The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

"mmm of course, and i bet you enjoyed it.. well up until.. ya know." Koshi added, gettign back his addtiuded. "So my lil' anne is really a big bad dominatrix? and all those maids... you taught them? no wonder they are always so horny." Kenny said jokingly with a chukle, still sittign their as he gazed aroudnthe room again. "and to think i always pictured you as the submissive type.. manipulative btu i never pictured you with a whip. It's... really hot."

((XP of course))
She blushed a little laughing with his joke. "This is my job. It is one of the reasons I can stay here and be in a higher rank without having to be just a lowly maid." She explained to him. "Though I do enjoy it, it obviously has it's perks." She mused. Anna held her whip up, her finger traced over the leather. She did not seem to be bothered by the bite on her arm and the bleeding already appeared to have stopped. "You like this huh?" She smirked raising her eye brows. "I knew you would." she said as if proud before she paused looking down at the whip as if in thought. "This is how I am most nights." She admittled. "But with you... when you came I took advantage and tried something different..." She confessed lightly. "Its nice to be...act like I was before all this." She said refering to before she had died and in a way explaining to him why she had acted so innoscent and submissive.
"mmmmm such a naughty girl trickign me like that, lurign me in with fake innocences." Kenny teased, his eyes goign to eh whip then her wound, almsot concerned, btu Anne seemed to be doign alright. "even allowign yourself to be raped by my neighbor...." Kenny added before somethign popped into his head "though i gues i've ben abit naughtier, plaing with two of your little maids, mmm the breakfast girl is especialy good. and even submitign my self to be the angas pet, allt he while i was supose dot be loyal to you." Kenny said figuring Anne alreayd kenw his sexual exploits int he mansion, he washopign for soem 'punishment'.
She smirk now responding lustfully to his tease. She slide the handle of the whip down his cheek. "I do whatever it takes to get my man..." She said sliding the handle under his chin and lifting it upwards to look at her face to face. "and keep him happy." she breathed seductively as she sat on his lap, crossing one leg over the other. She took his chin into her free hand then "mmm it sounds like we have both been naughty" She said pouting playfully. She leaned forwards to kiss him then stopped herself. "What do you think we should do about this?" She teased as she looked into his lustful eyes.
Kenny's body had grown excited now as his hea dlifted up, his eyes never leavign her as she sat upon him, his member twitchign and alreayd hard enough to lift up by now as his heart beat faster once more, he enjoyed dominatrix's and he loved his anne, addignt he two factors together made it heavenly, though him dominatign her was about as enjoyable if not more., his head leanign forward she she went to kiss him, but the whip pressed at his throat when he moved, not allowign himt o get close, and becomign evne mroe disapoitned as she stoped before the kiss, teasign him as he watched her tantalizing lips move while she spoke les then an inch form his own lips. "You...obviously know who your man is.. but it hink i need to be given a reminder as to who my girl is." Kenny said as he conected eyes with her again once more.
"Hmmm...I believe your right." She said as her eyes rolled up briefly to think. "But I don't believe I have that kind of time right now." She admitted in a disappointing tone. Then she tilted her head down to press her forehead against his. "Why don't you stay hear and clean up this mess." She said acting as if he had an option when they both knew he didn't "While I take care of those twins that nearly hurt my Kenny. And when you're done I want you to go straight to your room." She told him before standing up. She took a few steps away from him before turning to look over her shoulders. "I'll be waiting to show you exactly who your one and only girl is." She smirked before she continued to walk away.
Kenny had opened his mouth to protest btu she was right abotu him havign to clean upp, and then when seh spoke of later hsi spirit rose again. "Yes my mistress. He said jokignly as he watched her walk away. "my oen and only girl.... you mena ashley right?" Kenny said teasingly befeor turngin away form her to pick up any peice of clothign that was sticky with his cum nowas the whoel time he had been layign their his cum had been seepign of fhis member onto every thing else, tosign them in a pile before pullign his pants on so as he didnt drip any more as he put the clean clothes back in their proper places. it took about an hour before the boy peeped out fo the door , closign it behidn hima nd headign to his room, almsot runnign downt he hall in his anticipation . stopign at hsi door, he tooka deep breath to calm himself as he turned the knob and opened the door to look inside.
