The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

A shudder sent up her legs and through her body from his light touches as he pulled down her panties and felt over her skin. She was so aroused she was growing impatient. She wanted, no she needed him to touch her nether regions. She needed him to satisfy her cravings. "Go on. Have a taste" She breathed out, though she tried to hide it there was a little urgency and yearning in her voice as she stepped out of her skirt and panties and spread her legs more. She pushed her hips out brinking her clit and pussy maybe an inch from his nose.
"mmm why taste it now/" kenny asked as his thumbs rubebd agsinte h outer area of the girsl pussy slowly not evne goign close thot eh msot sensative flesh, wantign to tease her more, heseh was suposed to be the domminant one, he was wodnerign how easily she would break. though tin that one sex sesion with the mistress , she seeme dto hve broken easily so he ditn know how dommiannt they were suposed to be now, eitehr way it was alwasy fun to see the girl squirm in hsi hands.
She bit her lip falling quiet for a moment. She expected him to dive in and did not have an immediate come back. Her thighs and pussy twitched as he teased her flesh as if refusing to touch that one spot she was yerning for, though his touches did still feel good. " don't hurry then it will cool down, no that it has been uncovered." She replied trying not to look or sound desprate in front of him or the girls. "Don't you want it fresh?" She said trying to stay calm and in control.
Kenny was willing to teas eher longer, but her indirect begign got to himaas he grined and leane dforward to pres shis nose ot ehr clit and then slide down to press his nose tinto her slit, sniffing in a big breath bfeoe movgin away with a smirk. "well it smells dgod now doesn't it?" Kenny said as his thumbs moved toe h side of her pusy and began spreadign it slightly bfeor he moved in forward again to lick each side , finsishing off with a short nip to her clit.
She took a deep breathe and slowly let it out as his nose pressed against her slit and then took in another deep breathe, slowly exhaling as his nose slide further down into her slit. "Of course it smells delicious." She replied back confidently even though she clearly could not smell anything. A soft moan came from her throat as he finally nipped at her bud. Amber's hands came down to wrap her finger's around his wrists and she pulled his arms up over his head. "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to eat with your hands?" She teased as she moved her hips forwards more towards him.
Kenny looke dup with a poute befoe hte boy got a glisten in his eye, he had just thought of a great idea, one that migth make this little girl jealous as he looked over to ashley. "Fine i wont eat with my hands, but dont you think I should be gettign my next meal ready? Didn't I order soem of the cream pie, with soem of my special cream on it? It might take a whiel to get my cream intot he pie.. sooo... why don't you let your waitress go so she can work onthat." He saidwith a gril, he could play with two pussyas at once this way.
Amber returned his pout with her own. He was just starting to get to the good part. He had hardly given her the attention she was yearning for and now he was talking about playing with her sister. She wanted to shake her head and say no. However, he was good with his wording, he was convinceing and to stay in the role the customer is always right. After a few seconds of debate in her mind she released his wrists and reluctantly stepped back and too the side so he could get up. "Very well." She nodded her head. "Untie her and do as you wish." She said as if this was no problem at all and trying to look as if she did not care, hiding her jealousy the best she could.
"I never said i was done with my first pie." Kenny said with a smirk. "you untie her, sh is your employ, once your done with that come abck so i can finish my pie." He said slyly givign teh girl a little wink befoer he waited. "once i start with that pie, then your employ can start makign the cream pie, or start puting the cream in her pie." Kenny added, lookign to ashley now, still with his sly little grin.
Amber was still reluctant to untie her sister but his words were reassuring and raised her mood with the thought that he would go back to eating her pie. The girl merely nodded her head. "Alright, I'll untie her." She said submissively. Walking behind her sister she bent down and untied the apron and tie to set the girl free. She did as he had said and returned to him.
Asley looked up at the two hopefully. A bright smile grew on her lips and her eyes glowed with excitement when he winked to her. The girl could no wait to be able to move again, more importantly to be pleased sexually. Though she had a feeling she would have go please them first. Once her wrists were free she briefly rubbed her wrists before quickly crawling over to Kenny. "How would you like me to make the cream pie?" She asked eagerly though she kept her hands up at her chest now slightly afraid of doing something wrong.
"Mmm well you shove the tube right intot eh pie of course and then inject the cream" Kenny stated though his words were slightly muffled as he spoke into Ambers pussy, teasign her with his breath befeor niping at her clit again, hsi ahdns runnnign up her thigh slowly feelign the smooth nylon huggign the girsl curves beferoe comign to her pusy agains as his thumbs circled the flesh on either side, masagng her inner thigh basicaly, as his tongue once mroe penetrated the girls pussy. it was kind of a test, wodnerign if she woudl domminate and take hsi ahnds away onc emore.
"Mmm...that feels good." Amber moaned, gasping as he nipped her sensative clit. The twin stood in front of him with her eyes closed, enjoying the feeling as he was finally fullfilling her yearns. Chills ran up her legs as his hands gently teased her thighs. She was so grateful to finally be touched that she had not realized what he was doing with his hands. She looked down however frowning as she realized where his hands were. "Have you forgotten alREADY-" She gasped pausing as his tongue penetrated her womanhood. She reached down to grab his wrists and pulled them up once more. "I said not to use your hands" She moaned lifting her hip up a little against him.

