The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Kenny grinned as he watched her, his member alreayd beginign to twitch as she tasted his cum, though his body ha dbeen getting tired, and he was glad it ended, he might just have enough energy for some tim with his anne tonight as he got up to zip his pants. "tomorrow durignt he day i will visit the mermaid. "he called out, findign his shirt and pullign ti on befoer callign otu agian. "i'm sure the mermaid woudlnt mind if you joined me for a little fun." He said now turnign to go find his way out of the jungle, just following he river once he found it to fidn the small pond and the door to head out.
The naga did not return a response. As far as Kenny new the exotic pet that he had tried to take for himself was gone. Really she was up in a tree watching him and waiting for him to leave. Mean while the mergirl was fast asleep in her castle. Anna had finished her fun with the other maids early and was still in the servant's quarters waiting for Kenny to return later that night.
Kenny huried back to his chamber, figurign either to get soem rest before Anna came bakc or sto clean up as he still had the stench of cum and sweat on his body, surprised nothing had sniffe dhim outand punced him yet as he slipped into his room as he began unzipping his pants, not even noticign his little ghost girl friend was in there with him.
Anna had been snuggled under the covers in the bed. Chances were he had looked over her as he entered the room because the unmade covers were hiding her body. When she heard him come in however Anna's head poped from under the covers. "Stripping down already? You didn't even say hello yet." She said with a giggle as she watched him unzip his pants.
Kenny turned red, looking guilty as if he had been caught, chucklign as he drope dhis pants, now rememberign why he felt so guilty, his boxers were still wet with cum and his chest still glistne dwith sweat. "I was hoping to cleanup and get ready for you later to night...." Kenny said softly as eh walked over to sit upon the sid eof the bed. "and what's with you all snuggle dup in bed withotu me, makes me feel un wanted."He pouted out s he bent down to kiss her forhead befeor whispering. "is ther a maid outfit under htese covers or antoehr fun litle treat?" Kenny asked hotly bfeorf sitting up again.
"I was under here waiting for you silly" She said so he wouldn't feel unwanted. A sheepish smile grew on her lip as he kissed her forehead. "MMMmm...a little bit of both." She replied to his question though now she held the covers up to her neck with both hands to keep him from seeing her atire. On this night she was wearing a black maid outfit. Only this one had a coursit like top that strung in the middle and back with pink ribbon. The only straps were ribbons that came up over her neck like a halter top and two more that slide over her arm like straps that had fallen. The skirt had ribbons on both sides and even the light pink thigh highs she was wearing had ribbons tied at the top. The outfit looked more like an adult costume, that might come apart by pulling the ribbons, than one of Victoria's exstravagant uniforms. "If you wish to clean I can wait." She told him innoscently. "Just pretend I am not here."
Kenny grinend as seh hid from him, eager to see what she was hiding under the sheets, lovign hsi little tease of an anna as he slowly traced ehr body outlin in the sheets befeor runnign hsi ahdn to her breast groping it thought he cloth to sassage it slowly. "mmmm well it depends do youw ant a dirty boy or aclean by?" He asked softly as his free hand went tot eh top of the shets to try and pull them away.
Anna smiled keeping her body stiill under the sheets as he outlined and felt over her covered figure. She nearly giggled again when he groped her. Her fingers gripped the sheets tighter as he tried to pull them away purely out of curiousity to what he might do and how he would react. "I want to play with a dirty boy." She said playfully purely because she was getting excited and eager and did not really want to wait for him to change.
Kenny grinned at her reluctants to move, lookign a the foot of the bed befoer back up at the girl, a glint in his eye as he got an idea, stepping off of the bed, her dropped his boxers to show his hardenign cock as he slowly walked toward the toehr end of the bed. "well this dirty boy doesn't take too kindly to girls who hdie form him." He dsaid reachignt eh end of the bed and untuckignt he ends of the sheet sbefoer quickly duckign under the sheets form the other end, soon she would feel his hand touch her feet befoer slwoly glidign up to feel over her legs, a grin hiden inte h drnes as he felt the soft fabric of stockigns, knowing she was dressed for fun now as he ventured up to her thigsh.
"Hiding from you? I don't know what you are talking about." Anna acted innoscent as his fingers began to slide up her soft stockings. Anna pointed her toes out and straightened her legs out more for better access for him.
Kenny chuckled as he felt her movemtnts, it was dark but his eyes were adjusting and he knew this body well enough that he didnt need to see to navigate around her, his head under her skirt already as he pulled down her panties to nip at her clit teasingly. "you know you shouldign let he bed bugs bite."He teased out befeor lickign the fleshy slit, movign his member to press on one of her toes hoping she woudl ge the idea as his thumbs presse donte h outsside fo her pussy and his tongue bbegan trying to penetrate.
