The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

She felt the bulge in his pants growing against her scaley tail and she laughed a little. It was humorous and arousing that he was getting hard. "Prove it." Where the only two words she hissed seductively in his ear as if she hardly believed him. It was all she felt the need to say. She began to flex her lower half tighter around his lower body, applying a low amount of pressure on his member then slowly began to apply more and more pressure forcing his throbing member upwards sandwiched between them. She lifted his arm up with one hand and coiling herself around him so that her chest was against his side she used her other hand to guide his chin towards her. Then she leaned in and locked lips with him.
"you are in.. for the ride of your life." Kenny said , gasping as she squeezed him tight, it was just more arousing to him as eh felt the heeat of his member agsitn hsi own flesh, and her breasts now under his arm presed hard agsitn him befeor he felt her lips on his, not wastign time as heran shis tongue into erh mouthjourneying aroudn, wongdering if thsi snake girl ahd fangs, always a scientist even during sex. his free hand though moved up to begin stripginte h girla s he pulled down her top to let her flesh touch his now, crasdlign onesoftly.
His words were music to her ears. He knew just what to say. Her tongue slide over his as they went into a passionate kiss that one would likely have on a first date. She smilled getting turned on as he cupped her breast. For a moment the pressure stopped. Her hand slide down from his face and under the coil of which began to slowly uncoil and expand around her. Her hand un zipped his pants then her fingers dove into his boxers and took a firm grasp of his member. She squeezed him before she wrapped her fingers around and began to pump him, make sure he was nice and big.
Kenny took a breaht in as she released him,t eh short release of pressure form hsi memebr let a mas of blood flow in makign it throba nd growas it sent pleasure shootign though his body only to be grasped hard again makign him gasp in ehrrr mouth as his tongue venttured to slide ove rher tongue untilhe pulled away slowly. "you really know how to take hold.. and take control..." Kenny said softly in a hot voice bfeor his hand moved ot eh bakc of ehr head to press their lips together once mroe as he felt ove rher nipple softly circlign it with his index finger.
Her long tail now coiled in a circular motion around them, slowing giving Kenny more room to move. The thick scalely tail had taken his pants down with it and was now just below his knees when it had stopped moving. She smirked to his comment, he was putty in her fingers as most men tended to be. That was why she had a Mistress, someone who could tame a vicious snake, not that she was vicious. Her thumb rubbed the head of his member now in a circular motion as her fingers worked their magic on his length. As she kissed him once more she got further into it. She felt hot, aroused as he teased her nipples as if she were in heat. She slowly broke from the kiss as her lips came to his ears. "This is only a sample of what I am capable of." She hissed out seductively as her free hand settled on his back and she leaned back to lie on her tail, pulling him to lean over her.
"If this is a sample.. I'm afraid i migth be here all nigtht hen." Kneny said softly, though he didn't mind it as he leaned into her, his hands infornt of his hcehst sothey presse dupon her breasts as he kissed her once befoer lookign down and noticng her skirt, venturign one hand down to try nadn tug it off, findign ti difficult with a whole tail int eh way so he slowly slid his hand back up her belly to ehr breast to fondle them, almsos the same way she did his member,as hsi thumsbs circled her nippels and his fingers wrorked around to squeze and carress her breasts. gasping slighlty as her thumb finaly did it's job rubign hsi sensative head enough to force him to release his precum between them.

Nell smiled as he fidgetted with her skirt trying to get it off. She thought it was cute that he couldn't get off the little clothing she had on. It was a sign of inexperience he tried to act didn't happen by feeling over the soft flesh of her stomache. She let out a small laugh. "Let me help you with that." She whispered as her hand behind his back slide down to her hip. She flicked a clip at the side of her skirt and the chain at the top of the skirt unlatched, all of slide off to the side. She gasped as cold air met with her womanhood the fabric had been protecting. Her breathing became heavier as he played with her breast in a heavenly manner. Her hand stopped working on his member as he precam. She only stopped for a moment before collecting some of the cum in her hand and rubbed it along his member like lub.
KEnny blushed with emberasment, surpised he hadn't thought of it (I did to.. i just didn't know if you wante dit latched or not.. didn't knwo if you had some scheme XP) "Gues you might be a little too exotic for me." KEnny said soflty with an almsot forced chucle, though he was back itn eh groove soon enough as he pressed his lips to hers, his heart pumpign faster onc emore as the pleasure of her body in his hands washed over him, his togne slippign deep in her mouth to play with hers as his right hand began to slip down to feel over her soft smooth sin, thinkign oen upside the girl must havfve is never havign to wax as he foudn the small lump that was her clit and presse don it teasignly.
"Too Exotic?" The words left her lips just before the words were replaced by Kenny's lips. Her tongue slide around his as his hand slide down. Each inceh lower he made got her body moe exotic until he finally reached the main goal. She gasped moanaing lightly in his lips as he teased her most sensative area. Her hand slide over his ball sacs now. She began rolling them both with her fingers, then she pinched him teasingly. It was at this point in the little pay that she had decided that she would make him fully cum before she would let hm tak her that much further.
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Kenny returned her gasp with his own as she pinched at his balls, she was really determind now to play with him like that, and he wasnt complaingin as he returned his lisp tohers once more as if he needed her lips to breath. his thumb pressing harder on her clit before releasing the preasure in a quick flick as he switched off to now pinch the small nub between hsi index and middle finger as hsi ahdn slid down until hsi middle finger as slidign over her sli, teasign that now as he began pushing down onher vaginal lips.
