The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Kenny watched for a moemtn baffled,it took a few secodns for her words to regester and he nodded, clsoign the door and gasping as the ligths went out. "I.. never knew you were liek this Anna." Kenny said int eh darkness as he stumbled fro a piel of clothes to sit on, blind inteh dark liek any other human being.
Anna came behind Kenny smiling as she was going to play with him a little as the girls scurried through the wardrobs and changed. Her head rested over his shoulder and her free hand wrapped around kenny to settle on his belly button. "Is that a good or a bad thing?" She asked him lightly as her soft gloved hand slowly slide up his stomach, feeling over his muscles. "Do you like me this way?" She whispered in his ear. "Does this turn you on?"
Kenny jumped as he felt a head on hs shoulder, scared fro a moment thinkign it was one fo the vmpires, but as he heard her voice the boy relaxed back onto her, feleign her chest onhis back. "mmmm It's totaly erotic." KEnny mused otu softly, not wantign to desturb the girls search with his voice as he whispered, it also added to the air of the whole, in the dar, play that Anna was startign as she flt over his body. "I think I'm as hard as can be." HE stated softly.
She bit his earlobe sucking on it lightly. "Mmm..That's what I like to hear." She said hotly though she was still whispering. "Now watch you're little Anna at work...see how much harder you can get." She teased before she backed away from him. "Time's up. Lights on." She said and the lights came on instantly. Anna stepped a few steps forward away from Kenny and the two girls came to her isn'tly standing in front of them. Once again the two girl were wearing matching atires. This time they were both wearing black french maid outfits with white tops that barely covered their chests and the dress was so short that you could see their red panties tight against their firm bottoms. Anna looked at them for a few second before she shook her head. "No" She said firmly once more. Her hand swung out and with one lash she was somehow able to strike the chests of both girls at once. The girls yelped as their perky chests bounced as if trying to escape their tops. "You two have got to stop wearing the same outfit." She said with a calm yet firm tone. "You Amber, are learning dominance, so you need to wear something that will show you are firmly going to take control." She said to the first twin. "And you, Ashley, are learning submission so you are supposed to be wearing something more innsocent and pleasing to the master's eye." She said. Although her voice was calm and firm it appeared that she was getting a little impatient with them. After all they had been going over this all morning. "Do you girls understand?" She asked "Yes" They both replied which earned another lash across the chest. Both girls jumped "Yes Mistress" The said while rubbing their chest.
Kenny watched, grinnign intently as teh grisl were lashed, hsi memerb throbign up every time their bosoms bounced, he was eager to seee if the girls would actualy get apealing clothes, they atleast were makign progress, and he was willign to help but figured it was Anna's job. The boy perke dup as he heard waht he twins last said.. "So you're the mistress now?"
Anna looked over to Kenny with a smirk at his question. "For purposes of the training, I am the Mistress" She said nodding her head. Then she looked over to the girls. "Try again. Lights out." She said and the lights went out once more. Anna walked back over to Kenny. This time she walked around him brushing the handle of her whip across his back lightly. Then she walked all the way around and back to stand behind him. Her hands took hold of his neck going down over his shoulders, down his chest and over his thights. "What are you thinking?" She whispered in his ear before she began leaving kisses along his neck. One hand ran up and down his thigh while the other groped his tent.
"That thsi is too good to be true. My little Anna is a sexy dominatrix, with a whole room full of costumes to dress up in." Kenny whispered out his hands blindy fumbling backwards tillh felt her thigh, strokign it softly, felign voer her flesh with a sigh. "And maybe.. I can pic their costumes, or maybe, make them pick one at a time." Kenny stated his ideas as he kept feeling ovr his lil' mistres.
"Where else do you think I got the maid outfits from." She whisper in an amused tone. She pressed her leg against his hand when she felt him trying to feel her over. Her hand on his crotch left to slide to place the handle of the whip under his chin and lift up forcing him to look upwards. "Kiss your sexy Mistress and I'll let you pick their costumes." She said in a hot whisper as she tilted her head over his and leaned in kissing him sideways.
Kenny didn't even need a reason to kiss her as he raised his free hand to feel ehr cheek as they kissed, not wantign it to end, the taste of her lips was superb, expedcialy itne h dark, she could felthe soft mosit flesh with his super hyped senses now, makignhis heart beat faster. Reluctantly he pulled away. "WEll I can't pick in the dark now can I?"
Just like Kenny Anna found the kiss to be perfect, precious soft. There was nothing like kissing the warm lips of a mortal to make a ghost feel alive. "Mmm" the sound hummed from her throat as Kenny pulled away to speak. "Yes, of course." Anna whispered softly as she stood up straight and stepped beside him. "Lights on." She spoke aloud and the lights came back on. "Come show us what you are wearing now." Anna said and instantly the twins walked over to stand in front of the two. This time they had listened to Anna in the sense that they were no longer wearing the same atire. This time Amber was wearing what looked like a black and white waitress uniform that looked a little small for her and Ashley work a white dress and hat with a red cross on it that looked to be a nurse's uniform. "What do you think Kenny?" Anna said looking over to Kenny.
