The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

"well I hadn't expected mermaids... to actualy look so beautiful.. you knwo i figured sailors were twisitn the truth." Kenny admitted, with a shy shrug."yes one curious one, your gils are on yoru neck and your neck is above water.. cna youbreath air?" Kenny asked curiously as he poitne dto her gills." And is it ok.. to get in?" He aske dlookign tot eh water." I'm sorry i am too curious, i mean vampires are undead, ghosts are spirits, btu yhou are a whole other species.. nto to down size the otehrs.. but you... you..."Kenny was speechless both from lack of words and not wantign t insult his mistress or girl friend.
Her face was beat red now. The mergirl dropped underwater pretending she needed to rewet her hair and face when really she was using it as an excuse to hide her blushing. She looked up at him modestly for a few moments only her eyes peered above the surface of the water up at him. Like humans we can breathe air and like fish we are also capable breathing under water. However we must always remain in a wet moisture environment. If one of my kind becomes too dry consequences are fatal. She informed him. Then she moved on to his second question. Her head came up out of the water again. I don't know. Can you swim? She asked him with a humored smile on her lips as she remembered him trying to enter the tank the night before. Her eyes glistened from the reflection of light off the water into her gaze. She looked at him siletnly feeling amazingly good as he was speechless on behalf of her beauty. This was something that would make any girl's day. She however tilted her head looking at him curiously, gazing at him as if trying to figure him out. How can you say that? How can you base an entire species off of the first and only mermaid you have ever seen? She asked him. That is the same as if I looked at a female model and then believed the entire human species looked and acted like that one model.
"No no i mean.. i expected.. well i expected much mroe fish like qualities to you." Kenny stated as he dipep dint oeh water tihw chuckle befoer his head dunked under, it was to get his head and body use dto the tempature and he took the tiem to look ov ethte girls fishy tail befoer he cmae up fer air and relaxed back on his back. "Yes i can swim." He added befoer slipping to his bell to swim closer to her and pop his head out next to her witha grin. "What i'm sayign is i was expectign scalier skin." He said as he reached for her hand. "I wasnt expecting suhc a human torso and abdomin... and your face , seeign it people would probably be surpised to know your not human dsown there."
She did not move much as he looked over the fishlike qualities of her body. I suppose you can think of it as a defense mechanism, a sort of camoflauge. She said as he took her hand. She almost pulled her hand away from him. It was a total surprise that he had taken hold of her hand. He would feel hard metalic like blue scales that covered the palms of her hands and over the wrist like a pair of gloves. Like over her eyelids, the scales were randomly and loosely patched in certain areas of her human like upper body. Our human features helps to coexist and blend in with humans without being exposed...I suppose. She tried explaining a reasoning the best she could.
"Huh.. the scales... and hten.. skin.." Kenny said as eh went up her hand to feel the flresh on her arm. "It's a surprise you cna keep it so smooth, unlike humans, we bloat in water you must have evolved a way to have an unpermiable skin......... or....... smalelr scales.. tis so soft." Kenny said as he kept runnogn his hand over her flesh mesmorized by the anatomy of the creature. "oh wait.." Kennys mind snapepd back as he took his hadn awya goign a slght pink as he began to tred water next to her. "Sory, kind of lost my manners there."
She was quiet as he made his assumptions. If he paid enough attention he would notice she was starting to get a little uncomforatlbe with him. She wasn't used to someone studying her body or feeling over her skin. She was shy but his intentsions seemed innoscent so she didn't really react to it. It's alright. She giggled more out of relief You were excited. She escused him.
"You are a clam one." KEnny said with a sigh, glad he hadn't angered the Mergirl as he looekd over her again, blowign little bubles on the top o tef the water to entettain an awkward silence. "I'm sorry, i just ... well don't want to get too personal in my questiosn.. is there anythign you want to ask me?"
You don't have to worry about getting personal. She informed him as she began slowly swimming around him. She took a few minutes to think of something to ask him before a question finally came to her. Will you come visit me regularly during the day? She asked him curiously.
"You are a fun friend, and i do love swimming." Kenny said as he relaxed back on hsi back. "Though... the ladyu of the house will ahve me working all nighters, I'll try but I make no garuntees, how bout I try atleast 3 tiems a week, mroe if posisble." Kenny said with asmirk befoer fallign intot eh water to get his tempature back, coming up near her, still smirking. "why do i entertain you?... I gue sit migth get boring, al the vampire sup at night and your stuck here int eh day.. but i gues it's bett erthen what could ahve happened itn eh blakc market."
That sounds wonderful. She replied when he told her his situation to how often he would visit. She shook her head once blushing a little. It was true he was entertaining and she did like his company. However, she was a little shy to admit it. You appear quite interested in the tank, and myself. I just thought you would want to come visit more. She admitted innoscently. And you are the first human I have least in a long time. She told him as she now thinking that she probably thought he was just as interesting as he found her to be.
"WEll it is interesting, looking at teh outside of the mansion you wouldnt expect it to hodl somehtign liek this." He said as he spun in a circle to take a look arodund the place, noticign somehtign about her back wall but didnt ask instead her next scentence made somehtignpop into his mind. "I'm curuous, if you don't mind me askign.. how old are you? you seem young to me.."
