The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

An excited shuder ran through her as he bit her hear and whispered those wonderful words. Her body tensed a little for a moment after the first second or resistance and her arms tightened around his neck pulling him closer to her. Anna sucked in her bottom lip moaning and whimpering slightly as he pushed deep into her, taking her virginity once more. She had been devirginized so many times this painfully exotic feeling had become like a high to her. Her body shuddered under him as he played with her nipples causing her to moan a little louder for him. Her inner walls clenched around him as she lifted her other leg up to wrap around his waist, hooking her anckles around each other.
Kenny had left hickied all over her neck as he ventured to her other side , to begin doign the same, to suckel upon her skin. his hand still massagign her leg as his toehr puleld at ehr breast when ever he thrust into her which he was doign at a fast pace, tilting tot eh side to hit a g-spot he rememerd on his little anna, he was tired but enjoyign this and wanted her to climax with him so h was determiend to ravage all her sensitive spots.
Anna squirmed and whithered under him in pleasure. Her neck rolled to the side moaning and gasping as he made a full out assult on her body. The tingling warm feeling of his lips on her neck caused her to squench her eye closed to hold back a little squeel. His hands on her breasts and thighs made her feel hot and aroused, it felt so good. Her hands were wrapped firmly around his neck and her legs were locked together behind him. Her fingers and heels shifted and pressed into his flesh with each thrust he made as her inner walls continued to sqeeze and twitch around his member. "Ahh!...Yesss!" Her moans and cried became louder and her voice was shacky "OahHHaH!" She cried out in estasy for him, her mind lost in so many pleasurable actions happening to her at once from her neck to her chest, thigh and pussy she couldn't keep concentrated on one area. Her back arched and her hips bucked up against him each time he hit her sensative spot. She was like a worm beneath him, squirming and arching up under and against him. She was unsure how much more she could take.
((wee and now comes my horriblenss))
If she wa the worm, then he was a mole, blind int eh dark as he felt over her body devourign and rippign at her in his sexual lust and greed making sure she knew who pleasured her who was the best for her. After seeing this mansion he was almost certain tehre were other males that woudlld paly with her and he wanted to make sure hwe was better thent hem though her virginity would have proven she was loyal that nigth his blind lust made him think otherwise, though at this moment all he wanted was to pelase them both as his member began trhobign, blastign out the precum as he ramemd harded itno ehr, digging his nails itno her breast to the poitn thshe enarly bleed, he would soften up if he heard her in pain but she really seemd like the masocistic as he bit softly at ehr neck now, switchign his soft lips for his teeth.
Her cries got louder and her breathing heavier as her chest heaved up and down. She didn't care who heard them, even though most wall in the mannor were sound proof. She didn't know what had gotten into him. He had not played with her like this before, he had brought her to a whole new level of pleasure and she wanted to think whoever was responsible for putting this into his mind. Her body shifted up as his warm liquid shot into her pussy. At first she thought he had came, fooling her and he countinued to pound in her. Anna cried out throwing her head back against the matress as he pounded even harder into her, digging his nails into her flesh sending sharp chills up her spin and tickling her neck with his love bites. Her thighs twitched and her arms and legs grasped tighter around him causing her to nearly lift up off the matress, his force and weight being the only thing to press her back down. In her mind he was like an animal feeding on her and she was the willing prey. The thought alone would have gotten her soaked had they not already gotten this far "I..c-cantt take..much mmmORRee" She warned him as her body began to tense up.
He had forgotent he joy of ravagign her, of tearign into her hole and pullign at ehr breasts, only a few days withotu her sex, and now this, it was great in his mind.. her words heaven to him as he let go of her flesh with his teeth to moves his head up and whisper a hiss into her ear. "then don't hold back.." A grunt and he continued his scentence. "I'm ready to unload.. soon." He said leavign a red mark on her ear as he quickly nipped it, movign his mouth now to her cheek then her lips, it was hard to keep in a kiss form all the movemnts but when he finaly did he held it for but a moment befoer he released, btiign softly on her bottom lips as he growned, gropign her breat and thigh hard as eh shove din deep, hiting her cervix and nearly enterign as he blasted his load which easy shot in and flooded ehr withn seconds.
