The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

She put her lip to her mouth as if to think. "I am not sure we have that either." She said now acting a little unsure. For some reason Ashley was just realizing that she needed to act more attractive for him so she decided to try and go for an innoscent tease. "How would you like your pie served." she then asked him as if trying to change the subject and in a way cheat him out of his drink.
"mmm well i was first htinking a meat pie for dinner.. and later a cherry pie." Kenny said witha smirk and a wink as he looekd over to anna, figuring the new vampires weren't virgin. he then looked back to Ashely with a slight perturbed (hey i spelt it right lol) look on his face. "Hey wait a secodn what about my drink?" Kenny asked, trying to get itno an angery costumer act.
"Mmm...that sounds delicious." Ashley replied. "Good choice." She complemented her customer. Anna watched the whole situation, a smirk growing on her face as he winked to her. In her mind she was imagining how much better this scene would be playing out if it were just her and Kenny. She was getting aroused just by the thought of it. Soon Amber decided to finally step into the action. "Is there a problem?" She asked stepping up and trying to sound as if she had authority. "No, there is no problem." Ashley replied shaking her head quickly as if she had done nothing wrong.
"yes, yes there is." Kenny spoek out abruptly. "I asked for a milkshake, and i haven't goten it yet, i also bet she didn't een right it down in her notes." Kennyt said angerly, with a huf as he sat back in his hair of clothes. "If i dont get soemnthign i'm leavign." he added just to get into it even more.
"Is this true?" Amber asked her sister as she stood with her legs spread apart, as apart as they could go in that short skirt and her hands on her hips with her large chest held out. "I...maybe" Ashley spoke the words lightly trying to avoid eye contact with Amber. If she had she probably would have bursted out into laughter seeing her sister acting so serious. She needed to keep in the act so she looked more to her feet. "Don't lie to me and look at me when I am talking to you." Amber ordered as she raised her hand and gave Ashley a hard swat on her butt.
"Ow!" Ashley jumped. "Gosh darn it Amber! That really hurt" She looked down behind her, lifting her skirt in the back to look at her red cheek. "Oh...I'm so sorry." Amber put her hand to her lips before she scurried over to her sister to look at her hand print. "I did not mean to hit you that hard." She said sincerely.
Anna rolled her eyes shaking her head. The girls had already completely broke out of the whole scene. This was going to be a long night, she could already see it. "No, no. That's all wrong." She began sternly but with a sigh.
"You two, if you don't get the act together, hwo are we ever goignot get toe h fun part?" Knny said with a little groana s eh slumped farther into his 'chair'. "Come on get back in character."
Anna nodded her head agreeing with Kenny. "Amber you never apologize for you're actions." She stated now gaining back her air of authority. "Ashley you never talk back to your master or mistress like that." Anna said pointing out what they were doing wrong. "And you never break out of character, it displeases you're master." She pointed out. "Now pull yourselves together and try agian."
"This is harder than I thought." Ashley said as she straightened up, gently rubbing her rear. Amber nodded her head agreeing with her sister.
"The customer is always right." Amber stated to get back into character. "Now give this lovely man what he asked for." She said gesturing her hand to Kenny. Then she looked over to Kenny with a wink. It was obvious enough both girls thought he was very attractive.
"Yes, mame." Ashley said nodding her head as she straightened up and walked towards Kenny. Her hands rose up and she slowly began to unbutton her blouse from the top down. "I am sorry sir." She appologized "Please, take whatever you like. It is on the house." She offered as she slide her blouse fell to the floor, now that it was unbuttoned there was nothing left to hold it up.
"MMM well Why don't you coem here and let me check my seection." Kenny said as eh leane dup to grab the girls tie and pull her down to him, a greedy gin on his face. He was already eager to have the girls in this mansion, they seemd to hav ea crush on him, and that ment if he ever couldn't find soem oen to play with, he woudl have these twins to fallback on. "Now tell em what size do they come in?" EKnny asked referign to eh size of her breasts aas eh patted ehr bra softly, eager to pull it off but restrainign hismelf.
Ashley went down on one knee when he pulled her tie down. Her held her hands folded in folded in front of her and pushed her shoulders forwards so that her breasts sort of pressed together. "We only carry medium..." She said refering to her and her sister's C-cuped chests. "and small" she added glancing at Anna's breasts which were a B cup. "But we offer free refills" she added with a friendly smile as if it made up for the size.
"hey, be nice, the smalls can have even more flavor." Kenny said as he grinned over to Anna befeor lookign to his little captive now. "I can go with teh medium today though." Kenny said ash his hands graspe the top of her bra cups and yanked them down to watch her breasts jump out with a rin."see now that's a milk shake." he said with an eager grin.
"I was not trying to be offensive." The girl admitted now sounding as if she were sorry. Ashley looked down at her chest as Kenny showed her what he had meant by milkshake. Her eyes lite up and she giggled causing her chest to jiggle a little bit more. "Would you like to have a taste?" She offered as she placed her hands on his thighs, grasping them softly for leverage as she rose up and placed a knee on his lap so she could lean forwards easier. Now with her new position her breasts were now hanging maybe two inches from his face. Turned her chests slightly leaning in again as one of her nipples were barely touching his lips. "I have heard we have some of the best milk shakes in town" she added to the temptation as she slowly moved her nipple back and forth teasingly.
Kenny saw the glint in her eye and grinned, she was getign into this, he glanced over to her sistrer as he leaned forward to take a nip at Ashleys breast, surprised she hadn't gotten jealous yet. "Mmmm delicous." He said witha smirk lookign upto ashley as his hand held her breast befeor he began suckling it, knwoign he would get nothign hse still tried hard, as his tognue swirled aroudn ehr nipple.
Ashley tooking a breathe as he nipped at her breast. Her hands settled on his shoulders as he looked up at her. Her grip tightened a little when he began to really suck on her nipple "Mmmm" The sound moaned through her throat as she closed her eyes. "Drink all you like...It feels so good." She breathed out. His warm breath and rough swirling tongue sent shutters through her chest.

