The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

The young cook quickly made Kenny's breakfast as requested. It did not take long before she was standing beside him placing the food on the table in front of him. "You look a little down this morning." The maid said looking down at Kenny. "Is there anything else I can do for you?" She asked him curiously.
Kenny looked up tot he girl after readinteh chorse to grin and scoot bakc in his chair, well you can eat with me if you really must know."Kenny said ass he patted his lap for her to sit down on. "I'm in a rather.......'happy' mood but i didn't hve my girl to share it with this morning, maybe you could handle my 'happiness'" he stated actusaly not knowing what he wanted form her, a blow job, just sit on his lap, he actualy didnt knwo what he was askign for.
"If that is what you wish." she said nodding her head. The maid walked around the chair and sat on his lap with her legs facing inwards. She wrapped her left arm around his shoulder and picked up some bacon with her other hand. "Is there a particular reason you are in such a happy mood?" She asked him curiously as she took some bacon to feed to him. The maid slide the bacon on the tip of his lips for him to bite down.
Kenny took a bit e of the bacon as his hands venturd to feel over the girls thighs, swallowing his food and speaking. "Curious mostly... did the mansion aquire any new servants besides me? anne has gone to train them, which left me wodnering why iwasn't rained and what kind of trainign it is."
"You don't believe you are being trained?" The maid asked curiously acting as if he was wrong as she picked up the fork now and poked at some of the eggs. "Yes, there are some new 'recruits' being trained." the maid said nodding her head. "The Mistress has young servants come in and out of the mannor. Some she keeps others she doesn't." She said simply, explaining to him a little more on how things worked as she fed him the eggs now. She leaned against him so speak softly in his ear "I believe the servants you are speaking of have been freshly turned. Chances are she plans on keeping them." She told him as if it was gossip not meant to be speaking aloud. Her fingers slide up and down his neck teasingly while the other forked some of the muffin to feed to him next. "You are not being trained like the other girls because well, they are vampires now." She said going straight to the point of it "and you are not." She said leaning her nose down to sniff his neck letting out a soft sigh for he smelt delicious. "At least not yet." she added. "Anyway, Anna's job is to train them to being full blooded vampires as well as to do whatever job has been assigned to them properly." She said not wanting to avoid his questions.
Kenny enjoyed his meal and story, it ws actualy very enligthening to hear abit of what Anna did aroudnt eh mansion, he swallowed the part of the muffin he was given befoer he spoke curiously. "has any one ever fed upon Anna, I mean she is a ghost but like isnt she technicaly human at night? can she be fed upon?" Kenny asked befoer movign on to a slightly mroe importattn question. "and do you know where she is trainign the new vampires today?"
The maid had to think a minute to think about his next question. It seemed it was not as easy to answer. She reached over the table to grab his glass to allow him to drink and was some of the food down. "I am not sure if they have or not but I suppose it is possible." She told him before putting the glass down. "I can not imagine her blood being sustaining or satisfying though since she is already dead. I suppose that is why the Mistress chose her to be the trainer." She rationalized. "As for where I believe I heard her mentioning the wardrob room on the second floor." She told him as she feed him the last strip of bacon.
Kenny swallowed down the last of hsi meal befoer pressign his lips toteh girls mouth. "Well thats what i really wanted to know." He said as he leane dback, his thumbs massagin the girls innher thigh underneath her cute little maid unifrom. "So do you want a treat before i go do my chores?" Kenny asked with a sly littel grin.
The maid blushed lightly as he suddenly kissed her, mainly because it was unexpected. "I am glad I can be of some help." She said softly obediently as if it was a typical maids response. The maid nodded her head becomeing a little excited in reaction to his grin. "What kind of treat?" She asked him curiously.
"oh i think you know." Kenny said as he moved hsi hand farther into ehr skirt so hsi thumbs rubbed agsint her panties up and down where her pussy was, his figners strokign her outer thigh, he was horny already and didn't know fi he was going to get his fun with Anna working so he decided he migth try the cook for once.
"Mmm...I like that kind of treat" She purred as she felt his thumb sliding over her covered slit. She slide her legs open to give him more access. Her free hand slide down his bare chest to rub the growing tent in his pants. She leaned in to kiss him this time.
Kennys grin widened as she felt his lump, he really loved this mansion, even when his girl friend wasn't around he found all to willing females. "Ihear victoria doesn't like virgins in her mansion, but you look like your still a tight lil pussy." Kenny said as he slipped his thumbs under her panties and shoved them in her pusy hard.
"More gossip?" The maid before her thighs twitched and a moan escaped her lips in response to his thumbs intruding inside her. Her hand griped his bulge for a moment before she losened her grasp. She then unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. The maids head leaned in to speak closer to his ear. "Would you like to find out how tight I really am?" She asked him curiously. There was a playful hunger in her voice for him as her hand slide into his boxers to pull out his length.
"WEll I gues I'll have to see if the gossip is true." Kenny said as he now used his thumbs to trya nd spread her pussy, he couldn't lift her with how hsi hadns were so he had oto wait for ehr to position her pussy over his memeber befeor he could thrust in, if that's what she was planning.
"Ohhh" She moaned sofly as he spread her walls. The maid was aroused and getting wet by the second. Her juices seeped over his thumbs and her nipples were hard under her uniform. Her hand grasped his member, pumping him gently. Her head tilted sideways to kiss his neck before she spoke. "Why don't you get more comfortable on the table and I will show you." She breathed hotly in his ear. She was curious if he would comply as she was unsure how he liked his fun. However she was going based on instinct as her purpose was to keep him happy.
Kenny chuckled at this, for once the girl didn't ask for him to force her or be on top, she actualy asked fro himt o lay down. "Alright then plaese get off." He stated, waitign for her to pull away form him befor he moved the plate aside and laid upon the table hsi ahnds behidn his head for abit of comfort as he waited. "Al right. I'm all yours."
The maid stood from his as he asked and waited for him to speak again. Then she sat beside him on the table and turned to face him. The maid slide her shoes off onto the floor then pulled herself up onto her knees and lifted one leg up and slide it over his waiste so that she was on her hands and knees over him. Her covered breasts hung over his head before she shifted her body back to position her pussy over his erection. She sat up slightly taking hold of his member with one hand to brush his head against her pussy. "Are you ready Sir?" She asked him but did not wait for a reply before she began to slowly go down on him, pushing his head further and further into her pussy.
Kenny gasped , surprised by her impatiences. "mmmm can't wait to get started cna we?" Kenny asked slyly as he moved his ahdns to feel her back and slowly onto her ass hidden by her skirt and slowly to her thighs and legs rubbign them up and down slowly. "You are pretty tiht, shall we venture deeper?"
"I suppose...I am a litte excited...for my treat" She replied in a shakey yet modest tone. Her hands slide to his waist for leverage. The maid paused once he was halfway in to allow her tight walls to adjust to his size a little bit. His hands felt wonderful as he felt over her backside and legs, rubbing the soft fabric against her skin. She then nodded her head to his question and continued to push further down onto him slowly until he was all the way in. " feel so good inside." She moaned as she leaned down and kissed him on the lips. As she broke from the kiss the maid began to slide out half way then back down, then a third of the way and then to the head and down. Her thrusting was slow at first but with each thrust she seemed to be picking up the speed until she go to a fairly fast but steady rhythm going. Her breathing however was unsteady as her pussy walls remained tight around his member, her back arching in pleasure as she rode him.
~few minutes later... i mean alot of minutes later *shifty eyes*~
The maid lay atop Kenny panting, and seatign in her unifrom as Kenny himself tried to catchi his breath, waitign for he girlt o role off him, he pulle dup his pants and jumped off the table. "WEll i'll be seeign you at dinner." Was all he said befoer he headed out to the hall and up steh stairs to start his chores now that msot of his sexual desire had been complete. he knew that Anna was in the wardrobe room btu he had no clue where it was so he didn't botehr searchign for her as he puleld otu a mop and bucket and headed to a room he hadn't been before, once mroe knockign befeor openign the door.
The maid rolled off Kenny and as he left she cleaned off the table and herself and went back to work as if nothing had happened. Most servants in the manner had grown accustomed to having their fun and being left by the master immediately after. Little did Kenny know that he was already of higher rank than most of the servants in the manner and was to be treated as one of the masters or clients rather than a lowly servant.