His hot breathe and erotic words made her shudder. Despite what he had said she tried desprately to hold back, wanting to savor this feeling as long as she could. However her sensative and frial little body just could not withstand his actions. She closed her eye, holding her breathe to accept his kiss without breaking from it too early. Her eyes winced shut and she clutched onto his body, her fingers were digging into his skin as she shook under him trying desprately to hold it in. He made sure her body would fail her. His last shove drove his head against her cervix sending a piercing shock up her spin. Her chest arched up against him and she cried out cumming hard over his member. Almost instantly after she came her body fell limp under him. Her legs fell onto the matress and her fingers barely held his neck. "Geez Kenny.." were the only praising words she could breathe out as she relaxed under him to catch her breathe.
Kenny roleld off beside her, pulling the sheet down so they coudl get soem fresh air, he was exhausted as ehr now as eh roleld over to wrap and arm around herwaist, to feel over her hip up her body to masage her unbruised breast as eh snuggle ditno ehr neck.." Never leave me." He whispered softly, though now his mind was confident that she would want mroe later.
Anna inhaled a deep breath, enjoying the fresh cool air. She looked down watching his hand feel over her body. "How could I after that." She half joked with a soft smile on her lips. "You are amazing" she said not just refering to the sex as she tilted her head over his as he snuggled into her neck. Part of her wondered if that was what had gotten to him. He was scared he was going to lose her. She did not understand why he would think that. "I will never leave you." She whispered back to him to give him comfort.
"good." He sighe dout still massain her breast slowly. "I don't knwo if i can keep that up every night.. but i'll try." He said withan eager grin befeor yawnigna sn snugglgign in again, his boy exhuaausted formt eh nag andhis ghostly lover.
"I don't expect it every night." She laughed, "Then it would not be as fun or special." She told him. She saw him yawn and she took in a deep breathe. "Now go to sleep." She said wrapping an arm around him to pull him closer to her.
d kenny did that, waking up a little after noon to find himself sprawle dout in bed, once mroe his ghost was gone, sighing, he headed for a shower to clean off allt eh residue , his cm, and the naga and ghosts vagianl fluids form his body befoe r drying off ad heading to the mermaid, opening the door and climbign the ladder. he then took off his shoes and dipepd his feet in , kickgint hem slowly wonering if the mergirl ws awake yet.
His feet caused a desturbance in the water it sent soft ripples towards the castle as a warning of caution. Someone or something was there. The Mergirl peeked out the window of her castle looking upwards in a hopeful manner. A soft smile grew on her face as she saw who it was and decided it was safe to come out. Marianna swam out the window up to the surface of the water to float a foot or two in front of Kenny. You came back. She spoke telepathically to him. It was almost as if she did not expect him to return. Did the Mistress agree to our request? She asked him curiously.
"hat you didn't expect me to?" Kenny asked as if hurt befoer grinigna nd sliping into eh water. "Ya she said she will et soem delivered so you'll hae some fiends soon enough..." Kenny pause das he looke dover to the wall that lead to the naga's room. "Do you ever speak to eh girl livign over there? i notice dyour water coems from over there." He stated curiosu as to how well the two knew each otehr.
The girl grew shy not wanting to answer his first question purely because she was a little embarrased. Oh that's wonderful she said clasping her hands together with excitement as she began to think about what kind of friends that might be delivered into her tank. Her imagination was cut off short by his question though. Nell? she said not bothering to look behind her, instead she watched him slide into the water. Of course I do. She comes down for a swim every now and then. We keep each other company. She told him. We don't get too many visitors other than the Mistress...and you of course. she added.