"WEll it is interesting, looking at teh outside of the mansion you wouldnt expect it to hodl somehtign liek this." He said as he spun in a circle to take a look arodund the place, noticign somehtign about her back wall but didnt ask instead her next scentence made somehtignpop into his mind. "I'm curuous, if you don't mind me askign.. how old are you? you seem young to me.."
In the world of the supernatural things are rarely as they seem. That is why most humans believe the inhuman to be a myth. She informed him with a smile. The mergirl nodded her head once after he asked her age. She did not mind answering that question. I am 21. She told him. We age the same as humans do. She added.
"Oh ok thats good to know... sooo...No never mind." Kenny stopepd at his next question, it was an awkward one but he had been curious baout it when ti came to half humn half animal species, it was an invasive questiona nd it would be foer later. "Any ways, what do you do around here for fun?" KEnny asked curiously.
Marianna almost asked him what his question was going to be. However she quickly decided to leave it be. If he wanted to ask her something he would. What do I do for fun? She repeated the question. It was a little difficult to answer knowing what he thought about fun and her idea were probably different. Well...I... She began slowly trying to think of a good response. I talk to other members of the mansion and I like to brush my hair, swim and sing. she told him a few things about herself and what she liked to do. Sometimes I even make jewlry. She added which clearly made sense with all the ocean like jewlry she wore on her.
"Huh... do you make everythign form what you find in the aquarium?" Kenny asked as he looked down at he watr.the place seems slightly epty,m are you allowed to have alot of other fish?" He asked. "And I mena did you make every thign you are wearing?" He continued with hsi curious questionign, goign to float on his back as his legs began to tire slightly. "I would also love to hear ou sing soem time." he added to show he had herd all of what she said even if it kind of was off from what he had been asking her.
She nodded her head once again to his questions with a soft peaceful smile upon her lips. "Merpeople are known for making their own clothing and jewlry from what is found in the ocean. She informed him simply. It was true the tank looked bare but it was not completely true. Most of what I need are within the castle. she told him pointing down towards her underwater home. Then she went on to talk about fish. "The Lady of the house promised to add other fish to give me company. It has yet to happen but I suppose she just needs a little time." She told him with a smile. "And perhaps one day I will sing for you." She added on shyly as if she was not ready to do so today.
"I'll talk to her next tiem i see her, ask her about the fish.. is there soemhtign you would perfer?" Kenny asked curiosuly as he slowly began to swim aroudn ehr now as he float onhis back.
A sea horse or two would be fun. She told him, her hands clasped together with the thought of useing the large fish to ride. Or a turtle, they tell the best stories about all they places they have seen. She then added sounding as if she were getting excited. Really you should get what you can. I am not picky. She then calmed down speaking modestly.
"A turtle wil be hard.. but I migth be able to get soem reef fish, sea stars, sea urcins, cleaner shrimp...., I'll ask the mistress if I can go shoping.. though I don't think she will allow me out alone.." Kenny sighe dout. "I'll still try." He added with a grin, the girls enthusiasim was up lifting and now he reall wanted to helpher. "so wait.. thsi tank is salt water or fresh.. that was antoehr questiom i was curious about can you live in both???"
She came up and kissed him lightly on the cheek. Thank you, at least you will try. She told him before backing away a little. Even she was surprised a little bit that she kissed him. Quickly she moved on to answering is question. This tank is salt water. We can live in both but our preferance is salt water. she informed him.
Kenny turned a beat red, not expecting that ,and unliek toher kisses which wer of passion this was actual kindness, givign him a sligth emberasment as eh forgot to flaot and nearly sank, felgint eh water in his mouth bfoer he snapepd out of it and pushe dhimself bak the surface spurtign out eh water goign redded r as he begna to flloat on hsi back, "It's nothign, i just don't liek seeign an empty tankis all... and i knwo how it is to be the only of your kidn in this mansion.. its quiet durignt h day..."
She almost regretted kissing him as she watched his reaction. Sure it was cute at first but the little kiss on the cheek nearly caused him to drown. She made a mental reminder not to catch him off guard with a kiss again. Yes, it can be pretty quiet. She agreed as she began to swim on the surface around him. Thank you. She said thinking him again for his generous attitude and for wanting to fill the tank.
"wsll... alrighty then, I'm sorry to say this but I do have soem work tonigth so I should get to bed." Keny said befoer he flipepd to hsi belly and wswam to teh edge, pullign hismelf up, he stripepd down and put his bxers otn eh rack as he pulled off a towel and began drying off. "I'll come here tonigth and tell you what the mistress said if the mistress said anything, Or i'll leave a note so as not to wake you."
She nodded her head. Of course he had work and needed sleep if he was going to be working with the vampires. She watched him get on the deck and strip. Her face went pink as his boxers fell and she looked away into the water as he continued to speak with her. Alright. I will be waiting for a reply then. She told him. Have a good rest. She said before she turned and dove down in the water towards the bottom of the tank.
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