"I can do that" Ashley nodded her head eagerly when he was practically telling her to screw him. Though as she looked up at him and her sister she saw a small proplem. How was she going to get his member into her pie. She could not strattle him because her sister was in the way. She began to whimper wanting to do her job but not sure how. Instead she did the next best thing, she brought her head over to his croche and slide her tongue down his length. She figured he would need to build up the cream before shooting it in her pie.
Kenny gasped as he felt the tongue on hsi memebr almost disapointed utnil he himself realized the problem, wriggligna nd movign abit he got hsi hadns free as he begna to pull the clothign out fo the piel he was leanign on so it began lowrign hsi back, until he was nearly layign flat on the clothgin throne, it was if he had jsut reclined a chair, a smirk on his face as he looekd up to Amber, lenaign bakc had taken his mout from her pussy, he made sure he was stil at a godo enough heigtha dn angle that she coudl jsut take a few mroe steps forwards and their bodies would conect again allowign hopefully enough room for Ashley to play with his member how he wanted.
Amber frowned playfully at Kenny. "You say you want pie but you appear to keep running from me." She pouted as he once again had his lips a good distance from her lower lips. She took a step closer over him. "If I did not know any better I would say you don't want any." she teased as she slowly took another two steps until she was maybe an inch from him.

An excited smile grew on Ashleys face as she watched him adjust his position. It took no time at all for her to eagerly adjust her own. In a manner of seconds she was strattled over his waiste with her soked pussy hovering over his erection. Her hands reached down to positions his head againt her pussy then slowly she sucked in a breath and began to lower him slowly into her tight lips.
"mmm i just liek takign my time is all." Kenny stated with a grin, raisign hsi hands back to let her hold them as he move din to lick at her pussy, once mroe tryign to inch his tongue into the girls pussy, btu it was hard as he gasped when he felt his head finaly gettign what he really wanted, the warmth of a pusy as his head beagn splitign open the girl. "mmmm and rememerb to inject eh cream nice and deep." He mummbled into ambers pussy, letitgn his lips graze hers .
Amber slide her hands up his arms to take hold of the wrists he had offered her. She gripped his hands pulling them close between her chest as he began to lick her pussy. The young vampire closed her eyes moaning softly through her throat as she concentrated on the feeling of his rough tongue sliding its way inside her. Her hips pushed up slightly to help him and a shudder ran up from her pussy when he spoke into her.

Ashley moaned out a bit louder than her sister but had to actually pause once his head was inside. She had not expected his member to stretch her as much as it was. Her fingers wrapped around his hips and after taking in a breathe to adjust to the feeling she slowly began to push further down. "OhhhhHH" She moaned shakily before pausing once more. Then without warning she shot down against him, forcing his whole member in in one thurst. She tilted her head back letting out a cry as she shook slightly, her walls twitching and hugging against his length. For a second she sat there and then she began to lift up.
His hip lurched up as the gril rammed down, archign his backa t teh sensation. Tryign to keep his head in between the girsl leg as he began swirlign his tongue inside her cherishignt he taste of her pussy as he eagerly tried to make her cum as his nuzzled his nose agaisnt her hard clit, hsi hands twisging so he could sligthly grope the inside of her cleavage.
"Mmm...yes j-just like thattt" Amber moaned as his tongue swirled against her inner walls. Her knees were shaky from the pleasure as his nose began to rub against her sensative clit. "Yyesssahh" she moaned jerking his arms up and her hips out to force his face pressed against her pussy as she got lost in the pleasure wanting more. His hand were now higher pulled up against her lips as if she were using them to pray.

