wil stop bothering us, you know.. get rid of the haunted myth once and for all." He made up excuses as fast as he could, nearlya s fast as his heartwas beatign in his chest.
Cindy swallowed hard at the word kill. Her hand gripped his tight. However, part of her wondered if she should be afraid of him was well. "Please don't...kill me" she spoke out softly in fear, a lump caught in her throat with that word again kill. "I am too young to die." She stated. Victoria took a step closer to Cindy and Cindy took a step back. The vampiress's hand lifted up to slide her finger down the girl's cheek. "She is a beautiful young girl." Victoria then gave a small laugh "She's practically trembling in fear... just my type." the Vampiress said in an almost adoring manner with a single sigh. Then for the first time she looked at Kenny. "Have you ever wondered who started that haunted myth?" She asked him curiously "Or how it may benefit this manner? Think about it. The myth is like a mouse trap for young humans." She mused. It was clear she had no problem with keeping the myth alive.
a cold swet begn to collect, the panic setting in as it all made sense, he had thought of it before, but after the mistress had made no attempts on his life he had figured diffrently. He was obviously wrong, going as he tried to step between cindy and Victoria he spoke again pleadingly. "Please ,mistress. I'll let you do anything to me, just... don't hurt her." his voice humble as he looked the vampre in the eyes, caught by her enchanting gaze for a moment, the stregth and malicious intent in them aroused him for a moment befeore he snapped out of it.
"More empty offerings?" Victoria stated, clearly not interested as he stepped in between her and her new meal. He had already given himself away to her. If she wanted to do something to him she could just do it. Her deep gaze broke from his to look behind him to Cindy, looking downwards at their hands. Cindy had taken another step back and seconds later another. Perhaps this was her chance at getting away if the two were going to argue. Her hand tugged on his gently, subtly, hoping she could slip it from his without anyone noticing. Victoria looked back at Kenny now. "Do not let go of her hand." She coed as she leaned forward to whisper the next part in his ear "If she runs I will drain her of every last drop." She teased him now turning Kenny into Cindy's lifeline. She knew from the beginning the girl really was not his friend. He was like her new toy and she loved messing with him every chance she got. He was making the girls break in quite interesting.
Kennys heart ocne mroe skipepd a beat, he nearly forgot to breath as the msitress whispered in his ear, his hand quickly tightenign on the girls as he yanked her towards him while he stepepd back, his eyes wide for a moemnt befoer goign serious. "Seriously, if you want to live , do not step awayform me, I don't care what conviluted ideas you ahve, she will out run you and kill you." He spoke out sternly as he turend to look Cindy in teh eyes to show how serious he was, he himself still sweating, panicing, his adreniline burnigna t his muscles. his mind realign with ideas to get Victoria to back off, but he coudltn think of any more.
Cindy quickly took a few steps forwards as his tight grip pulled her forwards. All hope of running away fleed from her mind the as he spoke. He was serious. This gorgeous yet scary woman was really going to kill her, she was sure of it now. It was the look in his eyes, he was serious about it, she could also tell though that he was really trying to save her. Finding herself now unable to speak she merely nodded her head. Victoria was grinning from ear to ear. She could smell their fear, feel their hearts skip to unnatural rhythms and smell their youthful blood flood the room. It was exciting, and mouthwatering. It was a temptation that was difficult to resist even for a vampire as old as she. Her eyes fell back upon the human girl. "Kenny darling, do you know what a young girl's biggest fear is?" She asked him as she walked around the two coming up behind Cindy and placing a hand on the girl's shoulder. Cindy tensed up. "It's to die a virgin." She answered the question herself. "Have you deflowered your friend like you have so many other girls?" She asked him as she slide Cindy's hair off her shoulder to reveal her bare neck. "Is she a virgin?" She asked him curiously as her golden eyes trailed over the girls light skin.
Kenny watched the mistres carefully as she walked aroudn them, to fozen with fear to move between her and Cindy again though he glowered atthe mistress, he was conflicted, lvoign her dominatign will about her but still the fear fo the girls deaht over came any positive emotions he had. "No... That i know of she hasn't, i wasn't liekt hat with her, we didnt talk about sex." He explained still lieign hsi ass off to the mistres though by now he figured that she had seen though the lie.
