The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Kenny turne dto look up at the ceiling as she began to sing, letign his body relax, as much as he coudl withotu sinking and closign hsi eye sot take int he sweet harmony that he coudl feel int he water its self, sendign a chill up his spine befoer lookign over to her. "It's beautiful." HE said softly, his bdody began growing warm witha delihted emotion obviously form her voice.
The song had been the first one that had come into her mind when he had asked her to sing. As she watched his reaction to the song she had concluded that it had been the right choice. A joyful and pleased smile was on her lips as she continued to sing. She had grown more confident as she noticed he had his eyes closed enjoying the song as she hoped he would. Her smile grew even bigger and she tilted her head away for a moment trying to hide her blush from his complement. After a few minutes of singing the song finally end. I hope the song did my species justice. It was the first song that came into my head after you asked me to sing. She told him modestly, wanting to know what he thought.
well i"ve never heard another creature sing so i don't knwo if it was the best.." Kenny said honestly. "but to me iI don't think i've heard anythgin as beautiful, it moved my whole body with emotion." He said fianly re openign his eyes to look at her as he moved to tread water now, swiming to eh ledge and hoistign himsel up to sit ont he edge with a sigh. "I almost wish I knew what you were saying."
Her face turned beat red to his complement and she looked away from him to stare at the water as her hands droped back into the water. Thank you. I am so happy you like my singing. She thought back to him. After a few seconds she followed him over to the ledge and looked up at him. It was a story about dolphins in love. It is one of my favorite songs. She told him. Maybe one day I can tell you the story in your own language. She suggested as she watched him.
kenny loked to her slightly confused as he bent down to look clsoer at her. "Is the story to hard to translate even telepathicaly?" Kenny asked cusiouly.
She swam closer to the ledge, lifting up to lean on it against folded arms. Merfolk tell a story more through emotions and our words can translate a little differently than english. She tried to explain to him. Basically the story is of two dolphins who fell in love and then what the male promises to his mate. He gives the mate gifts to represent each promise; love, loyalty and protection. She told him with a sigh almost wishing she had a mate like the dolphins. A story about dolphines probably sounded strange to him but it was normal to her. I guess it is a little hard to explain. She concluded.
Kenny was picking up ont he lonliness, wishing he could help he put a hand on ehr head to stroke her hair. "so tell me what were the presents... It's not that strange, and even if it was.. you know i love the strange" HE said wiht a short chuckle.
Marianna was a little surprised by the physical contact but she welcomed it. She smiled feeling a little more confident about the tale. A string of pearls to represent never ending love. He promised children for loyalty and a herd of dolphins as traveling family for protection. She said reciting the gifts to him.
"So it's liek a human weddign, isntead of pearls we have a metal band that usualy has a diamond in itthat the male usualy offers to the female as a proposal." HE xplaiend , usure if the girl kenw of human weddings. "Its a way to unite to familys much liek the dolphin promised a pod of dolphines, and soem religiosn say you cant have children unles syou are married, sooo ya..."
Marianna listened to his interpretation to her explaination with clear interest. She had heard of human weddings but only briefly and knew little of them. Yes, that is precisely what it is like. She replied to him with a soft nodd of her head. She looked at his neck then his hands and arms searching for a metal band but found none. Humans do not get married often? It must be hard for you to find a mate? She questioned him curiously. He had no band which meant he was not married and she had not seen anyone in the mannor with one either which made her wonder how common it was for humans.
Kenny went red at her comment. "well..uh.. The boy had to pause and think. "marriage is a life time commitment to people which is why religion uses it to bind mates.. as for me I'm not too religious..." Kenny said the next part as his face went fulyl red. "I have mated multipel times before.. but I think I found one girl as a special mate." He said emberased though his midn began to calm down as he thought of anna. "I don't think vampires.. even though they use dto be human, do many weddings, they seem.. no offense.. more like animals when it coems to mating as they don't need a soul mate."
She almost regretted the questions just after asking them when she saw his reaction. The mergirl had made him feel uncomfortable. Perhaps she had asked him something that was too personal. However her eyes looked upon him with fascination. Her eyes widened with his mention of multiple mates then her emotions became soft as he spoke on. It sounded nice to find someone special. 'Then you will marry the special mate?' She asked him curiously. It was almost as if he went against the rituals of his species.