Kenny knocked on the door and no one answered for it was merely a storage room he had come across. The wardrob room were Anna had begun her training session was the last room at the end of the hallway, opposite of Anna's room, therefore it was likely the last room Kenny would hit while doing his chores.
Kenny sighed in disapointment to fidn the room empty, though he diligently cleaned it up and moved on ot eh next room, findign it empty as well as he cleaned up once more, this time more hurried, deteermind to find the warrobe 'on accideent' as he cleanend teh third troom. By the time he was nearly downne twith the side, well atleast form where he started, he had given up any hope that any one was in their and just opened the last door without knocking.
The door opened with a creek allowing light to flow into the pitch dark room. Immediately as Kenny stepped in three pairs of eye fell upon him. A set of twin heads tilted to look over at Kenny. They whispered something to one another and then giggling was heard. The lights came on quickly causing the girls to squint their eyes and allowing Kenny to see who and what was inside. The walls of the room was lined with antique wardrobs of all styles and colors. Half of them were open with clothing spilled out onto the floor. Beside one of them was a pair of twins who looked fresh out of high school. They had dark black hair, perfectly straight and fell just passed their shoulders. They were in heals wearing a black mini skirt and matching tube top which helped emphasized their young figures and c cup chest. Their complection was pale, however not as pale as most vampires, and their faciel features were seemingly flawless.

Their stares and giggles at Kenny was interupted with the should of a whip lashing across their back and soft cries that escaped their lips. "Wrong again." A familiar voice was heard as Anna stepped from behind them wearing an attire totally different from what Kenny had seen her in. She too was wearing a pair of black heals. She had a thin pair of knee highs on held up by a laced black garner and panties. Her top consisted of a black corset with two straps that came up to attach to a black choker around her neck. Her hair was pulled up in a single pony tail and her atire was complete with a set of black gloves and a whip. Anna took her attention away from training the twins to took at Kenny with a smile on her lips. "So I take it you got my note this morning." She said as if she was in fact happy he was intruding on their little session.
Kenny wasn't too surprised by the twins more intruiged that he migth have soem fun, that was until he heard the whip, expecting to see Victoria in leater clad clothing, instead he was stunned, he jaw droppign as he saw his little anna in dominatrix mode. "I..I...ya...I... found it." He stamemred out as he stepepd in his eyes still not coming of of his 'little' anna, his eyes admiring the girls clothing, surpisingly the dominant look still fit what he had coem to know as his rape victim, his willing rape victim. "What's going onhere?" He asked though he rememebred from what the cook had said earlier, that this was trainign, but he still wnted to knwo what type.
Anna smirked as she watched Kenny stammer his words. It was nice to know that she took the words right out of his mouth. "It is just as the note says we are in the middle of training." Anna told him. "You can stay if you like. You will have quite a bit of a mess to clean here when we are done." She said winking at Kenny. "The Mistress is training us to please our master." The two said at once. Anna nodded her head. "That's right. Now lets try again. And this time actually pick a costume, nothing that looks like normal clothes." She said noteing what they had chosen to be wrong. "Kenny would you mind closing the door?" Anna asked as she got ready to turn out the lights again.
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