Amber stood in place watching, getting a little wet from watching them. She looked over to Anna a little nervous the Mistress would be upset with her standing there. She wanted to go up to the two and dominate as she was supposed to but Kenny was so cute it was intimidating and he and her sister seemed to be having a good enough time. She took in a deep breathe and decided she would wait a little longer before she would gather enough couraged to joing back in.

Meanwhile Anna was getting hornier by the second and jealous even as she watched her Kenny playing with another girl. She stood her ground however. This was her training session which meant she was to stand and observe, correct mistakes but not join in.
((all caps...REALLY :roll: ))

Ashley sucked in a breathe. Her head rolled back as he began to play with her a bit rougher pinching and twisting at her nipples. "Ohhh..ahhh" Her moans got a bit louder as strokes of pleasure were sent through her nipples and withered down her body. "Oww.." The vampire whimpered softly when he bit her tit. It was a new feeling for her but as he began grinding her nipple between her teeth she learned she that she thought she actually liked the feeling. The grinding sent shocks through her chests and goosebumps on the back of her neck like hearing nails on a chalk board. She loved it. "ewWW!" She cooed for him. Her nipples were obviously sensative as her grip on his shoulders grew tighter to help hold her up. Her knees wobbled as they felt weak from the pleasure and her pussy twitched slightly under the wet material of her panties.