Victoria raised her eyebrows to his response. "Really" She replied as if surprised by his response. "That is an unusual change in friends for you." She said as her fingers trailed along the girl's neck. She could almost taste the girl already. "Are you a virgin dear?" She asked Cindy now in a softer sweet tone. "Do not lie to me. I will know soon enough if you are." She added. Cindy was quiet for a moment. She looked at Kenny as if thinking there was a right and wrong answer for this and was despritingly looking for it in him. Since he had already stated she was a virgin she decided it was best to tell the truth. Nodding her head slowly she opened her mouth to speak. "Y-yes..I a-am." She stammered softly in what could almost be considered a whisper. "Mmm young, innoscent, and vulnerable. You will taste esquisite." She mused. Then she let out a sigh. "Since I am clearly in a restrainingly good mood." She said hinting at their luck that she was the first vampire to find them and had yet to fall into the temptation. "I will give you a choice Kenny." She said as she finally looked up from the girl to watch how he responds to her offer. "Do you want your friend to die as a virgin girl or a young woman?"
Kenny blushed deeply as the msitress spoke, hsi gaze goign down to his feet, uneasy and unsure. OFcourse he was good at sex, sexual acts, he was a player... but, to take a girl like this, it was stramge diffrent, and she was goign to die at the end,he didnt knwo if he owould even be able to get it up with that thought in his head. "I.. I..." Kenny stamemred as he looked othe girl now, looking itno her eyes, thsi tiem he was the oen asking her for any hint of an answer, not wantign to give oe, but he had todo something. HE was speechless like her, all courage died out of him when the girl dieing had becoem a fact now, ther ewas no way aroudn it.
Victoria was right about one thing. She did not want to die a virgin, never knowing what sex felt like. However, she did not want to be raped or do it with a perfect stranger either. Intimacy was supposed to be with that perfect person. Her eyes met with his but she was so confused that she quickly looked away blushing. He appeared to be a descent guy as he was trying to save her and he was kind of cute. If she told him it was alright then it would buy her some time, but then she would die after. Victoria saw how indecisive Kenny was and decided to edge him on. "This is the first time I have seen you lose your courage to death. Perhaps this will help you gain it back." Victoria said. She opened her mouth revealing her fangs as she used the hand around Cindy's neck to force it to the side. "Ah-!" The girl jumped at first thinking the woman was going to break her neck. She had no other idea how the woman planned on killing her, still oblivious to that fact that she was standing in front of a vampire. "Well... what have you decided. Virgin or not?" She asked rushing him as she was becoming impatient.
Kenny turnecd red as the girl blushed as well, she was definatly a cute one and her innosence was so apealin but it also mad ehim feel protective of ehr. QUickly snaping as the vampires bared her fangs, yankign cindys hand to trya dn pull her wa form the threat, wraping hsi toher arm aroudn her in a protective hug. "Fine.... I'll do it." He said, making up his mind immediatlynow,holdign the girl tight. "I'll take her... i'll make her a woman before death." He said in a weak, defeated voice, his heart achign for the poor girl. Though he hoped she woudl atleast enjoy herself as much as she could.
She almost felt a hint of hope as he pulled her into his warm embrace. She tilted her head against his shoulders not wanting to look at the wicked woman that stood behind her. She wrapped her arm around him tightly not wanting to let him go for she now knew she was only safe as long as she held on. "If you are sure...?" Victoria said eyeing him as if to make sure he really wanted that choice. "Then go on and do what you do best." She said with a smiled as she pulled her fangs back in.
"I... alright." He said softly, pullign fromt eh girl slowly befroe stoping, not knwoign where to go. "Is there any place you wish? or would a bedroom be fine?" He aske dhte young girl, befeor leaning toher ear to kisss her chek before whisperign to her. "What's your name?" he asked finally, wantign to know the name of the soon to be angel.
Her arm pulled tighter around him when she felt he was going to pull away. However, she soon came to a realization she could not cling to him forever and let him step back. "A-a bedroom I suppose is fine." She spoke out lightly she said holding her breathe as he kissed her. Then she slowly let the air out relaxing briefly. She should count herself lucky. Who knows what would have happened to her if he had not found her first. "Cindy" She replied her name to him in a soft whisper as she looked at him. Her heart was racing and she was now growing more nervous than scared.