She gasped lightly as he nipped at her clit. "Lately, it has been rare that I do what I should." She told him as she looked up at the ceiling, resting her head against the matress of the bed. Her fingers wrapped into the sheets as she flet his rough tongue slide up her slit. A shiver ran up her body in excitement. "It appears dirty boys are a bad influence on me." she teased as if she had been lectured about this before. Her knees bent as she spread her legs wider to the side, it was a subconscious move inviting Kenny to her nether region. A soft moan escaped her lips as his thumbs began to press and spread her pussy a little and she could feel his warm tongue making its way inside of her. The girls toes curled inwards. Anna felt his member press under her soft foot and she began to wiggle her toes to massage his lenght.
"I wouldnt say i'm tha tbad of an influence." Kenny said befoer going bakc to her pussy stickignhsi tongue in again and letign hishands slide down to feel her smooth stockigned legs seeign as how she had spread her legs he dint much need to spread her pussy any more, gaspign softly as he felt her toes tucka nd untuck under his tmember, lovign the feeling as he lenae dhis boody down to press more onto her foot and rub agisnt he clothed appendage eagerly.
"Oh..what would you call it?" She asked him curiously. Her pussy twitched around his hot tongue and a soft moan escaped her lips. She loved the feeling of his hands slideing down her legs. As she closed her eyes it was even more sentual that she was able to feel his actions but she could not physically see him doing them. "Your tongue feels so hot" she coed." Her foot that was massaging his length instinctively tilted down traping his member between her foot and the bedsheets. She pressed the ball of her foot against his hard rod and moved and pressed her foot back and forth against his length stroking him as a whithering reaction to his own actions.
"well you're the one who is teasing me.. with your skirt hiding unde rthe sheets." HE said, with gasps as he felt the smooth fabric rub agasint his sensative member and press on hsi head, her whole foot on his member, it was even mroe diffrent form her first foto job, but jsut as great. As he spoke he wasnt ignorign er pussy, though his tongue wasnt down there, he ahd run his hands back up to her pussy to massage ehr pussy with hs thumbs. "and even allowign me to go to the snake habitat, knowing there was such a dirtty little naga there.. your the bad influence on me." He said with antoerh gasp as precum splirted form his member, his head resting on her pusys bfeor he ran his ahdns down her legs and hit tongue poked at her pusys once mroe, penetratign and licking her inner walls,his hands slidign up to let his thumb press lightly on her inner thighs.
"I allowed you to go for the mergirl. You would only see the naga if you ventured too far." She breathed out as his lips left her pussy lips to be temporarily replaced with his thumbs. Soft moans continued to escape her lips. Her body squirmed lightly under the sheets as she tried to concentrate on her foot actions reminding herself to continue them as he played with her most private and sensative area. Her toes curled against his member and she pointed her feet to kneed and roll the bottom of her foot against his member like dough. Her other foot soon slide around him to brush her big toe teasingly against the side of his member. "you went into the habitate because dirty little boys don't know how to say no." She teased him in hot breathes as his tongue invaded her pussy once more her body pushed up lightly before her hips lifted up against him.
"And dirty little girls love sayign yes." kenny teased, with a reference to her gaspign durign sex at tiems even as he gasped nformt eh pressure put on his memebr by her heal and the ne massaging on its side sendign up even mroe sensation through his body, makign it hard fro him to evne jsut keep his tongue in her pussy as he let her vaginal fluids creep itno hsi mouth, tasting the woudnerfuly erotic flavor her preduced as his thumbs kept masssaging ehr thighs, he was buildign up and ready to burst but wuldnt let her know it, not yet.
Anna was glad the covers hide her face from him otherwise he would have seen her cheeks blush a light pink tone from his comment. She was a little embarrassed on how true it was. Even when they had first met and she resisted him her mind was screaming yes. She could not deny it. "I guess we are perfect for one another." She moaned satisfied as her feet continued to asault his member. She could feel how hard and thick he was, however since she had yet to sneak her head under the covers yet it was hard for Anna to tell when he was going to burst. It was kinda fun guessing and paying more attention to his body and touches.