Anna could take no more. She was so horny just from watching to foreplay and as she watched Kenny and idea came into her mind that she could not pass up. So she motioned for Amber to come to her which she quickly did. Anna leaned over into Amber's ear. "Be the dominate force." She whispered glancing over to Kenny before she continued. "Play with his penis and to prove you have authority over the male do not let him cum until he begs and pleads for release." She ordered the girl. Amber blushed at the word penis. "Now go." Anna said pushing Amber towards him.
The boy puleld back as hsi eye's caugth movemtn at he side, glancign to eh two dominatrix's curisouly as he now massaged the waitress' breasts softly, nto wantign to hurt her too much though she seemd already becomign a masocist liek his anna so he would pincha nd twist her nipples every so often as he kept watchign teh two curiously, grinngin as Amber came forward. "does the owner have any complaints with her amployees work? or has the customer done somethign wrong?" kenny asked curiosuly.
A soft whiper escaped her lips as Kenny stopped sucking on her sensative nipple. Ashley blushed as she caught the whimper. It threw her off guard. She could not believe she would make that kind of sound because someone slowed down on her. It appeared the training was already starting to have it's affects on her. Breathing became easy now and she continued to moan lightly as he continued to play with her chest. She looked down at Kenny and Amber growing quiet as they began to talk.
Amber shook her head to Kenny as she approached him. "I came to ask you if you are satisfied your waitress?" She asked. Then she raised and eyebrow to his question. "You are not abusing her service are you?"
"oh no mam." Kenny said inosently at eh same moemnt he twisted both os Ashelyes nippels hard while pullignt hem, lettiong go as he started his second scentence, while eh watched her perky little breasts bounce abck in place. "i think she is enjoying it, and i'm enjoying he milk shakes." HE chuckled out.
This time Ashley arched her back forwards and her grip breifly tightened around his shoulders from his sudden action. She let out a loud moan as he pulled and twisted her nipple. Her face turned flush red upon hearing his comment. Amber smiled nodding her head. For a moment she really was jealous watching him play with her sister. "So you are satisfied then?" She stated retorically for the question seemed to answer itself. She walked close to him strattleing his free leg and sat down facing him. "You look like you need a little more service down here." She said as she grasped his member. Then she paused breifely shying on him. She could not beleive she was touching the member of someone like him. She had to remind herself that she was to dominate. "I don't want any of my customers leaving without being satisfied to the fullest."
kenny actualy gasped and jumped as seh gripepd his member, it was sensative from allt eh forepaly, though normaly he woudlnt have reated so much, he as supposed to be in characterand was willign to act mroe submissive to encourage Amber. " ..might take of fmy pants firt." keny said as he flushe dna chuckled, flicking Ashleys nipples with hsi thumb as he massaged them softly once more, his body still shakign from his member actualy gettign soem attention.
Amber pulled her hand away quickly when he jumped. It startled her. For a moment she thought she had done something wrong. Upon hearing his reply she looked down at his pants that she and Ashley were sitting and kneeling on. "Oh yeah.." she breathed out. That was going to be difficult unless they got off him. She looked up at Ashley for advice but her twin was to occupied moaning and shuddering under his touch to be helpful. It took a few seconds before she decided to just try pulling his pants down as much as she could like that. Amber put each hand on his hips and pulled his waistband down to thighs. The band stopped just under his member but it was enough to set the big guy free. "Problem solved." She announced in success once more as she grabbed his member once more. First she squeezed it a few times, curious to just how hard her really was. Then she began to slowly tug her hand up to the head then back down the the shaft to give him a hand job.
Kenny watched as she let his member breath finaly, surprised at how it buldged, he ahd really goten thtat stiff already as she squeezed him, his body stifenign form the chemicals that rushed through hsibody, givign out a shivered breath bfero frinngin. "it seems all you wanted me here for was my special cream." he teased. "i hear its tastes good on milkshakes and in pies." he added fero turnign to nip at Ashleys breast and suckled it once mroe, this time hars again as he twirled hsi tongue atoudn her nippel bitign down slightly with hsi teth at random tiems to tease her even mroe.,
Ashley looked up at Kenny while her hand continued to slowly pump her member. She laughed lightly as she watched his reactions, they were a good sign that she was doing it right. "Is that right?" She asked curiously. Her hand slide to the tip of his member and she began to rub his head and little hole with her thumb curious to see his reaction. "This is the first time I have heard that." She said as if it were true. "Thanks for telling me. Now that I know we must try your special cream." She teased as her hand began to stroke him again, this time the pace going a little faster. "MMmm.." Ashley moaned as his lips went back over her flesh. Chills of pleasure ran through her chest. The girl felt like she was in heaven as the boy sucked and nipped at her. Her right arm now moved to wrap around the back of his head pushing his head further onto his chest. "T-that f-feels so gooddd" she cooed, her moans got louder briefly with each teasing nibble to her flesh. She could not beleive she could be so aroused and wet from him sucking on he chest but she was.
"mmm wellt he harder you pump the faster it wil coem out." Kenny said as he let go of Ashles breast, atleast with his mouth, hsi ahdns still workign ehr roughly. the boy arched his back and gasped as the girsl pumping forced otu hsi precum arleady, all teh foreplay had gotten him ready for a quick first ejaculation, as he put his motuh back to the girls breast, switchign to teh otehr one to make sure both would be sensative by the end of the night.
Amber suddenly stopped moving her hand on him the moment he precum came out. She gasped looking down. "You spilt some of your perfectly good cream on the floor." She said as if she were upset with him. Amber glanced back towards Anna whose head moved slightly down, barely considering it to be a nodd but Amber knew what her mistress wanted. Amber looked back up at Kenny to watch his reaction as she suddenly pinched his member just above the head tightly to block off the passage of cum. "I am not ready for the cream to come out yet." She said as if she were upset with him. "I've barely got to play" she gave her reasoning as she slide the pointer finger of her free hand gently town the top of his member to add a tingly sensation.
Meanwhile Ashley was reluctant to ease her hold on his head but she did as he continued to play with her breasts. She arched her back leaving her shaking her chest in his face as he spoke with her sister. "Mmmm..Ahohh" She moaned out heavenly sighs and coes as he continued to suckle him. If she wasn't so lost in the pleasure that kept her from forming full sentences then she probably would have teased her sister saying she was getting all the attention from the really cute guy. Though she could hardly do it now she was definitely thinking about doing so later.
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