"it will hurt at first." He stated, figurign it smart to tell her befoer the penetration, or even befoer they got naked as he now begna tryign to slwoly lead her to his room, glancign over to Victoria warily, wondering wha the red head msitress woudl do whiel he deflowered the young girl. "It will bleed and hurt, but it should subside, you will enjoy it at the end." HE said with a smile upong his face tryign to reasure her, though he wasnt even sure how well he was goign to perform under this pressure.
Cindy followed him wearily down the stairs and towards his room. She could not believe she was doing this, agreeing to have sex with a perfect stranger. He seemed protective though and she thought if she had to do it then he would go easier on her with her concent then without it. She appeared to be growing more nervous as they came closer to his room, her free hand was subconsciously clenching the top of her shirt in a fist. She nodded her head once to his warning returning a weary smile to his "As long as you promise I will enjoy it at the end." She said as she remembered hearing it from somewheres that it hurt the first time. Victoria did not say anything, she merely kept an amused smirk on her lips as she followed Kenny and his friend, having no intention of letting them out of her sight.
"Oh dont worry you will be fine.. though." Kenny paused in hsi setnece blushign deeply as he spoke the next part. "You migth ahve todo soemthign to get me up, or get me in the mood.... it's been a strange night." He said shyly, looking over to her, he also hoped foreplay liek thet would get her itn eh mood too, stopign at his doro to open it slowly, glad for once to see that Anne was not in the room waiting for him.
"Get you in the mood?" She repeated his words lightly. She was doomed. Not only was she about to have sex with someone she beileved to be very experienced but now she had to get him in the mood to have sex with her. This made her feel self conscious. Clearly she was not attractive to him, likely not his type. "I will try." She replied softly nodding her head as she walked into the room, even though she was not quiet sure what he would want her to do to get in the mood. Victoria laughed as she listened in on the two. "What's wrong? Is she not you're type?" She teased as she followed the two into the room and closed the door behind her. Cindy slowly walked towards the bed as she looked around the room, though she made sure to keep hold of Kenny's hand not wanting to venture far from him, it was a simple room compared to the rest of the manor she had seen. She then turned to face him now "What do you need me to do?" She asked him curiously.
"Oh no, your beautiful, if i had met you earlier, you probably wouldnt be a virgin." Kenny said dropign the act that they knew each other. "I'm actualy surprised youare, you must be a lil miss hard to get." Kenny teased as he turne dto peck the girl ot e cheek befoer sitting upon the bed. "mm, iunno, in a house like this i never really get a blow job.. it's kidna dangerous witheh girls here."Kenny said glanicng ot the msitress befeor back to cindy, "Once i get hard, or i gues we can rub the first , easy oen out first, giving you more time for the main event so you get more pleasure." he state dwith a nod.
She blushed as he called her beautiful. It was not the first time they had called her that, was quite popular with the boys in high school and now in college. It was always nice to be reminded though. "It's not that I am hard to get." She said softly, her cheeks turning bright red from the kiss. "I just... I never let them go past making out." She said shyly. She was they type of girl who had been saving herself until marriage. With the way she was raised it was just the right thing to do. She watched him as he explained what they would do, though he meant well, it made her more nervous. Both her hands where now in front of her clenching and pulling down the him of her shirt. "I know this probably doesn't help with your are going to have to walk me through this." She finally admitted as she looked down at her hands too embarrassed at just how innoscent she really was. She had an idea of what a blowjob was and sex from stories from friends but she really did not know exactly how to do them.
Tghe girl ws adorable in her innoscence, she was really a lil angel in this mansion of 'monsters'. "okay well her let me get started, he got up slightly as he slid his pants off and pulled his boxers down as wellto show his member, b,ood was already puming in it already as it was long, but limp at the moment, it was emberasing and he bluhshed deeply hatign to have victoria se him in such an inadiquit state. ."well first you can go by kneelign down infornt of me, he added as he gestured for her to come down. " and slightly wiggle it, maybe stroek ti softly ot .. well i gues. pull the foreskin back sofly and lick the head." He stated tryign to think of sensative areas s or ways he tried getign itup when he was.. alone.
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