Anna left the room and took the twins to be fed since they were obviously craving blood, then she had orders for them to sent in the dungeons for two hours in consequence of nearly feeding on her boyfriend. The rest of the night or day they would be locked in one for the bedrooms reserved for servents being trained as they were typically more dangerous than the rest.
Then she returned to Kenny's room and waited anxiously on the bed for him to arrive. He wanted a dominatrix and she wanted to give him what he wanted. The moment she saw the door knob turn she quickly stood up.

When the door opened the whip lashed out and wrapped around Kenny's upper body twice, pinning his arms to his sides. With a tug of the whip she pulled him forwards until he was standing before Anna whom was still dressed in her Mistress training atire. "I have been waiting all night to put my hands on you." She said hotly as the whip uncoiled from around him. She looked down at his beautifully toned abs, her hands pressed agaisnt his stomache and slowly slide upwards, tracing over every muscle in their path. She tilted her head pouting "It was like toture watching you play with those twins." She complained teasingly, acting as if she had forgotten how that ended, as her hands slide over his shoulders and she slide his vest off his shoulders and down to his elbows behind him. As she did so she stepped fowards pressing her body against his. "I don't like you playing with other girls." She said raising her voice on him as she suddenly tugged the middle of the vest up and tied a knot in the fabric so his arms were tied together behind his back. Of course she would be a hypocrite if she really cared but it was all in the fun.
Kenny was caught off gaurd byt eh whip as he tripepd over hsi feet towards her, nearly falling atop her beoer he caugth his footign and stood at the girl. Grinngin as she suposedly began strippign him. he was already as erect as could be. "mmmmmmmmm i'm sorry, but they were ll sooo good." Kenny said in a soft coo, tauntignt he girl, the grin dissapearign as her voice raised nd he was tugged to her, beign tied up, he looked startled like a puppy who had just ben scolded, it was a surprise to actually have her be so rough on him, though he quickly grinend with enjoyment beofroe going to a hurt face again, tring to act submissive. "i'm really sorry, but you arn't aroundwhen i'm so horny, they were.. and they were good." HE said with a rebelious grin as he said the last part of the scentence, just tryiyign to go for more punishment.,
The startled look on his face was encouraging. He looked adorable and it was encouraging and oddly arousing to her. "Don't tell me your sorry when your clearly not." She cooed playfully in a calmer tone though there was still a hint of anger in her tone. Her hands slide down his arms, groping his nice firm but cheek before swatting it hard with one hand. Then without warning his jealous lover roughly pushed him against the wall. Her knee raised up to push against the side of his crotch while her free hand held his neck loosely, not enough to cause anything but the feeling of her hand against it. "You are supposed to be mine." She stated hotly keeping in character of the jealous Mistress she thought he wanted her to be as she leaned in to tease his lips, only after a second this time she could not resist and suddely pressed her lips into his. She had wanted him all night, the girl could not wait any longer to feel his lips pressed against hers.
Kenny jumped slightly witht he spank with a short gasp of air befoer grinnign, his cock throbing hard. "but i am sorry that... "Koshi was cut off as the wind ws nearly knocke dout of him, not form the force btu th curpirse and then sudenly plesruabel presure up asgaitn his groin, givng out a nerly inaudible moan . Breathgin heavily, he was so aroused by this hsi whole body was over whelmed with pleasure. his breath only steading as his mouth was covered by hers so sudenly. he hadwondered how long she coudl hodl back the lust as he returned the kiss as best he could with his head restricte dby her hand.