Kenny didnt answer , instead he bit down softly on ehr clit usign his teeth, knowign the little masocist she was as he let his dick unload onto her feet, his body lurshign slightly a reflex ment to show his memebr deep in ehr pussy as he came, though this wasnt how evolution intended fro them to enjoy themselves as he begant o crawl up slowly now feeling the rest of ehr outfit over int eh dark, and pullign on a few andom ruibbons that seemed loose befoer he poppe dhis head up out of the sheets, hsi memerb jsut slipign under her skirt to tease her pussy as cum still creeped from it's head. Kissing her softly befoer speaking. "I gues we are perfect for eahc otehr" her repeated
Anna let out a soft sqweal in response to feeling his teeth bit into her sensative little nub. A shiver ran up her body as whatever pain she should have felt from a bite immediatly turned to an exotic blissful feeling, one of which immediatly was followed by the feeling of warm sticky liquid spraying over her stockings. "Yes" She exclaimed her victory with a small giggle. However soon after that she calmed down and layed still as Kenny now examined her body and costume. Each pull of a ribbon caused an article of clothing to slide down her skin piece by piece. Her sleeve fell down to her elbows and her corsit-like top split in half, each half slide down her silky skin onto the bed beside her. Now her chest was revealed covered in a pink laced bra and her stomach was bare aside from loose ends of the ribbons he had pulled draped over her skin in random ways. She was now soaked underneath as he teased her. Anna closed her eyes as he kissed her, a soft smile growing on her lips as she opened her eyes too look up at him. Their eyes met briefly "Yes we are." She breathed out befor she suddenly pulled her arms up over her head taking the sheets with it up over both of their heads pulling them both into the darkness with a giggle. Her head lifted up seeking and finding his lips into another soft kiss.
kennyw as almost disapointed as the girl pulle dthe sheet sover them, blocking her body itn eh darkness once more, though he shrgged it off as she kisse dhim, he had obviously arleayd stripped most of ehr unwittinglky with hsi venture up her, and he could always se eher dresse dup antoehr time as he presse ddeep itntoeh kiss, slipign this tongue in while his thumbs slipped under her bra cups to press on her nipples while he wiggled hsi hip to tease at her pusy with his once mroe throbign cock, it was getign soar thoughj, and he knew this would be the last time fro tonight.
"Mmm.." She moaned softly into his lips as she felt his cold fingers slide into her bra and his hard memeber tease her wet pussy. Her hands slide up against the sheets towards him. The sheets lifted up briefly allowing a slit of light to creep in under the covers and light over her body briefly before the crack in the bottom of the sheets fell closed again. If his eyes were open and he was paying attention he may have been given a few seconds to glimps over her body. The act of him pulling at ribbons earlier made it now appear that small peiced of black fabric and many strips of ribbon layed over and arround her body it appeared as if he had pulled a thread and it all fell apart. Her skirt was the only clothing still in tact. Her lips slide beside his and she kisses his cheek. "Do you like what I am wearing?" She asked him as her fingers slide gently down each side of his face then to the side to settle behind his neck. "I picked it out just for you." She told him while lifting her right leg up to curl over his back and rub her soft stocking up and down slowly against his side.
Kenny was smart enough to take a peak in the light a smile upon his fac eint he darkness as he felt her breath upon his skin, his hand pulling on her bra to take the final peice of slothing off her top and massage her breasts with both ahdns slowly, that was until he felt the fabric agasisnt his side, sendign up a soft shiver as she rubed agains him, one hand movign from her breast to slide down her body , feeling her skirt and slidign ont he outline fo her ass to have his hnd on her thigh, strokign her stockign and flesh soflty hwhiel hsi otehr hand flciker her nipple betweenhsi thumb, his memerb still pressign teasingly on her pussy. "are you ready?" He asked asw he turned hsi head to snuggle and kiss her necck.
She closed her eyes as he stripped her further, began to massage over her now bare breasts then his hands began to venture over her body. She layed there contently, continueing to rub her stockings against him as she enjoyed and reveled in the feeling. His hands stroking over her thigh, his attention to her nipples, it all made her feel alive. She moaned softly to his actions, encouragingly. "Mmm hmm.." She replied shifting her hips up against his member as he teased her. Her head tilted to the side as he snuggled and kissed her neck, a small giggle escaped her lips as his breath tickled her neck.
Kenny moved his head up to bite at her ear befoer speakign. "tHen here it coems." He whispered as eh shoved his memeber in, gaspingat ehr tight virgin resistence. "GOd... its.. heavenly." He gasped out, bringign his head back down to nipat her necka s eh shove din deeper and deeper thrusitgn hard as he hit her hymn to rip it open once mroe, his forever virgin, he lvoed her like that as his hand groped at ehr ass befeor movign abck up to feel over ehr soft stockign, hsi other hand now pinchign and twistign at her nipple.
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