Kenny gazed over the girls befoer standing up pointign to amber with a nod. "we can go witht he work theme, she seems to ahve goten an inosent look, unles she isn't suposed to, then swtich with your sis." Kenny stated ebfeor comign over to the nurse and gropign her with a grin."Need measurments." He said as eh pattedthe girl upa nd down, takign tim at her legs, ass and chest befeor nodding. "what about a buisnes women look? for dominant?" Kenny asked Anna curiously. "go with a theme other then mistress and maid."
"Yes I agree." Anna stated to Kenny's first comment. "Amber strip off you're clothes." She ordered as Kenny moved on to the next girl. Amber looked hesitatant to comply as she looked at her sister before looking back at Anna. "Shouldn't I wait until the lights go out again?" she asked too embarrassed to strip in the lights in front of them. "Strip now" Anna said raising her voice slightly as she brought the whip down on the girl's chest for denying her command. Anna let out a yelp before she quickly fumbled to pull off her shirt. Ashley gasped when Kenny first groped her. She stood still, almost stiff as he felt her up. Hearing the whip lash her sister reminded her to allow Kenny freedom to her body without protest. She laughed when her reached her legs, lifting them up quickly as she appeared to be ticklish there. "Yes, I agree." Anna said nodded her head to Kenny's suggestion. "Business woman is a nice choice." She said with a smirk. "Ashley strip off that uniform and put on your sister's clothing." She then demanded deciding it would be more fun to let Kenny watch the two girls strip in front of him with the lights on. Ashley too was hesitant to comply but when she looked over to her sister she too began to slowly pull up her dress and slide it upwards off her body.
"MMM definatly, lets get somethign to push up those lovely pillows of yorus more." Kenny said as he watch ehd girsl trip, lookign for a bra suitablle, it wasnt lacey, almost leathery looking but it was still a fabric, black, also made to push up the bust more. He tosse dthe bra to Amber. "See if it fits. and then.. here..." He said tossign her abuissnes coat."Button it up to justat e breasts, lets squeeze them even movre for soem cleavage." KEnny said makign sure the suie wouldbe tight aroudnt he bbust, then tossing her a tigth skirt that was between a mini and a kneehigh, slits on each side. "Oh soem fake glasses, jsut fotr that sexy librarian look.. also means put your hair in a bun." He stated before tossign ehr laced black panties with a garner and thigth high tan stockings. "hells are optional.. will get in the way in all this maess." Kenny said as he gazed at the one naked girl as the otehr was dressign int eh waitress otufit. "IF the mistres aproves, youc an start getting dressed."
Anna stood and watched with her free hand on her hip and the whip held firmly in the other hand. She appeared to enjoy the power and control merely by her stance. Amber followed behind Kenny catching each garment and accessory as he threw them to her. She nodded her head blushing to his comments about her chest. She was trying her best to listen to his explaination to catch on to what they were teaching her. Though she was a little nervous and ended up haveing to bend over and pick up a dropped peice of clothing after every other drop. "Get dressed Amber." Anna said agreeing with Kenny. "And put on the heels." She added. They were vampires and besides the mess the girls would be expected to beable to carry themselves as wemon to their masters no matter what the room looked like. As Amber dressed Ashely was finishing. She slide on a pair of light blue panties and bra under the waitress uniform which consisted of a white sleeveless blouse, black tie, and a short flaired out navy blue skirt with a short apron tied over it. Then she wore navy blue heels over white thigh highs.
"mmmm such a fuckable looking pair." Kenny said as he walked back to anna, to sit down and wathcthe girls dress, using hte pile fo clothes as if it were hsi throne. "The first oen to take these girls for a spin would sure be lucky, if they coudl get their personas right." Keny said as h leaned abck to admire 'mistress' anna now , a sly smirk on hsi face still. "One of these days you should bring that whip to bed." He whisperedeagerly ebfeor lookign over to teh twins.
"Isn't there a saying, you never bring work to bed." Anna whispered teasing Kenny. She kept her pose as her 'king' sat beside her on the pile of clothes. The girls blushed at his comments. As Ashley was finished she helped her sister get dressed more quickly. Though she was using this more as an opprotunity to whisper to her sister which caused them to both giggle after. One could tell by the way they looked at Kenny that they found him attractive and appeared to have a teenage crush on him, looking more highly upon him as he appeared to be with Anna and wiser than them. "Quickly" Anna stated and the two sped up with the last of the garments. Soon enough the two finished dressing and stepped closer to Kenny and Anna. "Alright now turn around slowly and show us how sexy you look" Anna ordered them. The two girls nodded their heads stepping forwards more eagerly. Slowly they turned striking poses with every turn to show of their firm bottoms, their large perky breasts and their smooth yet curvy figures.