After a wonderful long kiss Anna pulled her head back taking in a breathe "mmm.." she licked her bottom lip opening her mouth to speak but the kiss as so good she wanted another and took what she wanted as she pressed her lips against his once more for another kiss before she finally pulled her head back to speak. "Now...what was it you were saying?" She cooed curiously. Her knee released some pressure before it returned pressing deeper against his groin as a sort of warning of what might come should he not choose his words wisely. Her free hand with the whip traced down his side and teased the rimp of his pants. She wanted him so much she just could not keep her hands from him and she was already undressing his pants in her mind.
"mmmI..." Kenny was stopped agian with antoerh kiss, his mind goign fussy, her loved it as muchas the girl and being pinned ot eh wall with a knee in his crouch was so arousing, that when she puleld her lips away and asked me the question, he had totlay forgoen where he had been going. "I..don't...r ememebr." He said softly, ina w eak voice, the prsssure on his groin just makign him turn itno puddy in her hands. "But i re,eber.. ti was somethign rude and mean." HE added smerking eagerly.
His beautifuly sculpted body standing vulnerable beneath her sent shivers down her spine. His eager words made her eager to finally show him the whip was for more than just show. Was that bad? "You would say such mean things to your girlfriend?" She asked as if astonished. "Your mistress?" She added with a raised eyebrown. A playful smirk grew across her lips. "I love you my sweet...but you need to be taught a lesson." She said as she placed both hands on his hips and pulled him forwards as she walked backwards to lead him into the center of the room. She put a foot out and guided his feet to spread out wide. "Keep your legs spread wide open for me and keep your head up and looking forwards" She whispered in his ear before backing away. Then she began to circle him slowly, her whip dragging across the ground like a tail. "You know, this whip is not just for show." She cooed after circling him once then stopping behind him. Without warning she made her fist strike, the whip hit against his side and curled cross his chest with a snap. She made sure she only hit him with enough force that there would be no permanent damage or bruising.
Kenny had obediently doen all she wanted, eagerly waiting for what ever she was goign todo with him, his body exposed, legs wide and arms tide, he was so aroused. Jumpign with a gasp as the leather slapepd agaitns tis body, leavign a nice red mark alogn the length of his skin as he shivered. "Is that all you got.. hwo am I to learn any thing, i'm already thinkign of plans fro tomorrows girl." KEnny said with a defiant air aroudn him.
The whip snapped quickly across his chest once more after his smug statement. Anna smirked even though he could not see her behind him. This was fun. "You will not think of anyone but ME!" She demanded as if she was getting angry. This was fun. He could hear the clanking of her heels as she began to walk around him again. "I am the only girl you should be thinking about and to help you remember this..." She said as if deciding on a lesson. Her hips swayed as she walked slowly and seductively around him. There was an air of confidence and control in each of her steps as she tried being sexy for him. "You will say something flattering about me after each strike." She said. By this time she had walked around in front of him and to his side. The whip lashed out again and the leather came vertically across his thighs. She continued walking as she pulled the whip back, awaiting to hear his response.
"mmmm but its so hard to think aboutr only you." he spoke out smuggly moments before the wip strike, he was tempted to flatter her but he wanted to play around abit more. "Your...eyes.. are pretty" HE said in a hlaf assed almsot bored tone as he shrugged as if unsure it was true, all to play with her, it wasw actuyaly exciting, it had bee the first time he had actualy been whiped, he had had the dominating women who would take over sex in bed, but never one to actualy pick upa whip and punish him like this.
"Nice..." she cooed as she walked behind him and to his other side. She pulled her arms back and struck the whip across his thighs with a bit more force. This time she struck him twice in a row, the second lash striking across the first to form an x. "However, it doesn't count if you don't mean it." She growled fiercely. "Now try again." She said in a more calm tone striking his upper thigh now, hitting dangerously close to the tip of his erect tent.