Kennys face went red agian at teh idea of marryign Anna. "I..well.. she isn't human.. any mroe.. She's.. a ghost.." EKnny said softly "I do't think we coudl get married any ways, and as i said i'm not too religious.. our generation is kind of rebelious any ways."Keny tried to explain, before givng the mer-girl a soft smile still wonderign if the mer girl, mated like a fish or a dolphine, so he asked the awkward qestion. "I know thsi migth seem strange.. akward and all.. but my science. and hormonaly crazed boy sides are wodnerign, do mermaids mate like humans and dolphines, or are you more liek fish?"
She smiled nodded her head once as he stammered a little to answer her question. His blush told her that he may not think they could get married but it appeared that maybe he wanted to. It was her turn to blush however in response to his question. It's alright. It is for science and it is better to ask now than to keep thinking about it. she replied shyly as she looked down to the water breifly and resting her head on her arms before looking up at him. Merfolk mate the same way fish do. She replied to him simply.
kenny almsot seemd disapointed to hear that, though he didn't have any sexual intent for her it did mean that even if the sailors actualy caugth a mer girl, she had no pussy to play wiht, the thought now actualy maid kenny chuckle slightly. "Poor sailors, they all hope for you to mate like humans, and i cna honestly say.. I'm slightly disapointd." HE chuckoled out before turning to her with a nod. "Well it would make sense as you ARE fish down there, whihc is surprisng you have a story so close to marriage when you your selves have such diffrent reprodutive ways, marriage for us probably starte dcause the female has to cary the baby for so ong in her that the guy whoshould proect her.. you... have eggs.. unless... do you lay your eggs or carry them in you?" Kenny aske dnow curious abotu that, knowing some fish that do, or at least some marie animales like the sea horse.
((weeee yes strange questions to ask lol))
Her cheeks became an even darker tent as she thought about reproducing the mortal way and what would happen with the sailors if it were actually true. I am sorry you are disappointed. She said lightly. We may reproduce differently however love is the same no matter what species you are.She responded in a gentle tone as she explained why the story was close to their marriage. We lay our eggs in a nursery.She said tilting her head up to him. That should not matter though. Whether the eggs are layed or carried, the male figure should still need to protect the mother and children. She told him as she did not completely understand his logic.
"Sorry if i offended." He said quickly , now figuring how he must sound. "just somepeople elive love evolved form a need to protect, i wsa just goign with that logic.. i didn't mena to sound so rude." He sid apoligenicly.
Apology accepted. She said with a small laugh. "You are so worried about logic and science and how things work..." She told him. "You forget that sometimes the world is not always logical." She told him simply. She did not find any of what he said offensive for she knew he did not mean to offend anyone. "You are not much of a romantic are you?" She teased him slightly, though she did find it a little sad the way he thought so scientifically about love.
Kenny saighed and laid down ont he ground. "It's hard to be both, but i love romance, i am my own hypocrit at times, i will say love is fake, while i am in love." Kenny said in dismay at his own quarl inside.
Marianna watched him lie back. She laughed at his dismay finding him entertaining as he seemed to always second guess things including himself. Love is confusing and complicated but never fake. She said wisely as if she had gotten the phrase out of a fortune cookie or something. It was odd how she felt so strongly about love when she lived in a tank by herself, not knowing what it truly felt like.
Kenny gave a soft smile and nod as he sat up ."something for me to contemplate as i sleptoday i gues." he said before he was interupted by a short yawn. "I should be headign tobed again, knowing this mansion, i'm in for antoehr LONg night." He said ith a chuckle befeor leanign over to kis the mer-girl onte h forehead and get up to dry off.
Alright. Marianna replied. She looked up at him as he kissed her before her eyes shyed away to look at the edge of the tank. Good night...or good day?...She added a little confused on how to say good night in the middle of the day. She backed off the ledge, dunking her self under the water before she surfaced for a moment only to watch him leave.
Kenny had madeit to his room safely and snuck into bed with antoerh yawn , snugglgin his head into the pillwo to get to sleep.
There was no one to wake Kenny that night. When he did finally awaken Anna was not there beside him. Instead there was simply a note sitting on the pillow beside him.
'Kenny, I had to take care of some servents early today. Get breakfast and do the chores listed below. I will see you for bed if not earlier. Love, Anna' There was a listing of small chore that needed to be done on the second floor.
Kenny sighed, disapointed to not have his anna, after last nigth he was hoping for soem more fun befeor breakfas, instead he washe dup and headed out to eh kitchen alone sighing he asked for just bacon eggs and an english muffin, as he waite dfor hte food he began to read over the list wonderign what he had todo today, it was the first time he was actualy given a list of chores.
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