"well thats good." Kenny said with a happy smile. "I alwasy wondered how naga and merfolk got along." He added, explainginhis amusement to her. "It seems she has animals in her enviorment.. btu i gues that's because she's carnivorous and hunts them." Kenny said witha shrug, rememberign a few of the sodns he heard that nigth int eh fake forest. "so tell me did you sleep well?" He asked tryign to hav eabit fo small talk.
Normally they would not get along so well out in the real world She informed him. However when you are secluded those that are normally unfriendly find something in common She informed him as she slide to her side and began to swim around in a circle, enjoying the water at the surface. She nodded her head I had a nice peaceful rest. She told him. Did you rest well?" She then returned the question to him. "Are you adjusting well to the mannor? She asked him. She had now become much more comfortable with him than the day before.
"well i gues that's true and it seems atleast you two can coem to an unerstandign which is nice." Kenny siad with a smille as he swam abit away formt eh edge now as he watched her swim her circles. "wellt eh females here are defiantly kind and welcoming." He said witha chukle, rememebrignt he maid and the naga. "I feel a lil too lucky to be able to live here now adays."
She nodded her head in agreeance with her first comment as she continued to swim in a small circle. She now roled onto her back, swimming backwards with ease. It really is great that you are enjoying your stay. It is a big change. She told him as she rolled back onto her side so that she could look at him through most of the swim. Be careful not to be too relaxed. I am sure you are aware that danger lurks around every corner for mortals like yours self. she reminded him as she was a little concerned for him. Not all vampires have a strong will power as the Mistress. She told him simply.
"oh don't worry I have my girl friend.. Anne to keep me safe, and i'm more interested in other species." Kenny said as he laid on his back and floated like that. "I can study vamprie an time as long as i liv ehere, but beauties liek you and Nell, see those are the ones i wana see, see if they are hidign any more in this big ol' mansion."
I do not know how many other pets Lady Victoria houses within the mannor. She informed him after listening to his explaination. I will tell you the world is full of hundreds of other species that humans are unaware of. She told him. You may have to explore or speak with the Mistress to learn of what species are currently living here. She informed him as she now circled around Kenny.
"alriht then i'll lsk her tomorrow nigth maybe.." Kenny said as he tilted his head to watch her before looking tot eh cielign agaisn as eh floated ther. "so will i be able to hear your singign today? or do i have to wait longer?"
Would you like to hear me sing right now? Marianna asked him curiously as she paused in her swiming and came up beside him. It was not often she got a request from anyone to hear her singing. In fact she was alone in the tank so often she was unsure if anyone in the mannor had ever heard her singing aside from the Naga and perhaps the Mistress. What kind of song would you like to hear? She asked him should he have really wanted to hear her sing.
"Of course i hear merfolk have beautiful voices, reviled by few other species." Kenny said, both trying to complement at the same time statignthe facts he knew. "I don't really mind what you sing, i don't know.. surprise me." He said wiht a small grin as he tilted his head to look to her.
Her cheeks turned pink by his comment and she wanted to duck her head under water when he turned his head to look at her. At this point only her chest up were out of the water. I am not sure how much of that is true. She told him modestly. Now that he had said that she had begun to lose confidence, worried that she would be unable to meet his high expectations. It felt like she had little fish swimming around in her belly and a frog caught in her throat. However she had already agreed twice now that she would sing for him. It was now or never. She inhaled a deep breathe then opened her mouth and began to sing. Singing would be the only time she would use her vocals through her mouth. Her voice was soft and calm similar to that of which he had heard in his head but a little different. It was inhuman but comprehendable and hard to compare to any other species, if it had to be compared to any it would probably be a whale. The words that escaped her lips could only be described as music in it's purest form as there was no need for instramental music. Marianna at Kenny as she sung, her hands coming up to her chest clasped softly together. The song was of two lovers two dolphins finding one another in the ocean.
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