Kenny jumped twice from the lashes seeming to purr after each one, though the third was getting dangerously close to the one thing he cherished."mmm thats three so let ,me think" he cooed out happily. "Well mmm you have the tightest little pussy i've ever had t he joy of ripping open." He said for his first little peice fo flattery, his memebr actualy twitchign of the thought of beign in her again. "your boobs, though not as big are still so great, you definatly know hat to flaunt them. and...." The boy paused thinkign of a ghrid one, "you look so damn hot rigth now, if i wasn't tied up i would try and ravish you." he was now actually seeing how well hthe girl could handle the complaments without taking him, though either way would be fun.
It was so sexy how he took each lash like a man. Anna watched as the whip tore small strips in his pants. His replys only helped peek her arousal. She was so attracted to him she was like a predator surrounding the prey. Those dirty words coming from his mouth made her so horny. Her tongue slide over her bottom lip as she eyed him hungrily. Part of her wanted to strike his bindings off him and let him ravage her immediatly. She had to remind herself to keep control. Her arm swished around her head and struck out again, the whip lashing higher this time, the first strike higher over his waist, but below his naval. She was not through with her whip just yet. "Hmmm... you are begining to learn." She said though it was clear in her voice that he had not convinced her. As she came behind him the whip struck around him once more hitting his upper chest. "Keep talking." She encouraged him as another struck his stomache area.
Kenny could see his words were gettign to her already , his body shiverign from cold air blowign agsitn hsi sensative woudns that were begingin to cover hsi body, he had to take a deep breaht in to think. "mmm three more, you really are mean you know." Kenny said, complainign about how he now had to think of three new complaments. "mmm well you have a lovely voice, which gets even better, your moans and screams .. gah their heavenly." He stated with another shiver from hsi own comment and form another chill. "I gues on the subject of voice, you have great lips, so moist and soft, heavenly to kiss, and great when you place them aroudn .. certain areas." HE adde dht last part determind to add sex into every complement. "Oh and mmm you are great with yoru feet, such a new foreplay so great, i can honestly say no girl has done that before and its one of my favorites.." Kenny added for his last complement.
She smiled to his comment. "Think of this as tough love... I am only doing what I think is good for you." She teased walking around him and twirling the tail of the whip in her free hand. Shivers ran through her in anticipation, knowing she would soon make those heavenly cries he spoke of. She caught herself bitting her lower lip lightly, her cheeks flushing pink as he went on to talking about her lips. How dearly she wanted to place them against his right now. Soon she would do so, however soon was not good enough. She was normally a patient girl however he was testing her patience. The mistress wanted him now. She was glad she was near his side as her blushing caused her to lose her dominance for a brief moment. "Only I can offer what you truly need." She cooed out confidently. She sucked in a breathe to calm the blush from her cheeks before she walked around him into his sight. "And the other girls?" She asked as she stopped in front of him, her hands resting on her hip, wondering had he learned the lesson yet. Her eyes could not help but set on the bulge in his pants for a few seconds before following the creases of his abs and the oddly attractive welt marks up to his face.
"They are nothing." He said in response, sensing hwo she was weakeninghe decided to stop the flatery fo hte most part, as his own words were bringin back memories that mad ehsi own body cry out for her. "They are simple little sex toys, trying to sedate me hunger for your body, though they never seem to satisfy."
Anna smiled, clearly pleased by his response. She took a step forwards leaving little space if any between them. "Are you hungry for my body now?" She asked blowing gently in his ear. She tilted her head to kiss his neck. "Go lie down on the bed." She said lifting her head after a single kiss. "I want to satisfy my man's.." she paused for a moment loving the way that sounded, her man. It felt good no exciting to say. "sexual needs." she finished her sentence.
Keny leane din to ehr kiss, his body shiverign again from her words or more the eagerness of what she had said, it ment gettign to buisnes soon as he walked tot eh bed, slowly turnign and siting down ot nhe edge, breathign in sharpyly from hsi soar bottom beferoe he put his legs up and waddled onot the center of the bed,unable to move well with his hands tide on his back. "mmmm, your man is ready for what ever you got for him."
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