The back of her head rested agianst her this scaley tail as he made out with her with such passion. Soft moans were muffled into his lips as he continued to play with her sensative flesh. Her lips parted from his for just long enough for her to catch a breath and let out another moan as he pinced her clit. Then her lips quickly pressed back onto his and her tongue penetrated into his mouth. Her body shook lightly in anticipation as he teased her slit, in her mind she was for his fingers to enter inside and feel just how wet she had really become. As he teased her she continued to do the same to him. The palms of her hands pressed lightly against his sacs. She rolled them slowly inwards and then outwards and then applied a bit more pressure to rotate them in all directions. Every now and then the sides of her hands would brush against the base of his member teasingly.
Kenny couldn't take much more, she was really playign with him in allt he right ways as eh left her lisp to arc his back slightly as his muscles tensed forcing his middle figner to curl into ehr pusy as he ejaculated, letign the sperm splurt over the nagas body befoer he relaxed with a deep breath. "I'm not done yet." HE said softly as he pressed his lips back to hers for a short kiss, his member stil throbign even after the climax as he kept movign his midel finger in her wet pussy.
Nell gasped and her hips lifted against his finger as it curled insid her. Her body shuddered as the warm cumm splurt out over her cold skin. "I was hoping you would say that." She replied as she once more welcomed his warm lips with hers. Her fingers wrapped around his member, surprisingly it was still hard and erect as if he had not let it all out. It was hot and sticking throbbing under her fingers. Nell wrapped one hand around the base and pulled her hand all the way up over the head. It easily slide off his member from the cum lubed around it. Then she did the same with her other hand. Each hand would lightly grasp the base as the other reached the head in a steady motion. She closed her eyes as his middle finger continued to intrude her pussy. If he kept playing with her in such a way she had no doubt she would have her own climax before he could penetrate her with his member.
Kenny had never thought she would keep sroking after he came, he was disapoitned at firs tbtute h slipepery movment and grip were diferemt, fun,they sent pleasure through his body from the new feeling, it almsot felt liek he was in her at times as she kept strokign him. Now he had to pleasure heras his thumbcircled her clit while teh middle figner curled more till it bwas pressign on her upper wall, givgn the signal for hsi thumb to press down as he pinched on ehr flesh form inside and outsdie ehr pusy , movign his hand bakc anfd forth to stroke the flesh whiel hsi otehr hand wokred on ehr breast his thumb still cirlong her nipple while hsi hands masaged her soft pillows
She moaned lightly as his thumb rubed her sensative clit. She felt so hot, so aroused however her hands continued to work their magic on him. The next cry that escaped her lips was louder and with more passion as he pinched her flesh and grazed her inner walls. Chills ran from her pussy up her spin, her pussy walls twitched. The girl was alot closer to a climax than she thought. He was playing with her most sensative areas and her body just could not take any more. As he was playing with her chest it had only taken one last stroke of her inner walls before she arched her back and released her cum. Her fingers had taken a firm and tight squeeze at the base of his member before she finally released her fingers from his length.
The boy seemed to get unimaginable wayves of pelasure jsut hearing the snake girl climax as he felt her squirt onto hsi ahnd and body, gaspign hard as he arche dhis own bakc form ewh pleasure and form the pressure she dsudenlyput on his member, forcign out a pre cuma nd then makign him climax as she release dhte popressuure, his body shakign slightly as he let loose a smaller load then before seeign as thsi one was mroe unexpecte dand he din't trya nd hodl it in at all as he came back to rest atopher with a sigh. "climaxe d so soon... have you been living without teh touch of a man for so long?" Kenny teased softly befeor kising the snakegirl.
She blushed lightly with embarrassement she had given in so easily. He somehow managed to his her sensative areas at the right time and place. She nodded her head innocently. "Why don't you remind me?" She smirked innoscently hoping he would get the hint that she was ready for more than fingering.
It was liek she didn't even have to suggest it to him, becasue as she said that scentence he wasalready sittign up over her, his thumbs on her pussy to spread the lips while his member swirled teasingly on her flesh, his head poking between the lips as his thumbs tried to spread ti more while he looekd over her glistenign body. "You're right you are a dirty little pet, all covere din semen with no shame what so ever." hHE said as eh began pokign harder now wihtt eh intent on pentratign ehr.
She slide her bottomlip inwards patiently waiting for what was to come next. Her hands slide from his knees up his thights onto his hips as he teased her. Small shudderes ran up his spine and her cheeks flushed a small tint of pink from his comment due to her lack of humility. "That is what exotic means in this mansion." she hissed hotly a moan escaped her lips at the end as she felt his head slide into her.
"Oh are thaere more 'exotic' pets in thsi masnion?"Kenny asked curiously as he move dhsi thumbs in a circualr motion as if massagign the sensative skin they were holdign open, while his hips did the same moment to twirl his memerb as he began pushignffartherer in so he was spreadign her pussy whoiel he intruded into the nagas woman hood. "such a tigth little girl." He said once he felt her pujssy grasp onto his head.
"You will have to explore the mansion to learn the answer to that question." She smirked not wanting to just give away too many secrets of the mansion. He would learn in due time, for now she was content with him thinking she was the only one of such pet. Soft moans came from his magical thumbs doing their work on her folds. That soft moaning soon turned to light, hot hissing as his member swirlled deeper into him. She began to feel resistance within her. Small shutters went through her body from the odd circular motion and her hips bucked upwards causing her walls to come a bit tighter against his thick member.
"mmmm making me have to gues." Kenny spoke out in a hot voice, glad for her little teasign additued, reachign in as deep as he wanted as the girl bucked, he begna to pull out slowly, enjoyign the resistance asher pussy wante dto keep him in while he puleld out. slowly comign out till only half an inch was teasign inside her before he shoved back in witha grunt, this time though he added somethign more as he shoved his thumbs intoher pusy as well to spread her openign roughly.
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