"that's never stopped me fom sleepign with my boss." KEnny chuckled otu hsi rebutle befeor turnign to look at the grils as they posed, a lustfull glitn in hsi eyes and a hungery smiel upon his face as they posed. "two lovely peices of jail bait, the costums could make me cum jsut by looking at you two." He joked, thought he two were pretty atractive.
"Very good" Anna nodded her head with approval. "Now it is time for the fun part." Anna said now placing both hands on her hips. "The actual acts of dominance and submission." she said with a smirk. "Now Amber you are playing the dominant business woman. Tell your young attractive waitress what you want and you have permission to give punishments should she not submit" Both girls looked at Anna as if she had just broke the news to them that they were dead, again. "You mean I have to...with her." they both said together unable to say the act aloud. They were fine with sex but twin sex with eachother was an unheard of taboo in their mind. Anna nodded her head cracking the whip on the ground to scare them. "Do not question me." They both jumped. Their sexy young bodies stiff and nervous now.
Kenny watche dth scene unravel,almost disapointed the 'mistress' didn't include him in this seemignly fun part of the training. "you sude you should be teahcgin them that? arent they suposed to be gettign ready to master's not msitress'?" Kenny asked curiosuly up to anna.
Anna cracked the whip in front of Kenny now she lifted her foot up placing her boot on his thigh, leaning in closer to him. "Are you questioning my decisions?" She asked. Though she looked serious she was joking around with Kenny. "If they are sold to the right master he may ask for the same thing I am asking for." She informed him. She tilted her head now smiling to him. "Did you have a better idea?" She asked him curiously.
"kenny jumped as the whip nearly hit him, his mmebr throbign with excitment as adreniline pumepd through him for a mear sceond, his body shiverign as the boot presse don hsi thigh, gulping he acted submissive with a weak voice. 'I..I h-heard t-the m-m-ma-mistress migth ke them." He stemmered out befeor glancign toeh girls and then to Anna with a smirk. "you could add me as a prop for the training. I wont tellt ehm what todo, but you cna use me any way you nee dme to be used for htem." Kenny suggested witha grin, he would hndel the trainign hismelf, btu anna knew what was supose dto happen, and she had the whip, he wante dto keep ehr in thsi dommiant mood, hopefuly up until they were alone.
Anna could feel herself getting wet from the dominatrix play. His stammering under her was getting her excited as ideas of what she wanted to do to and with him formed in her head. To bad she could not do them at the moment. She leaned in closer, so close that their lips almost touched, but never did. "All the more reason for them to get used to another female is it not?" She stated retorically. She was not only teasing him but herself as well for she wanted to press their lips together but was more aroused by restraint as she pulled her head back. "Very well then." She said turning her body to face the girls. "Amber for this excersize only, both Kenny and Ashley are your pleasure slaves." She announced. "Ashley, you are at the bottom of the food chain for Kenny is you're client and Amber is you're boss." She added getting more into the game with the costumes. She pulled her foot off Kenny. "So Asley, a customer has arrived at you're restaraunt and has been seated. Come and be a good waitress." She smirked taking a step back from Kenny. Ashley took a deep breathe "Yes, Mistress" She said with a good bit of releif that she did not have to do her sister. Quickly she walked forwards to Kenny "Good evening sir. I am Asley I will be you're waitress for tonight." She began with confidence as if she was reciting lines she would at a restarunt. Then she paused trying to think of what else to say. Then she pulled out a invisible pad and paper from her apron. "Are you ready...for me to take you're order?" She asked with a smile.
Keny's heart was poundign as she spoke so intimatly to him, how he wished to kiss her again, but just like her, he was aroused by the tease ofthe moment."i agree." Kenny stated before leting out a breath of relief as she backed away, givignthe girls their orders, he already knew what he wanted as she spoke to him. "mmm yes, iwould like, some milk...and a pie would be nice." He said with a sly grin as he ooked over the girl, wondering if she caugth on tot eh sexual inuendos.
Ashley nodded her head with a welcoming smile as she looked down at the invisible notepad and began to write down his order. She was using this time to think of what to do next. Ashley looked back at her sister and then Anna before she looked back down at Kenny. "I am sorry sir but we are out of milk." she finally took up the courage to admit to him. She knew what it meant sexually but was confused why he would request it knowing they weren't pregnant therefore he shouldn't get anything like that from her.
"what about milk shakes?" Kenny asked curiously, slightly disapointe din her creativity, but still it was fun.
((short T_T))
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