Ashley slide out to his head then swiftly came down on him again. " seems the tube is clogged." She teased happily as she pulled up and came back down starting her own slow but steady pace as her walls streched and scrapped against him, adjusting to fit his size. "I am going to have to...ughhh..workk harder.." She said thursting down a little faster. "Too unclogggG UHHH the cream" she maoned pulling out and going down a little harder and faster.
"I rrmmmmph mmmmm." Kenny had been abotut o speak befeor he was shvoed intore he girls pussy, takgina heavy break, and shakily exhailign as his lungs fileld with what he coudl onlyc all exstacy as his nose was shoved into her pussy to breath in a full wiff of her erotic flesh, nipign at her flessh as he afted like he wa eatign awaya t her pussy, his body ovrflowign with pleasuer as his cock buldged, leaikign out precum befoer he begna focusign again, it was hard for him to concentrat on keepign it in but now he tried to calm his mind as he got used to the waves fo pleasure.
His muffled words and breaths sent erotic vibrations of pleasure through her body. Amber shook lightly over him, her knees constantly threatening her to give in and the pressure within her building up the longer his lips played over her flesh and nipped at her sensative pussy. "Eattt itt all uppp" She moaned a bit louder as the sweet smell of his hand only added to the pleasure.

Ashley jumped slightly, giggling as she felt the precum splurt inside her. This little action caused her to go faster and come down even harder on him. Her fingers curled and pressed into his hips as she grasped him for leverage. Her back arched and she tilted her head back crying out and moaning as she began to go quickly up and ram down hard on him faster and faster. Loveing the satisfaction of her pussy getting attention.
Anna stood back and watched the two closly.
Kenny kept bitign at eh girls pussy, hugciously befoe sudenlys topign as he gasped, hsi mind givign out as he coudltn hodl onto his member any longer, lurchign hsi bakc hsi face puleld form the girls pussy slightly just enough that he got frehs air as he released hsi load, graongin shortly befoer shovignhsi face itno Ambers pusys agian his figner curling onto the girls lip at a muscle retraction.
Amber's body began to tense up as Kenny nipped and bit at her pussy. He breathed in and out of it soo much she could hardly handle the estasy much longer. Her eyes were closed and her back slightly arched. The entoxicating smell of his fingers against her lips sent her over the edge and she tensed up before she finally released her cum, her body shaking a little as she relaxed a little.
Ashley was surprised as he came inside her. However it triggered her own orgasm as she arched her back crying out before hunching forwards giggling a little as she caught her breathe. It took a second after her own orgasm before she began to lift up off him and go back down wanting more.

There was a lust however that Anna saw in their eyes, something they were probably not even fully aware of yet. However this look brought the trainer to alert as she rushed forwards, grabbing Ashley's collar as she came up and pulling her back with such stregth that she preactically threw her. Then Anna practically ran forwards throwing her arm under Amber's nose. Amber's orgasm had caused her fangs to shot out and sinse she had allowed herself to get lost in the pleasure she had lost control from the scent of his hand so much that she instinctivly bite down. Anna grit her teeth sucking in a hiss as Amber bit her arm instead of Kenny. Anna's free hand came up against the young vamp's neck. "Retract your fangs." She demanded. Amber was so shocked that she had bitten her trainer and fearful of the consequince she did as she was told. "Both of you wait for me outside the door." Anna commanded before either could say anything.
Kenny lay there dazed for a moemnt, not even regesterign what had happened until botht he vmapries were out side. "I can't believe. i ad forgoten what iw as dealign with." Kenny said almsot ashamed of hismelf as he sat there lookigna t he two figners he nearly lost.
Anna let out a sigh of relief as the twins actually listened to her and left the room. Once the door was shut she looked down at Kenny with a smile or relief that he was alright. "That was a close one." She said as her arm fell to her side, blood begining to trickle from the bite and flow down her arm. She watched him examine his fingers as if he had almost lost them. "You would have lost more than just your fingers." she told him grimly. "I warned you before, it is not safe for you in this mannor." Then she shook her head. "I should have known better than to let you play with new recruits...especially for so long." She said now taking the blame herself.
"It's alright." Kenny said reasuringly. "we learn from our mistakes, and i shouldn't have disturbe dyou in your trainign/" Kennys aid with a nod as pushed himself up in an up right position, looking up at cindy. "so this is what you do most nights?" Kenny asked curiouly, his lustful behavior actualy subsidign for a moment, still in shock from nearly loosing a limb and posibly his life.
((thinking about cindy huh >.<))

He was trying to be reassureing but she knew very well mistakes like that could not be fixed. This was one of the reasons she did not want him getting caught in the manor in the first place. "To be honest... I kinda was hoping you would disturb the training." She admitted. It was almost shame full she had put him in that sort of danger. Though she suspected he put himself in that kind of danger often when she wasn't around. She let out a soft sigh to let the remorse go then nodded her head with a smile. "Yes, this is part of the training I do most nights" she said with a smile as she let him adjust to what had just happened.
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